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JBrainTrend1 - MetaTrader 5용 지표
- 조회수:
- 6376
- 평가:
- 게시됨:
- 2012.02.07 13:03
- 업데이트됨:
- 2016.11.22 07:32
- 이 코드를 기반으로 한 로봇이나 지표가 필요하신가요? 프리랜스로 주문하세요 프리랜스로 이동
Trend indicator of the popular BrainTrend1 trading system with preliminary price timeseries smoothing.
Many traders experienced difficulties using standard BrainTrend1 (BT1), as it gives many false signals. To solve this problem, it was necessary to use filters and load a chart with additional indicators. In this indicator the issue is solved with the help of JMA smoothing of the price timeseries used in the indicator calculation.
As a result, the indicator has become more stable. JMA smoothing allows to considerably lessen the amount of false signals. Such intervals are now perceived by the system as flat ones. The system sensitivity to the market volatility can now be managed by "Length_" parameter. Compared with conventional BT1, the new indicator is a more reliable system, that can even be called a trend tracking system.
Place JMA.mq5 indicator compiled file to MQL5\Indicators.
MetaQuotes Ltd에서 러시아어로 번역함.
원본 코드: https://www.mql5.com/ru/code/755
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