오류, 버그, 질문 - 페이지 1847

fxsaber :
테스터 전문가 고문(Metaquotes-Demo)


교환 기호에서 제한 기호 슬라이딩 - BUG!

뭐. 빌드 1571, mk 데모

 2017.04 . 07 19 : 20 : 32.016 Core 1   RTS- 6.17 ,M5 (MetaQuotes-Demo): generating based on real ticks
2017.04 . 07 19 : 20 : 32.016 Core 1   RTS- 6.17 ,M5: testing of Experts\скольжение лимитника.ex5 from 2017.04 . 06 00 : 00 to 2017.04 . 07 00 : 00 started
2017.04 . 07 19 : 20 : 32.016 Core 1   RTS- 6.17 : real ticks begin from 2017.04 . 06 00 : 00 : 00
2017.04 . 07 19 : 20 : 32.016 Core 1    2017.04 . 06 10 : 00 : 00    failed buy limit 1.00 RTS- 6.17 at 114250 [Invalid expiration]
kaus_bonus :

뭐. 빌드 1571, mk 데모

아주 오래된 MT4Orders가 있을 수 있습니다. 2월에 업데이트가 있었습니다.
fxsaber :
아주 오래된 MT4Orders가 있을 수 있습니다. 2월에 업데이트가 있었습니다.

그래서 그것은 이미 업데이트되었습니다. 오류가 사라졌습니다.


MT5 1578 - 항상 충돌합니다.

TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) Access violation at 0x000000013F820785 read to 0x0000000040FB0300
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8205B0 4053               push       rbx
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8205B2 55                 push       rbp
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8205B3 57                 push       rdi
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8205B4 4154               push       r12
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8205B6 4155               push       r13
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8205B8 4883 EC20          sub        rsp, 0x20
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8205BC 0 FB72A            movzx      ebp, word [rdx]
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8205BF 488 BFA            mov        rdi, rdx
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8205C2 4 C8BE9            mov        r13, rcx
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8205C5 448 B642478        mov        r12d, [rsp+ 0x78 ]
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8205CA 418 BD9            mov        ebx, r9d
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8205CD 458 BCC            mov        r9d, r12d
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8205D0 66413 B28          cmp        bp, [r8]
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8205D4 7421               jz         0x13f8205f7
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8205D6 488 B4150          mov        rax, [rcx+ 0x50 ]
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8205DA 4885 C0            test       rax, rax
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8205DD 7407               jz         0x13f8205e6
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8205DF C74010A60F0000    mov        dword [rax+ 0x10 ], 0xfa6
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8205E6 B8FEFFFFFF        mov        eax, 0xfffffffe
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8205EB 4883 C420          add        rsp, 0x20
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8205EF 415 D              pop        r13
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8205F1 415 C              pop        r12
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8205F3 5 F                pop        rdi
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8205F4 5 D                pop        rbp
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8205F5 5 B                pop        rbx
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8205F6 C3                ret        
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8205F7 4889742450         mov        [rsp+ 0x50 ], rsi
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8205FC BE01000000        mov        esi, 0x1
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820601 4 C89742458        mov        [rsp+ 0x58 ], r14
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820606 4 C897C2460        mov        [rsp+ 0x60 ], r15
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F82060B 448 B7A08          mov        r15d, [rdx+ 0x8 ]
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F82060F 4585 FF            test       r15d, r15d
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820612 7421               jz         0x13f820635
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820614 8 BCE              mov        ecx, esi
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820616 488 D420C          lea        rax, [rdx+ 0xc ]
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F82061A 660 F1F440000      o16 nop        [rax+rax+ 0x0 ]
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820620 8 B10              mov        edx, [rax]
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820622 85 D2              test       edx, edx
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820624 740 F              jz         0x13f820635
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820626 440 FAFFA          imul       r15d, edx
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F82062A FFC1              inc        ecx
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F82062C 4883 C004          add        rax, 0x4
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820630 83 F904            cmp        ecx, 0x4
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820633 72 EB              jb         0x13f820620
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820635 458 B7008          mov        r14d, [r8+ 0x8 ]
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820639 4585 F6            test       r14d, r14d
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F82063C 741 B              jz         0x13f820659
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F82063E 8 BCE              mov        ecx, esi
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820640 498 D400C          lea        rax, [r8+ 0xc ]
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820644 8 B10              mov        edx, [rax]
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820646 85 D2              test       edx, edx
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820648 740 F              jz         0x13f820659
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F82064A 440 FAFF2          imul       r14d, edx
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F82064E FFC1              inc        ecx
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820650 4883 C004          add        rax, 0x4
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820654 83 F904            cmp        ecx, 0x4
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820657 72 EB              jb         0x13f820644
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820659 443 BFB            cmp        r15d, ebx
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F82065C 0 F82D5030000      jb         dword 0x13f820a37
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820662 8 B542470          mov        edx, [rsp+ 0x70 ]
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820666 443 BF2            cmp        r14d, edx
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820669 0 F82C8030000      jb         dword 0x13f820a37
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F82066F 442 BFB            sub        r15d, ebx
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820672 442 BF2            sub        r14d, edx
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820675 4183 FCFF          cmp        r12d, 0xff
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820679 750 C              jnz         0x13f820687
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F82067B 453 BFE            cmp        r15d, r14d
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F82067E 458 BCE            mov        r9d, r14d
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820681 450 F42CF          cmovb      r9d, r15d
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820685 EB12              jmp         0x13f820699
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820687 453 BFC            cmp        r15d, r12d
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F82068A 0 F82A7030000      jb         dword 0x13f820a37
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820690 453 BF4            cmp        r14d, r12d
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820693 0 F829E030000      jb         dword 0x13f820a37
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820699 4585 C9            test       r9d, r9d
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F82069C 7416               jz         0x13f8206b4
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F82069E 48837 F1C00        cmp        qword [rdi+ 0x1c ], 0x0
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8206A3 0 F848E030000      jz         dword 0x13f820a37
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8206A9 4983781 C00        cmp        qword [r8+ 0x1c ], 0x0
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8206AE 0 F8483030000      jz         dword 0x13f820a37
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8206B4 4 C8B571C          mov        r10, [rdi+ 0x1c ]
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8206B8 4 D8B581C          mov        r11, [r8+ 0x1c ]
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8206BC 4 D3BD3            cmp        r10, r11
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8206BF 750 B              jnz         0x13f8206cc
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8206C1 3 BDA              cmp        ebx, edx
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8206C3 7507               jnz         0x13f8206cc
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8206C5 33 C0              xor        eax, eax
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8206C7 E980030000        jmp         0x13f820a4c
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8206CC 440 FB7C5          movzx      r8d, bp
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8206D0 418 D40B4          lea        eax, [r8- 0x4c ]
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8206D4 83 F813            cmp        eax, 0x13
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8206D7 0 F87E5020000      ja         dword 0x13f8209c2
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8206DD 488 D2D1CF988FF    lea        rbp, [rip- 0x7706e4 ]
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8206E4 4898               cdqe       
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8206E6 8 B8C85680A7700    mov        ecx, [rbp+rax* 4 + 0x770a68 ]
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8206ED 4803 CD            add        rcx, rbp
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8206F0 FFE1              jmp        rcx
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8206F2 4 D8D0413          lea        r8, [r11+rdx]
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8206F6 498 D141A          lea        rdx, [r10+rbx]
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8206FA E8B1FDFFFF        call       0x13f8204b0   ; # 28948 (terminal64.exe)
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F8206FF E9AF020000        jmp         0x13f8209b3
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820704 33 C0              xor        eax, eax
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820706 498 D0C13          lea        rcx, [r11+rdx]
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F82070A 4 D8D1C1A          lea        r11, [r10+rbx]
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F82070E 4585 C9            test       r9d, r9d
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820711 742 B              jz         0x13f82073e
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820713 4 C2BD9            sub        r11, rcx
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820716 66660 F1F84000000  o16 nop        [rax+rax+ 0x0 ]
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)                                 0000
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820720 410 FB6140B        movzx      edx, byte [r11+rcx]
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820725 440 FB601          movzx      r8d, byte [rcx]
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820729 413 AD0            cmp        dl, r8b
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F82072C 0 F8CF0020000      jl         dword 0x13f820a22
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820732 7 F28              jg         0x13f82075c
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820734 FFC0              inc        eax
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820736 48 FFC1            inc        rcx
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820739 413 BC1            cmp        eax, r9d
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F82073C 72 E2              jb         0x13f820720
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F82073E 33 C0              xor        eax, eax
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820740 4183 FCFF          cmp        r12d, 0xff
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820744 0 F8502030000      jnz        dword 0x13f820a4c
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F82074A 453 BFE            cmp        r15d, r14d
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F82074D 0 F84F9020000      jz         dword 0x13f820a4c
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820753 83 C8FF            or         eax, 0xff
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820756 453 BFE            cmp        r15d, r14d
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820759 0 F42F0            cmovb      esi, eax
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F82075C 8 BC6              mov        eax, esi
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F82075E E9E9020000        jmp         0x13f820a4c
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820763 33 C0              xor        eax, eax
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820765 498 D0C13          lea        rcx, [r11+rdx]
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820769 4 D8D1C1A          lea        r11, [r10+rbx]
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F82076D 4585 C9            test       r9d, r9d
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820770 74 CC              jz         0x13f82073e
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820772 4 C2BD9            sub        r11, rcx
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820775 6666660 F1F840000  o16 nop        [rax+rax+ 0x0 ]
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)                                 000000
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820780 410 FB6140B        movzx      edx, byte [r11+rcx]
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)    crash -->   000000013 F820785 440 FB601          movzx      r8d, byte [rcx]
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820789 413 AD0            cmp        dl, r8b
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F82078C 0 F8290020000      jb         dword 0x13f820a22
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820792 77 C8              ja         0x13f82075c
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820794 FFC0              inc        eax
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820796 48 FFC1            inc        rcx
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1)               000000013 F820799 413 BC1            cmp        eax, r9d
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 00 : 0x000000013F820785
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 01 : 0x0000000004A86AF2
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 02 : 0x00000000052E8DBE
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 03 : 0x000000013FBCE000
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 04 : 0x0000000004A8B000
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 05 : 0x0000000000000001
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 06 : 0x0000015B00000000
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 07 : 0x00000000FFFFFFFF
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 08 : 0x0000000100000001
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 09 : 0x000000000CD2E4A0
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 10 : 0x0000000005165968
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 11 : 0x000000000CD2E18C
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 12 : 0x00000000052E8A7A
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 13 : 0x0000004E04A82E31
TypeToBytes_ExampleScript (RTS- 6.17 ,M1) 14 : 0x0000003400000001

MT5 1571 및 MT4 1065 - 문제 없이 작동합니다. 여기에서 크래시 스크립트 https://www.mql5.com/en/code/16280

  • 투표: 19
  • 2016.09.13
  • fxsaber
  • www.mql5.com
Побайтовая работа со структурами, массивами и стандартными типами данных

거래, 자동 거래 시스템 및 거래 전략 테스트에 관한 포럼

mql5 언어의 특징, 미묘함 및 작업 방법

fxsaber , 2017.04.08 17:04

테스터 로그
GOLD- 6.17 ,H1: testing of Experts\fxsaber\Test2.ex5 from 2017.04 . 03 00 : 00 to 2017.04 . 08 00 : 00 started
GOLD- 6.17 : real ticks begin from 2017.04 . 03 00 : 00 : 00
final balance 100000.00 EUR
GOLD- 6.17 ,H1: 145777 ticks , 70 bars generated. Environment synchronized in 0 : 00 : 01.388 . Test passed in 0 : 00 : 00.062 (including ticks preprocessing 0 : 00 : 00.031 ).

하지만 실제 틱의 수

이것은 Metaquotes 데모입니다.

매주 147,700개의 실제 틱이 있으며 가장 정확한 모드의 테스터는 145,777개의 틱을 제공합니다.


쿼리에서 원시 병합 틱 스트림을 얻고 테스터는 중복 틱을 건너뜁니다.

또한 테스터에 첫 번째 및 마지막 눈금을 표시합니다. 모든 것이 즉시 명확해질 것입니다.

어쨌든 월요일에 확인하겠습니다.
Renat Fatkhullin :

쿼리에서 원시 병합 틱 스트림을 얻고 테스터는 중복 틱을 건너뜁니다.

또한 테스터에 첫 번째 및 마지막 눈금을 표시합니다. 모든 것이 즉시 명확해질 것입니다.

관련 주제에 대한 링크를 따라가면 훨씬 더 흥미로운 예가 있습니다.
Renat Fatkhullin :

쿼리에서 원시 결합 틱 스트림을 얻고 테스터는 중복 틱을 건너뜁니다.

꼭 그렇지는 않아, 분명히

 2017.04 . 08 18 : 35 : 35.770 сколько тиков (RTS- 6.17 ,M5)     Колво тиков за 2017.04 . 02 00 : 00 : 00 = 1445167
2017.04 . 08 18 : 35 : 43.520 Tester  RTS- 6.17 ,M1 (MetaQuotes-Demo): testing of Experts\Advisors\ExpertMACD.ex5 from 2017.04 . 02 00 : 00 to 2017.04 . 08 00 : 00
2017.04 . 08 18 : 35 : 47.572 Core 1   RTS- 6.17 ,M1: 1445050 ticks, 3989 bars generated. Environment synchronized in 0 : 00 : 00.452 . Test passed in 0 : 00 : 03.368 (including ticks preprocessing 0 : 00 : 00.791 ).

그렇지 않으면 그는 일주일 동안 117개의 중복 틱을 놓쳤습니다.


월요일에 모두 확인하겠습니다.

이제 테스트 없이는 대답할 수 없습니다.

MQL5에서 IndicatorDelete() 함수는 어디로 갔습니까? 컴파일러에서 인식하지 못합니다.