Eric He
Eric He
finance において China
皆さん、こんにちは!Eric Heと申します。中国広東省から来ました。あなたが私の情報を読んでくれて嬉しいです。私は世界各地から来た外国為替の友達と交流したいです。あなたは私を友達にして、良い友達になることができます。

Eric He
Eric He
The K line is essentially a game diagram of the stock market and the final result of the battle between the market and the empty market. What it reflects behind it is also the psychological change of investors. The K line can be said to be the most basic and the most difficult, because it is easy to start, but it is difficult to learn, and any technology returns to the essence of the K line. The first thing a novice should learn is to master the K line. After mastering the K line, he should learn the trading method and follow it gradually to succeed
Eric He