- Experts
- Janis Gredzens
- 버전: 1.0
- 활성화: 20
This EA uses selected time frame exponential moving averages and higher time frame (daily) exponential moving averages in combination with daily price action to determine whether or not to open a trade.
Below is a description of input parameters:
- MN - Magic number;
- PTS_Risk* - Variable that is connected with PROC_Risk in order to calculate position size;
- PROC_Risk* - Variable that is connected with PTS_Risk in order to calculate position size;
- ONE_ORDER_A_DAY - If true then open maximum of one order per day;
- DO_MAX_LOTS - If true then limit maximum open lots at a time;
- MAX_LOTS - Specify maximum amount of open lots at a time if DO_MAX_LOTS is true;
- DO_SL - If true then do specific SL points for order;
- SL_PTS - Set the SL points when DO_SL is true;
- DO_EXPIRATION - Whether or not we want our orders to have expiration time;
- EXPIRE_LOSSES_ON - If true then do expiration only for losing trades, else for all trades;
- Expiration_Days - Amount for expiration;
- DO_REVERSE - Open BUY when it is signal for SELL and vice versa;
- ALL_CONDITIONS - Makes entry conditions take into account pivot point state if true.
*PROC_Risk and PTS_Risk calculate Position size accordingly: if we lose PTS_Risk amount of points from the order, it will be equal to PROC_Risk of Current account equity.
Currently I have found parameters (which can be seen in screenshots) that work for USDCHF and EURUSD H1 data on 90% quality backtesting for different time periods. I will do further testing and analysis and will do updates. I encourage everyone to test the parameters in demo version before buying the product. Good luck!