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Support Resistance Peaks Indicator MT4

SupportResistancePeaks Indicator indicator - is the combination of dynamic support/resitance and price action pattern. As a rule support/resistance indicators uses already calculated, history levels. The most disadvantage of this method - new(incomming) levels always are not the same as were on history, in other words accuracy is not so high as expected. My indicator is looking for dynamic/live levels that are forming right now after trend lost it's power and choppy market starts. As a rule exactly this place becomes new support/resistance level. And we can plot and order. After few time starts new trend, my indicator allows to take avail position and stand up market noise. Indicator represents full trading system with enter & exit points.   

Main Indicator's Features

  • Signals are not repaint,non-late or disappear(exept cases when system recalculates all history datas,refreshing main settings);
  • Every signal comes at the open of new bar(system uses only confirmed signals);
  • Indicator has Alerts, Mail and Push notifications(allow to trade out of PC, from smartphone/mobile app);
  • System is 100% autoadaptive no need manual adjusting. Just set up and start trading.

Recommendations for trading 

  • M1,M5, M15 timeframes, for long-term trading - 1hour;

Introduction to X3 Chart Pattern Scanner X3 Cherart Pattern Scanner is the non-repainting and non-lagging indicator detecting X3 chart patterns including Harmonic pattern, Elliott Wave pattern, X3 patterns, and Japanese Candlestick patterns. Historical patterns match with signal patterns. Hence, you can readily develop the solid trading strategy in your chart. More importantly, this superb pattern scanner can detect the optimal pattern of its kind. In addition, you can switch on and off individu
Trade with super Support and Resistance Breakout system. are you looking for the most sophisticated tools for your daily trading ? this tools are perfect for you, it has a most comprehensive breakout identification spot on all market (Forex, CFD, indice, etc) Limited offer :  10 copy for 30$ Indicator parameter: Depth: to arrange how deep to calculates the support and resistance zone Deviation Back-step the demonstration result you can see on the media file below.
トレンドキャッチャー: アラートインジケーター付きのトレンドキャッチャーストラテジーは、市場トレンドやポテンシャルなエントリーポイントやエグジットポイントを特定するのに役立つ多目的な技術分析ツールです。動的なトレンドキャッチャーストラテジーを備えており、市場状況に適応してトレンドの方向を明確に視覚化します。トレーダーは、自身の好みやリスク許容度に合わせてパラメーターをカスタマイズできます。このインジケーターはトレンドの識別を支援し、ポテンシャルなリバーサルをシグナルし、トレイリングストップのメカニズムとして機能し、市場への迅速な対応のためのリアルタイムアラートを提供します。 特徴: - トレンドの識別:上昇トレンドと下降トレンドをシグナルします。 - トレンドのリバーサル:ローソク足の色が上昇から下降に変わった場合やその逆の場合に、ポテンシャルなリバーサルを警告します。 - リアルタイムアラート:新しいトレンドの識別に対するアラートを生成します。 推奨事項: - 通貨ペア:EURUSD、AUDUSD、XAUUSDなど... - タイムフレーム:H1。 - アカウントタイプ:
Trend PA
Mikhail Nazarenko
5 (3)
The Trend PA indicator uses   Price Action   and its own filtering algorithm to determine the trend. This approach helps to accurately determine entry points and the current trend on any timeframe. The indicator uses its own algorithm for analyzing price changes and Price Action. Which gives you the advantage of recognizing, without delay, a new nascent trend with fewer false positives. Trend filtering conditions can be selected in the settings individually for your trading style. The indicator
This Indicator is use the ZigZag to calculate the Upper and  Lower Bound and the uptrend and the downtrned. Red for downtrend, Green for uptrend and Yellow is for the horizontal trend this horizontal trend also bookmarked the upper limited and the lower limited the the price swings.  Or in simple the Support and the Resistance level. However, You may use the Heikin Ashi to confirm the trend of the buy sell signal above. I cannot guarantee the win rate, Nevertheless, you must study well the timef
「Auto FIBO Pro」Crypto_Forex インジケーターは、取引の補助ツールとして最適です。 - インジケーターは、フィボナッチ レベルとローカル トレンド ライン (赤色) を自動的に計算してチャート上に配置します。 - フィボナッチ レベルは、価格が反転する可能性のある重要な領域を示します。 - 最も重要なレベルは、23.6%、38.2%、50%、61.8% です。 - リバーサル スキャルピングやゾーン グリッド取引に使用できます。 - Auto FIBO Pro インジケーターを使用して、現在のシステムを改善する機会も多数あります。 - Info Spread Swap Display があり、接続されている外国為替ペアの現在のスプレッドとスワップを表示します。 - ディスプレイには、アカウントの残高、エクイティ、マージンも表示されます。 - Info Spread Swap Display は、チャートのどのコーナーにも配置できます。 0 - 左上コーナー、1 - 右上、2 - 左下、3 - 右下。 // 素晴らしいトレーディング ロボットとインジケーター
Free automatic Fibonacci is an indicator that automatically plots a Fibonacci retracement based on the number of bars you select on the BarsToScan setting in the indicator. The Fibonacci is automatically updated in real time as new highest and lowest values appears amongst the selected bars. You can select which level values to be displayed in the indicator settings. You can also select the color of the levels thus enabling the trader to be able to attach the indicator several times with differe
BSA indicator is a ZigZag based indicator. This indicator is used to find the reversal level of the price. You can use the existing risk ratio and calculation timeframe in the entries by optimizing them according to your usage preference.  In lower time frames, the indicator can repaint. For healthier results, you can detect the least repainting by observing for a while according to the graphic you will apply.
「調整可能なフラクタル」はフラクタル インジケーターの高度なバージョンで、非常に便利なトレーディング ツールです。 - ご存知のとおり、標準フラクタル mt4 インジケーターには設定がまったくありません。これはトレーダーにとって非常に不便です。 - 調整可能なフラクタルは、この問題を解決しました。必要な設定がすべて揃っています。 - インジケーターの調整可能な期間 (推奨値 - 7 以上)。 - 価格の高値/安値からの距離を調整可能。 - フラクタル矢印のデザインを調整可能。 // 素晴らしいトレーディングロボットとインジケーターはここから入手できます: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller これは、この MQL5 Web サイトでのみ提供されるオリジナル製品です。
Alpha Trend signは私たちの取引システムを検証し、取引信号を明確に提示し、信号がドリフトすることはありません。 主な機能: •市場が活況を示している地域に応じて、指標に基づいて現在の相場がトレンド相場に属しているか、それとも揺れ相場に属しているかを直感的に判断することができる。 そして、指標の指示矢印に基づいて市場に切り込み、緑の矢印は購入を提示し、赤の矢印は販売を提示する。 •小周期変動による頻繁な取引信号の発生を回避するために、5分以上の時間周期で取引を行うことを推奨します。 •最適な取引タイミングを逃さないために、シグナルプロンプトをオンにすることもできます。 •本指標はトレンド相場をよく予測するだけでなく、幅広振動相場でも利益を得ることができる。 •本指標は大道至簡の原則に基づいており、異なる段階のトレーダーが使用するのに適している。 注意事項: •Alpha Trend signには明確な入退場信号があり、損失を与えないように逆位相操作を提案しない。 •Alpha Trend signは特に成熟した指標であり、デルのチー
There are 8 types of this indicator. Consisted of 1. Bullish and Bearish Engulfing 2. Morning and Evening Star 3. Three Green Soldiers and Three Red Crows 4. Three Inside Up and Down 5. Three Outside Up and Down 6. Bullish and Bearish Harami 7. Tweezers Top and Bottom 8. Piercing and Dark cloud cover Signal Filter :: 1. The appearance of the candle stick 2. SMA 3. 2EMA :: EMA Fast and EMA Slow 4. RSI N otification :: 1. Via screen 2. Email 2. Phone For trading 1. Scaling 2. Binary options 3.
Sayan Vandenhout
This indicator works on MT4 and is very easy to use. When you receive a signal from it, you wait for that candle with the signal to close and you enter your trade at the beginning of the next new candle . A red arrow means sell and a green arrow means buy. All arrows comes with Alert  like for easy identification of trade signal. Are you okay with that? 1 minute candle 1 minute expire
This is an arrow indicator without a future function,developed based on the most advanced profit trading algorithms.It has the most innovative and advanced dual trend analysis module, as well as the latest and highly effective market trend prediction algorithm.Trends are your friends, and following larger trends can earn the maximum profit in foreign exchange. This indicator helps traders identify current trends and track them. Someone once made a profit of 10 times in a week by relying on it.No
M5 タイムフレームのロボット スカルパー。 GBPUSD 通貨ペアでの取引。このロボットは、英ポンドの取引のためにプロのトレーダーの会社によって特別に開発されました。ロボットは、毎日約 5 ~ 15 の取引を開始します。 GBPUSD のスプレッドが最大 10 ピップスまでの低いブローカーと取引するのが最善です。開始するための推奨最低入金額は $500 以上です。 利点: マーチンゲールは使いません。 ネットではありません。 すべての取引にはストップロスがあります。 GBPUSDペア専用のプロボット。 ロボットスキャルパー、M5 期間の日中取引。 このロボットはどのように取引しますか? 市場を分析するために、ロボットは 2 つの指標の価格モデルと戦略的な市場パターンを使用します: パラボリック ストップとリバース システムとボリンジャー バンド。ロボットは最初に、価格エントラポレーション統計を使用して価格の動きについて市場を分析します。次に、ロボットはこれらの指標を読み取り、現在と過去の動きの傾向を比較します。市場の反転またはロールバックを示すパターンが一致した場合、ロボットは取
This indicator has been created for finding the probable reversal points of the symbol price. A small candlestick reversal pattern is used it its operation in conjunction with a filter of extremums. The indicator is not redrawn! If the extremum filter is disabled, the indicator shows all points that have a pattern. If the extremum filter is enabled, the condition works – if the history Previous bars 1 candles back contains higher candles and they are farther than the Previous bars 2 candle, such
タイトル: ノンリペイント XY トレンドインジケーターの紹介: フォレックスとバイナリオプションで成功するための究極のガイド はじめに: ノンリペイント XY トレンドインジケーターは、複雑で常に変化する金融市場において、トレーダーが情報に基づいた意思決定を行うために設計された革新的な取引ツールです。この高度な MetaTrader 4 (MT4) インジケーターは、リペイントという一般的な問題を排除しながら、驚くほどの精度で価格トレンドを予測するそのユニークな能力により、トレーダーの間で大きな人気を集めています。 インジケーターの理解: ノンリペイント XY トレンドインジケーターを際立たせている重要な機能の一つは、その精度へのこだわりです。過去のシグナルをリペイントし、トレーダーに信頼性の低いデータを残してしまう他の多くのインジケーターとは異なり、このインジケーターは一貫性を保っています。トレーダーは、生成されたシグナルが過去の価格変動を正確に反映していることを知って、安心して取引できます。 XY トレンドインジケーターは、高度なアルゴリズムを使用して価格データを分析し、市場のト
This indicator shows price changes for the same days in past years. D1 timeframe is required. This is a predictor indicator that finds D1 bars for the same days in past 8 years and shows their relative price changes on the current chart. Parameters: LookForward - number of days (bars) to show "future" price changes; default is 5; Offset - number of days (bars) to shift back in history; default is 0; ShowAverage - mode switch; true - show mean value for all 8 years and deviation bounds; false - s
Trend Scanner
Vladimir Kalendzhyan
4.33 (6)
By purchasing this indicator, you have the right to receive a free copy of one of   my other indicator's or advisor’s!  (All future updates are included. No limits) . To get it , please contact me by  mql5 message ! The Trend Scanner trend line indicator displays the trend direction and its changes. The indicator works on all currency pairs and  timeframes. The indicator simultaneously displays multiple readings on the price chart: the support and resistance lines of the currency pair, the exist
ブレイクアウトプロスカルパーソリューション このインジケーターはRPTradeProSolutionsシステムの一部です。 Breakout Pro Scalper Solutionは、プライスアクション、ダイナミックサポート、レジスタンスを使用した毎日のトレンドインジケーターです。 誰でも使用できるように設計されており、トレーディングの初心者でも使用できます。 決して塗り直さないでください。 表示は近いものから近いものへと示されます。 単独で使用するように設計されているため、他のインジケーターは必要ありません。 一日の初めにトレンドと潜在的なテイクプロフィットを提供します。 特定のグラフは、履歴データによる潜在的な利益を示しています。 どのように機能しますか Breakout Pro Scalper Solutionは、価格アクションと動的なサポートおよびレジスタンスを組み合わせたブレイクアウト戦略を使用しています。 夜のトレンドとボラティリティが分析され、翌日に使用されます。 この分析から、ブレイクアウト制限(青と濃いオレンジの線)とTakeProfitが決定されます チャ
Trend Line Chart Pattern Signals  Is a traders Tool for Signals based on Strong  Patterns Formed By a pair of robust trend lines. They FOR WITH DIFFERENT POPULAR PATTERNS ON CHARTS LIKE – TRIANGLES, FLAGS,RANGE , ASCENDING TRIANGLES, DESCENDING PATTERNS, PENNANTS ETC. The TREND LINES  form  dynamically  on running bars. The  sensitivity  of the trend lines can be changed by custom settings. The  Buy and Sell Signals Generate upon Break Of the Trend Line + "Close" of the same bar above the previo
BinaryScalping is a professional indicator for trading binary options and scalping. The algorithm of the indicator is based on the calculation of pivot points for each time period separately, the location of the price of the trading instrument relative to the pivot points is analyzed and the probability of a trading operation is calculated. The indicator has a built-in filter of trading signals based on the global trend. The indicator is installed in the usual way and works with any trading inst
Stefano Frisetti
5 (3)
note: this indicator is for METATRADER4, if you want the version for METATRADER5 this is the link:  https://www.mql5.com/it/market/product/108106 TRENDMAESTRO ver 2.4 TRENDMAESTRO recognizes a new TREND in the bud, he never makes mistakes. The certainty of identifying a new TREND is priceless. DESCRIPTION TRENDMAESTRO identifies a new TREND in the bud, this indicator examines the volatility, volumes and momentum to identify the moment in which there is an explosion of one or more of these data a
FX Flow   indicator can be used as an anticipator of the next trend, preferably confirmed by Price Action or another oscillator (RSi, Stochastic ..). It takes the money flows of the major currencies USD EUR GBP AUD NZD CAD CHF JPY into account, and processes them. Excellent tool for indices, but also for correlations between currencies. Works on each timeframes.  Blue line: Bull market Yellow line: Bear market Note : if the indicator opens the window, but does not draw lines, load the historie
This indicator is used to show the PERFECT TREND . All Time Frame charts are available. The trend is determined based on the Cycle, Price and Volatility. This Trend Indicator will give 5 output values: Cycle Period: 48 is default Graph Place: 0  Means Main Windows  - 1 means Sub Windows (you can use in your indicator) NumBars: you can decide how many older Bar use Short Trend Color : You can decide which color to use for Short Trend Long Trend Color : You can decide which color to use for Long T
Cycles Predictor Indicator This indicator uses past market cycles to predict future price movements. The indicator scans through past data and considers  combinations  of cycles. When cycles  coincide  at the same future date/time then it is considered a valid future prediction. The predictions are drawn as vertical lines on the right side of the chart in the future. A prediction will often result in type of candle (ex. bull or bear) and/or a reversal point (ex. bottom or top) forming at this ex
" Scalping and dethatching " is a signal forex indicator for scalping, which visually shows the direction of the current trend on the chart. This indicator allows you to determine the direction of the current trend with an accuracy of up to 90% within 3 seconds after being added to the chart. The universality of the indicator lies in the fact that it works on all currency pairs. All currency pairs are subject to the same fundamental market laws, so the " Scalping and dethatching " indicator wor
Добрый День уважаемые трейдеры!  Вашему вниманию индикатор созданный и работающий на базе трендовика ADX,  для торговли на смене направления движения который учитывает коррекцию и даёт возможность на ней заработать.  Применяю этот индикатор для скальпинга. Рекомендую таймфреймы от 15 ти минутного(М15) до часового (Н1) периодов.  Красный кружок сигнал на продажу- Sell) Зелёный кружок  сигнал на покупку Buy) Чем меньше ваш таймфрейм тем меньше пунктов вы зарабатываете.   Важно выставлять стопы! !В
The indicator shows the potential trend direction by cyclical-wave dependence. Thus, all the rays of the intersection will be optimal rays, in the direction of which the price is expected to move, taking into account the indicator period. Rays can be used as a direction for potential market movement. But we must not forget that the approach must be comprehensive, the indicator signals require additional information to enter the market.
Embark on the pinnacle of Binary Options evolution. Our indicator isn't just adaptive—it's relentless. Picture a ninja riding a serpent, shadowing its every move; that's how this tool trails the market trend, unwavering till the end. Built upon the foundational prowess of the Ichimoku indicator and honed with an array of fine-tuned oscillators, it epitomizes accuracy and precision. Dive deep without getting lost in the Ichimoku's intricacies—our indicator simplifies the process for you. Perhaps
Ivan Stefanov
5 (7)
ENIGMERA: 市場の中心 重要:MQL5.comのデモはStrategy Testerで実行されており、Enigmeraの機能を完全には反映していない場合があります。詳細については、説明、スクリーンショット、ビデオをご確認ください。質問があれば、遠慮なくメッセージを送ってください! インジケーターのコードは完全に書き直されました。バージョン3.0は新機能を追加し、インジケーターの開始以来蓄積されたバグを修正しました。 紹介 このインジケーターとトレーディングシステムは、金融市場への注目すべきアプローチです。ENIGMERAはフラクタルサイクルを使用して、サポートとレジスタンスのレベルを正確に計算します。真の蓄積フェーズを示し、方向と目標を提供します。トレンドでも修正でも機能するシステムです。 動作方法 インジケーターのほとんどの機能は、チャートの左側にあるボタンで制御され、市場の状況に迅速に対応できるようになっています。 ボタン ON/OFF – インジケーター全体を表示または非表示にします。 Channel – サポートチャネルを有効にし、許容範囲の偏差を示します。 Dev
Bomb Bank Signal
Igor Pereira Calil
5 (1)
Bomb Bank シグナル: MetaTrader 4 の信頼度インジケーター Bomb Bank Signal は、金融市場で最も関連性の高いトレンドを特定するように設計された MetaTrader 4 の強力なインジケーターです。動きを正確に予測するツールをお探しなら、Bomb Bank が最適です。 仕組み: このインジケーターは、出来高分析、ローソク足終値、対称トレンドという 3 つの異なる方法を組み合わせて、売買の機会を検出してシグナルを送ります。 Bomb Bank は、買いの機会を特定するときは「爆弾」のようなものであり、売りシグナルを検出するときは「ドクロ」のようなものです。 ボムバンクはなぜ違うのですか? 完全な信頼性: Bomb Bank Signal は信号を削除しません。一度シグナルが発せられると、シグナルは残り続けるので、チャンスを逃すことはありません。 極めて高い精度: Bomb Bank は誤った信号を送信しません。リアルタイムで最新情報を更新し、市場の進化に合わせて調整しながら、以前のシグナルの透明性を維持します。 ライブアップデート: シ
BONUS AUX VIP Club 2024 : Include EA Airbag and Load Data History to enhance the performance of this tool to its maximum potential  Click Here to Download Files   ( for users only )   Hello World! Introducing.. SMCpro VIP tool and Indicator for MetaTrader 4, designed to revolutionize your trading experience with the ICT Smart Money Concept. This system is meticulously crafted to empower traders with advanced insights and precision in navigating the dynamic forex markets. This innovative
TRANSACTION SPEEDは、大口注文がいつどこで市場に集積され、その恩恵を受けているかを示す最高品質の指標です。トレンドの変化を非常に早い段階で検知します。インジケーターであると同時にトレーディングシステムでもあります。そのコンセプトはユニークで、驚くほど収益性が高い。 FXでは、ティックボリュームはボリュームと呼ばれ、誤解を招きやすい。実際は、単位時間当たりの価格変動であり、事実上、取引速度(TRANSACTION SPEED)です。 このインジケーターは、FXにおける出来高の概念を完全に見直し、正しい方法で論理的に定義し、このロジックを適用することで、ユニークで正確なトップレベルの収益ツールになります。 スピードが上がれば、それはより大きな関心とそれに対応するエントリーとエグジットのサインです。 使い方は? このインジケーターは、市場の取引スピードを測定・比較するため、まず最初に行うべきことは以下の通りです。 比較を行う期間を選択することです。 通常、15日前が比較の出発点となります。 インジケータに日付を入力して実行する。 30分または1時間のタイムフレームで、
This indicator identifies and displays zones, as it were areas of strength, where the price will unfold. The indicator can work on any chart, any instrument, at any timeframe. The indicator has two modes. The indicator is equipped with a control panel with buttons for convenience and split into two modes. Manual mode: To work with manual mode, you need to press the NEW button, a segment will appear. This segment is stretched over the movement and the LVL button is pressed. The level is displayed
Trade Invest Pro - Boss in the world of cryptocurrency! This indicator is ideal for cryptocurrency trading! Work on Trade Invest Pro took us half a year! But not in vain! Now only accurate signals near support - resistance levels! He showed himself well on timeframes m5 m15 for binary options! Optionally, it can be configured for forex for timeframes m30 and more! Reacts well to news! Doesn't paint! and does not disappear from the schedule! As soon as a red arrow appears, open a deal fo
This indicator is based on the mathematics of the great trader W.D. Ganna. With its help, you can easily find strong levels by analyzing swings to find the optimal entry point. The indicator works on all instruments and all timeframes. The indicator is fully manual and has control buttons. All you need to do is press the NEW button, a segment will appear, which you can place on any movement, swing or even 1 candle that you want to analyze. By placing the segment, press the OK button. A grid (th
API Reversal Master – The Reversal Detection Indicator for MT4 Spot Reversals with API Reversal Master API Reversal Master is MT4 indicator designed to help traders identify possible market reversals . Whether you're trading forex, stocks, or commodities, this tool provides alerts and visual cues to enhance your decision-making. Key Features: Alerts and Notification – Get notified when a possible reversal point is detected. Color Changes – Visual indication of possible trend shifts.
EARLY REMINDER: The Starting price is 65 price will rise soon up to 365$ and then 750$ after first 10 copies of sales. Grab this offer now! Introduction Hello, traders! Welcome to the demonstration of the Forex Beast Indicator , a comprehensive tool designed to assist aspiring traders in navigating the complexities of the forex market. This indicator incorporates seven essential components to provide a well-rounded trading experience: Moving Averages Colored Zones Support and Resistance Levels
Connect Indicator is a tool used for connecting indicators between the MQL market and MT4. The connected indicators are made by our group and can be used for other applications, such as sending messages to the Line application or Telegram application. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask us to receive support. Function and indicator buffer Buffer one is the high price of the previous candle. Buffer two is the high price of the previous candle. Usage To connect indicators to fu
もちろんです。以下は、提供いただいたテキストの日本語への翻訳です: MT4用の天文学指標をご紹介します:究極の天体トレーディングコンパニオン トレーディング体験を天空の高みに高める準備はできていますか?私たちの革命的なMT4用の天文学指標をご紹介します。この革新的なツールは、複雑なアルゴリズムの力を借りて、類まれなる天文学的洞察と精密な計算を提供します。 あなたの指先で宇宙の情報を: 宝のような天文学的データが明らかになる包括的なパネルをご覧ください。惑星の地理的/太陽中心座標、太陽と地球の距離、星の大きさ、伸び、星座、黄道座標および赤道座標、さらには水平座標まで、それぞれが綿密に計算され美しく表示されています。指標によって生成される垂直線は時間値に対応し、トレーディングの旅に宇宙の視点を提供します。 惑星のラインと関係: グラフを飾る惑星のラインの魔法を体験し、スケールと角度をカスタマイズできます。直感的なコントロールパネルを介して各惑星のラインの表示を簡単に切り替えることができます。指定された時刻範囲内での合会、六分会、四分会、三分会、対会、逆行の指標で天体の関係の芸術を発見してく
The Smooth Price technical indicator is used for plotting a smoothed line as close to the price of the financial instrument as possible, and serves to eliminate its noise components. The indicator is part of the Monarch trading system, but here it is presented as an independent technical analysis tool. The indicator is based on the cluster digital filter , which, unlike the ClusterSMA , is applied directly to the price time series. Smooth Price does not redraw (except the very last, zero bar) an
The real market buy/Sell signals, you can trust.  This indicator tracks the trend strength, the market strength, the real current volume, and the price direction to give traders and investors the optimum point for entry in the form of signals. The time frames range from 5 minutes to one (1) hour chart. Trading on higher time frames produce the best outcomes, but also do produce less frequent trades, compared to trading on lower time frames.
Arbitrage Indicators is a professional and easy-to-use Forex trading indicator that uses the best trading principles of the latest AI arbitrage models. This indicator provides accurate buy and sell signals. Applies to currency pairs only. It has six different metrics options, MACD, KDJ, RSI, CCI, RVI, DEMARK. It can be freely switched by users, and intuitively shows the direction and reversal signal of the currency pair. When the two lines cross colors, the currency has a high probability of rev
ZO Trend
Trung Le Hoang
4 (4)
Important!! ZO Trend can't work on MN timeframe. /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZO Trend an indicator used to search for entry point. With the session candle algorithm on many timeframe, ZO Trend creates an area for traders find good Entry Point. ZO SYSTEM BASIC SETUP :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdNOXHWozNw ZO TREND User guide : 
Oni Scalper
Goh Cheng Wai
3.67 (3)
Dear Onis, This Indicator is used for   GBPUSD, US30 and GOLD on 1-Min Chart . For US30 , Depending on your broker, Minimum Lot Size will differ from 0.01 to 1.0 lots. My Current Account is trading at 1.0 lots at $1 per point . Please check with your Broker what's the Margin Required for your Minimum lot sizes before you trade on your Real account. I have Forward Tested the indicator for around 6 months before releasing it to the public. ( No Demo is available for the Indicator, Strategy Teste
Automatic, live & interactive picture of all trendlines. Assign push, email and sound alerts to the lines of your choice and be informed about price rollback, breakout, rollback after breakout, number of rollbacks, line expiration by double breakout. Correct, drag or delete the lines and interactively tune the line system. https://youtu.be/EJUo9pYiHFA . Chart examples https: //www.mql5.com/en/users/efficientforex Price Interaction Events All events are effective immediately and only after one
サポート と 抵抗レベルインジケーター( Support and resistance )をダウンロードできます。 インジケーターは、水平とトレンドのサポートと抵抗レベルを 表示します 。 インジケーター設定: トレンド( Trends ) トレンド又は水平のサポートと抵抗レベルの表示モード設定 はい( Yes )-トレンドレベルしか表示しない いいえ( No )- 水平 レベルしか表示しない リソース使用( UseResource ) インジケーターに組み込まれているリソースの使用モード設定。 はい( Yes )-商品リソースからのジグザグ( ZigZag )インジケーターを使用すること。 いいえ( No )-ジグザグ( ZigZag )ユーザーインジケーターを使用すること。 履歴バー( HistoryBar ) レベルが表示される履歴バーの数 バー数( CountBar ) 現在のバーを始め、サポートと 抵抗レベル が検索されるバーの数 商品で使用されている ジグザグ ( ZigZag ) インジケーターの設定 : デプス( Depth ) 前の値 より 偏差( Deviatio
The [GRAFF] III manual trading system is based on multiple MetaTrader (MT4) indicators. Together, the entire PACK of GRAFF III indicators makes an advanced trading tool. The system consists of over 20 different custom-built indicators which have been carefully selected and tested in the long term to produce strong and efficient trading signals. The particular indicators are based on different mathematical formulas, so the entire system is calibrated to remove false signals from its own indicator
This indicator allows you to see the strength of the trend on all timeframes. It can be used for all currency pairs. The indicator can be displayed in the form of a column (from left to right): status buy / sell / strong buy / strong sell, strength of the trend in percentage, pips last candle, body candle now, remaining time, and the timeframe of M1 to MN. Information contained below (from left to right): total trend percent, sell percent, buy percent.
You can fins our other products from link : https://www.mql5.com/en/users/drbastem/seller   Also, you can ask all your questins from email : haskayafx@gmail.com or mobile : +90 530 867 5076 or @MehmetBastem    on telegram application This indicator is used to determine the trend. Standard Osma indicator is used. It has the indicator warning system: beep, e-mail and has three types of alerts, including messages to mobile phone. It shows the best performance on the chart of 5 minutes. When the
You can fins our other products from link : https://www.mql5.com/en/users/drbastem/seller   Also, you can ask all your questins from email : haskayafx@gmail.com or mobile : +90 530 867 5076 or @MehmetBastem    on telegram application This indicator is used to determine the trend. Standard Three Moving Average and ADX indicators are used. It has the indicator warning system (audio, e-mail) and three types of alerts, including messages to mobile phone. It shows the best performance on M5. When
This indicator is used to determine the trend. Standard Three Moving Average and ADX indicators are used. It has the indicator warning system (audio, e-mail) and three types of alerts, including messages to mobile phone. It shows the best performance on M5. When the trend value reaches the value set, the warning system is activated. This indicator works only with Forex symbols. Inputs SoundAlarm = true - Sound Alert Sendmail=true - Send an e-mail in case of a buy or sell signal Sendnotification
You can fins our other products from link : https://www.mql5.com/en/users/drbastem/seller   Also, you can ask all your questins from email : haskayafx@gmail.com or mobile : +90 530 867 5076 or @MehmetBastem    on telegram application This indicator is used to determine the trend. Standard MACD indicator is used. It has the indicator warning system: beep, e-mail and has three types of alerts, including messages to mobile phone. It shows the best performance on the chart of 5 minutes. When the
このインジケーターは、「回帰チャンネルツール」のコンセプトに基づいた堅牢な市場分析手法を提供します。このツールを活用することで、トレーダーはチャートの回帰チャンネルに対して優れたコントロールを行い、より情報を得てトレードの決定を行うことができます。 回帰チャンネルツールは、トレーダーのツールボックスにおける強力な道具です。価格トレンドや潜在的なサポートと抵抗レベルに対する貴重な洞察を提供することを目的としています。このツールは特にトレンド内の修正波動を視覚化するのに効果的であり、価格のダイナミクスの包括的なビューを提供します。 以下は、このインジケーターを使用する際の主な特徴と利点について詳しく説明します: チャンネルレベルとサポート/レジスタンス: このインジケーターの主な利点の一つは、動的なサポートとレジスタンスゾーンとして機能するチャンネルレベルを生成する能力です。これらのレベルは潜在的なエントリーポイントや出口ポイントを特定するのに重要であり、トレーディング戦略の精度を向上させます。 修正波動レベル: 修正波動レベルを有効にすることで、トレーダーは大きなトレンド内での潜在的な修
A simplistic indicator informing a user on RSI divergence by sending messages to mobile device and email. The indicator draws 2 vertical lines, marking two RSI extrema that formed the divergence. You get the alert, open the charts and make a decision. The indicator does not show past divergences, thus when you attach it to a chart for the first time you see nothing. Graphics and alerts will appear as soon as divergences do. Drop it in Tester to see how it works. Parameters: RSIPeriod - number of
Sergio Andres Zuleta Lopez
This indicator is based on Market Profile methodology, which contains the Z-Zone , unlike the latter, allows visualization of multiple time frames on the same graph. This methodology has proven to be very effective for: Reduce the number of windows required to analyze or track a financial asset. Display important resistance areas (ROZ), support (SoZ) and average distribution (PoC) in different periods of time. Define areas to take profits as well locate technical stop loss. Analysis in the devel
Pan PrizMA CD Phase is an analogue of the МetaТrader 5 indicator , and is an option based on the Pan PrizMA indicator. Details . Averaging by a quadric-quartic polynomial increases the smoothness of lines, adds momentum and rhythm. Extrapolation by the sinusoid function near a constant allows adjusting the delay or lead of signals. The value of the phase - wave status parameter (which is close in meaning to the trigonometric phase or the angle of the radius-vector rotation in the trigonometric p
Reverse side scalper is the manual trading system, that works on choppy(anti-trend) market. As a rule markets are on 80% choppy and only 20% is trend phase. System is based on custom step Moving and RSI and reverse pattern. System defines up movement, down movement, trend / choppy phases. Indicator plots Buy signal arrow when current direction is down and phase is trend, Sell signal arrow is plotted when currently is up movement and phase is trend. As a rule it allows to "catch" local maximum/mi
Golden section price action indicator - is a trend-scalping complete system with enter and exit points. Indicator is based on most powerfull price action japan patterns that are filtered by volume, volatility, market phase. Pattern is not a simple combinations of candles. Patterns must have "weight" to move market in right direction. "Weight" - is the summary of pattern's volume, the size of pattern candles according to last average volatility and ofcourse pattern must appear in correct market p
Trend deviation scalper - is the manual system to scalp choppy market places. Indicator defines bull/bear trend and it's force. Inside exact trend system also defines "weak" places, when trend is ready to reverse. So as a rule, system plots a sell arrow when bull trend becomes weak and possibly reverses to bear trend. For buy arrow is opposite : arrow is plotted on bear weak trend. Such arrangement allows you to get a favorable price and stand up market noise. Loss arrows are closing by common p
Trend driver bars is the manual trading system, which defines current trend continue or it's pull-back/reverse. "Driver" bars - are price action patterns that has powerfull affect on market, defining it's near future direction. Generally, driver bars represents trend "skeleton" and often anticipates new market impulse. System plots arrows when market shows 3 pattenrs in a row(most powerfull combo-pattern), and makes fast scalping of incomming movement. Loss positions closes by common profit. Lot
Wave Impulse OmegaScalper - is the manual system for scalping. In many cases Indicator "eats" almost all possible trend wave. System defines up price wave and down price wave. Inside the exact wave - system defines true trend movement and choppy market. Indicator plots signals while market is trending, powerfull and has quiet good volatility. This is complete system with enter and exit points. Main Indicator's Features Signals are not repaint,non-late or disappear(exept cases when system recalcu
Binary step clouds - is the complete trading system with enter and exit points. System is based on double smoothed exponential step moving and volume weighted simple step moving.Generally each movings define trend direction and places when trend is in active phase. Signals plots when both movings approache to active trend phase and market speed is high.  Main Indicator's Features Signals are not repaint,non-late or disappear(exept cases when system recalculates all history datas,refreshing main
Acceleration Force Meter Indicator - is a trend system that join market in trend phase and after trend pull-back. AFM indicator - is the system that watchs market phases from flat to extreme volatility and prefers to enter in market when it's active, more volatility, ignoring most flat places. This is 100% complete trading system including enter and exit points. It works well with profitable trades - maximizing take profit targets(analysis of recent market volatility, its pips range to adapt cur
ImbaTrend Runner - is the trend following manual system for forex/crypto market. It defines medium-term trends and works with it in intraday mode. System shows enter points, profit and loss targets. As a rule profit targets are 2-3 X bigger than loss targets. Indicator is AutoAdaptive and it automatically updates it's settings during trading. Indicator is sensitive to market changes, regular updates helps to stay in relevant trend. Main Indicator's Features Signals are not repaint, late or disap
Early WPR divergence - is the manual system to define trend reverse. Green histogram shows main trend, Orange one - shows "short"/local trend. System is looking for clear divergence between both trends and pick up position(plot buy/sell arrows). When main trend is up, but local trend reverses to bearish trend and get's big power - sell arrow is plotted;    When main trend is down, but local trend reverses to bullish trend and get's big power - buy arrow is plotted;  Main inputs are : mediumTrend
Bull bear pressure indicator - is the manual system which defines bull/bear market. When lines is above zero level - market is strong bullish, and when lines below zero level - market is bearish. First line represents global trend and second one are smoothed and shows local market's mood. Main inputs are : MainPeriod- main indicator's period for global trend calculation; SignalPeriod - period for   smoothed and shows local market's trend; Main Indicator's Features Signals are not repaint,non-la
ROC acceleration-deceleration is the manual system for medium-term scalping. Indicator based on custom ROC system which defines bullish/bearish market and especially  acceleration-deceleration of tendention in the market's main direction. Buy arrow is plotted during bearish market when current trend decelerates and sell  arrow is plotted during bullish market when current trend decelerates. Main Indicator's Features Signals are not repaint,non-late or disappear(exept cases when system recalculat
ASI fractals with DPO filter - is the manual trend-following system. ASI fractals are the base of every trend. System plots an arrow when fractal pattern appears on ASI indcator and DPO direction is same as incomming signal. System has several ways of usage : simply indicator, indicator with suggested arrows, arrows with single targets and arrows with common profit targets. User can simply switch indicator's modes directly from chart. Main Indicator's Features Signals are not repaint,non-late or
Trend reversal index - is the manual trading system that works with overbought , oversold levels and reversal patterns. Sell arrow is plotted when indicator is higher than overbought level and here forms reversal pattern, all pattern points  located higher than overbought level. Opposite with buy arrow : ndicator is lower than oversold level and here forms reversal pattern, all pattern points located lower than overbought level.  Main Indicator's Features Signals are not repaint, late or disapp
Demarker pullback system - is the manual trading system for choppy markets. It show 2 colored histogram.  When histogram is blue - market is quite bullish, when histogram ir orange - market is more bearish. Up arrow is plotted when histogram is in oversold zone but blue color. Down arrow is plotted when histogram is in overbought zone but orange color. These patterns shows false breakout and possible soon reverse(price is overbought but shows bearish signs and price is oversold but shows bullis
TPM Cross (trend power moving cross) - is a trend following strategy based on custom signal points. Indicator consists from main custom moving chart line and trend power line. Indicator defines up and down movements by it's trend power and custom moving direction. When current market's trend looses it's power and opposite trend starts - power trend line  crosses moving and indicator plots an arrow.  Main indicator's adjustable inputs : movingPeriod - period of moving line  trendPeriod  - period
Impulse fractals indicator - is counter-trend oriented complex market fractal pattern.  Market creates bull/bear impulse, trend starts, fractals on impulsed wave are an agressive pullback signals. Buy arrow is plotted when market is bearish and it's impulse showed up-side fractal, and sell arrow is plotted when market is bullish and it's impulse showed dn-side fractal. Main indicator's adjustable inputs : impulsePeriod - main period of impulse histogram  filterPeriod  - smoothes impulse accordi
Floating peaks oscillator - it the manual trading system. It's based on Stochastik/RSI type of oscillator with dynamic/floating  overbought and oversold levels. When main line is green - market is under bullish pressure, when main line is red - market is under bearish pressure. Buy arrow appears at the floating bottom and sell arrow appears at floating top. Indicator allows to reverse signal types. Main indicator's adjustable inputs : mainTrendPeriod; signalTrendPeriod; smoothedTrendPeriod; tre
Trend speed vector - is the oscillator for manual trading. System measures trend direction and it's speed. Histogram shows 4 colors: Lime --> Strong up movement with good gain speed; Green --> Up movement with low gain speed Red --> Strong down movement with good gain speed; Orange --> Down movement with low gain speed Green and Orange histograms show weak market's movements and thуese places excluded from signal points. Buy arrow is plotted during strong down movement when bearish gain speed i
Floating gain meter is the manual trading system that works with local trends and it's scalping. Histogram represents  bull/bear floating trend gain. Green color histogram shows choppy market with bullish pressure, Orange - shows choppy market with bearish pressure. Lime and Red colors shows "boiled" places in market. As a rule buy arrow is placed after strong Down movement when it's power becomes weak and choppy market starts. And sell arrow is plotted after strong Up movement when it's power
Pullback points indicator - is the manual trading system, that shows most popular market prices. Indicator measures bull/bear waves pressure and looks for "consensus" prices. As a rule these points are crossed up and down very often and opened trade has several chances to be closed in positive zone. Mainly, such points is the good base for "common profit" types of strategies. Indicator also represents   "common profit"  scalping method of trading as default one.  Main Indicator's Features Signa
Noize Absorption Index - is the manual trading system that measures the difference of pressure between bears forces and bulls forces. Green line - is a noize free index that showing curent situation. Zero value of index shows totally choppy/flat market.Values above zero level shows how powerfull bullish wave is and values below zero measures bearish forces.Up arrow appears on bearish market when it's ready to reverse, dn arrow appears on weak bullish market, as a result of reverse expectation. S
Looking for EA to automate your trading strategy on the Forex market? TrendRocWaves Robot — your faithful companion in the world of trading! This 100% automated EA offers unique features: - works exclusively on high timeframes (H1 and H4) for confirmed response to market changes. - uses the most popular and liquid currency pairs such as EURUSD,GBPUSD with minimal spreads and fast transaction execution. - applies a scalping method based on a medium-term trend to achieve local goals and reduce r
Introducing the trading system Dynamic Trend Cycles Robot  — a powerful tool for H1-H4 trading with volatility pairs! Technical capabilities - pairs to trade : EURUSD,GBPUSD,XAUUSD;  - timeframes : M30,H1,H4; Why Choose Dynamic Trend Cycles Robot (DTC)? - Accurate Trend Analysis: DTC adapts to current market volatility, providing precise tracking of price trends. This allows you to confidently open positions in line with the main trend and maximize your profits. - Filtering False Signals: In t
Introducing to your attention an innovative expert advisor created specifically for the most juicy and volatility    currency     basket: GBPUSD and XAUUSD. This EA is designed using the main features of this market's movement, making it an ideal choice for dynamic trading on high-trending and medium-volatile pairs. The advisor is focused on minimizing trading risks, aiming to reduce losses to a minimum. Main features: EA is designed to open and close orders at the begginning of trading session
Introducing to your attention unique trading advisor, Squeeze roc xau points, exclusively designed for trading on the XAU/USD pair. We analyzed predominantly all objectively important timeframes and identified unique characteristics of gold movements relative to the dollar to create this product. These insights can be extremely useful in predicting market reversal points on timeframes from M30 to H8 for the XAU/USD pair. You can choose your favorite timeframe to receive signals or use multiple
Introducing to your attention the unique trading advisor "Scaled Vidya Trends", designed for dynamic scalp trading on trend volatility pairs hour timeframe. Main features of Scaled Vidya Trends: - EA works on H1 timeframe; - Uses the most popular currency pairs: EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDCAD. Brokers usually set one of the lowest spreads for these pairs; - Applies a scalping method based on local targets for orders; - Works at the close of the timeframe, waiting for signal confirmation. Signals works
Introducing to your attention a unique trading advisor "Detrended scalper jpy points robot", designed for trading with major JPY crosses. The idea is based on a modified indicator, detrended price oscillator, whose task is to eliminate the influence of the trend on price movements. This greatly simplifies the process of determining overbought/oversold cycles. The focus is on analyzing short cycles: long market cycles consist of several short ones. By analyzing the short components, we can more
Introducing the automated trading system "Flexi trend tracker robot" — a powerful instrument for hour+ timeframe trading with medium/soft volatility pairs! This EA offers unique features:  wide range of applications: This strategy can be used on various time intervals: H1 and H4 timeframes, making the trading advisor a highly versatile tool for trading.  the system works on comfortable USD crosses: USDCAD, USDCAD, and USDCAD pairs where you won't see overwhelming trends that wipe out deposits b
BBVectorDynamics_Robot is an innovative trading advisor specifically designed for volatile markets. Based on unique algorithms for analyzing market forces and identifying imbalances between buyers and sellers, this advisor helps you make precise and well-considered decisions in the trading process. Main features of the bb vector dynamics_robot advisor: Calculation of dynamic vectors. System determines the differences between the extreme price values and smoothed averages over a specified perio
Hybrid Trend Impulse robot – is an advanced EA that combines modern approaches to trend and impulse analysis, offering unique capabilities for effective deposit management. Key advantages of the HybridTrendImpulse_robot: Nonlinear dynamics: The method of interaction between opening prices forms a unique nonlinear model that is particularly sensitive to significant price fluctuations, increasing their significance and making the indicator ideal for working in high volatility conditions. Enhanced
バージョン 1.40 2022.09.22
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バージョン 1.30 2022.09.15
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バージョン 1.20 2022.09.12
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バージョン 1.10 2022.08.22
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