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Golden Pickaxe MT5


EA has high-performance live track records of different set files:

XAU Risky Vol
XAU Balanced Vol
XAU Balanced

MT4 version can be found here

Golden Pickaxe is a mean-reversion grid trading system that uses machine learning technology to place high-profit potential trades on the Gold market. It uses real market inefficiencies to its advantage to have an edge over the market. The EA has 5 predefined set files, which are essentially 5 different trading systems on gold. You may choose the default option (XAU Risky) or have your own preference

Supported currency pairs: XAUUSD (aka GOLD)

Timeframe: M1


  • Allows you to retrain Neural Network on your broker's data
  • Advanced News and Stock Market Crash Filter
  • Flexible customization with a lot of filters and options
  • Solid backtest and live performance
  • Statistic Panel with Self Diagnostic System and Neural Network Forecast indicator
  • Much cheaper than available high-quality alternatives
  • Very easy to use: just read 2 lines of instructions below
Backtests should be done with Tick Data Suite GMT+2 with US DST. This GMT offset is used by most brokers

    How to install


    • Hedging account!
    • The EA is NOT sensitive to spread and slippage. But I advise using a good ECN broker
    • The EA should run on a VPS continuously
    • With only 1:30 leverage I advise not to use higher than low risk settings on a less than $6000 account, otherwise you might have problems with free margin. With 1:100 leverage it should be fine with up to significant risk setting on a $1000 account

    MM & Risk settings

    • Allow Opening a new Grid - on/off opening of new grids. It does not affect the already open grids
    • Lot-sizing Method - select the lot sizing method according to the risk you want to take: Fixed Lots will use fixed lot size from the "Fixed lot" parameter, Dynamic Lots will use 'Dynamic Lot' parameter, Deposit load will calculate lots based on deposit load%, and 4 predefined presets will calculate risk automatically for you
    • Fixed Lot - fixed trading lot for the initial trade.
    • Dynamic Lot (Balance/Equity based) - balance/equity to be used per 0.01 lot
    • Deposit Load % - % of the deposit that will be totally used to open the initial trade


    • Percentage Pips Mode - on/off percentage pips mode. 1 per. pip = 0.0001 * Curr. Price
    • Price Channel Period - period of Donchian channels used to calculate the upper/lower levels
    • Price Channel Time Frame - working TF for the Donchian channels
    • Daily EMA Period - period of the daily EMA for calculating the medium-term trend
    • Volatility Filter - allows you to avoid risky trades during periods of high volatility

    Machine Learning

    • Enable Neural Network Filter – on/off filtering of trades using ML technology
    • Use Built-in Perceptron Configuration – if true, the EA will use built-in Perceptron config. If false, the EA will load the custom config file Perceptron_Config.txt located in the common directory for all MT4/5 terminals
    • Min Probability of Profit % - min. predicted probability that a trade will result in profit

    Perceptron Training

    • Perceptron Training Mode – if true, the EA will try to train Perceptron and save results in the external config file Perceptron_Config.txt
    • Dataset Max Size - maximum dataset size for raw data
    • Neuron in Hidden Layer - number of neurons in the hidden layer. If zero, then no hidden layer will be used
    • Training Algo - training algorithm: Levenberg–Marquardt or L-BFGS
    • Number of Restarts – max. number of restarts to find global optimum

    Grid settings

    • Trade Distance - min. step in pips between grid trades
    • 2nd Trade Multiplier - multiplier for the 2nd trade
    • 3rd-5th Trade Multiplier - multiplier for the 3rd-5th trades
    • 6th- Trade Multiplier - multiplier for the 6th-.... trades
    • Maximum Trades - max number of grid trades


    • Trade Comment - comment for orders
    • UID (0...9) - unique EA instance number. Usually no need to change it

    レビュー 10
    ken 2023.06.05 06:23 

    Great gold EA. With the Balanced Vol setting, the drawdown is low.

    Fortres Mangas Martinez
    Fortres Mangas Martinez 2023.02.15 21:34 

    Desde octubre del año pasado a la fecha he tenido buenos y constantes resultados de este EA. Vi un comentario negativo que señala que "el 3 de febrero de 2023 explotó su cuenta con este asesor experto", pero eso se debe a que seguramente no activo el filtro de noticias. El día 2 y 3/02/2023 hubo un fuerte movimiento hacia abajo, los que tenemos flitro de noticias activado no tuvimos operaciones de compra en sentido contratrio al movimiento del oro. Cualquiera púede hacer una prueba retrospectiva en metatrader y puede corroborar lo que digo, como ahí no existe posibilidad de operar el filtro de noticias, una cuenta con $75,000 dolares y con un riesgo de operación de .50 lotes se quema por el movimiento de ese día.

    Actualización 06/08/2024 Llevo un año con este AI, la verdad es una de las mejores estrategias que he probado y usado en MQL5. Hay que usarlo en simulación para entender como funciona, y dedicar tiempo a la configuración, tiene muchos parametros de protección, incluyendo el mas importante el monto del lote con que comercia.

    Yo en lo particular no he tenido un saldo pasivo flotante en mi cuenta mas alla del 15% en todo un año, operando 24 horas, once meses y medio. El problema de que quemes tu cuenta es mayormente que no se calcula el riesgo. Yo por ejemplo opero con una cuenta de 125 mil dolares y el riesgo es el mas bajo, aparte de que tengo una configuracion específica que me ha funcionado y difiere un poco de los sets que nos proporcionan.

    divonney 2022.12.13 21:22 

    Valeriia (the one and only) whats i name her she is the most trusted brain to build EAs and there is nothing to hide check her account at myfxbook

    Domine o Mini Índice com Inteligência e Agilidade! O que é o TrendWIN? O TrendWIN é um robô de trading avançado, projetado para operar no mini índice do mercado brasileiro (WIN) utilizando uma estratégia de seguimento de tendência de curto prazo . Ele foi desenvolvido para traders que buscam aproveitar movimentos rápidos do mercado com precisão e eficiência. Características Principais: Estratégia de Seguimento de Tendência O TrendWIN identifica e acompanha tendências de curto prazo, maximizan
    Ksm mt5
    Andriy Sydoruk
    5 (1)
    Ksm: Smart Solution for Automated Forex Trading Ksm is a tool designed for automating Forex trading, using modern methods of time-series data analysis to work with multiple currency pairs across different timeframes. Key Features and Benefits Multi-currency support : Ksm enables trading across multiple currency pairs, helping traders adapt their strategies to various market conditions. New currency pairs can be easily added. Time-series data analysis : Utilizing advanced algorithms, Ksm analyze
    Scalping (scalping, pipsing) is a trading approach based on technical analysis and involves opening and closing a large number of transactions in short periods of time: transactions are kept open from a few milliseconds to several minutes. In other words, the purpose of Forex scalping is not to hold a position for hours, days or weeks, but to make a profit in minutes or even seconds, just a few points per trade. In practice, it is difficult to achieve pure scalping within a minute, since, as a
    Expert. Automatic and manual trading. Ready-made trading system based on Elliott waves and Fibonacci retracement levels . It is simple and affordable. Display of the marking of Elliott waves (main or alternative option) on the chart. Construction of horizontal levels, support and resistance lines, a channel. Superposition of Fibonacci levels on waves 1, 3, 5, A Alert system (on-screen, E-Mail, Push notifications).    visual panel for opening orders in manual trading. visual panel for setting up
    シグナルアカウント (バランスリスク0.75%) お知らせ:多くのリクエストにより、レンタルおよび購入価格を25%割引するセールを実施することにしました。この期間中に購入またはレンタルすることで、割引を利用できます。セール期間は1〜2週間続き、その後価格は2400ドルに戻ります。この期間中にマーケットサイクルを購入すると、 Nexus Bitcoin Scalper および Nexus Indices も25%割引で購入でき、自分自身で非常に良い分散ポートフォリオを作成できます。 すべてのEAの購入に対して10%の特別割引を受けるには、PMを通じて私に連絡してください。 MT4バージョンが必要な場合やレンタル/購入が難しい場合は、代替ソリューションについて私に連絡してください。 Nexus コミュニティの公開チャットに参加しましょう mql5市場で最も優れた非マーチンゲール、グリッドまたは平均化EA。 このアルゴリズムは、2020年から3.5年以上にわたりプライベートアカウントでライブ運用され、26,000ピップス以上のリターンを達成し、リスクの安定性に優れています。現在、MT5プラッ
    Crash 900 Trend
    Ignacio Agustin Mene Franco
    Good community, on this occasion I present to you Crash 900 Trend where it has a very effective strategy that works with stochastic and 2 mobile media along the path of the crash 900 it has had good results is used in temporality of M1 and with a balance of 500 usd towards a lot of 1 The batch depends on the balance, Afterwards the parameters are already configured with a sl of 60000 and a short tp 500 to make the operation more effective and short, It is used in the pair of crash 900! without
    This is a Hedge EA for Sideways Markets The market is sideways 80% of the time. This EA performs well during this phase and accepts stop-losses (SL) during periods of strong news and strong trends. The full-time backtest shows good results, but if you run it live and turn the EA on and off during critical periods, its efficiency will be even higher. Advantages: Take Profit (TP) for individual orders , which is highly beneficial for minimizing slippage. Trims orders to reduce risks when the mark
    Join  Nexus Community Public Chat Nexus Bitcoin Scalper is a short term scalping EA that trades Bitcoin exclusively. The EA has 3 internal trading strategies for different market environments. each strategies are based on different underlying market momentum and reversal algorithm and combine with several market indicators such as MACD, RSI, ADX and TDI.  It is designed for stable operations and risk control in long term trading.  This EA is part of   Nexus Portfolio  - a combination of the b e
    Neuro Start
    Dmytryi Voitukhov
    4.67 (3)
    UPD:   https://t.me/mql5_neuroExt   актуальная версия и обсуждение. -作成されたトレーニングベースを成功させるために、一時的に使用するためのアドバイザーを無料で提供します。 -トレーニングの進行に伴い、トレーニングベースが配置されます。 -トレーニングには約20エポックが必要です。 なぜならExpert Advisorはリソースを大量に消費し、市場はそれを処理できません。Market値を持つTypeOfWorkパラメーターが導入されました。 他の希望する値に切り替える必要があります! 共同学習のために公開されました! 入力データのセットの深さは、設定で指定された時間枠の50バーです。 ThresholdOUTは効果がありません。 場合によっては、速度は非常に大きな値にのみ影響します。 トレーニングモードでは、SLとTPが等しい最小ロットで1つの注文のみを開きます。スケジュールは統一されている必要があります。このモードでは、利益自体は重要ではありません。 距離は、MaxOrders> 1でのみ機能します。 MaxOrde
    Syed Oarasul Islam
    ArcTrader is designed to trade any markets (Stocks, Forex, Commodities, Futures, Cryptos). The strategies are developed based on various Price Actions that will be observed on different Fibonacci Arc Levels. Product Home Page:  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/51336 ADVANTAGES: Works on any market and time frames Multiple Strategies in 4 categories:  Retracement, Breakout, Trend Follow, Reversal Trades simultaneously on any number of markets under the same account  Display Fibonacci Arc
    Sterling Wizard MT5 Expert Advisor The   Sterling Wizard MT5   is a highly advanced Expert Advisor (EA) designed specifically for trading GBPUSD (British Pound/US Dollar) pair. Developed with years of rigorous backtesting and live testing across various market conditions, this EA offers a blend of intelligent trading strategies, risk management features, and user-customizable settings, making it ideal for both novice and professional traders. Key Features: Customizable Risk Management : Choose
    Diamond Scalping Forexへようこそ ローンチプロモーション 現在の価格で残り2コピーのみ!  次の価格: $1993.99   このEAは、100%価格アクションに基づいた戦略を使用しており、ブレイクアウト、リトレースメント、失敗したブレイクアウトなどの小さなテクニックを組み合わせて、最も高い勝率でエントリーを見つけます。 EAは各トレードに対して必ず固定のストップロス(SL)を設定します。 EAは、マーチンゲールやグリッドなどのリスクの高い戦略を使用しないため、アカウントの安全が保証されます。 EAはトレーリングストップを使用して利益を確保します。 --- なぜDiamond Scalping Forexを選ぶべきか - EAは、EURUSD、USDJPY、GBPUSDなどの複数の通貨ペアで取引できます。 - EAは、US30やNas100などのインデックスペアでも取引できます。 - EAは、ゴールド/XAUでも取引できます。 - 特に、EAは10年以上の取引とコーディング経験を持つチームによって開発されました。 - チームは24時間年中無休のサポー
    Gold Crazy EA   is an Expert Advisor designed specifically for trading Gold H1/ EU M15. It use some indicators to find the good Entry. And you can set SL or you can DCA if you want. It can be an Scalping or an Grid/ Martingale depend yours setting. This EA can Auto lot by Balance, set risk per trade. You also can set TP/ SL for earch trade or for basket of trade. - RSI_PERIOD - if = -1, then the default strategy works, if >0, then the RSI strategy works - MAX_ORDERS - to trade with only 1 order,
    AlphaTrade Automate: Multi-Currency Trading Bot Overview AlphaTrade Automate is a multi-currency bot developed for automated Forex trading. It combines flexibility with a range of tools designed to facilitate trading processes and strategy customization. Why Use AlphaTrade Automate? Choosing a Forex trading bot depends on various factors like trading style, goals, and preferences. AlphaTrade Automate offers a set of features designed to accommodate different needs. Testing the bot on a demo acc
    Gold SWmax EA は、Meta Trader 5 の最高のエキスパート アドバイザーの 1 つです。アドバイザーの独自のアルゴリズムは、技術的および数学的分析の要素を考慮して資産価格の動きを分析し、収益性の高いエントリ ポイントとエグジット ポイントを決定し、高度な資金管理とロット乗数を使用します。エキスパート アドバイザーは、シンボル価格の数学的および対数的分析を使用して、独自のアルゴリズムに従って取引を行います。 推奨事項: ブローカー - RoboForex または他のブローカー (最適化が成功した後) アカウントの種類 - 任意 (ヘッジあり) 時間枠 - 任意 (私は M30 または H1 を使用) 取引ペア - XAUUSD (ゴールド) または BTCUSD (ビットコイン) (最適化が成功した後) デポジット - 5000 から推奨 レバレッジ - 1:500 から 取引モード - VPS 推奨 最適化およびテスト期間 - 60 ~ 12 か月 最適化の推奨頻度 - 1 ~ 3 か月ごと 利点: エキスパート アドバイザーはインジケーターを使用せず、外
    Grid Averaging Pro  is a combination of Grid Trading and Cost Averaging with sophisticated algorithm and build-in Hedging to protect your account drawdown. Once your initial trade moves into negative territory, the recovery mechanism will kick in and place consecutive market orders in the same direction, all of which will be closed with a combined profit or approximately break even. Product Links Fully  Description in English  :  [USER GUIDE ENGLISH] - GRID AVERAGING PRO (MT4/MT5) Fully  Descri
    ForexM 全自動取引EA ForexM EAは、専門的なリアルタイム市場分析に従って株式を取引します。 すべての発注注文は市場執行タイプであり、市場アナリストのリアルタイム作業により適切に重み付けされます。 EA には最高評価の初期設定が付属しており、すぐに使用できます。 特徴: - 完全に自動化された取引。 - 危機管理。 - 任意の数の機器で同時に動作します。 - DLL なし - VPS (クラウドベースの取引) が完全にサポートされています。 - 任意のブローカー。 - 任意のデポジット。 - 年中無休の取引。 - サポートと使用上の推奨事項。 - アップデート。 重要: - 価格 (428USD) は 1 年目のライセンスの料金です。 使用初年度以降は月額32ドルが適用されます。 - MT4 バージョンはリクエストに応じて提供します。 - 最初の 10 人の購入者の価格 - 99 ユーロ。 クーポンコードを使用 - FRXMF10 直接支払いリンク: https://buy. Stripe.com/9AQ8Ab5WUdaIdeU144
    ReversiLot is a powerful automated trading tool on the MetaTrader 5 platform, created for professional traders and investors. This advisor is based on a money management strategy using Martingale and can adapt to market conditions. Key Features: Dynamic Lot Management: The initial lot size is calculated based on the risk percentage of the deposit. The ability to increase the lot size by multiplying after each losing trade. Flexible Parameter Settings: RiskPercentage – the risk percentage for ca
    Live signal https://www.mql5.com/en/users/datbh/seller [MT4 version: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/93601 ] ! Next price --> $699 and final: 1779$ This is a smart grid-based automated trading system, meticulously developed from over a decade of trading experience. The system leverages quantitative analysis, trend evaluation, and key resistance levels to execute precise entries. Our EA specializes in trading three major currency pairs: AUDCAD NZDCAD AUDNZD Designed with both efficiency a
    Introducing to your attention an innovative expert advisor created specifically for the most juicy and volatility  currency   basket: GBPUSD, XAUUSD and EURJPY. This EA is designed using the main features of this market's movement, making it an ideal choice for dynamic trading on high-trending and medium-volatile pairs. The advisor is focused on minimizing trading risks, aiming to reduce losses to a minimum. Main features: EA is designed to open and close orders at the begginning of trading ses
    Fully automatic advisor, GBPUSD . Timeframe m15 . Terminal MT5 ChatGPT O1 deeply analyzed all GBPUSD quotes I downloaded from high timeframes, in order to find a safe strategy; identified paranormal activity of this tool. The advisor tracks such atypical GBPUSD activities and will immediately react by trying to enter in the opposite direction. Each order is protected by a stop loss . One order can be divided into a maximum of three orders. Each order has its own take profit and stop loss. Mi
    Cryo Zone : Smart Solution for Automated Forex Trading Cryo Zoneis a tool designed for automating Forex trading, using modern methods of time-series data analysis to work with multiple currency pairs across different timeframes. Key Features and Benefits Multi-currency support : Cryo Zone enables trading across multiple currency pairs, helping traders adapt their strategies to various market conditions. New currency pairs can be easily added. Time-series data analysis : Utilizing advanced algori
    More informations at Telegram group: t.me/DARKRAYFXEAEN Darkray FX EA  uses a return-to-average strategy coupled with buying and selling exhaust zone detection. ️ Expert Advisor for Forex ️ Any Symbol, CDFs, etc.  ️ Developed for  Metatrader 5 ️ Swing/Position trading ️ Accuracy higher than 95% ️ Low Drawndown Indicators available for setups settings: EMA200  • moving average of 200 periods (other periods can be used with excellent results as well); RSI  • Checks the levels on sale for th
    Marvelous EAの紹介:究極のトレーディングパートナー Marvelous EAを使用して、FX市場の真の可能性を解き放ち、利益を最大化し、リスクを最小限に抑えましょう。この高度な自動取引ソリューションは、動的なFX市場を正確かつ効果的にナビゲートするための高度な機能を備えた、慎重に設計されたトレーディングアルゴリズムです。ゴールド - XAUUSD - M5 リアルアカウントのパフォーマンス: https://www.mql5.com/ja/signals/1973370 主な特徴: 実証済みの取引戦略:経験豊富なトレーダーによって開発され、さまざまな市場状況でテスト済み。 自動取引:感情的なバイアスや手動介入なしで24/5取引を実行。 リスク管理:資本を保護する高度なリスク管理システム。 適応技術:変化する市場環境に継続的に学習し適応。 マルチ通貨対応:最適化された設定で複数の通貨ペアを取引。 リアルタイムモニタリング:パフォーマンスと市場分析をリアルタイムで監視。 メリット: 効率の向上:自動取引で時間と労力を節約。 精度の向上:感情的な取引決定を減らし、損
    Fully automated, which does not use grid strategies, martingale, averaging positions, waiting out a loss, etc. The idea is not complicated, when flat, 2 limit orders are set when using USE_LIMIT_ORDERS = true, otherwise it trades by market. When an order is triggered, the position is closed by TAKE_PROFIT, SIGNAL_TRAILING_TAKE_PROFIT in an unsuccessful situation by STOP_LOSS_VIRTUAL. Or the orders are deleted. After closing a position, the expert looks at how the position closed, with a pr
    This program works on the MT5 platform and on a time frame  4 Hours , and the minimum deposit amount must be at least $ 3000 and achieve profits of up to 100% of the deposit amount and is compatible with most MT5 platforms and achieves the best results with the EUR/USD pair and therefore it is the best with this pair only One of the best programs for scalping traders fans
    Syed Oarasul Islam
    Extensiver is designed to trade any markets (Stocks, Forex, Commodities, Futures, Cryptos). The strategies are developed based on various Price Actions that will be observed on different Fibonacci Extension Levels. Product Home Page:  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/51242 ADVANTAGES: Works on any market and time frames Multiple Strategies in 4 categories:  Extension, Breakout, Trend Follow, Reversal Trades simultaneously on any number of markets under the same account  Display Fibonacci
    HFT SP500 Master
    Explore unique opportunities with precision in decisive moments of the financial market. You will be able to execute trades using a strategy that major banks and brokers utilize through high-frequency trading robots. Breaking News has been validated for years—its strategy was initially crafted manually and then carefully automated to ensure it performs exactly as needed to achieve high performance. When I was creating this strategy, I recorded over 40 screen videos to ensure everything was wor
    Horus AI
    Nestor Alejandro Chiariello
    トレーダーの皆さん、私はこのツールを実際の結果を厳密に設計しました。これまでのいくつかの戦略に基づいて、外国為替市場に適応させたツールです。したがって、機械学習の人工知能に適応しています。つまり、AI が読み取ります。パラメータを設定して私の戦略に合わせて参照すると、エントリの品質が高くなるように学習します。ポジションを回復できるノードもあります。もう 1 つの革新的な点は、すべてが .html ファイルにカプセル化されることです。仮想的な方法、つまり、ストップロスやテイクプロフィットなどのサーバーにデータが送信されることはなく、非常に人道的な方法になります。 Horus AI は大規模なノード データベースを備えており、私のノード サーバーに接続して、市場の構造化と破壊に関するより多くの情報を保存し続け、私の特別な預言者指標などを参照します。 これにより、新しいノード情報 API、インジケーター、ニュースのおかげでユニークになります。 重要なお読みください。API はバックテストで動作できないため、バックテストは実行できません。バックテストは実際にのみ動作します。パフォーマンス
    NorthEastWay MT5
    4.43 (7)
    NorthEastWay MT5は完全自動の「プルバック」トレーディングシステムであり、特に人気の「プルバック」通貨ペア(AUDCAD、AUDNZD、NZDCAD)での取引に効果的です。このシステムは、外国為替市場の主要なパターンである、価格が急激に動いた後に元の位置に戻るという特性を活用しています。 タイムフレーム: M15 主要通貨ペア: AUDNZD、NZDCAD、AUDCAD 追加通貨ペア: EURUSD、USDCAD、GBPUSD、EURCAD、EURGBP、GBPCAD ライブシグナル(異なる設定): NEW2000 MT5 ICM FastWay MT5 Roboforex FastWay MT4 ICM NEW2000 MT4 Roboforex LittleeCrazyWay MT5 (新しいEA設定の1つがLC EAに非常に似ている可能性がありますが、完全に同一ではありません。) EA購入後、必ず私にプライベートメッセージを送ってください。プライベートグループに追加し、設定ファイルや詳細な説明を送付します。 EAのインストールや設定について、購入者全員をサポートし
    Robot autotrading forex yang bekerja secara full otomatis menggunakan Strategi Scalping yang sangat profitable.Tidak menggunakan metode strategi yang berbahaya dalam trading yang menyebabkan hilangnya seluruh Deposit secara tajam seperti Hedging, Martingale, Grid, Arbitrage, dll. Kelebihan RainScalper adalah memiliki status Live Development yang berkesinambungan dalam jangka panjang berbeda dengan robot lain yang sering berganti nama ketika terjadi crash/mc; serta memiliki kemampuan multi-strate
    Benefit EA Uses only hedging accounts.     Benefit EA is a non-indicative flexible grid adviser with special entry points that provide a statistical advantage, revealed through the mathematical modeling of market patterns. The EA does not use stop loss. All trades are closed by take profit or trailing stop. It is possible to plan the lot increments. The "Time Filter" function is set according to the internal time of the terminal as per the displayed time of the instrument's server, not the oper
    The Neurolite Expert Advisor offers trade decisions based on a neural network trained using a 10-year history of real tick data. The trading is performed only on GBP/USD. Its main peculiarity is a small amount of input parameters so as to facilitate the working process of users. The Neurolite EA will fine-tune all the parameters for you. Trading Strategy The system does NOT use dangerous strategies such as averaging or martingale, but strictly adheres to the neural network instructions. Stop lo
    The Neurolite Expert Advisor offers trade decisions based on a neural network trained on 5-years of real tick data. Trading is performed only on the EUR/USD currency pair. Its main peculiarity is a small amount of input parameters so as to facilitate the working process of users. The Neurolite EA will fine-tune all the parameters for you. This Expert Advisor is based on the previously released Neurolite EA gbpusd , which was adjusted for successful trading on the EUR/USD currency pair. Trading
    A scalper system only work during Asian hours. Several unique indicators to detective the price fluctuation. Dynamic TP/SL level according to market conditions. Fixed stoploss to protect the capital, very low risk of losing a lot of money. No need to obtain SET files. The parameters are the same for each currency pair. It is optimized to work on EURAUD . It is recommended to use Eagle Scalper on M15 chart. It is recommended to run it on a real ECN broker with very low spread . It is recommended
    Snake EURUSD Real EA is a fully automatic Forex Trading Expert Advisor. The robot can run on any pair, but the results are better on EURUSD M15. The system can run with any broker that also provides Floating Spread. Advantages The EA does not use systems like martingale, hedging, etc. The EA uses SL and Trailing Stop to make a profit. In addition, you can also set TP (EURUSD at 93 for me). Best test results with 99.0% in the backtest. It is not necessary to close the EA during the press release
    BE SAFE mt5
    Rajkumar Palanisamy
    Updated latest version DD is below 30%    **Back Test in IC Markets,  EURUSD, USDJPY, AUDUSD  Time Frame M30**  *USDCAD 1H * *AUDUSD H2*    **BE SAFE EA includes 9 Powerful Trend Indicators**    **99% Accuracy Super Strong BUY and SELL Signal entry**    **EA takes Super Strong BUY or SELL order, after 9 indicator confirmation in one bar** Super Strong BUY and SELL entry EA takes super STRONG BUY and SELL entry, after 9 indicator confirmation in single bar. When you receive the super strong
    BE SAFE TURBO EA with indicator 24*7 Real deposit 3000$. Updated latest version DD is below 30%    **Back Test in IC Markets,  EURUSD, USDJPY, AUDUSD  Time Frame M30**  *USDCAD 1H * *AUDUSD H2*    **BE SAFE EA includes 9 Powerful Trend Indicators**    **99% Accuracy Super Strong BUY and SELL Signal entry**    **EA takes Super Strong BUY or SELL order, after 9 indicator confirmation in one bar** Super Strong BUY and SELL entry EA takes super STRONG BUY and SELL entry, after 9 indicator confi
    #Multicurrency #Hedging #Martingale #28Symbols  @AUD @CAD @CHF @JPY @NZD @USD @EUR @GBP  In the globalisation process that the world economy has undergone in the last two decades, financial markets have played a leading role. The easy and fast access to information, together with the growing economic interdependence between the different commercial blocks, have caused more and more economic agents to participate in non-national financial markets. Even small investors, thanks to the Internet and
    On Control EA MT5 V2 Game-Changing Software For The Forex Market  On Control EA was created to help traders like you maximize their income. How would you like to gain access to a world-class proprietary piece of software designed for one purpose, to improve your Forex strategy? Let’s be honest, it can be hard to understand which technical analysis & trading signals you should follow. With On Control EA, you now have a powerful tool that will enhance your Forex trading strategy & elevate your in
    The adviser uses a strategy based on the use of 7 Envelopes  indicators, on each timeframe (M5, M15, M30, H1, H4) there are 7 Envelopes indicators. Trading is based on the “Price Action” strategy, the adviser searches for a simultaneous signal on 5 time frames: M5, M15, M30, H1, H4 and then opens an order. The EA uses the built-in Martingale and Averaging algorithm. The adviser uses economic news to achieve more accurate signals. Hidden Take Profit, Break Even and Trailing Stop are used. Attenti
    MoneyMaker stableATM Lite is an automatic intelligent trading system for foreign exchange! Lite edition just support MetaTrader 5! The purpose of MoneyMaker stableATM Lite is to stabilize profits, not to give you the ability to get rich overnight! MoneyMaker stableATM Lite is only applicable to EUR / USD currency trading, and cannot be used for other currency exchange trading, other CFD product trading, and commodity tradingor futures commodity trading! MoneyMaker stableATM Lite is only suitabl
    Bonnitta EA MT5
    Ugochukwu Mobi
    3.38 (21)
    Bonnitta EA は、保留ポジション戦略 (PPS) と非常に高度な秘密取引アルゴリズムに基づいています。 Bonnitta EA の戦略は、秘密のカスタム指標、トレンドライン、サポートおよびレジスタンス レベル (価格アクション)、および上記の最も重要な秘密の取引アルゴリズムを組み合わせたものです。 3 か月以上のリアルマネーテストなしで EA を購入しないでください。ボニッタ EA をリアルマネーでテストするのに 100 週間以上 (2 年以上) かかりました。結果は以下のリンクで確認してください。 BONNITTA EA は愛とエンパワーメントから作られています。 少数の購入者のみを対象とした価格設定と著作権侵害アルゴリズムの実装です。 Bonnitta EA は、22 年間で 99.9% の品質を持つ本物のティックを使用してテストされ、実際の市場状況に近いスリッページとコミッションでストレス テストに合格しました。 Expert Advisor には、完全な統計制御による統計収集およびスリッページ制御のアルゴリズムが含まれています。 この情報はブローカーのトリックか
    Shadow Legends MT5 EA.-it's a fully automated expert Advisor designed to trade EURUSD. It is based on machine learning analysis and genetic algorithms.  The Expert Advisor contains a self-adaptive market algorithm that uses price action patterns. The expert Advisor showed stable results for EURUSD in the period 2000-2021.  No dangerous money management techniques, no Martingale, no netting, scalping or hedging.  Suitable for any brokerage conditions.Test only on real accounts.Recommended broker
    Reactor MT5   is a fully automatic Expert Advisor for   Intraday   Trading.  it is   based on  m any indicators . The Expert was tested on the whole available historical period on   EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDCAD, AUDUSD and USDJPY M15  currency pair with exceptional results. You can download the demo and test it yourself. My tests were performed with the real tick date with   99,90% accuracy , actual spread, and additional slippage. The basic strategy starts with Market order in counter trend and tren
    QXS PRO TRADER Expert Advisor QuantXProTrader is an Expert Advisor based on Profitable Price Action strategy. It is compatible with our QXS Trend indicator and work automatically by Trend detection on Multiple assets. Each and Everything in this EA is perfect Just you need to set input parameters. Take Profit, Stop loss, Trailing Stop, Trailing Step, Lot Size Adjust it as per your account capital and equity. Recommended TIMEFRAMES are: M15, M30 and H1  Before Installing Expert Advisor on chart
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>> more then 90% discount ($ 3750 >>> $ 345), Special offer is valid for 3 months from the start of sales <<<<<<<< <<<<<<<< The trading robot has been trading on a real account since 2018. We will show our account to everyone who plans to buy a trading robot. To do this, contact us. TickToker is a fully automatic Expert Advisor designed for the    EUR/GBP,EUR/SGD,AUD/NZD,EUR/CHF   currency pairs.  Does not use Martingale and Grid, all trades are covered by Stop Loss and Take Profit.
    EAの概要 MACDとストキャス を使用したEA MACDとストキャス をベースにトレーディンストップ、 テイクプロフィットレベル などの設定及び機能を搭載しています。 特徴 新規エントリーをサーバー時間でトレードをタイムコントロール出来る機能を搭載しています。 利確幅、ロスカット幅を任意に設定可能です。 MT5であればブロカー関係なく、暗号資産(仮想通貨)、FX、CFD、株式等の使用可能なEAとなっております。 EAを稼働させる上での注意事項 当サイトでご提供しているEAは、利用者の収益を保証するものではありません。 当サイトで掲載しているロジック、損益シミュレーションと同じ結果になることを保証するものでもありません。利用者の環境等で結果が異なることもございます。 実際にEAを利用するか中止するかの判断は、必ずご自身で決定してください。
    EAの概要 一目均衡表を使用したEA 一目均衡表をベースにトレード時間帯、マーチン、トレーディンストップ、ロット計算などの設定及び機能搭載しています。 特徴 新規エントリーをサーバー時間でトレードをタイムコントロール出来る機能を搭載しています。 利確幅、ロスカット幅、マーチン倍率を任意に設定可能です。 典型的なマーチンタイプのEAですので、破綻リスクと上手く付き合いつつ利用することが必要です。 追加機能でリバースやオンリーワンなどの追加機能を搭載しました、通常はfalseですが必要であればtrueにしてください。 MT5であればブロカー関係なく、暗号資産(仮想通貨)、FX、CFD、株式等の使用可能なEAとなっております。 EAを稼働させる上での注意事項 当サイトでご提供しているEAは、利用者の収益を保証するものではありません。 当サイトで掲載しているロジック、損益シミュレーションと同じ結果になることを保証するものでもありません。利用者の環境等で結果が異なることもございます。 実際にEAを利用するか中止するかの判断は、必ずご自身で決定してください。
    Strategy: 1.This EA is a trend trade, used for USDCHF H1 charts. 2.This EA is  using indicators such as the Bolling band and moving average. 3. The initial amount of this EA is only $1000.This EA has a profit of over $3000. 4.The EA has detailed test data from January 2018 to June 2021, which is stable and profitable. 5.If you just want to put a small amount of money to get double reward, this EA trader is your best choice!
    AI Nodiurnal EAは、先進的なForexロボットであり、最先端の機械学習技術を活用して取引戦略を最適化し、動的な外国為替市場でのパフォーマンスを向上させます。用語「Nodiurnal」は、通常の昼間の取引時間だけでなく、非標準の時間帯にも適応して稼働し、外国為替取引に対する連続的かつ適応的なアプローチを提供する能力を反映しています。 設定:通貨ペアのデフォルト設定:EURUSD H1。特別な設定は購入後にのみ提供されます。 リアルタイムアカウントシグナルはこちら: https://www.mql5.com/ja/signals/1270367 MT4バージョンはこちら: https://www.mql5.com/ja/market/product/69905 マーケットローンチプロモ!残り3/10のコピーのみ:USD 5,500 次の価格:USD 7,500 最終価格:USD 10,000 主な特徴: 機械学習アルゴリズム:AI Nodiurnal EAの主力は、機械学習アルゴリズムの活用にあります。これらのアルゴリズムは膨大な量の歴史的な市場データを分析し、パターン、トレ
    概要 資金管理、トレーリングストップ、ポジション管理ができる トレンドフォローEAです。 特徴 一般的なトレンドの方向にポジションを開くことに基づいたトレンドフォロー戦略です。 テイクプロフィット注文とストップロス注文を使用してリスクを管理し、利益を確保します。 また、 EA はトレーリング ストップを採用し、価格が取引に有利に動くにつれてストップロスを動的に調整します。 MT5であればブロカー関係なく、暗号資産(仮想通貨)、FX、CFD、株式等の使用可能なEAとなっております。 ※スクリーンショットの模様は、フォワードテスト最適化の様子やフォワードテスト後の資産状況を載せています。 EAを稼働させる上での注意事項 当サイトでご提供しているEAは、利用者の収益を保証するものではありません。 当サイトで掲載しているロジック、損益シミュレーションと同じ結果になることを保証するものでもありません。利用者の環境等で結果が異なることもございます。 実際にEAを利用するか中止するかの判断は、必ずご自身で決定してください。
    自動Expert Advisorのセットアップとインストールが簡単です。 グリッドではなく、マーチンゲールではありません。 私はそれを入れて忘れてしまった。 同時にいくつかの楽器の取引。 ボラティリティとトレンドとフラットの存在を分析して、ポジションを開くための信号を生成します。 5枚が30ドルで販売された。 Depos100から$800に入金するときは、一連の積極的な戦略が使用されます。 EA800以上のアカウントサイズの場合、EAは自動的に中程度の戦略に切り替わります。 EURGBP M15にインストールすることをお勧めします。 複数通貨取引の場合は、Expert Advisorの実行中のインスタンスで十分です。 パラメータでは、マジックナンバーと開いた位置のサイズの乗数を指定します(1.0に等しいままにすることをお勧めします) これは、ネッティングとヘッジ口座にも同様に動作します。 小さな肩を持つアカウントでの作業に適しています。 実際のアカウントで起動する前に、テスターとデモアカウントでExpert Advisorの作業をテストしてください。 私は翻訳の可能性のある
    Neuro Control EA
    NEW: Rent this EA as a -> SIGNAL <- Neuro Control EA is a proportional–integral–derivative controller ( PID controller ) enhanced with: - a perceptron deep learning module - a grid module - a volume-based soft martingale - a money management system Neuro Control EA rental licenses come preconfigured and ready to drop on a H1 EUR/USD x500 $1000 mql5 no-hedging account. It is ready to use as is: simply drop it on a H1 EUR/USD x500 $1000 mql5 account no-hedging account and it works. Exists on other
    Uche Celestine Obi
    NorthSideは、リトラクションパターンを取引するトレーディングアルゴリズムであり、主にNZDCAD、AUDNZDおよびAUDCADで動作し、他のペアでも使用できます。 リスクあるいは戦略がない。 タイムフレーム: M1 から M5 が推奨されますが、任意の時間帯で動作できます。 主要通貨カップル: NZDCAD, AUDCAD,AUDNZD Auto Lots System を Fixed Lots で false に設定します。 ヘッジシステムは保護として機能し、戦略に大きなネガティブな影響を及ぼさずに無効にすることができます。 入力設定は簡素化されており、下記の説明を見つけることができます。 Fixed Lot - this lot size is used if auto lots is set to false. このロットサイズは、自動ロットが false に設定されている場合に使用されます。 Auto Lots System - Automates lot sizing and disables fixed lot (自動ロットシステム) Prop取引モ
    It is recommended to use the robot on a netting account. the robot works with the best configuration from the previous day on the current day. the robot works on the mini index. the robot works on the mini dollar. the robot works on forex. the robot works using indicators. the robot works using market orders and pending orders. before using the robot, put it into optimization and save the settings (in a .set file) to use for the current day. past history does not guarantee future profit, but is
    同時に機能する多くのシンプルな戦略を組み合わせた多通貨エキスパート アドバイザー。各戦略は、ボラティリティの高い市場の瞬間における単純な取引アルゴリズムに基づいています。各戦略は、過去 5 年間にわたって最適化されてきました。 Expert Advisor は、「群衆の正しさ」の統計原理を使用します。異なる戦略からのシグナルを平均化し、好ましい方向に市場ポジションを開きます。 この原則は、相関する取引手段に関する同時作業とともに、不利な市場フェーズへの耐性と成長期間の分布の均一性を大幅に高めることを可能にします。 オプション 予想される最大ドローダウン (%)       -- 予想されるおおよその最大ドローダウン。これにより、ドローダウンが設定値を超えないように、開いているポジションのパラメータが自動的に選択されます。このパラメーターは、過去 5 年間のテスト データに基づいており、今後の作業中に発生する可能性のある実際のドローダウンは、上下の両方で、宣言されたものとはわずかに異なる場合があります。 取引用定期預金     -- 取引に使用する資金の固定額を設定します。開かれたポジ
    EUR-GBP-AUD-USD-CAD-JPYの主要通貨15ペアを同時に扱うマルチ通貨エキスパートアドバイザー。 Expert Advisor は、同時に機能する多くの単純な戦略を組み合わせています。各戦略は、パラボリック SAR インジケーターからのシグナルが 2 つの古い期間の確認で変化したときにポジションを開く単純なアルゴリズムに基づいています。各戦略は、過去 5 年間にわたって最適化されてきました。 Expert Advisor は、「群集の正しさ」の統計原理を使用します。異なる戦略からのシグナルを平均化し、好ましい方向に市場ポジションを開きます。この原則は、相関する取引手段に関する同時作業とともに、不利な市場フェーズへの耐性と成長期間の分布の均一性を大幅に高めることを可能にします。 マーチンゲールまたはグリッドは EA では使用されません。 オプション すべてのパラメータはすでに最適化されており、調整する必要はありません。残るパラメータは 2 つだけです。 予想される最大ドローダウン (%)       -- 予想されるおおよその最大ドローダウン。これにより、ドローダウン
    Waka Waka EA MT5
    Valeriia Mishchenko
    4.13 (40)
    EA has a live track record with 4.5 years of stable trading with low drawdown: Live performance MT4 version can be found here Waka Waka is the advanced grid system which already works on real accounts for years. Instead of fitting the system to reflect historical data (like most people do) it was designed to exploit existing market inefficiencies. Therefore it is not a simple "hit and miss" system which only survives by using grid. Instead it uses real market mechanics to its advantage to make p
    EA has a live track record with 48 month of stable trading with low drawdown: Live performance MT5 version can be found here Perceptrader AI is a cutting-edge grid trading system that leverages the power of Artificial Intelligence, utilizing Deep Learning algorithms and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to analyze large amounts of market data at high speed and detect high-potential trading opportunities to exploit. Supported currency pairs: NZDUSD, USDCAD, AUDNZD, AUDCAD, NZDCAD, GBPCHF Timefram
    Waka Waka EA
    Valeriia Mishchenko
    4.31 (48)
    EA has a live track record with 4.5 years of stable trading with low drawdown: Live performance MT5 version can be found here Waka Waka is the advanced grid system which already works on real accounts for years. Instead of fitting the system to reflect historical data (like most people do) it was designed to exploit existing market inefficiencies. Therefore it is not a simple "hit and miss" system which only survives by using grid. Instead it uses real market mechanics to its advantage to make p
    Perceptrader AI MT5
    Valeriia Mishchenko
    4.6 (5)
    EA has a live track record with 48 month of stable trading with low drawdown: Live performance MT4 version can be found here Perceptrader AI is a cutting-edge grid trading system that leverages the power of Artificial Intelligence, utilizing Deep Learning algorithms and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to analyze large amounts of market data at high speed and detect high-potential trading opportunities to exploit. Supported currency pairs: NZDUSD, USDCAD, AUDNZD, AUDCAD, NZDCAD, GBPCHF Timefram
    Like most things that work in trading, it's really simple. However, it's one of the most powerful tools I have that makes entries of many systems much more precise.   In its essence, it measures the recent volatility against the medium-term average. How does it work? Markets tend to be prone to strong trending movements when relative volatility is low and tend to be mean-reverting when relative volatility is high.   It can be used with both mean-reversion systems (like the Golden Pickaxe) and mo
    Like most things that work in trading, it's really simple. However, it's one of the most powerful tools I have that makes entries of many systems much more precise.   In its essence, it measures the recent volatility against the medium-term average. How does it work? Markets tend to be prone to strong trending movements when relative volatility is low and tend to be mean-reverting when relative volatility is high.   It can be used with both mean-reversion systems (like the Golden Pickaxe) and mo
    Night Hunter Pro
    Valeriia Mishchenko
    4.37 (52)
    EA has a  live track record  with many months of stable trading with  low drawdown : Best Pairs   (default settings) High-risk   performance Night Hunter Pro is the advanced scalping system which utilizes smart entry/exit algorithms with sophisticated filtering methods to identify only the safest entry points during calm periods of the market. This system is focused on a long-term stable growth . It is a professional tool developed by me years ago that is constantly updated, incorporating all t
    News Catcher Pro
    Valeriia Mishchenko
    4 (8)
    News Catcher Pro is a mean-reversion strategy that uses intraday seasonal volatility patterns caused by high-impact news events. It enters the market at a certain time shortly before a high-impact news event occurs . It does not trade frequently! Supported currency pairs: GBPUSD, EURUSD, EURGBP Recommended timeframe: M5 MT5 version can be found here EA is   FIFO compatible To backtest the EA you should download the news events data file ' NewsEvents.txt ' and copy it to the common MT4/5 direc
    Golden Pickaxe
    Valeriia Mishchenko
    4.67 (6)
    EA has high-performance live track records of different set files: XAU Risky Vol XAU Balanced Vol XAU Balanced MT5 version can be found here Golden Pickaxe is a mean-reversion grid trading system that uses machine learning technology to place high-profit potential trades on the Gold market. It uses real market inefficiencies to its advantage to have an edge over the market. The EA has 5 predefined set files, which are essentially 5 different trading systems on gold . You may choose the defaul
    Evening Scalper Pro
    Valeriia Mishchenko
    4 (19)
    EA has live track records with low drawdown: Live signal - Best Pairs Live signal - All Pairs Evening Scalper Pro is the state-of-the-art mean-reversion trading system that operates during the American trading session. It's very different from most other scalping systems, since it uses a unique trading logic on cross pairs that have a strong mean-reverting tendency with high profit targets. EA enters the market with market orders from 19 to 23h, it does not open trades during rollover (0:00-1:
    Night Hunter Pro MT5
    Valeriia Mishchenko
    4.11 (36)
    EA has a live track record with many months of stable trading with  low drawdown: Best Pairs (default settings) High-risk   performance Night Hunter Pro is the advanced scalping system which utilizes smart entry/exit algorithms with sophisticated filtering methods to identify only the safest entry points during calm periods of the market. This system is focused on a long-term stable growth. It is a professional tool developed by me years ago that is constantly updated, incorporating all the late
    News Catcher Pro MT5
    Valeriia Mishchenko
    4.73 (15)
    News Catcher Pro is a mean-reversion strategy that uses intraday seasonal volatility patterns caused by high-impact news events. It enters the market at a certain time shortly before a high-impact news event occurs . It does not trade frequently! Supported currency pairs: GBPUSD, EURUSD, EURGBP Recommended timeframe: M5 MT4 version can be found here EA is   FIFO compatible To backtest the EA you should download the news events data file ' NewsEvents.txt ' and copy it to the common MT4/5 direc
    Evening Scalper Pro MT5
    Valeriia Mishchenko
    4.47 (15)
    EA has live track records with  low drawdown : Live signal - Best Pairs Live signal - All Pairs Evening Scalper Pro is the state-of-the-art mean-reversion trading system that operates during the American trading session. It's very different from most other scalping systems, since it uses a unique trading logic on cross pairs that have a strong mean-reverting tendency with high profit targets. EA enters the market with market orders from 19 to 23h, it does not open trades during rollover (0:00-
    Piotr Drozdek
    Piotr Drozdek 2024.04.11 19:25 

    This bot relies completely on risky strategies like grid and martingale that often lead to big losses instead of profits. Almost all author's signal accounts have blow up, and they have been hidden. Some accounts have been published again from zero. Hundreds of users have also blown up their accounts in few occassions in 2023, during very heavy drawdown. And recently, Valery support got even worse. A new customer support team member started deleting negative comments and making it hard for people to speak up. It felt like they were trying to hide the problems instead of fixing them. I can't recommend this EA. It's just not worth the risk. If you're looking to trade smart, there are better options out there. Don't gamble with your money on something that's not reliable.

    Valeriia Mishchenko
    開発者からの返信 Valeriia Mishchenko 2024.05.12 21:18
    Dear Piotr, I'll address all your concerns here one by one. 1. Yes, grid trading is risky. However, all trading is inherently risky, especially without sound money and risk management. There are many risk and money management options in this EA to prevent it from ever blowing accounts. Also, as anyone can see on my main public account, the risk paid off. 2. I have opened alternative accounts as people asked for it, but the account that used default settings of the EA has made more than 1100% to this day and was never blown, nor was it close to that. I was asked for alternative accounts with more frequent trading by buyers, but none of these were recommended to use. The one that was still works fine from inception to this day. 3. Due to the number of users, it's impossible to handle all the support requests by me alone. That's why other people help me do it. It's the only way - either that, or I should stop all developments and focus only on support. I was told by them that some people promote hate and anger in the chat and were asked to stop that. However, I haven't seen anyone publishing objective facts and being banned for it. If you feel suppressed for no reason, please provide me with details, and I'll work with the support to stop it from happening
    ken 2023.06.05 06:23 

    Great gold EA. With the Balanced Vol setting, the drawdown is low.

    matjeo012217 2023.03.21 08:08 

    I don't recommend this EA, I bought this hoping that there is something special with this considering the price and the description, turns out to be just the same with the other gold EAs in the market who use grid plus martingale, nothing smart additional features really.

    Valeriia Mishchenko
    開発者からの返信 Valeriia Mishchenko 2023.03.21 19:29
    Dear Matjeo, if you follow recommended parameters and instructions, the EA works the same as on my main "Balanced Vol" account. If such results aren't good enough, nothing will. However, if you deviate from preferred settings (like disabling the volatility filter), use too high risks or do not pay attention to my instructions, you may get results much worse than me. I recommend doing the same as me for optimal performance. There are also various money management and risk management settings in the EA to prevent accounts from ever being blowed up. You just need to spend a bit of time to configure the EA according to your risk preferences
    Hector Hernando Garcia Molano
    Hector Hernando Garcia Molano 2023.02.21 18:01 

    I do not recommend these marginal strategies will make you lose a lot of money

    Valeriia Mishchenko
    開発者からの返信 Valeriia Mishchenko 2023.03.21 19:31
    Golden Pickaxe is a grid system and I do not hide this. However, there are plenty of money management and risk management options in the EA with which you can prevent the account from ever blowing up. Moreover, my live results with default settings of the EA are excellent. However, if you use too high risk or do not use any risk management, you may sustain big losses. However, that is true for any trading system
    Fortres Mangas Martinez
    Fortres Mangas Martinez 2023.02.15 21:34 

    Desde octubre del año pasado a la fecha he tenido buenos y constantes resultados de este EA. Vi un comentario negativo que señala que "el 3 de febrero de 2023 explotó su cuenta con este asesor experto", pero eso se debe a que seguramente no activo el filtro de noticias. El día 2 y 3/02/2023 hubo un fuerte movimiento hacia abajo, los que tenemos flitro de noticias activado no tuvimos operaciones de compra en sentido contratrio al movimiento del oro. Cualquiera púede hacer una prueba retrospectiva en metatrader y puede corroborar lo que digo, como ahí no existe posibilidad de operar el filtro de noticias, una cuenta con $75,000 dolares y con un riesgo de operación de .50 lotes se quema por el movimiento de ese día.

    Actualización 06/08/2024 Llevo un año con este AI, la verdad es una de las mejores estrategias que he probado y usado en MQL5. Hay que usarlo en simulación para entender como funciona, y dedicar tiempo a la configuración, tiene muchos parametros de protección, incluyendo el mas importante el monto del lote con que comercia.

    Yo en lo particular no he tenido un saldo pasivo flotante en mi cuenta mas alla del 15% en todo un año, operando 24 horas, once meses y medio. El problema de que quemes tu cuenta es mayormente que no se calcula el riesgo. Yo por ejemplo opero con una cuenta de 125 mil dolares y el riesgo es el mas bajo, aparte de que tengo una configuracion específica que me ha funcionado y difiere un poco de los sets que nos proporcionan.

    M Arul James
    M Arul James 2023.02.04 04:01 



    Valeriia Mishchenko
    開発者からの返信 Valeriia Mishchenko 2023.02.04 16:47
    Hi Arul,
    The same is true for any EA. I do not recommend using high risks if you are not an expert in trading. Also I run the Golden Pickaxe with very high risks on various live signals. None achieved even a 40% drawdown during the last month. Please, do not use high risks unless you are absolutely certain that's what you want to do
    divonney 2022.12.13 21:22 

    Valeriia (the one and only) whats i name her she is the most trusted brain to build EAs and there is nothing to hide check her account at myfxbook

    Robert Gregory Tiddy
    Robert Gregory Tiddy 2022.11.29 06:31 

    Amazing product! Been trading for years and using EAs, have been working with gold for sometime now and finally a grid based system that can tame the beast of gold. Amazing work and love the design, keep it up. Been waiting a long time for this one :D

    220072256 2022.11.24 20:38 

    Great Valeria!!! I immediately bought your EA because I trust you.

    Oleksandr Myrhorodskyi
    Oleksandr Myrhorodskyi 2022.11.23 16:39 


    バージョン 2.23 2024.03.01
    Bug fix release
    バージョン 2.19 2024.01.11
    - Fixed a bug in the News Filter that prevented backtesting later than 2024. The bug does not affect LIVE trading.
    バージョン 2.17 2023.12.18
    - Neural Network retrained.

    - Initial Delay for Portfolio Mode, ms - time delay, which will be set automatically based on the UID value. This delay is necessary to ensure one set file recognizes the opened trades of another and skips the trading signal.

    Please note that set files of the same EA must have a unique UID!
    For example, if you run 2 set files on the same account and want to prevent the same pair from being opened by both set files simultaneously, then I recommend setting as follows:

    First set file: Portfolio Mode=true, UID=0
    Second set file: Portfolio Mode=true, UID=1

    - Consider PAI Orders (Portfolio only) - the EA will take into account open trades of Perceptrader AI in portfolio mode.
    - Consider WAKA Orders (Portfolio only) - the EA will take into account open trades of Waka Waka in portfolio mode.

    - Basic Magic Number - this option allows you to change the basic magic number of all trades. Magic numbers of trades/orders are calculated according to the following formula: [Direction][BasicMagicNumber+UID][TradeNumber], where
    - Direction - 1 for Buy, 2 for Sell
    - TradeNumber - the number of trades from 00 to 99. 00 - for the initial trade, 01 - for the first averaging trade, and so on.
    The resulting magic number can be, for example: 27164000, 17164003.

    - Cover Swaps - if true, the EA adjusts the TP to cover any possible loss due to the swap. Set it to false if you want to deactivate this option.
    - Open Opposite Trade - if true, the EA will open an additional initial trade in the opposite direction as soon as the initial order/trade is executed.
    - Max Daily Drawdown Type FTMO - allows you to customize the daily drawdown calculation.
    - Do Nothing if During Rollover - set to true if you want to ignore max. drawdown checks during rollover.
    - Increase Take Profit, in pips [0-disabled] - specified number of pips to be added to TP during news events.
    - Hour to Close & Stop Trading on Friday [0-disabled] - possibility to stop the EA on Friday at a specified hour.
    - Max Open Lots Adjusted For... - allows you to adjust Max Open Lots for balance or equity so that it will grow proportionately.
    - Force Basket Closure once the Initial Order is Closed - option to force basket closure once the initial order/trade is closed by TP or by manual intervention.
    - Send Push Notifications after this Level [0-disabled] - sends a push notification if a trade above the specified level is opened. You need to allow push notifications in the terminal settings and specify your MetaQuotes ID.
    - Max Floating Drawdown % for each Symbol, separated by comma - allows you to specify the max. drawdown % separately for each symbol.
    - Remove StopLoss During Rollover - removes StopLoss for all orders at the specified rollover time.
    - Maximum Symbols at a time - maximal allowed number of symbols that can be opened at the same time.
    - Disable Trades on the Same Side of a Currency - this option disables the opening of new initial trades on the same side of a currency.

    Added News Filter Actions:

    - Prohibit opening of the initial trade - the news filter only prohibits opening new initial trades.
    - Prohibit opening of all trades - the news filter prohibits both the initial trades and the averaging ones.
    - Close all open trades - the EA will close all trades before the news is released.

    Three separate exit levels have been added. By combining them, you can fine-tune the exit rules:

    - TakeProfit #1/2/3 after this Level [0-disabled] - adjusts the TP once the specified Grid level is reached.
    - TakeProfit #1/2/3 after X bars [0-disabled] - adjusts the TP after reaching a specified number of bars.
    - TakeProfit #1/2/3 [can also be negat., 0-breakeven] - take profit for grid after reaching a specified number of bars or grid level. Values can be positive, negative, or 0 – breakeven.

    Deleted parameters (as they duplicate the separate exit levels):

    - Break Even (TP) after this Level [0-disabled]
    - Break Even (TP) after X bars [0-disabled]
    バージョン 1.53 2023.03.30
    Fixed issues with the 'Moving Average' indicator
    バージョン 1.51 2023.03.28
    Mandatory update

    - Pause Between Grid Trades, in min - minimum pause between grid trades in minutes.

    - News Filter only affects Initial Trade - if false, then the news filter affects both the initial order and the averaging ones.

    - Show the Next Grid's Price & Volume - displays the price along with the volume level where the next grid trade will be opened.

    - Calculate Levels from Initial Trade - if true, then entry prices of grid levels will be calculated based on the entry price of the initial trade. In this case, if the distance of the previous grid is very large, the next grid can be formed shorter than 35 (by default) or even inside the previous grid. If false, then the entry price of a grid level will be calculated based on the entry price of the previous grid to form grids with distances greater than 35 (by default).

    - Inverse the Rules - allows you to set the EA to follow the trend instead of countering it. After activating this option, you need to retrain the neural network!

    - Fixed problems with news filter and automatic GMT detection.

    - Added a new backup URL for the news filter and GMT detection: http://valerytools.com.

    Please allow web requests to it here: Tools -> Options -> Expert Advisors -> Allow WebRequests for listed URL.
    バージョン 1.39 2023.01.10
    - Default settings changed to XAU Balanced Vol.set

    - Added a new parameter - 'Portfolio Mode', that allows you to run more than one set file on the same account and pair so that the set files do not open new initial trades simultaneously.

    Please note that set files must have a unique UID!

    For example, if you run 3 set files on the same pair and want no more than 1 grid to be open at the same time, then I recommend setting as follows:

    First set-file (trades most often): Portfolio Mode=true, UID=0
    Second set-file: Portfolio Mode=true, UID=1
    Third set file (trades less often): Portfolio Mode=true, UID=2

    The time delay will be set automatically based on the UID value. It is necessary so that a set file can see opened trades of another set file and skip the trading signal.

    You can set Allow Hedging?=true and Portfolio Mode=true to allow hedging trades (incompatible with FIFO accounts).

    For example, if the first instance (set-file) of the EA has already opened a "Buy" trade, then another instance may open a "Sell" trade if it has a sell signal, while the first instance has no sell signal yet.

    - Added a new feature to the Max Drawdown Action parameter - 'Close trades & resume trading as normal' that allows you to close trades and resume trading as normal.

    - Added new parameters - Required Profit Target % or in Money (Tester only) - when backtesting, the EA will close all trades and cease trading once the required profit is achieved.
    バージョン 1.34 2022.11.30
    Bug fix release

    Removed the 'Fixed Delay before sending Orders' parameter because it does not work properly. It won’t cause a loss of the account, but it may cause hyperactivity.

    Caution! All set files running on the same account, the same currency pair must have a unique UID.

    An updated solution allowing running several set files on the same pair and the same account with the opening of no more than 1 grid at the same time will be released later.
    バージョン 1.33 2022.11.29
    - Default settings changed to XAU Risky.set as many people using default settings are unhappy with the lack of trades due to the volatility filter.

    - Added a new parameter - External Config File. It allows you to specify a custom file name for the Perceptron configuration file. This option can help train Perceptron on different currency pairs and run set files on multiple charts.

    - Added a new parameter - Fixed Delay before sending Orders, sec [0-disabled]. It helps run more than one set file on the same account and the same pair with the same UID so that the set files do not open new grids at the same time.
    For example, if you run 3 set files on the same pair and want no more than 1 grid to be open at the same time, then I recommend setting the delay as follows:

    First set-file (trades most often): Fixed Delay before sending Orders=0
    Second set-file: Fixed Delay before sending Orders=3
    Third set file (trades less often): Fixed Delay before sending Orders=6

    The delay is necessary so that a set file can see just opened trades of another set file and skip the trading signal.

    - Fixed issues with the swap calculation for some brokers.

    - Several minor improvements.
    バージョン 1.27 2022.11.24
    Mandatory Update

    - Bug fixes