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Binary Platinum Signal

A good and reliable tool if you follow the rules of money management.

does not redraw Developed according to its own strategy on a unique algorithm.

The indicator is completely sharpened for binary options very easy to use Just add it to the chart and you can start trading Perfect for both beginners and experienced traders.

The signals are simple and straightforward. Up arrow buy. Down arrow for sale. Recommended time of expiration is from 1-2 candles. For one transaction, no more than 3% of the deposit.

depending on the trading time of the currency pair and market volatility

With this tool, you can be sure of what you are doing.

The indicator allows you to trade binary options. The recommended time frame is М1 and the expiration time is 1,2,3 minutes. The indicator suitable for auto and manual trading. A possible signal is specified as a arrows above/under a candle. You should wait until the candle closes! Arrows are not re-painted Trade sessions: TOKYO section (Half-end) Currency pairs: USD/JPY Working time frame: M1 Expiration time: 1,2,3 minutes. The indicator also shows good results when using the martingale strateg
インディケータは現在のクオートを作成し、これを過去のものと比較して、これに基づいて価格変動予測を行います。インジケータには、目的の日付にすばやく移動するためのテキスト フィールドがあります。 オプション: シンボル - インジケーターが表示するシンボルの選択; SymbolPeriod - 指標がデータを取る期間の選択; IndicatorColor - インジケータの色; HorisontalShift - 指定されたバー数だけインディケータによって描画されたクオートのシフト; Inverse - true は引用符を逆にします。false - 元のビュー。 ChartVerticalShiftStep - チャートを垂直方向にシフトします (キーボードの上下矢印)。 次は日付を入力できるテキストフィールドの設定で、「Enter」を押すとすぐにジャンプできます。
Market Profile 3
Hussien Abdeltwab Hussien Ryad
3 (2)
Market Profile 3 MetaTrader 4 indicator  — is a classic Market Profile implementation that can show the price density over time, outlining the most important price levels, value area, and control value of a given trading session. This indicator can be attached to timeframes between M1 and D1 and will show the Market Profile for daily, weekly, monthly, or even intraday sessions. Lower timeframes offer higher precision. Higher timeframes are recommended for better visibility. It is also possible t
Ugenesys AI MT4
Odaine Ramon Mcmillan
5 (1)
uGenesys AI - 90% Accurate Daytrading Indicator Introducing the ultimate forex trading indicator system, uGenesys AI, powered by cutting-edge AI technology and advanced analytical techniques, including Time-Series Analysis and Genetic Algorithms. Our AI-powered trading system leverages the power of time-series analysis to identify trends and patterns in historical price data, allowing traders to make informed predictions about future market movements. By analyzing vast amounts of data, our syst
Was: $249  Now: $149   Market Profile defines a number of day types that can help the trader to determine market behaviour. A key feature is the Value Area, representing the range of price action where 70% of trading took place. Understanding the Value Area can give traders valuable insight into market direction and establish the higher odds trade. It is an excellent addition to any system you may be using. Blahtech Limited presents their Market Profile indicator for the MetaTrader community. In
これは、キャンドルの終値を予測する指標です。 このインジケータは、主にD1チャートでの使用を目的としていますが. この指標は、従来の外国為替取引とバイナリオプション取引の両方に適しています。 インジケーターは、スタンドアロンのトレーディングシステムとして使用することも、既存のトレーディングシステムへの追加として機能させることもできます。 このインジケーターは、現在のキャンドルを分析し、キャンドル自体の内部の特定の強度係数と、前のキャンドルのパラメーターを計算します。 したがって、この指標は、市場の動きのさらなる方向性と現在のキャンドルの終値を予測します。 この方法のおかげで、この指標は、短期の日中取引だけでなく、中期および長期の取引にも適しています。 インジケーターを使用すると、市場の状況の分析中にインジケーターが生成する潜在的な信号の数を設定できます。 インジケーターの設定には、このための特別なパラメーターがあります。 また、インジケーターは、チャート上のメッセージの形式で、電子メールで、およびPUSH通知の形式で、新しい信号について通知することができます。 購入後は必ず私に書いて
「Auto FIBO Pro」Crypto_Forex インジケーターは、取引の補助ツールとして最適です。 - インジケーターは、フィボナッチ レベルとローカル トレンド ライン (赤色) を自動的に計算してチャート上に配置します。 - フィボナッチ レベルは、価格が反転する可能性のある重要な領域を示します。 - 最も重要なレベルは、23.6%、38.2%、50%、61.8% です。 - リバーサル スキャルピングやゾーン グリッド取引に使用できます。 - Auto FIBO Pro インジケーターを使用して、現在のシステムを改善する機会も多数あります。 - Info Spread Swap Display があり、接続されている外国為替ペアの現在のスプレッドとスワップを表示します。 - ディスプレイには、アカウントの残高、エクイティ、マージンも表示されます。 - Info Spread Swap Display は、チャートのどのコーナーにも配置できます。 0 - 左上コーナー、1 - 右上、2 - 左下、3 - 右下。 // 素晴らしいトレーディング ロボットとインジケーター
The indicator shows the potential trend direction by cyclical-wave dependence. Thus, all the rays of the intersection will be optimal rays, in the direction of which the price is expected to move, taking into account the indicator period. Rays can be used as a direction for potential market movement. But we must not forget that the approach must be comprehensive, the indicator signals require additional information to enter the market.
ナイト ゴースト - バイナリ オプションの矢印インジケーター。 これからのあなたの頼もしいアシスタントです! 11 - チャートの再描画なし - すべての通貨ペアで大活躍! -インジケータの精度は最大 90% (特に夜間) ・長時間の設定不要(バイナリーオプションに最適な設定) - 信号が遅れない - 現在のローソク足でのシグナルの出現 ・M1期にピッタリ(No More!) ・目に優しいキャンドルカラー(赤・青) -インストールされたアラート それを扱う: - 青い矢印は信号アップを示します -赤い下向き矢印 M1 以上のインジケーターをチャートに配置しないでください. シグナルの精度が低下します! インジケーターのスクリーンショットとビデオを見る
TWO PAIRS SQUARE HEDGE METER INDICATOR Try this brilliant 2 pairs square indicator It draws a square wave of the relation between your two inputs symbols when square wave indicates -1 then it is very great opportunity to SELL pair1 and BUY Pair2 when square wave indicates +1 then it is very great opportunity to BUY pair1 and SELL Pair2 the inputs are : 2 pairs of symbols         then index value : i use 20 for M30 charts ( you can try other values : 40/50 for M15 , : 30 for M30 , : 10 for H1 ,
Sivakumar Subbaiya
4.07 (14)
Trend Plus   Trendplus  Indicator   Time Frame: Suitable for any time frame.  Purpose: Trend Prediction. Blue and red candle indicate the buy and sell call respectively. Buy: When the blue candle is formed buy call is initiated. close the buy trades when the next red candle will formed.   Sell: When the Red candle is formed Sell call is initiated. close the Sell trades when the next blue candle will formed.   Happy trade!!
VR Grid
Vladimir Pastushak
5 (3)
VR グリッド インジケーターは、ユーザー定義の設定を使用してグラフィカル グリッドを作成するように 設計 されています。 標準グリッド とは異なり、VR グリッドは 円形レベル を構築するために使用されます。ユーザーの選択に応じて、ラウンド レベル間のステップは任意に設定できます。さらに、他のインジケーターやユーティリティとは異なり、VR Grid は期間が変更されたり、端末が再起動されたりした場合でも、 グリッドの位置を維持 します。 設定、設定ファイル、デモ版、説明書、問題解決方法は、以下から入手できます。 [ブログ] レビューを読んだり書いたりすることができます。 [リンク] のバージョン [MetaTrader 5] 垂直レベル は実際の時間間隔に基づいており、 欠落している または存在しない期間は無視します。したがって、レベル間のステップは、ユーザーが選択した値に厳密に対応します。 VR グリッド インジケーターを使用すると、トレーダーは任意のレベルで 垂直線と水平線のスタイル 、色、太さを変更できます。これにより、金融商品の ラウンドレベル を制御できます。 ラウンド
Supply and Demand Indicator + FREE Currency Strength Meter ADD-ON Looking for a powerful tool that can help you identify the most reactive zones in the forex market? Our supply and demand indicator for MetaTrader 4 and 5 is exactly what you need. With its advanced algorithms and real-time analysis, this indicator helps traders of all experience levels make informed trading decisions. The supply and demand indicator is a cutting-edge tool that helps traders identify areas where buyers and seller
Dr Trend is a trend indicator for the MetaTrader 4 trading platform. This indicator allows you to find the most likely trend reversal points. You won’t find a proprietary indicator like this anywhere else. A simple but effective system for determining the Forex trend. From the screenshots you can see for yourself the accuracy of this tool. Works on all currency pairs, stocks, commodities, cryptocurrencies. Are you already tired of constant ups and downs? You shouldn’t fall victim to unstable m
VR Cub
Vladimir Pastushak
VR Cub は、質の高いエントリーポイントを獲得するためのインジケーターです。このインジケーターは、数学的計算を容易にし、ポジションへのエントリーポイントの検索を簡素化するために開発されました。このインジケーターが作成されたトレーディング戦略は、長年にわたってその有効性が証明されてきました。取引戦略のシンプルさはその大きな利点であり、初心者のトレーダーでもうまく取引することができます。 VR Cub はポジション開始ポイントとテイクプロフィットとストップロスのターゲットレベルを計算し、効率と使いやすさを大幅に向上させます。取引の簡単なルールを理解するには、以下の戦略を使用した取引のスクリーンショットを見てください。 設定、設定ファイル、デモ版、説明書、問題解決方法は、以下から入手できます。 [ブログ] レビューを読んだり書いたりすることができます。 [リンク] のバージョン [MetaTrader 5] エントリーポイントの計算ルール ポジションをオープンする エントリーポイントを計算するには、VR Cub ツールを最後の高値から最後の安値までストレッチする必要があります。 最初
Strong Retracement Points Pro edition! SRP (Strong Retracement/Reversal Points) is a powerful and unique support and resistance indicator. It displays the closest important levels which we expect the price retracement/reversal! If all level are broken from one side, it recalculates and draws new support and resistance levels, so the levels might be valid for several days depending on the market! If you are still hesitating to start using this wonderful tool, you can check this link to see how ef
Golden Scalper XAU/USD – ゴールド(XAU/USD)スキャルピング取引のための完璧なインジケーター ゴールド(XAU/USD)の取引市場でスキャルピング戦略を最大化するための強力なツールを探しているトレーダーにとって、 Golden Scalper XAU/USD は理想的な選択です。このインジケーターは、 非常に精度の高いシグナル を提供するために、パターン認識の高度な技術を活用し、取引をサポートします。 主な特徴: スキャルピング取引のための比類なき精度: Golden Scalper XAU/USD はゴールド市場向けに最適化されており、 高品質なシグナル を提供して、 迅速で利益のある取引 を実現します。 高度なパターン認識技術: 高度なアルゴリズムを使用して、インジケーターは最適なエントリー機会を特定し、偽のシグナルをフィルタリングして、取引の成功率を大幅に向上させます。 高精度: インジケーターは、ゴールド市場の急速で変動の激しい環境でも 信頼性の高いシグナル を提供できるため、各取引の成功の可能性を高めます。 スキャルピングに最適化: このインジケ
We present you the indicator "Candle closing counter", which will become your indispensable assistant in the world of trading. That’s why knowing when the candle will close can help: If you like to trade using candle patterns, you will know when the candle will be closed. This indicator will allow you to check if a known pattern has formed and if there is a possibility of trading. The indicator will help you to prepare for market opening and market closure. You can set a timer to create a pre
The Range Directional Force Indicator is designed to help traders analyze market trends, reversals, and directional strength. It focuses on price movements within defined ranges, identifying key moments when the market is gaining momentum or preparing for a shift. By dividing the chart into dynamic price ranges, the indicator detects critical support and resistance levels. It calculates the directional force of price movements, highlighting potential entry and exit points based on market sentim
The main idea of this indicator is rates analysis and prediction by Fourier transform. Indicator decomposes exchange rates into main harmonics and calculates their product in future. You may use the indicator as a standalone product, but for better prediction accuracy there is another related indicator - FreqoMaster - which uses FreqoMeterForecast as a backend engine and combines several instances of FreqoMeterForecast for different frequency bands. Parameters: iPeriod - number of bars in the ma
Super Reversal Pattern Indicator Unlock the power of advanced pattern recognition with our Super Reversal Pattern Indicator. Designed for traders seeking precision and reliability, this indicator identifies one of the most effective reversal patterns in technical analysis, offering a significant edge in your trading strategy. Key Features: Non-Repainting Accuracy: Enjoy the confidence of non-repainting technology. Once a Super Reversal Pattern is detected, it remains static, providing consiste
BoxChart MT4
Evgeny Shevtsov
4.5 (6)
The market is unfair if only because 10% of participants manage 90% of funds. An ordinary trader has slim changes to stand against these "vultures". This problem can be solved. You just need to be among these 10%, learn to predict their intentions and move with them. Volume is the only preemptive factor that faultlessly works on any timeframe and symbol. First, the volume appears and is accumulated, and only then the price moves. The price moves from one volume to another. Areas of volume accumu
The Chaikin Oscillator is a technical indicator developed by Marc Chaikin that combines price and volume data to measure the accumulation and distribution of a financial instrument. It aims to identify potential buying and selling opportunities in the market. The Chaikin Oscillator is calculated by subtracting a 10-day exponential moving average of the Accumulation Distribution Line (ADL) from a 3-day exponential moving average of the ADL. Here's how to use the Chaikin Oscillator indicator in tr
This is a new strategy for SUPPLY DEMAND areas It is based on a calculation using the tick volume to detect the big price action in market for both bear /bull actions this smart volume action candles are used to determine the supply and demand areas prices in between main supply and demand lines indicate sideway market  up arrows will be shown when prices moves above the main supply and the secondary supply lines Down arrows will be shown when prices moves below the main demand and the secondary
Noize Absorption Index - is the manual trading system that measures the difference of pressure between bears forces and bulls forces. Green line - is a noize free index that showing curent situation. Zero value of index shows totally choppy/flat market.Values above zero level shows how powerfull bullish wave is and values below zero measures bearish forces.Up arrow appears on bearish market when it's ready to reverse, dn arrow appears on weak bullish market, as a result of reverse expectation. S
取引レベルインジケーターは、エントリーポイント、ポジションの保持、トレンドの方向を決定するために設計された取引システムです。 1 つの複合体で動作する複数のメカニズム、トレンド方向の波動分析、シグナル構築時のレベル分析が含まれており、考えられる TP および SL ターゲットを示します。 インジケーターの機能 シグナル矢印は現在のローソク足に表示されますが、色は変更されません。 特別なアルゴリズムを使用して、価格が跳ね返るレベルを検索します。 トレンドに合わせた働きをします。 このシステムは汎用的であり、さまざまな取引商品に適用できます。 矢印アラートにはいくつかの種類があります。 信号矢印の入力パラメータは自動モードで設定され、動作します。 時間枠に基づいて「トレンド波期間」パラメータを変更します 「ターゲットレベル SL TP」パラメータは主要通貨ペアに対して定義されており、他の取引商品で使用する場合は 10 以上の増加が可能です。 インジケーターの仕組み トレンドを判断するには、インジケーターに波線があり、価格を下回っている場合はトレンドが弱気であり、価格を下回っている場
The Penta-O is a 6-point retracement harmonacci pattern which usually precedes big market movements. Penta-O patterns can expand and repaint quite a bit. To make things easier this indicator implements a twist: it waits for a donchian breakout in the right direction before signaling the trade. The end result is an otherwise repainting indicator with a very reliable trading signal. The donchian breakout period is entered as an input. [ Installation Guide | Update Guide | Troubleshooting | FAQ | A
Forex Gump
Andrey Kozak
2.4 (5)
Forex Gump is a fully finished semi-automatic trading system. In the form of arrows, signals are displayed on the screen for opening and closing deals. All you need is to follow the instructions of the indicator. When the indicator shows a blue arrow, you need to open a buy order. When the indicator shows a red arrow, you need to open a sell order. Close orders when the indicator draws a yellow cross. In order to get the most effective result, we recommend using the timeframes H1, H4, D1. There
Was: $299  Now: $149   Supply Demand uses previous price action to identify potential imbalances between buyers and sellers. The key is to identify the better odds zones, not just the untouched ones. Blahtech Supply Demand indicator delivers functionality previously unavailable on any trading platform. This 4-in-1 indicator not only highlights the higher probability zones using a multi-criteria strength engine, but also combines it with multi-timeframe trend analysis, previously confirmed swings
Ivan Stefanov
5 (7)
ENIGMERA: 市場の中心 重要:MQL5.comのデモはStrategy Testerで実行されており、Enigmeraの機能を完全には反映していない場合があります。詳細については、説明、スクリーンショット、ビデオをご確認ください。質問があれば、遠慮なくメッセージを送ってください! インジケーターのコードは完全に書き直されました。バージョン3.0は新機能を追加し、インジケーターの開始以来蓄積されたバグを修正しました。 紹介 このインジケーターとトレーディングシステムは、金融市場への注目すべきアプローチです。ENIGMERAはフラクタルサイクルを使用して、サポートとレジスタンスのレベルを正確に計算します。真の蓄積フェーズを示し、方向と目標を提供します。トレンドでも修正でも機能するシステムです。 動作方法 インジケーターのほとんどの機能は、チャートの左側にあるボタンで制御され、市場の状況に迅速に対応できるようになっています。 ボタン ON/OFF – インジケーター全体を表示または非表示にします。 Channel – サポートチャネルを有効にし、許容範囲の偏差を示します。 Dev
Trade Invest Pro - Boss in the world of cryptocurrency! This indicator is ideal for cryptocurrency trading! Work on Trade Invest Pro took us half a year! But not in vain! Now only accurate signals near support - resistance levels! He showed himself well on timeframes m5 m15 for binary options! Optionally, it can be configured for forex for timeframes m30 and more! Reacts well to news! Doesn't paint! and does not disappear from the schedule! As soon as a red arrow appears, open a deal fo
Bomb Bank Signal
Igor Pereira Calil
5 (1)
Bomb Bank シグナル: MetaTrader 4 の信頼度インジケーター Bomb Bank Signal は、金融市場で最も関連性の高いトレンドを特定するように設計された MetaTrader 4 の強力なインジケーターです。動きを正確に予測するツールをお探しなら、Bomb Bank が最適です。 仕組み: このインジケーターは、出来高分析、ローソク足終値、対称トレンドという 3 つの異なる方法を組み合わせて、売買の機会を検出してシグナルを送ります。 Bomb Bank は、買いの機会を特定するときは「爆弾」のようなものであり、売りシグナルを検出するときは「ドクロ」のようなものです。 ボムバンクはなぜ違うのですか? 完全な信頼性: Bomb Bank Signal は信号を削除しません。一度シグナルが発せられると、シグナルは残り続けるので、チャンスを逃すことはありません。 極めて高い精度: Bomb Bank は誤った信号を送信しません。リアルタイムで最新情報を更新し、市場の進化に合わせて調整しながら、以前のシグナルの透明性を維持します。 ライブアップデート: シ
Dark Sniper pointer indicator.  Complete absence of redrawing   The percentage of correct indicator forecasts depends on your settings; the default is period 7 (performed better) The arrow indicates the direction of the next candle and the possible direction of the trend in the future.  Suitable for small timeframes m1 and m5  It is recommended to open transactions from 1 to 2 candles.  The signal appears on the current candle. Open a trade on the next one since the signal is being generat
Stefano Frisetti
5 (3)
note: this indicator is for METATRADER4, if you want the version for METATRADER5 this is the link:  https://www.mql5.com/it/market/product/108106 TRENDMAESTRO ver 2.4 TRENDMAESTRO recognizes a new TREND in the bud, he never makes mistakes. The certainty of identifying a new TREND is priceless. DESCRIPTION TRENDMAESTRO identifies a new TREND in the bud, this indicator examines the volatility, volumes and momentum to identify the moment in which there is an explosion of one or more of these data a
これはほぼ間違いなく、MetaTraderプラットフォームで見つけることができる最も完全な調和価格形成自動認識インジケーターです。 19種類のパターンを検出し、フィボナッチプロジェクションをあなたと同じように真剣に受け止め、潜在的逆転ゾーン(PRZ)を表示し、適切なストップロスとテイクプロフィットレベルを見つけます。 [ インストールガイド | 更新ガイド | トラブルシューティング | よくある質問 | すべての製品 ] 19の異なる調和価格形成を検出します プライマリ、派生および補完フィボナッチ投影(PRZ)をプロットします 過去の価格行動を評価し、過去のすべてのパターンを表示します この指標は、独自の品質とパフォーマンスを分析します 適切なストップロスとテイクプロフィットのレベルを表示します ブレイクアウトを使用して適切な取引を通知します すべてのパターン比をグラフにプロットします 電子メール/音声/視覚アラートを実装します スコット・M・カーニーの本に着想を得て、この指標は最も純粋で急を要するトレーダーのニーズを満たすように設計されています。ただし、トレードを容易にする
BONUS AUX VIP Club 2024 : Include EA Airbag and Load Data History to enhance the performance of this tool to its maximum potential  Click Here to Download Files   ( for users only )   Hello World! Introducing.. SMCpro VIP tool and Indicator for MetaTrader 4, designed to revolutionize your trading experience with the ICT Smart Money Concept. This system is meticulously crafted to empower traders with advanced insights and precision in navigating the dynamic forex markets. This innovative
TRANSACTION SPEEDは、大口注文がいつどこで市場に集積され、その恩恵を受けているかを示す最高品質の指標です。トレンドの変化を非常に早い段階で検知します。インジケーターであると同時にトレーディングシステムでもあります。そのコンセプトはユニークで、驚くほど収益性が高い。 FXでは、ティックボリュームはボリュームと呼ばれ、誤解を招きやすい。実際は、単位時間当たりの価格変動であり、事実上、取引速度(TRANSACTION SPEED)です。 このインジケーターは、FXにおける出来高の概念を完全に見直し、正しい方法で論理的に定義し、このロジックを適用することで、ユニークで正確なトップレベルの収益ツールになります。 スピードが上がれば、それはより大きな関心とそれに対応するエントリーとエグジットのサインです。 使い方は? このインジケーターは、市場の取引スピードを測定・比較するため、まず最初に行うべきことは以下の通りです。 比較を行う期間を選択することです。 通常、15日前が比較の出発点となります。 インジケータに日付を入力して実行する。 30分または1時間のタイムフレームで、
ZO Trend
Trung Le Hoang
4 (4)
Important!! ZO Trend can't work on MN timeframe. /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZO Trend an indicator used to search for entry point. With the session candle algorithm on many timeframe, ZO Trend creates an area for traders find good Entry Point. ZO SYSTEM BASIC SETUP :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdNOXHWozNw ZO TREND User guide : 
This indicator identifies and displays zones, as it were areas of strength, where the price will unfold. The indicator can work on any chart, any instrument, at any timeframe. The indicator has two modes. The indicator is equipped with a control panel with buttons for convenience and split into two modes. Manual mode: To work with manual mode, you need to press the NEW button, a segment will appear. This segment is stretched over the movement and the LVL button is pressed. The level is displayed
This indicator is based on the mathematics of the great trader W.D. Ganna. With its help, you can easily find strong levels by analyzing swings to find the optimal entry point. The indicator works on all instruments and all timeframes. The indicator is fully manual and has control buttons. All you need to do is press the NEW button, a segment will appear, which you can place on any movement, swing or even 1 candle that you want to analyze. By placing the segment, press the OK button. A grid (th
Full Forex Market View Dashboard
Opengates Success International
5 (2)
FULL FOREX MARKET VIEWダッシュボードインジケーター これは、トレーダーが市場で何が起こっているかを完全に把握できるようにするために作成されたカスタム指標です。 リアルタイム データを使用して市場にアクセスし、取引を成功させるために必要なあらゆる情報を表示します。 インストール: このインジケーターをウィンドウ チャートに添付する前に、MT4 のマーケット ウォッチ パネルに移動し、不要な通貨ペアまたは取引しないすべての通貨ペアを非表示にして、残りをそこに残します。 その理由は、FFMV ダッシュボードが MT4 の気配値表示に表示されるすべての通貨ペアを表示するためです。 最大 30 通貨ペア以下を表示できます。 MT4 の気配値表示でそれ以上だと、FFMV ダッシュボードのフォントと画像がぼやけて変形します。 正しく表示されません。 使用法:      個人取引の場合      バスケット取引の場合 (方法についてはスクリーンショットを参照してください)      複数注文取引にも使用可能      独自の取引システムなどから受信したシグナルの有効性を
EARLY REMINDER: The Starting price is 65 price will rise soon up to 365$ and then 750$ after first 10 copies of sales. Grab this offer now! Introduction Hello, traders! Welcome to the demonstration of the Forex Beast Indicator , a comprehensive tool designed to assist aspiring traders in navigating the complexities of the forex market. This indicator incorporates seven essential components to provide a well-rounded trading experience: Moving Averages Colored Zones Support and Resistance Levels
The Smooth Price technical indicator is used for plotting a smoothed line as close to the price of the financial instrument as possible, and serves to eliminate its noise components. The indicator is part of the Monarch trading system, but here it is presented as an independent technical analysis tool. The indicator is based on the cluster digital filter , which, unlike the ClusterSMA , is applied directly to the price time series. Smooth Price does not redraw (except the very last, zero bar) an
The real market buy/Sell signals, you can trust.  This indicator tracks the trend strength, the market strength, the real current volume, and the price direction to give traders and investors the optimum point for entry in the form of signals. The time frames range from 5 minutes to one (1) hour chart. Trading on higher time frames produce the best outcomes, but also do produce less frequent trades, compared to trading on lower time frames.
Arbitrage Indicators is a professional and easy-to-use Forex trading indicator that uses the best trading principles of the latest AI arbitrage models. This indicator provides accurate buy and sell signals. Applies to currency pairs only. It has six different metrics options, MACD, KDJ, RSI, CCI, RVI, DEMARK. It can be freely switched by users, and intuitively shows the direction and reversal signal of the currency pair. When the two lines cross colors, the currency has a high probability of rev
Oni Scalper
Goh Cheng Wai
3.67 (3)
Dear Onis, This Indicator is used for   GBPUSD, US30 and GOLD on 1-Min Chart . For US30 , Depending on your broker, Minimum Lot Size will differ from 0.01 to 1.0 lots. My Current Account is trading at 1.0 lots at $1 per point . Please check with your Broker what's the Margin Required for your Minimum lot sizes before you trade on your Real account. I have Forward Tested the indicator for around 6 months before releasing it to the public. ( No Demo is available for the Indicator, Strategy Teste
Automatic, live & interactive picture of all trendlines. Assign push, email and sound alerts to the lines of your choice and be informed about price rollback, breakout, rollback after breakout, number of rollbacks, line expiration by double breakout. Correct, drag or delete the lines and interactively tune the line system. https://youtu.be/EJUo9pYiHFA . Chart examples https: //www.mql5.com/en/users/efficientforex Price Interaction Events All events are effective immediately and only after one
サポート と 抵抗レベルインジケーター( Support and resistance )をダウンロードできます。 インジケーターは、水平とトレンドのサポートと抵抗レベルを 表示します 。 インジケーター設定: トレンド( Trends ) トレンド又は水平のサポートと抵抗レベルの表示モード設定 はい( Yes )-トレンドレベルしか表示しない いいえ( No )- 水平 レベルしか表示しない リソース使用( UseResource ) インジケーターに組み込まれているリソースの使用モード設定。 はい( Yes )-商品リソースからのジグザグ( ZigZag )インジケーターを使用すること。 いいえ( No )-ジグザグ( ZigZag )ユーザーインジケーターを使用すること。 履歴バー( HistoryBar ) レベルが表示される履歴バーの数 バー数( CountBar ) 現在のバーを始め、サポートと 抵抗レベル が検索されるバーの数 商品で使用されている ジグザグ ( ZigZag ) インジケーターの設定 : デプス( Depth ) 前の値 より 偏差( Deviatio
The [GRAFF] III manual trading system is based on multiple MetaTrader (MT4) indicators. Together, the entire PACK of GRAFF III indicators makes an advanced trading tool. The system consists of over 20 different custom-built indicators which have been carefully selected and tested in the long term to produce strong and efficient trading signals. The particular indicators are based on different mathematical formulas, so the entire system is calibrated to remove false signals from its own indicator
This indicator allows you to see the strength of the trend on all timeframes. It can be used for all currency pairs. The indicator can be displayed in the form of a column (from left to right): status buy / sell / strong buy / strong sell, strength of the trend in percentage, pips last candle, body candle now, remaining time, and the timeframe of M1 to MN. Information contained below (from left to right): total trend percent, sell percent, buy percent.
You can fins our other products from link : https://www.mql5.com/en/users/drbastem/seller   Also, you can ask all your questins from email : haskayafx@gmail.com or mobile : +90 530 867 5076 or @MehmetBastem    on telegram application This indicator is used to determine the trend. Standard Osma indicator is used. It has the indicator warning system: beep, e-mail and has three types of alerts, including messages to mobile phone. It shows the best performance on the chart of 5 minutes. When the
You can fins our other products from link : https://www.mql5.com/en/users/drbastem/seller   Also, you can ask all your questins from email : haskayafx@gmail.com or mobile : +90 530 867 5076 or @MehmetBastem    on telegram application This indicator is used to determine the trend. Standard Three Moving Average and ADX indicators are used. It has the indicator warning system (audio, e-mail) and three types of alerts, including messages to mobile phone. It shows the best performance on M5. When
This indicator is used to determine the trend. Standard Three Moving Average and ADX indicators are used. It has the indicator warning system (audio, e-mail) and three types of alerts, including messages to mobile phone. It shows the best performance on M5. When the trend value reaches the value set, the warning system is activated. This indicator works only with Forex symbols. Inputs SoundAlarm = true - Sound Alert Sendmail=true - Send an e-mail in case of a buy or sell signal Sendnotification
You can fins our other products from link : https://www.mql5.com/en/users/drbastem/seller   Also, you can ask all your questins from email : haskayafx@gmail.com or mobile : +90 530 867 5076 or @MehmetBastem    on telegram application This indicator is used to determine the trend. Standard MACD indicator is used. It has the indicator warning system: beep, e-mail and has three types of alerts, including messages to mobile phone. It shows the best performance on the chart of 5 minutes. When the
A simplistic indicator informing a user on RSI divergence by sending messages to mobile device and email. The indicator draws 2 vertical lines, marking two RSI extrema that formed the divergence. You get the alert, open the charts and make a decision. The indicator does not show past divergences, thus when you attach it to a chart for the first time you see nothing. Graphics and alerts will appear as soon as divergences do. Drop it in Tester to see how it works. Parameters: RSIPeriod - number of
Sergio Andres Zuleta Lopez
This indicator is based on Market Profile methodology, which contains the Z-Zone , unlike the latter, allows visualization of multiple time frames on the same graph. This methodology has proven to be very effective for: Reduce the number of windows required to analyze or track a financial asset. Display important resistance areas (ROZ), support (SoZ) and average distribution (PoC) in different periods of time. Define areas to take profits as well locate technical stop loss. Analysis in the devel
Pan PrizMA CD Phase is an analogue of the МetaТrader 5 indicator , and is an option based on the Pan PrizMA indicator. Details . Averaging by a quadric-quartic polynomial increases the smoothness of lines, adds momentum and rhythm. Extrapolation by the sinusoid function near a constant allows adjusting the delay or lead of signals. The value of the phase - wave status parameter (which is close in meaning to the trigonometric phase or the angle of the radius-vector rotation in the trigonometric p
Sniper MACD
Yaroslav Varankin
4.27 (15)
いくつかの方法で改良されたスナイパーMACDインジケーター。 追加のフィルタがあります 最大の結果を得るために数回平滑化される 市場および現在の価格条件に関する情報をより正確に表示するために、ボリュームインジケータも追加されます 短期的な期間に設定されているので、m1からm30までの期間に指標を使用することをお勧めします eur.usd - eur.jpyのような非常に揮発性の高い通貨ペアで取引することをお勧めします あなたの注意と落札していただきありがとうございます。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- いくつかの方法で改良されたスナイパーMACDインジケーター。 追加のフィルタがあります 最大の結果を得るために数回平滑化される 市場および現在の価格条件に関する情報をより正確に表示するために、ボリュームインジケータも追加されます 短期的な期間に設定されているので、m1から
RVI Sniper Alert
Yaroslav Varankin
4.33 (3)
これが究極のRVIインジケータです。 警告矢印を追加 潜在的な抵抗レベルを特定することができます 読み値を改善するための2つの追加フィルタ それはさらに良好な結果を示すために平滑化される m1からm30までの短い時間枠で構成されていました ひどく悪くはありません スクリーンショットmacdのように、このインジケータを追加のフィルタとともに使用することをお勧めします これが究極のRVIインジケータです。 警告矢印を追加 潜在的な抵抗レベルを特定することができます 読み値を改善するための2つの追加フィルタ それはさらに良好な結果を示すために平滑化される m1からm30までの短い時間枠で構成されていました ひどく悪くはありません スクリーンショットmacdのように、このインジケータを追加のフィルタとともに使用することをお勧めします
Revolution Martingale is an indicator designed for trading binary options on the M5 timeframe. Features: M5 Timeframe: It is recommended to use the indicator on the M5 timeframe for optimal trading. Trade Entry: Trades should only be opened on the first candle after a signal appears. Signals: A blue diamond indicates a buying opportunity for upward movement, while a red diamond indicates a buying opportunity for downward movement. Configured for Effective Binary Options Trading: The indicator i
Mega Alert Level Indicator: A Simple Yet Valuable Tool The Mega Alert Level indicator provides sound, informational, push, and email notifications when the price of a currency pair touches or approaches standard support and resistance levels, as well as any other objects on the chart you select. Features: Notifications: Customize notifications to your preference—choose between Email, Popup, or Push. All settings are displayed in the upper right corner of the chart. Ease of Use: Simply attach th
Scalping Binary Option Pro is an arrow indicator that is completely free from repainting . Although it may work incorrectly in strategy testers, its signals remain relevant for real trading. Signals: A red arrow pointing down indicates a selling opportunity, while a green arrow pointing up indicates a buying opportunity. Settings: All you need to adjust are the colors of the signal arrows and the sound alert for signal notifications. Usage Recommendations: It is best to use the indicator on hig
Almas Wall Street is a professional arrow indicator with no repainting. Signals appear simultaneously with the formation of a candle. Trading Guidelines: Enter a trade for at least 2 candles or on the next candle after the signal for 1 candle. Screenshot 5 . A red arrow pointing down suggests considering sales, while a blue arrow suggests buying. All you need to configure are the colors of the signal arrows. It is recommended to apply this indicator in scalping on timeframes M1-M5. Signals occur
Brilliant Wall Street is a professional arrow indicator.  It is based on a mathematical calculation.  thanks to a special calculation algorithm that was developed by the best specialists  he is not late, moreover, he gives advanced signals.  -----------almost complete absence of redrawing------------.  signals appear with the advent of the candle.  It is recommended to enter a trade for at least 1-2 candles on the next candle, but you can also use a signal...  The red down arrow indicates that
This is a dial indicator for trading from the level of support resistance  --- complete lack of redrawing ---  He is able to determine the levels of support resistance  Finds the best entry points and shows them with arrows.  If a trend is forming, the indicator will always notify with a arrow signal.  buy signal blue arrow for sale red arrow  This signaling tool can also be used on a sideways market.  The main thing is that it is volatile.!!!!!!  Good percentage of correct indicator predictio
I n the tester does not work, see how it works in the video; sorry for the inconvenience. UTB is done for real-time work quotation when trading. indicator draws resistance support levels Also, when a level appears, an arrow appears where to open a deal. You will not miss any desired level approach. The indicator showed good results on all graphs and time frames. recommended settings step 1800 p.s traders selling from wall street also use resistance support levels in their analytics how do tra
Esta es una de las modificaciones de los canales Keltner. Ayuda a identificar puntos de entrada y salida lógicos. Ayuda a determinar un posible movimiento de precios. Crea canales equidistantes que se convierten en niveles de soporte y resistencia dinámicos. Facilita enormemente el análisis del mercado visual. El indicador es un multi-tiempo multi-tiempo muestra buenos resultados.
trading indicator, which automatically recognizes equal levels of support and resistance and otorova content and resistance and poison indicator uses elder system can be applied to any financial instruments and on any timeframes. the same indicator draws to. it is perfect for scalping as its essence is to trade in the channel. The indicator has many parameters that allow it to be conveniently customized. indicator settings filter - it filters the market noise that is, we get more accurate channe
The Bad Boys indicator is a arrow indicator percentage (of positive trades) of correct forecasts of the indicator, even during news releases, the indicator was tested on a real account and showed a good result of correct forecasts. Settings allow you to customize the color of the arrows. volatility period indicator period the number of bars for which the market analysis will be carried out price is the method when a signal will appear when opening when closing a candle, etc. volatility allows yo
Dream Wall Street   It represents the visualization of support resistance levels. the indicator marks the levels that are formed on a candle whose tick volume exceeds the average volume; it is perfect as it is without filters for scalping by level it can also be used as an addition to an existing trading system. The indicator can be used as a filter. It is already set up to configure anything for you. Settings allow you to customize the light levels
The Divergent Accuracy indicator is designed to identify discrepancies on the price chart of a currency pair. The Divergent Accuracy indicator recognizes bullish and bearish divergences, and can also output a signal that a divergence has been detected... In addition to identifying divergences, the indicator works with overbought and oversold levels, and also shows arrows to enter the market...
The premium loudness indicator draws on the chart of a currency pair based on data on the price level in the back period in the input parameters of the indicator in the form of a histogram. The width of the histogram at this level means, conditionally, the number of transactions conducted on it If the broker provides real volume data, Cannot be received For example, the range H1 can be specified as H1, H4, D1, W1, MN1. For M1, it is recommended to use periodic settings for M5 values.
Premium Volume Lite The Premium Volume Lite indicator plots the distribution of deals according to price levels in the form of a histogram on a chart of a currency pair. The width of the histogram at this level means, conditionally, the number of transactions carried out on it. If the broker provides data on real volume, the indicator can show the distribution over it. Ranges can be equal only to standard timeframes not lower than the current one. о periods value is current then the indicator wi
The Invisible Sniper arrow indicator is built on the use of candlestick analysis. The indicator finds the “Absorption” reversal candlestick patterns on the price chart and, depending on the figure, bullish or bearish absorption, gives a signal to enter in the form of blue arrows to buy, red to sell. in the indicator Invisible Sniper implemented sound and text alert..
Big Scalper Pro комбинированный осциллятор, отображающий на ценовом графике  Сигналы на вход отображаются в виде стрелок соответствующего цвета, а также дублируются текстовым сообщением. есть звуковые и текстовые алерты push уведомления уведомления на email все это можно включить и выключить в настройках индикатора настройки период это период г л авного индикатора в период это период дополнительного индикатора волатильности
Dawn In Trading indicator is a new ray of light in trading! This indicator has been tested on a real chart in real trading; All statistics about this indicator from real trading on the market! From the screenshots you can see the profitability of quality and the number of signals of this tool, you can also check it in the tester! As soon as a blue arrow appears, open a deal to increase, when a red arrow appears, open a deal to fall! Signals appear when you open a new candle and do not redraw, t
It is possible to trade on any basic asset, but the experts holding testing give preference to currency pair USD/JPY, EUR/USD. Optimum time for work is considered European, the American session. with the standard settings which are already perfected to an ideal At emergence of a blue arrow under a candle the option UP is acquired. At emergence of a red arrow the option DOWN is acquired. It should be noted one feature of the indicator: the signal is formed on the current bar, but it is worth
boss ! Trading opportunities can be used in any underlying asset, but experts in conducting tests prefer the currency pair USD / JPY. The most favorable time for work is the European, American session. When the blue arrow appears, a red option under the candle is acquired UP. When the red arrow appears, the option DOWN is acquired. It is recommended to avoid trading during strong news releases
This indicator was tested on the basis of real statistics for all market indicators according to indicators for 3 months of trading. trade forecasts for usd / jpy on the m30 time frame were received on our statistics! if you have any questions, please contact us in private messages or in discussions under this indicator and we will figure it out and help any questions will arise personal messages or in discussions under this indicator As soon as the blue points appear, we open a deal to increa
The indicator is designed for opening trades for a long period. he is set up to get as many points from each trade as possible. he uses the scalping method... you can trade on any currency pairs indicator is already  you can trade at any time of the day but the preferred time of trading during the European American session. currency pairs eur / jpy, eur / usd currency pairs with high volatility then the results are much better.
Yaroslav Varankin
Venom indicator is a new type of indicator for scalping with high accuracy of correct predictions in the indicator you can select the indicator signal does not redraw, does not disappear, you can trust it 100% When a red blue arrow appears under the candlestick, an UP option is purchased. When red arrows appear, the DOWN option is purchased. the indicator is based on our new development, if there is an order with a large amount that opens in the direction we need, according to the analysis of th
the indicator showed excellent results in the scalping trade, and the same excellent results in the trading of exact instruments led to the fact that of these indicators showed themselves perfectly during the exit from the news with an  during low volatility,  This instrument has been tested for more than 1 month. What can we say about the number? It is reliable, accurate, at any time of trading. Atom Pro Maximum, this indicator showed excellent results in scalping trading. The accuracy of this
can recognize candlestick patterns he also recognizes the lows and highs of the price for a certain time. MTF works on all currency pairs in futures and sulfur, cryptocurrency does not redraw. his work can be seen in the test. you can trade at any time of the day but the preferred trading time during the European American session ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Multi-timeframe indicator perfectly determines when there will be a rollback from the level ideal for binary options. of correct true signals Forex Stop Loss trading can be dragged behind the line thereby moving the deal to breakeven there is a signal in the indicator. The indicator showed excellent results during testing. Test in the test and make sure it is accurate. For any questions, suggestions, please always communicate with you.
multi-timeframe indicator. Ideal for both the Forex market and binary options. Good accuracy of this tool the indicator showed excellent results during testing. test it in a tester and make sure it is accurate.... complete lack of redrawing. You can choose absolutely any instrument. the indicator will provide many profitable and accurate signals. advantages of the indicator: advanced signals. high signal accuracy. frequency of occurrence of signals.
Revolution Martingale Pro indicator for binary options! at the time of opening and the appearance of the signal! Blue diamond is shopping up. A red diamond is an option down. The indicator is already set to trade in binary options. ----------- protection is set against hitting on (steps - martingale knees) protection of several minuses under the row. ------------------------------------------- (Redrawing possible)
indicator for binary options! open a deal only for 1 - candle The indicator is already set to trade in binary options. The indicator is ideal for trading on martingale since he very accurately combines what the next candle will be if you are trading in a martingale money management, this is the indicator that you were looking for; it is just created for you and your trading style p.s it is much better than relying on the color of the candle as some not very experienced traders do (therefore, the
バージョン 7.30 2022.09.18
fixed bugs in work
now the signals come at the opening of the candle very rarely they can be late
バージョン 7.20 2022.08.29
improved signal quality improved
バージョン 7.10 2022.08.14
The improved accuracy tool has a redesigned signal detection algorithm
the indicator signals the current candle
バージョン 7.0 2021.10.18
Bug fixes improved signal accuracy and quality