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Naked Forex Kangaroo Tail Pro indicator for MT4

Naked Forex Kangaroo Tail Pro Indicator

Kangaroo Tail Pro Indicator is a pattern recognition indicator for Forex, Stocks, Indices, Futures, Commodities and Cryptos.
The Kangaroo Tail is a multi-bar pattern.
The Kangaroo Tail pattern is very effective and is very simple to trade.
The strategy that comes with the Kangaroo Tail is based on price action.
The indicator does what it was designed for: displaying Kangaroo Tail patterns.  Don't expect to follow the up and down arrows and make money. Trading is not that simple. The Kangaroo Tail pattern is a starting point. The arrow is not a confirmed BUY and SELL signal in itself. The Kangaroo Tail indicator alerts you that  the market might be at a turning point now. Then you must use other elements of your strategy (trend, momentum, support/resistance, volatility, daily bias, and other indicators) to confirm the signal and place a trade.
The Kangaroo Pro version lets users adjust the pattern definition. This version is meant for expert traders who want to use their own optimized settings for the pattern.

Inputs of the indicator are:

  • Distance: distance in pixel relative to top or bottom of candle to display the arrow symbol
  • MaxBars: number of bars back used to calculate the indicator
  • TradeDirection (Long/Short/LongAndShort): filter signals for BUY and SELL
  • CandleSize: minimum size of candle (0.5 to 1.5 recommended range of values, 0.0 means no filter, 1.0 means normal candle size, 1.5 means big candle)
  • BodyPercent: position of body compared to the complete candle range (0.2 to 0.4 recommended range of values)
  • RoomLeftBars: room on the left you want to have for valid pattern (counted as a number of bars, recommended values of 5 to 30).
  • UsePreAlerts (true/false): to enable pre-alerts
  • PreAlertsSeconds (30): time in seconds before the close of the candle when pre-alerts will be activated (pre-alerts can disappear)
  • UseConfirmedSignals (true/false): generate alerts for confirmed signals (at the close of the bar). It is required to set this value to true if you want to receive confirmed signals alerts.
  • PopAlerts (true/false): to enable alerts of type Popup window
  • EmailAlerts (true/false): to enable alerts of type Email
  • PushAlerts (true/false): to enable alerts of type Push Notification
  • SoundAlerts (true/false): to enable alerts of type Sound
  • SoundFile: file to be used for sound alerts

Trading rules:

  • For BUY: wait for a bullish Kangaroo Tail to print on a support zone after a down trend. Wait for price to break high of the Kangaroo Tail candle (5 pips above the high for H1 and higher time frames). Immediately enter in the trade once high is broken. You also can use a BUY STOP order placed 5 pips above the high of the candle (plus spread). Stop Loss should be placed below the low of the Kangaroo Tail candle. If order is not triggered in the next candle then trade is invalidated and should be canceled.
  • For SELL: wait for a bearish Kangaroo Tail to print on resistance zone after an up trend. Wait for price to break the low of the Kangaroo Tail candle (5 pips below the low for H1 and higher time frames). Immediately enter in the trade once low is broken. You also can use a SELL STOP order place 5 pips below the low of the candle. Stop Loss should be placed above the high of the Kangaroo Tail candle. If order is not triggered in the next candle then trade is invalidated and should be canceled.

The Kangaroo Tail indicator can be used with any time frame.
The Kangaroo Tail indicator can be used with any class of assets: Forex, Stocks, Indices, Futures, Commodities and Cryptos.

Other indicators for MT4:
We developed more than 60 indicators and utilities for Metatrader 4 and Metatrader 5.

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Black series MT4 - The indicator is designed for trading on binary options with Timeframe M1-M5-M15 Multicurrency (Works on cryptocurrency and currency pairs) The signal appears when the candle opens Up to 90% correct signals There is no signal redrawing at all Can be used with other indicators. Good for scalping! In Settings there is: -Indicator working methods -I Allert Arrow color Red signal down Blue signal up Also watch the video how the indicator works and signals
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Naked Forex Kangaroo Tail Indicator for MT4 Kangaroo Tail Indicator is a pattern recognition indicator for Forex, Stocks, Indices, Futures, Commodities and Cryptos. The Kangaroo Tail is a multi-bar pattern. The Kangaroo Tail pattern is very effective and is very simple to trade. The strategy that comes with the Kangaroo Tail is based on price action. The indicator does what it was designed for: displaying Kangaroo Tail patterns.   Don't expect to follow the up and down arrows and make mo
Owl smart levels
Sergey Ermolov
4.34 (35)
MT5版  |   FAQ Owl Smart Levels Indicator   は、 Bill Williams   の高度なフラクタル、市場の正しい波構造を構築する Valable ZigZag、エントリの正確なレベルをマークする Fibonacci レベルなどの一般的な市場分析ツールを含む 1 つのインジケーター内の完全な取引システムです。 利益を得るために市場と場所に。 戦略の詳細な説明 インジケータを操作するための指示 顧問-取引助手 プライベートユーザーチャット ->購入後に私に書いて、私はプライベートチャットにあなたを追加し、あなたはそこにすべてのボーナスをダウンロードすることができます 力はシンプルさにあります! Owl Smart Levels   取引システムは非常に使いやすいので、専門家にも、市場を勉強し始めて自分で取引戦略を選択し始めたばかりの人にも適しています。 戦略と指標に秘密の数式や計算方法が隠されているわけではなく、すべての戦略指標は公開されています。 Owl Smart Levels を使用すると、取引を開始するためのシグナルをすばやく確認し、
BinaryUniversal is a signal indicator for binary options and Forex. In its work, the indicator uses a complex algorithm for generating signals. Before forming a signal, the indicator analyzes volatility, candlestick patterns, important support and resistance levels. The indicator has the ability to adjust the accuracy of the signals, which makes it possible to apply this indicator for both aggressive and conservative trading. The indicator is set in the usual way, it works on any time period and
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Chart Patterns Detect 15 patterns (Ascending Triangle, Descending Triangle, Rising Wedge, Falling Wedge, Bullish Flag, Bearish Flag, Bullish Rectangle, Bearish Rectangle Symmetrical triangle, Head and Shoulders, Inverted Head and Shoulders, Triple top, Triple Bottom, Double Top, Double Bottom) Use historical data to calculate the probability of each pattern to succeed (possibility to filter notification according to the chance of success) gives graphic indication about the invalidation level and
ナイト ゴースト - バイナリ オプションの矢印インジケーター。 これからのあなたの頼もしいアシスタントです! 11 - チャートの再描画なし - すべての通貨ペアで大活躍! -インジケータの精度は最大 90% (特に夜間) ・長時間の設定不要(バイナリーオプションに最適な設定) - 信号が遅れない - 現在のローソク足でのシグナルの出現 ・M1期にピッタリ(No More!) ・目に優しいキャンドルカラー(赤・青) -インストールされたアラート それを扱う: - 青い矢印は信号アップを示します -赤い下向き矢印 M1 以上のインジケーターをチャートに配置しないでください. シグナルの精度が低下します! インジケーターのスクリーンショットとビデオを見る
M5 タイムフレームのロボット スカルパー。 GBPUSD 通貨ペアでの取引。このロボットは、英ポンドの取引のためにプロのトレーダーの会社によって特別に開発されました。ロボットは、毎日約 5 ~ 15 の取引を開始します。 GBPUSD のスプレッドが最大 10 ピップスまでの低いブローカーと取引するのが最善です。開始するための推奨最低入金額は $500 以上です。 利点: マーチンゲールは使いません。 ネットではありません。 すべての取引にはストップロスがあります。 GBPUSDペア専用のプロボット。 ロボットスキャルパー、M5 期間の日中取引。 このロボットはどのように取引しますか? 市場を分析するために、ロボットは 2 つの指標の価格モデルと戦略的な市場パターンを使用します: パラボリック ストップとリバース システムとボリンジャー バンド。ロボットは最初に、価格エントラポレーション統計を使用して価格の動きについて市場を分析します。次に、ロボットはこれらの指標を読み取り、現在と過去の動きの傾向を比較します。市場の反転またはロールバックを示すパターンが一致した場合、ロボットは
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It will be the best tool for you to make a profit! Through unique algorithms You're going to see an amazing amount of right trading signals Make huge profits every day and realize more possibilities!   Like the car no money to buy it, the love of the girls dare not to pursue?Or the credit card bill is not paid, the rent does not have the extra money to settle?Or are you fed up with being bossed around by your boss and Hope to get more people's respect?Can't afford to buy the things you want ? wa
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This advisor enters the market at the opening of   London Market . It has a automatic function that give buy (arrow up green) and sell (arrow down red) signal when the indicator met high probabilities requirements.Once the signal is generated it is the trader discretions to start the order button and do trade manually. Stop loss are base on ATR. Recommended Take profit is 20pips.  The trading system is suitable for both experienced traders and beginners.  Timeframe is  M5 . Minimum account ba
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The "Trend Tandem" indicator is a trend analysis tool in financial markets that helps traders determine the direction of price movement. Options: RISK: Determines the level of risk taken into account in the trend analysis. The higher the value, the more aggressively volatility is taken into account. SSP (SSP Period): Defines the period of the moving average used to identify a trend. The higher the value, the smoother the trend signal will be. CountBars: Determines the number of bars on whic
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Was: $249  Now: $149   Market Profile defines a number of day types that can help the trader to determine market behaviour. A key feature is the Value Area, representing the range of price action where 70% of trading took place. Understanding the Value Area can give traders valuable insight into market direction and establish the higher odds trade. It is an excellent addition to any system you may be using. Blahtech Limited presents their Market Profile indicator for the MetaTrader community. In
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Next level of trend trading here. Possibility 75%, the indicator analyzes the current market to determine short (small dot), middle (circle with a dot inside) and long (cross with a circle and a dot inside) trends.  Wingdings characters of  Aqua color represents the beginning of the UP trend. Wingdings characters of  Orange color represents the beginning of the DOWN trend. Possibility 75% Indicator will improve your trading in the world of forex, commodities, cryptocurrencies and indices.
Full Forex Market View Dashboard
Opengates Success International
5 (2)
FULL FOREX MARKET VIEWダッシュボードインジケーター これは、トレーダーが市場で何が起こっているかを完全に把握できるようにするために作成されたカスタム指標です。 リアルタイム データを使用して市場にアクセスし、取引を成功させるために必要なあらゆる情報を表示します。 インストール: このインジケーターをウィンドウ チャートに添付する前に、MT4 のマーケット ウォッチ パネルに移動し、不要な通貨ペアまたは取引しないすべての通貨ペアを非表示にして、残りをそこに残します。 その理由は、FFMV ダッシュボードが MT4 の気配値表示に表示されるすべての通貨ペアを表示するためです。 最大 30 通貨ペア以下を表示できます。 MT4 の気配値表示でそれ以上だと、FFMV ダッシュボードのフォントと画像がぼやけて変形します。 正しく表示されません。 使用法:      個人取引の場合      バスケット取引の場合 (方法についてはスクリーンショットを参照してください)      複数注文取引にも使用可能      独自の取引システムなどから
Stefano Frisetti
5 (3)
note: this indicator is for METATRADER4, if you want the version for METATRADER5 this is the link:  https://www.mql5.com/it/market/product/108106 TRENDMAESTRO ver 2.4 TRENDMAESTRO recognizes a new TREND in the bud, he never makes mistakes. The certainty of identifying a new TREND is priceless. DESCRIPTION TRENDMAESTRO identifies a new TREND in the bud, this indicator examines the volatility, volumes and momentum to identify the moment in which there is an explosion of one or more of these data a
This indicator is based on the mathematics of the great trader W.D. Ganna. With its help, you can easily find strong levels by analyzing swings to find the optimal entry point. The indicator works on all instruments and all timeframes. The indicator is fully manual and has control buttons. All you need to do is press the NEW button, a segment will appear, which you can place on any movement, swing or even 1 candle that you want to analyze. By placing the segment, press the OK button. A grid (th
Ivan Stefanov
5 (3)
エニグメラ:市場の中核 https://www.enigmera.com はじめに このインディケータと取引システムは、金融市場に対する驚くべきアプローチです。ENIGMERAは、フラクタルサイクルを使用して、サポートとレジスタンスレベルを正確に計算します。本格的な蓄積局面を示し、方向性と目標を示します。 トレンド中でも調整中でも機能するシステムです。 どのように作動するのか? ENIGMERAは、支持線・抵抗線、目標線、乖離線の3つのラインで構成されています。このシステムは、過去のデータを現在と未来に外挿する典型的な市場指標とは異なり、現在の完全な画像を提供します。支持線上にある場合、それは本当の支持を意味し、抵抗線上にある場合、それは本当の抵抗を意味する。ある水準が破られた場合、それはトレンドの変化を意味する。再描画はしない。 市場は常に進化しているため、ENIGMERAはその評価ツールを適応させ、定期的に戦略を修正しています。  これにより、すべてのシナリオが徹底的に評価されることが保証されます。この市場指標の独自性は、その能力を見れば明らかです。  ENIGM
This indicator identifies and displays zones, as it were areas of strength, where the price will unfold. The indicator can work on any chart, any instrument, at any timeframe. The indicator has two modes. The indicator is equipped with a control panel with buttons for convenience and split into two modes. Manual mode: To work with manual mode, you need to press the NEW button, a segment will appear. This segment is stretched over the movement and the LVL button is pressed. The level is displayed
EARLY REMINDER: The Starting price is 65 price will rise soon up to 365$ after first 10 copies of sales. Grab this offer now! Introduction Hello, traders! Welcome to the demonstration of the Forex Beast Indicator , a comprehensive tool designed to assist aspiring traders in navigating the complexities of the forex market. This indicator incorporates seven essential components to provide a well-rounded trading experience: Moving Averages Colored Zones Support and Resistance Levels (Previous Hig
製品を購入する前に、以下の情報をお読みください。 Apollo Pips PLUS SP はユニークな製品です。これは、私の新しい「アポロ ピップス」インジケーターと、私のすべての取引インジケーターにアクセスできる「スーパー パック」ボーナスを手に入れたい人のためのものです。 Apollo Pips PLUS SP 製品を購入すると、実際には私の Apollo Pips インジケーターのまったく新しいバージョンを購入することになります。このバージョンのインジケーターには改良されたアルゴリズムと使いやすいパラメーターがあり、あらゆる市場およびあらゆる取引スタイルでインジケーターを使用する機会が得られます。 この製品の購入者は、私のスーパーボーナスとして、他のすべてのインジケーターにも無料でアクセスできます!私のすべての取引ツールにアクセスしたい場合は、この製品が最適です!:) しかし、これがすべてではありません!:) この製品のすべての購入者は、私の新しいインジケーターを無料で入手する資格もあります!:)新しい取引インジケーターを利用できるようになりました。私の特権のある「スーパー パッ
Gold Channel is a volatility-based indicator, developed with a specific timing algorithm for the XAUUSD pair, which consists of finding possible corrections in the market. This indicator shows two outer lines, an inner line (retracement line) and an arrow sign, where the theory of the channel is to help identify overbought and oversold conditions in the market. The market price will generally fall between the boundaries of the channel. If prices touch or move outside the channel it is a tra
Bomb Bank Signal
Igor Pereira Calil
5 (1)
Bomb Bank シグナル: MetaTrader 4 の信頼度インジケーター Bomb Bank Signal は、金融市場で最も関連性の高いトレンドを特定するように設計された MetaTrader 4 の強力なインジケーターです。動きを正確に予測するツールをお探しなら、Bomb Bank が最適です。 仕組み: このインジケーターは、出来高分析、ローソク足終値、対称トレンドという 3 つの異なる方法を組み合わせて、売買の機会を検出してシグナルを送ります。 Bomb Bank は、買いの機会を特定するときは「爆弾」のようなものであり、売りシグナルを検出するときは「ドクロ」のようなものです。 ボムバンクはなぜ違うのですか? 完全な信頼性: Bomb Bank Signal は信号を削除しません。一度シグナルが発せられると、シグナルは残り続けるので、チャンスを逃すことはありません。 極めて高い精度: Bomb Bank は誤った信号を送信しません。リアルタイムで最新情報を更新し、市場の進化に合わせて調整しながら、以前のシグナルの透明性を維持します。 ライブアップデ
Ivan Simonika
1 (1)
One of the main definitions for monitoring the currency market is the trend. The Trins indicator is designed to display the trend in a visual form. Trend is a stable direction of price movement. To find it, the indicator uses calculations designed to smooth out sharp fluctuations that do not affect the overall picture of price movement. The trend can be increasing (bullish trend) and decreasing (bearish trend). In most cases, the trend is growing for a long time and drops sharply, but in all
BTCマインインジケーター これは、BTCの時間枠に関係なく大きな利益を上げるための最高のBTC売買指標の1つです。インジケーターはオープンに基づいています ボリューム、ボラティリティ、プライスアクションの最も重要な領域の。スクリーンショットで見るように、ペースが速いように設計されています あらゆる機会を活用します。これは、市場の変動や反転を可能にする一歩先を行く指標です 動きが最もトレンドであるボラティリティの後、適切なタイミングで取引を開始します。どんな指標でもないことを覚えておいてください それがどれほど良いかは、適切な資金管理でレンジング取引の計画なしでレンジング市場で完全に利益を上げることができます。良いニュースは、ご覧のとおり、M1からW1までのすべての時間枠で機能し、トレーダーの日、スイング、スキャルパー、または長期ポジションの任意のタイプにこのインジケーターを使用できることです。それはあなたがBTCと一緒に取引する他のものの指標を使用することができますので、それはすべての暗号通貨で同じように動作します、それは特に暗号市場のために設計されました そして、ご覧の通りの
Unveil Market Secrets with Sneaky Busters on MetaTrader 4! Delve deeper into the intricate world of trading with the Sneaky Busters indicator, specifically crafted to spotlight the sophisticated maneuvers of smart money and uncover hidden market trends. Comprehensive Features: 1. Smart Money Accumulation & Distribution Detection: Accurate Analysis: Identify key zones where smart money collects and disperses assets. These insights help you understand market sentiment and potential turning points.
The Stochastic Basket Currency Strenght  brings the Stochastic indicator to a new level.  Expanding the boundaries of TimeFrames and mono-currency analysis, the SBCS take the movements of each currency that composes the cross and confront them in the whole basket of 7 crosses.  The indicator works with any combination of AUD, CAD, CHF, EUR, GBP, JPY, NZD, USD pairs and with full automation takes in account every stochastic value (main line) for the selected Time Frame.  After that, the indicator
BONUS AUX VIP Club 2024 : Include EA Airbag and Load Data History to enhance the performance of this tool to its maximum potential  Click Here to Download Files   ( for users only )   Hello World! Introducing.. SMCpro VIP tool and Indicator for MetaTrader 4, designed to revolutionize your trading experience with the ICT Smart Money Concept. This system is meticulously crafted to empower traders with advanced insights and precision in navigating the dynamic forex markets. This innovativ
Connect Indicator is a tool used for connecting indicators between the MQL market and MT4. The connected indicators are made by our group and can be used for other applications, such as sending messages to the Line application or Telegram application. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask us to receive support. Function and indicator buffer Buffer one is the high price of the previous candle. Buffer two is the high price of the previous candle. Usage To connect indicators to fu
Joaquin Gual Moreno
5 (1)
This indicator marks the long or short force of each candle. Green = long. Red = Short Parameters: The periods serve to make the indicator functions faster or slower. We recommend to run faster periods 4-10 or slower periods 12-26. PeriodFast : Numbers of Bars used for the calculations of fast period (Recommended value 4) PeriodSlow : Numbers of Bars used for the calculations of slow period (Recommended value 10)
Precautions for subscribing to indicator This indicator only supports the computer version of MT4 Does not support MT5, mobile phones, tablets The indicator only shows the day's entry arrow The previous history arrow will not be displayed (Live broadcast is for demonstration) The indicator is a trading aid Is not a EA automatic trading No copy trading function The indicator only indicates the entry position No exit (target profit)  The entry stop loss point is set at 30-50 PIPS Or the front
TRANSACTION SPEEDは、大口注文がいつどこで市場に集積され、その恩恵を受けているかを示す最高品質の指標です。トレンドの変化を非常に早い段階で検知します。インジケーターであると同時にトレーディングシステムでもあります。そのコンセプトはユニークで、驚くほど収益性が高い。 FXでは、ティックボリュームはボリュームと呼ばれ、誤解を招きやすい。実際は、単位時間当たりの価格変動であり、事実上、取引速度(TRANSACTION SPEED)です。 このインジケーターは、FXにおける出来高の概念を完全に見直し、正しい方法で論理的に定義し、このロジックを適用することで、ユニークで正確なトップレベルの収益ツールになります。 スピードが上がれば、それはより大きな関心とそれに対応するエントリーとエグジットのサインです。 使い方は? このインジケーターは、市場の取引スピードを測定・比較するため、まず最初に行うべきことは以下の通りです。 比較を行う期間を選択することです。 通常、15日前が比較の出発点となります。 インジケータに日付を入力して実行する。 30分または1時間のタイムフレー
The real market buy/Sell signals, you can trust.  This indicator tracks the trend strength, the market strength, the real current volume, and the price direction to give traders and investors the optimum point for entry in the form of signals. The time frames range from 5 minutes to one (1) hour chart. Trading on higher time frames produce the best outcomes, but also do produce less frequent trades, compared to trading on lower time frames.
Dear Onis, This Indicator is used for   GBPUSD, US30 and GOLD on 1-Min Chart . For US30 , Depending on your broker, Minimum Lot Size will differ from 0.01 to 1.0 lots. My Current Account is trading at 1.0 lots at $1 per point . Please check with your Broker what's the Margin Required for your Minimum lot sizes before you trade on your Real account. I have Forward Tested the indicator for around 6 months before releasing it to the public. ( No Demo is available for the Indicator, Strategy
Justine Kelechi Ekweh
これは、スキャルパー システムまたは非常に強い勢いに乗る戦略として、FX マニュアル トレーダー、バイナリー オプション トレーダー、または自動取引でユニバーサル EA によって使用される両方に適した多目的システムです。 これは、スキャルパー システムまたは非常に強い勢いに乗る戦略として、FX マニュアル トレーダー、バイナリー オプション トレーダー、または自動取引でユニバーサル EA によって使用される両方に適した多目的システムです。 Jeslyn は長年の研究に基づいた戦略であり、特定の価格アクション戦略に焦点を当てています。シンプルな矢印インジケーターのように見えるかもしれませんが、洗練された論理的なアルゴリズムが組み込まれています。他の指標から計算を引き出すのではなく、価格変動のみに基づいて計算します。トレンド、勢いとの違い、ダイバージェンスと出来高スプレッド分析の関係を解釈する方法を見つけました。勢いよくポジションが埋まるミニ供給ゾーンと需要ゾーンがあり、これらは開始時に私たちが希望する場所です。また、メタトレーダーでは実際の出来高を取得できないとも言われてい
Arbitrage Indicators is a professional and easy-to-use Forex trading indicator that uses the best trading principles of the latest AI arbitrage models. This indicator provides accurate buy and sell signals. Applies to currency pairs only. It has six different metrics options, MACD, KDJ, RSI, CCI, RVI, DEMARK. It can be freely switched by users, and intuitively shows the direction and reversal signal of the currency pair. When the two lines cross colors, the currency has a high probability of rev
The Bars Deflection trend indicator can be used with any trading pair and on any time frame. With this indicator it is impossible to miss the beginning of a trend. Use Bars Deflection as a standalone strategy or as an addition to yours. Signal arrows appear on the chart at the moment the bar opens and are located at the breakout level of the reverse movement. Thus, the arrows not only indicate the possible direction of movement of the quote, but also act as levels for analyzing the placement of
This indicator ( dashboard) provides trend for multi currency on multi timeframe Charts. It gives entries and Stoploss on the chart itself  if the currency pair is uptrend then the cell color is displayed as Green and if its downtrend the cell displays the color as Red Alerts are generated whenever the trend changes on that particular timeframe. can customize the time frames as desired
Al in one level
Kundan Kumar Srivastava
5 (1)
This indicator is collection of important dynamic support and resistance giving a trader crystal clear idea , where to sell and where to buy. it completely complements trend lines, support, resistance, and sideways market and allow a trader to make sustainable profits. The thickness of lines suggests its strengths, the thicker the dynamic line, the stronger is rejection or pullback allowing a trader to make multi-fold profit, as they can clearly see them. Introducing Your Ultimate Trading Edge
Tame the trend just got easier! The PDS indicator will signal the use of price sentiment. Just one setting! Study the offer of the indicator and get the opportunity for profitable trading based on a proven and tested strategy. The mathematical algorithm proves its performance even to skeptics under any market conditions. It goes well with any trading strategy. Never recalculates signals. Signals appear at the opening of the bar. Works with any financial instruments, including forex, cryptocur
'CyberBot Project" is a cutting-edge product with a hybrid formula of "ALGO~VX7", the first in the MQL5 market > It's got a high-level mastermind algorithm that gives u Multi Indicator + Reversal Code Corridors all in one. With the ability to analyze 8 Pairs + 8 Timeframes + 8 Shadows at once, including Pivot, Support, and Resistance functions, it gives individual traders pro-level tools. Super practical + powerful, for everyone from newbies to pros. No theory needed, it's all real "wysiwyg" --
Automatic, live & interactive picture of all trendlines. Assign push, email and sound alerts to the lines of your choice and be informed about price rollback, breakout, rollback after breakout, number of rollbacks, line expiration by double breakout. Correct, drag or delete the lines and interactively tune the line system. https://youtu.be/EJUo9pYiHFA . Chart examples https: //www.mql5.com/en/users/efficientforex Price Interaction Events All events are effective immediately and only after on
サポート と 抵抗レベルインジケーター( Support and resistance )をダウンロードできます。 インジケーターは、水平とトレンドのサポートと抵抗レベルを 表示します 。 インジケーター設定: トレンド( Trends ) トレンド又は水平のサポートと抵抗レベルの表示モード設定 はい( Yes )-トレンドレベルしか表示しない いいえ( No )- 水平 レベルしか表示しない リソース使用( UseResource ) インジケーターに組み込まれているリソースの使用モード設定。 はい( Yes )-商品リソースからのジグザグ( ZigZag )インジケーターを使用すること。 いいえ( No )-ジグザグ( ZigZag )ユーザーインジケーターを使用すること。 履歴バー( HistoryBar ) レベルが表示される履歴バーの数 バー数( CountBar ) 現在のバーを始め、サポートと 抵抗レベル が検索されるバーの数 商品で使用されている ジグザグ ( ZigZag ) インジケーターの設定 : デプス( Depth ) 前の値 より 偏差( Deviatio
Round Numbers Levels indicator for MT4 Round Numbers indicator is a simple but useful indicator to draw 00 and 50 price levels in your chart. These levels act as supports and resistances, and therefore should be taken into account when trading. These levels can be used as profit targets or entry points. Inputs of the indicator are: TGridColor00: color to be used for xx00 levels GridStyle00: line style to be used for xx00 levels GridWidth00: line width to be used for xx00 levels GridCol
Naked Forex Kangaroo Tail Indicator for MT4 Kangaroo Tail Indicator is a pattern recognition indicator for Forex, Stocks, Indices, Futures, Commodities and Cryptos. The Kangaroo Tail is a multi-bar pattern. The Kangaroo Tail pattern is very effective and is very simple to trade. The strategy that comes with the Kangaroo Tail is based on price action. The indicator does what it was designed for: displaying Kangaroo Tail patterns.   Don't expect to follow the up and down arrows and make mo
Naked Forex Tweezer Pro Indicator Tweezer Pro Indicator is a pattern recognition indicator for Forex, Stocks, Indices, Futures, Commodities and Cryptos. The standard Tweezer is a two bar pattern. Our enhanced version is a multi-bar pattern. We filter the patterns for you so that you only get the   best and most effective patterns   and ignore the noise. The Tweezer pattern is a simple and effective pattern to trade. The strategy that comes with the Tweezer is based on price action. The T
Naked Forex Tweezer Standard Indicator Tweezer Indicator is a pattern recognition indicator for Forex, Stocks, Indices, Futures, Commodities and Cryptos. The standard Tweezer is a two bar pattern. Our enhanced version is a multi-bar pattern. We filter the patterns for you so that you only get the     best and most effective patterns   and ignore the noise. The Tweezer pattern is a simple and effective pattern to trade. The strategy that comes with the Tweezer is based on price action.
Naked Forex Big Shadow IndicatorBig Shadow Indicator is a pattern recognition indicator for Forex, Stocks, Indices, Futures, Commodities and Cryptos. When you have a Big Shadow on your chart then this is a strong signal meaning that you might be ahead of a reversal. You can take other elements (momentum, trend, volatility, price action, fundamentals) to build a complete strategy and confirm your entries. Beware that you might not make money just following the arrows generated by the pattern rec
TTM Squeeze Indicator TTM Squeeze is an indicator to time entries based on volatility. TMM Squeeze might well be one of the best and most overlooked indicator. It was created by famous trader John Carter and is also used by many traders like Nathan Bear. Why is the TTM Squeeze indicator important? Because in trading correct timing entries might be more important than picking the right direction.   This is a concept that is not very well understood in the trading community. Most trader think
Inside Bar Indicator Inside Bar is a very popular candlestick pattern. Inside Bar indicator can be used to trade Forex, Stocks, Indices, Futures, Commodities and Cryptos. The Inside Bar indicator will search for inside bar candles pattern in the chart and will generate display them. The indicator is also able to generate alerts in your screen or sent to your phone. Inputs of the indicator are: Symbol : type of char symbol to be displayed in the chart to show Inside Bar patterns Custo
Engulfing Bar IndicatorEngulfing Bar indicator is a pattern recognition indicator for Forex, Stocks, Indices, Futures, Commodities and Cryptos. The Engulfing Bar indicator is an enhanced pattern of the popular Engulfing Bar to  keep only the best patterns produced in the market. The strategy that comes with the Engulfing Bar is based on  price action. Inputs of the indicator are: Distance: distance in pixels relative to top or bottom of candle to display the arrow symbol UseAlerts (true/fa
Pin Bar Indicator The Pin Bar indicator is a pattern recognition indicator for Forex, Stocks, Indices, Futures, Commodities and Cryptos. The strategy that comes with the Pin Bar pattern is based on price action. Inputs of the indicator are: Distance : distance in pixels relative to top or bottom of candle to display the arrow symbol UseAlerts (true/false): enable alerts PopAlerts (true/false): enable alerts in the popup window EmailAlerts (true/false): enable email alerts PushAlerts (tru
Bar Strength Divergence Indicator for MT4 BarStrength Indicator is an exclusive indicator to trade Forex, Stocks, Indices, Futures, Commodities and Cryptos. BarStrength Indicator shows the strength of each candle. The indicator shows in a separate windows candles relatively to 2 price levels representing resistance and support in the market. Once candle is near resistance it is highly probable that price movement will change direction and will go down in the next candles. Once candle is
Fisher Kuskus Indicator Fisher Kuskus is an indicator used by scalpers on low time frames like M1. The Fisher Kuskus is now available for Metatrader platform. Inputs of the indicator are: Period : period to be used for calculation of the indicator PriceSmoothing : value of 0.0 to 0.99 IndexSmoothing : value of 0.0 to 0.99 The indicator can be used with any time frame. It can be used with any class of assets: Forex, Stocks, Indices, Futures, Commodities and Cryptos. Other indicators for
High Low indicator for MT4
Renaud Herve Francois Candel
5 (1)
HighLow Arrow Indicator HighLow Arrow is a simple indicator to be used to signal major lows and major highs in your chart. This indicator is not intended to be used to trade alone but more as an alert that a turning point might be forming.  In this case the HighLow Arrow indicator signals that a new high or a new low is forming and that traders can prepare for seeking new signals. The formation of the High or the Low is confirmed after 2 bars have been closed. In the meantime, the alert ca
Keltner Channel Indicator Keltner Channel is an oscillator like Bollinger Bands. Keltner Channel is a very good tool to time entries for your strategy. Keltner Channel displays a channel where price is supposed to stay unless we are in overbought or oversold situations. Various strategies use Keltner Channel indicator successfully to spot overbought / oversold situations and look for reversals. Keltner Channel indicator uses ATR to determine overbought and oversold situations. Inputs of the
Heiken Color Indicator Heiken Color is a simple indicator showing Heiken Ashi candles color, not in your chart but rather in a separate window. The indicator is useful if you want to use Heiken Ashi indicator without changing your chart display. Heiken Ashi can be used to filter signals or spot better entry after another indicator gave you a signal. Heiken Color indicator has no inputs. Heiken Color indicator can be used with any class of assets: Forex, Stocks, Indices, Futures, Commod
FX Sniper Magenta Indicator FX Sniper Magenta is an exclusive and   leading indicator   to trade Forex with your Metatrader trading platform. FX Sniper Magenta is able to analyze market participants behavior and to predict changes in the price direction even before movement starts. Most indicators are lagging indicators and are useless. FX Sniper Magenta is a unique   leading indicator . The indicator displays arrows in your chart (please see screenshot attached) showing the probable direc
FX Sniper Yellow Indicator FX Sniper Yellow is an exclusive   leading indicator   to trade Forex with your Metatrader trading platform. FX Sniper Yellow is able to analyze market participants behavior and to predict changes in the price direction even before movement starts. Most indicators are lagging indicators and are useless. FX Sniper Yellow is a unique   leading indicator . The indicator displays arrows in your chart (please see screenshot attached) showing the probable direction of
FX Sniper Orange Indicator FX Sniper Orange is an exclusive indicator to spot situations where market has gone too far and market could reverse soon after. The indicator displays arrows in your chart indicating probable future price action (see screenshot attached). By default, it uses orange arrows. FX Sniper Orange never repaints. Once candle is closed signal is confirmed and arrow will never disappear. Users of the indicator can setup alerts when new arrows are displayed in the chart.
VWAP indicator for MT4
Renaud Herve Francois Candel
Moving VWAP Indicator Moving VWAP is an important indicator drawing the Volume-Weighted Average Price (VWAP). The VWAP is a reference used by institutional traders and acts as a level of support / resistance. If price is above VWAP then means market is bullish. If price is below VWAP then means market is bearish. It can be used to enter in the market with low risk (near VWAP) and also identify the correct direction of the market. The Moving VWAP is as simple as a Simple Moving Average.
Normalized Volume 99% of indicators are based on price analysis. This indicator is based on volume. Volume is overlooked piece of information in most trading systems. And this is a big mistake since volume gives important information about market participants. Normalized Volume is an indicator that can be used to confirm reversal points. The indicator code volume with colors indicating high, normal and low volume. You could enhance dramatically your trading system using volume analysis
Fx Levels Premium Indicator Support and Resistance are important concepts in trading. Fx Levels Premium was created to easily draw important levels of support and resistance for the active trader. The indicator will give you all important levels (support/resistance) to watch for a wide range of assets. Trading without these levels on your chart is like driving a car for a long journey without a roadmap. You would be confused and blind. Support and resistance levels should be used as guidel
Breakout Impulse IndicatorBreakout Impulse Indicator is a pattern recognition indicator for Forex, Stocks, Indices, Futures, Commodities and Cryptos. The Breakout Impulse is a multi-bar pattern. The purpose of the pattern is to identify a fast change in momentum. This type of change can announce the start of a big directional move. Inputs of the indicator are: Distance: distance in pixel relative to top or bottom of candle to display the arrow symbol MaxBars: number of bars back used to c
Daily Pivots Multi Indicator Daily Pivots Multi is an exclusive indicator to draw your pivots levels and much more. Most indicators draw daily pivots for the day. Daily Pivots Multi is able to draw levels for different days. The indicator can do the calculation for unlimited number of days backward. It means that you can draw the levels for today but also for the past days. This is very useful if you want to study a strategy with Pivots levels over a period of time. Another problem is th
Dashboard Display Indicator With the Dashboard Display indicator you can create a nice, customized and professional dashboard in a few minutes. You can create your personal dashboard and have a look at a glance at real time data. You can use the Dashboard Display indicator with any symbol of your platform. The inputs of the indicator are: Symbol : symbol name as it appears in your platform (or VIX or DXY for specific symbols) DisplayName : name of symbol as it should appear in the disp
Smart Moving Averages Indicator Smart Moving Averages is an exclusive indicator for Metatrader platform. Instead of calculating moving averages for the selected chart time frame, the Smart Moving Averages indicator gives you the opportunity to calculate moving averages independently from the chart time frame. For instance you can display a 200 days moving average in a H1 chart. Inputs of the indicator are: Timeframe : timeframe to be used for the calculation of the moving average Perio
Market Momentum Alerter Market Momentum Alerter will inform you about danger to operate in the market. Imagine you see a very nice setup (Forex, Stocks, Indices) and you decide to place your trade... And you finally lose your trade and don't understand what happened. This can happen due to big operations in the market carried out by banks and big institutions. These operations are invisible for most people. Now with the Market Momentum Alerter you will be able to detect those operation
Matrix Indicator Matrix Indicator is a simple but effective indicator. Matrix indicator displays usual oscillators indicators in a user friendly color coded indicator. This makes it easy to identify when all indicators are aligned and spot high probability entries. Inputs of indicator are: Indicator: RSI, Stochastic, CCI, Bollinger Bands Param1/Param2/Param3: usual settings for the indicator ValueMin: Oversold level for oscillator ValueMax: Overbought level for oscillator The indicator
OBOS indicator OBOS Indicator is an exclusive indicator to spot entries based on price action. The OBOS Indicator is both effective and user friendly. Indicator uses simple color codes and levels to indicate Overbought and Oversold conditions. No more headache. The OBOS Indicator will only gives you indication when there are possible entries. Means you only get useful information. Inputs of the indicator are: MaxBars : number of bars to display in your chart Smoothing period : number
Trend Direction ADX indicator for MT4 Trend Direction ADX is part of a series of indicators used to characterize market conditions. Almost any strategy only work under certain market conditions. Therefore it is important to be able to characterize market conditions at any time: trend direction, trend strength, volatility, etc.. Trend Direction ADX is an indicator to be used to characterize trend direction: trending up trending down ranging Trend Direction ADX is based on ADX standard indi
Trend Strength MA indicator Trend Strength MA is a part of a series of indicators used to characterize market conditions. Almost any strategy only works under certain market conditions. Therefore, it is important to be able to characterize market conditions at any time: trend direction, trend strength, volatility, etc. Trend Strength MA is an indicator to be used to characterize trend strength: Up extremely strong Up very strong Up strong No trend Down strong Down very strong Down extremely
Trend Direction Up Down indicator Trend Direction Up Down is part of a series of indicators used to characterize market conditions. Almost any strategy only works under certain market conditions. Therefore it is important to be able to characterize market conditions at any time: trend direction, trend strength, volatility. Trend Direction Up Down is an indicator to be used to characterize trend direction (medium term trend): trending up trending down ranging Trend Direction Up Down is ba
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