표시기 내부 텍스트 - 페이지 2


Antt에게 감사하지만 내가 찾고 있던 것은 아닙니다. 이 예와 같이 텍스트를 삽입합니다. RSI +-value of CSR....이 가능합니까?

supermagix :

Antt에게 감사하지만 내가 찾고 있던 것은 아닙니다. 이 예와 같이 텍스트를 삽입합니다. RSI +-value of CSR....이 가능합니까?

//|                                                          RSI.mq5 |
//|                        Copyright 2009, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                              http://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright   "Copyright 2009, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link        "http://www.mql5.com"
#property description "Relative Strength Index"
//--- indicator settings
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_minimum 0
#property indicator_maximum 100
#property indicator_level1 30
#property indicator_level2 70
#property indicator_buffers 3
#property indicator_plots   1
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color1  DodgerBlue
//--- input parameters
input int InpPeriodRSI=14; // Period
//--- indicator buffers
double    ExtRSIBuffer[];
double    ExtPosBuffer[];
double    ExtNegBuffer[];
//--- global variable
int       ExtPeriodRSI;
int       window ;
string    objectName="RsiText"; 
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
void OnInit()
//--- check for input
      Print("Incorrect value for input variable InpPeriodRSI =",InpPeriodRSI,
            "Indicator will use value =",ExtPeriodRSI,"for calculations.");
   else ExtPeriodRSI=InpPeriodRSI;
//--- indicator buffers mapping
//--- set accuracy
//--- sets first bar from what index will be drawn
//--- name for DataWindow and indicator subwindow label
//--- get window number
//--- initialization done
//| Relative Strength Index                                          |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const int begin,
                const double &price[])
   int    i;
   double diff;
//--- check for rates count
//--- preliminary calculations
   int pos=prev_calculated-1;
      //--- first RSIPeriod values of the indicator are not calculated
      double SumP=0.0;
      double SumN=0.0;
      //--- calculate first visible value
      //--- prepare the position value for main calculation
//--- the main loop of calculations
//--- create object
   datetime tm[1];

//--- OnCalculate done. Return new prev_calculated.


Antt는 완벽합니다.

Now: 하위 창의 특정 지점에 있는 텍스트를 수정합니다.

//|                                                          RSI.mq5 |
//|                        Copyright 2009, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                              http://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright   "Copyright 2009, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link         "http://www.mql5.com"
#property description "Relative Strength Index"
//--- indicator settings
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_minimum 0
#property indicator_maximum 100
#property indicator_level1 30
#property indicator_level2 70
#property indicator_buffers 3
#property indicator_plots   1
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color1  DodgerBlue
//--- input parameters
input int InpPeriodRSI= 14 ; // Period
//--- indicator buffers
double     ExtRSIBuffer[];
double     ExtPosBuffer[];
double     ExtNegBuffer[];
//--- global variable
int        ExtPeriodRSI;
int        window;
string     objectName= "RsiText" ; 
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
void OnInit()
//--- check for input
   if (InpPeriodRSI< 1 )
      ExtPeriodRSI= 12 ;
       Print ( "Incorrect value for input variable InpPeriodRSI =" ,InpPeriodRSI,
             "Indicator will use value =" ,ExtPeriodRSI, "for calculations." );
   else ExtPeriodRSI=InpPeriodRSI;
//--- indicator buffers mapping
   SetIndexBuffer ( 0 ,ExtRSIBuffer, INDICATOR_DATA );
   SetIndexBuffer ( 1 ,ExtPosBuffer, INDICATOR_CALCULATIONS );
   SetIndexBuffer ( 2 ,ExtNegBuffer, INDICATOR_CALCULATIONS );
//--- set accuracy
   IndicatorSetInteger ( INDICATOR_DIGITS , 2 );
//--- sets first bar from what index will be drawn
   PlotIndexSetInteger ( 0 , PLOT_DRAW_BEGIN ,ExtPeriodRSI);
//--- name for DataWindow and indicator subwindow label
   IndicatorSetString ( INDICATOR_SHORTNAME , "RSI(" + string (ExtPeriodRSI)+ ")" );
//--- get window number
   window= ChartWindowFind (); 
//--- initialization done
//| Relative Strength Index                                          |
int OnCalculate( const int rates_total,
                 const int prev_calculated,
                 const int begin,
                 const double &price[])
   int     i;
   double diff;
//--- check for rates count
   if (rates_total<=ExtPeriodRSI)
       return ( 0 );
//--- preliminary calculations
   int pos=prev_calculated- 1 ;
   if (pos<=ExtPeriodRSI)
       //--- first RSIPeriod values of the indicator are not calculated
      ExtRSIBuffer[ 0 ]= 0.0 ;
      ExtPosBuffer[ 0 ]= 0.0 ;
      ExtNegBuffer[ 0 ]= 0.0 ;
       double SumP= 0.0 ;
       double SumN= 0.0 ;
       for (i= 1 ;i<=ExtPeriodRSI;i++)
         ExtRSIBuffer[i]= 0.0 ;
         ExtPosBuffer[i]= 0.0 ;
         ExtNegBuffer[i]= 0.0 ;
         diff=price[i]-price[i- 1 ];
         SumP+=(diff> 0 ?diff: 0 );
         SumN+=(diff< 0 ?-diff: 0 );
       //--- calculate first visible value
      ExtRSIBuffer[ExtPeriodRSI]= 100.0 -( 100.0 /( 1.0 +ExtPosBuffer[ExtPeriodRSI]/ExtNegBuffer[ExtPeriodRSI]));
       //--- prepare the position value for main calculation
      pos=ExtPeriodRSI+ 1 ;
//--- the main loop of calculations
   for (i=pos;i<rates_total;i++)
      diff=price[i]-price[i- 1 ];
      ExtPosBuffer[i]=(ExtPosBuffer[i- 1 ]*(ExtPeriodRSI- 1 )+(diff> 0.0 ?diff: 0.0 ))/ExtPeriodRSI;
      ExtNegBuffer[i]=(ExtNegBuffer[i- 1 ]*(ExtPeriodRSI- 1 )+(diff< 0.0 ?-diff: 0.0 ))/ExtPeriodRSI;
      ExtRSIBuffer[i]= 100.0 - 100.0 /( 1 +ExtPosBuffer[i]/ExtNegBuffer[i]);
//--- create object
   ObjectCreate ( 0 ,objectName, OBJ_TEXT ,window, 0 , 0 );
   ObjectSetString ( 0 ,objectName, OBJPROP_TEXT , string (ExtRSIBuffer[rates_total- 1 ]));
   ObjectSetInteger ( 0 ,objectName, OBJPROP_COLOR , Red );
   ObjectSetString ( 0 ,objectName, OBJPROP_FONT , "Arial" );
   ObjectSetInteger ( 0 ,objectName, OBJPROP_FONTSIZE , 20 );
   ObjectSetInteger ( 0 ,objectName, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE , 100 );
   ObjectSetInteger ( 0 ,objectName, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE , 100 );
   datetime tm[ 1 ];
   CopyTime ( _Symbol , _Period , 0 , 1 ,tm);
   ObjectSetInteger ( 0 ,objectName, OBJPROP_TIME ,tm[ 0 ]);
   ObjectSetDouble ( 0 ,objectName, OBJPROP_PRICE ,ExtRSIBuffer[rates_total- 1 ]);
//--- OnCalculate done. Return new prev_calculated.
   return (rates_total);

추가했습니다: objprop_xdistance 하지만 function . 왜요 ?

다시 감사합니다

supermagix :

Antt는 완벽합니다.

Now: 하위 창의 특정 지점에 있는 텍스트를 수정합니다.

추가했습니다: objprop_xdistance 하지만 function . 왜요 ?

다시 감사합니다

 ObjectCreate ( 0 ,objectName, OBJ_LABEL ,window, 0 , 0 );
antt :

와우........ 예쁘다 개미 내가 찾던건데....

이제 가능하면 다시 도움을 요청합니다. 이 CCI를 구축했지만 CCI가 0선 위 또는 아래에 있을 때 히스토그램을 보고 색상을 변경할 수 없습니다. 왜요?

도와 줘서 고마워

//|                                                          RSI.mq5 |
//|                        Copyright 2009, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                              http://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright   "Copyright 2009, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link         "http://www.mql5.com"
#property description "Relative Strength Index"
//--- indicator settings
#property indicator_separate_window

#property indicator_buffers 4
#property indicator_plots 3
//--- input parameters
input int       CCIPeriod= 14 ;         // Period for calculating the CCI
input int       CCIPeriodTurbo= 6 ;     // Period for calculating the TURBOCCI
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   price1 = PRICE_CLOSE ; // Method of calculating

//---- plot CCI_LINE
#property indicator_label1   "CCI_LINE"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color1  Black
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1   3

//---- plot CCI_TURBO_LINE
#property indicator_label2   "CCI_TURBO_LINE"
#property indicator_type2  DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color2  Navy
#property indicator_style2  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width2   1

//---- plot CCI_HISTOGRAM
#property indicator_label3   "CCI_HISTO"
#property indicator_type3   DRAW_COLOR_HISTOGRAM
#property indicator_color3  Red,Green
#property indicator_style3  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width3   2

//----- level
 #property indicator_level1       - 100.0
 #property indicator_level2         100.0
 #property indicator_level3       - 200.0
 #property indicator_level4         200.0
 #property indicator_level5       - 50.0
 #property indicator_level6         50.0
//--- indicator buffers

double          CCI_LINEBuffer[]; //  CCI_LINE
double          CCI_TURBOBuffer[]; //  CCI TURBO_LINE
double          HISTOGRAM[];       //  HISTOGRAM
int             copied;

//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |

void OnInit()
//--- indicator buffers mapping
   SetIndexBuffer ( 0 ,CCI_LINEBuffer, INDICATOR_DATA ); //buffer LINE
   SetIndexBuffer ( 1 ,CCI_TURBOBuffer, INDICATOR_DATA ); //buffer Turbo
   SetIndexBuffer ( 2 ,HISTOGRAM, INDICATOR_COLOR_INDEX ); //buffer Histogram
 //name of separate window 
   IndicatorSetString ( INDICATOR_SHORTNAME , "MYCCI" );

//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |

int OnCalculate( const int rates_total,
                 const int prev_calculated,
                 const int begin,
                 const double &price[]
   //--- Create the indicator of CCI LINR
   int   CCIhandle= iCCI ( NULL , 0 ,CCIPeriod,price1);
    copied= CopyBuffer (CCIhandle, 0 , 0 ,rates_total,CCI_LINEBuffer);
//--- Create the indicator of CCI TURBO
   int CCI_TURBO_handle= iCCI ( NULL , 0 ,CCIPeriodTurbo,price1);
   copied= CopyBuffer (CCI_TURBO_handle, 0 , 0 ,rates_total,CCI_TURBOBuffer);
   int i ;
   for (i= 0 ;i>=rates_total;i++);
 if   (CCI_LINEBuffer[i]< 0 )
 if   (CCI_LINEBuffer[i]> 0 )
      HISTOGRAM[i]= 1.0 ; //HISTOGRAM Green
//--- return value of prev_calculated for next call
   return (rates_total);

supermagix :

와우........ 예쁘다 개미 내가 찾던건데....

이제 가능하면 다시 도움을 요청합니다. 이 CCI를 구축했지만 CCI가 0선 위 또는 아래에 있을 때 히스토그램을 보고 색상을 변경할 수 없습니다. 왜요?

도와 줘서 고마워

이러한 지표를 작성하기 전에 MQL5를 조금 배워야 합니다. 너무 어색한 실수를 저질렀습니다.

//|                                                     RSIcolor.mq5 |
//|                        Copyright 2009, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                              http://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright   "Copyright 2009, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link         "http://www.mql5.com"
#property description "Relative Strength Index"
//--- indicator settings
#property indicator_separate_window

#property indicator_buffers 4
#property indicator_plots 3
//--- input parameters
input int       CCIPeriod= 14 ;         // Period for calculating the CCI
input int       CCIPeriodTurbo= 6 ;     // Period for calculating the TURBOCCI
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   price1= PRICE_CLOSE ; // Method of calculating

//---- plot CCI_LINE
#property indicator_label1   "CCI_LINE"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color1  Black
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1   3

//---- plot CCI_TURBO_LINE
#property indicator_label2   "CCI_TURBO_LINE"
#property indicator_type2  DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color2  Navy
#property indicator_style2  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width2   1

//---- plot CCI_HISTOGRAM
#property indicator_label3   "CCI_HISTO"
#property indicator_type3   DRAW_COLOR_HISTOGRAM
#property indicator_color3  Red,Green
#property indicator_style3  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width3   2

//----- level
#property indicator_level1       - 100.0
#property indicator_level2         100.0
#property indicator_level3       - 200.0
#property indicator_level4         200.0
#property indicator_level5       - 50.0
#property indicator_level6         50.0
//--- indicator buffers

double          CCI_LINEBuffer[]; //  CCI_LINE
double          CCI_TURBOBuffer[]; //  CCI TURBO_LINE
double          HISTOGRAM[];       //  HISTOGRAM
double          HISTOGRAMColor[];       //  HISTOGRAM
int             copied;
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |

void OnInit()
//--- indicator buffers mapping

   SetIndexBuffer ( 0 ,CCI_LINEBuffer, INDICATOR_DATA ); //buffer LINE
   SetIndexBuffer ( 1 ,CCI_TURBOBuffer, INDICATOR_DATA ); //buffer Turbo
   SetIndexBuffer ( 2 ,HISTOGRAM, INDICATOR_DATA ); //buffer Histogram
   SetIndexBuffer ( 3 ,HISTOGRAMColor, INDICATOR_COLOR_INDEX ); //buffer Histogram

                                                           //name of separate window 
   IndicatorSetString ( INDICATOR_SHORTNAME , "MYCCI" );

//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |

int OnCalculate( const int rates_total,
                 const int prev_calculated,
                 const int begin,
                 const double &price[]

//--- Create the indicator of CCI LINR
   int   CCIhandle= iCCI ( NULL , 0 ,CCIPeriod,price1);
   copied= CopyBuffer (CCIhandle, 0 , 0 ,rates_total,CCI_LINEBuffer);

//--- Create the indicator of CCI TURBO
   int CCI_TURBO_handle= iCCI ( NULL , 0 ,CCIPeriodTurbo,price1);
   copied= CopyBuffer (CCI_TURBO_handle, 0 , 0 ,rates_total,CCI_TURBOBuffer);

   int i=prev_calculated;
   if (i>0) prev_calculated--;
   for (;i<rates_total;i++)
       if (CCI_LINEBuffer[i]< 0 )
         HISTOGRAMColor[i]= 0.0 ; //HISTOGRAM RED
       if (CCI_LINEBuffer[i]> 0 )
         HISTOGRAMColor[i]= 1.0 ; //HISTOGRAM Green

//--- return value of prev_calculated for next call
   return (rates_total);


라벨을 오른쪽 상단 모서리 에 어떻게 넣을 수 있습니까?

walb99 :

레이블을 오른쪽 상단 모서리에 어떻게 넣을 수 있습니까?

차트 코너 섹션에 대한 샘플 참조

오른쪽 상단 모서리에 RSI 값을 표시하는 방식으로 RSI 샘플 표시기를 수정할 수 있습니까?

나는 이미 거의 모든 것을 시도했지만 나에게는 불가능했습니다.

walb99 :

오른쪽 상단 모서리에 RSI 값을 표시하는 방식으로 RSI 샘플 표시기를 수정할 수 있습니까?

나는 이미 거의 모든 것을 시도했지만 나에게는 불가능했습니다.


 ObjectCreate ( 0 , "Name" , OBJ_LABEL ,window, 0 , 0 );
   ObjectSetString ( 0 , "Name" , OBJPROP_TEXT , string ...................);
   ObjectSetInteger ( 0 , "Name" , OBJPROP_COLOR , Green );
   ObjectSetString ( 0 , "Name" , OBJPROP_FONT , "Arial" );
   ObjectSetInteger ( 0 , "Name" , OBJPROP_FONTSIZE , 20 );
   ObjectSetInteger ( 0 , "Name" , OBJPROP_XDISTANCE , 1480 );
   ObjectSetInteger ( 0 , "Name" , OBJPROP_YDISTANCE , 450 );