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TradePanel MT5


Trade Panel은 다기능 거래 보조원입니다. 이 애플리케이션에는 수동 거래를 위한 50개 이상의 기능이 포함되어 있으며 대부분의 거래 작업을 자동화할 수 있습니다.

구매하기 전에 데모 계정에서 데모 버전을 테스트할 수 있습니다. 데모는 여기에서 확인하세요.

전체 지침은 여기에서 확인하세요.

거래 .

한 번의 클릭으로 기본적인 거래 작업을 수행할 수 있습니다:

  • 보류 주문 및 포지션 열기
  • 주문 그리드 열기
  • 보류 주문 및 포지션을 마감합니다.
  • 포지션 전환(매수를 청산하여 매도를 개시하거나 매도를 청산하여 매수를 개시).
  • 포지션 고정(반대 포지션을 열어 SELL과 BUY 포지션의 볼륨을 동일하게 만듭니다).
  • 모든 포지션을 부분 청산합니다.
  • 모든 포지션의 이익실현 및/또는 손절매를 공통 수준으로 설정합니다.
  • 모든 포지션의 손절매를 손익 분기점 수준으로 설정합니다.

주문 및 포지션을 열 때 다음을 수행할 수 있습니다.

  • 설정된 위험에 따라 거래량 자동 계산을 사용합니다.
  • 한 번의 클릭으로 여러 주문을 열 수 있습니다. 여러 주문 간에 계산된 거래량을 분배합니다.
  • 차트에서 미래 주문의 거래 수준 위치를 시각화하는 주문 개설 시 선과 라벨을 사용합니다.
  • 포지션을 개설할 때 최대 스프레드 한도를 설정하세요.
  • 이익실현과 손절매 사이의 자동 비율을 사용하세요.
  • 가상 손절매 및 이익실현을 사용하세요.
  • 현재 스프레드를 손절매 및 이익 실현에 추가합니다.
  • ATR 지표를 사용하여 이익실현과 손절매를 계산합니다.
  • 보류 주문에 대해 '보류 주문 만료일'을 설정합니다.
  • 후행 보류 주문을 사용합니다.

주문과 포지션을 마감할 때 다음을 수행할 수 있습니다.

  • 한 번의 클릭으로 유형별 주문과 포지션을 마감합니다.
  • 한 번의 클릭으로 수익성이 있거나 수익성이 없는 포지션만 청산할 수 있습니다.
  • 한 번의 클릭으로 모든 주문을 종료합니다.

위험 관리자 및 거래 보고서.

거래 내역을 분석할 수 있습니다:

  • 차트에 거래 내역을 표시합니다. 표시되는 항목 유형을 선택할 수 있습니다.
  • 모든 기호 또는 현재 기호에 대한 거래 보고서를 생성합니다.

거래 계좌의 위험을 통제할 수 있습니다:

  • 일별, 주별, 월별 수익을 표시합니다.
  • 일일, 주간, 월간 손실 한도.
  • 일일, 주간, 월간 수익을 제한합니다.
  • 일일 거래 수를 제한합니다.

한도에 도달하면 패널에서 다음을 수행할 수 있습니다.

  • 차트에 메시지를 표시하거나 휴대폰으로 알림을 보내거나 이메일을 보냅니다.
  • 모든 포지션과 대기 주문을 마감합니다.
  • 포지션을 고정합니다(반대 포지션을 열어 SELL 및 BUY 포지션의 볼륨을 동일하게 만듭니다).
  • 패널은 다음날까지 터미널을 닫을 수 있습니다.

OCO 주문.

OCO 주문을 생성할 수 있습니다.

OCO 주문은 상호 취소 기능으로 상호 연결된 두 개의 보류 주문입니다. 하나의 주문이 실행되면 두 번째 주문이 삭제됩니다.

주문 및 포지션을 전반적으로 종료합니다.

포지션의 총 이익 또는 손실이 지정된 값에 도달하면 주문과 포지션을 종료할 수 있습니다:

  • 전체 계정 또는 현재 기호에서만 주문과 포지션을 청산할 수 있습니다.
  • 모든 포지션의 총 수익을 고려하거나 매도 또는 매수 포지션만 고려할 수 있습니다.
  • 모든 포지션과 주문을 청산하거나 선택한 유형만 청산할 수 있습니다.


주문 및 포지션 개시 및 청산에 대한 보류 작업을 설정할 수 있습니다:

지정된 시간에 도달하거나 가격이 선에 도달하거나 다른 작업이 활성화되면 작업이 활성화됩니다.

패널에서는 모든 유형의 주문과 포지션을 개설하거나 청산할 수 있습니다.

트레일링 스톱 기능.

포지션에 대한 추적 중지 기능을 설정할 수 있습니다(특정 알고리즘에 따라 이익 방향으로 중지 손실 이동):

  • 6가지 유형의 후행 중지가 있습니다.
  • 시작 기능이 있습니다.
  • 가상 정지 손실을 사용할 수 있습니다.

손익분기 기능.

포지션에 대한 손익분기 기능을 설정할 수 있습니다(지정된 이익에 도달하면 손절매를 포지션의 손익분기 수준으로 이동):

  • 포지션당 손익 분기점 수는 무제한입니다.
  • 주문 개시 가격에서 손절매가 설정될 수준까지의 거리를 설정합니다.
  • 가상 정지 손실을 사용할 수 있습니다.
  • 4가지 측정 옵션으로 거리 설정: 포인트, 손절매 %, 이익 실현 %, 가격

부분 폐쇄 기능.

포지션이 부분 포지션 폐쇄 기능을 설정할 수 있도록 허용합니다(지정된 이익에 도달하면 포지션의 지정된 부분을 폐쇄):

  • 부분 청산을 위한 무제한 설정 레벨
  • 세 가지 측정 옵션으로 마감 볼륨 설정: 고정 로트, 현재 로트의 %, 초기 로트의 %
  • 4가지 측정 옵션으로 거리 설정: 포인트, 손절매 %, 이익 실현 %, 가격


가격이 특정 라인에 도달하거나 특정 시간에 도달하면 알림을 설정할 수 있습니다.

차트에 알림을 표시하고 이메일이나 휴대폰으로 메시지를 보낼 수 있습니다.

차트 관리

터미널 차트의 기호를 전환하고 기호별로 데이터를 분석할 수 있습니다.

  • 기호를 사용하여 최대 4개의 목록을 만들 수 있으며 목록 이름은 사용자가 지정합니다.
  • 각 목록의 기호 목록은 사용자가 지정합니다.
  • 기호를 즐겨찾기 탭으로 이동할 수 있습니다.
  • 미결 주문이 있는 별도의 기호 목록을 생성합니다.
  • 어떤 색상으로든 기호 버튼을 강조표시할 수 있습니다.
  • 현재 시장 상태와 주문 상태를 표시합니다.

정보 패널.

기호에 대한 현재 정보를 표시합니다:

  • 확산.
  • 바가 닫힐 때까지의 시간
  • 현재 기호의 이익
  • 위치 수, 볼륨 및 차이
  • ATR 지표 판독값.
  • ATR 표시기의 파워 리저브
  • 현재 기호에 대한 주문의 손익분기 가격.

주문 관리.

주문 매개변수를 관리하고 다음을 설정 및 구성할 수 있습니다.

  • 손절매 및 이익실현.
  • 가상 손절매 및 이익실현
  • 트레일링 스톱 기능.
  • 손익분기점 기능.
  • 부분 폐쇄 기능.
  • 전체 또는 부분 폐쇄를 수행합니다.

#태그: 트레이딩 패널, 트레이드 관리자, 트레이딩 보조원, 트레이드 보조원, 위험 관리, 주문 관리, 추적 손절매, 손익분기점, 부분 청산, 수동 거래, 가상 주문, 가상 손절매, 가상 이익 실현, 보이지 않는 손절매 , 보이지 않는 이익 실현, 위험 관리자, 손실 방지, 계정 보호, 최대 손실.

리뷰 20
Finversia J
Finversia J 2024.10.15 20:24 

Been using it for some four-six months. It's really worth the money. Do try it.

Ajay Sharma
Ajay Sharma 2024.08.16 01:06 

I rented the Trade Panel after fair amount of research of all available Order Management EAs filtered to my requirements, and I can safely say I don't need to look for another. Not only does it have everything I needed but far more. I will only find ways to use it more fully with time. Alfiya is prompt, highly professional, supportive and immaculate. If you are looking for an Order Management EA, you have found one here.

illeo 2024.07.04 17:46 

I'm glad I found this tool. It is extremely extensive and actually worth much more than the 100 dollars. I definitely recommend it. The only two things that would make the tool perfect for me would be: 1. If you could enter that after a certain number of points gain, the stoploss is set to break-even and stays there. 2. If you could enter that a position will be opened when a moving average is reached. Or is that possible?

추천 제품
Ruslan Khasanov
5 (1)
여러 거래 상품에 대한 빠른 거래 작업 및 위치 제어를 위한 간단한 솔루션입니다. 패널 인터페이스는 간단하고 직관적입니다. 상인의 편안한 작업을 위해 패널에는 다음이 있습니다. 모든 거래 작업 및 차트 기간을 관리할 수 있는 "핫" 키 관리자; 손절매/이익실현 수준을 설정할 때 위험과 잠재적 이익을 평가하기 위해 보류 또는 시장 주문을 할 때 거래 수준을 표시하는 도구; 여러 거래 도구를 제어하고 거래 신호를 수신하기 위한 내장 표시기 MultiCharts ; 거래 상품 및 거래 계정에 대한 다양한 유용한 정보뿐만 아니라 일정 기간 동안의 거래 통계를 검토하기 위한 Quick Info 유틸리티: 대기 주문 관리를 위한 대기 주문 관리자 - 대기 주문 단일 또는 그룹 설정, 단일 기호 또는 거래 계정에서 주문 유형 및 모든 유형별로 그룹 삭제; 포지션/포지션 관리를 위한 포지션 매니저(계정 유형에 따라 다름) - 모든 포지션의 그룹 청산 - 수익성/비수익성, 숏/롱 또는 모두. 포지션
Noize Absorption Index
Ekaterina Saltykova
Noize Absorption Index - is the manual trading system that measures the difference of pressure between bears forces and bulls forces. Green line - is a noize free index that showing curent situation. Zero value of index shows totally choppy/flat market.Values above zero level shows how powerfull bullish wave is and values below zero measures bearish forces.Up arrow appears on bearish market when it's ready to reverse, dn arrow appears on weak bullish market, as a result of reverse expectation.
Crash5 EA ,I s a automatic robot that has the level of professional decision when to take a trade without any emotion. The bot will help in your scalping decision making with its own TP (take profit) and SL (stop loss) with the trail stop when in profit. This is a trend based spike catching ,looking on whats happening in real time charts no repainting of any signals. The robot helps in making decisions on the candle stick pattern opened and closed lat price with the help of RSI ,MACD and the EMA
Trading Utility for Forex Currency Pairs Only not for Gold  Functions Auto Lot Calculation based on Risk Auto stoploss  Auto TakeProfit Breakeven Auto Close Half % Close in percentage with respect to the PIPs Pending Orders BuyLimit Sell Limit with distances BuyStop Sell Stop    with distances Trading Informations Risk in percentage For Multiple trades Combine Takeprofit and Combine Stoplosses
EA 자동 이익 실현, 자동 매수/매도, 볼륨 관리자, 사이드웨이 거래, 트레일링 오픈 포인트 1 – 자동 매수/매도 오픈 EA는 이익, 손절매, 볼륨 설정에 따라 매수 또는 매도를 자동으로 오픈합니다. 볼륨 관리: 총 주문 수와 고정 크기 2 – 자동 이익 실현: 설정에 따라 최소 이익으로 이익 실현, 최소 및 최대 이익에 따라 이익 실현 버튼 3 – 주문 처리: EA에 설정된 핍 수에 따라 포지션의 손절매 수준이 3단계입니다. 4 – 사이드웨이 거래: 사이드웨이 피크 영역에서 매도 주문 오픈 – 사이드웨이 바닥 영역에서 매수 오픈, EA에 설정된 사이드웨이 피크 및 바닥 값 5 – 트레일링 오픈 포지션: 1개 가격 포인트를 추적하고 가격이 해당 지점까지 오르면 매도를 오픈하고 EA의 설정에 따라 핍 수를 줄이며, 가격이 매수 주시 지점까지 오르면 매수를 오픈하고 가격이 설정에 설정된 핍 수로 회복되면 오픈
Auto SLTP Maker MT5  is an assistant for all those who forget to set StopLoss and/or TakeProfit in deal parameters, or trade on a very fast market and fail to place them in time. This tool automatically tracks trades without StopLoss and/or TakeProfit and checks what level should be set in accordance with the settings. The tool works both with market and pending orders. The type of orders to work with can be set in the parameters. It can track either trades for the instrument it runs on, or all
MANAGING YOUR FOREX TRADING LIKE A PROFESSIONAL WITH   POSITION SIZE   CALCULATOR Position Size Calculator – an MT5 indicator, is a user-friendly tool that allows you to determine your required forex trading size for each trade based on how much you want to risk and available capital in your forex trading account. Load the calculator onto your chart and simply draglines to show your stop loss and take profit level. The calculator will automatically calculate the trade size instantly. This indica
Premium level Pro
Dmitriy Kashevich
Premium level is a unique indicator with more than 80% accuracy of correct predictions! This indicator has been tested for more than two months by the best Trading Specialists! The author's indicator you will not find anywhere else! From the screenshots you can see for yourself the accuracy of this tool! 1 is great for trading binary options with an expiration time of 1 candle. 2 works on all currency pairs, stocks, commodities, cryptocurrencies Instructions: As soon as the red ar
This Tradepanel is an Utility for Traders Who want ot use Basic MoneyManagement for Calculation of Lotsize and have Some automated Functions. Auto Stoploss and Auto Takeprofit are available.  BE AWARE: This Panel does not work in StrategyTester a Demo "Auto TradePanel Basic" Version is available to get an Overview.  The Tradepanel Calculates Lotsize based on RiskFaktor and checks if Marginrequirement is met . Each Position is Opened with a StopLoss, defined in percent. if a Position already exis
| Fully-automated Smart Money Concept (ICT) inspired trading solution with multi-strategy capabilities | Built by a grid trader >> for grid traders.  This is MT5 version, click  here  for  Blue CARA MT4  (settings and logics are same in both versions)     Real monitoring signal  -->  Cara Gold Intro Blue CARA EA   ('CARA') - short for  C omprehensive  A lgorithmic   R esponsive   A dvisor is a next-gen  multi-currency    multi-timeframe  EA base on the widely known (and perhaps the most popul
This tool will perform Trailing stop loss and Break even management for orders. Helps you limit or reduce the time spend watching orders on the screen, especially when you need to go to sleep. Just add this EA to 1 chart, you can manage all pairs. You can filter orders by comment, magic number, symbol and order ticket number. When Breakeven it can add shift/offset pips (to cover the commission...). You can try in strategy tester before purchase. The EA will add Buy and Sell alternately, so yo
Raphael Djangmah Osro Agbo
SLTPSetter - StopLoss Take Profit Setter HOW DOES IT WORK? Risk and account management is a very critical aspect of trading. Before entering a position, you must be fully aware how much you will be willing to loss both in percentage and value. This is where SLTPSetter gets you covered.  All you need to do is attach the indicator on the chart and PRESS BUY OR SELL automatically, all parameters needed for placing the trades will be provided at the top left corner of the screen. Feel free to adjus
The Expert Advisor is used to create Renko chart, realtime updates, easy for technical analysis. Backtest your strategy with all indicators with Renko chart in MetaTrader 5. Parameters Box Size : input the number of box size. Show Wicks : if true , draw a candle with high/low. History Start: input the date to creat first candle. Maximum Bars: limit number of bars on renko chart How to use Attach the Expert Advisor to a chart (timeframe M1), for which you want to create a renko. Input box siz
Blahtech Market Profile MT5
Blahtech Limited
5 (9)
Was: $249  Now: $99   Market Profile defines a number of day types that can help the trader to determine market behaviour. A key feature is the Value Area, representing the range of price action where 70% of trading took place. Understanding the Value Area can give traders valuable insight into market direction and establish the higher odds trade. It is an excellent addition to any system you may be using. Inspired by Jim Dalton’s book “Mind Over Markets”, this indicator is designed to suit the
Grid Builder 5
Oleg Remizov
5 (1)
The   Grid Builder MT5   utility is designed for placing a grid of pending orders of any complexity and will be an excellent tool in the hands of a trader who trades grid trading strategies. The tool has numerous settings that allow you to quickly and easily build a grid of orders with the specified parameters. All types of pending orders are supported: Buy Stop; Buy Limit; Sell Stop; Sell Limit. The script also allows you to delete a previously placed grid of orders in one click. If the "Delet
Golden Retriever
Alexander Daneel Muller
Golden Retriever is one of my best EA's to date. The Golden Retriever, retrieves money from the market for you. It Retrieves money in small sizes and is a very gentle trader. I am a fullime trader for the past 17 years.  My methods all revolve around small profits, short trades and low risk. My experience shows that 2-3% monthly profit using a combination of trade systems is the best way to have a long and effective career in trading.  It was developed using 17 years of experience in live tradin
GGP Trade Copier MT5
Mohammadmahmood Pirayeh
GGP Trade Copier  EA is an automatic trading bot that can help traders automatically replicate the trading strategies and operations from one trading terminal to others by experiencing exceptionally fast trade copying system. Its easy-to-use setup allows you to copy trades between multiple MetaTrader terminals on the same Windows computer or Windows VPS with lightning-fast copying speeds of under 0.5 seconds. The software supports multiple trading varieties, including Forex, commodities, stocks
Matrix Arrow EA MT5
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (5)
Matrix Arrow EA MT5 는  Matrix Arrow Indicator의 MT5  신호를 차트의 거래 패널과 수동 또는 100% 자동으로 거래할 수 있는 고유한 전문가 조언자입니다.  Matrix Arrow Indicator MT5 는 다음과 같은 최대 10개의 표준 지표에서 정보와 데이터를 수집하여 초기 단계에서 현재 추세를 결정합니다. 평균 방향 이동 지수(ADX) 상품 채널 지수(CCI) 클래식 하이켄 아시 캔들 이동 평균 이동 평균 수렴 발산(MACD) 상대 활력 지수(RVI) 상대 강도 지수(RSI) 포물선 SAR 스토캐스틱 오실레이터 윌리엄스의 백분율 범위 모든 지표가 유효한 매수 또는 매도 신호를 제공하면 강력한 상승/하락 추세를 나타내는 다음 캔들/막대가 시작될 때 해당 화살표가 차트에 인쇄됩니다. 사용자는 사용할 표시기를 선택하고 각 표시기의 매개변수를 개별적으로 조정할 수 있습니다.   Matrix Arrow EA MT5 를 사용하면 차트의 거래 패널에
Trendline EA MT5
Carlos Oliveira
5 (13)
The FXTT Trendline EA for MT5 is a robot that helps you trade using the trendlines drawn on your chart. It basically allows you to set pending orders using trend lines . Something that Metatrader does not allow you to do by default. Easy to set up Choose default Lot size , Stop Loss and Take Profit Allows action on Touch, Pullback, Breakout or False Breakout of trendline The usage and configuration of the Expert Advisor is as follows: Load the EA Draw your trendlines on the chart Add Buy or Sell
Metatrader5 Trailing Stop Loss Program Platform Compatibility : This program is designed for the MetaTrader 5 platform. Functionality : The program scans all open Forex currency pair trades on MetaTrader 5 and adjusts their STOP LOSSES to a PROFIT position based on your specified input parameters. Parameters and Example : Example Trade : EURUSD Long (BUY) trade @ 1.0800 STOP LOSS (-50 pips) @ 1.0750 TAKE PROFIT (+50 pips) @ 1.0850 Program Settings : WhenToTrail = 20 PIPS (Pips profit amount to
Cloner for MT5
Volodymyr Hrybachov
이 유틸리티는 귀하의 거래 계정에서 거래를 복제하도록 설계되었습니다. 프로그램은 귀하의 매개 변수로 추가 거래를 엽니다. 로트를 늘리거나 줄이고, 많이 추가하고, 손절매를 변경하고, 이익을 얻을 수 있는 기능이 있습니다.이 프로그램은 "Windows PC" 및 "Windows VPS"에서 작동하도록 설계되었습니다.  Buy a cloner and get the second version for free 옵션: CLONE_POSITIONS - 복제 명령; MAGIC_NUMBER - 매직 넘버; DONT_REPEAT_TRADE - true인 경우 수동 마감 후 거래가 반복되지 않습니다. REVERSE_COPY - 역방향 복사, 예를 들어 BUY 대신 SELL을 엽니다. LOT_MULTIPLIER - PROVIDER 계정에서 복사하는 볼륨 계수(=0인 경우 FIXED_LOT에 지정된 로트로 복사); PLUS_LOT, MINUS_LOT - 플러스 및 마이너스 로트; MAXIMUM_
!! BLACK FRIDAY !!  FOR LIFETIME !! ================== == 35$ ONLY !! == ================== BOOK YOURS NOW !! The Position Manager Contains A Lot of Functions such as; (How to Operate) 1. Adjustable Volume per Trade (You could change the volume as you wish per trade). 2. Adjustable Risk : Reward Ratio (1RR means sacrifice 1 Risk : 1 Reward, 1.5RR, 2RR etc. as you wish) 3. Adjustable Stop Loss Points (Calculated Points as Stop Loss and Automatically adjusted the Risk Reward Ratio) 4. Buy Butt
The Stop Loss Manger - SL Mange With the Stop Loss Manager you can finally sleep peacefully while it effectively manages your risk in stock market trading. Simply set your individual stop loss limits and let the manager trade for you. Never worry about losses again - the Stop Loss Manager takes care of it for you! Get the ultimate support for your trading now and maximize your profits with ease. Join the community of successful traders who swear by Stop Loss Manager today. Function overview: 1.
Pullback Hunter
Anton Polkovnikov
PULLBACK HUNTER What is every trader's cherished dream? To see without delay the places where the reversal will happen. This, of course, is from the category of magic, though... nothing is impossible. But for now I've prepared for you an indicator that marks in real time the end of corrections to the current movement or in short - catches pullbacks.What is the main point? Many people practice rebounds when the price moves in the direction of the open position. And they do them on the formation o
Demo version T Position Size Calculator   doesn't work in the strategy tester. The Strategy Tester does not support the processing of ChartEvent. It does not support most of the panel's functionality. Contact me for any questions or ideas for improvement or in case of a bug found. Control and manage your trading like a professional trader with T Position Size Calculator. T Position Size Calculator – an MT5 Expert Adviser, is a user-friendly custom tools (Dialog Panel and Three Lines, Order Line
Andrey Khatimlianskii
4.71 (7)
Ilan for MetaTrader 5 Due to using the virtual trades, trading in both directions (buy and sell) simultaneously became possible. This allows users to adapt the popular strategy for the net accounting of positions applied by MetaTrader 5.  Expert Advisor Settings The Expert Advisor setup is simple. However, all the important settings of the strategy are available for adjusting. Available tools: Unique  MagicNumber  for identification of trades; Trade direction option ( Trade direction ): buy on
The ultimate trading tool that is designed to deliver simplicity and profitability to users. The EA's cutting-edge model utilizes pattern recognition and neural network training to analyze the market and make informed trades on 20 or more currency pairs (also to ohter instruments) simultaneously. With its user-friendly interface, this EA is perfect for traders of all levels, whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro. By leveraging the power of our EA, you can achieve steady growth and boost yo
Mine Farm
Maryna Kauzova
Mine Farm is one of the most classic and time-tested scalping strategies based on the breakdown of strong price levels. Mine Farm is the author's modification of the system for determining entry and exit points into the market... Mine Farm - is the combination of great potential with reliability and safety. Why Mine Farm?! - each order has a short dynamic Stop Loss - the advisor does not use any risky methods (averaging, martingale, grid, locking, etc.) - the advisor tries to get
Orbit Rage Final 2
Note : i only sell this EA on MQL5, any other sellers is fake. Orbit Rage Final, a cutting-edge trading strategy meticulously designed around the bull/bear candle approach and divergence analysis. This powerful tool is engineered to empower you to shape the life you desire. To embark on this transformative journey, simply download and seamlessly integrate it into your MetaTrader 4 platform by placing it in the experts advisors folder. Orbit Rage Final revolutionizes trading by offering a risk-f
Owl Smart Levels MT5
Sergey Ermolov
4.07 (28)
MT4 버전  |  FAQ Owl Smart Levels Indicator 는 Bill Williams 의 고급 프랙탈, 시장의 올바른 파동 구조를 구축하는 Valable ZigZag, 정확한 진입 수준을 표시하는 피보나치 수준과 같은 인기 있는 시장 분석 도구를 포함하는 하나의 지표 내에서 완전한 거래 시스템입니다. 시장과 이익을 취하는 장소로. 전략에 대한 자세한 설명 표시기 작업에 대한 지침 고문-거래 올빼미 도우미의 조수 개인 사용자 채팅 ->구입 후 나에게 쓰기,나는 개인 채팅에 당신을 추가하고 거기에 모든 보너스를 다운로드 할 수 있습니다 힘은 단순함에 있습니다! Owl Smart Levels 거래 시스템은 사용하기 매우 쉽기 때문에 전문가와 이제 막 시장을 연구하고 스스로 거래 전략을 선택하기 시작한 사람들 모두에게 적합합니다. 전략 및 지표에는 눈에 보이지 않는 비밀 공식 및 계산 방법이 없으며 모든 전략 지표는 공개되어 있습니다. Owl Smart Levels를
이 제품의 구매자들이 또한 구매함
Telegram To MT5 Receiver
Levi Dane Benjamin
4.86 (7)
가입한 모든 채널에서 (개인 및 제한된 채널 포함) 시그널을 바로 MT5로 복사합니다.   이 도구는 사용자를 고려하여 설계되었으며 거래를 관리하고 모니터하는 데 필요한 많은 기능을 제공합니다. 이 제품은 사용하기 쉽고 시각적으로 매력적인 그래픽 인터페이스로 제공됩니다. 설정을 사용자 정의하고 제품을 몇 분 안에 사용할 수 있습니다! 사용자 가이드 + 데모  | MT4 버전 | 디스코드 버전 데모를 시도하려면 사용자 가이드로 이동하십시오. Telegram To MT5 수신기는 전략 테스터에서 작동하지 않습니다! Telegram To MT5 특징 여러 채널에서 동시에 신호를 복사합니다. 개인 및 제한된 채널에서 신호를 복사합니다. Bot 토큰이나 채팅 ID가 필요하지 않습니다.   (원하는 경우에는 사용할 수 있습니다) 위험 % 또는 고정된 로트로 거래합니다. 특정 심볼을 제외합니다. 모든 신호를 복사할지 또는 복사할 신호를 사용자 정의할지 선택할 수 있습니다. 모든 신호
The product will copy all telegram signal to MT5 ( which you are member) , also it can work as remote copier.  Easy to set up, copy order instant, can work with almost signal formats, image signal,  s upport to translate other language to English Work with all type of channel or group, even channel have "Restrict Saving Content", work with  multi channel, multi MT5 Work as remote copier: with signal have ticket number, it will copy exactly via ticket number. Support to backtest signal. How to s
-25% discount ($199 -> $149) Advanced trading tool: One click smart orders that execute under your conditions Developed by trader for trading community:  position size calculator (lot size), open position after price action, strategy builder, set and forget trading, mobile notifications... Risk Management -  Risk percentage position size calculator, gain percentage, target risk reward ratio, spread and commissions are included in calculations 7 Advanced order types  - Set and forget trading w
Trading Chaos Expert
Gennadiy Stanilevych
5 (10)
This software has no equals in the world and represents a universal trade "console" covering trading signals, automated market entry, setting of Stop Loss and Take Profit, as well as Trailing Profit for multiple trades at the same time in a single open window. Intuitive control of the Expert Advisor in "three clicks" ensures a comprehensive use of all its functions on different computers, including tablets PCs. Interacting with additional signal indicators that mark the chart to give a real mark
Trade Assistant 38 in 1
Makarii Gubaydullin
4.89 (18)
다기능 도구: 로트 계산기, 가격 조치, R/R 비율, 무역 관리자, 공급 및 수요 영역을 포함한 65개 이상의 기능 데모 버전   |   사용자 매뉴얼   |   MT5 버전 이 유틸리티는 전략 테스터에서 작동하지 않습니다.   여기에서 데모   버전을 다운로드하여 제품을 테스트할 수 있습니다. Contact me   질문/개선 아이디어가 있는 경우/버그가 발견된 경우   저에게 연락 하십시오. 거래 프로세스를 간소화, 가속화 및 자동화하십시오. 이 대시보드로 표준 터미널 기능을 확장하십시오. 유틸리티는 외환, 주식, 지수, 암호화폐 등 모든 거래 수단에서 작동합니다. 1. 새로운 거래 열기 : 로트/리스크/RR 계산: 1. Lot 계산기 (리스크 규모에 따른 거래량 계산) 2. 리스크 계산기 (로트 규모에 따른 리스크 금액) 3. 위험/보상 비율(RR) 4. 주문에 대한 활성화 트리거 + StopLimit 구매 / StopLimit 판매 5. 가상 SL / TP 레벨
Set price targets, and leave everything else to HINN Lazy Trader! This tool is designed for automatic position sizing from specified levels to designated targets. Using a VPS is recommended (*). The demo version   limited in functionality, be sure to watch this video before using -->  https://youtu.be/geLQ6dUzAr8 A community for users, product discussion, update news, and first line of support are organized in a free Discord: https://discord.gg/zFhEZc7QDQ Use Webmoney For payments in cryptocu
Hedge Ninja
Robert Mathias Bernt Larsson
3 (2)
Make sure to join our Discord community over at www.Robertsfx.com , you can also buy the EA at robertsfx.com WIN NO MATTER IN WHICH DIRECTION THE PRICE MOVES This robot wins no matter in which direction the price moves by following changing direction depending on in which direction price moves. This is the most free way of trading to this date. So you win no matter which direction it moves (when price moves to either of the red lines as seen on the screenshot, it wins with the profit target yo
RiskGuard Management
5 (14)
ATTENTION the expert does not work in strategy tester, for a trial version visit my profile. Manual RiskGuard Management   RiskGuard management was born with the idea of ​​helping traders from their initial journey to becoming expert and aware traders. Compatible with any operating system whether Mac or Windows. The operations panel is integrated into the graph giving the possibility to choose size and position between right and left, while the various buttons light up when they can be used,
The  Easy Strategy Builder (ESB)  is a " Do It Yourself " solution that allows you to create a wide range of the automated trading strategies without any line of codes. This is the world’s easiest method to automate your strategies that can be used in STP, ECN and FIFO brokers. No drag and drop is needed. Just by set conditions of your trading strategy and change settings on desired values and let it work in your account. ESB has hundreds of modules to define unlimited possibilities of strategi
Comprehensive on chart trade panel with the unique ability to be controllable from mobile as well. Plus has a library of downloadable configuration, e.g. exit rules, extra panel buttons, pending order setup and more. Please see our product video. Works with all symbols not just currency pairs. Features On chart panel plus controllable from free app for Windows, iPhone and Android Built-in script engine with library of downloadable configuration, e.g. add 'Close All Trades in Profit' button, exit
-25% discount ($149 -> $111) Everything for chart Technical Analysis indicator mt5 in one tool Draw your supply demand zone with rectangle and support resistance with trendline and get alerts to mobile phone or email alert -  Risk reward indicator mt5 Video tutorials, manuals, DEMO download   here .   Find contacts on my   profile . 1.   Extended rectangles and trendlines Object will be extended to the right edge of the chart when price will draw new candles on chart. This is rectangle extend
Yury Kulikov
4.93 (42)
Attention: You can view the program operation in the free version  YuClusters DEMO .  YuClusters is a professional market analysis system. The trader has unique opportunities to analyze the flow of orders, trade volumes, price movements using various charts, profiles, indicators, and graphical objects. YuClusters operates on data based on Time&Sales or ticks information, depending on what is available in the quotes of a financial instrument. YuClusters allows you to build graphs by combining da
News Trade EA MT5
Konstantin Kulikov
4.5 (10)
제가 몇 년 동안 사용하고 있는 유용한 로봇을 소개드립니다. 반자동뿐만 아니라 자동 모드로도 사용할 수 있습니다. 본 프로그램에는 경제 캘린더의 뉴스별로 유연한 거래 설정이 포함되어 있습니다. 전략 테스터에서 확인할 수 없습니다. 진짜 작업뿐입니다. 터미널 설정에서 허용된 URL 목록에 뉴스 사이트를 추가해야 합니다. 서비스>설정 > 조언자>를 클릭합니다. "다음 URL에 대해 WebRequest 허용:" 확인란을 선택합니다. 다음을 추가합니다 (공백 삭제): https://  nfs.faireconomy.media 자동 모드 시 기본 설정 관리: https://www.mql5.com/ko/signals/1447007 . 동일한 결과를 얻으려면 임의 기간 (기간이 얼마정도인지 상관 없음)의 GBPUSD 차트에 전문가를 첨부하십시오. 이 전문가를 위해 고유 설정 세트를 만들 때 블로그의 모든 매개변수에 대한 설명을 참조하십시오: https://www.mql5.com/en/
Mentfx Mmanage mt5
Anton Jere Calmes
4.25 (8)
The added video will showcase all functionality, effectiveness, and uses of the trade manager. Drag and Drop Trade Manager. Draw your entry and have the tool calculate the rest. Advanced targeting and close portions of a trade directly available in tool (manage trades while you sleep). Market order or limit order on either side with factored spread. Just draw the entry, the tool does the rest. Hotkey setup to make it simple. Draw where you want to enter, and the stop loss, the tool calculates al
Vyacheslav Izvarin
5 (2)
ADAM EA Special Version for FTMO Please use ShowInfo= false for backtesting ! Our 1st EA created using ChatGPT technology Trade only GOOD and checked PROP FIRMS  Default parameters for Challenge $100,000 Tested on EURUSD and GBPUSD only  Use 15MIN Time Frame Close all deals and Auto-trading  before Weekend at 12:00 GMT+3  Friday For Prop Firms MUST use special Protector  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/94362 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rafil Nurmukhametov
4.78 (32)
The utility allows you to build different types of graphs: Seconds chart from 1 second to 86400 seconds Tick chart from 1 tick and above The volume chart Delta chart Renko chart Range chart Demo version of the utility https://www.mql5.com/ru/channels/clustersecond Built-in indicators for volumetric analysis: daily market profile and market profile of the selected timeframe, Cluster Search Imbalance VWAP Dynamic POC, VAH, VAL the profile depth of the market vertical volume with various display op
회원인 모든 채널에서 신호를 복사하세요 ( 봇 토큰이나 관리자 권한이 필요하지 않음  MT5로 직접 이동합니다. 사용자를 고려하여 설계되었으며 필요한 많은 기능을 제공합니다 이 제품은 사용하기 쉽고 시각적으로 매력적인 그래픽 인터페이스로 제공됩니다. 설정을 사용자 정의하고 제품을 몇 분 안에 사용을 시작하세요! 사용자 가이드 + 데모  | MT4 버전 | 텔레그램 버전 데모를 시도하려면 사용자 가이드로 이동하십시오. Discord   에서 MT5로는 전략 테스터에서 작동하지 않습니다. Discord   에서 MT5로의 기능 회원인 모든 채널에서 복사합니다. 봇 토큰이나 채팅 ID가 필요하지 않습니다 위험 % 또는 고정 로트를 사용하여 거래하세요 특정 심볼 제외 모든 신호를 복사하거나 복사할 신호를 사용자 정의하세요 모든 신호를 인식하도록 단어 및 구를 구성합니다 (기본 설정은 99%의 신호 제공 업체에 작동해야 함) 원하는 경우 시간 및 날짜 설정을 구성하여 신호를 복사
The product will copy all  Discord  signal   to MT5   ( which you are member  ) , also it can work as remote copier.  Easy to set up. Work with almost signal formats, support to translate other language to English Work with multi channel, multi MT5. Work with Image signal. Copy order instant, auto detect symbol. Work as remote copier: with signal have ticket number, it will copy exactly via ticket number. How to setup and guide: Let read all details about setup and download Discord To MetaTrade
Unlimited Trade Copier Pro MT5 is a tool to copy trade remotely to multiple MT4, MT5 and cTrader accounts at different computers/locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for you if you are a signal provider and want to copy your trades to other receivers globally on your own rules. One provider can copy trades to multiple receivers and one receiver can get trade from multiple providers as well. The provider can even set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will n
The best trend line auto trading expert advisor/utility. One or more trend lines of different timeframes in the same direction are easily placed on a chart to auto trade within a strong trading opportunity.   1.    AUTO TRADING / MANUAL TRADING Trendscout can place orders for you automatically. You have to enable “Auto trading” and also check the “Enable live trading” box at the parameter window. When price crosses the trend lines for the first time two massages are sent to your mobile phone or
MQLplus Charting
Dominik Egert
3.67 (3)
MQLplus Charting  Inspired by good charting solutions available on the web, this utility finally brings some neat features to MT5 to make charting fun again. Current version supports following features: Free floating charts , similar to Tradingview A sophisticated Cross-Hair , with detailed data display Multi-Chart Cross-Hair  sync function Measurement tool , showing account currency, points and period count as results Speed-Scrolling  to move fast through markets history Snail-Scrolling  to
Online Accounts Manager MT5
Kyra Nickaline Watson-gordon
5 (1)
OneClick Online Account Manager is a powerful utility that helps you to manage all your accounts from a centralized panel. It is suitable for all single account traders and specially for multiple accounts traders. The utility help you to : Monitor status of all accounts on a private web page. Some information such as account connection status, account profit, DD, Balance, Equity, Margin Level, Number of positions and orders, Daily and Weekly profit/loss and also overall summation of all these
There is Demo version of this panel Dashboard Symphonie Trader System MT5 Demo in my product list, please try it out to get familiar with all functionalities for free. Free version: LINK MT4 version: LINK  This system basically utilizes Symphonie Indicator Set (Extreme, Emotion, Trend, and Sentiment) as the core indicators to generate trading signal mainly on time-frame M15. The signal will be further filtered and trimmed by 1) M5 and M15 Stochastic; 2) EMA5 and PA To facilitate you to understan
Automate your trading with any custom indicator Would you like to automate your trading using a custom indicator of your choice? This EA trades using almost any custom indicator. It offers fully customizable settings, flexible position management, customizable trading sessions and weekdays, an inverse mode and a martingale mode. All the robot needs from you are two inputs: The filename of the indicator to trade The signal buffer or the buy/sell buffers to call That's it! The signal buffer or t
Attention: this is a multicurrency EA, which trades by several pairs from one chart!  Therefore, in order to avoid duplicate trades, it is necessary to attach EA only to one chart, ---> all trading in all pairs is conducted only from one chart! we can trade simultaneously in three different pairs, as by default (EURUSD + GBPUSD + AUDUSD), which take into account the correlation when entering the market for all three; we can trade only EURUSD (or any currency pair) and at the same time take into
Mt5 To InterativeBrokers Copier allows you to copy deals from MT5 account to Interactive Brokers. With this, you can run your EA strategy on a MT5 Demo/Real Account, then copy all the deals to Interactive Brokers account real time. Features: 1. Copy or Invert-Copy deals Realtime from MT5 to IB Account. 2. Synchronizing positions of both accounts periodicaly, in case any missing copying. 3. You can choose only Buy position or Sell position. Symbols Setup: General Format:  {MT Symbol} -> {
Spike Auto Catcher
Harifidy Razafindranaivo
INTRODUCTION : This Panel is made to detect the spike presence and opens trade transaction automatically after providing  a signal of control to operate autonomiousely the trade. It is a best scalper and a good spike catcher.   IMPORTANT : It is recommended to use Virtual Hosting Server VPS to optimize the methods implemented and to operate 24h a day. REQUIREMENTS : Relevant Terminal : Metatrader 5 - MT5. Brokers : Deriv Ltd and Others. Currency : Boom and Crash 1000 index Lot size : opti
Dear traders and investors! We present to you the MT5 Optimization Booster – an innovative product that will revolutionize your optimization experience on MetaTrader 5! The MT5 Optimization Booster is based on the innovative Quantum Swap Protocol (QSP) algorithm – a unique proprietary optimization strategy that forms the core of the product and elevates the process of finding optimal solutions to a new level. After the purchase , be sure to contact me . The product is designed to enhance the
Trade Copier Pro MT5
Vu Trung Kien
3.67 (3)
Trade Copier Pro MT5 is a tool to copy trade remotely to multiple MT4, MT5 and cTradfer accounts at different computers/locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for you if you are a signal provider and want to copy your trades to other receivers globally on your own rules. One provider can copy trades to multiple receivers and one receiver can get trade from multiple providers as well. The provider can even set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will not be abl
FREE SIGNAL CHANEL:  https://t.me/redfox_daily_forex_signals Time saving and fast execution Whether you’re traveling or sleeping, always know that Telegram To MT5 performs the trades for you. In other words, Our   Telegram MT5 Signal Trader  will analyze the trading signals you receive on your selected Telegram channels and execute them to your Telegram to MT5 account. Reduce The Risk Telegram To Mt5   defines the whole experience of copying signals from   Telegram signal copier to MT5 pl
제작자의 제품 더 보기
TradePanel MT4
Alfiya Fazylova
4.9 (86)
Trade Panel은 다기능 거래 보조원입니다. 이 애플리케이션에는 수동 거래를 위한 50개 이상의 기능이 포함되어 있으며 대부분의 거래 작업을 자동화할 수 있습니다. 구매하기 전에 데모 계정에서 데모 버전을 테스트할 수 있습니다. 데모는 여기 에서 확인하세요. 전체 지침은 여기 에서 확인하세요. 거래 . 한 번의 클릭으로 기본적인 거래 작업을 수행할 수 있습니다: 보류 주문 및 포지션 열기 주문 그리드 열기 보류 주문 및 포지션을 마감합니다. 포지션 전환(매수를 청산하여 매도를 개시하거나 매도를 청산하여 매수를 개시). 포지션 고정(반대 포지션을 열어 SELL과 BUY 포지션의 볼륨을 동일하게 만듭니다). 모든 포지션을 부분 청산합니다. 모든 포지션의 이익실현 및/또는 손절매를 공통 수준으로 설정합니다. 모든 포지션의 손절매를 손익 분기점 수준으로 설정합니다. 주문 및 포지션을 열 때 다음을 수행할 수 있습니다. 설정된 위험에 따라 거래량 자동 계산을 사용합니다. 한 번의 클릭으
Trade copier MT5
Alfiya Fazylova
4.48 (27)
Trade Copier는 거래 계정 간의 거래를 복사하고 동기화하도록 설계된 전문 유틸리티입니다. 복사는 공급자의 계정/단말기에서 동일한 컴퓨터 또는 vps에 설치된 수신자의 계정/단말기로 발생합니다. 구매하기 전에 데모 계정에서 데모 버전을 테스트할 수 있습니다. 데모 버전 여기 . 전체 지침 여기 . 주요 기능 및 이점: 복사기는 "МТ5> МТ5", "МТ4> МТ5", "МТ5> МТ4" 복사를 지원합니다. 복사기는 데모 계정 > 실 계정, 실 계정 > 데모 계정, 데모 계정 > 데모 계정 및 실제 계정 > 실 계정 복사를 지원합니다. 복사기는 읽기 전용 암호가 적용된 투자자 계정에서 복사를 지원합니다. 하나의 공급자 터미널은 여러 수신 터미널로 트랜잭션을 보낼 수 있고 하나의 수신 터미널은 여러 공급자 터미널에서 트랜잭션을 수신할 수 있습니다. 복사기는 귀하 또는 귀하의 고문이 거래하는 동일한 터미널에서 작동할 수 있습니다. 높은 복사 속도(0.5초 미만). 복사기에는 간편
Trade copier MT4
Alfiya Fazylova
4.52 (29)
Trade Copier는 거래 계정 간의 거래를 복사하고 동기화하도록 설계된 전문 유틸리티입니다. 복사는 공급자의 계정/단말기에서 동일한 컴퓨터 또는 vps에 설치된 수신자의 계정/단말기로 발생합니다. 구매하기 전에 데모 계정에서 데모 버전을 테스트할 수 있습니다. 데모 버전 여기 . 전체 지침 여기 . 주요 기능 및 이점: 복사기는 "МТ4> МТ4", "МТ4> МТ5", "МТ5> МТ4" 복사를 지원합니다. 복사기는 데모 계정 > 실 계정, 실 계정 > 데모 계정, 데모 계정 > 데모 계정 및 실제 계정 > 실 계정 복사를 지원합니다. 복사기는 읽기 전용 암호가 적용된 투자자 계정에서 복사를 지원합니다. 하나의 공급자 터미널은 여러 수신 터미널로 트랜잭션을 보낼 수 있고 하나의 수신 터미널은 여러 공급자 터미널에서 트랜잭션을 수신할 수 있습니다. 복사기는 귀하 또는 귀하의 고문이 거래하는 동일한 터미널에서 작동할 수 있습니다. 높은 복사 속도(0.5초 미만). 복사기에는 간편
Grid Manual MT4
Alfiya Fazylova
4.72 (18)
"Grid Manual"은 주문 그리드 작업을 위한 거래 패널입니다. 이 유틸리티는 보편적이며 유연한 설정과 직관적인 인터페이스를 제공합니다. 그것은 손실을 평균화하는 방향뿐만 아니라 이익을 증가시키는 방향으로 주문 그리드와 함께 작동합니다. 거래자는 주문 그리드를 만들고 유지할 필요가 없으며 유틸리티에서 수행합니다. 거래자가 주문을 시작하는 것으로 충분하며 "Grid Manual"는 자동으로 그를 위한 주문 그리드를 생성하고 거래가 마감될 때까지 그와 동행할 것입니다. 전체 설명 및 데모 버전 여기 . 유틸리티의 주요 기능: 모바일 터미널을 포함하여 어떤 방식으로든 열린 주문과 함께 작동합니다. "제한" 및 "중지"의 두 가지 유형의 그리드와 함께 작동합니다. 고정 및 동적(ATR 표시기 기반)의 두 가지 유형의 그리드 간격 계산과 함께 작동합니다. 오픈 오더 그리드의 설정을 변경할 수 있습니다. 차트에서 각 주문 그리드의 손익분기점 수준을 표시합니다. 각 주문 그리드에 대한 이익
Grid Manual MT5
Alfiya Fazylova
4.88 (16)
"Grid Manual"은 주문 그리드 작업을 위한 거래 패널입니다. 이 유틸리티는 보편적이며 유연한 설정과 직관적인 인터페이스를 제공합니다. 그것은 손실을 평균화하는 방향뿐만 아니라 이익을 증가시키는 방향으로 주문 그리드와 함께 작동합니다. 거래자는 주문 그리드를 만들고 유지할 필요가 없으며 유틸리티에서 수행합니다. 거래자가 주문을 시작하는 것으로 충분하며 "Grid Manual"는 자동으로 그를 위한 주문 그리드를 생성하고 거래가 마감될 때까지 그와 동행할 것입니다. 전체 설명 및 데모 버전 여기 . 유틸리티의 주요 기능: 모바일 터미널을 포함하여 어떤 방식으로든 열린 주문과 함께 작동합니다. "제한" 및 "중지"의 두 가지 유형의 그리드와 함께 작동합니다. 고정 및 동적(ATR 표시기 기반)의 두 가지 유형의 그리드 간격 계산과 함께 작동합니다. 오픈 오더 그리드의 설정을 변경할 수 있습니다. 차트에서 각 주문 그리드의 손익분기점 수준을 표시합니다. 각 주문 그리드에 대한 이익
ChartSync MT5
Alfiya Fazylova
5 (1)
차트 동기화 표시기 - 터미널 창의 그래픽 개체를 동기화하도록 설계되었습니다. 객체를 다른 차트로 복사하려는 차트에 표시기를 설치하세요. 이 차트에 생성된 그래픽 개체는 표시기에 의해 동일한 기호가 있는 모든 차트에 자동으로 복사됩니다. 표시기는 그래픽 개체의 변경 사항도 복사합니다. 입력 매개변수: exception - 복사할 필요가 없는 그래픽 개체 이름의 접두사입니다. 여러 접두사를 ';'으로 구분하여 입력하여 지정할 수 있습니다. SyncVLINE - 수직선을 동기화합니다. SyncHLINE - 수평선. SyncTREND - 추세선. SyncTRENDBYANGLE - 각도별 추세선 SyncCYCLES - 순환 라인. SyncCHANNEL - 등거리 채널. SyncSTDDEVCHANNEL - 표준 편차 채널. SyncREGRESSION - 선형 회귀 채널. SyncPITCHFORK - 앤드류스 갈퀴. SyncGANNLINE - Gann 라인. SyncGANNFAN - Gann
Trend Scanner MT5
Alfiya Fazylova
5 (1)
Trend Scanner is a trend indicator that helps to determine the current and forecast market direction using an advanced algorithm. Thanks to flexible alert settings, the indicator will promptly warn you about a trend reversal. The indicator is intuitive and easy to use, and will be an excellent filter in your trending trading strategies. The lines of this indicator are also an excellent dynamic level for stop loss, and is used as one of the types of trailing stop in Trading Panel . To fine-tune t
차트 동기화 표시기 - 터미널 창의 그래픽 개체를 동기화하도록 설계되었습니다. 객체를 다른 차트로 복사하려는 차트에 표시기를 설치하세요. 이 차트에 생성된 그래픽 개체는 표시기에 의해 동일한 기호가 있는 모든 차트에 자동으로 복사됩니다. 표시기는 그래픽 개체의 변경 사항도 복사합니다. 입력 매개변수: exception - 복사할 필요가 없는 그래픽 개체 이름의 접두사입니다. 여러 접두사를 ';'으로 구분하여 입력하여 지정할 수 있습니다. SyncVLINE - 수직선을 동기화합니다. SyncHLINE - 수평선. SyncTREND - 추세선. SyncTRENDBYANGLE - 각도별 추세선 SyncCYCLES - 순환 라인. SyncCHANNEL - 등거리 채널. SyncSTDDEVCHANNEL - 표준 편차 채널. SyncREGRESSION - 선형 회귀 채널. SyncPITCHFORK - 앤드류스 갈퀴. SyncGANNLINE - Gann 라인. SyncGANNFAN - Gann
Trend Scanner MT4
Alfiya Fazylova
Trend Scanner is a trend indicator that helps to determine the current and forecast market direction using an advanced algorithm. Thanks to flexible alert settings, the indicator will promptly warn you about a trend reversal. The indicator is intuitive and easy to use, and will be an excellent filter in your trending trading strategies. The lines of this indicator are also an excellent dynamic level for stop loss, and is used as one of the types of trailing stop in Trading Panel . To fine-tune t
Finversia J
Finversia J 2024.10.15 20:24 

Been using it for some four-six months. It's really worth the money. Do try it.

TradeR_GhosT_FX Arias
TradeR_GhosT_FX Arias 2024.09.24 19:23 

la calida es buena pero ahora tengo un problema que no me deja instalarlo ya qur tube que descargar una nueba MT5 pueden ayudarme a solucionar este inconveniente

Ajay Sharma
Ajay Sharma 2024.08.16 01:06 

I rented the Trade Panel after fair amount of research of all available Order Management EAs filtered to my requirements, and I can safely say I don't need to look for another. Not only does it have everything I needed but far more. I will only find ways to use it more fully with time. Alfiya is prompt, highly professional, supportive and immaculate. If you are looking for an Order Management EA, you have found one here.

Morizlion 2024.07.25 01:24 

The last update has an error I open 4 positions at a specific point, and it opens 5 at various entry points, but only one of the 4 only works, and 1 have stoploss and take profit the size it's not modifiable.

Almaz Akhmetkhanov
Almaz Akhmetkhanov 2024.07.24 10:26 

Мне понравился данный продукт ! Все отлично , пользуюсь пару тройку дней

illeo 2024.07.04 17:46 

I'm glad I found this tool. It is extremely extensive and actually worth much more than the 100 dollars. I definitely recommend it. The only two things that would make the tool perfect for me would be: 1. If you could enter that after a certain number of points gain, the stoploss is set to break-even and stays there. 2. If you could enter that a position will be opened when a moving average is reached. Or is that possible?

Gert van Bruggen
Gert van Bruggen 2024.07.01 20:16 

Very nice tool, easy to use once you take some time to familiarize yourself with it. It offers lots of options and regular updates with additional functions. Hands down the most complete trade panel at a very good price.

bmuthoka2010 2024.05.21 21:30 

I was pleasantly surprised to discover that this trade manager works for US30!!!! Thank you. Amazing features!!!

Impact Investing
Impact Investing 2024.05.04 19:20 

Great tool!

sharmarajat 2024.04.25 16:11 

i paid 2 times for renew,the amount got deducted but its not installing .kindly assist

davidsilau 2024.04.16 16:40 

Hi... Can I Change My License From MT5 to MT4? Thanks...

Kasapop Game
Kasapop Game 2024.04.13 08:22 

This product work really well, seller was also very helpful and fast response, recommended for all trader.

Papa74 2024.04.11 16:18 

You will surely not find better/ Complete, easy to use and super powerful .... Bravo

Maurizio Moretti
Maurizio Moretti 2024.04.02 19:17 

An absolutely stunning tool. A must have for any serious trader. From Swing trading to scalping its features are anything one can ask and need, Automated orders, scaling in / scaling out, auto cancellation, trailing stop following EMAs, Parabolic SAR, etc, and all parametrical adjustable, etc. etc. Not to mention the risk management part. Best money I ever spent.

Andrei Kraft
Andrei Kraft 2024.03.21 14:39 

사용자가 평가에 대한 코멘트를 남기지 않았습니다

Neil Hess
Neil Hess 2024.03.16 17:53 

This is an absolutely AWESOME EA. It can do so much, I can't believe it doesn't cost more. Worth every penny!

OlaTechie 2024.03.01 06:35 

TradePanel MT4, with a high rating of 4.9, stands out as an essential trading assistant for the MetaTrader 4 platform, offering a comprehensive suite of over 50 functions tailored for manual trading and automation. This tool, crafted by Alfiya Fazylova, is continuously refined, with the latest version 17.72 reflecting ongoing improvements based on user feedback. It excels in supporting all trading instruments and symbols within a single interface, and I find the trailing stop feature particularly valuable for enhancing trade management and potential profitability. The trailing stop functionality in TradePanel MT4 is extensive, offering multiple types such as Standard, Fractal, MA (Moving Average), Parabolic SAR, Candle Wicks, and Trend Scanner. This variety allows traders to tailor their trailing stops based on their specific strategy and market conditions. The panel enables easy setting and editing of trailing stops for new and existing orders, including multicurrency management for comprehensive control across different symbols. Key adjustable parameters like 'Step', 'Shift in bars', 'Indent', and 'Start in points' provide granular control over how the trailing stop reacts to price movements, ensuring that traders can optimize their strategy's performance. The unique option to 'Measure from stop loss' adds an extra layer of customization, making it an indispensable tool for traders aiming to maximize gains from trends without needing constant market surveillance. With its customizable interface and rich functionality, TradePanel MT4 is an invaluable asset for MT4 users looking for an efficient and strategic trading advantage, especially with its advanced trailing stop features.

Vernalfx 2024.02.21 01:49 

Is this available on Ninja Trader or not?

Ru Qiong
Ru Qiong 2024.02.03 17:56 

I tried the demo before purchasing this EA. It works well with my strategy.

CAGRI GULER 2024.02.01 14:56 

사용자가 평가에 대한 코멘트를 남기지 않았습니다

리뷰 답변
버전 17.96 2024.10.30
For the order control panel:
- the display of the number of Positions and Orders has been added to the tab switching buttons,
- the ability to switch the Take Profit and Stop Loss column to virtual Take Profit and Stop Loss has been added,
- the ability to switch the Profit column to Profit in currency/Profit in points/Profit in % of balance has been added,
- the Grids tab has been added, where the list of Order Grids and tools for managing it are displayed.
버전 17.95 2024.09.02
Added column sorting in the Orders panel.
버전 17.94 2024.08.27
Code optimization.
For the "Orders" panel, a Close column has been added.
버전 17.93 2024.08.21
Added Orders panel.
Added hotkeys Tab and Enter for the order opening and closing confirmation window.
버전 17.91 2024.08.02
- The trade operation confirmation window has been changed.
- The order closing function in the Risk Manager has been changed, now when the restriction is activated, orders will be closed an unlimited number of times.
- The error in displaying trades on the chart has been fixed (the checkboxes to show "Profitable positions" and "Loss positions" did not work).
버전 17.90 2024.07.17
Added the ability to open an order grid.
버전 17.81 2024.06.28
Fixed a bug with the clickability of the checkbox "Checkbox Trailing a pending order" (settings of the "Trade" panel).
버전 17.80 2024.06.23
Added the ability to set a trailing for the Partial Closure level.
Added the ability to set the sound for the Trailing Stop, Breakeven and Partial Closure functions.
버전 17.79 2024.06.14
Added the ability to enter the distance for the trailing stop in of % stop loss and of % take profit.
버전 17.78 2024.06.04
- added trailing stop based on the ATR indicator
- fixed a bug in the Report panel (calculation of profit as a percentage of the balance)
- in the "Report and Risk Manager" Panel and in the "Info Panel" the sorting of orders by magic number has been removed, now the panel takes into account all orders on the symbol (account).
버전 17.77 2024.05.06
- added multi-currency mode for the Take Profit to Stop Loss ratio parameter.
- added display of profit/loss as a percentage of the balance in the label for setting stop loss and take profit of positions at the general level.
- added Trailing of pending orders.
버전 17.76 2024.04.21
Fixed an error when calculating the lot for Tasks.
버전 17.75 2024.04.17
Added saving coordinates for the Order Control Panel.
For the "report and risk management panel" the accounting of positions has been changed.
For the "report and risk management panel" the error that took into account the commission when calculating profits has been corrected.
버전 17.74 2024.03.13
- Added a function that eliminates the panel going beyond the graph.
- Added a pop-up warning if a new "partial closure" level is activated immediately after it is enabled.
버전 17.73 2024.03.07
- For the “Terminal shutdown until the next date” function “Risk Manager”, time accounting has been changed from Server to Local.
- Optimization of the "Tasks" function.
버전 17.72 2024.02.29
- errors correction.
- code optimization.
버전 17.71 2024.02.18
Fixed a bug with the magic number input field.
버전 17.70 2024.02.17
- code optimization
- errors correction
버전 17.60 2024.02.01
- added new options for displaying information in the panel header: “Server time | Time until the candle closes", "Profit in foreign currency | Profit in points."
- to calculate take profit and stop loss by ATR, a “filter” parameter has been added (similar to the “filter” parameter in the Info panel).
- for the “Position Reversal” block, the “All” button has been added, intended for simultaneous reversal of Buy and Sell positions.
- for the “Report” panel, the ability to select the color of the elements displaying the trading history on the chart has been added.
- added a function that allows you to add a spread to stop loss and take profit.
- added Risk Manager function.
- added the ability to change the price of virtual stop loss and take profit by moving its lines.
버전 17.50 2023.12.19
- Cancelled deletion of tasks when rebooting the terminal.
- Added the ability to hide the Order Comments and TP/SL Ratio blocks in the Tasks panel.
- Added the ability to set the style and thickness of the task line.
- Added a button for editing a task.
- Added conditions for deleting a task.
- Added the ability to set each task its own line color.
- Added new tasks and conditions for their activation.
- For tasks using a trend and horizontal line, conditions have been added that allow taking into account the price rollback to the line.
버전 17.43 2023.10.28
- Fixed an error in displaying the drop-down list when selecting “Activation prices” for virtual stop loss and take profit.
- Added price normalization for alert line coordinates.
- Fixed an error that occurred when Saving/Loading a trailing stop template.
버전 17.42 2023.10.09
Fixed a bug in the panel color selection settings.
버전 17.41 2023.10.07
A checkbox has been added to the settings to hide the Orders column from the Chart Control panel.
버전 17.40 2023.10.07
- Added the ability to select the activation price type for the Virtual Stop Loss and Virtual Take Profit functions (Ask, Bid, (Ask+Bid)/2).
- Added the ability to edit the colors of the Chart Control table elements.
- Added the ability to highlight the line of the current Symbol with a color or frame.
- Added the “Orders” column.
- Added the ability to display the Lot of open positions (orders).
- Added the ability to display Profit as a percentage of the balance.
버전 17.33 2023.07.19
Code optimization.
버전 17.30 2023.07.16
Added symbol search to the chart control panel.
The functionality of opening several orders with one click has been improved.
버전 17.24 2023.06.02
Optimization of the order opening function.
버전 17.23 2023.05.19
Fixed a bug in the partial close function that occurred when setting the distance in %TP for orders whose take profit is 0.
버전 17.22 2023.05.16
Added error descriptions to messages.
버전 17.21 2023.05.03
Removed the output of the record in the upper left corner of the chart.
버전 17.20 2023.05.03
Fixed a bug with the clickability of the TF M30 selection button for the ATR indicator of the Info panel.
버전 17.10 2023.04.22
Added a function that prevents the panel from being hidden outside the window (when the chart window is reduced).
버전 17.0 2023.04.06
Added the ability to hide the panel when taking a screenshot of the chart.
Added "Current" period for calculating take profit and stop loss by the ATR indicator.
For info panel:
- added "Current" period for ATR indicator calculation.
- Added power reserve display for the ATR indicator.
- Added display of the breakeven line on the chart.
- added display of lot and lot difference between buy and sell.
For the breakeven function and partial close:
- added "Price" option for the distance.
- "Lot" and "% of the current lot" options have been added for the closing part of the order.
- the interface for managing the breakeven and partial closing functions has been changed.
버전 16.14 2023.03.03
The function of trailing stop calculation based on Ma, SAR Parabolic indicators has been optimized.
버전 16.13 2023.02.15
Error correction:
when entering points for the Partial Close and Breakeven functions.
while maintaining the Partial Close and Breakeven settings.
버전 16.12 2023.02.13
Improved accuracy of deal volume calculation for instruments with a minimum deal volume of 300 lots or more.
버전 16.10 2023.02.10
Fixed a bug that occurred when entering a hotkey for "Close Pending Buy".
버전 16.0 2023.02.10
- Keyboard shortcut with "Shift +", "Ctrl +", "CapsLock +".
- Hot keys to switch chart symbol.
- "Trade report" panel.
Removed dependence of hot keys on case and layout language.
버전 15.0 2023.01.28
Update to the "General close" panel.
The functionality for setting SL and TP to the general level has been moved from the "General close" panel to the "Trade" panel.
To the functionality of installing SL and TP on the general level, the ability to install virtual SL and TP has been added.
Fixed errors in the label for opening orders.
버전 14.0 2023.01.17
- virtual trailing stop
- virtual breakeven
- labels for setting the breakeven level when opening an order
- the ability to switch to the panel trailing stop, breakeven and partial closing directly at the time of placing an order by labels.
- the ability to select the color of labels for breakeven and partial closure
- saving the settings of the General closing panel when the terminal is restarted
- saving the set lines with alerts when restarting the terminal
- optimization of functions saving settings
Added option to save settings Setting File =-1. If you set Setting File =-1, then the settings will be tied to the id of the chart.
버전 13.0 2022.12.19
Updated label interface for opening an order.
Fixed a bug in the function of saving a Partial Close Order to a template.
- setting a virtual stop loss and take profit for other people's orders.
- calculation of partial closure and breakeven from virtual stop loss and take profit (when selected in % of sl and tp).
버전 12.91 2022.11.10
Bug fixed: order labels did not move to new coordinates when changing the chart scale.
버전 12.90 2022.11.10
Improved functionality and interface of the Alert panel.
버전 12.84 2022.10.30
Fixed a bug in the commission calculation function.
Fixed a bug in the work of the checkbox "only for XXXXXXX" of the Trailing stop, Breakeven, Partial close panel.
버전 12.83 2022.10.06
Fixed a bug in the "alert" function for the "trend line".
버전 12.82 2022.10.02
"General close" panel:
Added the ability to enter a value with a minus sign for "Closing positions by profit".
Added the ability to enter a value with a plus sign for "Closing a positions by Loss".
버전 12.81 2022.09.29
Fixed error when calculating take profit and stop loss by ATP for BuyStopLimit.
버전 12.80 2022.09.27
Added Multicurrency mode.
Added a function to recalculate take profit and stop loss by ATP.
Added additional timeframes for trailing stop.
버전 12.72 2022.08.26
Fixed a bug in the Stop Loss to Take Profit ratio function (When the ratio was set to 1.1, the panel did not correctly calculate the stop loss for some Take Profit values).
Fixed checkbox error "Cancel buttons SL and TP" (Checkbox did not remove buttons to Cancel SL and TP from label).
버전 12.71 2022.08.12
Added translation to the "Panel Tr, Br, Pc" tab of the settings panel.
Fixed a bug in the labels for setting the breakeven function.
버전 12.70 2022.07.23
Added the "Trade" tab to the "Chart Control" panel.
The function of saving panel settings has been improved (lists of symbols from the "Chart Control" panel are included in the settings file).
버전 12.60 2022.07.09
Added the ability to use the same settings on all symbols for the functions Trailing Stop, Breakeven and Partial Close.
Improved the processing of labels for opening orders.
버전 12.53 2022.06.29
Fixed a bug that occurred when choosing charts that will be switched by the "Chart Control" function.
버전 12.52 2022.06.28
Changed the way of calculating profit/loss of virtual Stop Loss and Take Profit (profit/loss which is displayed in the order control panel).
버전 12.51 2022.05.31
The function of saving to the settings template of the "BreakEven" and "Partial close" functions has been improved.
버전 12.50 2022.05.29
Improved breakeven function:
- added the ability to set an unlimited number of breakeven levels.
- added the ability to enter a distance as a percentage of take profit and stop loss.
- added the ability to enter profit as a percentage of the distance.
- added the ability to enter the distance and profit with a minus sign (setting levels in the unprofitable zone).
버전 12.41 2022.05.12
Starting with this version, the lot, take profit and stop loss settings of the "Open Buy" and "Open Sell" hotkeys are tied to a specific tab of the "Trade" panel. The tab number is selected by the user in the settings.
버전 12.40 2022.05.01
Fixed a bug due to which the "Close all orders" checkbox was disabled when switching the panel tab.
버전 12.30 2022.05.01
Added the function of checking and alerting when launching several panels in the terminal with the same "Settings file" parameters.
Fixed a bug that disabled the "Virtual tp and sl" checkbox when switching the panel.
버전 12.20 2022.04.29
Fixed a bug in transferring settings from the old to the new version of the panel.
The work of the panel with graphic objects has been improved.
버전 12.10 2022.04.26
Fixed an error that occurred when opening a pending order.
Added the ability to enter the opening price of pending orders in points (for buttons for quickly opening pending orders).
버전 12.0 2022.04.23
Optimization of panel settings.
Added color settings for trade buttons.
Added buttons for quick opening of pending orders.
Added the "Settings file" input parameter (now the panel settings will be tied to the number of this input parameter, and not to the chart id).
Attention! Due to the optimization of parameters, and the introduction of a new method for saving settings, the new version is not able to correctly accept the settings of the old version. Therefore, if you need to transfer the panel configuration from an old version to a new one, save the panel settings to a template before updating. And after the update, apply the template to the new version of the panel (more details in the comments).
버전 11.93 2022.03.24
The function of working with long order tickets (ten-digit and higher) has been improved.
버전 11.92 2022.03.08
Fixed a bug in the price entry field.
버전 11.91 2022.02.25
Functions have been added to check the correctness of filling in the account parameters.
버전 11.90 2022.02.09
Improved panel performance.
버전 11.80 2022.01.21
Added the ability to swap the buy and sell buttons.
Added swap and commission accounting to the order control panel.
Added the ability to hide the tr, br and pr buttons from the order label, as well as the delete sl and tp buttons from the order control panel.
Added checkbox "close orders on all symbols" to the "Trade" panel.
Added parameter "maximum spread for opening Buy and Sell".
The start function of the Standard Trailing Stop has been simplified.
Added the ability to set lot recalculation for the "Open an order when the price crosses a horizontal line" task.
Added a complete list of timeframes for trailing stop and hotkeys.
버전 11.73 2022.01.14
Code optimization for terminal build 3144 January 10, 2022
버전 11.72 2022.01.11
Optimized the function of saving trailing stop.
버전 11.71 2022.01.02
Fixed error in calculating the MA indicator for PRICE_HIGH PRICE_LOW.
버전 11.7 2021.12.07
- Optimized the "Trailing stop by the Trend Scanner indicator" function.
- To analyze the "Trailing stop by the Trend Scanner indicator", you can download this indicator, the link is on the full product description page.
버전 11.6 2021.12.05
The function of scrolling the list of symbols on the "Chart control" panel has been improved.
버전 11.5 2021.11.20
The function of changing the color of buttons on the Chart Control panel has been improved.
Fixed error in displaying profit size at partial closing levels.
Added a label for displaying profit for the "Cl" tab of the order control panel.
The function of accounting for the commission when opening an order has been improved. Starting from this version, when calculating the risk, the size of the commission is taken into account (only for methods of calculating the lot from stop loss, and provided that the commission is set in the settings).
버전 11.4 2021.11.15
Added the ability to select the ask or bid price for the function of closing a pending order by price.
Added a function to update data in labels when the order control panel is open.
버전 11.3 2021.11.07
Optimization of the symbol switching function code.
버전 11.2 2021.11.03
Fixed a bug with incorrect text substitution in the Tasks panel.
버전 11.1 2021.11.03
Fixed a bug that occurred when setting a partial close for BuyStopLimit order.
버전 11.0 2021.10.31
Fixed a normalization error when entering the size of take profit and stop loss.
버전 10.9 2021.10.23
"Chart Control" Panel:
- Added "Favorites" tab.
- Added the ability to sort the list columns in ascending and descending order (Profit, Spread, etc.).
- Added the ability to highlight a button with a symbol in color.
"Line trade" panel:
- Added trading from horizontal line and vertical line.
- Added new tasks: open a pending order, close orders by groups.
- Added new execution conditions: touch of the Ask price to the line, closing of the bar behind the line.
버전 10.8 2021.09.30
Added to the pending order settings:
- the ability to change the expiration date of the order.
- the ability to set a price, upon reaching which, the pending order will be irrelevant and will be deleted.
버전 10.7 2021.09.27
- when the "Use only Chart Control panel" parameter is enabled, the utility removes the price scale, trading levels, and the chart itself from the window.
- scrolling the list with symbols using the mouse wheel (only when the "Use only Chart Control panel" parameter is enabled).
버전 10.6 2021.09.26
Added display of the total profit on the account to the Chart Control panel.
Added the switch "Use only the Chart control panel". When enabled, the chart will display only the "Chart Control" panel (similar to the "Symbol Control" mode from the previous version).
버전 10.5 2021.09.25
The error that occurred when saving settings to a template has been fixed.
버전 10.4 2021.09.24
Error correction.
버전 10.3 2021.09.24
The functionality of the panel "Symbol Control" and "Trade" are combined into one interface. Now all the functionality of the Trading Panel is available from one chart.
버전 10.2 2021.09.01
Added Spanish and German.
버전 10.1 2021.08.06
- Improved algorithm for sorting symbols by alphavite (Symbol Control)
- For partial closure, removed the 100% limitation in the distance field if:
the calculation from %TP is selected, for partial closure in the loss zone,
the calculation from %SL is selected, for partial closing in the profit zone.
버전 10.0 2021.08.01
Removed the function of updating symbols when switching the list of symbols (Symbol Control).
버전 9.191 2021.07.31
Fixed a bug that occurred when switching from version 9.18 to version 9.19.
버전 9.19 2021.07.30
Added a button for sorting symbols alphabetically ("Symbol Control" panel, "Symbol" tab).
Added the ability to select from which level to measure the trailing start:
- the trailing start distance is measured from the open price to the initial stop loss level.
- the trailing start distance is measured from the open price to the Bid price (for buy) or Ask (for sell).
Added display of the ATR indicator reading in the information panel.
버전 9.18 2021.07.18
Added information panel. Displayed information:
- Current spread of the symbol
- Time until the close of the bar of the current timeframe
- Profit in currency by symbol
- Number of open positions by symbol
- Current break-even price for all positions
버전 9.17 2021.07.13
Fixed error with displaying a message when entering settings for trailing stop based on the MA indicator.
버전 9.16 2021.07.07
Added a trailing stop function by the Parabolic SAR indicator.
Added a trailing stop function by the Moving Average indicator.
Attention !!! The principle of trailing stop operation has changed, therefore, all saved trailing stop templates must be recreated (old templates will be automatically deleted).
버전 9.15 2021.06.12
Improved partial closure function.
버전 9.14 2021.05.29
Fixed a bug in displaying alert lines.
Fixed a bug in displaying the SELL_STOP_LIMIT and BUY_STOP_LIMIT labels.
Added a function to normalize prices for a non-standard step, when opening SELL_STOP_LIMIT and BUY_STOP_LIMIT orders.
버전 9.13 2021.05.19
Added the ability to move the settings panel.
Improved speed of color setting tabs.
버전 9.12 2021.05.14
Added the ability to set the step of changing the lot
버전 9.11 2021.05.12
Added autocorrect "," to "." when entering the lot size.
Optimization of the code.
버전 9.10 2021.05.11
The function of saving settings to a file has been improved. Panel color scheme and trade settings of the current symbol are now saved in the panel general settings file. (previously: color schemes and trade settings of a symbol were not saved in the panel settings file).
버전 9.2 2021.05.06
Fixed a bug in the display of the template name input field.
버전 9.1 2021.05.06
Optimized code.
버전 9.0 2021.05.06
Added the ability to bind the Trading Panel settings to the chart ID.
Symbol Control: added function for updating list charts by timer.
Symbol Control: added the ability to choose which charts to change the symbol.
Symbol Control: Added display of spread, number of positions on symbols.
Symbol Control: Added four lists of symbols.
Symbol Control: Added the ability to change the sequence of symbols in the list.
버전 8.81 2021.04.23
The function of saving panel settings has been changed: now the settings are not tied to the id chart and are common for the entire terminal on the current account.
버전 8.8 2021.04.20
Added the function of normalizing the lot, when entering it in the panel settings.
The speed of updating the display of the profit size on the take profit label has been increased.
The logic of saving trade settings has been changed: the settings entered from the "Trade" panel are saved and further used by default.
버전 8.7 2021.04.18
Fixed error in the calculation of take profit data.
Fixed error of the button "General symbol settings"> "Commission per lot".
버전 8.6 2021.04.11
Added Portuguese (Brazil) language.
버전 8.5 2021.04.09
Fixed a bug in the panel for saving MT5 settings when you click on the "Set settings for all symbols" button.
The parameter “Virtual SL and TP” has been added to the settings panel. The function of outputting the size of the current profit and loss to blocks for closing orders has been optimized.
버전 8.4 2021.04.06
Added the parameter «Set escort functions for all orders (only with Magic = 0)».
버전 8.3 2021.04.04
Fixed a bug in the Line Trade panel.
Changed the algorithm for hiding graphical objects from the chart that do not belong to the current symbol (Symbol Control mode).
Added the ability to shrink the panel to size 7.
Added the ability to hide order opening labels with a hotkey.
버전 8.2 2021.04.02
Added on / off synchronization of graphical objects on charts (for the control symbol mode).
버전 8.0 2021.04.02
The input parameters are displayed on the panel, it is now possible to set the settings for each symbol separately.
The ability to select color schemes for the panel, labels and lines has been implemented.
The interface has been improved.
Added two additional tabs to the Trade panel.
Added buttons for breakeven, partial closing and lock positions on the Trade panel.
General and individual escorts functions are combined.
Added the ability to save escorts to a template.
Added interface in Russian.
버전 7.9 2021.02.18
Fixed error in displaying server time in the panel header.
버전 7.8 2021.02.08
Optimized the price normalization function.
버전 7.7 2021.02.02
Optimized the request for quotation function.
버전 7.5 2021.01.17
Fixed a bug in the function of saving settings when restarting the terminal (Trailing Stop, Breakeven and Partial Close settings).
버전 7.4 2021.01.16
Optimized the algorithm for saving the utility settings when the terminal is restarted.
Fixed error displaying profit size on the "General Close" tab.
버전 7.3 2021.01.13
Fixed a bug in the function of partial position closing.
버전 7.1 2021.01.05
The error of determining the location of the label of the minimized panel after restarting the terminal has been fixed.
버전 7.0 2020.12.29
Adaptation of the trading panel to work from one chart on several symbols (trading instruments).
Added a panel for synchronous switching of symbols on all terminal charts.
The limitation on the number of virtual orders has been removed.
Changed the initial position of the order control panel.
Added an input parameter: Number positions per click - the number of positions to open when clicking on the Buy or Sell button.
버전 6.2 2020.12.06
Removed SYMBOL_TRADE_STOPS_LEVEL check for virtual stop loss and take profit.
버전 6.1 2020.11.17
Fixed a bug in displaying the panel switching menu.
버전 6.0 2020.11.16
Added OCO orders function.
Added «Fixed Right» and «Fixed Left» options for the «Label anchor side (Open label)» input parameter.
Added the ability to set anchor side, edge offset and step for order and position labels (Label anchor side, X distance Label, X step Label).
Added the ability to select the side to minimize the panel.
Added the ability to hide the ratio, tp and sl blocks.
The function of displaying tracing of closed orders on the chart has been improved. Now switching the mode does not affect the status of the «i» button, and the trace is updated every time an order is closed.
버전 5.1 2020.10.31
The function of processing the current Bid and Ask prices has been normalized.
버전 5.0 2020.10.19
Updated interface.
Added hotkeys function.
Added the function of general closing of positions upon reaching the specified profit and loss.
Added a function for setting stop loss and take profit positions one level.
Added a function for calculating the price of opening a position without taking into account clearing (only for MT5, the function is disabled by default).
버전 4.0 2020.09.17
Added virtual stop loss and take profit.
Updated interface.
버전 3.3 2020.08.18
Fixed error in the initialization of the input parameter "Comment".
버전 3.2 2020.08.11
Optimized the code.
버전 3.1 2020.07.24
Fixed a conflict in object processing between running utilities.
버전 3.0 2020.07.15
Updated the interface.
버전 2.93 2020.06.16
Fixed a typo in the stop loss label.
Added a label for fixing stop loss and take profit in the enlarged panel size.
Added the input parameter " Move TP/SL for price(opening Buy and Sell)":
true - when opening a Buy or Sell order, the take profit and stop loss labels will follow the current price,
false-take profit and stop loss labels will not follow the current price.
Added the input parameter " Set Tp and Sl for all orders (only Magic number = 0)":
true - when Magicnumber = 0, the utility will set the specified take profit and stop loss for all orders on the symbol,
regardless of how it was opened (provided that the open order has a take profit and stop loss equal to zero),
false - when Magicnumber = 0, the utility will only accompany other people's orders, without pre-setting stop loss and take profit.
버전 2.92 2020.06.10
Updating the build.
버전 2.91 2020.05.25
Fixed an error in the "Virtual order" function.
버전 2.9 2020.05.25
Optimized the "Alert" function on "Mail".
버전 2.8 2020.05.20
Added buttons for fixing take profit and stop loss levels when opening an order.
Changed the interface for order and position labels.
Manual partial closing of a position has been moved to the info panel.
Resolved conflicts between manual and automatic partial closing of the position.
버전 2.7 2020.03.10
Добавлена возможность работы с ордерами BuyStopLimit и SellStopLimit.
Добавлен способ расчета лота Currency SL.
Обновлен функционал оповещения.
버전 2.6 2020.02.13
Детализированы комментарии закрытия позиций.
버전 2.5 2020.02.01
Отформатирован список входных параметров.
버전 2.4 2020.02.01
Добавлена возможность увеличения размера панели.
버전 2.2 2019.09.21
Оптимизирован код
버전 2.1 2019.08.20
Оптимизирован трейлинг стоп по индикатору Trend Scanner.
버전 2.0 2019.08.14
Добавлена возможность выбора бара для трейлинг стопа (Trend Scanner).
Добавлена возможность реверсивного трейлинг стопа (Trend Scanner).
버전 1.9 2019.08.02
Исправлено ввод тейк профита и стоп лосса с панели.
버전 1.8 2019.08.02
Упорядочены входные параметры.
Оптимизирована совместная работа с кликабельными индикаторами на одном графике.
버전 1.7 2019.07.24
1) На нескольких панелях изменен интерфейс;
2) Оптимизирована работа с объектами, ускорен отклик объектов);
3) Добавлена кнопка трассировки ордеров;
4) Исправлена ошибка в функции виртуальный ордер;
5) Добавлена нормализация цен (для CFD и Future);
6) Добавлена подсветка лота при нехватке свободных средств.
버전 1.6 2019.06.12
Изменен метод нормализации лота.
버전 1.5 2019.05.08
Добавлена возможность выбора трейлинг стопа по последнему завершенному бару и по незавершенному (Trend Scanner).
버전 1.4 2019.05.03
Добавлено трейлинг стоп по "Trend Scanner",
Исправлена ошибка отображения информационных линий и текстов.
버전 1.3 2019.03.28
Исправлена ошибка обработки тикета.
버전 1.2 2019.03.27
1. Добавлено горизонтальное расположение контрольной панели;
2. Добавлено отображение в панели текущую прибыль в валюте депозита или в пунктах;
3. Оптимизирован код для работы на множестве графиков (более 20).
버전 1.1 2019.02.21
Добавлена возможность менять расположение панели управления, относительно главной панели.