Antonio Gutemberg Frota
Antonio Gutemberg Frota
  • 情報
1 年
Antonio Gutemberg Frota
Ó dólar operou em alta nesta sessão, recuperando-se após uma forte queda ontem, com fraqueza no euro e na libra após dados mais fracos do que o esperado na Europa, apoiando a expectativa do fim dos aumentos das taxas de juros pelos bancos centrais da região...
Antonio Gutemberg Frota
READ BIDEN SAYS XI JINPING IS A “DICTATOR” HOURS AFTER MEETING WITH THE CHINESE LEADER 3 THESES THAT WILL CONTRIBUTE TO ETHEREUM AND BITCOIN IN THE NEXT BULL MARKET Price analysis of the 5 largest cryptocurrencies 🇺🇸 x 🇨🇳 China's Yuan overtook the Euro in world trade and "became the second mo...
Antonio Gutemberg Frota
American president justified the comment: "He is a man who runs a communist country" After a four-hour meeting in San Francisco, California, the American president Joe Biden called the Chinese leader Xi Jinping in “dictator”...
Antonio Gutemberg Frota
Cryptocurrencies will break out of their bubble and reach critical mass thanks to layer 2 blockchains – and a few other factors...
Antonio Gutemberg Frota
As criptomoedas sairão de sua bolha e alcançarão massa crítica graças aos blockchains da camada 2 – e a alguns outros fatores...
Antonio Gutemberg Frota
Bitcoin opened the week with a shallow correction, but altcoin traders appear unaffected by the slight drop in BTC's price...
Antonio Gutemberg Frota
O Bitcoin abriu a semana com uma correção superficial, mas os traders de altcoin não parecem afetados pela ligeira queda no preço do BTC...
Antonio Gutemberg Frota
You initial claims for unemployment insurance last week in the USA came below the forecast of 225 thousand benefits from market economists and the revised number from the previous week, according to data from the Department of Labor published this Thursday, 17...
Antonio Gutemberg Frota
Dmitry Peskov, Kremlin spokesman, expects the President of Russia to run in the elections taking place next March and which would leave Vladimir Putin in office until 2030...
Antonio Gutemberg Frota
The GDP of the world's third-largest economy contracted 2...
- Md Rashidul Hasan
- Md Rashidul Hasan 2023.11.18
Will that make JPY more weak?
Antonio Gutemberg Frota
Antonio Gutemberg Frota 2023.11.18
The Japanese economy has been in recession for 30 years, the Japanese currency has been weakening since the 90s, this month it had the same value before the economic miracle, in the 80s.
Antonio Gutemberg Frota
Presidente americano justificou o comentário: “Ele é um homem que dirige um país comunista” Após uma reunião de quatro horas em São Francisco, Califórnia, o presidente americano Joe Biden chamou o líder chinês Xi Jinping em “ditador”...
- Md Rashidul Hasan
- Md Rashidul Hasan 2023.11.17
No reaction on forex market. :D
Antonio Gutemberg Frota
Antonio Gutemberg Frota 2023.11.17
The fight between the two largest economies in the world will have an effect on the forex market, not like a news candle but in the medium term.
Antonio Gutemberg Frota
Com isso, a Arábia Saudita continuará produzindo 9 milhões de bpd em novembro e dezembro. A Arábia Saudita confirmou nesta quarta-feira (4) que manterá cortes de 1 milhão de barris por dia (bpd) na produção de petróleo até o final do ano...
Antonio Gutemberg Frota
Recent reports in the international press point to the Chinese economy being in “bad shape”, with many wondering what happened to the “Chinese miracle”...
Antonio Gutemberg Frota
The most liquid oil futures contracts closed this Monday (13), up more than 1%, recovering from part of the drop seen last week, after the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) raised its forecast increase in global demand this year and help dispel fears about the weakening of...
Antonio Gutemberg Frota
パブリッシュされた投稿Oil falls 4% under pressure from China
The most liquid Brent oil contracts, a reference for the global market, closed the day down 4.19%, with a barrel priced at US$81.61. WTI futures fell 4.26%, to US$77.37 a barrel. But it's not just oil that's facing losses today. Iron mining closed the day's trading down 0...
Antonio Gutemberg Frota
Antonio Gutemberg Frota
winter is coming 🥶
- Md Rashidul Hasan
- Md Rashidul Hasan 2023.11.09
Prev. resistance should now act as support, no?
Antonio Gutemberg Frota
Antonio Gutemberg Frota 2023.11.10
Gold is losing its importance as a store of value, it is difficult for the price to rise even in this crisis. It will most likely break support.
- Md Rashidul Hasan
- Md Rashidul Hasan 2023.11.11
This is something I did not understand. General assumption is that during crisis, GOLD is the safest choice of asset. But looks like not. :/
Antonio Gutemberg Frota
LER A economia do Japão contrai-se e o risco de recessão aumenta Biden diz que Xi Jinping é um “ditador” horas após reunião com o líder chinês Arábia Saudita confirma cortes de 1 milhão de barris por dia na produção de petróleo saudita até o final do ano 🇺🇸 x 🇨🇳 O Yuan da China ultrapassou o...
Antonio Gutemberg Frota
Antonio Gutemberg Frota
🇺🇸 x 🇨🇳 China's Yuan overtook the Euro in world trade and "became the second most used currency in the global trade finance market in September, surpassing the Euro for the first time," according to interbank tracker SWIFT. But the dollar remains more valuable than ever.