Good Day Everyone,

We have been working in the financial field of Forex for over 16 years. During our tenure, we have deployed various types of Trading styles to include the principals of manually executed positions based on fundamental and technical analysis, Expert Advisor (EA) software for automated trading, and the use of complex algorithms all with results as vastly different as the vehicles themselves. As the needs and wants of the individuals involved are assessed, we help each find their way into the appropriate and exclusively curtailed portfolio set-up that best befits their financial goals.

In the beginning, we were a small Group of like minded individuals with common financial aspirations teaming together for the betterment of the collective individuals themselves. This concept of sharing our experiences with one another has worked very well and, since then, we have grown exponentially in membership and continue to grow even now. As no one stays in investment concepts that do not work, this speaks volumes about what and how we are doing what we do and we couldn't be happier about this.

We have chosen large Brokerages that offers our Group the most benefits possible with the least cost. We have tested and used several Brokers throughout the years and have found our current selection to be the most lucrative, reliable and easiest for everyone to use as most of their systems are online and work with a click of the mouse. They are all regulated and licensed and have proven themselves to be an asset in what we do here so our recommendations to use them are only that, a simple recommendation. If you already have an FX Broker, you are certainly able to continue utilizing them while working with us. To match our gain percentages, your current Broker should be commission free and low spread based or your overall results can not match that of our own.

We train individuals in the field of Forex from the beginning stages of Novice and collaborate with others closer to the Expert level with this overall concept. For our members that want to learn to Trade for themselves, we currently embrace a four-tier system of training that has proven time and time again to be financially lucrative.

We appreciate that there are vast community members that task themselves with the Development of new and innovative high-tech solutions to the Forex challenges that we all face. We do so enjoy working with these Developers to further their work and bring more exposure to their final products. Introducing working EA models that are both cost prohibitive and very financially productive for our audience members is key. If you are a Developer and would like more information, please feel free to contact us anytime.

In our forward progression, as it was for all of us, we need only to make a choice as to what is wanted and we can help you find the vehicle in order to get you there expeditiously.

How to get started:

The first choice to make is whether you want to be the one making the trades, Day Trader, or if you want to attach to a pre-existing system and have the trades made on your behalf as an Investor.

If you want to learn to become a Day Trader, we have developed a four-tier training system for which to hone your learned skills and practice without financial liability utilizing Demo accounts until you are ready to start Trading real money. The training moves as fast as you are comfortable and will only require your time and commitment to mastering a few strategies and concepts in order to meet your financial goals.

If you are more inclined to work as an Investor, then finding the most lucrative and productive System is key and so we walk you through the entire set-up process from start to finish. The proper set-up is essential and understanding how to use the very basic Investor tools is assured. We have had the pleasure of helping many people do this very thing so don't worry about anything. Transparency is the essential key element to good investment and it is the only way for long-term success, therefore, it is the only way we work here. As an Investor, you'll have your own personal Live Account and will be displayed with the Broker and also through multiple access points on your own personal devices. Each of these Systems maintains 100% transparency so you can see every trade made since the origination of the Master Account.

As being an Investor is the simplest and easiest avenue for most looking for a financial investment vehicle, this has become the most popular variable in most recent years.

To get started, it is best that we chat via email or IM to assess what your goals are and discuss the vehicle that is best for you. As there are many variables to choose from no matter where you are getting started, having someone you know to walk you through the initial part tends to alleviate the anxiety of being new.

You will inevitably have many questions regarding how, what and when to do what will come naturally to you later so we have our Group on Skype that you may choose to join if you are so inclined. Our Group is an invite only arrangement as we are discussing the relative financials as it applies to all of us working as Traders or Investors. If you do join our Group, you are not obligated to chat but we do ask that you share your experiences with our members whether they be gains or losses in that we might all learn from your experiences. This premise has been a work in progress since the beginning and we are all very supportive and happy to answer questions as they arise. Our Group consists of various professionals with backgrounds in airline aviation, military, engineering, finance, investment, photography, journalism, medical field practitioners as well as much more.

If you are ready to get started today, go to our website,, and have a look around. You will find many options for your perusal in our Menus.

We are always looking for new and talented individuals to join us to share in what we do, so whether you are a veteran professional in Forex or just an enthusiast like we once were, you need only apply and someone will contact you directly.

Kind regards,

Lord Robert
友達 2
BVL FX - MoneyGames

We started these MoneyGames 54 days ago. Our progression was a bit bumpy in the beginning but we seem to have found a working method that has placed us in the profits across each account. The strategy of using 10 base accounts is essential in the long-term success with this one.

If this looks like something you might be interested in, have a look at our published Trading Journals and details here:
There are many top CEO's around the world that understand the power of their employed people. Those employed are the one's that build and support the business from the ground up. So much resource is utilized in finding the best people to represent your business. Why then would you not support them in the best manner possible?

It is ridiculous to think that this can be any other way.

And like everything, when neglected or left unappreciated, the greatest asset (the employees) will find better places to go and care less about your business in the process.

Sir Richard Branson has summed this up nicely in saying:

"Respect is how to treat everyone, not just those you want to impress."

"Train people well enough so they can leave, treat them well enough so they don’t want to."

"I have always believed that the way you treat your employees is the way they will treat your customers, and that people flourish when they are praised."

"Clients do not come first. Employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients."

These are inspirational but also very relevant in our current affairs around the world. If you are in charge of a Corporation or a Team, these CEO's are the one's from which to learn.

Amazing !
Good Day Everyone,

It seems that there are still people being caught up in this. This was a chat from yet another person here at MQL5 that was ripped off by these people.

Don't get caught up in this SCAM.

MQL5 ADMIN, please help us with this!!! We asked for support from the Freelance Forum and we got banned for 10 years for asking. What is going on ???



Hello! I also bought a Forex Trading EA Advisor at a price of 399 USD and received the same instructions. (You should activate the dll on the ea and also activate the dll patch for the licence. ie, dll patch to reg of pc or vps and then the complete setfile , as exactly our settings aill appear from the DLL library and sync with your licence to work. then you can only change lot size or pair, but the default settings has exactly our settings.)

Were you able to deal with it? Can you help me? Or is it pure deception?

Just disappointment.....Answer me please


Good Day Lioman

Everything from this Forex Trading Advisor EA is a SCAM. They send you an .ex4 file and no .dll files. They have no installation instructions as to how to make this work and we asked for them to provide this and they refused. For an additional $150, they say they can have someone from their office do the installation for you if you give them access to your systems. NO WAY is that a good idea to give strangers access to your computer remotely so that is not an option.

We contacted no less than 5 Programmers from different websites seeking their professional support to make this work and none of them were able to do so.

We asked for help from the Freelance forum here at MQL5 and we actually received a 10 year ban without any explanation which is why our name has a line through it. No evidence was ever provided to back up their claim of a Freelance Rules Violation....which is a false claim.

So, in the end, we wasted our money and got banned for 10 years from MQL5 and all for absolutely nothing.

Anything related to those people is a SCAM and we would recommend staying away from them. They have no website, no product page representation anywhere and no support. They run everything from a YouTube channel and Mohammad Al Ghurair, as seen in this image, is the one promoting it all here.

Sorry to hear that you went down this path as well.
BVL FX - MAM Progression

Month after month, we continually keep the Investor's in the black. Each MAM operates a little differently, but the end results are all good.

Have a look and see what we can do for you or your business. We handle both personal and business accounts.

Average Balance per account: $28,261

Average ROI per month: $2825

Average DD per account: 27.25%

10% ROI per month average throughout all operational trading accounts.

You can start with as little as $1000 with no upper limitations.

No long-term contracts.

No hidden fees.

Your money stays in your account.

Licensed and Registered under the ASIC.
Good Day Everyone,

Can anyone please help us with a couple of points of contact for the Admin here at MQL5 ? Email and or messaging would be great.

Thank you friends.
BVL FX 2019.12.04
I'll assume that there is no direct link to Admin personnel here then???

ADMIN, where are you ?
BVL FX - Subscription or MAM ?

Although we have a lot of common traits among Trader/Investors, we still have the need for customization in our portfolio configurations. We can not afford to place too much into any one invest vehicle as the risk of losing too much at one time could be catastrophic.

That in mind, we offer two unique options for anyone that is looking for them or had not considered it previously.

We currently have one option called the FLEX MAM which is a Group style account. Your money stays in your personal trading account but is traded collectively with other Investors and you get the results of those trades placed directly and automatically into your trading account. This type of MAM empowers the Investor as much as possible allowing full withdrawals on the 15th of each calendar month. This is a unique system run on a custom EA and you can read the Description for further details.

The other option is a subscription based Signal hosted by BVL FX. For those that wish to remain on their own outside of Groups, this Signal was designed for you. The concept is easy to use with a month-to-month subscription through MQL5 for the lowest monthly price available of $30. You use your current trading account with any Brokerage you like and the trade mirroring services here copy the trades directly into your account. Very simple and very clean. Also, please read the Description for the details.

So that's it, 2 options you didn't know about before are now available for you to monitor and/or jump in and start getting daily gains just like the other Investors.

We hope this helps and we'll look forward to hearing from you when you're ready.

Have a great weekend.
BVL FX - Intelligent Design Progress

Our latest Signal based account is doing exactly as it was designed to do. If you're looking for a new Signal that is reliable and consistent, then this might be right for you.
BVL FX - Continued Progress

Due to an unforeseen circumstance, BVL FX had to migrate profiles. To our many friends that were looking for us, now you can find us here.

Moving forward, we are happy to release our to-date growth for your perusal. Our Signals are stuck as they were but they are still operational.

If you would like to see more, feel free to contact us to discuss what we can do for you.

Thank you all once again and we'll look forward to hearing from you at your convenience.

All the best