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Quantum Trend Monitor Indicator

Currency pairs never go up or down in a straight line. They rise and fall constantly, creating pullbacks and reversals. And with each rise and fall, so your emotions rise and fall. Hope, then fear, then hope. This is when the market will try to frighten you out of a strong position. It is when you are most vulnerable.

But not if you have the Quantum Trend Monitor. And here, you even get two indicators for the price of one!

The Quantum Trend Monitor has been designed to absorb these temporary pauses and pullbacks. It analyses the price action, and only changes to a transitional color of dark red or dark blue, if the trend is showing a temporary sign of weakness. If it is a true change in trend direction, the indicator will change to a bright color, as the new trend develops.

In other words, the Quantum Trend Monitor, does just that. It monitors the strength of the trend. This is displayed as a solid horizontal bar at the bottom of the screen. The trend monitor works in conjunction with the Quantum Trends indicator, helping to keep you in – guess what – the trend!! One of the hardest things to do in trading. But, with the Quantum Trend Monitor, it’s a breeze. We call it, ‘the profit generator’, as that’s exactly what it is. It will help you hold any position for longer periods, maximising your profits. No more closing out early and suffering from trader regret. No more emotional trading decision. Just watch your Quantum Trend Monitor, which….. monitors it for you!

The Quantum Trend Monitor displays four colours at the bottom of the screen as a solid bar:

  • Bright blue – strongly bullish trend
  • Bright red – strongly bearish trend
  • Dark blue – weakness in trend
  • Dark red – weakness in trend

First, the Quantum Trends indicator alerts you to a possible new trend. If the trend is strong, the Quantum Trend  Monitor will change to either bright blue or bright red, supporting the Trends indicator as the trend develops.

Used in conjunction with a multiple time frame approach, it is the indicator which will really make ‘the trend your friend’. Now you will be able to monitor the trends in multiple timeframes in real time, reducing risk, improving returns, and increasing your overall profitability.

The Quantum Trends create the signal, its sister indicator the Quantum Trend Monitor then kicks in. Together, these two indicators provide you with the perfect tools to manage your position. No more fear, no more doubt, no more uncertainty. Watch your trading account grow, as you allow your profits to run – with confidence!

And guess what – it doesn’t end there.

Remember we said you get two indicators for the price of one here! Well, to help you further, the Quantum Trend Monitor comes with it’s own unique trend line, which gives you a further ‘heads up’ on the trend. For clarity and simplicity this indicator overlays the Quantum Trend Monitor and appears as a yellow line. The line chart shows the momentum of the trend and works as follows:

  • If the yellow trend line is above the zero line, then there is a bullish trend in place
  • If the yellow trend line is below the zero line, then there is a bearish trend in place
  • When the yellow trend line crosses the zero line, then the trend has reversed
  • The further the yellow trend line gets from the zero line, then the greater the strength and momentum of the trend

As the old saying goes – two heads are better then one. Here we could say – two indicators are better than one! Now with the Quantum Trend Monitor and the yellow trend line, you have a complete picture of the trend. Staying in and maximising your profits has never been easier.

And finally.. this is the next generation of MT4 indicators and virtually all our indicators can be configured to suit your own trading style. Why? Well, you buy everything else to suit you and your personality – from clothes to cars – so why not trading indicators? After all, as a scalping Forex trader you will have different requirements to a swing or trend trader. You wouldn’t buy clothes that don’t fit, so why put up with indicators that cannot be configured!! Simple.

One size fits all does not apply – in our view!

So, just like our other indicators, the Quantum Trend Monitor can be ‘tweaked’ to suit your trading style – the benefits are self evident. Your trading consistency and profits will improve. After all, you are now using tools matched to the job. Precision trading requires precision tools and fine tuning. Don’t make do with second best.

With the Quantum Trend Monitor you are in control. Just like the volume control on your radio, you adjust the sensitivity of the indicator to suit your trading style. Turning up the sensitivity a little, alerts you earlier to periods of congestion – important if you are purely scalping. Turn it down a little, and this will smooth out these phases and keep you in those longer term trends for maximum profits.

The two indicator works in all timeframes.

Getting in is easy – staying in is hard. With the Quantum Trend Monitor and the associated yellow trend line, staying in becomes easy too!

Please click here to learn how to configure Quantum Trend Monitor indicator. 

Crypto Trend Pro
Paulo Martins Barbosa
3 (1)
Concept Crypto Trend  is a system that identify the safest cryptocurrency price trends. This system is focused on a long-term stable growth . It does not need to be constantly updated as it adapts naturally to varied market conditions. No martingale, no grid, no hedge, no other dangerous strategy. Only strict rule-based approach to trading, allowing to maximise return while having risks under control . Get Crypto Trend Pro and never miss the big cryptocurrency movements again. Results
バイナリオプション取引の世界では、正確な市場分析と戦略的な意思決定が重要です。利益を生むチャンスを開拓するための優れた取引インジケーターを求める旅は終わりません。秘密のインジケーターが登場します。これはMT4バイナリオプション取引ツールで、そのクラスで最も優れた、最も強力な評判を築いています。 秘密のインジケーターは、熟練したトレーダーとエキスパートプログラマーのチームによる、年単位の入念な研究、開発、テストの結果です。独自のアルゴリズムと高度な数学モデルは、バイナリオプションの高速な世界でトレーダーに無類の優位性を提供するように微調整されています。 秘密のインジケーターを他の取引インジケーターとは異なるものにするのは、驚くべき正確さで利益を生む取引のチャンスを見つける能力です。そのシグナルは、強力なテクニカルインジケーター、価格行動分析、市場センチメント評価の組み合わせから派生しています。この多面的なアプローチにより、秘密のインジケーターは短期の変動と長期のトレンドの両方を捉え、トレーダーに市場の包括的な視点を提供します。 秘密のインジケーターの中でも際立った特徴の1つ
PRO Renko Systemは、特別にRENKOチャートを取引するために設計された高精度の取引システムです。 これは、様々な取引商品に適用することができる普遍的なシステムです。 システムは効果的に正確な逆転信号へのアクセスを与えるいわゆる市場の騒音を中和する。 表示器は非常に使いやすく、信号の生成に責任がある1つの変数だけがあります。 あなたは簡単にお好みの任意の取引ツールとレンコバーのサイズにツールを適応させることができます。 私はいつもあなたが私のソフトウェアで収益性の高い取引を支援するために余分なサポートを提供する準備ができています! 私はあなたに幸せで収益性の高い取引をしたいです! ご購入後にご連絡ください! 私はあなたに私のレンコチャートジェネレータを送信します。 私はまた、私の個人的な推奨事項やシステムの他のモジュールを無料で共有します!
POWER TO GET WEALTHY TRADING SYSTEMS.  NON REPAINT REVERSAL ARROW AND CHANNEL  Intra-Day trading and Scalping Strategy:   Designed for fast and accurate day trading and short-term trades. Day and Swing Trading Strategy:   Can be used as a reliable tool for day and swing traders who aim for the big moves of the price. Multi Currencies and Markets:   Works on different instruments and markets with its reliable precision. Multi Timeframes:   Can be used on multiple timeframes with good perfor
Determining the current trend is one of the most important tasks of a trading regardless of the trading style. The Atom Trend indicator can help in doing that with a fairly high probability. Atom Trend is a trend recognition indicator, which uses an original calculation algorithm. You can use it on any currency pair and every time frame. It does not change its values. The tick volume can also be used in the calculations as an additional filter. Indicator Parameters Main Settings : VolMode - if
The Binary Profit Maker,  This indicator works on MT4 and is very easy to use. When you receive a signal from it, you wait for that candle with the signal to close and you enter your trade at the beginning of the next new candle . A Up Purple arrow means Buy and a Down Purple arrow means Sell. All arrows comes with Alert  like for easy identification of trade signal. Are you okay with that? How To Enter Trade? 1 minute candle 1 minute expire
The first currency based indicator to draw a distinction between map and strength. The map shows the currencies in terms of oversold/overbought levels and gives the direction of travel. The currency strength calculates and shows the strength of that move. Alerts are included for changes in currency direction on the map (confirmed over two bars) and also when the strength reached the appropriate level.  The currency map is useful for finding currency pairs to trade and in which direction. Look fo
The Bullish and Bearish Engulfing Pattern Screener for MetaTrader 4 is a powerful tool designed for traders looking to identify key reversal patterns in the financial markets. This indicator scans price charts for bullish and bearish engulfing patterns, which signal potential trend reversals. Key Features: Real-time Scanning : Continuously analyzes price data to provide instant alerts when engulfing patterns are detected. Customizable Settings : Allows users to adjust parameters to fit their tra
Limitless MT4は、すべての初心者と経験豊富なトレーダーに適したユニバーサルインジケーターです。 すべての通貨ペア、暗号通貨、生の株式で動作します 無制限のMT4-構成済みで、追加の構成は不要 そして今、主なもの なぜ無制限のMT4なのか? 1再描画の完全な欠如 2トレーディングの最高のスペシャリストによる2年間のテスト 3正しい信号の精度が80%を超える 4ニュースリリース中の取引で好調 取引ルール 1買いシグナル-青い上向き矢印の出現 下向きの赤い矢印の外観を販売するシグナル シグナル後の次のローソク足で取引を開始するには2 3テイクプロフィット チャート上 М1-40ピップ М5-50ピップ М15-55-60ピップ 4ストップロスは利益をとる 5誤った信号をフィルタリングするために、 パラボリックSAR-トレンドとのトレードへの参入を除外する移動平均または同様のトレンドインジケーター。 
Rira Renko
Vitor Palmeira Abbehusen
RENKO on Time Chart This indicator is an enhanced Renko, so you can watch the Renko bricks on the chart to understand price movement more clearly the other improvement is automated box size according to ATR (Average True Range) period you can set the ATR number as you want and the box size of Renko changes automatically based on price movement Inputs Mode: Box size is the input to specify the size of the Renko box you want to print on the chart. This input lets you choose the fixed b
David Theodore Caro-greene
リバランスオーバーレイテクノロジー(Rebolt)を使用すると、トレーダーは、あるチャートから別のチャートへのお金の流れを視覚化できます。 Rebolt Probabilityは、ユーザーが指定した間隔で、指定された期間、あるチャートから別のチャートにお金が流れた確率を示します。 ReboltがCyanまたはBlueを読み取る場合、これらはユーザーが指定した時間の間、または競合する信号が発生するまでの間、適切なサインを購入しています。 ReboltがVioletまたはRedを読み取ると、ユーザーが指定した時間の間、または競合する信号が発生するまでの間、売りの兆候が見られます。 Reboltは、価格変化の推定値(Rebolt Delta)、予想価格変化あたりの推定ドル値(Rebolt Delta $)、および予想される変化がチャートに追加または減算されて、将来の予想価格を表すオーバーレイとしても公開されます( Rebolt Overlay)。
Thanks to this indicator, you can easily see the new ABCD harmonic patterns in the chart. If the two price action lengths are equal, the system will give you a signal when it reaches the specified level. You can set the limits as you wish. For example, You can get the signal of the price, which occurs in the Fibonaci 38.2 and 88.6 retracements, and then moves for the same length, at the level you specify. For example, it will alarm you when the price reaches 80% as a percentage. In vertic
This indicator works on MT4 and is very easy to use. When you receive a signal from it, you wait for that candle with the signal to close and you enter your trade at the beginning of the next new candle . A red arrow means sell and a green arrow means buy. All arrows comes with Alert  like for easy identification of trade signal. Are you okay with that? 1 minute candle 1 minute expire
Elliott Wave Trend was designed for the scientific wave counting. This tool focuses to get rid of the vagueness of the classic Elliott Wave Counting using the guideline from the template and pattern approach. In doing so, firstly Elliott Wave Trend offers the template for your wave counting. Secondly, it offers Wave Structural Score to assist to identify accurate wave formation. It offers both impulse wave Structural Score and corrective wave Structure Score. Structural Score is the rating to sh
Trend Direction ADX indicator for MT4 Trend Direction ADX is part of a series of indicators used to characterize market conditions. Almost any strategy only work under certain market conditions. Therefore it is important to be able to characterize market conditions at any time: trend direction, trend strength, volatility, etc.. Trend Direction ADX is an indicator to be used to characterize trend direction: trending up trending down ranging Trend Direction ADX is based on ADX standard indi
This indicator Pluuto Alert Plus indicator.Indicator displays trend movement. Indicator calculates automatically line.Alert = FiltPer.When the alert is up the next alert is down,when the alert is down the next alert is up (new bar). Features FiltPer - displays indicator period.Line1. FiltPer2 - displays indicator period.Line2. Multiplier - displays indicator multiplier.(FlitPer,Line1;step) Deviation1 - displays indicator deviation.(Line2) Deviation2 - displays indicator deviation.(Line2) Deviat
The King of Forex Trend Cloud Indicator is a trend following indicator based on moving averages. The Indicator is meant to Capture both the beginning and the end of a trend. This indicator can be used to predict both short and long terms market trends.  The king of Forex Trend Cloud if paired together with the King of Forex Trend Indicator can give a broad picture in market analysis and forecasts. I have attached images for both the  The king of Forex Trend Cloud on its own and  The king of Fore
Binary Reverse
Aleksandr Makarov
5 (1)
This is a powerful system for binary options and intraday trading. The indicator neither repaints, nor changes its readings. Binary Reverse is designed to determine the points where the price reverses. The indicator fixes both reversals and roll-backs considerably expanding your analytical capabilities. It not only clearly shows correction and reversal points, but also tracks the overall trend dynamics. Trading recommendations Coincidence of two signals (arrow and cross) is a strong entry sign
This is a ready-made strategy for binary options! Support/resistance levels are used to form a signal, while a number of built-in indicators are applied to sort out incoming signals. An arrow appears during a signal formation. If the signal is active, then the arrow remains after the close of the bar; if the signal is not strong enough, the arrow disappears. With a small number of signals and a small trading time, you will not need to sit all day at the computer, especially since you can enable
My Live Signals:   AutoMM1000     |      AutoMM2000     |      AutoMM3000 The price of this robot will   soon increase to 2600 USD ! Don't miss the opportunity to get it at its current price. The   MultiSync Trade System   is a cutting-edge trading EA designed to detect   patterns ,   trends , and identify   key support and resistance levels . Using a powerful combination of technical indicators and semi-AI, it automates trading decisions based on in-depth market analysis. MultiSy
電話と電子メールに通知機能を追加した、標準の相対強度指数 (RSI) インジケーター。 インジケーターの設定では、インジケーターの上限と下限を指定できます。到達すると、インジケーターが電話とメールに通知を送信します。 通知は次の形式で送信されます: 通貨ペア + 時間枠 + 通知時間。 この無料の標準インジケーターを取引戦略で使用する場合、このインジケーターの改良版が役立つ場合があります。 また、インジケーター設定には、無料版にあるすべての標準パラメーターがあります。 インジケーターの設定: period - 指数計算の平均期間。 applied_price - 適用価格。 ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE 列挙値のいずれかになります。 最大 - インジケーターがこの値に達すると、トレーダーは電話と電子メールで通知を受け取ります。 最小 - インジケーターがこの値に達すると、トレーダーは電話と電子メールで通知を受け取ります。
**Binary Smart Systemのご紹介:究極のトレードパートナー** Binary Smart Systemは単なるインジケーターではありません。様々な市場で的確なシグナルを提供し、洗練されたアルゴリズムと豊富なテクニカルインジケーターの集合をベースにした、トレーダーを的確さとタイムリーなシグナルで装備するための厳選されたトレードツールです。 **インジケーターコンポーネント:** 1. **移動平均パーセンテージ(MAP):** このコンポーネントは複数の移動平均の加重平均を計算し、トレンドの特定の強力な基盤を形成します。MAPは市場の状況に動的に適応し、現在のトレンド方向に対する洞察を提供します。 2. **商品チャネル指数(CCI):** 平均価格からの偏差を分析することで、CCIは買われすぎと売られすぎの状態を評価します。Binary Smart SystemのCCI統合は、ポテンシャルな反転ポイントを特定する包括的なアプローチを保証します。 3. **移動平均収束拡散法(MACD):** シンプルなクロスオーバーを超えるMACDコンポーネント
This scanner uses Quarters Theory. It finds the nearest quarters to current price. And when price gets close within a few points, then it highlights and sends alerts. Features: Define Major Quarters Distance for every timeframe Option to use: Half Point between majors Quarters between half point and majors Search for nearest quarter point and price Show Highlight and send Alerts Show/Hide Quarter Lines Show/Hide Price and QP Distance Detailed post and Extras: https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post
Super Trend Double Pro - Includes the classic SuperTrend indicator x2 - Includes two indicators for much better market analysis - Comes with various settings - Comes with a display - Displays statistical win/loss information The "Super Trend Double Pro" indicator provides the ability to combine two of the classic SuperTrend indicators into one, displaying two indicators with different settings on the same chart. The indicator comes with many customizable settings as well as a display which
The Smooth Price technical indicator is used for plotting a smoothed line as close to the price of the financial instrument as possible, and serves to eliminate its noise components. The indicator is part of the Monarch trading system, but here it is presented as an independent technical analysis tool. The indicator is based on the cluster digital filter , which, unlike the ClusterSMA , is applied directly to the price time series. Smooth Price does not redraw (except the very last, zero bar) an
This indicator was tested on the basis of real statistics for all market indicators according to indicators for 3 months of trading. trade forecasts for usd / jpy on the m30 time frame were received on our statistics! if you have any questions, please contact us in private messages or in discussions under this indicator and we will figure it out and help any questions will arise personal messages or in discussions under this indicator As soon as the blue points appear, we open a deal to incr
This is a Binary Options signal indicator. Extremely powerful for the 1 min chart. The signals are based on my personal tweak (based on real trial and error & backtested) of the RSI, ADX and Ichimoku and my observation on how price moves. It turns out, 2 candles expiry is the most consistent with this set up. How to use: 1. Wait for arrow signal to show. 2. Place a 2 candle expiry right after the close of the signal candle. So if you are trading a 1 min chart, place an expiry for 2 mins... if yo
ブレイクアウトプロスカルパーソリューション このインジケーターはRPTradeProSolutionsシステムの一部です。 Breakout Pro Scalper Solutionは、プライスアクション、ダイナミックサポート、レジスタンスを使用した毎日のトレンドインジケーターです。 誰でも使用できるように設計されており、トレーディングの初心者でも使用できます。 決して塗り直さないでください。 表示は近いものから近いものへと示されます。 単独で使用するように設計されているため、他のインジケーターは必要ありません。 一日の初めにトレンドと潜在的なテイクプロフィットを提供します。 特定のグラフは、履歴データによる潜在的な利益を示しています。 どのように機能しますか Breakout Pro Scalper Solutionは、価格アクションと動的なサポートおよびレジスタンスを組み合わせたブレイクアウト戦略を使用しています。 夜のトレンドとボラティリティが分析され、翌日に使用されます。 この分析から、ブレイクアウト制限(青と濃いオレンジの線)とTakeProfitが決定されます
タイトル: ノンリペイント XY トレンドインジケーターの紹介: フォレックスとバイナリオプションで成功するための究極のガイド はじめに: ノンリペイント XY トレンドインジケーターは、複雑で常に変化する金融市場において、トレーダーが情報に基づいた意思決定を行うために設計された革新的な取引ツールです。この高度な MetaTrader 4 (MT4) インジケーターは、リペイントという一般的な問題を排除しながら、驚くほどの精度で価格トレンドを予測するそのユニークな能力により、トレーダーの間で大きな人気を集めています。 インジケーターの理解: ノンリペイント XY トレンドインジケーターを際立たせている重要な機能の一つは、その精度へのこだわりです。過去のシグナルをリペイントし、トレーダーに信頼性の低いデータを残してしまう他の多くのインジケーターとは異なり、このインジケーターは一貫性を保っています。トレーダーは、生成されたシグナルが過去の価格変動を正確に反映していることを知って、安心して取引できます。 XY トレンドインジケーターは、高度なアルゴリズムを使用して価格データを分析し、市場のト
This is a trend scanner that uses the Forecast System technology. Link to the FREE version of the   Forecast System  -->  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/110085?source=Site It scans up to 30 pairs for having an oversight of trending pairs and reversals. With this system you make every day about 10 profitable trades. The scanning comes with popup alert feature and mobile phone notifications. The scanner is free of charge for those who bought or rented the Forecast System. Please contact me
Dynamic Forex28 Navigator - 次世代の Forex 取引ツール。 現在 49% オフ。 Dynamic Forex28 Navigator は、長年人気のインジケーターを進化させたもので、3 つの機能を 1 つにまとめています。 Advanced Currency Strength28 インジケーター (レビュー 695 件)  + Advanced Currency IMPULSE with ALERT (レビュー 520 件) + CS28 コンボ シグナル (ボーナス)。 インジケーターの詳細 https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/758844 次世代の Strength インジケーターが提供するもの  オリジナルで気に入っていたすべての機能が、新機能と精度の向上によって強化されました。 主な機能: 独自の通貨強度計算式。 すべての時間枠でスムーズかつ正確な強度ライン。 トレンドの特定と正確なエントリーに最適です。 ダイナミックマーケットフィボナッチレベル (マーケットフィボナッチ)。 このインジケー
現在20%OFF! 初心者やエキスパートトレーダーのためのベストソリューション! このダッシュボードソフトウェアは、28の通貨ペアで動作しています。それは私達の主要な指標(高度な通貨の強さ28と高度な通貨インパルス)の2に基づいています。それは全体の外国為替市場の大きい概観を与えます。それは、すべての(9)時間枠で28の外国為替ペアのための高度な通貨の強さの値、通貨の動きの速度と信号を示しています。チャート上で1つのインディケータを使用して市場全体を観察し、トレンドやスキャルピングの機会をピンポイントで見つけることができたら、あなたのトレードがどのように改善されるか想像してみてください。 このインディケータには、強い通貨と弱い通貨の識別、潜在的な取引の識別と確認がより簡単になるような機能が搭載されています。このインディケータは、通貨の強さや弱さが増加しているか減少しているか、また、すべての時間枠でどのように機能しているかをグラフィカルに表示します。 新機能として、現在の市場環境の変化に適応するダイナミックなマーケットフィボナッチレベルが追加され、すでに当社のAdvan
This indicator is based on the mathematics of the great trader W.D. Ganna. With its help, you can easily find strong levels by analyzing swings to find the optimal entry point. The indicator works on all instruments and all timeframes. The indicator is fully manual and has control buttons. All you need to do is press the NEW button, a segment will appear, which you can place on any movement, swing or even 1 candle that you want to analyze. By placing the segment, press the OK button. A grid (th
今、147ドル(いくつかの更新後に499ドルに増加します) - 無制限のアカウント(PCSまたはMac) RelicusRoad ユーザー マニュアル + トレーニング ビデオ + プライベート Discord グループへのアクセス + VIP ステータス 市場の新しい見方 RelicusRoad は、外国為替、先物、暗号通貨、株式、および指数の世界で最も強力な取引インジケーターであり、トレーダーに収益を維持するために必要なすべての情報とツールを提供します。初心者から上級者まで、すべてのトレーダーが成功するためのテクニカル分析と取引計画を提供します。これは、将来の市場を予測するのに十分な情報を提供する重要な取引指標です。意味をなさないチャート上のいくつかの異なる指標ではなく、完全な解決策を信じています.これは、信号、矢印 + 価格アクション情報を表示するオールインワンのインジケーターで、他に類を見ない非常に正確です。 強力な AI に基づいて、RelicusRoad は不足している情報とツールを提供して、あなたを教育し、トレーディングのプロ、成功したトレーダーにします。
Ultimate Sniper Dashboard
Hispraise Chinedum Abraham
4.82 (22)
299ドルで割引中! 今後値上げの可能性あり! 下の説明を読んでください! 究極のスナイパーダッシュボードのための最高のエントリーシステム。究極のダイナミックレベル。(私の製品をチェックしてください) 究極のスナイパーダッシュボードはMT4多通貨テスト制限のため、ライブマーケットでのみ作動します。 究極のスナイパーダッシュボードをご紹介します。HA-Sniper、MA-Sniper、その他多くの特別なモードが含まれる最高の製品です。究極のスナイパーダッシュボードは絶対的な獣です! 初心者やエキスパートトレーダーにとって最高のソリューションです。もう二度と動きを見逃さない! シンプルさとピップを愛するトレーダーのために、特別な製品をご用意しました。シンプルでありながら、ダッシュボードは複数のカスタムアルゴリズムに基づき28の通貨ペアを監視し、すべての作業を行います。たった一つのチャートで、プロのように市場を読み解くことができます。もし、為替ペアが動き出したときに、その方向性を正確に特定することができれば、あなたの取引はどれほど改善されることでしょう。   当社のシ
指示する     ロシア     -        utilizar con   el indicador の ESP 推奨事項 -   TPSpro トレンド プロフェッショナル版 -   MT5のバージョン 最も重要なことは、将来においても最も重要なことです。 機能のプリンシパル: ゾーンのほとんどは、ベンダーとコンプラドールによってアクティブ化されます。 状況を直感的に把握できるよう、初期の衝動を修正します。 LOGIC AI: MUESTRA zonas (círculos) parabuscar puntos de entrada cuando se activa una plantilla 視覚的に優れた視覚効果があり、最も重要な機能がすべて揃っていることに注意してください。 優れたニベレス/ゾーンの視覚化 (modo MTF) 世界で最も人気のある場所/ゾーンです。これを使用するのに最適な方法です (   TPSproTREND PRO   )。 アルゴリズム プロフェッショナル セパラド パソ ア パソ パラ オペラ それは、オペラハウスやコントラ・デ・エラの指導におい
EARLY REMINDER: The Starting price is 65 price will rise soon up to 365$ after first 10 copies of sales. Grab this offer now! Introduction Hello, traders! Welcome to the demonstration of the Forex Beast Indicator , a comprehensive tool designed to assist aspiring traders in navigating the complexities of the forex market. This indicator incorporates seven essential components to provide a well-rounded trading experience: Moving Averages Colored Zones Support and Resistance Levels (Previous Hig
Ivan Stefanov
5 (3)
エニグメラ:市場の中核 https://www.enigmera.com はじめに このインディケータと取引システムは、金融市場に対する驚くべきアプローチです。ENIGMERAは、フラクタルサイクルを使用して、サポートとレジスタンスレベルを正確に計算します。本格的な蓄積局面を示し、方向性と目標を示します。 トレンド中でも調整中でも機能するシステムです。 どのように作動するのか? ENIGMERAは、支持線・抵抗線、目標線、乖離線の3つのラインで構成されています。このシステムは、過去のデータを現在と未来に外挿する典型的な市場指標とは異なり、現在の完全な画像を提供します。支持線上にある場合、それは本当の支持を意味し、抵抗線上にある場合、それは本当の抵抗を意味する。ある水準が破られた場合、それはトレンドの変化を意味する。再描画はしない。 市場は常に進化しているため、ENIGMERAはその評価ツールを適応させ、定期的に戦略を修正しています。  これにより、すべてのシナリオが徹底的に評価されることが保証されます。この市場指標の独自性は、その能力を見れば明らかです。  ENIGM
現在20%OFF! このダッシュボードは、複数のシンボルと最大9つのタイムフレームで動作するソフトウェアの非常に強力な部分です。 このソフトは、弊社のメインインジケーター(ベストレビュー:Advanced Supply Demand)をベースにしています。    Advanced Supply Demand ダッシュボードは、素晴らしい概要を提供します。それは示しています。  ゾーン強度評価を含むフィルタリングされた需給値。 ゾーン内/ゾーンへのPips距離。 ネストされたゾーンがハイライトされます。 選択されたシンボルの4種類のアラートを全ての(9)時間枠で提供します。 それはあなたの個人的なニーズに合わせて高度に設定可能です。 あなたの利益! すべてのトレーダーにとって最も重要な質問です。 市場に参入するのに最適なレベルはどこか? 成功のチャンスとリスク/リターンを得るために、強力な供給/需要ゾーン内またはその近くで取引を開始します。 損切りの最適な位置はどこですか? 最も安全なのは、強力な供給/需要ゾーンの下/上にストップを置くことで
CMI - Profit from trending and ranging markets. The CMI indicator is a two-part system used to trigger both trend and counter-trend trades, that has been introduced by Daniel Fernandez in an article published in Currency Trading Magazine (August 2011 issue). It is a simple, yet effective indicator, which gauges whether the market has behaved in a choppy (non-directional) manner or trending (directional) manner. CMI calculates the difference between the most recent bar's close and the close n bar
製品を購入する前に、以下の情報をお読みください。 Apollo Pips PLUS SP はユニークな製品です。これは、私の新しい「アポロ ピップス」インジケーターと、私のすべての取引インジケーターにアクセスできる「スーパー パック」ボーナスを手に入れたい人のためのものです。 Apollo Pips PLUS SP 製品を購入すると、実際には私の Apollo Pips インジケーターのまったく新しいバージョンを購入することになります。このバージョンのインジケーターには改良されたアルゴリズムと使いやすいパラメーターがあり、あらゆる市場およびあらゆる取引スタイルでインジケーターを使用する機会が得られます。 この製品の購入者は、私のスーパーボーナスとして、他のすべてのインジケーターにも無料でアクセスできます!私のすべての取引ツールにアクセスしたい場合は、この製品が最適です!:) しかし、これがすべてではありません!:) この製品のすべての購入者は、私の新しいインジケーターを無料で入手する資格もあります!:)新しい取引インジケーターを利用できるようになりました。私の特権のある「スーパー パッ
This indicator identifies and displays zones, as it were areas of strength, where the price will unfold. The indicator can work on any chart, any instrument, at any timeframe. The indicator has two modes. The indicator is equipped with a control panel with buttons for convenience and split into two modes. Manual mode: To work with manual mode, you need to press the NEW button, a segment will appear. This segment is stretched over the movement and the LVL button is pressed. The level is displayed
Stefano Frisetti
5 (3)
note: this indicator is for METATRADER4, if you want the version for METATRADER5 this is the link:  https://www.mql5.com/it/market/product/108106 TRENDMAESTRO ver 2.4 TRENDMAESTRO recognizes a new TREND in the bud, he never makes mistakes. The certainty of identifying a new TREND is priceless. DESCRIPTION TRENDMAESTRO identifies a new TREND in the bud, this indicator examines the volatility, volumes and momentum to identify the moment in which there is an explosion of one or more of these data a
NAM Order Blocks
5 (1)
MT4マルチタイムフレームオーダーブロック検出インジケーター。 特徴 -チャートコントロールパネルで完全にカスタマイズ可能で、完全な相互作用を提供します。 -必要な場所でコントロールパネルを表示および非表示にします。 -複数の時間枠でOBを検出します。 -表示するOBの数量を選択します。 -さまざまなOBユーザーインターフェイス。 -OBのさまざまなフィルター。 -OB近接アラート。 -ADRの高線と低線。 -通知サービス(画面アラート|プッシュ通知)。 概要 注文ブロックは、金融機関や銀行からの注文収集を示す市場行動です。著名な金融機関と中央銀行が外国為替市場を牽引しています。したがって、トレーダーは市場で何をしているのかを知る必要があります。市場が注文ブロックを構築するとき、それは投資決定のほとんどが行われる範囲のように動きます。 注文の構築が完了すると、市場は上向きと下向きの両方に向かって急激に動きます。注文ブロック取引戦略の重要な用語は、機関投資家が行っていることを含むことです。それらは主要な価格ドライバーであるため、機関投
ECM Elite Channel is a volatility-based indicator, developed with a specific time algorithm, which consists of finding possible corrections in the market. This indicator shows two outer lines, an inner line (retracement line) and an arrow sign, where the channel theory is to help identify overbought and oversold conditions in the market. The market price will generally fall between the boundaries of the channel. If prices touch or move outside the channel, it's a trading opportunity. The
The methodology and logic behind this Magic Brics mt4 indicator is based on the principles of trend following and price action trading. Magic Brics indicator is a type of charting technique that represents price movements using order blocks rather than time. Each order block is formed based on a specified price movement, known as the order size, and is either colored in bullish (green) or bearish (red) depending on the direction of the price movement. Please make sure to adjust algo calculation
How to use Pair Trading Station Pair Trading Station is recommended for H1 time frame and you can use it for any currency pairs. To generate buy and sell signal, follow few steps below to apply Pair Trading Station to your MetaTrader terminal. When you load Pair Trading Station on your chart, Pair Trading station will assess available historical data in your MetaTrader platforms for each currency pair. On your chart, the amount of historical data available will be displayed for each currency pai
Reverse side scalper is the manual trading system, that works on choppy(anti-trend) market. As a rule markets are on 80% choppy and only 20% is trend phase. System is based on custom step Moving and RSI and reverse pattern. System defines up movement, down movement, trend / choppy phases. Indicator plots Buy signal arrow when current direction is down and phase is trend, Sell signal arrow is plotted when currently is up movement and phase is trend. As a rule it allows to "catch" local maximum/mi
Gold Channel is a volatility-based indicator, developed with a specific timing algorithm for the XAUUSD pair, which consists of finding possible corrections in the market. This indicator shows two outer lines, an inner line (retracement line) and an arrow sign, where the theory of the channel is to help identify overbought and oversold conditions in the market. The market price will generally fall between the boundaries of the channel. If prices touch or move outside the channel it is a tra
Introduction Excessive Momentum Indicator is the momentum indicator to measure the excessive momentum directly from raw price series. Hence, this is an extended price action and pattern trading. Excessive Momentum Indicator was originally developed by Young Ho Seo. This indicator demonstrates the concept of Equilibrium Fractal Wave and Practical Application at the same time. Excessive Momentum detects the market anomaly. Excessive momentum will give us a lot of clue about potential reversal and
Ivan Simonika
1 (1)
One of the main definitions for monitoring the currency market is the trend. The Trins indicator is designed to display the trend in a visual form. Trend is a stable direction of price movement. To find it, the indicator uses calculations designed to smooth out sharp fluctuations that do not affect the overall picture of price movement. The trend can be increasing (bullish trend) and decreasing (bearish trend). In most cases, the trend is growing for a long time and drops sharply, but in all
V O L A T I L I T Y   W A T C H E R  A highly powerful Market Volatility Detector. It gives current situation of market technical sentiment.          V E R Y  I M P O R T A N T     Once the tool detects and alerts you, you have to act on it right away for more precision of entries. Once the recommended pair to trade is gone, wait for the next recommendation.   If your MT4 is newly installed, there's no sufficient data yet for all 28 pairs that the tool monitors. You hav
Unveil Market Secrets with Sneaky Busters on MetaTrader 4! Delve deeper into the intricate world of trading with the Sneaky Busters indicator, specifically crafted to spotlight the sophisticated maneuvers of smart money and uncover hidden market trends. Comprehensive Features: 1. Smart Money Accumulation & Distribution Detection: Accurate Analysis: Identify key zones where smart money collects and disperses assets. These insights help you understand market sentiment and potential turning points.
The real market buy/Sell signals, you can trust.  This indicator tracks the trend strength, the market strength, the real current volume, and the price direction to give traders and investors the optimum point for entry in the form of signals. The time frames range from 5 minutes to one (1) hour chart. Trading on higher time frames produce the best outcomes, but also do produce less frequent trades, compared to trading on lower time frames.
Bomb Bank Signal
Igor Pereira Calil
5 (1)
Bomb Bank シグナル: MetaTrader 4 の信頼度インジケーター Bomb Bank Signal は、金融市場で最も関連性の高いトレンドを特定するように設計された MetaTrader 4 の強力なインジケーターです。動きを正確に予測するツールをお探しなら、Bomb Bank が最適です。 仕組み: このインジケーターは、出来高分析、ローソク足終値、対称トレンドという 3 つの異なる方法を組み合わせて、売買の機会を検出してシグナルを送ります。 Bomb Bank は、買いの機会を特定するときは「爆弾」のようなものであり、売りシグナルを検出するときは「ドクロ」のようなものです。 ボムバンクはなぜ違うのですか? 完全な信頼性: Bomb Bank Signal は信号を削除しません。一度シグナルが発せられると、シグナルは残り続けるので、チャンスを逃すことはありません。 極めて高い精度: Bomb Bank は誤った信号を送信しません。リアルタイムで最新情報を更新し、市場の進化に合わせて調整しながら、以前のシグナルの透明性を維持します。 ライブアップデ
Arbitrage Indicators is a professional and easy-to-use Forex trading indicator that uses the best trading principles of the latest AI arbitrage models. This indicator provides accurate buy and sell signals. Applies to currency pairs only. It has six different metrics options, MACD, KDJ, RSI, CCI, RVI, DEMARK. It can be freely switched by users, and intuitively shows the direction and reversal signal of the currency pair. When the two lines cross colors, the currency has a high probability of rev
The Stochastic Basket Currency Strenght  brings the Stochastic indicator to a new level.  Expanding the boundaries of TimeFrames and mono-currency analysis, the SBCS take the movements of each currency that composes the cross and confront them in the whole basket of 7 crosses.  The indicator works with any combination of AUD, CAD, CHF, EUR, GBP, JPY, NZD, USD pairs and with full automation takes in account every stochastic value (main line) for the selected Time Frame.  After that, the indicator
This indicator is based on the Gann Signal indicator and acts as a market scanner. All you need to do is fill in the selected currency pairs in the settings and that’s it. Next, the indicator itself will view all these currency pairs and time frames from M5 to D1 simultaneously. When a new signal appears, the indicator will give you an Alert and also draw the letter N where this new signal will be.
AI Fibonacci Indicators (Non-Redraw) is a professional and easy-to-use AI fully automated Fibonacci generator Forex trading indicator that uses the latest AI technology to automatically identify accurate Fibonacci positions on charts and automatically plot them on charts. This indicator provides accurate Fibonacci important price positions. Applicable to any currency pair and other products. It has seven function switches, There are five different Fibonacci types (" Fibonacci retracement line "
(Currently 30% OFF) Before reading the description of this indicator, I just want to introduce to you following concept Moving Average Line - Typical moving average which is based on one chart alone.  Currency Strength Line - The moving average of a certain pair in which the strength is based on 28 pairs. Can be said as the real moving average line. Moving Average indeed is one of the most popular indicator which almost every trader use. Currency Strength Meter is also a trend indicator whic
Of all the four principle capital markets, the world of foreign exchange trading is the most complex and most difficult to master, unless of course you have the right tools! The reason for this complexity is not hard to understand. First currencies are traded in pairs. Each position is a judgment of the forces driving two independent markets. If the GBP/USD for example is bullish, is this being driven by strength in the pound, or weakness in the US dollar. Imagine if we had to do the same thing
The Quantum VPOC indicator has been developed to expand the two dimensional study of volume and price, to a three dimensional one which embraces time. The volume/price/time relationship then provides real insight to the inner workings of the market and the heartbeat of sentiment and risk which drives the price action accordingly. The Quantum VPOC indicator displays several key pieces of information on the chart as follows: Volume Profile - this appears as a histogram of volume on the vertical pr
Quantum Tick Volumes Indicator
5 (1)
Many Forex traders assume there is no volume in the foreign exchange market. And they would be correct. There is no central exchange, not yet anyway. And even if there were, what would it report? What there is however is activity, and this is captured as tick volume. After all, volume is simply displaying activity, the buyers and sellers in the market. So for volume read activity, and for activity read volume – simple. The MT4 platform delivers tick data which the Quantum Tick Volumes indicator
Renko is a well-known Japanese charting technique that removes time from the chart. Instead of drawing bars in constant intervals (time) as a normal chart would, a Renko chart does so only when price moves beyond a predefined amount. In a Renko chart, a bar is created when price exceeds the previous bar’s high or low by a predefined amount or what we call the Box Size. The result is a chart with equally sized bars running up or down in 45 degree angles. Such a chart offers the following advant
We don’t want to become boring, but the US dollar is the most important currency for all traders, and not just in Forex. Trading without a clear view of the US dollar is like driving in fog. Sooner or later you are going to crash – it’s just a question of when. That’s why at Quantum we have developed two US dollar indices. The first is the Quantum DXY, and the second is the Quantum USDX. So what’s the difference? Well, the reason we created the Quantum USDX is that many Forex traders believe tha
Your success as a forex trader depends on being able to identify when a currency or currency pair is oversold or overbought. If it is strong or weak. It is this concept which lies at the heart of forex trading. Without the Quantum Currency Strength indicator, it is almost impossible. There are simply too many currencies and too many pairs to do this quickly and easily yourself. You need help! The Quantum Currency Strength indicator has been designed with one simple objective in mind. To give you
Quantum Trends Indicator
1 (1)
One of the oldest maxims in trading is ‘let the trend be your friend’. You must have come across it! This is easier said than done! First, you have to identify one, then you have to stay in – not easy. Staying in a trend to maximise your profits is extremely difficult. In addition, how do you know when a trend has started? It’s very easy to look back and identify the trend. Not so easy at the live edge of the market. The Quantum Trends indicator is the ‘sister’ indicator to the Quantum Trend Mon
For aspiring price action traders, reading a candle chart at speed can be learnt, but is a skill which takes years to perfect. For lesser mortals, help is required, and this is where the Quantum Dynamic Price Pivots indicator steps in to help. As a leading indicator based purely on price action, the indicator delivers simple clear signals in abundance, highlighting potential reversals with clinical efficiency. Just like volume and price, pivots are another ‘predictive’ indicator, and a leading i
If you've been trading for any time, you will almost certainly have come across the concept of support and resistance. This powerful and simple concept lies at the heart of technical analysis. It forms the cornerstone of price action trading. Strange to consider therefore, that such a key component of the traders chart has largely been ignored. Most Forex traders still draw their lines manually, leading to a crude interpretation of these key levels. Even those companies who have developed a trad
Have you ever wondered why so many Forex traders get trapped in weak positions on the wrong side of the market? One of the easiest ways the market makers do this, is by using volatility. A currency pair moves suddenly, often on a news release or economic data. Traders jump in, expecting some quick and easy profits, but the move suddenly moves in the opposite direction. This happens in all timeframes, and in all currency pairs. The candle or bar closes, with a wide spread, but then reverses sharp
The US dollar sits at the heart of all the financial markets. It is the currency of first reserve. It is the ultimate safe haven currency, and it is the currency in which all commodities are priced. It is the currency which every Forex trader should consider – first! Having a view of the US dollar is paramount in gauging market sentiment, attitude to risk, and money flows into related markets and instruments. If you know which way the USD is headed – the rest is easy. The Quantum DXY indicator g
Many Forex traders have either been told, or have learnt from painful experience, that the Yen currency pairs can be both dangerous and volatile to trade. The GBP/JPY is perhaps the most infamous and volatile of all. No wonder then, that many Forex traders simply stay away from the Yen currency pairs. But then they probably don’t have a very clear idea of where the Yen itself is heading. If they did, then trading the Yen pairs would be much more straightforward. And this is where the Quantum JPY
Quantum Euro Index Indicator
The Euro Currency Index or EURX , quantifies and displays strength and weakness of the single currency. As the index rises it signals strength in the single currency against a basket of currencies. As the index falls this signals weakness in the euro. The Quantum EURX is calculated from a basket of four currencies with each currency having an equal weighting of 25%. US Dollar Japanese Yen British Pound Australian Dollar The indicator can be used in one of three ways: First, to identify and con
This indicator has been developed to identify and display these trends quickly and easily, allowing you to see instantly, those currency pairs which are trending, and those which are not – and in all timeframes, with just one click. The 28 currency pairs are displayed as a fan as they sweep from strong to weak and back again, and this is why we call it the ‘currency array’. All 28 pairs are arrayed before you, giving an instant visual description of those pairs that are trending strongly, those
Trading the currency markets is a complex business, not least since we are dealing with pairs of currencies, and by inference, pairs of economies. All economies around the world are interlinked, and reflected in the constant ebb and flow of currency strength and weakness. The problem for us as traders is monitoring so many pairs simultaneously, since every pair does not move independently, but reflects the interrelated nature of this market. The Quantum Currency Heatmap delivers the informatio
The words powerful, unique and game changing are ones that are often over used when applied to trading indicators, but for the MT4/MT5 Quantum Camarilla levels indicator, they truly describe this new and exciting indicator completely. Why? Because the indicator has something to offer every trader, from the systematic to the discretionary and from swing trading to breakout trading. And it’s not an indicator which is simply used for entries. The Camarilla indicator delivers in all areas, from ge
The Quantum GBPX is the latest addition to our suite of currency indices, and one which we have been asked for many times, and even more so since Brexit. It is an index which has taken us some time to develop, and through a series of complex calculations draws its primary data from a basket of currencies based on the old style dollar index, the Dixie. This is converted to a chart for the British pound. The result is an accurate index which describes strength and weakness for the GBP currency in
If there is only one MT5 indicator you ever buy for trading forex – this has to be it. Your success as a forex trader depends on being able to identify when a currency or currency pair is oversold or overbought. If it is strong or weak. It is this concept which lies at the heart of forex trading. Without the Quantum Currency Strength indicator, it is almost impossible. There are simply too many currencies and too many pairs to do this quickly and easily yourself. You need help! The Quantum C
The Euro Currency Index or EURX , quantifies and displays strength and weakness of the single currency. As the index rises it signals strength in the single currency against a basket of currencies. As the index falls this signals weakness in the euro. The Quantum EURX is calculated from a basket of four currencies with each currency having an equal weighting of 25%. US Dollar Japanese Yen British Pound Australian Dollar The indicator can be used in one of three ways: First, to identify and con
Have you ever wondered why so many Forex traders get trapped in weak positions on the wrong side of the market? One of the easiest ways the market makers do this, is by using volatility. A currency pair moves suddenly, often on a news release or economic data. Traders jump in, expecting some quick and easy profits, but the move suddenly moves in the opposite direction. This happens in all timeframes, and in all currency pairs. The candle or bar closes, with a wide spread, but then reverses sharp
If you've been trading for any time, you will almost certainly have come across the concept of support and resistance. This powerful and simple concept lies at the heart of technical analysis. It forms the cornerstone of price action trading. Strange to consider therefore, that such a key component of the traders chart has largely been ignored. Most Forex traders still draw their lines manually, leading to a crude interpretation of these key levels. Even those companies who have developed a trad
One of the oldest maxims in trading is ‘let the trend be your friend’. You must have come across it! This is easier said than done! First, you have to identify one, then you have to stay in – not easy. Staying in a trend to maximise your profits is extremely difficult. In addition, how do you know when a trend has started? It’s very easy to look back and identify the trend. Not so easy at the live edge of the market. The Quantum Trends indicator is the ‘sister’ indicator to the Quantum Trend Mon
Of all the four principle capital markets, the world of foreign exchange trading is the most complex and most difficult to master, unless of course you have the right tools! The reason for this complexity is not hard to understand. First currencies are traded in pairs. Each position is a judgment of the forces driving two independent markets. If the GBP/USD for example is bullish, is this being driven by strength in the pound, or weakness in the US dollar. Imagine if we had to do the same thing
We don’t want to become boring, but the US dollar is the most important currency for all traders, and not just in Forex. Trading without a clear view of the US dollar is like driving in fog. Sooner or later you are going to crash – it’s just a question of when. That’s why at Quantum we have developed two US dollar indices. The first is the Quantum DXY, and the second is the Quantum USDX. So what’s the difference? Well, the reason we created the Quantum USDX is that many Forex traders believe tha
Many Forex traders have either been told, or have learnt from painful experience, that the Yen currency pairs can be both dangerous and volatile to trade. The GBP/JPY is perhaps the most infamous and volatile of all. No wonder then, that many Forex traders simply stay away from the Yen currency pairs. But then they probably don’t have a very clear idea of where the Yen itself is heading. If they did, then trading the Yen pairs would be much more straightforward. And this is where the Quantum JPY
For aspiring price action traders, reading a candle chart at speed can be learnt, but is a skill which takes years to perfect. For lesser mortals, help is required, and this is where the Quantum Dynamic Price Pivots indicator steps in to help. As a leading indicator based purely on price action, the indicator delivers simple clear signals in abundance, highlighting potential reversals with clinical efficiency. Just like volume and price, pivots are another ‘predictive’ indicator, and a leading i
Many Forex traders assume there is no volume in the foreign exchange market. And they would be correct. There is no central exchange, not yet anyway. And even if there were, what would it report? What there is however is activity, and this is captured as tick volume. After all, volume is simply displaying activity, the buyers and sellers in the market. So for volume read activity, and for activity read volume – simple. The MT5 platform delivers tick data which the Quantum Tick Volumes indicator
Currency pairs never go up or down in a straight line. They rise and fall constantly, creating pullbacks and reversals. And with each rise and fall, so your emotions rise and fall. Hope, then fear, then hope. This is when the market will try to frighten you out of a strong position. It is when you are most vulnerable. But not if you have the Quantum Trend Monitor. And here, you even get two indicators for the price of one! The Quantum Trend Monitor has been designed to absorb these temporary pau
The Quantum VPOC indicator has been developed to expand the two dimensional study of volume and price, to a three dimensional one which embraces time. The volume/price/time relationship then provides real insight to the inner workings of the market and the heartbeat of sentiment and risk which drives the price action accordingly. The Quantum VPOC indicator displays several key pieces of information on the chart as follows: Volume Profile - this appears as a histogram of volume on the vertical pr
The US dollar sits at the heart of all the financial markets. It is the currency of first reserve. It is the ultimate safe haven currency, and it is the currency in which all commodities are priced. It is the currency which every Forex trader should consider – first! Having a view of the US dollar is paramount in gauging market sentiment, attitude to risk, and money flows into related markets and instruments. If you know which way the USD is headed – the rest is easy. The Quantum DXY indicator g
lauro1956 2020.05.13 10:02 

Just like your other one

Good and practical indicator ... you must see the information video ... to take advantage of all its potential

バージョン 3.1 2018.08.16
- Changed its "Neutral Constant" input name to "Sensitivity to Congestion" for clarity
- Optimized the algorithm to become more responsive to changes in trend
- Changed its "Mode" input to "Trend Line Mode" (boolean type)