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XFatlXSatlCloud_HTF - MetaTrader 5용 지표
- 조회수:
- 4422
- 평가:
- 게시됨:
- 2017.05.29 14:23
- 업데이트됨:
- 2023.03.29 13:47
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The XFatlXSatlCloud indicator with the timeframe selection option available in its input parameters:
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES TimeFrame=PERIOD_H4; // Indicator chart period (timeframe)
To provide correct operation of the indicator, add the compiled XFatlXSatlCloud.mq5 indicator file to terminal_data_folder\MQL5\Indicators.
Fig1. The XFatlXSatlCloud_HTF indicator
MetaQuotes Ltd에서 러시아어로 번역함.
원본 코드: https://www.mql5.com/ru/code/18093
The ColorXMUV indicator with the timeframe selection option available in its input parameters.
Average True Range (digital)Average True Range (ATR) indicator values from other timeframes in a digital format, displayed as text on the chart.
A Moving Average indicator, for which the values of two levels can be specified from the code.
Session Buy Sell OrdersA histogram of maximum and minimum values of parameters SYMBOL_SESSION_BUY_ORDERS — "the total number of current buy orders" and SYMBOL_SESSION_SELL_ORDERS — "the total number of current sell orders". The drawing style is DRAW_HISTOGRAM.