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EasyWay Trade Panel Buy Sell Arrows RegrChannel ZZ

#EasyWayTradePanel indicator for #MetaTrader4 , is trade assistants for manual trading in any #currency in #FOREX, #CRYPTOCURRENCY as #Bitcoin,#Ethereum, #Lightcoin and more. Also is EasyWay to use for #COMMODITY as #Gold, #Silver, #Oil, #Gas ...... and #CFDs.

When installed on the chart in your chosen time frame and trading tool, the indicator automatically draws the following custom indicators used in the EasyWayTradePanel trading strategy.

1) Zigzag_Extreme_Indicator,

2) Regression_Channel_Indicator,

3) Buy_Sell_Arrows_Indicator ,

4) Support_Resistance_Indicator with 4 levels Weekly,Daily,4h,1h.

5) TradePanel who shows you account information: Today and Yesterday Profits, Balance,Last Profit, Last Open Lot Size, All Open Buy/Sell Position and total lots , Free Margin Level, Equity, 24 hour timer, Spread, Currency and Period.

6) Moved candle timer shows you the time to close the last candle of currently period.

The One Click Trading window will open over of the panel.

 If you RENT the EasyWayTradePanel indicator for at least 12 months, as a bonus I will send you 4 more #MT4 indicators for system support:

1) EasyWay OscillatorAlert,

2) EasyWay SymbolChanger

3) EasyWay NewsPanel

4) EasyWay SuperTrend

You can use the EasyWay TradePanel system with the given indicators or create your own strategies using only the Trade Ranel.

 Risk Warning-Disclaimer: There is a high level of risk involved when trading leveraged products such as #ForexExchangeMarket/Contract For Differences (CFD). CFDs are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work, and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money. Any news, opinions, research, data or other information contained within this page is provided as general market commentary and does not constitute investment or trading advice. I provide information, quotes, references and links to or from other sites and blogs and other sources of economic and market information as an educational service and prospects and does not endorse the opinions or recommendations of the sites, blogs or other sources of information.

Manuscript is a time-tested indicator, many tests have been conducted in its use, I will tell all buyers my recommendations on using forex, cryptocurrency or binary options This indicator gives a signal exactly at the close of the candle of the selected period The arrow does not disappear after the signal, you can set up email notifications I recommend using it on the period H1,H4,daily If you are aware of its work, you will be able to trade in a plus In the future I will give you my recomm
BinaryScalping is a professional indicator for trading binary options and scalping. The algorithm of the indicator is based on the calculation of pivot points for each time period separately, the location of the price of the trading instrument relative to the pivot points is analyzed and the probability of a trading operation is calculated. The indicator has a built-in filter of trading signals based on the global trend. The indicator is installed in the usual way and works with any trading inst
Binary Options Assistant (BOA) BURN Signals Indicator provides signals based on Ana Trader Binary Options Strategy. Indicators: MACD & Stochastic Stop missing trades, stop jumping from chart to chart looking for trade set-ups and get all the signals on 1 chart! U se any of the BOA Signals Indicator with the  Binary Options Assistant (BOA) Multi Currency Dashboard .   All BOA Signal Indicator settings are adjustable to give you more strategy combinations. The signals can be seen visually and
Free informative Indicator-helper. It'll be usefull for traders who trade many symbols or using grid systems (Averaging or Martingale). Indicator counts drawdown as percent and currency separate. It has a number of settings: Count deposite drawdown according equity value and send e-mail or notifications to user if DD more than set; Sending e-mail when max open orders reached; Shows price and remaining pips amount before MarginCall on current chart and Account generally; Display summary trade lot
This indicator is designed for scalping in the Forex market and trading binary options. A signal appears at the opening of a new candle. Usage Recommendations: For Binary Options: It is recommended to open trades when a signal appears on the first candle. A buy signal appears when the blue X replaces the red one, while a sell signal occurs when the red X replaces the blue one, as shown in the screenshots. For the Forex Market: Enter a trade when a signal appears as described above. It is advisa
**Binary Smart Systemのご紹介:究極のトレードパートナー** Binary Smart Systemは単なるインジケーターではありません。様々な市場で的確なシグナルを提供し、洗練されたアルゴリズムと豊富なテクニカルインジケーターの集合をベースにした、トレーダーを的確さとタイムリーなシグナルで装備するための厳選されたトレードツールです。 **インジケーターコンポーネント:** 1. **移動平均パーセンテージ(MAP):** このコンポーネントは複数の移動平均の加重平均を計算し、トレンドの特定の強力な基盤を形成します。MAPは市場の状況に動的に適応し、現在のトレンド方向に対する洞察を提供します。 2. **商品チャネル指数(CCI):** 平均価格からの偏差を分析することで、CCIは買われすぎと売られすぎの状態を評価します。Binary Smart SystemのCCI統合は、ポテンシャルな反転ポイントを特定する包括的なアプローチを保証します。 3. **移動平均収束拡散法(MACD):** シンプルなクロスオーバーを超えるMACDコンポーネント。MACD
QuantumAlert RSI Navigator is a free indicator available for MT4/MT5 platforms, its work is to provide "alerts" when the market is inside "overbought and oversold" regions in the form of "buy or sell" signals. This indicator comes with many customization options mentioned in the parameter section below, user can customise these parameters as needful. Join our   MQL5 group , where we share important news and updates. You are also welcome to join our private channel as well, contact me for the pri
SYSTEM INTRODUCTION:   The Binary Options Momentum System Is Specifically Designed For Binary Options Trading. Unlike Other Systems And Indicators That Were Adopted From Other Trading Environments For Binary Options. Little Wonder Why Many Of Such Systems Fail To Make Money . Many End Up Loosing Money For Their Users.  A Very Important Fact That Must Be Noted Is The Fact That Application Of Martingale Is not Required. Thus Making It Safer For Traders Usage And Profitability. A Trader Can Use Fi
Mohamed Kamel Touati
EA TOUMED ****** Only     10 copies Availible for  $399 ******* ****** Final price  $1499 ***** EA Toumed は、 リスクの低いプロのスキャルピングエキスパートです。 専門家が最適なエントリポイントを選択し、価格分析が使用されます。 専門家はグリッド、マルチンゲール、アービトラージを使用しません。 すべての位置は視覚的なストップロスによって保護されています。 すべてのオープントランザクションには、トレーリングストップとトレーリングステップの利益確定システムに基づく制御アルゴリズムが付属しています。 エキスパートはまた、スレッページ、NFPニュース、デイトレードフィルターに対する保護を備えており、固定ロットでの取引や、MMモジュールに基づく自動ロット計算の使用を可能にします。   ********非常に重要********  :  デモでエキスパートをテストする前に、スプレッド(最大0.3ピップ)を確認し  スプレッドは0.3ピップを超えてはなりません(ECNまたはRawスプレッ
Binary has 6 は、MT4でバイナリーオプション取引を行うためのインジケーターで、どの時間枠や通貨ペアでも動作します。また、FX取引にも使用可能です。 主な特徴: 有効期限: デフォルトでは1本のローソク足に設定されていますが、設定で1~3本の期間に調整可能です。 トレンドベースの取引: インジケーターは現在のトレンドに基づいてシグナルを生成します。 シグナル: 現在のローソク足がクローズする前に、チャート上に矢印(赤または青)が表示され、エントリーのシグナルとなります。このシグナルはバッファーを介して利用でき、外部EAと連携して自動取引が可能です。 柔軟性: さまざまな市場状況や戦略に適しています。 インストール: 正常に動作させるには、 MQL5 フォルダーをターミナルのディレクトリに追加する必要があります。 こちら のリンク からフォルダーをダウンロードできます。インストール手順の詳細は こちら のビデオ をご覧ください。 補足: シグナルが表示された際にポップアップ通知を受け取るには、追加インジケーターを こちら からインストールしてください。
This indicator works on MT4 and is very easy to use. When you receive a signal from it, you wait for that candle with the signal to close and you enter your trade at the beginning of the next new candle . A red arrow means sell and a green arrow means buy. All arrows comes with Alert  like for easy identification of trade signal. Are you okay with that? 1 minute candle 1 minute expire
My Live Signals: Live Signal     : Type: AutoMM 1000, Access:   Click   here .  High Risk Live Signal     : Type: AutoMM 2000, Access:   Click   here .  Medium Risk Live Signal     : Type: AutoMM 3000, Access:  Click   here .  Low Risk The price of this robot will   soon increase to 2600 USD ! Don't miss the opportunity to get it at its current price. Hello! Are you a trader looking for an EA with an investing-style strategy? If yes, this EA is for you! The   MultiSync Trade Syst
トレンドキャッチャー: アラートインジケーター付きのトレンドキャッチャーストラテジーは、市場トレンドやポテンシャルなエントリーポイントやエグジットポイントを特定するのに役立つ多目的な技術分析ツールです。動的なトレンドキャッチャーストラテジーを備えており、市場状況に適応してトレンドの方向を明確に視覚化します。トレーダーは、自身の好みやリスク許容度に合わせてパラメーターをカスタマイズできます。このインジケーターはトレンドの識別を支援し、ポテンシャルなリバーサルをシグナルし、トレイリングストップのメカニズムとして機能し、市場への迅速な対応のためのリアルタイムアラートを提供します。 特徴: - トレンドの識別:上昇トレンドと下降トレンドをシグナルします。 - トレンドのリバーサル:ローソク足の色が上昇から下降に変わった場合やその逆の場合に、ポテンシャルなリバーサルを警告します。 - リアルタイムアラート:新しいトレンドの識別に対するアラートを生成します。 推奨事項: - 通貨ペア:EURUSD、AUDUSD、XAUUSDなど... - タイムフレーム:H1。 - アカウントタイプ:
Discover the power of precision and efficiency in your trading with the " Super Auto Fibonacci " MT4 indicator. This cutting-edge tool is meticulously designed to enhance your technical analysis, providing you with invaluable insights to make informed trading decisions. Key Features: Automated Fibonacci Analysis: Say goodbye to the hassle of manual Fibonacci retracement and extension drawing. "Super Auto Fibonacci" instantly identifies and plots Fibonacci levels on your MT4 chart, saving you tim
Contact me for any queries or custom orders, if you want to use this in an EA. Key Features: Pattern Recognition : Identifies Fair Value Gaps (FVGs) Spots Break of Structure (BOS) points Detects Change of Character (CHoCH) patterns Versatile Application : Optimized for candlestick charts Compatible with any chart type and financial instrument Real-Time and Historical Analysis : Works seamlessly with both real-time and historical data Allows for backtesting strategies and live market analysis Vi
Pin Bars
Yury Emeliyanov
5 (2)
主な目的:"ピンバー"は、自動的に金融市場チャート上のピンバーを検出するように設計されています。 ピンバーは、特徴的なボディと長いテールを持つキャンドルであり、トレンドの反転または修正を知らせることができます。 それがどのように機能するか:インジケーターはチャート上の各キャンドルを分析し、キャンドルの体、尾、鼻のサイズを決定します。 事前定義されたパラメータに対応するピンバーが検出されると、インジケータはピンバーの方向(強気または弱気)に応じて、上矢印または下矢印でチャート上に パラメータ: TailToBodyRatio-テールの長さとピンバーのボディサイズの最小比率を定義します。 NoseToTailRatio-ピンバーの「ノーズ」とテールの間の最大許容比を設定します。 ArrowSize-マークされたピンバーとチャート上のピンバーを指す矢印との間の距離を定義します。 適用:"ピン棒"の表示器が潜在的な傾向の逆転ポイントを識別し、市場か近い位置を書き入れる信号を発生させるのに使用することができます。 正しく使用され、他のテクニカル指標や分析方法と組み合わせると、指標は取引結果
This is a ready-made strategy for binary options! Support/resistance levels are used to form a signal, while a number of built-in indicators are applied to sort out incoming signals. An arrow appears during a signal formation. If the signal is active, then the arrow remains after the close of the bar; if the signal is not strong enough, the arrow disappears. With a small number of signals and a small trading time, you will not need to sit all day at the computer, especially since you can enable
This Indicator is use the ZigZag to calculate the Upper and  Lower Bound and the uptrend and the downtrned. Red for downtrend, Green for uptrend and Yellow is for the horizontal trend this horizontal trend also bookmarked the upper limited and the lower limited the the price swings.  Or in simple the Support and the Resistance level. However, You may use the Heikin Ashi to confirm the trend of the buy sell signal above. I cannot guarantee the win rate, Nevertheless, you must study well the timef
introduction: Hello, I present to you the advanced and final version of the "Binary Hedger FV" Expert Advisor. I won't delve into extensive details about the EA's concept, as I've covered all the information in the initial version or what can be referred to as the EA's trial version, accessible through the following link: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/93688?source=Site +Market+My+Products+Page In this presented version, you have a comprehensive and complete release that incorporates all
This is a Sharkfin Arrows Indicator. Detailed explanation and TDI extras: https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/759138 This indicator will show only Arrows. It does not have TDI symbols on chart. Please get the extras from links above for TDI indicators. Sharkfin Scanner (paid): https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/123566 TDI Scanner Dash (paid): https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/41826 About: This Indicator finds the Shark Fin Pattern. It will show an arrow in the current bar if RSI sha
Rira Renko
Vitor Palmeira Abbehusen
RENKO on Time Chart This indicator is an enhanced Renko, so you can watch the Renko bricks on the chart to understand price movement more clearly the other improvement is automated box size according to ATR (Average True Range) period you can set the ATR number as you want and the box size of Renko changes automatically based on price movement Inputs Mode: Box size is the input to specify the size of the Renko box you want to print on the chart. This input lets you choose the fixed box siz
Rainbow MT4 is a technical indicator based on Moving average with period 34 and very easy to use. When price crosses above MA and MA changes color to green, it’s a signal to buy. When price crosses below MA and MA changes color to red, it’s a signal to sell. The Expert advisor ( Rainbow EA MT4) based on Rainbow MT4 indicator, as you can see in the short video below is now available here .
Reliable Tool for the Financial Market This tool delivers high-performance results in trading on financial markets. Advantages: Fast and Accurate Signals: The arrow signals of this tool are easily and accurately analyzed, providing quality signals that you can rely on. No Repainting: This tool does not have any repainting, ensuring reliable trading signals. Quality Guarantee: If any signal repainting is detected, which we cannot correct, we will refund your money without commission. Recommendat
Hi Trader, We are strategy development for Binary and Forex tools, our product have success for binary trading 1 min - 2 min experation. At the moment I build indicator for trading all day, not like Bonosu series with specific time. We launch A-Boss Stats Indicator for trading 1 minute to 5 minutes experation is mean can trade from 1 minutes - 5 minutes. Specification of A Boss Stats trading binary option: Work with all MT4 broker. Chart Time Frame M1 only, can use M5 Experation time for contact
Binary Cucle 6 インジケーターは、MetaTrader 4 プラットフォームでバイナリー オプション取引を行うための強力なオシレーターであり、M5 以上のタイムフレームで動作するように設計されており、あらゆる通貨ペアでも使用できます。 Binary Cucle 6 インジケーターは、現在のローソク足が閉じる前にチャート上に表示される青と赤の矢印の形で取引にエントリーするための正確なシグナルを提供します。これにより、トレーダーは取引への参加について、情報に基づいた迅速な決定を下すことができます。 円や太い矢印の形の信号は正確ではなく、再描画される可能性があるため、考慮すべきではないことに注意することが重要です。スクリーンショットで丸で囲まれた矢印のみに主な注意を払う必要があります。これは、取引に参加するための信頼できる正確なシグナルです。 Binary Cucle 6 インジケーターの主な利点: シグナルの精度: このインジケーターは、市場のトレンドとパターンの分析に基づいて、取引に参加するための正確なシグナルを提供します。 視覚的な表示: シグナルは青と赤の矢印
QuantumAlert Stoch Navigator is a free indicator available for MT4/MT5 platforms, its work is to provide "alerts" when the market is inside "overbought and oversold" regions in the form of "buy or sell" signals. This indicator comes with many customization options mentioned in the parameter section below, user can customise these parameters as needful. Join our   MQL5 group , where we share important news and updates. You are also welcome to join our private channel as well, contact me for the p
"BUYUK SAVDOGAR" TM has developed this strategy to support anyone who trades binary options. The "monoBAR" trading system is based on mathematical probability and consists of algorithms that can analyze the market situation with high accuracy. This trading system consists of mathematical probability, which helps to determine the most accurate state of the price movement. The strategy algorithm helps to detect small impulse movements in a timely manner. You can simultaneously analyze and rece
Binary Options Assistant (BOA) BURN Signals Indicator provides signals based on Ana Trader Binary Options Strategy. Indicators: MACD & Stochastic Stop missing trades, stop jumping from chart to chart looking for trade set-ups and get all the signals on 1 chart! U se any of the BOA Signals Indicator with the  Binary Options Assistant (BOA) Multi Currency Dashboard .  All BOA Signal Indicator settings are adjustable to give you more strategy combinations. The signals can be seen visually and hea
Free automatic Fibonacci is an indicator that automatically plots a Fibonacci retracement based on the number of bars you select on the BarsToScan setting in the indicator. The Fibonacci is automatically updated in real time as new highest and lowest values appears amongst the selected bars. You can select which level values to be displayed in the indicator settings. You can also select the color of the levels thus enabling the trader to be able to attach the indicator several times with differe
Target Striking - One of the best binary options trading tools! It is set up so powerfully that you can trade not only on currency pairs, but also on raw gold oil! You can also try on cryptocurrency! Ideal for trading on currency pairs, the percentage of reliable transactions is more than + 75% The trading tool is already set for the best profit! Only Target Striking can unlock the potential of the trading market for you! With it, the signals are even and accurate without redrawing, a sig
TRANSACTION SPEEDは、大口注文がいつどこで市場に集積され、その恩恵を受けているかを示す最高品質の指標です。トレンドの変化を非常に早い段階で検知します。インジケーターであると同時にトレーディングシステムでもあります。そのコンセプトはユニークで、驚くほど収益性が高い。 FXでは、ティックボリュームはボリュームと呼ばれ、誤解を招きやすい。実際は、単位時間当たりの価格変動であり、事実上、取引速度(TRANSACTION SPEED)です。 このインジケーターは、FXにおける出来高の概念を完全に見直し、正しい方法で論理的に定義し、このロジックを適用することで、ユニークで正確なトップレベルの収益ツールになります。 スピードが上がれば、それはより大きな関心とそれに対応するエントリーとエグジットのサインです。 使い方は? このインジケーターは、市場の取引スピードを測定・比較するため、まず最初に行うべきことは以下の通りです。 比較を行う期間を選択することです。 通常、15日前が比較の出発点となります。 インジケータに日付を入力して実行する。 30分または1時間のタイムフレームで、
The Smooth Price technical indicator is used for plotting a smoothed line as close to the price of the financial instrument as possible, and serves to eliminate its noise components. The indicator is part of the Monarch trading system, but here it is presented as an independent technical analysis tool. The indicator is based on the cluster digital filter , which, unlike the ClusterSMA , is applied directly to the price time series. Smooth Price does not redraw (except the very last, zero bar) an
Oni Scalper
Goh Cheng Wai
3.67 (3)
Dear Onis, This Indicator is used for   GBPUSD, US30 and GOLD on 1-Min Chart . For US30 , Depending on your broker, Minimum Lot Size will differ from 0.01 to 1.0 lots. My Current Account is trading at 1.0 lots at $1 per point . Please check with your Broker what's the Margin Required for your Minimum lot sizes before you trade on your Real account. I have Forward Tested the indicator for around 6 months before releasing it to the public. ( No Demo is available for the Indicator, Strategy Teste
Automatic, live & interactive picture of all trendlines. Assign push, email and sound alerts to the lines of your choice and be informed about price rollback, breakout, rollback after breakout, number of rollbacks, line expiration by double breakout. Correct, drag or delete the lines and interactively tune the line system. https://youtu.be/EJUo9pYiHFA . Chart examples https: //www.mql5.com/en/users/efficientforex Price Interaction Events All events are effective immediately and only after one
サポート と 抵抗レベルインジケーター( Support and resistance )をダウンロードできます。 インジケーターは、水平とトレンドのサポートと抵抗レベルを 表示します 。 インジケーター設定: トレンド( Trends ) トレンド又は水平のサポートと抵抗レベルの表示モード設定 はい( Yes )-トレンドレベルしか表示しない いいえ( No )- 水平 レベルしか表示しない リソース使用( UseResource ) インジケーターに組み込まれているリソースの使用モード設定。 はい( Yes )-商品リソースからのジグザグ( ZigZag )インジケーターを使用すること。 いいえ( No )-ジグザグ( ZigZag )ユーザーインジケーターを使用すること。 履歴バー( HistoryBar ) レベルが表示される履歴バーの数 バー数( CountBar ) 現在のバーを始め、サポートと 抵抗レベル が検索されるバーの数 商品で使用されている ジグザグ ( ZigZag ) インジケーターの設定 : デプス( Depth ) 前の値 より 偏差( Deviatio
The [GRAFF] III manual trading system is based on multiple MetaTrader (MT4) indicators. Together, the entire PACK of GRAFF III indicators makes an advanced trading tool. The system consists of over 20 different custom-built indicators which have been carefully selected and tested in the long term to produce strong and efficient trading signals. The particular indicators are based on different mathematical formulas, so the entire system is calibrated to remove false signals from its own indicator
You can fins our other products from link : https://www.mql5.com/en/users/drbastem/seller   Also, you can ask all your questins from email : haskayafx@gmail.com or mobile : +90 530 867 5076 or @MehmetBastem    on telegram application This indicator is used to determine the trend. Standard Osma indicator is used. It has the indicator warning system: beep, e-mail and has three types of alerts, including messages to mobile phone. It shows the best performance on the chart of 5 minutes. When the
You can fins our other products from link : https://www.mql5.com/en/users/drbastem/seller   Also, you can ask all your questins from email : haskayafx@gmail.com or mobile : +90 530 867 5076 or @MehmetBastem    on telegram application This indicator is used to determine the trend. Standard Three Moving Average and ADX indicators are used. It has the indicator warning system (audio, e-mail) and three types of alerts, including messages to mobile phone. It shows the best performance on M5. When
This indicator is used to determine the trend. Standard Three Moving Average and ADX indicators are used. It has the indicator warning system (audio, e-mail) and three types of alerts, including messages to mobile phone. It shows the best performance on M5. When the trend value reaches the value set, the warning system is activated. This indicator works only with Forex symbols. Inputs SoundAlarm = true - Sound Alert Sendmail=true - Send an e-mail in case of a buy or sell signal Sendnotification
You can fins our other products from link : https://www.mql5.com/en/users/drbastem/seller   Also, you can ask all your questins from email : haskayafx@gmail.com or mobile : +90 530 867 5076 or @MehmetBastem    on telegram application This indicator is used to determine the trend. Standard MACD indicator is used. It has the indicator warning system: beep, e-mail and has three types of alerts, including messages to mobile phone. It shows the best performance on the chart of 5 minutes. When the
このインジケーターは、「回帰チャンネルツール」のコンセプトに基づいた堅牢な市場分析手法を提供します。このツールを活用することで、トレーダーはチャートの回帰チャンネルに対して優れたコントロールを行い、より情報を得てトレードの決定を行うことができます。 回帰チャンネルツールは、トレーダーのツールボックスにおける強力な道具です。価格トレンドや潜在的なサポートと抵抗レベルに対する貴重な洞察を提供することを目的としています。このツールは特にトレンド内の修正波動を視覚化するのに効果的であり、価格のダイナミクスの包括的なビューを提供します。 以下は、このインジケーターを使用する際の主な特徴と利点について詳しく説明します: チャンネルレベルとサポート/レジスタンス: このインジケーターの主な利点の一つは、動的なサポートとレジスタンスゾーンとして機能するチャンネルレベルを生成する能力です。これらのレベルは潜在的なエントリーポイントや出口ポイントを特定するのに重要であり、トレーディング戦略の精度を向上させます。 修正波動レベル: 修正波動レベルを有効にすることで、トレーダーは大きなトレンド内での潜在的な修
A simplistic indicator informing a user on RSI divergence by sending messages to mobile device and email. The indicator draws 2 vertical lines, marking two RSI extrema that formed the divergence. You get the alert, open the charts and make a decision. The indicator does not show past divergences, thus when you attach it to a chart for the first time you see nothing. Graphics and alerts will appear as soon as divergences do. Drop it in Tester to see how it works. Parameters: RSIPeriod - number of
Pan PrizMA CD Phase is an analogue of the МetaТrader 5 indicator , and is an option based on the Pan PrizMA indicator. Details . Averaging by a quadric-quartic polynomial increases the smoothness of lines, adds momentum and rhythm. Extrapolation by the sinusoid function near a constant allows adjusting the delay or lead of signals. The value of the phase - wave status parameter (which is close in meaning to the trigonometric phase or the angle of the radius-vector rotation in the trigonometric p
The Name Green Wall : Arrows hits a lot of TP, by changing the idea of non using SL as something bad, but instead use Small TP and a lot of free Margin and Patience. Use micro TP and a lot of Free Margin with this indicator on Forex. It also can be used with Binary Options. This strategy is intended to be traded Manually. This Indicator runs on Open Bar, arrows will delete when price are against it. The only Indicator Parameter is Alerts true/false, all the rest is included inside the code. Arro
Golden Monowave is monowave indicator, the monowave theory is one of Elliott wave approach and one of most complicate and accurate method. Golden Monowave can shortcut many major steps to identify and describe the monowave. It works on any timeframe and with any trading instrument, including currencies, indices, futures, etc. Input Parameters initial_Bars - set the initial number of bars to calculate. wave_color - select the color of the wave. label_color - select the color of labels. temp_labe
This indicator displays in a separate window the difference between the number of points which increased the price, and the number of points that decreased the price during the time interval specified in the settings. The time interval for calculation is expressed as the number of bars of the chart the indicator is attached to. This approach allows you to evaluate the movement direction (growth or fall) of the instrument's price, the strength of the movement and the size of the movement in point
Andrey Spiridonov
1 (1)
NostradamusMT4 is a powerful indicator from the set of professional trader. The indicator is based on Andrei Spiridonov's original price calculation method (ESTIMATED PRICE) for the current candle price. Advantages The indicator does not redraw. It works on any timeframes. Works with any trading instruments. Perfectly suitable for scalping and trading binary options. Parameters Color - color of the ESTIMATED PRICE FUTURE line. How to work with the indicator The indicator forms the ESTIMATED P
BinaryIndicator is a highly accurate indicator for trading binary options. It shows excellent results in scalping. This indicator is based in multifactor analysis of trend indicators, as well as confirmation oscillators, which in the end gives an increased accuracy of signals. Advantages of the indicator Increased accuracy of signals. Excellent results when trading binary options with a short expiration time from M30 to M1 . It works on any timeframes. Works with any trade symbols. Parameters
Primus Trading Engine is a trading system that combines price action,ratio based indicators & custom indicators to create this leading indicator with a multi-timeframe approach to give you high probability trade setups for forex,CFD cash/futures,metals & binary option to assist in making predictions on what is MOST likely to happen in the market Main Chart Features Price Action Signal-Arrow displayed on a specific bar;NOT buy/sell arrow;DOES NOT repaint;Bullish arrow on a bullish bar,price is l
This is the FXTraderariel PowerTrend . It compute a trendfollowing system based on it own algorithm. It gives you a buy or sell signal based on the trend. It based on the Supertrend, but our Version is not repainting. Furthermoore we added some Improvements and you can get an Arrow, Push or Alert when the trend changes. Depending on the settings it and trading style, it can be used for scalping or long-term trading . The indicator can be used on every time frame , but we advise to use it on H1
This is the complete REX package. It consists of the lite, pro and ULTRA version.  Perfect for beginners and intermediates. REX complete is 100% non repaint. The strategy is based on a mix of different strategies, statistics, including pivot points, oscillators and patterns.  As the trading idea consists of a variety of some classic indicators like Momentum, Williams Percent Range, CCI, Force Index, WPR, DeMarker, CCI, RSI and Stochastic, it is clear that the fundamental indicators have being u
BinaryUniversal is a signal indicator for binary options and Forex. In its work, the indicator uses a complex algorithm for generating signals. Before forming a signal, the indicator analyzes volatility, candlestick patterns, important support and resistance levels. The indicator has the ability to adjust the accuracy of the signals, which makes it possible to apply this indicator for both aggressive and conservative trading. The indicator is set in the usual way, it works on any time period and
The arrows are calculated with: -     2 Parabolic  parameters -     2 ADX parameters -     4 Stochastic parameters We recommend to combine it with Parabolic, ZigZag or Elliot waves indicator. Always trade the trend! If you make sure to draw your trend lines and support/resistance zones you will just have to wait for the signal to appear. Take the trade. For Binary Options it is advisable to set the expiry time to 5-15 min in M1 chart. THIS INDICATOR IS ZERO REPAINT Best assets to trade: - EUR
Let´s try to make some real money! Call me profit addicted. I thought why not try to make THE dream come reality. With discipline, a clear strategy and this indicator I focus on entering the perfect trades. This indicator is very easy to use as you will get perfect entry points for Put or Call trades. The arrows are calculated with: -     Momentum  parameters -     Candle stick patterns -     Fundamental Price action We recommend to combine it with Parabolic, ZigZag or Elliot waves indicator
SystemPro - a professional indicator, is a full-fledged, self-sufficient author's strategy for working in the Forex market. A unique algorithm for analyzing the foreign exchange market is based on the calculation of reference points for three different time periods. Thus, the indicator simultaneously analyzes the long-term, medium-term and short-term price behavior before issuing a signal. The indicator is set in the usual way and works with any trade symbols. Advantages of the indicator It is
1. What is Floating Nest? This indicator is designed to automate the construction of decision zones (can act as support-resistance levels) according to the Floating Socket strategy. The same indicator allows you to significantly reduce the time when analyzing the behavior of prices in decision areas on historical data. It works on any currency pairs. Time frame: M1-H1. The NEST trading system (Nest) is notable for its simplicity and efficiency when trading currencies, stocks, indices, metal
Pisces TheProfitZone "Pisces TheProfitZone MT4 Indicator Powered byFxGangster" This indicator will calculate new support and resistant zone everyday, and that give us a trading zone such as thats telling us TP and SL, So it still telling us for where should the price will go reach? Fore Example. Uptrend : If Price can stay upper a Line and price close higher above a Line, then the price will continue go up to reach next Line. Downtrend : If Price can't pass to stay upper a Line and the price
FairyFibo  can generate as many as 70 different BUY signals and 70 different SELL signals solely based on Price Action and Fibonacci levels. The idea is to catch as many as Swing High's and Swing Low's but with the consideration of the current trend mind. This indicator can be also used for Binary Options Trading as most of the time price tends to follow the signal direction immediately. Most of the strategies are already optimized for different time frames and different market conditions. While
AMAN Signals
Niravkumar Maganbhai Patel
Introducing AMAN Signals. An MT4 Indicator that predicts the trend where the prices are heading! Indicator parameters Period 1 : the number of bars used for the indicator calculations. Proper values - Above 21. Multiplier 1 : Proper values - from: 5. Period 2 : the number of bars used for the indicator calculations. Proper values - Above 21. Multiplier 1 : Proper values - from: 5. Using the AMAN Signals FAST Indicator: Green: Buy or Bullish Candle Red: Sell or Bearish Candle Strength Percentag
FiboZZ Trade Panel is trade assistants designed for manual trading and include account information panel with automatic drawing of ZigZag Extreme Arrows , Daily Fibonacci Extension with 3 levels for targets. You can use it with the following tow strategies or to use the indicators to create your own strategies. The information panel shows you: -Today and Yesterday Profits, -Balance, -Last Profit, -Last Open Lot Size, -All Open Buy/Sell Position and total lots , -Free Margin Level, -Equity, -24 h
バージョン 1.1 2021.01.21
Version 1.1
My Easy Way Strategy is good for all pairs and time frames but great in 4h chart and Daily time frame. You can use my Easy Way Strategy with the following indicators or use others to create your own strategies.

Condition to open of Long position
1) We wait the circle of Zigzag extreme to cross bellow or touch the first blue line of the Regression Channel ,
2) Next we wait the price to jump up and the candlestick close above the blue line of the Regression Channel .
3) Before to open buy order, we will wait the price cross back ,the candlestick to close above the blue line of the Regression Channel , to open buy position we must see Blue Buy Arrow bellow of last candlestick who will close above the blue line but bellow from the middle green line of the Regression Channel.
Warning !!!First we look the position of the curve of the Regression Channel must be to up . If the prices close down and locked between the two blue lines the trend can continue. We be wait to see Blue Buy Arrow above blue line. Also, if the go back candlestick is very strong and long,cross blue and close above the middle green line of the Regression Channel , the signal is no good for long position. We must wait price go back to see new Blue Buy Arrow.

Stop Loss put 5-15 pips bellow of the down circle of Zigzag extreme.
Take Profit when the circle of Zigzag extreme, cross up or touch the first red line of the Regression Channel.
Also we can risk and to wait , if the price close and locked between the two red lines of the Regression Channel , we can follow the trend to continue in profit until the price cross back and the last candlestick close bellow the first red line and we see the Red Sell Arrow.

Condition to open of Short position
1) We wait the circle of Zigzag extreme to cross above or touch the first red line of the Regression Channel ,
2) Next we wait the price to fall down and the candlestick close bellow of the red line of the Regression Channel .
3) Before to open sell order, we will wait the price cross back ,the candlestick to close bellow of the red line of the Regression Channel , and we must see Red Sell Arrow above of last candlestick who will close bellow the red line but above from the middle green line of the Regression Channel.
Warning !!!First we look the position of the curve of the Regression Channel must be to down .... If the prices close up and locked between the two red lines the trend can continue. We be wait to see Red Sell Arrow bellow red line . Also, if the go back candlestick is very strong and long, cross red line and close bellow of the middle green line of the Regression Channel , the signal is no good for long position. We must wait price go back to see new Red Sell Arrow.

Stop Loss put 5-15 pips above of the up circle of Zigzag extreme.
Take Profit when the circle of Zigzag extreme, cross bellow or touch the first blue line of the Regression Channel.
Also we can risk and to wait , if the price close and locked between the two blue lines of the Regression Channel , we can follow the trend to continue in profit until the price jump back and the last candlestick close above of the first red line and we see the Blue Buy Arrow.