George Bryan Diaz
George Bryan Diaz
Substitute Teacher において Education
Hey everyone. Thanks for checking out my profile. I have been trading forex, crypto and stocks for almost 3 years now. I love it. I love using Meta Trader products, and Strategy Quant. Backtesting is one of my favorite things to do, especially with some good music on. I hope one day to travel using my forex earnings, and to see more of the world and meet more people. Anyways, I hope you are well.
友達 2
George Bryan Diaz
仕事「An addition of Multi Time Frame capabilities requested for an existing indicator on MT5」に対する開発者に残されたフィードバック
George Bryan Diaz
仕事「Requesting the creation of an indicator for MT5.」に対する開発者に残されたフィードバック
George Bryan Diaz
仕事「Requesting assistance on adding a shift parameter to 3 indicators.」に対する開発者に残されたフィードバック
George Bryan Diaz
仕事「Horizontal Shift Parameter requested on 4 basic indicators [for MT5]...」に対する開発者に残されたフィードバック
George Bryan Diaz