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SUM Market Profile Heat

Market Profile Heat indicator — is a classic Market Profile implementation that can show the price density over time, outlining the most important price levels, value area, and control value of a given trading session.
This indicator can be attached to timeframes between M1 and D1 and will show the Market Profile for daily, weekly, monthly, or even intraday sessions. Lower timeframes offer higher precision. Higher timeframes are recommended for better visibility. It is also possible to use a free-draw rectangle session to create a custom market profile on any timeframe. Six different color schemes are available to draw the profile's blocks. Drawing profiles as a plain color histogram is also possible. Alternatively, you may choose to color the profile based on bullish/bearish bars. This indicator is based on bare price action and does not use any standard indicators.

Input parameters


  • Session (default = Daily) — trading session for market profile: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Intraday, and Rectangle. For a rectangle session to get calculated, a rectangle chart object with the name starting with MPR should be added to the chart. Pressing 'r' on the keyboard will add a properly named rectangle object automatically.
  • StartFromDate (default = __DATE__) — if StartFromCurrentSession is false, then the indicator will start drawing profiles from this date. It draws to the past. For example, if you set it 2018-01-20 and SessionsToCount is 2, then it will draw the profiles for 2018-01-20 and 2018-01-19.
  • StartFromCurrentSession (default = true) — if true, then the indicator starts drawing from today, else — from the date given in StartFromDate.
  • SessionsToCount (default = 2) — for how many trading sessions to draw the market profiles.
  • SeamlessScrollingMode (default = false) — if true, the StartFromDate and StartFromCurrentSession parameters are ignored; the sessions are calculated and displayed starting from the current chart position's rightmost bar. This allows scrolling back in time indefinitely to view past sessions.
  • EnableDevelopingPOC (default = false) — if true, multiple horizontal lines will be drawn to depict how the Point of Control developed through the session.
  • ValueAreaPercentage (default = 70) — a percentage share of the session's TPOs to include in the Value Area.

Looks and colors

  • ColorScheme (default = Blue to Red) — color scheme for profile's blocks:
    • blue to red
    • red to green
    • green to blue
    • yellow to cyan
    • magenta to yellow
    • cyan to magenta
  • SingleColor (default = clrBlue) — if ColorScheme is set to Single Color, this color will be used to draw market profiles.
  • ColorBullBear (default = false) — if true, the color of the profile blocks depends not on the age of the origin bar but on its direction.
  • MedianColor (default = clrWhite) — the color of the control value (median).
  • ValueAreaSidesColor (default = clrWhite) — the color of the value area side borders.
  • ValueAreaHighLowColor (default = clrWhite) — the color of the value area top and bottom borders.
  • MedianStyle (default = STYLE_SOLID) — the Point of Control (median) line style.
  • MedianRayStyle (default = STYLE_DASH) — the Point of Control (median) ray line style.
  • ValueAreaSidesStyle (default = STYLE_SOLID) — the style of the value area side borders.
  • ValueAreaHighLowStyle (default = STYLE_SOLID) — the style of the value area top and bottom borders.
  • ValueAreaRayHighLowStyle (default = STYLE_DOT) — the style of the value area top and bottom rays.
  • MedianWidth (default = 1) — the Point of Control (median) line width.
  • MedianRayWidth (default = 1) — the Point of Control (median) ray line width.
  • ValueAreaSidesWidth (default = 1) — the width of the value area side borders.
  • ValueAreaHighLowWidth (default = 1) — the width of the value area top and bottom borders.
  • ValueAreaRayHighLowWidth (default = 1) — the width of the value area top and bottom rays.
  • ShowValueAreaRays (default = None) — can be set so that the value area's High and Low price levels are projected to the right side of the chart. Can be set to previous session, current, previous and current, all previous, or all.
  • ShowMedianRays (default = None) — can be set so that the median is projected to the right side of the chart. Can be set to previous session, current, previous and current, all previous, or all.
  • RaysUntilIntersection (default = Stop_No_Rays) — defines the way median and value area rays will be cut off when they meet the next trading session's price range:
    • Stop_No_Rays — no rays are stopped anywhere.
    • Stop_All_Rays — all rays are stopped at an intersection with the price of another session.
    • Stop_All_Rays_Except_Prev_Session — all rays except the previous session's rays are stopped at an intersection with the price of another session.
    • Stop_Only_Previous_Session — only rays of the previous session are stopped at an intersection with the price of another session.
  • HideRaysFromInvisibleSessions (default = false) — if true, rays from sessions starting behind the left edge of the screen won't be displayed until you scroll back to them.
  • TimeShiftMinutes (default = 0) — time shift for the sessions, in minutes. Positive value will move the session start to the left; negative — to the right.
  • ShowKeyValues (default = true) — if true, Value Area High, Value Area Low, and Point of Control are displayed on the left of the market profile.
  • KeyValuesColor (default = clrWhite) — the color for Value Area High, Value Area Low, and Point of Control printout.
  • KeyValuesSize (default = 8) — the font size for Value Area High, Value Area Low, and Point of Control printout.
  • ShowSinglePrint (default = No) — can be set to Leftside or Rightside and will mark the single print profile — a part of the profile, which is only one TPO wide.
  • SinglePrintRays (default = false) — if true, single print edges are marked with rays.
  • SinglePrintColor (default = clrGold) — the color for single print marking if ShowSinglePrint isn't set to No.
  • SinglePrintRayStyle (default = STYLE_SOLID) — the single print ray line style.
  • SinglePrintRayWidth (default = 1) — the single print ray line width.
  • ProminentMedianColor (default = clrYellow) — the color for the prominent median (PPOC) if ProminentMedianPercentage is set to 100 or less.
  • ProminentMedianStyle (default = STYLE_SOLID) — the style for the prominent median (PPOC) if ProminentMedianPercentage is set to 100 or less.
  • ProminentMedianWidth (default = 4) — the width for the prominent median (PPOC) if ProminentMedianPercentage is set to 100 or less.
  • RightToLeft (default = false) — if true, the current session's market profile has its histogram drawn from right to left. In case Session is set to Rectangle, market profiles of all sessions are drawn right-to-left.


  • PointMultiplier (default = 0) — the higher it is, the wider are the profile's price boxes and the fewer are the chart objects. You can use it to reduce the indicator's load on CPU. When the value is zero, an adaptive multiplier is used — the indicator attempts to calculate the optimal value automatically.
  • ThrottleRedraw (default = 0) — a delay in seconds that will be applied before each redraw of the profiles. You can use it to reduce the indicator's load on CPU.
  • DisableHistogram (default = false) — if true, no market profile histogram is drawn, but Value Area and Median are still marked. This makes indicator work extremely fast, but is less useful for thorough market analysis.


  • AlertNative (default = false) — if true, the indicator will issue the platform's native pop-up alert when some alert conditions are met.
  • AlertEmail (default = false) — if true, MetaTrader's email alerts will be sent when some alert conditions are met. Email should be properly configured in MetaTrader via Tools->Options->Email
  • AlertPush (default = false) — if true, MetaTrader's push notification alerts will be sent to your mobile device when some alert conditions are met. Notifications should be properly configured in MetaTrader via Tools->Options->Notifications. This alert type is not available in the cTrader version of the indicator.
  • AlertArrows (default = false) — if true, MetaTrader will draw arrows on the chart when some alert conditions are met.
  • AlertCheckBar (default = Previous) — controls the bar to check the alert conditions on. Current — the indicator will check the current unfinished bar; expect a lot of alerts. Previous — the indicator will check the previous (closed) bar; alerts will be delayed but more concise.
  • AlertForValueArea (default = false) — if true, alerts will be issued whenever a Value Area ray (high or low) is crossed by the price.
  • AlertForMedian (default = false) — if true, alerts will be issued whenever a Median ray is crossed by the price.
  • AlertForSinglePrint (default = false) — if true, alerts will be issued whenever a Single Print ray is crossed by the price.
  • AlertOnPriceBreak (default = false) — if true, alerts will be issued when the price breaks any of the trigger levels but then returns back behind it.
  • AlertOnBarClose (default = false) — if true, alerts will be issued when the bar opens on one side the trigger level and closes on the other side of it.
  • AlertOnGapCross (default = false) — if true, alerts will be issued when the trigger level appears inside a price gap between the last two bars.
  • AlertArrowCodePB (default = 108) — arrow code for price break alert arrows.
  • AlertArrowCodeCC (default = 110) — arrow code for candle close alert arrows.
  • AlertArrowCodeGC (default = 117) — arrow code for gap crossover alert arrows.
  • AlertArrowColorPB (default = clrRed) — arrow color for price break alert arrows.
  • AlertArrowColorCC (default = clrBlue) — arrow color for candle close alert arrows.
  • AlertArrowColorGC (default = clrYellow) — arrow color for gap crossover alert arrows.
  • AlertArrowWidthPB (default = 1) — arrow width for price break alert arrows.
  • AlertArrowWidthCC (default = 1) — arrow width for candle close alert arrows.
  • AlertArrowWidthGC (default = 1) — arrow width for gap crossover alert arrows.

Intraday sessions

  • EnableIntradaySessionN (default = true) — if true and Session is set to Intraday, then the indicator will attempt to drawn the intraday market profile #N on the chart.
  • IntradaySessionNStartTime (default = "HH:MM") — start time in HH:MM format for the intraday session #N.
  • IntradaySessionNEndTime (default = "HH:MM") — end time in HH:MM format for the intraday session #N.
  • IntradaySessionNColorScheme (default = Blue_to_Red) — color scheme for the intraday session #N.


  • SaturdaySunday (default = Normal sessions) — how to treat Saturday and Sunday sessions:
    • Normal sessions — Saturday and Sunday will be treated as normal sessions with their own daily and intraday sessions.
    • Ignore Saturday and Sunday — Saturday and Sunday candlesticks will be ignored.
    • Append Saturday and Sunday — Saturday candlesticks will be appended to the Friday session; Sunday candlesticks will be appended to the Monday session.
  • DisableAlertsOnWrongTimeframes (default = false) — if true, no pop-up alerts will appear on using Market Profile with wrong timeframe/session combination.
  • ProminentMedianPercentage (default = 101) — percentage of TPOs out of all possible that should occur inside a median for it to be considered prominent (PPOC). For example, if you set it to 50%, a median will be marked as prominent if it contains at least 24 TPOs in a daily session on M30 timeframe. If it is set to 101, no prominent median is possible.

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To get access to MT4 version please click here . This is the exact conversion from TradingView: " WaveTrend" by LazyBear. This is a light-load processing and non-repaint indicator. All input options are available. Buffers are available for processing in EAs. You can message in private chat for further changes you need. The filling area option is omitted to fit into MT5 graphics.
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Z Score Plus MT5
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In finance, Z Scores are measures of the variability of an observation and can be used by traders to help determine market volatility. Z scores tell Traders whether a score is typical for a specified dataset or is atypical. Z scores also enable analysts to adapt scores from multiple datasets to make scores that can be more accurately compared to each other. # In practice, we have the ZScore with zero point and oscillations between 2 and 3 for ultra high high points and oscillations between -2 an
이 표시기의 고유성은 거래량 계산 알고리즘에 있습니다. 누적은 하루의 시작을 참조하지 않고 선택한 기간 동안 직접 발생합니다. 마지막 막대는 계산에서 제외할 수 있습니다. 그러면 현재 데이터가 이전에 형성된 중요한 수준(볼륨)에 미치는 영향이 줄어듭니다. 보다 정확한 계산을 위해 기본적으로 M1 그래프의 데이터가 사용됩니다. 가격 볼륨의 분배 단계가 규제됩니다. 기본적으로 디스플레이의 오른쪽 테두리는 분석에 사용된 데이터의 시작 부분에 해당하는 막대로 설정되어 있지만, 필요한 경우 필요한 막대로 설정할 수 있습니다. 표시된 볼륨 밴드의 길이(오른쪽 테두리)는 계수에 의해 조절되며 왼쪽 또는 오른쪽으로 0(현재) 막대로 이동하거나 현재 막대를 참조하여 미러링할 수도 있습니다. 매개변수: Accumulation period - 부피 누적 계산 기간 Number of excluded last bars - 계산에서 제외된 마지막 막대의 수 Accumulation price step - 가격
Before installing the HeatMap indicator make sure you are using a broker that gives you access to the Depth of market (DOM) !! This indicator creates a heatmap on your chart allowing you to see the buy or sell limit orders easily and in real time. You have the possibility to change the setting and the colors of the HeatMap in order to adapt to all markets and all charts. Here is an example of a setting you can use with the NASDAQ100 on the AMPGlobal broker :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0Y
UPD1 Profile Levels MT5
Vitaliy Kuznetsov
5 (3)
표시기는 지정된 막대 수에 대한 작업 히스토그램에서 최대 및 최소 가격 볼륨(시장 프로필)의 수준을 찾습니다.   복합 프로파일. 히스토그램의 높이는 완전 자동이며 모든 기기 및 기간에 맞게 조정됩니다. 저자의 알고리즘이 사용되며 잘 알려진 아날로그를 반복하지 않습니다. 두 히스토그램의 높이는 촛불의 평균 높이와 거의 같습니다. 스마트 경고는 볼륨 레벨에 관한 가격에 대해 알려 도움이 될 것입니다. 개념Smart Money. Low Volume - Imbalance. ,좋은 시장 상황을 찾아 시장의 구조를 결정하고 바이너리 옵션에 대한 필터로 사용됩니다. 그것은 가격에 대한 자석입니다. High Volume - Liquidity. 는 시험을 위해 축적을 나갈 때 사용됩니다. 입력 매개 변수. 기본. Bars Count - 계산 및 표시 할 막대 수. Signal Fractal = 5 (색상 신호 레벨). 수준은 다음과 같은 조건에서 신호가 될 것입니다:그것을 초과하지 않는 상단
To download MT4 version please click here . - This is the exact conversion from TradingView: "Trend Direction Force Index - TDFI [wm]" By "causecelebre". - The screenshot shows similar results from tradingview and Metatrader when tested on ICMarkets on both platforms. - This indicator uses multiple levels of averaging to detect trend strength. - You can optimize filter low and filter high levels to achieve best results. - You have access to buffers to use in EAs. - This is a light-load processin
Market profile was developed by Peter Steidlmayer in the second half of last century. This is a very effective tool if you understand the nature and usage. It's not like common tools like EMA, RSI, MACD or Bollinger Bands. It operates independently of price, not based on price but its core is volume. The volume is normal, as the instrument is sung everywhere. But the special thing here is that the Market Profile represents the volume at each price level. 1. Price Histogram The Price Histogram i
Total Volume Profile
Shahabeddin Baset
Includes almost all the concepts related to Volume Profile: POC , Value Area , Developing POC , Anchored VWAP , Volume Delta ; since the “Total” in its name. It is fast in its calculations and simple to work with. Features: 1.    Selectable calculation timeframe to find most traded levels. 2.    Capable of calculating Volume Profile based on tick data 3.    Adjustable histogram bars by their count. 4.    Adjustable histogram bars by their height (price range). 5.    Showing Value Area (VA
Stanislav Korotky
This indicator is a conventional analytical tool for tick volumes changes. It calculates tick volumes for buys and sells separately, and their delta on every bar, and displays volumes by price clusters (cells) within a specified bar (usually the latest one). The algorithm used internally is the same as in the indicator VolumeDeltaMT5 , but results are shown as cumulative volume delta bars (candlesticks). Analogous indicator for MetaTrader 4 exists - CumulativeDeltaBars . This is a limited substi
Volume Profile For MT5
Abdelkhabir Yassine Alaoui
Volume Profile is a very useful indicator . it allows you to spot the price levels where important price action took place. It is similar to support and resistance levels but with a different logic. ( Check Out  Fixed Range Volume Profile MT5  ) One of the first thing that traders mark up when analyzing a chart is support and resistance. Volume Profile can be used for doing that too. The indicator scans the defined number of previous bars and calculates the volume of activity at each price le
Heatmap Volume Profile
Olexandr Savchuk
3.5 (2)
A Heatmap with a Volume Profile is like a thermal imager or x-ray machine. It will help you to estimate the relative distribution of volume during the price movement and to understand  the relationship between volume and price. Indicator Volume Profile "Volumos Maxima" is a powerful tool for analyzing this relationship. After simple experimentation with heatmap, you can find that each trading instrument has its own “ characteristic ” way of distributing volume. And this will help you to make a b
Initial Balance MT5
Ricardo Almeida Branco
The Initial Balance (Initial Balance / Initial Balance) is a concept related to the study of volume (to learn more, study about Market Profile and Auction Market Theory. You can find some videos in English when searching for "Initial Balance Market Profile"). The IB defines a range in which prices were negotiated in the first hour of trading.The amplitude of the range is important and the break in the range defined by the Initial Balance may have occurred due to the movement of several players
Volume by Price MT5
Brian Collard
3.25 (4)
Features Volume Profile, Footprint and Market Profile TPO (Time Price Opportunity). Volume and TPO histogram bar and line charts. Volume Footprint charts. TPO letter and block marker collapsed and split structure charts. Static, dynamic and flexible range segmentation and compositing methods with relative and absolute visualizations. Session hours filtering and segment concatenation with Market Watch and custom user specifications. Graphical layering, positioning and styling options to suit the
VR Grid Mt5
Vladimir Pastushak
3.43 (7)
VR 그리드 표시기는 사용자 정의 설정으로 그래픽 그리드를 생성하도록 설계 되었습니다. 표준 그리드 와 달리 VR 그리드는 원형 레벨 을 구축하는 데 사용됩니다. 사용자의 선택에 따라 라운드 수준 사이의 단계는 임의적일 수 있습니다. 또한 VR Grid는 다른 인디케이터나 유틸리티와는 달리 기간이 바뀌거나 단말기를 재부팅해도 그리드의 위치 를 유지합니다. 설정, 세트 파일, 데모 버전, 지침, 문제 해결 등은 다음에서 얻을 수 있습니다. [블로그] 다음에서 리뷰를 읽거나 작성할 수 있습니다. [링크] 버전 [MetaTrader 4] 수직 수준 은 실제 시간 간격을 기준으로 하며 누락 또는 존재하지 않는 기간은 무시 합니다. 따라서 레벨 사이의 단계는 사용자가 선택한 값과 엄격하게 일치합니다. VR 그리드 표시기를 사용할 때 트레이더는 모든 수준에서 스타일 , 수직선 및 수평선의 색상 및 두께를 변경할 수 있습니다. 이를 통해 금융 상품의 라운드 수준 을 제어할 수 있습니다. 라운
Volume Profile เป็นเครื่องมือที่ใช้สำหรับการวิเคราะห์ระดับการซื้อขายของตลาดในแต่ละระยะเวลาโดยใช้ปริมาณการซื้อขาย (volume) ซึ่งช่วยให้เราเข้าใจว่ามีการซื้อขายเกิดขึ้นมากที่สุดที่ราคาใด รวมทั้งช่วยในการหาจุดที่มีความนิยมในการซื้อขาย (Point of Control: POC) และระดับการซื้อขายอื่น ๆ ที่สำคัญ เรียกว่า Value Area. การใช้งาน Volume Profile ในการวิเคราะห์ตลาดมักจะมีขั้นตอนดังนี้: กำหนดระยะเวลาที่ต้องการวิเคราะห์ : เราต้องกำหนดระยะเวลาที่เราสนใจในการวิเคราะห์ Volume Profile เช่น ชั่วโมง, วัน, หรือสัปดาห์
Moving VVC mt5
Andriy Sydoruk
The   Visual Volatility Clustering   indicator clusters the market based on volatility. The indicator does not redraw and gives accurate data, does not use closing prices. Uses the opening prices or the highs or lows of the previous completed bar. Therefore, all information will be clear and unambiguous. The essence of the indicator is to divide the price market into certain areas according to a similar type of volatility. This can be done in any way. In this example, the indicator is configure
표시기는 현재 시세를 작성하여 과거 시세와 비교할 수 있으며 이를 바탕으로 가격 변동을 예측합니다. 표시기에는 원하는 날짜로 빠르게 이동할 수 있는 텍스트 필드가 있습니다. 옵션: 기호 - 표시기가 표시할 기호 선택. SymbolPeriod - 지표가 데이터를 가져올 기간 선택. IndicatorColor - 표시기 색상. HorisontalShift - 지시자가 그린 따옴표를 지정된 막대 수만큼 이동합니다. Inverse - true는 인용 부호를 반대로, false - 원래 보기를 반전합니다. ChartVerticalShiftStep - 차트를 수직으로 이동합니다(키보드의 위/아래 화살표). 다음은 날짜를 입력할 수 있는 텍스트 필드의 설정으로, '엔터'를 누르면 즉시 이동할 수 있습니다.
VWAP Trend
Driller Capital Management UG
Welcome dear traders , We are offering a Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) indicator for purchase. The indicator is programmed for easy use. Simply drag it onto the chart, and the algorithm takes care of the rest. Based on the selected time period, the volume-weighted average price lines are automatically calculated. Unlike other VWAP indicators, our indicator also allows calculations for shorter timeframes than D1, W1, or MN1. This makes the indicator ideal for intraday trading. In addition
이 제품의 구매자들이 또한 구매함
CBT Quantum Maverick 고효율 바이너리 옵션 거래 시스템 CBT Quantum Maverick는 정밀하고 간단하며 체계적인 거래를 원하는 트레이더를 위해 설계된 고성능 바이너리 옵션 거래 시스템입니다. 사용자 지정이 필요 없으며, 처음부터 최적화된 결과를 제공합니다. 약간의 연습만으로 신호를 쉽게 마스터할 수 있습니다. 주요 특징: 정확한 신호 제공: 현재 봉 데이터를 기반으로 다음 캔들에 대한 신호를 생성하며, 빈번한 재도색이 없습니다. 다양한 시장에 대한 적응성: 바이너리 옵션 거래에 특화되었으며, 여러 브로커 및 자산 클래스와 호환됩니다. 호환 가능: Deriv Synthetic Charts: 모든 시간 프레임에서 사용 가능. OTC 차트: Quotex, PocketOption, Binomo, Stockity, IQOption, Exnova, OlympTrade, Deriv, Binolla, Homebroker 등의 브로커와 호환(MT5로의 무료 데이터 임
TPSpro RFI Levels MT5
Roman Podpora
4.53 (19)
지침         러시아   -        영어       표시기와 함께 사용하는 것이 좋습니다   .       -       TPSpro   트렌드 프로 -   MT4 버전         거래에서 핵심 요소는 거래 상품을 매수 또는 매도하기로 결정하는 구역 또는 수준입니다. 주요 업체가 시장에서 자신의 존재를 숨기려는 시도에도 불구하고, 그들은 필연적으로 흔적을 남깁니다. 우리의 과제는 이러한 흔적을 식별하고 올바르게 해석하는 방법을 배우는 것이었습니다. 주요 기능:: 판매자와 구매자를 위한 활성 영역을 표시합니다! 이 지표는 매수 및 매도를 위한 모든 올바른 초기 임펄스 레벨/존을 보여줍니다. 진입점 검색이 시작되는 이러한 레벨/존이 활성화되면 레벨의 색상이 바뀌고 특정 음영으로 채워집니다. 또한 상황을 보다 직관적으로 이해하기 위해 화살표가 나타납니다. 더 높은 시간대의 레벨/존 표시(MTF 모드) 더 높은 시간 간격을 사용하여 레벨/존을 표시하는 기능을 추가했습니다.
RelicusRoad Pro MT5
Relicus LLC
4.78 (18)
이제 $ 147 (몇 가지 업데이트 후 $ 499 증가) - 무제한 계정 (PCS 또는 MACS) RelicusRoad 사용 설명서 + 교육 비디오 + 비공개 Discord 그룹 액세스 + VIP 상태 시장을 보는 새로운 방법 RelicusRoad는 외환, 선물, 암호화폐, 주식 및 지수에 대한 세계에서 가장 강력한 거래 지표로서 거래자에게 수익성을 유지하는 데 필요한 모든 정보와 도구를 제공합니다. 우리는 초보자부터 고급까지 모든 거래자가 성공할 수 있도록 기술적 분석 및 거래 계획을 제공합니다. 미래 시장을 예측할 수 있는 충분한 정보를 제공하는 핵심 거래 지표입니다. 우리는 차트에서 말이 안 되는 여러 지표 대신 완전한 솔루션을 믿습니다. 타의 추종을 불허하는 매우 정확한 신호, 화살표 + 가격 조치 정보를 표시하는 올인원 표시기입니다. 강력한 AI를 기반으로 하는 RelicusRoad는 누락된 정보와 도구를 제공하여 교육하고 성공적인 트레이더인 트레이딩 전문가가 되도
Shiv Raj Kumawat
WHY IS OUR FXACCCURATE LS MT5 THE PROFITABLE ? PROTECT YOUR CAPITAL WITH RISK MANAGEMENT Gives entry, stop and target levels from time to time. It finds Trading opportunities by analyzing what the price is doing during established trends. POWERFUL INDICATOR FOR A RELIABLE STRATEGIES We have made these indicators with a lot of years of hard work. It is made at a very advanced level. Established trends provide dozens of trading opportunities, but most trend indicators completely ignore them! The
BookMap HeatMap
Roberto Spadim
1 (2)
This Indicator creates a heatmap based on depth of market of the current symbol or another symbol. Other symbol is useful when you trade futures market and a contract has 'mini' and 'full' split. For example, in Brazil (B3 - BMF&Bovespa), WDO and DOL are future Forex contract of BRL/USD (where 1 DOL = 5 WDO) and big banks work mostly with DOL (where liquidity is important). Please use with M1 timeframe , objects are too small to be displayed at higher timeframes (MT5 limit). The number of level
TPA True Price Action indicator reveals the true price action of the market makers through 100% non-repainting signals strictly at the close of a candle! TPA shows entries and re-entries, every time the bulls are definitely stronger than the bears and vice versa. Not to confuse with red/green candles. The shift of power gets confirmed at the earliest stage and is ONE exit strategy of several. There are available now two free parts of the TPA User Guide for our customers. The first "The Basics"
AT Forex Indicator MT5
Marzena Maria Szmit
5 (5)
The AT Forex Indicator MT5 is a sophisticated trading tool designed to provide traders with a comprehensive analysis of multiple currency pairs. This powerful indicator simplifies the complex nature of the forex market, making it accessible for both novice and experienced traders. AT Forex Indicator uses advanced algorithms to detect trends, patterns and is an essential tool for traders aiming to enhance their forex trading performance. With its robust features, ease of use, and reliable signal
Trade smarter, not harder: Empower your trading with Harmonacci Patterns Special Offer: Purchase now to receive free bonuses worth $165! (Read more for details) This is arguably the most complete harmonic price formation auto-recognition indicator you can find for the MetaTrader Platform. It detects 19 different patterns, takes fibonacci projections as seriously as you do, displays the Potential Reversal Zone (PRZ) and finds suitable stop-loss and take-profit levels. [ Installation Guide | Upd
Stefano Frisetti
note: this indicator is for METATRADER4, if you want the version for METATRADER5 this is the link:  https://www.mql5.com/it/market/product/108106 TRENDMAESTRO ver 2.4 TRENDMAESTRO recognizes a new TREND in the bud, he never makes mistakes. The certainty of identifying a new TREND is priceless. DESCRIPTION TRENDMAESTRO identifies a new TREND in the bud, this indicator examines the volatility, volumes and momentum to identify the moment in which there is an explosion of one or more of these data a
MetaForecast M5
Vahidreza Heidar Gholami
5 (2)
MetaForecast는 가격 데이터의 조화를 기반으로 모든 시장의 미래를 예측하고 시각화합니다. 시장이 항상 예측 가능한 것은 아니지만 가격에 패턴이 있다면 MetaForecast는 가능한 정확하게 미래를 예측할 수 있습니다. 다른 유사한 제품과 비교했을 때, MetaForecast는 시장 동향을 분석하여 더 정확한 결과를 생성할 수 있습니다. 입력 매개변수 Past size (과거 크기) MetaForecast가 미래 예측을 생성하기 위한 모델을 만드는 데 사용하는 막대의 수를 지정합니다. 모델은 선택한 막대 위에 그려진 노란색 선으로 표시됩니다. Future size (미래 크기) 예측해야 할 미래 막대의 수를 지정합니다. 예측된 미래는 핑크색 선으로 표시되며 그 위에 파란색 회귀선이 그려집니다. Degree (차수) 이 입력은 MetaForecast가 시장에서 수행할 분석 수준을 결정합니다. Degree 설명  0 차수 0의 경우, "Past size" 입력에 모든 봉우리와
Elliot Waves Analyzer Pro
Viktor Weidenthal
2.67 (3)
Elliot Waves Analyzer Pro calculates Elliot Waves to Help Identify Trend direction and Entry Levels. Mainly for Swing Trading Strategies. Usually one would open a Position in trend direction for Wave 3 or a Correction for Wave C . This Indicator draws Target Levels for the current and next wave. Most important Rules for Elliot Wave Analysis are verified by the Indicator.  The Pro version analyzes Multiple Timeframes and shows the Subwaves and Target-Levels.   For an Overview  " Elliot Waves Anal
Arman Belassarov
AriMax   – AI-Powered Trading Robot AriMax is a cutting-edge AI-powered trading robot designed to help traders maximize profits while minimizing risk. Utilizing advanced machine learning algorithms and real-time market analysis, AriMax identifies high-probability trade opportunities with precision and speed. Key Features:     AI-Driven Market Analysis   – Analyzes market trends and patterns to make data-driven trading decisions.     Automated Execution   – Places trades seamlessly with optimiz
Vadym Zhukovskyi
5 (6)
당신에게 소개하는 iVISTscalp5 지표는 독특하면서도 거래 작업에서 효과적입니다. 이 지표는 시간 데이터를 기반으로 하며 금융 시장의 많은 경험과 깊은 분석의 결과입니다. iVISTscalp5 지표는 수동 거래에 뛰어난 도구입니다. 편리성, 간단함 및 시각화 - 모든 복잡성은 숨겨져 있습니다. 우리는 iVISTscalp5 지표의 설정과 사용을 최대한 단순화했습니다. 이 지표는 MT5 터미널에서 가지고 있는 모든 금융 상품에 적합합니다. 시간 기준으로 작동하는 시간은 4am에서 8pm (UTC+3)입니다. iVISTscalp5 지표 메뉴 (스크린샷 1 참조): History - 표시할 주간 수 계산 dT_min - 시간 설정 간격 선택 (분) TFline - 수평 볼륨 생성 (타임프레임) BARSline - 수평 볼륨 생성 (바 수) TFtrend1 - 매일 채널 생성 (타임프레임) BARStrend1 - 매일 채널 생성 (바 수) TFtrend2 - 주간 채널 생성 (타임프레임
EXCLUSIVE! JUST  10 COPIES  AVAILABLE!   BONUS AUX VIP Club 2024 : Include EA CAP, CEP, LDH, PSC307 & AO4C to enhance the performance of this tool to its maximum potential  Click Here to Download Files   ( for users only ) FREE Trading Education Available Daily via Zoom --- For More Info or Instant Message Click link ---  https://t.me/abcdwave Transform your trading with the "Five Magic Bullets" Indicator, tailored for traders who embrace the power of Elliott Wave Chaos Theory.
Elliott Wave Trend MT5
Young Ho Seo
4 (3)
Elliott Wave Trend was designed for the scientific wave counting. This tool focuses to get rid of the vagueness of the classic Elliott Wave Counting using the guideline from the template and pattern approach. In doing so, firstly Elliott Wave Trend offers the template for your wave counting. Secondly, it offers Wave Structural Score to assist to identify accurate wave formation. It offers both impulse wave Structural Score and corrective wave Structure Score. Structural Score is the rating to sh
Introduction to X3 Chart Pattern Scanner X3 Cherart Pattern Scanner is the non-repainting and non-lagging indicator detecting X3 chart patterns including Harmonic pattern, Elliott Wave pattern, X3 patterns, and Japanese Candlestick patterns. Historical patterns match with signal patterns. Hence, you can readily develop the solid trading strategy in your chart. More importantly, this superb pattern scanner can detect the optimal pattern of its kind. In addition, you can switch on and off individu
Weis Wave with Alert MT5
Trade The Volume Waves Single Member P.C.
4.94 (16)
Rental/Lifetime Package Options and Privileges  Rent Monthly Six Months   Yearly/Lifetime Weis Wave with Speed with Alert+Speed Index x x x Manual  x x x Quick Set up Video x x x Blog x x x Lifetime Updates x x x Setup and Training Material x x Discord Access Channel "The SI traders"          x Rectangle Break Alert Tool      x How to trade with it:    http://www.tradethevolumewaves.com   ** If you purchase please contact me to setup your  : Two hour  webinar and  training Room and  complet
PTS - Precision Trading Systems의 Divergence Buy Finder Precision Divergence Finder는 시장 바닥을 핀포인트 정확도로 찾아내도록 설계되었으며 이를 자주 수행합니다. 기술적 분석에서 바닥을 고르는 기술은 일반적으로 정상을 선택하는 것보다 훨씬 쉽습니다. 이 항목은 정확히 이 작업을 위해 설계되었습니다. 상승 Divergence가 식별되면 구매하기 전에 트렌드가 반등할 때 기다리는 것이 현명합니다. 10 또는 20 바 높음을 사용하거나 이전 바의 이동 평균 15-30이 상승하는 것을 식별하기 위해 사용할 수 있습니다. 복잡한 알고리즘은 실시간 바 단위로 활성 Demand Index(DI) Divergence 수를 찾아내고 계산합니다. 모델은 시장 가격이 새로운 최저점을 기록하고 Demand Index가 새로운 최저점을 기록하지 않을 때 Divergence를 발생시키는 것을 관찰합니다. 이 지표는 두 가지 설정을 사
Seconds Charts
Aleksandr Goryachev
Micro  ******************* Секундные графики MT5 ********************** Более точного инструмента для входа в сделку вы не найдёте. Входные параметры: Timeframe, sek - период построения графика, секунды Displayed bars - отображаемые бары Step of price levels, pp, 0-off - шаг отрисовки ценовых уровней, пункты Scale points per bar, 0-off - масштаб в пунктах на бар Show lines - отображение текущих уровней Show comment - отображение комментария Standard color scheme - стандартная цветовая сх
설명 ICSM(Impulse-Correction SCOB Mapper)은 가격 움직임을 분석하고 유효한 충격, 수정 및 SCOB(Single Candle Order Block)을 식별하는 지표입니다. 유연하고 정보가 풍부하며 사용하기 쉽고 가장 유동성이 높은 관심 영역에 대한 트레이더의 인식을 크게 향상시키기 때문에 모든 유형의 기술적 분석과 함께 사용할 수 있는 강력한 도구입니다. 설정 일반 | 시각 색상 테마 - ICSM의 색상 테마를 정의합니다. SCOB | 시각 SCOB 표시 - SCOB를 활성화/비활성화합니다; SCOB 표시 방법 - SCOB 표현을 위한 스타일 옵션 목록을 나타냅니다; SCOB 색상 - SCOB의 색상을 정의합니다; ICM | 시각 ICM 라인 표시 - ICM(Impulse-Correction Mapper) 라인을 활성화/비활성화합니다; IC 트렌드 표시 - 차트 하단의 색상 구분선을 통해 충격-수정 트렌드 시각화를 활성화/비활성화합니다;
SMC Trading Pro Tool
The Anh Pham
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Welcome to the world of SMC (Smart Money Concepts) Trading, where we empower traders with the tools and knowledge to make smarter trading decisions. Our latest addition to our suite of trading tools is the SMC Trading Pro indicator, version 1.0. Key Features: Major Market Structure Identification with BODY break. Order Block must be in Major Swing ( not Small Swing ). Order Block with Fair Value Gap Detection. Order Block in Discount | Premium zone. Filter for only Bullish, Bearish or All Order
물론입니다. 아래는 제공해주신 텍스트의 한국어 번역입니다: MT4용 천문학 지표 소개: 귀하의 최상급 하늘 트레이딩 동반자 트레이딩 경험을 천체의 높이로 끌어올리기 준비가 되셨나요? MT4용 천문학 지표를 소개합니다. 이 혁신적인 도구는 복잡한 알고리즘의 힘을 활용하여 탁월한 천문학적 통찰과 정밀한 계산을 제공합니다. 정보의 우주를 손에 담다:   천문학적 데이터의 보물함을 드러내는 포괄적인 패널을 살펴보세요. 행성의 지오/헬리오센트릭 좌표, 태양/지구 거리, 크기, 길이, 별자리, 황도 좌표 및 적도 좌표, 심지어 수평 좌표 등 각각이 정밀하게 계산되고 아름답게 제시됩니다. 지표에 의해 생성된 수직선은 시간 값에 해당하여 트레이딩 여정에 우주적인 시각을 부여합니다. 행성 라인과 관계:   수정 가능한 스케일과 각도로 차트를 장식하는 행성 라인의 마법을 경험해보세요. 직관적인 컨트롤 패널을 통해 각 행성의 라인의 가시성을 손쉽게 전환할 수 있습니다. 쥰션이나 섹스타일, 사분각, 삼분
Hurst Cycles Diamonds
Fillipe Dos Santos
Hurst Cycles Diamonds Description This indicator is an alternative version inspired by the pioneering work of David Hickson and the Hurst Cycles Notes indicator developed by Grafton. The main objective is to provide a clear and intuitive view of the Hurst cycles. Credits Original Concept : David Hickson - Hurst Cycles Theory Inspiration : Grafton - Hurst Diamond Notation Pivots Alternative Version : Fillipe dos Santos Main Features Identifies and displays pivots in multiple time cycles Visual t
TSO Fibonacci Chains MT5
Dionisis Nikolopoulos
Fibonacci retracement is a method of technical analysis for determining support and resistance levels. The TSO Fibonacci Chains Indicator is different from a simple Fibonacci Retracements indicator in that it provides the targets for each retracement level. In other words, there is an Extension Level (D) for every Retracement Level (C). In addition, if an Extension Level is reached, then a new Fibonacci setup is created automatically. These consecutive Fibonacci setups create a chain that reveal
Isaac Wanasolo
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A scalping indicator based on mathematical patterns, which on average gives signals with relatively small SL, and also occasionally helps to catch big moves in the markets (more information in the video) This indicator has three main types of notifications: The first type warns of a possible/upcoming signal on the next bar The second type indicates the presence of a ready signal to enter the market/open a position The third type is for SL and TP levels - you will be notified every time price re
Big Player Range
Thalles Nascimento De Carvalho
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"BigPlayerRange"의 힘을 발견하세요: 시장 분석의 강력한 동맹 BigPlayerRange는 금융 기관의 시장 관심 영역을 공개하기 위해 설계된 고급 기술 분석 도구입니다. 이를 통해 주요 플레이어들이 활발히 참여하고 있는 곳을 정확하게 식별하고, 그것이 거래 전략에 어떤 영향을 미칠 수 있는지 알 수 있습니다. 주요 기능: 금융 기관의 관심 영역 맵핑 : BigPlayerRange는 금융 기관의 활발한 활동이 일어나는 구역을 강조하여, 시장 움직임에 대한 중요한 통찰을 제공합니다. 출구 참조를 위한 예측 : 이 지표는 가격의 향후 방향을 바탕으로 두 단계에 걸쳐 가능한 출구를 제안합니다. 리트레이스 확률 : 가격이 식별된 범위로 돌아갈 때 리트레이스 확률을 평가합니다. 이 기능은 리스크 관리와 전략 조정에 매우 중요합니다. BigPlayerRange 사용법: 관심 영역 식별 : 이 지표를 사용하여 시장에서 중요한 활동을 보이는 금융 기관의
VIP Buy Sell Signals
Hapu Arachchilage Tharindu Lakmal
Contact me through this email aaddress to download the FREE strategy PDF for this indicator tharindu999lakmal@gmail.com Introduction   The   "Buy Sell Signals"   is designed to provide BUY and SELL trade signals based on the current market conditions.   A   Trading Strategy   (Chee sheet)  has been  provided for this trading indicator.   (Read the description). This indicator has time tuned e ntry signals . so,   you will enter the market at the very best price level   with this indicator .  
Dinapoli Package MT5
Samil Bozuyuk
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All in One package includes the  Oscillator Predictor ,  MACD Predictor ,  Thrust Scanner  and  Advanced Fibonacci  indicators which are mandatory for applying  Dinapoli  trade plans.  Please visit below links for detailed explanations of indicators. Advanced Fibonacci Indicator =>  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/107933 Thrust Scanner Indicator =>  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/52829 Overbought /Oversold Predictor indicator => https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/52628 Macd
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Indicator USER MANUAL, trade setups, solving issues, etc :  Direct Download Here     ( for users only ) Hello World! Introducing.. SMCpro tool and Indicator for  MetaTrader 5 , a cutting-edge feature designed to revolutionize your trading experience. With innovative ICT Smart Money Concept, you gain unparalleled insight into market dynamics, empowering you to make informed trading decisions like never before. SMC Indicator built on the foundation of advanced algorithms and real-time dat
The indicator is designed to close positions on the market in time. For example: to take profits ahead of schedule if the price has not reached TakeProfit, and the market is turning around. The indicator analyzes the momentum, not the trend. He does not give any information about the trend. The indicator is well suited for finding divergence. The Ershov 38 Parrots indicator dynamically adjusts to the market and detects price movement impulses of medium and high amplitude. It almost does not rea
제작자의 제품 더 보기
Indicator for fast navigation through financial instruments. When you click on the button, you go to the chart of the financial instrument, the name of which was written on the button. In other words, the indicator opens or unfolds an existing chart window. For each chart, you can customize the name of the financial instrument, text color and background color; in total, you can customize symbols buttons that you trade often. The indicator can be installed on any charts for which you need to swit
Indicator for fast navigation through financial instruments. When you click on the button, you go to the chart of the financial instrument, the name of which was written on the button. In other words, the indicator opens or unfolds an existing chart window. For each chart, you can customize the name of the financial instrument, text color and background color; in total, you can customize symbols buttons that you trade often. The indicator can be installed on any charts for which you need to swit
This indicator labels swing highs and swing lows as well as the candle pattern that occurred at that precise point. The indicator can detect the following 6 candle patterns:   hammer ,  inverse   hammer ,   bullish engulfing ,   hanging man ,   shooting star   and   bearish engulfing . The notations HH, HL, LH, and LL you can see on the labels are defined as follows: HH : Higher high HL : Higher low LH : Lower high LL : Lower low Setting Length: Sensitivity of the swing high/low detection,
Lets dabble a bit into Elliot Waves. This is a simple indicator which tries to identify Wave 1 and 2 of Elliot Impulese Wave and then projects for Wave 3. Ratios are taken from below link: https://elliottwave-forecast.com/elliott-wave-theory/ - Section 3.1 Impulse Wave 2 is 50%, 61.8%, 76.4%, or 85.4% of wave 1 - used for identifying the pattern. Wave 3 is 161.8%, 200%, 261.8%, or 323.6% of wave 1-2 - used for setting the targets Important input parameters MaximumNumBars : To calculate back
Market Profile Heat indicator  — is a classic Market Profile implementation that can show the price density over time, outlining the most important price levels, value area, and control value of a given trading session. This indicator can be attached to timeframes between M1 and D1 and will show the Market Profile for daily, weekly, monthly, or even intraday sessions. Lower timeframes offer higher precision. Higher timeframes are recommended for better visibility. It is also possible to use a fr
This indicator labels swing highs and swing lows as well as the candle pattern that occurred at that precise point. The indicator can detect the following 6 candle patterns:   hammer ,  inverse   hammer ,   bullish engulfing ,   hanging man ,   shooting star   and   bearish engulfing . The notations HH, HL, LH, and LL you can see on the labels are defined as follows: HH : Higher high HL : Higher low LH : Lower high LL : Lower low Setting Length: Sensitivity of the swing high/low detection,
Lets dabble a bit into Elliot Waves. This is a simple indicator which tries to identify Wave 1 and 2 of Elliot Impulese Wave and then projects for Wave 3. Ratios are taken from below link:   https://elliottwave-forecast.com/elliott-wave-theory/   - Section 3.1 Impulse Wave 2 is 50%, 61.8%, 76.4%, or 85.4% of wave 1 - used for identifying the pattern. Wave 3 is 161.8%, 200%, 261.8%, or 323.6% of wave 1-2 - used for setting the targets Important input parameters MaximumNumBars : To calculate
리뷰 없음
리뷰 답변