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스크립트가 마음에 드시나요? MetaTrader 5 터미널에서 시도해보십시오

OrderTimeAlert - MetaTrader 4용 expert

2015.12.10 13:52
2016.11.22 07:32
MQL5 프리랜스 이 코드를 기반으로 한 로봇이나 지표가 필요하신가요? 프리랜스로 주문하세요 프리랜스로 이동
  • The EA traces the existence time of the market orders.
  • Filters can be set: by the "magic" number of the EA or by the symbol.
  • Generates signal only once per order.
  • Resistant to the terminal restart.
  • Possibility of printing messages to log.
  • Possibility of choosing the name of the sound file. The file must be stored in the <terminal_folder>/Sounds folder and have a .wav extension.



  • The Expert Advisor is designed to work with orders placed by market. In the case of placing pending orders there is a possibility of missing sound signals.

MetaQuotes Ltd에서 러시아어로 번역함.
원본 코드: https://www.mql5.com/ru/code/13769

Elementary trailing stop Elementary trailing stop

Elementary trailing stop able to distinguish its "own" orders among others by comment and/or Magic number. It also distinguishes the financial instrument that needs to be trailed.

PinBar PinBar

The indicator marks the pin bars on the chart based on the parameters set.

Detection of the divergences Detection of the divergences

The lookup and display of the divergences of different classes based on the data of the base indicator.

Derivative Derivative

The indicator performs the calculation of the derivative of the price.