Recommended currency pairs:
and other.
Recommended optimization:
It is recommended to do balance max optimization or complex criterion max optimization . Min 1/ 2 year in M15/M30/H1.
Other recommendations:
- const_lot_or_not - true - lot is constant, false lot is variable,
- Trailing_stop - true recommended,
- stop_loss_on_off - true recommended,
- take_profit_on_off - false recommended,
- max of open positions - 1 - 5,
- max_Analyzed_Bars - from 1 to 50 every 1 - it is possible to choose a higher value, but the optimization time will be significantly longer,
- move - from 1 to 50 every 1 - it is possible to choose a higher value, but the optimization time will be significantly longer,
- move_sec - from 1 to 50 every 1 - it is possible to choose a higher value, but the optimization time will be significantly longer,
- move_TP - from 1 to 50 every 1 - it is possible to choose a higher value, but the optimization time will be significantly longer,
- interval - from 1 to 50 every 1 - it is possible to choose a higher value, but the optimization time will be significantly longer,
- time_orders - from 60 to 6000 every 60,
- wp1 - from -1000 to 1000 every 1,
- et1 - et10 - from -1 to 1 every 0.01,
- xxx3_BUY - from -1 to 1 every 0.01,
- xxx5_SELL - from -1 to 1 every 0.01,
- DIV - from 1 to 10 every 1,
- t - from 1 to 10 every 1,
- xxx1, xxx2 - from 10 to 200 every 10,
- Start_Lot - lot size in constant mode,
- Buy_stop_loss - from 10 to 500 every 10,
- Sell_stop_loss - from 10 to 500 every 10,
- DIV_open,DIV_close - from 0 to 0.00001 every XXX, XXX - value depends on the selected symbol, for the EURUSD currency pair XXX = 0.01, for USDJPY XXX = 0.1
- MaximumRisk - from 0 to 1 every 0,01 - be careful, too high a value reduces the probability of future success. It is recommended to optimize over a large time frame if you want a high rate of return.
- DecreaseFactor - from 1 to 100 every 1