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Binance Futures Library

The library is used to develop automatic trading on Binance Futures Market from MT5 platform.

  • Support Binance Futures USD-M and Futures COIN-M
  • Support Testnet mode
  • Support all order types: Limit, Market, StopLimit, StopMarket, StopLoss and TakeProfit
  • Automatically display the chart on the screen


 - Open MQL5 demo account

Download Header file and EA sample https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=17fWrZFeMZoSvH9-2iv4WDJhcyxG2eW17

  • Copy BinanceFutures.mqh header file to folder \MQL5\Include
  • Copy BinanceFuturesEA-Sample.mq5 to folder \MQL5\Experts

- Allow WebRequest from MT5 Tools menu >> Options >> Expert Advisors and add URL:




- Open any chart and attach BinanceFuturesEA-Sample to the chart

Binance Futures Library Functions:

This function must be called from the OnInit() function

      void init                                 
         string symbol,                   // symbol name
         string historyData,              // history data: 1W = 1 week, 1M = 1 month, 3M = 3 months, 6M = 6 months, 1Y = 1 year, MAX = maximum available data
         string apiKey,                   // binance api key
         string secretKey,                // binance secret key
         bool   testnet = false           // testnet mode

This function must be called from the OnTimer() function

      void getTickData(); 

This function must be called from the OnDeinit() function

      void deinit();                 

The function used to place order, returns orderId if successful, otherwise -1

      long order                      
         double    quantity,              // order quantity
         double    limitPrice,            // order limitPrice
         double    stopPrice,             // order stopPrice
         double    stopLossPrice,         // stopLoss price
         double    takeProfitPrice,       // takeProfit price
         string    timeInForce = "GTC",   // timeInForce: GTC, IOC, FOK, default GTC
         string    comment = ""           // order comment

Returns balance value

      double getBalance();

Set stoploss and takeprofit, returns true if successful, otherwise false     

      bool setSLTP                        
         SIDE side,                       // enum SIDE: BUY, SELL
         double stopLossPrice,            // stopLoss price
         double takeProfitPrice           // takeprofit price

Cancel open orders, returns true if successful, otherwise false

      bool cancelOrder                    
         long orderId = -1                // order Id, default -1 cancel all open orders

Close open positions, returns true if successful, otherwise false

      bool closePosition                  
         SIDE side = -1                   // enum SIDE: BUY, SELL, default -1 close all open positions

Get Exchange info data, returns ExchangeInfo structure if successful

      void getExchangeInfo                
         ExchangeInfo& exchangeInfo       // [out] ExchangeInfo structure

Get orderBook data, returns OrderBook structure array if successful

      void getOrderBook                   
         OrderBook& orderBook[],          // [out] OrderBook structure array
         int limit = 5                    // limit: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, default 5

Get open orders, returns OpenOrders structure array if successful

      void getOpenOrders                  
         OpenOrders& openOrders[]         // [out] OpenOrders structure array

Get open positions, returns OpenPositions structure array if successful

      void getOpenPositions               
         OpenPositions& openPositions[]   // [out] OpenPositions structure array 

Set leverage, returns true if successful, otherwise false

      bool setLeverage(int leverage);       

Set hedge position mode, returns true if successful, otherwise false

      bool setHedgeMode();               

Set one-way position mode, returns true if successful, otherwise false

      bool setOneWayMode();         

Set isolated margin type, returns true if successful, otherwise false

      bool setIsolatedMargin();          

Set crossed margin type, returns true if successful, otherwise false

      bool setCrossedMargin();            

Returns the number of open orders

      int  ordersTotal(ORDERTYPE orderType = -1); 

Returns the number of open positions

      int  positionsTotal(SIDE side = -1);   

Example how to call Binance Futures Library from EA

#include <BinanceFutures.mqh>

input string Symbol      = "BTCUSDT";  // Symbol name
input string HistoryData = "1W";       // History data (1W = 1 week, 1M = 1 month, 3M = 3 months, 6M = 6 months, 1Y = 1 year, MAX = maximum available data)
input string ApiKey      = "";         // Binance api key
input string SecretKey   = "";         // Binance secret key

BinanceFutures b;

int OnInit()
   return 0;

void OnTimer()

void OnDeinit(const int reason)

void OnTick()

   // b.order(BUY_MARKET,0.01,0,0,0,0);               // Place buy market order     
   // b.order(BUY_LIMIT,0.01,75000,0,0,0);            // Place buy limit order
   // b.order(BUY_STOP,0.01,0,115000,0,0);            // Place buy stop order           
   // b.order(BUY_STOPLIMIT,0.01,110000,115000,0,0);  // Place buy stoplimit order
   // b.order(SELL_MARKET,0.01,0,0,0,0);              // Place sell market order       
   // b.order(SELL_LIMIT,0.01,115000,0,0,0);          // Place sell limit order
   // b.order(SELL_STOP,0.01,0,75000,0,0);            // Place sell stop order              
   // b.order(SELL_STOPLIMIT,0.01,80000,75000,0,0);   // Place sell stoplimit order

   // b.getBalance();              //--Check balance
   // b.cancelOrder();             //--Cancel all open orders    
   // b.closePosition(BUY);        //--Close buy position
   // b.closePosition(SELL);       //--Close sell position
   // b.closePosition();           //--Close all open positions
   // b.setLeverage(10);           //--Set leverage to 10x                  
   // b.setCrossedMargin();        //--Set crossed margin type           
   // b.setIsolatedMargin();       //--Set isolated margin type              
   // b.setHedgeMode();            //--Set hedge position Mode                
   // b.setOneWayMode();           //--Set oneWay position Mode               
/* // Get exchangeInfo data

   ExchangeInfo exchangeInfo;
   double minQty       = exchangeInfo.minQty;
   double maxQty       = exchangeInfo.maxQty;
   double stepSize     = exchangeInfo.stepSize;
   double minNotional  = exchangeInfo.minNotional;
   int    qtyDigit     = exchangeInfo.qtyDigit;
   int    priceDigit   = exchangeInfo.priceDigit;
   int    contractSize = exchangeInfo.contractSize;

/* // Get orderBook data

   OrderBook orderBook[];
   for(int i = 0; i < ArraySize(orderBook); i++)
      double askPrice = orderBook[i].askPrice;
      double askQty   = orderBook[i].askQty;
      double bidPrice = orderBook[i].bidPrice;
      double bidQty   = orderBook[i].bidQty;
/* // Get open orders

   OpenOrders openOrders[];
   for(int i = 0; i < ArraySize(openOrders); i++)
      bool closePosition = openOrders[i].closePosition;
      if(closePosition == false)
         long   orderId      = openOrders[i].orderId;                  
         string symbol       = openOrders[i].symbol;             
         string side         = openOrders[i].side;             
         string positionSide = openOrders[i].positionSide;    
         string type         = openOrders[i].type;            
         string status       = openOrders[i].status;          
         string timeInForce  = openOrders[i].timeInForce;     
         double price        = openOrders[i].price;           
         double stopPrice    = openOrders[i].stopPrice;       
         double avgPrice     = openOrders[i].avgPrice;        
         double origQty      = openOrders[i].origQty;         
         double executedQty  = openOrders[i].executedQty;     

/* // Get open positions

   OpenPositions openPositions[];
   for(int i = 0; i < ArraySize(openPositions); i++)
      string symbol           = openPositions[i].symbol;       
      string side             = openPositions[i].side;          
      string positionSide     = openPositions[i].positionSide;  
      double positionAmt      = openPositions[i].positionAmt; 
      double entryPrice       = openPositions[i].entryPrice;    
      double markPrice        = openPositions[i].markPrice;      
      double unRealizedProfit = openPositions[i].unRealizedProfit; 
      double liquidationPrice = openPositions[i].liquidationPrice; 

MQL5 EA向けに、開発者が主要な取引統計情報へ簡単にアクセスできるライブラリです。 ライブラリで利用可能なメソッド: アカウントデータと利益: GetAccountBalance() : 現在の口座残高を返します。 GetProfit() : 全取引の純利益を返します。 GetDeposit() : 入金の総額を返します。 GetWithdrawal() : 出金の総額を返します。 取引分析: GetProfitTrades() : 利益の出た取引数を返します。 GetLossTrades() : 損失の出た取引数を返します。 GetTotalTrades() : 実行された全取引数を返します。 GetShortTrades() : ショートポジションの取引数を返します。 GetLongTrades() : ロングポジションの取引数を返します。 GetWinLossRatio() : 勝ち取引と負け取引の比率を返します。 GetAverageProfitTrade() : 利益の出た取引1回あたりの平均利益を返します。 GetAverageLossTrade() : 損失の出た取引
Introducing "TG Risk Service Manager" — your comprehensive toolkit for swift and precise risk management and lot size calculations in the dynamic world of trading. Designed to streamline development processes and enhance trading strategies, this indispensable library equips developers with essential tools for optimizing risk assessment and trade profitability. Metatrader4 Version |  All Products  |  Contact   Key Features: Efficient Lot Size Calculation : Harness the power of precise lot size
Cryptocurrency analysis has never been easier with Crypto Charts for MetaTrader 5. Now, trading on BitMEX has never been easier with BitMEX Trading API for MetaTrader 5. BitMEX Trading API library was built to be as easy to use as possible. Just include the library into your Expert Advisor or Script, call the corresponding methods and start trading! Features Trade on BitMEX and BitMEX Testnet. Build and automate your strategies. Concern more with the trading strategy logic and less with the c
MT4/5通用交易库(  一份代码通用4和5 ) #import "K Trade Lib5.ex5"    //简单开单    long OrderOpen( int type, double volume, int magic, string symbol= "" , string comment= "" , double opprice= 0 , double sl= 0 , double tp= 0 , int expiration= 0 , bool slsetmode= false , bool tpsetmode= false );    //复杂开单    void SetMagic( int magic, int magic_plus= 0 ); void SetLotsAddMode(int mode=0,double lotsadd=0);    long OrderOpenAdvance( int mode, int type, double volume, int step, int magic, string symbol= "" , string comm
The MetaCOT 2 CFTC ToolBox Demo is a special version of the fully functional MetaCOT 2 CFTC ToolBox MT5 library. The demo version has no restrictions, however, unlike the fully functional version, it outputs data with a delay. The library provides access to the CFTC (U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission) reports straight from the MetaTrader terminal. The library includes all indicators that are based on these reports. With this library you do not need to purchase each MetaCOT indicator sepa
このライブラリは、できるだけ簡単にMetaTrader上で直接OpenAIのAPIを使用するための手段として提供されます。 ライブラリの機能についてさらに詳しく知るには、次の記事をお読みください: https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/756098 The files needed to use the library can be found here: Manual 重要:EAを使用するには、OpenAI APIへのアクセスを許可するために、次のURLを追加する必要があります  添付画像に示されているように ライブラリを使用するには、次のリンクで見つけることができる次のヘッダーを含める必要があります:  https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/756108 #import "StormWaveOpenAI.ex5" COpenAI *iOpenAI(string); CMessages *iMessages(void); CTools *iTools(void); #import これが、ライブラリを簡単に使用するた
MetaCOT 2 CFTC ToolBox is a special library that provides access to CFTC (U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission) reports straight from the MetaTrader terminal. The library includes all indicators that are based on these reports. With this library you do not need to purchase each MetaCOT indicator separately. Instead, you can obtain a single set of all 34 indicators including additional indicators that are not available as separate versions. The library supports all types of reports, and prov
Eric Mangeni Wakho
Introducing Gator Algo(Intelligent Algo) , an advanced Expert Advisor (EA) designed with a unique blend of Supply and Demand strategy to give you an edge in the market. It leverages the Hull and Stochastic Trend indicators for precision entries and exits. With built-in Telegram notifications, you'll stay informed on all trade actions in real-time. Gator Algo combines cutting-edge automation with a strategic approach that uses AI to help you maximize profits. Perfect for traders seeking a powerfu
Here   is   the   English translation   of   your   description   for   the EA   (Expert   Advisor): --- This   is a   time -based   automatic trading   EA . It allows   you   to   set the   exact   time   for trading , down   to   the   second , and   specify the   maximum number   of   orders . You   can choose   to   place   either   buy   or   sell   orders . It   is possible to   set take   profit and   stop   loss   points . Additionally , you can   specify   how   long after   placing  
Название советника : Survivor  (есть расширенная версия: https://www.mql5.com/ru/market/product/36530 ) Валютные пары : USDJPY, EURUSD, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, GBPJPY, XAUUSD, EURCHF Рекомендованная валютная пара : USDJPY Таймфрейм : М5 Время торговли : круглосуточно Описание : Трендовый  советник с возможностью мартингейла и построением сетки ордеров. В советнике используются три группы аналогичных сигналов для открытия, закрытия и дополнительных сделок. При наличии тренда(определяется МА) ловится отс
NATS (Niguru Automatic Trailing Stop) will help you achieve more profits, by setting the trailing stop automatically. Pair this NATS application with EA, or can also be used as a complement to manual trading. A trailing stop is a powerful tool in trading that combines risk management and profit optimization.  A trailing stop is a type of market order that sets a stop-loss at a percentage below the market price of an asset, rather than a fixed number. It dynamically adjusts as the asset’s pr
Maximize Your Trading Potential with Our MA Gold Sniper Entry EA Transform your trading experience with our expertly designed EA, engineered to deliver consistent profitability and optimal performance. Safe Trading Approach: No Risky Strategies: Avoids using high-risk trading styles such as grid or martingale systems, ensuring a safer and more stable trading experience. Consistent Methodology: Employs a proven and reliable trading strategy focused on long-term success and sustainability. Key
Binance Library
Hadil Mutaqin SE
5 (1)
The library is used to develop automatic trading on Binance Spot Market from MT5 platform. Support all order types: Limit, Market, Stop-Limit and Stop-Market. Support margin trading. Automatically display the chart on the screen. Usage: - Open MQL5 demo account - Move BinanceLib.ex5 from folder \MQL5\Scripts\Market to MQL5\Libraries - Download Header   file and EA sample   https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1kjUX7Hyy02EiwTLgVi8qdaCNvNzazjln Copy Binance.mqh header file to folder \M
Binanceは世界的に有名な暗号通貨取引所です!暗号化されたデジタル通貨市場のリアルタイムデータ分析を容易にするために、プログラムは分析のためにBinanceリアルタイムトランザクションデータをMT5に自動的にインポートできます。主な機能は次のとおりです。 1.通貨セキュリティ部門でのスポット取引ペアの自動作成をサポートします。また、利益通貨と基本通貨を別々に設定することもできます。たとえば、ProfitCurrencyが空の場合、すべての取引エリアを意味します。オプション:USDT、BTC、DAI、およびBinanceでサポートされているその他の取引エリア(契約取引は現在サポートされていません)。BaseCurrencyは空で、すべての通貨を示します。BNBおよびETCも可能です。個別に設定するBinanceでサポートされている暗号通貨を待ちます。 2. Binanceの各通貨の価格精度、取引量の精度、および最大取引量を同期します。 3. WebSocketを介してBinanceをリンクすると、すべてのトランザクションをMt5にプッシュして市場を更新できます。 4.す
UPDATE MAR/20 OBS: Please after purchase contact US via CHAT to suport. This Product is a Market Scanner based on Didi Index Indicator. He can scan all time frames of Symbols in Market Watch, client can customize according the demand, its can scan a single symbol or more than 100. Manual: Link Driver Link do Manual Video:   LINK The Scanner informs 4 kind of signals, all alerts are providing from Didi Index Indicator: 1 - Didi Index - Alert of Buy : Cross up of "Curta" short moving averag
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Svetlana Pawlowna Grosshans
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CyNeron: 精密な取引とAIイノベーションの融合 シグナル :   CyNeron マニュアルと設定ファイル : 購入後にお問い合わせいただければ、マニュアルと設定ファイルをお送りします 価格 : 販売されたコピー数に応じて価格が上昇します 利用可能なコピー : 5 AI駆動のスナップショット分析:市場初 CyNeronは、市場で初めて高度なAIを革命的な取引アプローチに統合したEAであり、 市場状況の詳細なスナップショットをキャプチャして処理します。 最先端のAI対応ニューラルネットワークを利用して価格データと技術指標を評価し、 市場の動きを高精度に予測して、正確かつ戦略的な取引決定を可能にします。 このAI駆動技術はCyNeronを際立たせ、リアルタイムで進化する市場動向に動的に適応し、 これまで得られなかった洞察をトレーダーに提供します。 シンボル XAUUSD (ゴールド) 時間枠 M15またはM30   資本 最低 $100 ブローカー 任意のブローカー 口座タイプ 任意、スプレッドが低いものが推奨 レバレッジ 1:20以上 VPS 推奨されますが必須では
HiperCube ADX Histogram is here! Discount code for 25% off at Darwinex Zero: DWZ2328770MGM This indicators helps you to know if could be a strong trend in the market . ADX is a very popular and usefull indicator, so many top traders reccomends use it as filter to bad trades, or in combinations of other analysis. With HiperCube ADX you will be a premium exoerience using a beautifula and great indicator for your trading. FEATURES: Fully Customizable Custom Your Chart! Custom Color to Histogra
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Introducing "PropFirm Consistency Analyst" — your dynamic companion for achieving consistency in proprietary trading. This innovative Expert Advisor operates seamlessly, continuously calculating consistency metrics between two specified dates, providing real-time insights throughout the trading month. Tailored specifically for prop traders, this tool serves as a dedicated ally in meeting the stringent consistency requirements set by some proprietary firms. By evaluating trading performance on
This is a utility indicator that creates mini charts on left side of the chart you are looking at. It is very useful to watch many timeframes simultaneously, without having to change between multiple charts. Its configuration is very simple. You can have up to 4 mini charts opened. They automatically load the template of the "parent" chart. If you have any doubt please contact me. Enjoy! This is a free indicator, but it took hours to develop. If you want to pay me a coffee, I appreciate a lot
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Gamuchirai Zororo Ndawana
4.5 (2)
ボラティリティ・ドクター - 市場リズムをマスターするためのあなたの専門アドバイザー! 精密なトレードの力を解き放つ準備はできていますか?ボラティリティ・ドクターに会ってください。外国為替市場のダイナミックな世界で信頼できるパートナーです。このマルチ通貨の専門アドバイザーは単なる取引ツールではありません。それはシンフォニーの指揮者であり、非常に高い精度であなたの投資を導く存在です。 主な特徴を発見してください: 1. トレンドを追求する専門知識:ボラティリティ・ドクターは確かな手法を用いて堅牢な市場のトレンドを見つけ出します。推測を捨てて情報に基づいた意思決定に切り替えましょう。 2. 総合的なコントロール:組み込まれたマネーマネジメントツールでトレード戦略の主導権を握りましょう。いつでもいくつのポジションを開くか、トレードサイズをどれだけ拡大するかを決定します。それはあなたのプレイブック、あなたのやり方です。 3. ボラティリティのマエストロ:その名前が示すように、このEAは市場のボラティリティを測定し反映することに特化しています。水が容器の形に合わせて変化する
Molo kumalo
James Ngunyi Githemo
Trading Forex with our platform offers several key advantages and features: Real-time Data : Stay updated with live market data to make informed decisions. User-Friendly Interface : Easy-to-navigate design for both beginners and experienced traders. Advanced Charting Tools : Visualize trends with interactive charts and technical indicators. Risk Management : Set stop-loss and take-profit levels to manage your risk. Multiple Currency Pairs : Access a wide range of forex pairs to diversify your tr
Market book tester
Aliaksandr Hryshyn
1 (1)
Using data from the order book in the strategy tester Key features: Simultaneous use of several symbols, up to 7 pieces DOM visualization With the visualization of order books, real-time simulation is available, as well as acceleration or deceleration Working with the library: This product also requires a utility to save data:  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/71642 Speed control utility:  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/81409 Include file:   https://c.mql5.com/31/735/Market_book_s
The TradeMetrics Pro indicator enhances trade analysis and performance evaluation by presenting trade history and metrics directly on the chart. It accomplishes this through three key features: Summary Trade Panel: The Summary Trade Panel provides a concise overview of open and closed trades. It organizes trade summaries by symbol, lots traded, pips gained or lost, profit, and advanced statistics. This panel enables quick assessment and comparison of trade performance across different symbols
The Buffer Reader will help you to check and export the custom indicators buffers data for your current chart and timeframe. You can select the number of buffer and historical bars to read/export. The data can be exported in a CSV format and the files will be stored in the folder:   \MQL5\Files . How it works Put the number of buffers to read in the Buffers_Total input parameter. Put the number of rows to display in the Rows_Total. Choose the CSV separator in the parameter. Copy the correct na
AO Trade
Ka Lok Louis Wong
AOトレードシステムは、市場のトレンドを利用したトレードに特化しており、競売やニュースの時間を参照ポイントとして、他の特定の注文時間と比較し、市場のトレンドを予測します。 **EAで使用されるすべての時間パラメータは、あなたの端末の時間を基にしています。異なるブローカーは異なるGMTのタイムゾーンで動作する場合があり、夏時間の調整によりさらに変化する可能性があります。** **実装前に、端末に合わせて時間設定を十分に確認してください。** 推奨設定: M1タイムフレームで使用する HK50 / DE40 / ustec / UK100 時間のチェック中には、特定のチェック時間の分後に価格のチェックが行われることに気付くでしょう(1.2チェック時間の分)。この設計は意図的であり、参照されているバーが完了することを許可し、オープン、ハイ、ロー、およびクローズの値が注文時間と正確に比較できるようにします。 設定 -----------------1 タイマー------------------- 1.1 チェック時間の時間(HH) -- 価格を記録するために使用されるタイム
Introducing the BlackWing Signal Provider—an advanced EA designed to enhance your trading experience by facilitating seamless communication between your MetaTrader 5 platform and Telegram channels, groups, or individual users. Key Features: 1. Real-Time Event Notifications: Receive instant alerts on new trades, modified orders, closed positions, and deleted orders. Stay informed and make well-timed decisions. 2. Interactive Chart Snapshots: Share chart snapshots along with new trades and
Parallax FX
Michael Prescott Burney
Parallax EA for AUDUSD H1 Chart Experience the next level of automated trading with Parallax EA , meticulously crafted for the AUDUSD H1 chart. This expert advisor leverages the power of 300 finely-tuned strategies , each contributing to an exceptionally high win rate over the past five years . Designed for traders who demand perfection, Parallax EA is the culmination of extensive research, optimization, and real-world testing. Key Features: Unparalleled Strategy Integration: Harness the collec
Goliath Mt5
Nicolokondwani Biscaldi
Goliath MT5 - scalper fully automated Expert Advisor for medium-volatile forex markets P roperties: The Library trades 10 currency pairs (USDCHF, EURCHF, EURGBP, AUDUSD, USDCAD, GBPUSD, EURUSD, NZDUSD, CADCHF, EURAUD, EURCAD, AUDJPY) The Library does not use martingale The Library sets a fixed stop loss and take profit for all orders The Library only trades a user input volume The Library can be installed on any currency pair and any timeframe Recommendations: Before using on a real account,
EA Toolkit
Esteban Thevenon
EA Toolkit   is a library that allows any developer to quickly and easily program Advisor experts. It includes many functions and enumerations such as trailing stop, lot, stop loss management, market trading authorisations, price table updates, trading conditions and many more. Installation + Documentation : You will find all the information to install this library and the documentation of its functions on this GitHub : https://github.com/Venon282/Expert-Advisor-Toolkit WARNING : The installa
Hello everyone! I am a professional MQL programmer , Making EAs, Indicators and Trading Tools for my clients all over the world. I build 3-7 programs every week but I seldomly sell any ready-made Robots. Because I am fastidious and good strategy is so few...  this EA is the only one so far I think its good enough to be published here.  As we all know, the Ichimoku indicator has become world popular for decades, but still, only few people knows the right way of using it, and if we check the cl
金融とトレーディング戦略の領域を深く掘り下げ、私は一連の実験を実施し、強化学習に基づくアプローチと強化学習を使用しないアプローチを調査することにしました。 これらの手法を適用して、私は現代のトレーディングにおけるユニークな戦略の重要性を理解する上で極めて重要な微妙な結論を導き出すことができました。 ニューラル ネットワーク アドバイザーは、初期段階では目覚ましい効率性を示したにもかかわらず、長期的には非常に不安定であることが判明しました。 市場のボラティリティ、トレンドの変化、外部事象などのさまざまな要因により、企業の運営に混乱が生じ、最終的には不安定化につながりました。 この経験を武器に、私は課題を受け入れ、独自のアプローチを開発し始めました。 私の焦点は、集められた最良のインジケーターを異なるパラメーター設定で利用するアドバイザーを作成することに集中していました。 このアドバイザーは、私の独自の戦略に基づいており、さまざまなパラメーター設定を持つ 14 の指標を同時に採用し、何時間ものデータ分析と綿密なテストから生まれました。
Liang Qi Quan
这段代码是一个简单的交易专家顾问(Expert Advisor)示例,主要功能如下: 使用两个移动平均线(MA)作为交易信号: 快速MA(FastMA)和慢速MA(SlowMA) 初始化函数(OnInit): 创建两个MA指标句柄 设置数组为时间序列模式 清理函数(OnDeinit): 释放指标句柄,防止内存泄漏 主要交易逻辑(OnTick): 获取最新的MA值 判断趋势和交易信号 在无持仓时执行交易 交易规则: 上升趋势+买入信号时开多单 下降趋势+卖出信号时开空单 使用固定的止损和止盈点数 风险管理: 使用输入参数设置交易手数、止损和止盈 每次只允许一个持仓(inTrade变量) 使用MQL5的Trade库进行交易操作,简化了下单过程 这个EA适合初学者学习,展示了基本的EA结构和简单的交易策略实现方法。但在实际使用前,还需要进行更多的测试和优化。
Ben Mati Mulatya
The Hybrid Metaheuristic Algorithm (HMA) is a cutting-edge optimization approach that combines the strengths of genetic algorithms with the best features of population-based algorithms. Its high-speed computation ensures unparalleled accuracy and efficient search capabilities, significantly reducing the total time required for optimization while identifying optimal solutions in fewer iterations. HMA outperforms all known population optimization algorithms in both speed and accuracy. Use Cases AO
WalkForwardOptimizer MT5
Stanislav Korotky
3.63 (8)
WalkForwardOptimizer library allows you to perform rolling and cluster walk-forward optimization of expert advisers (EA) in MetaTrader 5. To use the library include its header file WalkForwardOptimizer.mqh into your EA source code, add call provided functions as appropriate. Once the library is embedded into EA, you may start optimization according to the procedure described in the User guide . When it's finished, intermediate results are saved into a CSV file and some special global variables.
Native Websocket
Racheal Samson
5 (5)
An   easy to use, fast,  asynchronous   WebSocket library  for MQL5. It supports: ws://   and   wss://  (Secure "TLS" WebSocket) text   and   binary   data It handles: fragmented message  automatically (large data transfer) ping-pong   frames  automatically (keep-alive handshake) Benefits: No DLL required. No OpenSSL installation required. Up to 128 WebSocket Connections from a single program. Various Log Levels for error tracing Can be synchronized to MQL5 Virtual Hosting . Completely native to
このライブラリを使用すると、任意の EA を使用して取引を管理でき、説明に記載されているスクリプト コードを使用して任意の EA に簡単に統合でき、完全なプロセスを示すビデオのデモ例も利用できます。 - 指値注文、SL 指値注文、利食い指値注文の発行 - マーケット、SLマーケット、TPマーケットの注文を行う - 指値注文の変更 - 注文をキャンセルする - 注文のクエリ - レバレッジ、マージンの変更 - 位置情報の取得 もっと... MT5 に Binance チャートがない場合を除き、暗号チャートのレンタルはオプションです。 スクリプトのデモについては、 ここをクリックしてください トレーディングパネルでの取引をご希望の場合は、 この製品に興味があるかもしれません
The library is dedicated to help manage your trades, calculate lot, trailing, partial close and other functions. Lot Calculation Mode 0: Fixed Lot. Mode 1: Martingale Lot (1,3,5,8,13) you can use it in different way calculate when loss=1 ,when profit=0. Mode 2: Multiplier Lot (1,2,4,8,16) you can use it in different way calculate when loss=1 ,when profit=0. Mode 3: Plus Lot (1,2,3,4,5) you can use it in different way calculate when loss=1 ,when profit=0. Mode 4: SL/Risk Lot calculate based on
The library is used to develop automatic trading on Binance Futures Market from MT5 platform. Support Binance Futures USD-M and Futures COIN-M Support Testnet mode Support all order types: Limit, Market, StopLimit, StopMarket, StopLoss and TakeProfit Automatically display the chart on the screen  Usage:  - Open MQL5 demo account -  Download Header file and EA sample https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=17fWrZFeMZoSvH9-2iv4WDJhcyxG2eW17 Copy BinanceFutures.mqh header file to folder \
The Trade Tracker Library is used to automatically detect and display trade levels on custom charts. It is an especially useful add-on for EAs that trade on custom charts in MT5. With the use of this library, the EA users can see trades as they are placed via the EA (Entry, SL & TP levels) in real-time. The header file and two examples of EA skeleton files are attached in the comments section (first comment). The library will automatically detect the tradable symbol for the following custom
Order Book, known also as Market Book, market depth, Level 2, - is a dynamically updated table with current volumes of orders to buy and to sell specific financial instument at price levels near Bid and Ask. MetaTrader 5 provides the means for receiving market book from your broker, but in real time only, without access to its history. The library OrderBook History Library reads market book state in the past from archive files, created by OrderBook Recorder . The library can be embedded into you
Want to get all events like Previous/Forecast/Actual values for each news to analyze/predict it? By this simple library you can do it easily,Just import/integrate the library into your system,then get all possible values for each news   Even In Strategy Tester   . Note: Please add the address " https://www.forexfactory.com/ " of news feed at your MT5 tab > Tools > Options > Expert Advisors > Check Allow web request for listed URL. Since the WebRequest() function can't be called from indicator ba
This is a simplified and effective version of the library for walk forward analysis of trading experts. It collects data about the expert's trade during the optimization process in the MetaTrader tester and stores them in intermediate files in the "MQL5\Files" directory. Then it uses these files to automatically build a cluster walk forward report and rolling walk forward reports that refine it (all of them in one HTML file). Using the WalkForwardBuilder MT5 auxiliary script allows building othe
Teclado trader, é uma BIBLIOTECA que você pode chamar no OnChartEvent para abrir posição de compra/venda/zerar, os botões padrões são: V = venda C = compra Z = zerar posições a mercado S = zerar posições opostas e depois a mercado X = zerar posições opostas Além da função de teclado, é possível mostrar os estados do ExpertAdvisor usando o MagicId, com informação de: lucro mensal, semanal, diario, e posição aberta, para isto use o OnTick, ou qualquer outro evento (OnTimer / OnTrade / OnBookEv
Goliath Mt5
Nicolokondwani Biscaldi
Goliath MT5 - scalper fully automated Expert Advisor for medium-volatile forex markets P roperties: The Library trades 10 currency pairs (USDCHF, EURCHF, EURGBP, AUDUSD, USDCAD, GBPUSD, EURUSD, NZDUSD, CADCHF, EURAUD, EURCAD, AUDJPY) The Library does not use martingale The Library sets a fixed stop loss and take profit for all orders The Library only trades a user input volume The Library can be installed on any currency pair and any timeframe Recommendations: Before using on a real account,
Gold plucking machine   Gold plucking machine is an Expert Advisor designed specifically for trading gold. The operation is based on opening orders using the Fast and Slow lines indicator, thus the EA works according to the "Trend Follow" strategy, which means following the trend. Use grid strategy to place orders without stop loss operation, so please make sure the account has sufficient funds. magic number      -  is a special number that the EA assigns to its orders. Lot Multiplier        -
Gold plucking machine S   Gold plucking machine  S Gold plucking machine S   is an Expert Advisor designed specifically for trading gold. The operation is based on opening orders using the Fast and Slow lines indicator, thus the EA works according to the "Trend Follow" strategy, which means following the trend. Use grid strategy to place orders without stop loss operation, so please make sure the account has sufficient funds. magic number        -  is a special number that the EA assigns to its
MT4/5通用交易库(  一份代码通用4和5 ) #ifdef __MQL5__      #define KOD_TICKET ulong      #define KOD_MAGIC   long #else        #define KOD_TICKET long      #define KOD_MAGIC   int #endif class ODLIST; #import "K Trade Lib Pro 5.ex5"       //祝有个美好开始,运行首行加入    void StartGood() ;    //简单开单    long OrderOpen( int type, double volume, int magic, string symbol= "" , string comment= "" , double opprice= 0 , double sl= 0 , double tp= 0 , int expiration= 0 , bool slsetmode= false , bool tpsetmode= false );    //复杂开单
If you're a trader looking to use Binance.com and Binance.us exchanges directly from your MetaTrader 5 terminal, you'll want to check out Binance Library MetaTrader 5. This powerful tool allows you to trade all asset classes on both exchanges, including Spot, USD-M   and COIN-M futures, and includes all the necessary functions for trading activity. With Binance Library MetaTrader 5, you can easily add instruments from Binance to the Symbols list of MetaTrader 5, as well as obtain information ab
1. What is this The MT5 system comes with very few optimization results. Sometimes we need to study more results. This library allows you to output more results during backtest optimization. It also supports printing more strategy results in a single backtest. 2. Product Features The results of the optimized output are quite numerous. CustomMax can be customized. The output is in the Common folder. It is automatically named according to the name of the EA, and the name of the same EA will be au
Matrix is the foundation of complex trading algorithms as it helps you perform complex calculations effortlessly and without the need for too much computation power, It's no doubt that matrix has made possible many of the calculations in modern computers as we all know that bits of information are stored in array forms in our computer memory RAM, Using some of the functions in this library I was able to create machine learning robots that could take on a large number of inputs To use this libra
T5L Library is necessary to use the EAs from TSU Investimentos, IAtrader and others. It contains all the functions framework needed to Expert Advisors working properly.  ツ - The Expert Advisors from  TSU Investimentos does not work without this library,  the T5L library can have updates during the year - At this Library you will find several funcionalities like order sends, buy and sell, trigger entry points check, candlestick analyses, supply and demmand marking and lines, and much more. 
AO Core
Andrey Dik
3 (2)
AO Core is the core of the optimization algorithm, it is a library built on the author's HMA (hybrid metaheuristic algorithm) algorithm. Pay attention to the MT5 Optimization Booster product , which makes it very easy to manage the regular MT5 optimizer . An example of using AO Core is described in the article: https://www.mql5.com/ru/articles/14183 https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/756510 This hybrid algorithm is based on a genetic algorithm and contains the best qualities and properties of
EA Toolkit
Esteban Thevenon
EA Toolkit   is a library that allows any developer to quickly and easily program Advisor experts. It includes many functions and enumerations such as trailing stop, lot, stop loss management, market trading authorisations, price table updates, trading conditions and many more. Installation + Documentation : You will find all the information to install this library and the documentation of its functions on this GitHub : https://github.com/Venon282/Expert-Advisor-Toolkit WARNING : The installa
This is standard library built for flexible neural Networks with performance in mind. Calling this Library is so simple and takes few lines of code:    matrix Matrix = matrix_utils.ReadCsv( "Nasdaq analysis.csv" );       matrix x_train, x_test;    vector y_train, y_test;         matrix_utils.TrainTestSplitMatrices(Matrix,x_train,y_train,x_test,y_test, 0.7 , 42 );    reg_nets = new CRegressorNets(x_train,y_train,AF_RELU_,HL, NORM_MIN_MAX_SCALER); //INitializing network       reg_nets.RegressorN
このライブラリは、キーと値の配列をソートするために使用されます。多くの場合、値をソートする必要があります。 Python言語のように sorted(key_value.items(), key = lambda kv:(kv[ 1 ], kv[ 0 ])) インポート機能 利用シーン例 1. グリッド EA 注文は始値に従って並べ替えられます void SortedByOpenPride()   {    long     OrderTicketBuffer[];    double   OpenPriceBuffer[];    for ( int i = PositionsTotal ()- 1 ; i>= 0 ; i--)      {        if (m_position.SelectByIndex(i))         {          OrderTicketBuffer[i] = long (m_position.Ticket());          OpenPriceBuffer[i] = m_position.PriceOpen();  
Intro to Range Breakout Strategy (pre-close clearance) Range = yesterday high - Yesterday low On track = opening price + range *k; Lower rail = Open price - range *K Stop-loss closing position: When the price breaks up the upper track or breaks down the lower track, it breaks the opening price of the day again Parameters: Pairs List (comma separated)       = "GBPUSD,GBPJPY,USDJPY,XAUUSD,XTIUSD,USTEC"; - TimeFrame = PERIOD_D1; - MagicNumber      = 60037;          - OrderComment     = "RangeBre
A Simple Moving Average (SMA) is a statistical indicator used in time series analysis. This indicator represents the arithmetic mean of a sequence of values over a specific period of time. SMA is used to smooth short-term fluctuations in data, helping to highlight the overall trend or direction of changes. This aids analysts and traders in better understanding the general dynamics of the time series and identifying potential trends or changes in direction.  More information you can find in Wiki 
This script allows you to close all orders and delete all pending orders. Set to true order type you want to close and cancel. Parameters: AllCurrency  = set true to close position and cancel order in all pair, set false for current pair. CloseBUY  = set true to close buy position. CloseSELL  = set true to close sell position. DeleteBUYSTOP   = set true to cancel buy stop order. DeleteSELLSTOP  = set true to cancel sell stop order. DeleteBUYLIMIT  = set true to cancel buy limit order. DeleteSEL
Binance MT5 is a tool for charting & manual trading Bitcoin and Altcoin on Binance Spot Market from MT5 platform. Support all order types: Limit, Market, Stop-Limit and Stop-Market . Parameters Symbol           = symbol name HistoryData    = start time to download history data API Key           = your binance api key Secret Key      = your binance secret key * You should allow WebRequest from Tools menu >> Options >> Expert Advisors and add URL: https://api.binance.com * For automatic tradin
BitMEX MT5 is a tool for charting and manual trading Bitcoin and Altcoin on BitMEX from MT5 platform. Support all order types:: Limit, Market, Stop-Limit, Stop-Market, TakeProfit, StopLoss and Trailing Stop. Parameters API Key  = your bitmex api key Secret Key  = your bitmex secret key Symbol  = symbol name Leverage = to set leverage HistoryData  = start time to download history data TestnetMode  = set to true for testnet, set to false for real trading *You should allow WebRequest from Tools
Binance Library
Hadil Mutaqin SE
5 (1)
The library is used to develop automatic trading on Binance Spot Market from MT5 platform. Support all order types: Limit, Market, Stop-Limit and Stop-Market. Support margin trading. Automatically display the chart on the screen. Usage: - Open MQL5 demo account - Move BinanceLib.ex5 from folder \MQL5\Scripts\Market to MQL5\Libraries - Download Header   file and EA sample   https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1kjUX7Hyy02EiwTLgVi8qdaCNvNzazjln Copy Binance.mqh header file to folder \M
Binance Futures MT5 is a tool for charting and manual trading Bitcoin & Altcoin on Binance Futures Market from MT5 platform. Support all order types: Limit, Market, Stop-Limit, Stop-Market , StopLoss and TakeProfit. Parameters Symbol            =  symbol name HistoryData      =  start time to download history data APIKey             =  your binance api key SecretKey       =  your binance secret key Leverage         = to set leverage MarginType     =  to set margin type (crossed or isolated) Po
バージョン 1.49 2025.01.08
- Support Futures COIN-M
- Support testnet mode
- Various bug fixes and improvements
バージョン 1.48 2024.12.30
- Various bug fixes and improvements
- Optimized program code
バージョン 1.47 2022.02.02
- Fixed no connection issue
- Optimized program code
バージョン 1.46 2021.10.31
- Fixed minor bug and optimized program code
バージョン 1.45 2021.10.20
- Various bug fixes and improvements
バージョン 1.44 2021.09.11
- Various bug fixes and improvements
バージョン 1.43 2021.09.11
- Fixed timestamp issue
- Various bug fixes and improvements
バージョン 1.42 2021.08.28
- Fixed history data issue
- Bug fixes and improvements
バージョン 1.41 2021.08.25
- Added function to get orderbook data
- Added function to get open orders and open positions
- Various bug fixes and improvements
バージョン 1.40 2021.08.21
- Added StopLoss and TakeProfit function
- Various bug fixes and optimized program code
バージョン 1.39 2021.08.13
- Various bug fixes and improvements
バージョン 1.38 2021.08.12
- Fixed timestamp issue
- Optimized program code
バージョン 1.37 2021.08.09
- Various bug fixes and improvements
バージョン 1.36 2021.08.07
- Add function to get open positions
- Various bug fixes and improvements
バージョン 1.35 2021.08.01
- Fix Position side issue
- Optimized program code
バージョン 1.34 2021.06.22
- Various bug fixes and improvements
バージョン 1.33 2021.05.30
- Add delay parameter for data request rate
- Various bug fixes and improvements
バージョン 1.32 2021.05.22
- Fix issue with history data
- Fix issue with chart properties
バージョン 1.31 2021.05.15
- Add HistoryData parameter for maximum data
- Various bug fixes and improvements
バージョン 1.3 2021.05.03
- Various bug fixes and improvements
バージョン 1.2 2021.05.02
- Various bug fixes and improvements
バージョン 1.1 2021.05.01
- Fixed minor bug for volume data
- Optimized program code