당사 팬 페이지에 가입하십시오
A histogram based on the difference between the main and the signal lines of indicator Ang_Zad_C in the points of the price chart.
Indicator AbsolutelyNoLagLwma_Digit_Cloud with the timeframe selection option available in its input parameters.
Indicator XPeriodCandle_main with the timeframe selection option available in its input parameters.
Indicator XPeriodCandleRange with the timeframe selection option available in the input parameters
Indicator AbsolutelyNoLagLwma_BBx7_Cloud_Digit with the timeframe selection option available in the input parameters.
Three Bollinger Bands channels based on one moving average AbsolutelyNoLagLwma, drawn as a colored cloud, with the display of the last values as price labels and the possibility to round Bollinger levels up to a required number of digits.
Indicator PCaudateXPeriodCandleRange with the timeframe selection option available in its input parameters.
Indicator CaudateCandle with the timeframe selection option available in the input parameters
Indicator XPeriodCandle with the timeframe selection option available in its input parameters.
Stochastic relative strength index increases the sensitivity of RSI (Relative Strength Index), the disadvantage of which is fluctuation between boundary lines and no signals to open a position.
Indicator AML (Adaptive Market Level) displays one of three market states: Flat, uptrend, and downtrend.
Indicator ZLS (Zero Lag Stochastic) - a zero-delay stochastic - a ratio of several stochastics with different periods %К, deceleration, and weights.
The AbsolutelyNoLagLwma_Digit moving average which fills the chart space with a colored background.
Indicator AbsolutelyNoLagLwma_Digit with the timeframe selection option available in its input parameters.
Indicator CaudateXPeriodCandle in the main chart, highlighting with colored points caudate candlesticks of the "Hammer" and "Reversed Hammer" types only.
An indicator that draws the CaudateXPeriodCandle candlestick sizes in points.
Synthetic Japanese candlesticks over the period predefined in the indicator settings, calculating on each bar, averaging the price timeseries used in the indicator, and highlighting caudate candlesticks.
Synthetic Japanese candlesticks over the period predefined in the indicator settings, calculating on each bar and averaging the price timeseries used in the indicator.
Synthetic Japanese candlesticks over the period defined in the indicator settings, calculating on each bar.
Indicator ColorXDerivative with the timeframe selection option available in the input parameters
the indicator performs an inverse mathematical transform of oscillator RSI into price and helps assume, at which approximate level the close price of the next day will be, if RSI reaches a certain value.