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FX28 Trader MT5


FX28 Trader Dashboardをご紹介します - あなたの究極のトレードマネージャー

FX28 Trader Dashboardは、あなたの外国為替(Forex)取引を新たな高みに押し上げるために設計された包括的で直感的なトレードマネージャーです。経験豊富なトレーダーでも、まだ金融の旅を始めたばかりの方でも、この強力なツールは取引活動を効率化し、意思決定プロセスを向上させるために開発されました。


  1. ユーザーフレンドリーなインターフェース: FX28 Trader Dashboardは、あらゆるレベルのトレーダーに適したユーザーフレンドリーなインターフェースを備えています。さまざまな機能やツールを簡単にナビゲートし、わずか数クリックでトレードを完全にコントロールできます。

  2. リアルタイムマーケットデータ: リアルタイムのマーケットデータフィードで先を見越してください。通貨ペア、トレンド、マーケットの変動に関する最新の情報を提供し、情報を元に自信を持ってトレードを実行できます。

  3. 高度なトレードアナリティクス: FX28 Trader Dashboardでは、高度なアナリティクスを使用してトレードのパフォーマンスに深い洞察を得ることができます。トレード履歴を追跡し、トレンドを分析し、パターンを特定して戦略を磨き、結果を最適化できます。

  4. リスク管理ツール: 投資を守るために堅牢なリスク管理ツールを活用しましょう。ストップロスやテイクプロフィットの注文を設定し、ポジションサイズをカスタマイズし、リスクリワード比率を簡単に実装して、規律正しいトレードアプローチを確立します。

  5. 複数の時間枠分析: FX28 Trader Dashboardを使用して、同時に複数の時間枠で市場の動きを分析できます。この機能により、短期および長期のトレンドを考慮して的確な意思決定が可能です。

  6. トレードの自動化: FX28 Trader Dashboardを使用して、簡単にトレード戦略を自動化できます。予め定義されたルールやパラメータを設定し、システムにトレードを自動実行させ、戦略的な計画や分析に時間を充てましょう。

  7. 安全かつ信頼性の高さ: トレードや機密情報が安全であることを確認できます。FX28 Trader Dashboardは最先端のセキュリティ対策を採用し、データを保護するため、マーケットを巡る中で安心感を提供します。

  8. カスタマイズ可能なアラートと通知: カスタマイズ可能なアラートと通知で市場の動きや潜在的な機会を把握しましょう。トレードに関するリアルタイムの更新を受け取り、市場の重要なイベントを見逃さないようにします。

FX28 Trader Dashboardでトレード体験を革新しましょう - 複雑さとユーザーフレンドリーなデザインを組み合わせた究極のトレードマネージャーです。あなたの金融の未来をコントロールし、外国為替取引のダイナミックな世界で成功への道を歩み始めましょう。

Trade on Bybit with  MT5/MT4 EAs and indicators! GRat_BybitImport   is a tool for manual and automated trading , including ANY available EA, ANY  cryptocurrency on one the most popular crypto exchanges   Bybit  24/7. Features 1. ALL Bybit instruments are available. 2. Import(automatic copying) to the specified Bybit  currency all trades (made manually or by an EA) from an MT5 account (including demo) by the specified symbol and/or magic number. 3. Import(automatic copying)   to the specified By
Pending Order Grid EA MT5
Francisco Manuel Vicente Berardo
The Pending Order Grid is a multi-symbol multi-timeframe Expert Advisor that enables multi-strategy implementation based on pending order grids.  General Description   The Pending Order Grid allows the performing of a user-defined strategy through the creation of pending order grids. The Expert Advisor places pending orders of a given type (Buy Limit, Sell Limit, Buy Stop, or Sell Stop) at equidistant price levels to form each grid. The user might set up different grids to exist simultaneously
革新的な Trades Time Manager を使用して、取引ルーチンを簡単に管理できます。この強力なツールは、指定された時間に注文執行を自動化し、取引アプローチを変革します。 購入から注文の設定まで、すべて手動介入なしで、さまざまな取引アクションのためのパーソナライズされたタスク リストを作成します。 Trades Time Manager のインストールと入力ガイド EA に関する通知を受け取りたい場合は、MT4/MT5 ターミナルに URL を追加してください (スクリーンショットを参照)。 MT4のバージョン     https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/103716 MT5のバージョン     https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/103715 手動監視に別れを告げ、合理化された効率を採用します。直感的なインターフェイスにより、シンボル、約定時間、価格、ストップロス (SL)、テイクプロフィット (TP) ポイント、ロットサイズなどの正確なパラメーターを設定できます。 このツールの柔軟性は、市
Online Accounts Manager MT5
Kyra Nickaline Watson-gordon
5 (1)
OneClick Online Account Manager is a powerful utility that helps you to manage all your accounts from a centralized panel. It is suitable for all single account traders and specially for multiple accounts traders. The utility help you to : Monitor status of all accounts on a private web page. Some information such as account connection status, account profit, DD, Balance, Equity, Margin Level, Number of positions and orders, Daily and Weekly profit/loss and also overall summation of all these p
製品名: StopAndTake — シンプルで高速・正確なSL/TP管理スクリプト 製品説明: StopAndTake は、ポジション管理においてスピード、正確性、信頼性を重視するトレーダーのために設計された軽量で直感的なスクリプトです。このツールを使用することで、選択したチャート上のすべてのポジションに対して、**ストップロス(SL) と テイクプロフィット(TP)**のレベルを瞬時に更新することができます。操作は非常に簡単です。 メリットと利点: シンプルさ: 初心者にもわかりやすいミニマルなインターフェース。 超高速: すべての操作が数秒で完了します。 高精度: SL/TPのレベルをミリ単位の精度で設定。 簡単操作: スクリプトをチャートにドラッグするだけで、自動的に作業を完了。 信頼性: 変更を加える前にすべてのデータを検証し、エラーや意図しない動作を防ぎます。 主な機能: 自動SL/TP調整: 現在のシンボルのすべてのポジションに対してレベルを瞬時に更新。 多様なトレードタイプに対応: BUYとSELLの両方のポジションを管理。 シンプルなロジック: BUYポジションではS
Managing Trades With Moving Average EA : Many Traders like using Moving Averages for trend confirmation , and timing Entry and Exits . ​ With Semi- Automatic Moving Average EA we provide effective way to manage open trades as per your Moving average strategy and uses MA as trailing stop loss.  ​ EA considers only closing price of candle therefore avoids stop outs caused by sudden  price fluctuations and helps to stay in trend longer.  ​ You can decide which MA to use and various settings of MA 
Trade on Binance with  MT5/MT4 EAs and indicators! GRat_BinanceImport   is a tool for manual and automated trading , including ANY available EA, ANY  cryptocurrency on the most popular crypto exchange  Binance  24/7. Features 1. ALL Binance instruments are available. 2. Import(automatic copying) to the specified Binance  currency all trades (made manually or by an EA) from an MT5 account (including demo) by the specified symbol and/or magic number. 3. Import(automatic copying)   to the specifie
Binance Grid Pro offers an alternative to the built in Grid systems Binance Platform offers. This utility let you define a grid parameters for interact with your Binance account using an Isolated Margin account. This is, similar to Spot Grid in Binance. This is not for handle with derivatives contracts, is for handle with Spot through Isolated Margin Account. But obviosly this utility offers a different approach than built in Binance Grid to handle the Grid, which I have found useful based on
Unleash the Power of Precision Trading with XScalpGenesis Experience a new era of trading with XScalpGenesis, the ultimate expert advisor designed to revolutionize your trading experience. With its cutting-edge features and intuitive interface, XScalpGenesis empowers you to navigate the markets with unparalleled precision and efficiency. Exclusive Launch Offer Seize the opportunity to acquire XScalpGenesis at an unbeatable introductory price. As an early adopter, you can secure this groundbrea
複数のポジション/取引を一度にオープンする必要がありますか?簡単なソリューションを作成しました。一度に複数のポジションを入力できるようになりました。ロットサイズ、ポジション数、テイクプロフィット、ストップロスを設定できます。 例: 特定のロットサイズで 3、5、10 または任意の数のポジションを購入したいとします。 「購入」ボタンをタップするだけで購入できるようになりました。 または 例: 特定のロットサイズで 3、5、10、または任意の数のポジションを売りたいとします。 「販売」ボタンをクリックするだけで販売できます。 Fukusū no pojishon/ torihiki o ichido ni ōpun suru hitsuyō ga arimasu ka? Kantan'na soryūshon o sakusei shimashita. Ichido ni fukusū no pojishon o nyūryoku dekiru yō ni narimashita. Rotto saizu, pojishon-sū, teikupurofitto, sutoppuro
The Realtime Statistics MT5  is an innovative tool designed for traders who want to keep track of their trading performance in real-time. This MetaTrader 5 Expert Advisor (EA) is packed with customizable features that allow you to monitor crucial trading statistics directly on your chart, ensuring you always have the insights you need to make informed trading decisions. Check out the Realtime Statistics MT5 User Guide Here Try out the  FREE  Realtime Statistics MT5 Demo  Here Key Features: Compr
Binanceは世界的に有名な暗号通貨取引所です! MT5ユーザーがBinanceFuturesを直接取引できるようにするために、このプログラムは次の取引機能を提供します。 1. Binance Futuresの取引スタイルを模倣し、フレンドリーな操作パネルを提供します。 2.レバレッジ、バランス、その他の情報を取得するには、自分でapiとsecretを入力します(Binance apiで先物取引の許可を開く必要があります)。 3. limitOrder(指値注文)、marketOrder(成行注文)、stopLimit(ストップ利益の制限とストップロス注文)、stopMarket(マーケットストップ利益とストップロス注文)をサポートします。 4.成行注文の場合、最大オープンポジションとコスト情報は最新の価格に基づいて計算できます。 5.すべての注文のリストを表示したり、注文をキャンセルしたりできます。 6.すべてのポジションのリストを表示でき、成行注文に従ってポジションを空にすることができます。 7. Deepin情報の自動表示のサポート(Deepin Websock
GO IT - it is a Secure Automated Software for trade Forex market and indices.                                     ONLY RECO M ENDED FOR GBPUSD AND EURUSD Can used this EA whit 100$ in your account The architecture is a Fully Automatic Autonomous Robot Expert capable of  independently analyzing the market and making trading decisions  GO IT It is an advanced trading system. This is a fully automatic Expert Advisor.      It is a 100% automatic system, the system controls both the inputs and the
概要 外国為替や金融市場では、迅速な反応と正確な意思決定が非常に重要です。しかし、標準のMetaTrader 5端末は最小でも1分のチャートしかサポートしておらず、トレーダーが市場の変動に敏感であることを制限しています。この問題を解決するために、 秒単位チャートキャンドルインジケーター を導入しました。このインジケーターを使用すれば、1秒から30秒の市場の動向をサブチャートで簡単に表示・分析できます。 主な機能 複数の秒単位タイムフレームのサポート :このインジケーターは、以下のタイムフレームを選択でき、さまざまな取引戦略に対応します: S1 : 1秒 S2 : 2秒 S3 : 3秒 S4 : 4秒 S5 : 5秒 S10 : 10秒 S15 : 15秒 S20 : 20秒 S30 : 30秒 リアルタイム更新 :秒単位チャートはリアルタイムで更新され、各瞬間に最新の市場情報を提供します。これにより、迅速な取引判断が可能になります。 ユーザーフレンドリーなインターフェース :インジケーターはサブチャートに表示され、直感的で使いやすいです。異なるタイムフレームに素早く切り替えて市場を迅速
HFT  ZONE MOMENTUM RECOVERY EA_Name ค่า: HFT MTRADER ใช้สำหรับระบุชื่อของ EA เพื่อให้ง่ายต่อการจัดการหรือตรวจสอบในประวัติการเทรด (History) Lot_fix ค่า: 0.02 ใช้กำหนดขนาดของล็อตคงที่ (Fixed Lot Size) ที่ EA จะเปิดในแต่ละคำสั่งเทรด โดยไม่ขึ้นอยู่กับเงื่อนไขอื่น ๆ Lots_X ค่า: 1.5 ตัวคูณล็อต (Lot Multiplier) ซึ่งมักใช้ในการเพิ่มขนาดล็อตในลักษณะการ Martingale หรือ Hedging โดยเมื่อขาดทุนหรือเปิดคำสั่งถัดไป ระบบจะเพิ่มล็อตตามค่าที่กำหนดไว้ High_Low_end_candle ค่า: 10 จำนวนแท่งเทียนที่ใช้ในการคำนวณระ
Overview : The Advanced News Trading Panel is a versatile tool designed for traders who rely on news-based trading strategies. This Expert Advisor (EA) provides an intuitive graphical interface that allows users to quickly set up pending orders and manage risk with ease. With the ability to automatically place Buy/Sell Stop orders based on your pre-set stop order distance from the bid/ask price, stop-loss and take-profit levels, the EA allows for precision trading during high-volatility news eve
Introducing our Trailing Stop Tool, a powerful solution designed to enhance your trading strategy by trailing your trades based on a selected number of candles. This tool provides an advanced feature that allows you to dynamically adjust your stop loss level as the market moves in your favor, aiming to lock in profits while minimizing potential losses. With the Trailing Stop Tool, you have the flexibility to choose the number of candles you want the tool to trail. Whether you prefer a conservat
Trade Utility Pro is a bot utility designed to help you manage trades more easily, quickly, and accurately. This utility features a control panel interface and supports MetaTrader 5 exclusively. This utility does not link to any account information or external sources, ensuring safety. Main Features: Open Trade Support: Lot size calculation Fixed Lot: Custom input lot required Money Risk Lot: Automatically calculated based on stop loss and money risk Account % Risk Lot: Automatically calculated
EA Reversion Precio
Luigi Salvatores Buigues Morillo
La estrategia de reversión del precio (o mean reversion ) se basa en la idea de que los precios de los activos financieros tienden a regresar a su promedio o valor "normal" después de desviarse significativamente. Esta desviación puede ocurrir por factores externos, emociones del mercado o movimientos inesperados. La estrategia busca aprovechar esos momentos de desviación para entrar al mercado, esperando el retorno del precio a su media. Componentes clave de una estrategia de reversión del prec
PrimeTrend EURUSD EA: Intelligence at the Service of Your Trading! Have you ever wanted a trading system capable of working 24/5, making precise decisions, and minimizing risk? PrimeTrend EURUSD EA is the solution you've been searching for! Designed to dominate the EUR/USD market with advanced trend-based strategies and technical analysis, this Expert Advisor is here to revolutionize the way you trade. Why Choose PrimeTrend EURUSD EA? 1. Excellent Performance Based on a proven strategy that le
Cyber Pulse
Marco Brugali
3.88 (8)
Cyber Pulse Cyber Pulse is an innovative automated trading bot designed to operate efficiently on the GBPUSD, XAUUSD, and USDJPY markets. This bot executes an average of 3-5 trades per week, employing a clever combination of machine learning algorithms and price action strategies to deliver an excellent trading experience. Performance and Reliability: Market Versatility: Cyber Pulse is optimized for a wide range of assets, including currency and precious metals markets, ensuring flexibility and
Sun Storm MT5  - it is a Secure Automated Software for trade Forex market and indices.                                      ONLY RECO M ENDED FOR GBPUSD AND EURUSD Can used this EA whit 100$ in your account The architecture is a Fully Automatic Autonomous Robot Expert capable of  independently analyzing the market and making trading decisions  Sun Storm MT5  It is an advanced trading system. This is a fully automatic Expert Advisor.      It is a 100% automatic system, the system controls both t
The   Pairs Cross indicator   is a unique tool for negatively correlated trading instruments, such as EURUSD and USDCHF currency pairs. It is based on a concept called pairs trading (or spread trading). Our indicator compares the strength of two currency pairs that are inversely correlated and quickly tells you when it’s time to buy the first pair and short a second pair, and vice versa. This is a straightforward approach to trading currency pairs that works very well. How to you use the Pairs
Market View MT5
Kyra Nickaline Watson-gordon
Definition : Market View is a dashboard (scanner) to view price graphs of all symbols and all timeframes at a glance. The utility is designed user friendly and added a wide range of customization options. Main features of Market View : Visual settings window on the chart Customizable list of symbols and timeframes Different shapes : Real Candles, Schematic Candles, Arrows Customizable number of candles Changeable size of dashboard (scanner) Highlight timeframes with gaps on candles Open approp
Erick Gabriel Palma Montufar
The price is 450$ for next 10 buyers (Remaining copy :10) Next price: 600$ KAPITAL SECURE EA    : I s a fully automated "arbitrage" trading system, which is especially effective in trading popular currency pairs, it uses 11 pairs at the same time: EURCHF, GBPNZD, AUDNZD, NZDUSD, NZDJPY, GBPAUD, EURCAD, EURUSD, EURJPY. In order to pass the MQL4 tests, we have modified the settings, you just need to download our profitable settings that we use on LIVE accounts. LIVE Signals: Capital #1  50K € Cap
Plug & Play portfolio - series of high-quality EURUSD H1 strategies for maximized success. The 4th out of 8 strategies  portfolio set.  Each EA works well as a standalone, works even better as portfolio. Triple tested  - backtest, robustness tests , portfolio correlation. Uses a well-known CCI indicator combined with an ADX indicator. Why to buy Fully automatic EA with really easy set-up. Only risk amount to be set and you are good to go. Developed using genetic algorithms on 'in sample' data
This utility copies the trading activity from MT5 to Binance Spot. As copies to SPOT, only supporst LONG positions. - Can handle multiple orders with different SL and TP. Can handle partial closes. - In the parameters, you can establish a mutliplier between the size on MT5 and the size to open on Binance. - You can filter use or not manual trades and EA trades. Look the video to see how to use it.
The strategy which is applied in finance market all around the world is known as CTA strategy. A successful CTA always includes multi-strategies, multi-instruments and multi-timeframe. The series of Multi Instruments TrendSystem (MITS) provide a profitable strategy which can be used in different instruments with different timeframe. Multi Instruments TrendSystem 6 CP  (Central Power ) MT5  is a fully automated multi-instrument Expert Advisor. This EA is one of our trend strategies EA, it can be
Metatraderプラットフォームの多くの美しい機能を1か所で見逃すことなく使用したいと思います。 私たちはあなたのためだけにトレーディングパネルをデザインしました。あなたが逃したすべての魔法の機能を満たしています。 Nova Ultimate Trade Panelは、最高の便利な取引体験を提供します。 これは非常に高速に動作する補助パネルであり、すべての要求を満たすようにコード化されています。 すべての貿易取引で簡単に使用でき、最高レベルですべての機能を利用できます。 ダイナミックパネルとして設計されたNovaUltimate Trade Panelは、ドラッグ、移動、サイズの最小化が可能です。 その組み込み機能について話しましょう。 矢印キーとデータ入力付きのボックスを使用して、すばやく取引し、必要に応じて取引のサイズ(ロット)を変更できます。 保留中のトランザクションを作成し、トランザクション設定を変更できます。 矢印キー、トグルボックス、動的な手動ドラッグレベルシフターラインを使用して、すべての取引と保留中の取引のTAKEPROFITとSTOPLOS
This utility displays the information required for making trades on each opened chart. For example: spread value, swap value; triple swap day; session closing time; ATR of the symbol by Gerchik; total profit/loss for the current symbol; the number of trades made earlier; the percentage change in the quotes of 6 selected instruments; and much more. The spread value is always shown. The rest of the information is displayed depending on the settings: Show total orders at the moment (long, short) .
The product will copy all telegram signal to MT5 ( which you are member) , also it can work as remote copier.  Lunar new year 2025 - price 169 until Jan 31, 2025 Easy to set up, copy order instant, can work with almost signal formats, image signal,  s upport to translate other language to English Work with all type of channel or group, even channel have "Restrict Saving Content", work with  multi channel, multi MT5 Work as remote copier: with signal have ticket number, it will copy exactly via
ShSH (ShSH Has Safe-Haven): an Automated Trading Tool Discover the future of trading with our ShSH an Automated Trading Tool , meticulously designed to harness the unique characteristics of the daily market's volatility . This cutting-edge system leverages the price breakout method , capitalizing on market movements during the low-liquidity hours to deliver consistent and reliable results. Core Features: 1. Intraday Market Volatility Mastery: The robot is fine-tuned to detect subtle price patte
2025 happy new year -25% discount ($199 -> $149) Advanced trading tool: One click smart orders that execute under your conditions Developed by trader for trading community:  position size calculator (lot size), open position after price action, strategy builder, set and forget trading, mobile notifications... Risk Management -  Risk percentage position size calculator, gain percentage, target risk reward ratio, spread and commissions are included in calculations 7 Advanced order types  - Set a
DashPlus は、MetaTrader 5プラットフォーム上での取引効率と効果を向上させるために設計された高度なトレード管理ツールです。リスク計算、注文管理、高度なグリッドシステム、チャートベースのツール、パフォーマンス分析など、包括的な機能を提供します。 主な機能 1. リカバリーグリッド 逆境の市場環境下で取引を管理するための平均化および柔軟なグリッドシステムを実装します。 取引回復のための戦略的なエントリーおよびエグジットポイントを可能にします。 2. スタックグリッド 強い市場の動きの中でポジションを追加することで、有利な取引での潜在的なリターンを最大化するように設計されています。 トレンド市場で利益を得られるよう、勝ち取引を拡大します。 3. 損益(P&L)ライン チャート上に直接、潜在的な利益と損失のシナリオを視覚的に表示します。 設定を調整し、P&Lラインをドラッグして、実行前にさまざまな取引結果を評価します。 4. バスケットモード 同じシンボルでの複数ポジションの管理を簡素化し、それらを単一の集約ポジションにまとめます。 平均価格に基づいて、ストップロスやテイクプ
B e sure to watch this video before using A community for users, product discussion, update news, and first line of support  Use Webmoney For payments in cryptocurrencies. How I use this algo tool   Lazy Trader is NOT SUITABLE FOR SCALPING EVERY MINUTE MOVEMENT, ESPECIALLY IN CRYPTO. WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING WHAT IS HAPPENING ON THE CHART, THERE IS NO POINT IN BLINDLY HOPING FOR PROFITS! Lazy Trader does NOT USE openAI chat-gpt-4 technologies, which are added to descriptions for product promotion
Yury Kulikov
4.93 (41)
Attention: You can view the program operation in the free version  YuClusters DEMO .  YuClusters is a professional market analysis system. The trader has unique opportunities to analyze the flow of orders, trade volumes, price movements using various charts, profiles, indicators, and graphical objects. YuClusters operates on data based on Time&Sales or ticks information, depending on what is available in the quotes of a financial instrument. YuClusters allows you to build graphs by combining da
This Expert Advisor waits a position to be opened, no matter if you open manually or with the EA buttons or eventually via mobile: it creates a Grid in Anti Martingale with pending stop orders in the same direction of the first position. You can specify the number of orders, the size and the distance between the orders. You can also adjust the Monetary Target of the Grid, the monetary Stop Loss, the Intermediate Target (when reached the EA insert an order with opposite direction of the total pos
Trade on crypto exchanges in MT5! GRat_Crypto is a tool for manual and automated trading , including ANY available EA, ANY  cryptocurrency  on most popular crypto exchanges in the familiar MT5 environment 24/7. Features 1. ALL instruments of the 8 most popular crypto exchanges are available: Binance, BingX, Bybit, Coinbase, Kraken,   KuCoin, MEXC and OKX . 2. The ability to place ANY type of order available in MT5, both market and pending, to modify orders and positions, to delete orders and cl
This is exactly what the name says. Visual strategy builder . One of a kind. Turn your trading strategies and ideas into Expert Advisors without writing single line of code. Generate mql source code files with a few clicks and get your fully functional Expert Advisors, which are ready for live execution, strategy tester and cloud optimization. There are very few options for those who have no programming skills and can not create their trading solutions in the MQL language. Now, with Bots Builde
Trading Chaos Expert
Gennadiy Stanilevych
5 (10)
This software has no equals in the world and represents a universal trade "console" covering trading signals, automated market entry, setting of Stop Loss and Take Profit, as well as Trailing Profit for multiple trades at the same time in a single open window. Intuitive control of the Expert Advisor in "three clicks" ensures a comprehensive use of all its functions on different computers, including tablets PCs. Interacting with additional signal indicators that mark the chart to give a real mark
EA の暗号通貨ライブティックデータの買値と売値および予約の深さ 利用可能な交換所: 1. Binance Spot (アクティブなチャートウィンドウで注文帳深度をサポート) および先物 (複数の注文帳深度をサポート) 2. Kucoin スポットと先物、アクティブなチャート ウィンドウでオーダーブックの深さをサポート 3. Bybit 先物およびインバース先物ティック データ ビッド アスク 最後 今後の取引所: OKX、MEXC など。 特徴 : 1. 買い値と売り値情報を含むライブティックデータ 2. 最高入札額と注文数量、ユーザーは設定から深さを有効/無効にできます 3. 履歴のロード: 始値高値安値終値値とティック値データを更新します 4. 履歴の自動更新:MT5ターミナルを再起動すると不足しているバーを埋める 5. 暗号データのストラテジーテスターを使用して、暗号シンボルティックのエキスパートアドバイザーであらゆる戦略をバックテストできます 6. このユーティリティは外部 DLL ファイルをロードする必要がなく、VPS 上で実行できます。 7. 自
Trade like a time traveler thanks to latency arbitrage Everyone knows that the best way to make money in the markets is by knowing the future. Have you ever wished to know the future price of something in advance? Even if it were just a few days, hours, or minutes ahead? What if it were possible to know it but with less than a second of advance notice? That's precisely what the PZ Latency Arbitrage EA robot does. PZ Latency Arbitrage EA is your personal time machine: but it can only travel into
Gold Hunters is one of the straightforward tool to analysis the volatile market of Gold with demands precision, in-depth analysis, strong risk management and eliminating the need for constant market monitoring. Gold Hunter will hunt the good trade position with precise risk management on all market conditions on Gold.  Hunters plug-and-play functionality means you can get started with minimal effort, Simply install me and let me handle the rest. We will diligently monitor the market, identify t
News Trade EA MT5
Konstantin Kulikov
4.55 (11)
僕自身が数年間使っている便利なロボットをご紹介します。半自動モードでも完全自動モードでもお使いいただけます。 当プログラムは経済指標カレンダーで発表されるニュースをもとにした取引の柔軟な設定が可能です。戦略テスターでは確認不可です。実際の取引のみです。端末の設定メニューを開いて許可URLリストにニュースサイトを追加する必要があります。サービス > 設定 > エキスパート・アドバイザーをクリックしてください。”次のURLの WebRequestを許可する:"にチェックを入れてください。次のURLを追加してください(空白は削除します): https://  nfs.faireconomy.media 設定のモニタリングはデフォルトで完全自動モードで行われます: https://www.mql5.com/ja/signals/1447007 。似たような結果を得たい場合は任意のタイムフレームの GBPUSDチャートにエキスパート・アドバイザーを関連付けてください。(タイムフレームの種類は問いません。) 当該エキスパート・アドバイザーのためのカスタマイズ設定セットを作る場合は、ブログの
Demo version T Position Size Calculator   doesn't work in the strategy tester. The Strategy Tester does not support the processing of ChartEvent. It does not support most of the panel's functionality. Contact me for any questions or ideas for improvement or in case of a bug found. Control and manage your trading like a professional trader with T Position Size Calculator. T Position Size Calculator – an MT5 Expert Adviser, is a user-friendly custom tools (Dialog Panel and Three Lines, Order Line
ATTENTION the expert does not work in strategy tester, for a trial version visit my profile. Manual RiskGuard Management – Professional trading, without compromise RiskGuard Management is the ultimate ally for traders who want to   maximize profits and minimize losses   with advanced risk management. It’s not just a tool; it’s an   intelligent system   that helps you stick to your trading plan, avoid emotional mistakes, and operate with maximum efficiency.   Complete capital protection  
Dobiforex AI Service é uma plataforma especializada que oferece assistência inteligente em negociações para traders de forex. Este assistente utiliza análise avançada de mercado em tempo real para ajudar os traders a tomar decisões mais informadas em suas estratégias de negociação. Ao se cadastrar no site da Dobiforex e acessar o painel dedicado, os usuários podem integrar este serviço inteligente em sua plataforma de negociação. A Dobiforex, utilizando algoritmos avançados e aprendizado de máqu
The  Easy Strategy Builder (ESB)  is a " Do It Yourself " solution that allows you to create a wide range of the automated trading strategies without any line of codes. This is the world’s easiest method to automate your strategies that can be used in STP, ECN and FIFO brokers. No drag and drop is needed. Just by set conditions of your trading strategy and change settings on desired values and let it work in your account. ESB has hundreds of modules to define unlimited possibilities of strategi
TradingX Hotkeys
Johannes Stephanus Lombard
Inputs Available Lotsizes Partial Close % You can change lotsizes as you require On an open chart click once to select chart to be able to use hotkeys on specific chart. All Pairs can be used with this expert We created this expert to be able to still trade C300 with a 0.06 Lotsize If you enter a 0.6 lot and close 0.90% you can trade with 0.06 Lot Keys to be used: B -Buy S -Sell C -Close Profitable D -Breakeven (Note if stoploss is set it won't break even) P -Partial close X -Close all
Unlimited Trade Copier Pro MT5 is a tool to copy trade remotely to multiple MT4, MT5 and cTrader accounts at different computers/locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for you if you are a signal provider and want to copy your trades to other receivers globally on your own rules. One provider can copy trades to multiple receivers and one receiver can get trade from multiple providers as well. The provider can even set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will n
Mentfx Mmanage mt5
Anton Jere Calmes
4.25 (8)
The added video will showcase all functionality, effectiveness, and uses of the trade manager. Drag and Drop Trade Manager. Draw your entry and have the tool calculate the rest. Advanced targeting and close portions of a trade directly available in tool (manage trades while you sleep). Market order or limit order on either side with factored spread. Just draw the entry, the tool does the rest. Hotkey setup to make it simple. Draw where you want to enter, and the stop loss, the tool calculates al
EAsiTrader: Advanced Strategy Creation & Automation for MetaTrader 5 EAsiTrader is designed for those who want to eliminate the hassle of programming and drastically accelerate the process of creating Expert Advisors, making strategy development faster and more efficient. EAsiTrader is a versatile trading tool designed specifically for MetaTrader 5, providing automation features and a comprehensive set of tools to help users build, test, and refine and run trading strategies. EAsiTrader adapts
Features   With MT5 to Interactive Brokers(IB) Trader, you can: 1. Load chart data from IB to MT5, and Analyze with all standard or customer Indicators. 2. Place Orders to IB Account Directly in MT5. 3. Make your Own EAs upon IB Securities by only making minus changes of the trading function. Usage 1) Installation Copy the "Mt5ToIBTraderEn.ex4" and sample files to [MT5 Data Folder]->MQL5->Experts.  2)  MT5 Settings Add the IP Address to the MT5 Allowed URLs in 'Tools->Options->Expert Adviso
Designed for automated trading on the Nasdaq (US100, USTEC, NAS100, NDX100, etc.). It will not work on other assets! To correctly   test, it is necessary to configure the TesterTimeShift parameter.  TesterTimeShift   is the time difference in hours between the terminal time and the time in the visual mode of the strategy tester. This is based on research by BIASMACHINE And the related Telegram notification service . It uses statistical patterns identified in the research to find and place tr
Vyacheslav Izvarin
5 (2)
ADAM EA Special Version for FTMO Please use ShowInfo= false for backtesting ! Our 1st EA created using ChatGPT technology Trade only GOOD and checked PROP FIRMS  Default parameters for Challenge $100,000 Tested on EURUSD and GBPUSD only  Use 15MIN Time Frame Close all deals and Auto-trading  before Weekend at 12:00 GMT+3  Friday For Prop Firms MUST use special Protector  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/94362 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mt5 To InterativeBrokers Copier allows you to copy deals from MT5 account to Interactive Brokers. With this, you can run your EA strategy on a MT5 Demo/Real Account, then copy all the deals to Interactive Brokers account real time. Features: 1. Copy or Invert-Copy deals Realtime from MT5 to IB Account. 2. Synchronizing positions of both accounts periodicaly, in case any missing copying. 3. You can choose only Buy position or Sell position. Symbols Setup: General Format:  {MT Symbol} -> {IB S
The product will copy all  Discord  signal   to MT5   ( which you are member  ) , also it can work as remote copier.  Easy to set up. Work with almost signal formats, support to translate other language to English Work with multi channel, multi MT5. Work with Image signal. Copy order instant, auto detect symbol. Work as remote copier: with signal have ticket number, it will copy exactly via ticket number. How to setup and guide: Let read all details about setup and download Discord To MetaTrader
Trader Evolution
Siarhei Vashchylka
5 (5)
" Trader Evolution " - A utility designed for traders who use wave and technical analysis in their work. One tab of the utility is capable of money management and opening orders, and the other can help in making Elliott wave and technical analysis. Manual (Be sure to read before purchasing) | Version for MT4 Advantages 1. Trading in a few clicks. Immediate and pending orders are available in the panel 2. Money management. The program automatically selects the appropriate lot size 3. Simplifies
Time saving and fast execution Whether you’re traveling or sleeping, always know that Telegram To MT5 performs the trades for you. In other words, Our   Telegram MT5 Signal Trader  will analyze the trading signals you receive on your selected Telegram channels and execute them to your Telegram to MT5 account. Reduce The Risk Telegram To Mt5   defines the whole experience of copying signals from   Telegram signal copier to MT5 platforms. Users not only can follow all instructions from the signal
Market Screener
Andrey Khatimlianskii
5 (1)
Professional tool for professional traders It allows you to browse all available financial instruments and select best ones to trade with lightning speed. Fastest market screening ever Move your mouse over the instruments and instantly see 3 charts with selected timeframes and predefined indicators! Click on the symbol name to hold it. Use UP and DOWN keys to select previous /  next instrument. Ultimate charting Smooth scale, automatic indicator lines width, smart grid and much more. You'll li
Score EA
Tsvetan Tsvetanov
MT5バージョンの完全自動適応型取引システム「Score EA」をご紹介します。この新しいバージョンは、取引体験を新たな高みに引き上げるために、機能と能力が大幅に強化されています。 主な更新内容: 最大28のシンボルをサポートし、市場の露出と多様化を広げます。 ユーザーインターフェースの拡張、完全なポジションリストと手動制御ボタンが追加され、柔軟性が向上しました。 取引決定とパフォーマンスを向上させるために設計された新しい取引アルゴリズムと改善された機械学習モデル。 多くのシステムが外部のAIリソースやChatGPTのような一般的な言語モデルに依存するのに対し、私たちの「Score EA」システムは、独自に開発された専用の機械学習アルゴリズムによって動作しています。これらのモデルは取引専用に設計されており、時系列データ内の統計的に重要なパターンを検出するために特化しているため、市場での独自の優位性を提供します。 主な特徴: 高度な取引ロジック :独自の機械学習および統計モデルに基づいています。 高度にカスタマイズ可能 :外部設定により、市場の状況や個人の好みに合わせて戦略を調整できます
SDX Chart
Tsvetan Tsvetanov
4.5 (2)
The SDX Chart is a free additional indicator which can be used in combination with SDX Dashboard . Features Ability to review the history of each symbol and time frame. Ability to change symbols and time frames with one click. Works perfectly in combination with SDX Dashboard and helps you to understand the system better. Settings MA Period - number of periods for the calculation of the moving average and the standard deviation. Number of Bars - how far back to draw the indicator. Buttons Size
Custom Pivots
Tsvetan Tsvetanov
4 (4)
Pivots Points are significant levels traders can use to determine directional movement, support and resistance. Pivot Points use the prior period's high, low and close to formulate future support and resistance. In this regard, Pivot Points are predictive and leading indicators. Pivot Points were originally used by floor traders to set key levels. Floor traders are the original day traders. They deal in a very fast moving environment with a short-term focus. At the beginning of the trading day,
The Dynamic Fibonacci Grid Dashboard ( DFG-360 ) is a multi functional trading app designed for work primarily in the Forex market. The app combines several modules and tools into one complete trading system. The unique interface of the app is optimized for active day trading, scalping, news trading, short term trend following as well as counter trend and grid trading. Main features Advanced Multi Time Frame and Multi Market analysis. Quick and efficient position management. Semi-Automated trad
Custom Market Watch
Tsvetan Tsvetanov
3.33 (3)
The Custom Market Watch ( CMW ) is a professional grade trading application which allows you to operate effortlessly with large number of symbols and multiple open positions simultaneously from one chart. The Custom Market Watch shows the most essential daily technical information for each symbol in combination with very simple and easy to use trading interface where you can monitor the net exposure for each symbol and you can open and close positions with one click. The app is automatically syn
This indicator shows the current RSI values for multiple symbols and multiple timeframes and allows you to switch between timeframes and symbols with one click directly from the matrix. With this indicator, you can analyze large number of symbols across multiple timeframes and detect the strongest trends in just a few seconds. Features Shows RSI values for multiple symbols and timeframes simultaneously. Colored cells with progressive color intensity depending on the RSI values. Ability to chang
DFGX Dashboard
Tsvetan Tsvetanov
5 (2)
Take your trading to the next level with DFGX - our second generation Dynamic Fibonacci Grid. This new, powerful and easy to use application is specially designed and optimized for contrarian intraday trading, scalping and news trading on the Forex market. This system is the ideal solution for active professional traders and scalpers who are looking for innovative ways to optimize their strategy. The system also provides excellent opportunity for new traders who want to learn to trade in a syste
This indicator is using the Central Limit Theorem in combination with historical volatility and Fibonacci ratios in order to create unique type of chart tool called Projected Volatility Distribution. This tool allows you to perform highly accurate intraday technical analysis where in a split second you can detect overbought and oversold conditions as well as strong trends. In addition you have at your disposal multi-functional panel which shows signals in real time and gives you the ability to o
SDX is our latest and most advanced dashboard for manual trading. The app is based on our proven grid platform and offers unique trading opportunities for both experienced and new traders. This unique combination of innovative tools is designed to simplify the trading process and to give you real advantage. The system is ideal for short term trend following, counter-trend trading and scalping on the Forex market. Main Features Ability to work simultaneously with 10 pairs from one screen. Abilit
This indicator displays Bollinger Bands signals for multiple symbols and multiple time frames. The signals are created as a simple ratios which represent the distance between the current price and the moving average measured in standard deviations. This way we create a very versatile and easy to use indicator which helps us to identify not only the strongest trends but also the most overbought and oversold conditions. Features Accurate signals in real time for multiple time frames and multiple
This indicator is based on the classic Pivot Points concept combined with additional optimizations and advanced features.  The levels of support and resistance are calculated by taking into account the average historical volatility.  The added multi-symbol scanner allows you to detect the best conditions and trade setups.  You can see in real time the current situation for all of your favorite symbols and you can switch the chart to any symbol with one click. The build in alert system allows you
This indicator allows you to analyze the hidden trends and correlations between the 8 most traded currencies via unique strength meter which creates multiple charts in a single window based on the price action of each currency in relation to all other currencies. The indicator also includes interactive panel where you can see the trends for all 28 pairs as well as the distance to the highest and the lowest price for the selected period. With this panel you can switch between currency pairs with
FX28 Trader
Tsvetan Tsvetanov
5 (1)
FX28 Trader Dashboardをご紹介します - あなたの究極のトレードマネージャー FX28 Trader Dashboardは、あなたの外国為替(Forex)取引を新たな高みに押し上げるために設計された包括的で直感的なトレードマネージャーです。経験豊富なトレーダーでも、まだ金融の旅を始めたばかりの方でも、この強力なツールは取引活動を効率化し、意思決定プロセスを向上させるために開発されました。 主な特徴: ユーザーフレンドリーなインターフェース: FX28 Trader Dashboardは、あらゆるレベルのトレーダーに適したユーザーフレンドリーなインターフェースを備えています。さまざまな機能やツールを簡単にナビゲートし、わずか数クリックでトレードを完全にコントロールできます。 リアルタイムマーケットデータ: リアルタイムのマーケットデータフィードで先を見越してください。通貨ペア、トレンド、マーケットの変動に関する最新の情報を提供し、情報を元に自信を持ってトレードを実行できます。 高度なトレードアナリティクス: FX28 Trader Dashboardでは、高度なアナ
This indicator shows the current RSI values for multiple symbols and multiple timeframes and allows you to switch between timeframes and symbols with one click directly from the matrix. With this indicator, you can analyze large number of symbols across multiple timeframes and detect the strongest trends in just a few seconds. Features Shows RSI values for multiple symbols and timeframes simultaneously. Colored cells with progressive color intensity depending on the RSI values. Ability to chang
Pivots Points are significant levels traders can use to determine directional movement, support and resistance. Pivot Points use the prior period's high, low and close to formulate future support and resistance. In this regard, Pivot Points are predictive and leading indicators. Pivot Points were originally used by floor traders to set key levels. Floor traders are the original day traders. They deal in a very fast moving environment with a short-term focus. At the beginning of the trading day,
sooty 2023.06.18 07:12 

This indicator has excellent features, an all in one indicator with the ability to buy and sell quickly, set stop loss and take profit easily. It combines several indicators contained within a dashboard, the symbol changer aspect makes life very easy, moving through each instrument revealing charts for speedy observation. The charts have a ADR preset feeding you information on the amount of pips between the high and low. I bought the indicator for the combined system but the currency strength indicator isn't working and there are scaling issues with the charts and dashboard. The alerts don't seem to be functional. If every aspect of this system worked efficiently it would be outstanding and meet my trading criteria. Its a lot of money to spend to discover these type of problems. I can only award 3 stars for effort, hopefully the problems can be rectified.

バージョン 1.8 2024.12.24
- Fixed error with font scaling.
バージョン 1.7 2023.11.27
- New settings and description arrangement.
バージョン 1.6 2023.06.05
- Bug Fixes.
バージョン 1.5 2023.05.29
- Added Hotkeys.

H - Temporary hide the interface.
W - Increase chart price range.
S - Decrease chart price range.
R - Reset chart price range.
E - Enable or disable auto scroll.
D - Reset auto scroll and chart price range.

Numpad 7 and 9 switch between symbols with open positions or pending orders.
Numpad 4 and 6 switch to previous or next symbol on the list.
Numpad 5 switch to the most active currency pair for the day.
Numpad 1 and 3 switch between symbols with daily range above the specified in the alerts setting.
Numpad 2 and 8 switch between symbols with current price close to the highest or the lowest for the day.
バージョン 1.4 2023.05.24
- Optimized code efficiency.
バージョン 1.3 2023.05.22
- Added ability to work with pending orders. Place, select, modify, delete.
- Automatic switch between Limit or Stop order based on price.
- Ability to set order expiration time with drag and drop on the time axis.
- Further improvements for chart control.
バージョン 1.2 2023.05.18
- Added ability to select and partially close trades from the list.
- Added ability to select and modify SLTP on trades from the list.
- Added draggable preset SLTP on market orders.
- Improved process for bulk SLTP modification.
- Added buttons to control chart price scale and auto-scroll.
- Added ability to hide the interface temporarily.
- Unified confirmation process for all types of orders.
バージョン 1.1 2023.05.10
Improved lot selector menu.