- 지표
- Jose Miguel Soriano
- 버전: 2.1
- 업데이트됨: 22 1월 2022
- 활성화: 5
"All MAs-13 jm" is a tool that allows accessing from a single control box 13 different types of MAs: 9 standard MAs in MetaTrader 5 (SMA, EMA, SMMA, LWMA, DEMA, TEMA, Frama, VIDYA, AMA ) and 4 non-standard (LRMA, HMA, JMA, SAYS) copyrights to which belong to Nikolay Kositsin (Godzilla), they can be found on the web (e.g. LRMA).
General Parameters
- Period MA: the number of bars to calculate the moving average.
- MA Method: select the type of moving average to show in the current graph.
- Applied Price: select price type (close, high, low, etc.).
- TimeFrame: provides the vision of MA in different frames to the graph.
- Manual trader: it has a "multipurpose knife", more versatile than the standard indicators, which facilitates analysis of trends from a single control box and different timeframes of the chart, without having to find at the "navigator" each type of indicator.
- Automatic trader: Allows you to optimize the type of MA as another parameter of the EA by simply including "Method MA" as external parameter. A strategy can not work with EMA but be profitable with VIDYA or AMA, as well tells the author's experience. By giving value to parameter to take into account the following enumeration: {SMA=0, EMA=1, SMMA=2, LWMA=3, DEMA=4, TEMA=5, FRAMA=6, VIDYA=7, AMA=8, LRMA=9, HMA=10, JMA=11, AFIRMA=12};