Fib Zone
- インディケータ
- Ezinne Judith Orji
- バージョン: 1.600
- アクティベーション: 15
A Chart Analytics Program and helps in asset analysis using the Fibonacci Complex.
The primary Fibonacci numbers used in trading are 61.8% and 38.2%.
- 8% is derived from dividing any number in the Fibonacci sequence by its previous one. Fn/Fn-1
- 2% is derived by squaring 61.8 and alternatively by dividing any number in the sequence by the number two places to its right. Fn /Fn+2
The second tier of Fibonacci numbers used in trading is 23.6%, 76.4%, and 78.6%.
- 6% is derived from dividing any number in the Fibonacci sequence by the number three places to its right. Fn /Fn+3
- 4% is 100-23.6%.
- 6% is the square root of .618 (√.618).
This software does the mapping and identifies a zone for trading.
Test in demo before purchase.