- インディケータ
- Kristian Gulin Kucan
- バージョン: 1.0
- アクティベーション: 5
Know2fly - unique modular add-ons for Metatrader 4
The quickest therefore the first of a series of as fun as strong modules
thoroughly designed to give you a more deep insight into the dynamics of the financial markets
and, as a result, improve your trading performance in case you are into this.
Module 1:
fun fast alround leightweight ask bid spread rsi dynamics on-onchart visualisation indicator
fun = imagine a quickly flying dog with carpet ... leaving a trail of fire and smoke ...
fast = reflects on every little price change tick
alround = works on any trading pair on any timeframe
leightweight = fits nicely into any Metratrader 4 setup
ask = buy price
bid = sell price
spread = difference or gap between buy price and sell price
rsi = relative strength index []
on-chart vizualization = displays directly on the main chart window
indicator = implemented als Metatrader add-on of indicator type
Must have in case of thunder ;-)
For further information on Know2fly visit