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Price_Momentum_Oscillator - MetaTrader 5용 지표
- 조회수:
- 7663
- 평가:
- 게시됨:
- 2018.12.28 13:09
- 업데이트됨:
- 2019.01.17 11:29
- 이 코드를 기반으로 한 로봇이나 지표가 필요하신가요? 프리랜스로 주문하세요 프리랜스로 이동
Indicator Price Momentum Oscillator. It is based on the double-smoothed rate of change (ROC).
It has three adjustable parameters:
- Period one - primary smoothing period
- Period two - secondary smoothing period
- Signal period - signal line smoothing period
PMO = Smoothing2
Signal = AvgPMO
Smoothing1 = (Raw1 - PrevSmoothing1) * sm1+PrevSmoothing1
Smoothing2 = (Raw2 - PrevSmoothing2) * sm2+PrevSmoothing2
Raw1 = (((Close / PrevClose) * 100.0) - 100.0)
Raw2 = 10.0 * Smoothing1
sm1 =2.0/Period one
sm2 = 2.0/Period two
AvgPMO = EMA(PMO, Signal period)
MetaQuotes Ltd에서 러시아어로 번역함.
원본 코드: https://www.mql5.com/ru/code/22709
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