

Análise e Recomendações: O Ouro ficou imóvel em US $ 1292,30 enquanto os comerciantes pareciam congelados à frente da declaração Federal Reserve hoje mais tarde. Traders acreditam que o Fed vai manter o status quo...
According to government data released on Thursday, initial jobless claims declined to 265,000 in the seven days ended Jan. 24 from a revised 308,000. The number of people who sought new U.S. unemployment benefits in late January fell to its lowest level in 14 years...
Brent crude oil futures held above $48 a barrel on Thursday as investor inflows offset data showing that U.S. crude stocks had hit a record high...
Análisis y Recomendaciones: El petróleo crudo cayó en la sesión asiática y sigue anclado en este momento en 45,49 dólares tras caer 74 centavos por delante del informe del inventario estadounidense de la EIA...
Análise e Recomendações: O EUR / USD diminuiu de 15 pontos para o comércio em 1,1364 enquanto os comerciantes se prepararam para a declaração do Federal Reserve no final do dia. Os comerciantes esperam que o Fed mantenha tudo que já foi dito...
On Thursday the common currency held steady against the dollar despite preliminary data showing that Germany fell into deflation for the first time since July 2009 this month...
Análisis y Recomendaciones: El Gas Natural parecía prestar poca atención a la peor tormenta de nieve de este año mientras el Nordeste está cubierto de nieve por la tormenta Juno. La tormenta cerró empresas e interrumpió el transporte, así como los aeropuertos antes de su llegada...
Emerging-market stocks registered their biggest drop in three weeks as China's battling with speculative trading intensified and a fear grew the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is pushing their economies into a crisis. The ruble and Russian Eurobonds tumbled...
According to Jeffrey Gundlach, bond trader and CEO of Doubleline Capital, gold looks attractive by comparison with government bond yields negative in Switzerland and parts of Europe...
On Thursday the dollar traded steady, soaring around 11-year highs against the other major currencies, after the Federal Reserve signaled that interest rates could start to rise around mid-year...
Сегодня в Азии царили минорные настроения, и фондовые индексы региона завершили день снижением. Так, Nikkei снизился на 1,06%; Shanghai Composite упал на 1,27%; Hang Seng потерял 1,07%, KOSPI ослаб на 0,54...
On Thursday copper prices traded near the lowest level in six years, amid signs the Federal Reserve is to raise rates this year and as fears over Greece's future in the euro zone re-emerged...
FTSE 100 up 0.2% to 6,832 Gold descends 0.6% to $1,284.49/oz...
On Thursday the yellow metal extended losses from the previous session, as market players reassessed their expectations for the timing of the first U.S. rate hike after the Federal Reserve was optimistic about the economy...
On Wednesday the company announced an email and electronic calendar service called WorkMail that is aimed at grabbing a slice of the corporate-email market largely controlled by Microsoft Corp. and to a lesser extent Google Inc, says the Wall Street Journal...
Germany’s largest bank, Deutsche Bank AG, registered a surprise fourth-quarter net profit as provisions for fines and legal settlements declined...
Don Thompson, who will soon leave the company, had two and a half years as chief executive after having worked at McDonald's for a quarter of a century. Late on Wednesday, the company said that Thompson will retire March 1...
On Thursday the Japanese currency traded lower and the Australian dollar gained in early Asia in mixed moves after the Federal Reserve said overnight the U.S...
Очередной спад цены на нефть и ее отскок назад к уровням минимумов 2009 года негативно повлиял на энергетический подындекс S&P 500, который потерял целых 3,9% за торговую сессию. Сам S&P 500 закончил день со снижением на 1,35%; DJIA ослаб на 1,13%; NASDAQ потерял 0,93...
ФРС заявила, что национальная экономика США растет устойчивыми темпами. Это было воспринято инвесторами как сигнал к подъему процентных ставок в течение 2015 года...