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Basket Trades Panel

Basket trading is very interesting for those who are familiar with it. It is also very profitable if you know your way round BUT can be very destructive to anyone’s account if care is not taken. However, there are Basket traders all around making good incomes with it with ease.

What it can do:

  • This utility is created for them to remove the stress of opening trade on each of the currency symbol group.
  • At just a click, it opens the symbol’s entire group of currency pair ORDERS in any of the direction it is meant to be either Buy or Sell, thereby save the trader some pips that may be lost during time lapses trying to open each order one by one.
  • It also closes the individual currency or symbol group for the orders at a click.
  • It can also close all existing open orders by the panel or by any other means if desired.

How to use:

1. Attach to your chart window and turn on ‘Automated Trading’ otherwise it will not work

2. When you get the signal from your own trading system for a buy or sell trade

3. If it is a SELL signal, you will click on ‘SELL’ button but if it is a BUY signal, then click on ‘BUY’ button and it will instantly open ORDERS according to your button command

4. When you are have made enough pips or profits, click on the symbol name at the top and all the group symbol pairs ORDERS shall be closed.

5. If you have about two or three different symbol groups of pairs ORDERS opened, you can close all of them at a go by clicking on ‘Close all orders’ button.

Best of time as you purchase and make use of this easy to use utility and more pips to your trading.

NB: To get one of the best Basket trades Indicator system, try this: 

FFXMV Dashboard:



This tool will perform Trailing stop loss and Break even management for orders. Helps you limit or reduce the time spend watching orders on the screen, especially when you need to go to sleep. Just add this EA to 1 chart, you can manage all pairs. You can filter orders by comment, magic number, symbol, and order ticket number. When Breakeven it can add shift/offset pips (to cover the commission...). You can try in strategy tester before purchase. The EA will add Buy and Sell alternately, so yo
Open Orders Engineering Panel This Utility is NOT created to open any order or trade for Traders but to manage open orders in diverse ways with these 15 different functions On-chart BUTTONS features: Apply TP: Apply Take-Profit to any order without take-profit Apply SL: Apply Stop-loss to any order without stop-loss Apply TP and SL: Apply both Take-Profit and Stop-loss to any order without them Cancel TP: You can cancel your Take-profit Cancel SL:   You can cancel your Stop-loss Cancel TP and SL
Virtual Collider Manual   is a trading assistant with a built-in panel for manual trading. It automatically moves a position opened by a trader in profit using innovative adaptive grid algorithm of averaging and adaptive pyramiding Know-how of the grid algorithm of averaging and pyramiding of the   Virtual Collider Manual   trading robot is based on fully automatic adaptation of all characteristics of dynamically build order grid and pyramid with actual price movement with no need for adjusting
アシスタント取引保留中の注文MT4   貿易アシスタントは、手動取引のために設計された取引パネルです。 パネルでは、リスクの計算、制限注文を使用したポジションの管理、 その他の便利な機能。 パネルの主な機能 通貨ペア、CFD、株式、インデックス、先物、暗号通貨 - それは、任意の取引手段で動作します。 2. ストップロスを設定し、ポイント単位で距離として利益を取ります. 3. 潜在的損失対利益率を設定し、表示します。 4. パネルは、保留中の注文をサポートしています。 5. 開く前に、計算されたポジションのボリュームと利益をチャートに表示します。 6. 機能制限命令。 Trade Assistant is a trading panel designed for manual trading. The panel allows you to calculate risk, manage positions using Limit orders, And other useful features. Key features of the panel It works with
Utility, which draws buy or sell trendlines, which can also become support or resistances able to close any position on the screen Algorithm that calculates the gain of the position, at the touch closure of the line.   The benefits you get: Works on forex and CFD, timeframe from M1 to Weekly. Easy to use screen control panel. Audible warning messages at the touch of the line. Easy to use.
This product is a multi-functional MT4 indicator and is an indispensable tool for account information statistics, strategy analysis and risk assessment. Functions: 1. Statistical account basic information of profit and loss . 2. Statistics and display the account profit and loss fund curve. 3. Display the order's track on chart ,so that we can analys the strategy and risk of the account. 4 .List account's trade pairs and order totals ,we also can see the profits of each pair. If you have any qu
Trade panel manual is a multifunctional trading assistant. It allows you to open market and pending orders in one click. Value is set via button menu edit or deleted by specific buttons pending orders and the value of take profit and stop loss in one click. Through the edit menu of the button, a value is set that can be easily changed by simply moving level_tp lines for take profit or stop loss levels and for pending orders. It is possible to select orders and determine for them and set the leve
The   Five Minutes Strategy   EA is designed for trading binary options. EURUSD on the five-minute period is strongly recommended. Trading is performed by the opening prices based on the signals of the   Five Minutes   indicator. It requires at least 100 bars in history to operate. Input Parameters Initial Deposit - initial deposit. Lot Value - lot size. Lot Type - lot type: Fixed - fixed. Variable - variable. Last Lot Value - last lot value (used in cases when the EA is reattached) Day lot typ
Introducing the Revolutionary   Trade Closing Assistant ! Are you tired of manually closing hundreds trades? Are you a   scalper ,   day trader ,   swing trader   and  you want to maximize your profits and minimize your losses by closing multiple positions at thesame time under different conditions? Are you a   Prop Firm Trader  who wishes to avoid hitting maximum daily drawdown? Search no further. This kit is the ultimate solution for all you. GUIDE TO USE THE KIT 1. Shows the total profit/lo
GridBreakTimeSuper SymbolChangerTF GridBreakTimeSuper SymbolChangerTF is a Utility created based on grid trading strategies. This one was coded with Symbol and Time-frame Changer to remove the stress of opening a lot of chart windows.It opens any number of Buystops and Sellstops orders respectively as defined by the User with a predetermined gap up and down from the current price as also set by the User. This EA works based on time set by the User for opening and closing of all orders and trade
This copier was originally developed for the professional order management of a team of traders and therefore, first of all, a risk manager was built into it. For simple operation, you need to configure the following settings: For the master! 1. Select the program type ''Program mode'' - master 2. Enter a new name for the ''Folder name'' folder, in which the EA will record information on working with orders. The name must be the same for both master and slave!!! 3. In the ''Feedback from the
Overview Money management is an all-important aspect of trading that many traders often overlook. It is very possible that even with a winning strategy, bad money management can often result in huge loses. Verdure Forex Calculators aims to help traders minimize risk and exposure in the Forex market. Verdure Forex Calculators implements 4 calculators in one single indicator. It is the first of it's kind on MT4 platform. Calculators implemented are: Lot (Trade or Contract Size) Calculator. Margin
Expert Advisor for MT4 Useful utility MUST have for all traders.  With 1 click button, you're able to close all your open positions. Its come with a warning pop up notification when you click to close all your trades, to avoid an accident press the button. Just press 'Yes' to confirm or 'No' to cancel it. The expert will close all your open positions no matter what pairs you currently open or directions. Just attach the expert on 1 of your chart, and you're good to go.
Full Dashboard Trade Panel
Opengates Success International
Full Dashboard Trade Panel Utility is built to perform overall task of trades and order managements to make trading an easy task for every trader that bought and using it. It comprises of three sections with each having a shift setting for a convenient placement as desired: 1.        Trades Managements Panel 2.        Basket Trades Panel 3.        Symbol and Time frame Changer Each of these three sections has its own unique functions and roles to perform for a complete enjoyable forex trading ex
AutoOrderModifyEAPro: A Vital Aid for Forex Traders, Both Manual and System-based Catering to the diverse needs of forex traders, whether engaged in manual or system-based trading, AutoOrderModifyEAPro emerges as a pivotal tool in this intricate landscape. The tool's efficacy is most evident in scenarios such as: Enhancing EA Strategies: Addressing the common dilemma of lacking Trailing and/or Break Even mechanisms in otherwise promising EAs. Streamlining Position Management: Overcoming the hass
Short Description: FTMO Protector PRO MT4 is an EA designed to protect your funded account by managing risk and ensuring compliance with the Prop Firm's trading rules. This EA automatically monitors equity levels, closes trades when profit targets or drawdown limits are reached, and provides a visual display of key account metrics. Overview: FTMO Protector PRO MT4 is an Drawdown Safeguard Expert Advisor meticulously crafted for traders participating in Prop Firm challenges, particularly those
Trade Manager Assistant は、高度な注文管理のためのプロフェッショナルな取引ダッシュボードです。 Trade Assistant は、リスク管理ツールと高度な手動取引注文処理機能を組み合わせています。 完全なインストール手順 へのリンク 。 インテリジェントなリスク管理により、リスクパーセンテージまたは取引ごとの固定金額に基づいて最適なロットサイズを自動的に計算できます。 ストップロスと利益のレベルを自動的に設定し、カスタマイズ可能なリスクリワード比率で注文を管理します。 高度なトレーリング ストップ 柔軟なトレーリング ストップ オプションで利益を保護します。 自動バランス機能は、特定の利益レベルに達したときにポジションを保護するのに役立ちます。 部分決済戦略では、ポイント、リスク比率、または価格に基づいて、最大 3 つの部分決済レベルを設定できます。 内蔵のリスク計算ツールは、リスクパラメータに基づいてポジションサイズを決定します。 リスク管理に重点を置いた初心者トレーダーと、迅速な執行を必要とする経験豊富なスキャルパーの両方に適しています。 Trade Ma
Now, you have your own AUTO-CLOSE program ! Once your account target or drawdown hits, all open orders will be closed automatically. ========================================== INPUTS: Account target: Put the exact account target. Once the equity hits it or went above that, all orders closed. Please add buffer to consider slippage. Use fixed value or dynamic value: Choose whether you will need a fixed value or dynamic value for drawdown.  DYNAMIC SETTINGS: Equity-based or Balance-based drawdown:
No Nonsense Forex メソッドのための完全なトレードパネルです。このパネルには、あなた自身のNNFXアルゴリズムを実行するために必要なほとんどすべてのものが集約されており、あなたがより速く、より簡単にトレードできるようになっています。3つの部分で構成されています。 シンボルパネル シンボル名を押すと、チャート内の任意のシンボルに素早く切り替えることができます。 パネルには、現在開いている取引、それらの取引と他のシンボルとの相関関係(ストップロスがブレークイーブンまたはプラスの場合を除く)、今後のニュース(次の日のローソク足、ローソク足の終値で取引する場合)などの追加情報を表示できます。 ニュースはForex Factoryからインポートされ、デフォルトのフィルタリングされたニュースはVPがNo Nonsense Forexで推奨しているものとなっています。ニュースを変更したい場合は、あなたの完全なカスタムニュース(大文字と小文字を区別します)を含むニュースが表示されることを考慮してください。 タイムゾーンはEET/EEST(メタトレーダーと同じ)で、表示されるニュースは
多機能ツール 搭載機能: ロット計算機、プライスアクション、リスク/リワードレシオ、トレードマネージャー、需要供給ゾーンなどをはじめ65以上の機能。 バージョ:デモ版   |   ユーザーマニュアル   |    MT5版 このユーティリティはストラテジー テスターでは機能しません。 ここからデモ バージョンをダウンロードして製品をテストできます。 ご不明な点や改善提案、バグの発見などございましたら、 連絡してください 。 取引プロセスを簡素化、高速化、自動化します。このダッシュボードで標準端末機能を拡張します 1. 新しい取引を開始します : ロット / リスク / RR の計算 1. Lot計算機(リスクサイズに基づく取引量計算 2. リスク計算機(ロットサイズに基づくリスク量) 3. リスク/リワードレシオ (R/R) 4. 注文のアクティベーション トリガー + Buy StopLimit / Sell StopLimit: MT4でも可  5. 仮想 SL / TP レベル (隠しSL、TP: ブローカーには見えない) 6.  Smart SL / エントリー レベル: バ
OneClick Trades Panel Basic is a utility software created to open and also manage the open orders by closing each trades accordingly right from your charts. This version has few buttons and they are to open Buy and Sell trades, and also buttons to close Buy, Sell and all orders (both Buy and Sell) simultaneously. This is a basic version with minimal features. Features Buy - button used to open a Buy trades. Sell - button used to open Sell trades. Close Buy - button used to close Buy trades. Clo
Calculates correct lot-size by just 4 clicks. It is simple, quick and effective. This tool does everything for you.  Set your risk percentage and tool settings to fit your needs. You will have one main button to show simple menu, where you can after clicking on "Calc" button (second click) set your Entry level (third click) and SL level (fourth click). Software will show you info box with all information needed - risk %, risk value, ticks distance and calculated position size. Of course, it draw
STRATEGY - We use risk and reward ratio of 1:5 to maximize the profit - We use trailing stop to lock profit and minimize loss ALERT User will get notified with alert with the following condition: - Max  Spread - Max  Orders UPDATE - Free Update and Support COMPATIBILITY - MT4 and MT5 - M1 Timeframe - All Currency Pair WHAT YOU GET 1) Free Online Forex Training (Normal Price: USD 299) 2) Free Expert Advisor (EA) (Normal Price: USD 288) 3) Free Copy Trading (CT) (Normal Service Fee: 20%) *Aft
Like you when I first started trading, It was overwhelming...learning about indicators, about lotsize, leverage and many more things. Its been almost 3 years. I am more knowledgeable in trading. My trading continues to improve as I work on my strategy, technical analysis, trading psychology and trade management. One thing I am not worried about though is being able to close my trades quicky if a trade goes against me or if the trade has reached my take profit level with the help of my Close Tra
Hans Alexander Nolawon Djurberg
It's a smart Investing.com utility signal analyzer on MT4 chart during 28 pairs ,It uses all technical and candlestick patterns for each pairs to analyze the final trend ,You can use it as base entry signal for each pairs, It's easy to use ,You must add the address ' https://www.investing.com/ ' in the list of allowed URL tab 'Advisors' , Added GlobalVariables for each pairs as buffer simulation to get data from any ExpertAdvasor for trading. Setup So to work with the server, you must add the U
Overview Money management is an all-important aspect of trading that many traders often overlook. It is very possible that even with a winning strategy, bad money management can often result in huge loses. Verdure Lot Calculator aims to help traders minimize risk and exposure in the Forex market. Verdure Forex Calculators implements Lot (Trade or Contract Size) Calculator as an indicator on MT4 platform. Lot Calculator (trade or contract size) A lot refers to a bundle of units in trade. In Fore
ほとんどの個人トレーダーはリスクを管理できず、過剰なリスクや過剰な取引によって口座を破綻させます。このツールはドローダウンとリスク管理を完全に自動化し、トレーダーはエントリーだけに集中できます。これは、Aggressive Risk Control 機能を備えた価格アクションを使用して、価格が取引に反する場合に部分的なポジションを自動的に決済する最初で唯一のトレード マネージャーです。これにより、損失が常に勝ちよりも小さく抑えられます。 あらゆるエントリー方法およびあらゆる取引スタイルで使用できます。スキャルピング、日中取引、またはスイング取引。 特徴: すべての注文タイプで使用します。成行注文、逆指値注文、指値注文。 アラート付きの Aggressive Risk Control (ARC) - 価格が取引に反する場合のドローダウンを削減します。 取引の回数を制限し、過剰取引を減らします。 ロットサイズの自動計算。 自動または手動でストップロスと複数のテイクプロフィットレベルを設定します。 自動または手動でストップロスを損益分岐点に移動します。 利益が出ている場合は、部分的
The Simple Lot Size Calculator can help you with risk management. Just type risk percentage, stop loss points and click calculate to get required lot size. The Simple Lot Size Calculator calculates a current chart's instrument. It's lightweight. Just load it to your chart then The Simple Lot Size Calculator will apper in the left upper corner of your chart.
Expert Advisor to Automatically Trade Moving Averages price breakouts & retests .  ​ Complete trading solution with automated Entry , Take Profit , partial profit , Stoploss and also auto breakeven where SL is moved to Entry once tp1 / first target is reached , Moving averages are used to identify trends and confirm reversals ,  They are effective in all time frames . from 1 min scalping to 4hr or Daily charts swings ,  ​ With MA Trade Panel EA we can automatically buy / sell when price breaks
Dear valued clients, Have a good day! This application will support you to manage the risk of your account according to your settings such as automated set the stop loss, take profit, automated close the position of total loss or profit greater than the preset input. You also can set your target equity, it will close all positions when it meet the desired target. The followings are the input parameters: Equity Target To Close and Delete All Orders ($) Equity Limit To Protect (Close All) Appl
Trade Manager EAへようこそ。これは、取引をより直感的、正確、そして効率的にするために設計された究極の リスク管理ツール です。これは単なるオーダー実行ツールではなく、包括的な取引計画、ポジション管理、リスク管理のためのソリューションです。初心者から上級者、迅速な実行を必要とするスキャルパーまで、Trade Manager EAはあらゆるニーズに対応し、為替、指数、商品、暗号通貨などさまざまな市場で柔軟に対応します。 Trade Manager EAを使用すると、複雑な計算が過去のものになります。市場を分析し、エントリーポイント、ストップロス、テイクプロフィットのレベルをチャート上のラインでマークし、リスクを設定するだけで、Trade Managerが最適なポジションサイズを即座に計算し、SLとTPをピップ、ポイント、口座通貨でリアルタイムに表示します。すべての取引が簡単かつ効果的に管理されます。 主な機能: ポジションサイズ計算機 :定義されたリスクに基づいて取引サイズを瞬時に決定します。 簡単な取引計画 :エントリー、ストップロス、テイクプロフィットを設定するためのド
Trade Assistant MT4
Evgeniy Kravchenko
4.43 (182)
取引 ごとのリスクの 計算、新規注文 の 簡単 な 設置、部分的 な 決済機能 を 持 つ 注文管理、 7 種類 のトレーリングストップなど 、便利 な 機能 を 備 えています 。 追加の資料と説明書 インストール手順 - アプリケーションの手順 - デモアカウント用アプリケーションの試用版 ライン機能 チャート上にオープニングライン、ストップロス、テイクプロフィットを表示します。この機能により、新規注文を簡単に設定することができ、注文を出す前にその特徴を確認することができます。   リスク計算 リスク計算機能は、設定されたリスクとストップロス注文のサイズを考慮して、新規注文のボリュームを計算します。ストップロスの大きさを自由に設定できると同時に、設定したリスクを守ることができます。 Lot calc ボタン - リスク 計算 を 有効 / 無効 にします 。 Risk フィールドでは 、必要 なリスクの 値 を 0 から 100 までのパーセンテージまたは 預金通貨 で 設定 します 。 設定」 タブで 、 リスク 計算 の 種類 を 選択 します :「 $ 通貨」、「 % 残
The product will copy all telegram signal to MT4   ( which you are member  ) , also it can work as remote copier.  Easy to set up, copy order instant, can work with almost signal formats, image signal, s upport to translate other language to English Work with all type of channel or group, even channel have "Restrict Saving Content", work with  multi channel, multi MT5 Work as remote copier: with signal have ticket number, it will copy exactly via ticket number. Support to backtest signal. How to
取引したい主要エリアを特定したら、サポートとレジスタンス、または供給と需要のゾーンを自動的に取引します。この EA を使用すると、1 回のクリックで買いゾーンと売りゾーンを描画し、価格が反転すると予想される場所に正確に配置できます。EA はそれらのゾーンを監視し、ゾーンに指定した価格アクションに基づいて自動的に取引を行います。最初の取引が行われると、EA は、ターゲット エリアとなる、配置した反対のゾーンで利益を出して終了します。その後、2 つの選択肢があります。取引を終了して新しいゾーンを描画してエントリーするか、利益を出して終了し、すぐに反対方向に取引を反転して、「常に市場に参加する」スタイルの戦略を作成します。 入力と戦略を含む完全なマニュアルはこちら: https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/760256 この EA は、市場で固定またはハード ストップ ロスを使用しないポジション トレーダーまたはドル コスト平均法の取引戦略向けに設計されています。代わりに、次の利用可能なサポートまたはレジスタンス ゾーンで同じ方向に新しい取引を行うことで、
あなたがメンバーである任意のチャンネル(プライベートおよび制限されたチャンネルを含む)からのシグナルを、直接あなたのMT4にコピーします。 このツールは、ユーザーを念頭に置いて設計されており、取引を管理および監視するために必要な多くの機能を提供しています。 この製品は、使いやすく視覚的に魅力的なグラフィカルインターフェースで提供されています。設定をカスタマイズして、数分で製品を使用開始できます! ユーザーガイド + デモ  | MT5版 | Discord版 デモを試したい場合は、ユーザーガイドを参照してください。 Telegram To MT5レシーバーは、ストラテジーテスターでは機能しません! Telegram To MT4の特長 一度に複数のチャンネルからシグナルをコピー プライベートおよび制限されたチャンネルからシグナルをコピー BotトークンやチャットIDは不要です(必要な場合は引き続き使用できます) リスク%または固定ロットを使用して取引 特定のシンボルを除外 すべてのシグナルをコピーするか、コピーするシグナルをカスタマイズするかを選択 すべてのシグナルを認識するため
これは視覚的な取引パネルであり、取引を簡単に配置および管理し、人為的エラーを回避し、取引活動を強化するのに役立ちます。使いやすい視覚的なインターフェースと、健全なリスクおよび位置管理アプローチを組み合わせています。 [ インストールガイド | 更新ガイド | トラブルシューティング | よくある質問 | すべての製品 ] 驚くほど使いやすい チャートから簡単に取引 正確なリスク管理との取引、手間のかからない 資本の保存が最優先事項です 気をつけずに利益を上げましょう できるだけ早くリスクのない取引をお楽しみください 開かれているすべての取引の自動トレーリングストップ 最初のストップロスは、取引が行われるとすぐに配置されます EAは、取引を行った後に次のタスクを実行します。 最初のストップロス/テイクプロフィットは自動的に配置されます できるだけ早くフリーライドにロックします(オプション) ストップロスを初めて損益分岐点に移動します(オプション) 停止するまで、希望の方法を使用してストップロスを追跡します その他のクールな機能は次のとおりです。 優れたターミナルアクティビティレポート
TradePanel MT4
Alfiya Fazylova
4.9 (86)
Trade Panel は、多機能の取引アシスタントです。このアプリケーションには手動取引用の 50 を超える取引機能が含まれており、ほとんどの取引操作を自動化できます。 注意、アプリケーションはストラテジー テスターでは動作しません。購入する前に、デモアカウントでデモ版をテストできます。デモ版 ここ 。 完全な手順 こちら 。 取引。 ワンクリックで取引操作を実行できます: 自動リスク計算を使用して未決の注文とポジションをオープンします。 ワンクリックで複数の注文とポジションをオープンします。 注文グリッドを開きます。 未決の注文とポジションをグループごとにクローズします。 ポジション反転 (買いを閉じて売りを開く、または売りを閉じて買いを開く)。 ポジションをロックします(買いポジションと売りポジションの量を均等にする追加のポジションをオープンします)。 ワンクリックですべてのポジションを部分的にクローズします。 すべてのポジションのテイクプロフィットとストップロスを同じ価格レベルに設定します。 すべてのポジションのストップロスをポジションの損益分岐点レベルに設定します。 注文とポ
This EA Utility allows you to manage (with advanced filtering) unlimited open orders (manual or EA) with 16 trailing stop methods: fixed, percent, ATR Exit, Chandelier Exit, Moving Average, Candle High Low Exit, Bollinger Bands, Parabolic, Envelope, Fractal, Ichimoku Kijun-Sen, Alligator, Exit After X Minutes or Bars, RSI and Stochastic. The trailing stop can be either real or virtual, and you can exit fully or with a partial close percent on touch or bar close.  Moreover, you can add (overrid
The Best One Scalping Trade Panel functional manual trade panel with risk reward, auto SL by candle ( original solution), lot size calculation, one-click trading, scale in and out of trades (partial close),  Works with all symbols not just currency pairs, perfect works on DAX, NASDAQ, GOLD, ...... I earn every day during live stream on ZakopiecFX - join Me Risk by lot Risk by percent SL by points SL by Candle, Renko, RangeBar ( original solution) TP by point TP by Risk/Reward Auto Trailing by P
Summer 40% discount ($149 -> $88) Everything for chart Technical Analysis indicator mt4 in one tool Draw your supply demand zone with rectangle and support resistance with trendline and get alerts to mobile phone or email alert -  Risk reward indicator Video tutorials, manuals, DEMO download   here .  Find contacts on my   profile . 1.   Extended rectangles and trendlines Object will be extended to the right edge of the chart when price will draw new candles on chart. This is rectangle extende
Automate your trading with any custom indicator Would you like to automate your trading using a custom indicator of your choice? This EA trades using almost any custom indicator. It offers fully customizable settings, flexible position management, customizable trading sessions and weekdays, an inverse mode and a martingale mode. All the robot needs from you are two inputs: The filename of the indicator to trade The signal buffer or the buy/sell buffers to call That's it! The signal buffer or th
The Expert Advisor will help you forward all pop-up alert with screenshot from  MetaTrader 4 to Telegram channel/ group, also forward all notifications to Telegram. Parameters  -  Telegram Bot Token - create bot on Telegram and get token.  -  Telegram Chat ID  - input your Telegram user ID,  group / channel ID  -  Forward Alert - default true, to forward alert.  -  Send message as caption of Screenshot - default false, set true to send message below Screenshot  How to setup and guide  - Telegram
News Trapper EA
Noha Mohamed Fathy Younes Badr
4.85 (13)
Hi, all.  News trapper EA It is an expert for trading news very safe expert  Automated Trading on the news of the economic calendar. It shows stable trading during last 10  years. EA doesn't use dangerous technologies like martingale, grid. The Expert is very simple to use.      sale will end after 48 h how to install it     and set files     read the blog         after purchase contact me to add you to   VIP   channel  The program contains flexible settings for trading on the news of the econo
Time saving and fast execution Whether you’re traveling or sleeping, always know that Telegram To Mt4 performs the trades for you. In other words, Our   Telegram MT4 Signal Trader  will analyze the trading signals you receive on your selected Telegram channels and execute them to your Telegram to MT4 account. Reduce The Risk Telegram To Mt4   defines the whole experience of copying signals from   Telegram signal copier to mt4 platforms. Users not only can follow all instructions from the signa
Comprehensive on chart trade panel with the unique ability to be controllable from mobile as well. Plus has a library of downloadable configuration, e.g. exit rules, extra panel buttons, pending order setup and more. Please see our product video. Works with all symbols not just currency pairs. Features On chart panel plus controllable from free app for Windows, iPhone and Android Built-in script engine with library of downloadable configuration, e.g. add 'Close All Trades in Profit' button, exit
The program is use to copy trading from MT4   to MT4 and MT5  on local PC or copy  over the Internet.   Now you can easy copy trades to any where or share to friends. Only run one Flash Server on VPS, also need allow the apps if you turn on Windows Firewall. Can not add more than 20 account copier to server, include both  MT4 and MT5 Get free Copier EA for MT4 and MT5 (only  receive signal),   download here Instants copy, speed smaller 0.1 seconds, easy to setup How to setup and guide Let read a
Trade Copier Pro is a tool to copy trade remotely to MT4, MT5 and cTrader accounts at different computers/locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for you if you are a signal provider and want to copy your trades to other receivers globally on your own rules. One provider can copy trades to multiple receivers and one receiver can get trade from multiple providers as well. The provider can even set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will not be able to receive t
2025 happy new year -50% discount ($199 -> $99) Advanced trading tool: One click smart orders that execute under your conditions Developed by trader for trading community:  position size calculator (lot size), open position after price action, strategy builder, set and forget trading, mobile notifications... Risk Management -  Risk percentage position size calculator, gain percentage, target risk reward ratio, spread and commissions are included in calculations 7 Advanced order types   - Set a
Chart Logic is here!  Chart automation for MT4: put your Ideas into Actions! Chart Logic is an EA for MT4 that lets you automate actions on your charts.  You define "conditions" and 'actions"; when all the conditions are true, then all the actions are triggered.  Conditions can refer to a wide range of observations, about account information, candle data, technical indicators, key levels, price, time, market data, trades and so on.  And actions can send alerts/notifications, open/close/modify tr
This trade copy utility allows you to instantly and seamlessly replicate and synchronize unlimited orders from multiple master accounts to multiple slave accounts on your local machine. You can create custom channels (or portfolios) with advanced filtering capabilities to copy from multiple master accounts to multiple slave accounts. Moreover, you can tailor these channels with a range of lot sizing and trade condition options to ensure that copied trades outperform the original source. You can
このカスタムアルティメットスナイパーダッシュボードは、オリジナルのアルティメットスナイパーダッシュボードインジケーターをEAでアップグレードしたものです。最大98種類のアルゴリズムで動作し、使用する資産クラスのトレンドの本質を確実に捉えます。 数ヶ月に渡り、多くのお客様から頂いたご提案やアドバイスに直接お応えしたものです。   このカスタムバージョンは、完全にカスタマイズ可能です。 98の独立したカスタムアルゴリズムによって支えられています。 非常に素晴らしいビジュアルインターフェースなので、どのペアやタイムフレームでも、簡単かつ自信を持って市場全体の動向を追うことができます。 テレグラムにリアルタイムのアラートを送ることができます。 取引するペアに応じた独自のインデックスを作成することができます。 携帯電話にリアルタイムでアラートを送ることができるので、PCの前にいなくても動きがあることを知ることができます。 入力設定から8つの指標を設定することができます。 アラートを受信する指標と時間枠を設定することができます。 インターネット接続が検出されなかった場合、アラートが表示されます。
The product will copy all  Discord  signal   to MT4   ( which you are member  ) , also it can work as remote copier.  Easy to set up. Work with almost signal formats, support to translate other language to English Work with multi channel, multi MT4. Work with Image signal. Copy order instant, auto detect symbol. Work as remote copier: with signal have ticket number, it will copy exactly via ticket number. How to setup and guide: Let read all details about setup and download Discord To MetaTrader
TakePropips TradePad Pro
Eric John Pajarillaga Aldana
5 (4)
TakePropips TradePad Pro には、強力なトレード マネージャー、通貨強度メーター、アカウント レポート ツール、リスク管理ツールなどが含まれています。 これは、最も高度な外国為替取引マネージャーおよび取引アシスタントの 1 つです。これは、貿易取引をより効率的に管理したいトレーダーにとって完璧なソリューションです。 ユーザー マニュアルはブログ記事からダウンロードできます:   https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/751180 このトレーディング システムは、ストラテジー テスターでテストできます (ビジュアル モードを有効にします)。ライブ チャートでテストしたい場合は、7 日間の試用版を入手するようにメッセージを送ることもできます。 詳細については、説明の下にあるビデオ チュートリアルも利用できます。 ご不明な点やサポートが必要な場合は、お気軽にお問い合わせください。喜んでお手伝いさせていただきます。 TradePad Pro は、すべての外国為替ペア、金属、コモディティ、指数、および仮想通貨で動作します。 主な特徴 注文管
Online Accounts Manager MT4
Kyra Nickaline Watson-gordon
5 (1)
OneClick Online Account Manager is a powerful utility that helps you to manage all your accounts from a centralized panel. It is suitable for all single account traders and specially for multiple accounts traders. The utility help you to : Monitor status of all accounts on a private web page. Some information such as account connection status, account profit, DD, Balance, Equity, Margin Level, Number of positions and orders, Daily and Weekly profit/loss and also overall summation of all these p
Программу можно использовать как советник для ручной и полуавтоматической торговли. Или как индикатор для выявления структуры рынка. В торговой части программы отсутствуют ордера Sell, Buy. А также лимитные и стоповые ордера. Вместо этого на график выводится торговая рамка для сделок на продажу -  SELL  или на покупку - BUY . У торговой рамки имеются три уровня. Уровень открытия будущего ордера. Уровень стопа и уровень профита. Влево от торговой рамки выводятся три линии. Перемещая данные линии
Riskless Pyramid
Snapdragon Systems Ltd
5 (1)
Introduction This powerful MT4 trade mangement EA offers a way potentially to aggressively multiply trade profits in a riskfree manner. Once a trade has been entered with a defined stoploss and take profit target then the EA will add three pyramid add-on trades in order to increase the overall level of profit. The user sets the total combined profit target to be gained if everything works out. This can be specified either as a multiple of the original trade profit or as a total dollar amount. Fo
Ultimate MT4 to Telegram (UMT) sends controlled trades (via symbol, magic, comment) to your telegram channel. It sends open and closed trades, including pending orders and TP/SL modifications, along with chart screenshots, to any telegram channel. Additionally, you can send trade reports of open trades and summary profit/pip reports for day, week, or month. You can customize the design of the trade actions or reports with variables and emoticons.  A beautiful panel allows you to visualize all t
プライスアクションツールキットEAは主にスカルパー向けに設計されていますが、すべての時間枠で使用して、ストップレベルに基づいて正しく計算されたロットサイズで市場に迅速に参入できます。注文)そして市場が動くにつれてストップを調整して利益を上げます。 使用するすべての機能、設定、およびベストプラクティス戦略の完全なリストについては、ここをクリックしてください:https:// www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/748072 リスクベースのエントリ クイックオーダーボタンを使用すると、アカウントのリスクの割合に基づいてポジションに移動できます。選択したリスクとストップロスまでの距離に基づいて、ロットサイズが自動的に計算されます。そのため、ブローカーが0.01ロットのサイズ設定を使用できることを確認する必要があります。0.10または1.00のロット増分を使用するように強制された場合、ブローカーは機能しません。 高速取引実行ボタン チャート上にクイックトレード実行ボタンを配置し、トレードを即座に自動的に開いたり、閉じたり、調整したりします。通常のエントリーボタンと同様
KopirMT4 (CopierMT4) - transaction copier for the MetaTrader 4 terminal, copies (synchronizes, duplicates) transactions from any accounts (copier, copy dealers).  Supports copying: MT4 <-> MT4, MT4 -> MT5 Hedge, MT5 Hedge -> MT4 Free version for test  Why exactly our product? The copier has a high speed and is not dependent on ticks. Copy speed - less than 0.5 sec. Transactions are copied with high accuracy, the scalper mode allows you to copy only at the best price. Able to increase transacti
What is it? Think about it, you can send all the orders/positions info to your telegram channel or group to create your community or VIP signals on telegram. Position info means this EA forward all of your new positions open details (Open price, Open time, Position Type, position Symbol and volume), positions changes ( SL or TP modifying or pending price changes) and position close (Close price, profit or loss, position duration time) and also EA Send NEWS alert (Economic calendar event) on your
Full Forex Market View Dashboard
Opengates Success International
5 (2)
FULL FOREX MARKET VIEWダッシュボードインジケーター これは、トレーダーが市場で何が起こっているかを完全に把握できるようにするために作成されたカスタム指標です。 リアルタイム データを使用して市場にアクセスし、取引を成功させるために必要なあらゆる情報を表示します。 インストール: このインジケーターをウィンドウ チャートに添付する前に、MT4 のマーケット ウォッチ パネルに移動し、不要な通貨ペアまたは取引しないすべての通貨ペアを非表示にして、残りをそこに残します。 その理由は、FFMV ダッシュボードが MT4 の気配値表示に表示されるすべての通貨ペアを表示するためです。 最大 30 通貨ペア以下を表示できます。 MT4 の気配値表示でそれ以上だと、FFMV ダッシュボードのフォントと画像がぼやけて変形します。 正しく表示されません。 使用法:      個人取引の場合      バスケット取引の場合 (方法についてはスクリーンショットを参照してください)      複数注文取引にも使用可能      独自の取引システムなどから受信したシグナルの有効性を
Forex TrendsRider
Opengates Success International
System Introduction Fx TrendRider is an amazing EA that takes pips as easy as the market itself because it rides with the trends and masters the trend direction and market conditions as it is at any point in time. Money Management The default lot size setting is 0.10, you can start with that first and see how it goes, then you can increase your lot according to your account balance but do not trade with the money you cannot afford to lose even though with time, you will discover that you can us
OPGTS Currency Strength Meter
Opengates Success International
3 (1)
OPGTS Currency Strength Meter is an indicator created to measure and analyze the currency strength and pass the information to the trader through a graphical display of each currency group's strength rates by percentage. Each bar it shows represents the currency's strength or weakness. USAGE: It is useful in two ways for trading: 1. Solo Trading 2. Basket Trading (Currency Group Trading) HOW TO USE IT EFFECTIVELY Solo trading: It can be used for solo trading by analyzing the strength o
Femade Indie
Opengates Success International
Femade Indie Vs 1.0 is a simple but multi-currency monitoring Indicator created to instantly notify the trader when an attached currency pair is ready to buy, sell or give signal when such currency pair is getting ready for a big move either up or down. It does this by visual aids on the screen charts, sound and pop-up alerts. If it shows " Medium ", this means that the so called currency signal is almost gone but can still be traded provided the trader will not need a lot of pips which can be b
Olofofo Fx Scanner
Opengates Success International
Olofofo Fx Scanner is a Custom Indicator created to scan through the currency pair it is being attached to in the market on ALL time frames simultaneously from a Minute to Monthly looking for just 3 things that make Forex trading exciting and worthwhile to invest in. Once these are found, it alerts the User immediately for a timely action on the part of the Trader. This is a self-fulfilling prophecy of the market, meaning that even if you are a newbie, by the time you see the graphical display o
OneClick Trades Panel Basic is a utility software created to open and also manage the open orders by closing each trades accordingly right from your charts. This version has few buttons and they are to open Buy and Sell trades, and also buttons to close Buy, Sell and all orders (both Buy and Sell) simultaneously. This is a basic version with minimal features. Features Buy - button used to open a Buy trades. Sell - button used to open Sell trades. Close Buy - button used to close Buy trades. Clo
OneClick Trades Panel - Standard Version 1.0 OneClick Trades Panel - Standard Version 1.0 is an higher grade of the basic Utility Software, this version includes several features that makes trading an exciting experience. It is created to open Buy, Sell, Buy-Stop, Sell-Stop, Buy-Limit and Sell-Limit orders. You can also manage the open orders by closing each trades or all trades accordingly right from your window charts. The speed is amazing and command is prompt without delay except your are ha
OneClick Trades Panel - Premium Version 1.0 OneClick Trades Panel - Premium Version 1.0 is an higher grade of the 3 Trades Panels created. This version includes a lot of features that makes trading an exciting experience. Although It has same features on the interface as that of the Standard version but it also has almost 30 features behind the window chart. Interface Buttons Features: Buy button: This is a button used to open a buy trades Buy-Stop button: This is a button used to open buy stop
Eureka OpgtsFx
Opengates Success International
Eureka OpgtsFx is a Custom Indicator created to alert the trader when there is a cut-across trend correlations from Daily (D1) to Monthly (MN) Time frames with the belief that the major trend dominates the market and also save the traders from being eaten for breakfast by the big dogs in the financial industry. This indicator is suitable for both the Swing and the Long term Traders due to their peculiar styles of trading and waiting for days, weeks or probably months before taking their profits
Mini Currency Strength Meter Mini Currency Strength Meter is a PORTABLE (mini) currency strength meter created to measure/analyze currency strength and pass the information to the trader through a graphical display of each currency group's strength rates by percentage. USAGE: It is useful in two ways for trading: 1. Solo Trading 2. Basket Trading (Currency Group Trading) HOW TO USE IT EFFECTIVELY Solo trading: It can be used for solo trading by analyzing the strength of each group of
DoubleUp System
Opengates Success International
DoubleUp System is created as trade assistance, manager and profit-enhancing Utility. It is NOT to trade for you but helps you maximize your trading. It has 10 On-Chart Buttons for various trading operations and setting parameters to manage your orders. like its name, it doubles and increases your profit targets with just a few pips distance by opening 4 pending orders or 1 Instant orders with 3 pending orders (depending on the situation of the market at the time) If your trading system can gu
Orders Closing Wizard
Opengates Success International
Orders Closing Wizard Script This is an embellishment of the Orders closing script. It will close all manners of orders and in several ways too. Here are the kinds of order closing it can execute according to their names: Close sell orders only: Close buy orders only Close orders with profits only Close orders with loss only Close all buy-stop pending orders only Close all sell-stop pending orders only Close all pending orders at once Close all buy and sell orders at once Close all opened and pe
Fibo Retracing Indie
Opengates Success International
FiboRetrace Indie is a custom indicator created for those using Fibonacci indicator for trading. It enables the traders to use it independently and without limitations. This is created as an automated Fibonacci custom indicator that automatically plots itself when a trader attaches it to his chart, it will scan the chart and locate the recent trend direction either upward trend or downtrend and plot itself the way it should be. So there is no hassles looking for trend direction by the users, thi
Forex Market View Dashboard and CSM
Opengates Success International
5 (1)
FFXMV Dashboard + CSM is a custom indicator combined with Currency Strength Meter . It is created to give the Traders a full view of what is going on in the market. It uses a real time data to access the market and display every bit of information needed to make a successful trading. Before attaching this Indicator to your window chart, go to your MT4's Market Watch panel and HIDE all the Currency pairs you don't need or trade and leave the rest there. The reason is that FFMV Dashboard will DISP
Fibo Trading System
Opengates Success International
This indicator is for those trading Engulf Candles – Bearish and Bullish. It can also be used in conjunction with another trading system. What it does is that you can use it to measure a candle for a Risk Reward 1: 1 for an easily attainable target. When attached to a chart, it picks on any current candle on the chart but if you want to use it with another candle, you will have to change the ‘0’ default value for current candle in the parameter setting to any value to get the candle position beg
Full Dashboard Trade Panel
Opengates Success International
Full Dashboard Trade Panel Utility is built to perform overall task of trades and order managements to make trading an easy task for every trader that bought and using it. It comprises of three sections with each having a shift setting for a convenient placement as desired: 1.        Trades Managements Panel 2.        Basket Trades Panel 3.        Symbol and Time frame Changer Each of these three sections has its own unique functions and roles to perform for a complete enjoyable forex trading ex
Symbol and Time frame Changer is an indicator created to save the trader from the stress of opening several charts windows on PC by enabling him or her to switch from one Currency pair to another and also be able to switch from one Time frame to another (displays the whole 9 Time frames) with the aid of the buttons on the chart. ·          You can customize the color of the buttons to your preferred color ·          You can choose the size you desire for the buttons ·          You can also choos
Partial Close Wizard Script is a script created to execute a partial close on any already profitable order in order to permanently lock in some part of the profits and reduce the lot size in the process. It can also be used to reduce the loss presently incurring on a trading account by cutting part of the loss and reduce the lot size to save the account from being wiped out. How to use: It is easy to use; just attach it to the chart of the same currency pair you intend to close the part of the p
Forex Daily Percentage Calculator Forex Daily Percentage Calculator indicator is created for the Trader who cherishes the discipline of choosing only a percentage of their Trading account balance as profit per trade, per time or day. All you need to do is enter your desired percentage of your account balance, enable the notification popup alert to know when it has been attained so as to get out of the market till another day or trade. This helps the traders who are using it to determine a certai
Open Orders Engineering Panel This Utility is NOT created to open any order or trade for Traders but to manage open orders in diverse ways with these 15 different functions On-chart BUTTONS features: Apply TP: Apply Take-Profit to any order without take-profit Apply SL: Apply Stop-loss to any order without stop-loss Apply TP and SL: Apply both Take-Profit and Stop-loss to any order without them Cancel TP: You can cancel your Take-profit Cancel SL:   You can cancel your Stop-loss Cancel TP and SL
Auto Chart Updater
Opengates Success International
Auto Chart Updater Indicator is created to update the window chart for any indicator, expert or any trading program receive fresh data retrieval at xx period interval set by the user as a preference. It is laced with on-chart Candle clock to give the user the sense of time when the updater would refresh the chart or the remaining time for the candle/session to end. It also has an option for the user to choose when exactly does he/she wants the Updater to update the chart. The User can also selec
Mini FFMV Dashboard
Opengates Success International
MINI FFMV Dashboard MINI FFMV Dashboard is a MINIATURE custom indicator of FULL FOREX MARKET-VIEW DASHBOARD created to give the Traders a full view of what is going on in the market. It uses a real time data to access the market and display every bit of information needed to make a successful trading. It shows as many as 30 currency pairs or as allowed to display in the Market Watch of your MT4 USAGE: For Solo Trading For Basket Trading (See the screenshot on how) COMPONENTS: Trend: Overall tren
Mini FFMV Dashboard and CSM
Opengates Success International
1 (1)
Mini Forex Market-View Dashboard and Mini-CSM Mini Full Forex Market View Dashboard is a miniature creation of FULL FOREX MARKET_VIEW Custom indicator created to give the Traders a full view of what is going on in the market but in a partial matter to make it conscise. It is useful most especially for those who don't like bogus indicators or those who have a PC with limited screen size. It uses a real time data to access the market and display every bit of information needed to make a successful
MicroMini FFMV Dashboard
Opengates Success International
MicroMini FFMV Dashboard This is a custom indicator created to give Traders a full view of what is going on in the market. It uses a real time data to access the market and display every bit of information needed to make successful trading. THIS IS A MicroMini size of the FULL FOREX MARKET VIEW DASHBOARD INDICATOR. This is for those who don't like the Indicator to cover all the charts and for those who don't like BOGU S things. They practically perform the same operation but MicroMini FFMV Dashb
MicroMini FFMV Dashboard+CSM This is a custom indicator created to give Traders a full view of what is going on in the market. It uses a real time data to access the market and display every bit of information needed to make successful trading. To add value to the trading operation, Currency Strength Meter is added to it in order to consolidate the effective work of this indicator. THIS IS A MicroMini size of the FULL FOREX MARKET VIEW DASHBOARD INDICATOR with CSM added. This is for those who d
Micro Crypto Trading Dashboard This is a custom indicator created to give CRYPTO TRADERS a full view of what is going on in the Crypto market. It uses a real time data to access the market and display every bit of information needed to make successful trading. This is a Micro size of the Compact Crypto Market Trading Dashboard Indicator created mainly for trading Crypto Currencies Markets for a living. They practically perform the same operation but MicroMini FFMV Dashboard has a few features.
Compact FFMV Dashbaord
Opengates Success International
Compact FFMV Dashboard Compact FFMV Dashboard is a little trimmed custom indicator of FULL FOREX MARKET-VIEW DASHBOARD created to give the Traders a full view of what is going on in the market. It uses a real time data to access the market and display every bit of information needed to make a successful trading. It shows as many as 30 currency pairs or as allowed to display in the Market Watch of your MT4 USAGE: For Solo Trading For Basket Trading (See the screenshot on how) For Signal confirmat
Opengates Success International
GridBreakTimeSuper is a Utility created based on grid trading strategies. It opens any number of Buystops and Sellstops orders respectively as defined by the User with a predetermined gap up and down from the current price as also set by the User. This EA works based on time set by the User for opening and closing of all orders and trades once in a day according to the time set by user. The general idea here is that each currency pair has specific time that breakout is always most likely as ther
Multiple Orders
Opengates Success International
5 (1)
MULTIPLE ORDERS UTILITY Multiple Orders Utility is created to give easy profits-making trades with a little movements and without going long distance to get it all. This Utility opens multiple orders as many trades as the number specified by the User or as many as permitted by your Broker in the same direction on the same currency pair simultaneously. The idea behind it, is that instead of running after 100 - 200 pips which may not likely be attainable in the record time or may NOT even be re
MULTIPLE ORDERS With Symbol and Time Frame Changer Multiple Orders Utility is created to give easy profits-making trades with a little movements and without going long distance to get it all. This Utility opens multiple orders as many trades as the number specified by the User or as many as permitted by your Broker in the same direction on the same currency pair simultaneously. The idea behind it, is that instead of running after 100 - 200 pips which may not likely be attainable in the record