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스크립트가 마음에 드시나요? MetaTrader 5 터미널에서 시도해보십시오
2012.10.23 16:44
2016.11.22 07:32
candletrend.mq5 (10.76 KB) 조회
MQL5 프리랜스 이 코드를 기반으로 한 로봇이나 지표가 필요하신가요? 프리랜스로 주문하세요 프리랜스로 이동

The CandleTrend indicator displays price movement directions from six different timeframes: H4, H8, H12, Daily, Weekly, Monthly. Downtrend paints squares in red, uptrend - in green.

Indicator input parameters:

//| Indicator input parameters                   |
input color  UpColor=LimeGreen;  // currency uptrend color
input color  DnColor=Red;        // currency downtrend color
input color  ZrColor=Gray;       // no change color
input int    FontSize=11;        // font size
input type_font FontType=Font14; // font type
input ENUM_BASE_CORNER  WhatCorner=CORNER_LEFT_LOWER; // location corner
input uint Y_=20;                                     // vertical location
input uint X_=5;                                      // horizontal location

Fig.1 The CandleTrend Indicator

Fig.1 The CandleTrend Indicator

Place GetFontName.mqh library file to the 'terminal_directory\MQL5\Include' folder.

MetaQuotes Ltd에서 러시아어로 번역함.
원본 코드: https://www.mql5.com/ru/code/1028

CCIT3_Simple CCIT3_Simple

Modified CCIT3 indicator

BubblesAndDrops BubblesAndDrops

The indicator shows possible price movement direction.

XPercentR-PCR XPercentR-PCR

The simple oscillator indicator displayed as colored cloud.

PercentInfo PercentInfo

PercentInfo gives information on the rise and drop in prices expressed as a percentage and in points as obtained from the three largest time frames of the currency chart. Simple and good information assistant.