AW Close By Profitables MT5
- ユーティリティ
- AW Trading Software Limited
- バージョン: 1.0
- アクティベーション: 15
アルゴリズムはアカウントで最も収益性の低いポジションを見つけ、プログラムは損失をカバーできる収益性の高いポジションを決定します。この利益は決算に使用されます 自動モードでの不採算注文。システムは、最も遠い不採算の注文を処理したり、手動で選択して特定のチケットに従ってそれらを選択したりすることができます。つまり、ユーティリティは、勝ち注文の1つまたはグループを使用して負け注文をクローズします。
- 現在のシンボルまたはすべてのシンボルの成約注文
- 一度に1つまたは複数の不採算注文をクローズする機能
- マジックナンバーとクロージングチケットの選択
- お金、ポイント、またはパーセンテージでの収益性の高い注文と収益性の低い注文の選択
- 購入または販売の注文のみを閉じるか、すべての注文を閉じる
- バスケット内の収益性の高い注文の最大数を選択する 損失をカバーするために
Input parameters:
LOSS ORDER SETTINGS - settings of a losing order to close
- Symbol with losses - Selecting a symbol to search for a losing order:
- All Symbols - Mode of operation for all symbols on which there is a position opening
- Current Symbol only - Select the tool on which the panel is installed
- Type for orders with loss - Allowed types of orders with loss that the utility will close, where:
- Buy and Sell orders - Close BUY and SELL order types
- Buy orders - close only BUY type of orders
- Sell orders - Close only SELL type of orders
- Magic for orders - Process orders of the current magic number or work on all orders
- All magic numbers - Close any orders on all Magic Numbers
- Current Magic only - Close orders only on the current Magic Number
- MagicNumbers for loss (if used) - Field for entering a magic number. In order to close only manual orders, enter "0"
- Ticket for loss (if needed) - Manual selection of an order for recovery. Only one can be entered, when this order is closed, the system will continue to work with other orders in automatic mode
- Min loss in% of balance - Minimum order loss for restoration, in% of the balance
- Min loss in points - Minimum loss of the order to restore, in points
- Max loss in money (0 = not used) - Maximum planting volume, in recovery money
- Close few orders if possible - Allow closing several orders at once, if possible
PROFIT ORDERS SETTINGS - settings of profitable positions, with the help of which the loss is closed
- Max number for profitable order in basket - The maximum number of orders in the basket of one direction to cover the loss
- Additional profit in basket - The minimum amount of profit in money from profitable positions after closing a loss
- Symbol with profitable orders - Selecting a symbol for processing orders:
- All Symbols - Mode of operation for all symbols on which there is a position opening
- Current Symbol only - Select the tool on which the panel is installed
- Type for orders with profit - Allowed types of orders for work, where
- Buy and Sell orders - Ability to close BUY and SELL order types
- Buy orders - Ability to close only BUY type of orders
- Sell orders - Ability to close only SELL type of orders
- Magics for profitable orders - Work with orders of the current Magic Number or for all orders
- All Magic Numbers - Process all orders on all Magic Numbers
- Current Magic only - Process orders only on the current Magic Number
- MagicNumber for profitable orders (if used) - Field for entering a magic number. In order for the panel to process manual orders, enter "0"
- Min profit of order in money - The minimum profit of one profitable order in money for closing
- Min profit of order in points - Minimum profit of one profitable order in points to close
- Show panel of advisor - Show or hide the panel
- Font size in panel - Font size on the panel