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Cyberosaur V4

The  Cyberosaurus bot is an innovative next-generation bot that serves as a powerful tool for trading in the classic Forex market and with cryptocurrencies (for corresponding brokers). It operates with the majority of pairs, so it is advisable to test it before using it on a specific pair. It is specifically designed to work with these markets, without the ability to trade other assets such as stocks or indices.

The main control parameters of the bot are presented in a convenient and concise management interface. This allows traders to easily adjust and monitor the bot's operation.

The bot includes the key requirements of modern trading systems. It provides capital management through risk regulation, allowing traders to effectively control the level of risk on their accounts. Additionally, the bot supports multicurrency trading, meaning it can work simultaneously on multiple currency pairs.

Special attention is given to the protection of each order. The bot automatically sets stop-loss and take-profit for each trade, helping to protect capital and provide a balanced approach to trading. The bot also offers the option to use a classic trailing stop-loss, which helps traders protect profits and minimize losses during price movements in the desired direction.

For the bot to work optimally on different Forex currency pairs and cryptocurrency pairs, stop-loss, take-profit, and trailing parameters are individually adjusted. These parameters depend on the volatility and price scale of each pair, meaning they will vary for the same currency pair over different time intervals. The parameters you set in the settings are conditional units that the bot automatically scales to fit the market realities.

The bot program has a complex architecture, which leads to a multitude of internal settings. However, the most important ones are grouped into convenient settings for user convenience:
  • Risk (Risk Management): Responsible for parameters related to risk management in trading. This includes parameters such as the size of the trading lot, the percentage of the deposit used to open a position (fixed lot or percentage risk).
  • Signal (Signal Control): This group of settings is responsible for basic signals for entering a trade. Here, you can adjust parameters that determine the conditions for opening a position.
  • Limits (Order Limits): This group sets limitations on the number of simultaneously opened orders for buying and selling. It allows setting stop-loss and take-profit for the group of buy trades and separately for the group of sell trades.
  • Trailing (Trailing Orders): Parameters for trailing are set here, which automatically adjusts the stop-loss in favor of profit. You can specify when trailing starts and ends, as well as set the trailing stop-loss shift.
  • Environment: In this group of settings, parameters related to the environment and trading conditions on the Forex market are set.
Each of these groups contains settings that allow precise customization of the bot's behavior according to the strategy and risk management requirements.

Risk (Risk Management):
  • Lot: This parameter determines the size of the trading lot for each trade. You can specify a fixed lot size (e.g., 0.1 lot) or use automatic calculation based on other parameters.
  • RiskOn: This parameter activates or deactivates risk management. If set to "true," the bot will use risk management to determine the lot size.
  • Risk: This parameter allows you to set the risk percentage of the current balance or free margin. For example, if you set "Risk" to 10, the bot will calculate the lot size so that the risk of loss is not more than 10 units of your balance.
Signal (Signal Control):
  • Length: Period length for calculating signal lines of the indicator.
  • BandsPeriod: The period of the indicator used for calculating the standard deviation of the price.
  • BandsDeviation: The value of the standard deviation used in calculations.
  • BarsCalc: The number of bars used for signal calculation.
  • WeightedFilter: Weighted coefficient for signal filtering.
Limits (Order Limits):
  • LimitOrders: The maximum number of orders the bot can open simultaneously, divided into buy and sell.
  • TakeProfit: Price level to set the take-profit. When the price reaches this level, the opened trade closes with a profit.
  • StopLoss: Price level to set the stop-loss. When the price reaches this level, the opened trade automatically closes with minimal losses.
Trailing (Trailing Orders):
  • TrailingStart: The price level at which trailing stop-loss begins.
  • TrailingStop: The distance in points from the current price to the trailing stop-loss level.
  • BrockerFilling: Broker order execution mode (e.g., Instant Execution or Market Execution).
  • CommentOrder: Comment on orders for easy identification.
  • Magic: Unique order identification number for tracking and distinguishing orders opened by the bot or other products. It is advisable to use the bot exclusively on an account.
  • Requotes: The allowable number of re-quotes (broker refusals) when opening an order. If the re-quotes level is exceeded, the order will not be executed.
In conclusion, this bot combines advanced technologies with a user-friendly management interface and a wide range of features for efficient and secure trading in the Forex and cryptocurrency markets.

Ea 555
Aleksandr Nadein
The EA works with pending orders.Recommended Currency Pair GPBUSD H1.With good market valontility gives a good profit.Advisor is fully automated for working in the market.It is also possible to use auto-management.It is possible to use the swap size, ideal for strong volatility or at night.When trading, two pending orders are placed, when one works, the second is deleted. Trading is not intermittent.
Expert.   Automatic and manual trading. Ready-made trading system based on   Elliott waves   and Fibonacci retracement levels . It is simple and affordable. Display of the marking of Elliott waves (main or alternative option) on the chart. Construction of horizontal levels, support and resistance lines, a channel. Superposition of Fibonacci levels on waves 1, 3, 5, A Alert system (on-screen, E-Mail, Push notifications).    visual panel for opening orders in manual trading. visual panel for sett
Weddell Pro is a good trading tool that is suitable for both a beginner and an experienced trader. It can be used both separately and combined with other strategies and indicators Configured for currency pairs was tested several times on cryptocurrency but did not show a high result Currency pairs USD/EUR AUD/CAD GBP/USD Showed itself very well here The percentage of correct transactions is above 68%, which does not make it perfect and bad Doesn't draw or disappear The red arrow shows a t
バイナリーハッカーインジケーター 金融市場の高速な世界では、1秒も無駄にできません。すべての意思決定が、取引の成否を分けるのです。そこで登場するのが、バイナリーハッカーインジケーターです。これは、トレーダーに貴重な洞察を提供するために、チャート上の1分ごとに分析を提供する画期的なツールです。 バイナリーハッカーは、手動による広範な分析が必要な従来のインジケーターとは異なり、トレーディングストラテジーから推測作業を取り除き、純粋なデータに基づいた計算されたアプローチを提供します。 取引における精度の向上: バイナリーハッカーインジケーターは、一般的なトレーディングツールではありません。チャート上の各分を分析し、トレーダーに貴重な洞察を提供するリアルタイムアナライザーとして機能します。 バイナリーハッカーを使用すると、売買圧力の微妙なバランスを理解しながら、取引の1分ごとに分析する機能を備えています。この機能により、常に市場の勢いに沿った取引を行うことができます。 1分ごとのパワー: 取引の1分ごとに分析し、売り買い圧力の微妙なバランスを理解する能力を想像してみてください。バイナリーハッカ
Mohamed Kamel Touati
EA TOUMED ****** Only     10 copies Availible for  $399 ******* ****** Final price  $1499 ***** EA Toumed は、 リスクの低いプロのスキャルピングエキスパートです。 専門家が最適なエントリポイントを選択し、価格分析が使用されます。 専門家はグリッド、マルチンゲール、アービトラージを使用しません。 すべての位置は視覚的なストップロスによって保護されています。 すべてのオープントランザクションには、トレーリングストップとトレーリングステップの利益確定システムに基づく制御アルゴリズムが付属しています。 エキスパートはまた、スレッページ、NFPニュース、デイトレードフィルターに対する保護を備えており、固定ロットでの取引や、MMモジュールに基づく自動ロット計算の使用を可能にします。   ********非常に重要********  :  デモでエキスパートをテストする前に、スプレッド(最大0.3ピップ)を確認し  スプレッドは0.3ピップを超えてはなりません(ECNまたはRawスプレッ
Dear Trader It is my pleasure to introduce to you my tool called the " Forex Sniper Indicator" . The major aim of this tool is to help serious traders and investors in all type of Financial Markets to catch price next movement right at the moment the price direction is about to change. This tool can be used to snipe the price direction in both down trend, uptrend and ranging markets. This tool can be used as the stand alone tool though it may be combined with other tools as well. My goal is to h
発売プロモーション: 990 ドルではなく 34 9 ドルのみ! このプロモーション価格での販売は残りわずかです。 弊社のプロモーション ブログ で「 究極の EA コンボ パッケージ」 を必ずチェックしてください 。   JOIN PUBLIC GROUP:   Click here ライブ結果は低リスク ライブ結果は高リスク STABILITY PRO へようこそ : 市場で最も先進的で安定した低リスクのグリッド システムの 1 つです。 この EA は、使用する外国為替ペアの利用可能な全履歴に対してストレス テストが行​​われています。 以下のスクリーンショットでわかるように、これらのストレス テスト中、EA は 2007 年から今日まで毎月利益を上げていました。 EA は高度な SVG アルゴリズム (スマート バリアブル グリッド) を使用しており、固定距離でのグリッド取引を追加しませんが、市場の動きを分析してグリッドの位置を決定します。 私はこの EA で良好なリスク/報酬比と強力な回復係数を得るために多大な努力を払ってきました。 したがって、リスクとドローダウンを
Idea: RSI ( Relative Strength Index) and CCI ( Commodity Channel Index ) are powerfull to solved the market.  This indicator has Smoothed Algorithmic signal of RSI and CCI. So that, it separates the market into buy and sell zones, these areas are marked with arrows, red for downtrend, green for uptrend. This algorithm has the effect of predicting the next trend based on the historical trend, so users need to be cautious when the trend has gone many candles. Please visit screenshots
Currency balance hedging arbitrage is a common currency arbitrage method in the original quantitative trading, but conventional hedging arbitrage is not easy to achieve due to spreads, slippage, swaps, handling fees and other reasons. In order to achieve profits, we have made optimizations in this strategy, breaking the concept of balanced arbitrage, using factors such as the judgment of entry opportunities, the staggered entry time, and increasing or decreasing the position of currency pairs, e
BinaryScalping is a professional indicator for trading binary options and scalping. The algorithm of the indicator is based on the calculation of pivot points for each time period separately, the location of the price of the trading instrument relative to the pivot points is analyzed and the probability of a trading operation is calculated. The indicator has a built-in filter of trading signals based on the global trend. The indicator is installed in the usual way and works with any trading inst
The Pallada Manual System indicator is a complete manual trading system that does not require the use of any other indicators. Very simple and clear to use. Estimated profitability, depending on the setting, is 5-30%. The indicator is ideal for those who want to control the trading process, but do not sit at the monitor for days. Ideal for calm measured trading without nerves and stress.
F O R E X  J U G G E R N A U T  A highly powerful Expert Advisor even if used only with one currency pair, GBPJPY. The system structure is focused on the precision of the order entries and safety.   The EA is suitable and recommended for newbies.        V E R Y  I M P O R T A N T   This Expert Advisor can not run with any EAs in the same account. As part of the money management plan, it calculates and monitors the  Margin Level %  and assumes that all open trades are cre
プロフェッショナルなEAエキスパート、グリーンフロッグEAの短い説明 迅速かつ確実に移動する外国為替取引市場で、頼りになる味方を持つことは重要です。グリーンフロッグEAをご紹介します。これは、類まれなる正確性と効率性でトレーダーをサポートする、最高のプロフェッショナルエキスパートアドバイザー(EA)です。 グリーンフロッグEAは、最先端の技術と外国為替市場での長年の経験が融合したものです。経験豊富なトレーダーやソフトウェアエンジニアのチームによって開発され、一線を画す成果と大幅な利益を生み出しています。 グリーンフロッグEAの特徴は、常に変動する市場環境に適応する能力です。洗練されたアルゴリズムとリアルタイムのデータ分析により、利益をもたらすチャンスを迅速に特定し、驚異的な精度で取引を実行します。EAの賢明なトレーディング戦略により、トレンド、ボラティリティの高い市場、レンジ相場など、様々な市場シナリオに対応し、常に最適なパフォーマンスを発揮します。 グリーンフロッグEAは使いやすいインターフェースを備えており、経験豊富なトレーダーや外国為替市場初心者の両方にアクセス可能です
M5 タイムフレームのロボット スカルパー。 GBPUSD 通貨ペアでの取引。このロボットは、英ポンドの取引のためにプロのトレーダーの会社によって特別に開発されました。ロボットは、毎日約 5 ~ 15 の取引を開始します。 GBPUSD のスプレッドが最大 10 ピップスまでの低いブローカーと取引するのが最善です。開始するための推奨最低入金額は $500 以上です。 利点: マーチンゲールは使いません。 ネットではありません。 すべての取引にはストップロスがあります。 GBPUSDペア専用のプロボット。 ロボットスキャルパー、M5 期間の日中取引。 このロボットはどのように取引しますか? 市場を分析するために、ロボットは 2 つの指標の価格モデルと戦略的な市場パターンを使用します: パラボリック ストップとリバース システムとボリンジャー バンド。ロボットは最初に、価格エントラポレーション統計を使用して価格の動きについて市場を分析します。次に、ロボットはこれらの指標を読み取り、現在と過去の動きの傾向を比較します。市場の反転またはロールバックを示すパターンが一致した場合、ロボットは取
* Symbol EURUSD, EUR/NZD, AUD/NZD, EUR/JPY. * Automatic advisor, trade preferably on the following assets: EUR/USD, EUR/NZD, AUD/NZD, EUR/JPY. * The advantage of this advisor is that it does not include a martingale and trading is carried out using stop losses and take profit. * Has been tested for more than 2 years in the strategy tester. You can download the demo version yourself and view it for any period of time if necessary. * The Expert Advisor is based on data from several indicators. Rsi
BinaryUniversal is a signal indicator for binary options and Forex. In its work, the indicator uses a complex algorithm for generating signals. Before forming a signal, the indicator analyzes volatility, candlestick patterns, important support and resistance levels. The indicator has the ability to adjust the accuracy of the signals, which makes it possible to apply this indicator for both aggressive and conservative trading. The indicator is set in the usual way, it works on any time period and
Target Striking - One of the best binary options trading tools! It is set up so powerfully that you can trade not only on currency pairs, but also on raw gold oil! You can also try on cryptocurrency! Ideal for trading on currency pairs, the percentage of reliable transactions is more than + 75% The trading tool is already set for the best profit! Only Target Striking can unlock the potential of the trading market for you! With it, the signals are even and accurate without redrawing, a sig
Automated multicurrency Expert Advisor with an unlimited number of currency pairs. In this case, it is possible to indicate on each individual currency pair how the adviser will work with it. You can add orders manually. The expert does not have a specific strategy. Everyone chooses what features he will use. And on what indicators and on which TF to work with them. Real account, which is fully led by an expert. MACD and Envelopes are used . Индикаторы Two Moving Average Envelopes RSI Force I
MILCH COW HEDGE V1.12 EA is primarily a Hedging Strategy. Expert support is to seize every opportunity in any direction. Not just opens the deals, but chooses the right time to close the open positions to begin trading again. We recommend the use of an expert with a pair of high volatility for the currency, such as GBPAUD, AUDCAD Testing expert during the period from 01.01.2016 until 09.12.2016 profit doubled four times to account Experts interface allows the user to directly trading open order
Market Trader Pro
Jan Isaac Rodriguez Castro
Discover Innovation in Trading: Explore our advanced trading algorithm designed to leverage market inefficiencies and deliver consistent results in real accounts for years. Unlike other systems that simply adjust historical data, our algorithm adapts to real market dynamics to maximize profits. Supported Currency Pairs: Specialized in trading EURUSD, NZDUSD, CADJPY, EURJPY, AUDCAD, AUDNZD, NZDCAD,,, ALL FOREX IN GENERAL WILL DO ITS THING.... OPERATE AT A HIGH LEVEL. Recommended Timeframe: Opti
I will support only my client. สำหรับลูกค้า Padthai Ai Robot is a safe system for Forex and Crypto currencies trading. Developed exclusively for the XAUUSD pair(GOLD), any currency pairs and any broker. Try now! The Ai Robot is designed to operate in the XAUUSD (GOLD) and any currencies market, entering only when there are high probabilities of success and certain unique conditions. The Ai Robot is based on a robust, profitable strategy and using percent level step of 1st lot size for MARTINGA
The Smooth Price technical indicator is used for plotting a smoothed line as close to the price of the financial instrument as possible, and serves to eliminate its noise components. The indicator is part of the Monarch trading system, but here it is presented as an independent technical analysis tool. The indicator is based on the cluster digital filter , which, unlike the ClusterSMA , is applied directly to the price time series. Smooth Price does not redraw (except the very last, zero bar) an
Septermber OFFER 85% OFF next price for unlimited version will be 2500$. This is the only time you can get this institutional and professional indicator at this price for unlimited version. Don't dare to miss this. The tool I am about to introduce to you you can't compare it with other tools due to its strategy and accuracy level in predicting the next price directional movement. This tool is designed for serious traders who have decided to make a difference through trading. Be the next person t
The EA’s unique algorithm calculates the average price (reflected in the form of a trend line on the chart), which is the center of price attraction in the framework of the traded timeframe. At times of increasing volatility, the adviser begins work with the goal of fixing profit in the region of the center of attraction of the price. Advisor does not use dangerous trading methods. It is recommended to install a trading expert on a remote server (VPS). Recommended Trading Instruments (TF 5M)
MT4バージョン: https://www.mql5.com/ja/market/product/90077 MT5バージョン: https://www.mql5.com/ja/market/product/103136 「KingKong」エキスパートアドバイザー (EA) は、外国為替市場向けに設計された洗練された取引アルゴリズムであり、市場の流動性が高まる期間に有効になるブレイクアウト戦略を活用しています。 この EA は、取引量が急増したときに発生する大きな価格変動を利用するように作られており、市場活動の最適な瞬間に取引が実行されるようにします。 主な特徴: ブレイクアウト戦略: 市場の流動性の検出: KingKong は、高度なアルゴリズムを採用して市場の流動性をリアルタイムで監視します。 これは、多くの場合、大きな価格変動の前兆となる、出来高が増加する期間を特定します。 ブレイクアウトの特定: このような流動性の高い期間中、KingKong は過去のデータとテクニカル指標に基づいて潜在的なブレイクアウト ポイントを特定します。 EA は、偽のブレイクア
MT4 バージョン: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/117011 MT5 バージョン: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/117012 「Nusantara」エキスパート アドバイザー (EA) は、MetaTrader プラットフォーム用に設計された高度な取引アルゴリズムです。保留注文 (買いストップと売りストップ) を利用してレンジ ブレイクアウト戦略を活用し、一定期間の統合後に市場の勢いを捉えます。EA にはスイッチング リスク管理が統合されており、定義済みの条件に基づいてリスクを動的に調整することで、トレーダーの柔軟性と安全性の両方を確保します。 主な機能: 1. レンジ ブレイクアウト戦略: ユーザー定義の時間枠 (アジア セッション、プレマーケット時間など) に基づいて統合範囲を特定します。 保留注文 (範囲を超える買いストップ、範囲を下回る売りストップ) を配置して、価格のブレイクアウトを捉えます。 誤ったブレイクアウトを回避するためのバッファー距離設定が含まれていま
Powerful Collector 2G Powerful Collector  2G Version has been introduced for those interested in the Forex market, those who can't afford to study, and those who want to take advantage of the account without worrying about collapsing the account. The expert advisor combines indicators, Candle Stick, and news, not the Martingale System, as in some EA, previous versions, and is sold in the Entry Point. Because drawdown is low and includes Stop loss, the account is not worried. Take profit is set
Milch Cow Harmonic EA "Tool designed to trade 28 currency pairs according to 88 harmonic patterns plus one customized according to your parameters The expert graph interface guides you to the pattern names when passing over the pattern circle You can activate or disable any number of currency pairs and patterns for your trade by clicking on the currency pair circle or the harmonic pattern (green = activate    red = disable) You can set more than one time frame within which the expert will look f
GbpUsd Engineered!  The Smart Prospector  E.A. Is A Smooth Combination Of  The Widely Known "Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) Indicator" And The New 'Fibo Reversals_TEMA Indicator" Thereby Making It The Most Realistic Multi-Strategy Expert Advisor You Will Ever Find. Sufficiently Tested In The GbpUsd Currency Pair With Over 25 Years History Data, This E.A Is Sure To Give You Your Own Share Of Wins In The Forex Markets. For Best Performances, set: 'Max_Orders' = 'Zero'. 'Max_Factor' = 1. Happ
IA Trendx3 PRO
Marco Aurelio Santos Costa
What if God Created a Trade System? No miracles... Just see how mathematics can be effective in the market. We managed to combine technical analysis / price action into indicators, creating the best setup for trading, be it in Forex, Indices, or stocks. It took us 2 years to create something that really works, and now it's time for you to discover it. TrendX3 is a revolution in trend analysis. Based on advanced algorithms and real-time data, it provides valuable insights so that you can make inf
CyNera MT4
Svetlana Pawlowna Grosshans
3.08 (13)
CyNera:あなたの取引、私たちの技術 シグナル >400%:  CyNera シグナル >500%: CyNera Turbo マニュアルとセットファイル: 購入後にご連絡いただければ、マニュアルとセットファイルをお送りします 価格: 価格は販売されたライセンスの数に応じて上昇します 利用可能なコピー: 4 金取引は、市場で最も変動の激しい金融商品であり、精密さ、徹底した分析、そして強力なリスク管理が求められます。CyNeraエキスパートアドバイザーは、これらの要素を巧みに組み合わせ、最適な金取引を実現するために設計された高度なシステムです。CyNeraの高度な戦略と技術は、経験豊富なトレーダーだけでなく、初心者にも、金取引がもたらす独自の課題やチャンスを乗り越えるための支援を提供します。 CyNeraは、金市場の複雑さに対応した信頼できるソリューションを提供します。適応性に優れたインテリジェントな戦略と、多時間枠分析、自動取引調整、そして正確なリスク管理などの高度な機能を組み合わせています。この柔軟性により、CyNeraは市場の急速な変化に即座に対応しつつ、長期的に資本を守る
Bitcoin Robot MT4
Marzena Maria Szmit
4.78 (37)
The Bitcoin Robot  MT4 is engineered to execute Bitcoin trades with unparalleled   efficiency and precision . Developed by a team of experienced traders and developers, our   Bitcoin Robot   employs a sophisticated algorithmic approach (price action, trend as well as two personalized indicators) to analyze market and execute trades swiftly with   M5 timeframe , ensuring that you never miss out on lucrative opportunities.   No grid, no martingale, no hedging,   EA only open one position at the sa
The Sequoia Expert Advisor is a professional market analyst working using a specialized algorithm. Based on the analysis of prices over a specific time interval, it reveals the strength and amplitude of prices using a unique indication system based on real data. When the strength of the trend and its direction changes, the expert closes the current position and opens a new one. The bot's algorithms include signals about overbought and oversold markets. A purchase occurs if the signal falls belo
Simos MT4
Maryna Shulzhenko
5 (1)
Description of   Simo : an innovative robot with a unique trading system Simo is a revolutionary trading robot that changes the rules of the game with its unique trading system. Using sentiment analysis and machine learning, Simo takes trading to a new level. This robot can work on any time frame, with any currency pair, and on the server of any broker. Simo uses its own algorithm to make trading decisions. Various approaches to analyzing input data allow the robot to make more informed decis
Big Forex Players MT4
Marzena Maria Szmit
4.74 (31)
We proudly present our cutting-edge robot, the  Big Forex Players EA  designed to maximize your trading potential, minimize emotional trading, and make smarter decisions powered by cutting-edge technology. The whole system in this EA took us many months to build, and then we spent a lot of time testing it. This unique EA includes three distinct strategies that can be used independently or in together. The robot receives the positions of the   biggest Banks   (p ositions are sent from our databa
Oceania Emperor AI EA always  profit results are variable and determined according to the market movement.The indicators used in EA expert have nothing to do with the standard indicators in the market and are completely derived from strategy ,It was developed by ENZOFXEA team in Germany with experienced traders with more than 15 years of trading experience. It's multi currency  { AUCAD , AUDNZD , NZDCAD }  You launch all three currency pairs at the same time and the activity is high. All types o
AFTER PURCHASE TEXT ME DIRECTLY FOR ASSISTANCE!!!! Manual & set files: contact me after purchase to receive the manual and set files Price: The price increases based on the number of licenses sold Available copies: 4 Manual & set files: contact me after purchase to receive the manual and set files Price: The price increases based on the number of licenses sold Available copies: 4 Trading gold, one of the most volatile instruments in the market, demands precision, in-depth ana
LENA Scalp
Cence Jk Oizeijoozzisa
4.4 (5)
LENA Scalp MetaTrader 5 バージョン:近日公開予定 高度なストップロステクノロジーと人工知能を活用したLena Expert Advisorは、革新的なトレーディング体験を提供します。 Lenaのロボットは、大きなストップロス、マーチンゲール、またはグリッドトレーディングを使用しません。代わりに、市場の状況に適応する動的なストップロスシステムを採用しています。 人工知能による分析は、戦略に基づいた市場の重要な機会を特定するのに役立ちます。 この自動化されたトレーディングソリューションは、経験豊富なトレーダーによって設計された堅実で実証済みのアプローチに基づいており、信頼性と効率性を提供します。 大きな損失制限は使用せず、アクティブ化が無効であることを検出すると、可能な限り最小限の損失で終了し、ライブ口座での取引 (これは人工知能の検出です) を終了します。 注意: ストップロスの注文管理はテストでは機能せず、ライブアカウントでのみ機能します。   このオプションが無効になっている場合、バックテストで結果が確認できます。しかし、ライブアカウントの低リスクア
Professional robot Star Boticum, which implements a trading strategy with different indicators and at different time intervals. It goes through the whole history and many currency pairs with a single setting. Unique trading system! You can work on any hourly period, any currency pair and on the server of any broker. It is recommended to work on liquid forex pairs, with a low spread. The smaller the commission and spread, the greater the profit. You can start using it with 10000$ and 0.01 lot. T
A Richter Expert is a professional market analyst working using a specialized algorithm. By analyzing prices over a specific time period, it determines the strength and amplitude of prices using a unique indicator system based on real data. When the trend and its direction change, the expert closes the current position and opens a new one. The bot's algorithms take into account signals about overbought and oversold markets. Buying occurs when the signal falls below a certain level and then rise
Btcusd Grid
Ahmad Aan Isnain Shofwan
1 (1)
BTCUSD GRID EA は、グリッド取引戦略を使用するように設計された自動プログラムです。 BTCUSD GRID EA は、初心者にも経験豊富なトレーダーにも同様に非常に役立ちます。 使用できる他のタイプの取引ボットもありますが、グリッド取引戦略の論理的性質により、暗号グリッド取引ボットは問題なく自動取引を簡単に実行できます。 BTCUSD GRID EA は、グリッド取引ボットを試してみたい場合に使用するのに最適なプラットフォームです。 BTCUSD GRID EA は、通貨が不安定な場合でも理想的な価格ポイントで自動取引を実行できるため、暗号通貨業界にとって非常に効果的です。 この自動取引戦略の主な目的は、EA 内で事前に設定された値動きで多数の売買注文を行うことです。 この特定の戦略は自動化が容易であるため、暗号通貨取引によく使用されます。 グリッド取引戦略を正しく使用すると、資産の価格が変化したときに利益を得ることができます。 グリッド取引戦略が最も効果的であることが証明されています 。 暗号通貨の価格が変動するため。   -------------------
CM = "DMF_AI_EA_ROBOT"; Strategy = 1   ElapsedSECONDS = 7 MaxDailyProfit = 3500 MaxDailyLoss = - 1500 MaxMonthlyProfit= 10000 LS= 1.3 CSL= 1.3   ESL= 1.3   PF= 50   STP= 50 CPF= 50 TND= 50 Lot= 15   BLS= 15   CLS= 15   TradingBetween = 16 : 30 - 23 : 30 Risk_Triger=+ 010 Mg = 2001   MAX Range Allowed = 100000   Bars For Range =     1 ️️  backtesting parameters provided Above; for ftmo broker only, account size 100K, Pair USTECHCASH100 Timeframe= H1 or H4. for other brokers and pairs contact s
Professional trading robot   Albatross : Your reliable assistant in the Forex market Albatross is an innovative trading robot designed to analyze the market using a specialized algorithm. This expert uses advanced methods to assess the strength and amplitude of price movements, which allows it to accurately predict trend reversals and make optimal trading decisions. Benefits of using Albatross Unique analysis algorithm: Albatross analyzes market data for a certain period of time, assessing the
"Niberia" is a modern and highly efficient trading bot designed for Forex market traders. It is a powerful tool for trading automation, ensuring precise and timely execution of strategies with minimal human intervention. Key Features of "Niberia": Use of Pending Orders: The bot operates with pending orders that activate only when the price reaches a specific level. During price movement, the system automatically adjusts pending orders using trailing techniques. Stop-Loss and Take-Profit: Once
Introducing Trade Vantage : Professional Market Analyst Trade Vantage is a highly effective analytical tool that uses a specialized algorithm for trading on the Forex and cryptocurrency markets. Its operating principle is based on price analysis for a certain time interval, identifying the strength and amplitude of price movements using a unique indication system. When a trend loses its strength and changes direction, the expert closes the previous position and opens a new one. The bot also tak
The Prisma Expert Advisor is a set of rules that allows you to achieve consistent results on the FOREX currency market thanks to sophisticated open position management, quality money management and opening and closing of positions, where mathematics together with probability play the main role. Prisma is able to work with stability on all major currency pairs and their combinations provided the system is run with a suitable broker that offers favorable conditions for such trading. However, it is
TRENDALGO is an EA that uses ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE to trade 100% automatically and as the name says it is a TREND FOLLOWING EA, it works well on ASSETs that are TRENDING. AI is used to identify the moment in which volumes, volatility and momentum explode, according to a proprietary equation created by me which takes these values ​​into consideration as objective data and never uses any indicator. TRENDALGO opens a new TRADE and follows it by continuously adjusting STOP LOSS and TAKE PROFIT, f
EA has a live track record with 48 month of stable trading with low drawdown: Live performance MT5 version can be found here Perceptrader AI is a cutting-edge grid trading system that leverages the power of Artificial Intelligence, utilizing Deep Learning algorithms and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to analyze large amounts of market data at high speed and detect high-potential trading opportunities to exploit. Supported currency pairs: NZDUSD, USDCAD, AUDNZD, AUDCAD, NZDCAD, GBPCHF Timefram
44% off for 48 hours only (Original price: $2,595) 50% bonus by purchasing this Robot, Contact us "after purchase" to receive the bonus A fully automatic expert Designed and produced 100% by artificial intelligence, with the world's most advanced technology All trades have profit and loss limits, with the best and least risky market strategy, without using dangerous strategies such as Martingale and hedges, etc. A specialist who has been trained by artificial intelligence for years to correctly
### Forex Hedging Expert Advisor: No Loss Strategy #### Overview The Forex Hedging Expert Advisor (EA) with a No Loss Strategy is an advanced automated trading system designed to mitigate risk and protect against adverse market movements. The core principle behind this EA is to implement a sophisticated hedging strategy that aims to lock in profits and minimize losses in volatile forex markets. This EA is ideal for traders who seek a robust, risk-averse trading solution that maintains capital
Several experts in one expert With this expert, you can use several up-to-date strategies Enhanced with artificial intelligence Can be used in several popular forex currencies Can be used in the most popular forex time frames Without using high-risk strategies Attributes : Can be used in the EURUSD , GBPUSD , USDCHF , AUDUSD , USDCAD , NZDUSD  currency pairs Can be used in M30 , H1 , H4 , D1 time frames Has profit limit and loss limit Without using risky strategies like martingale or hedge Acco
Waka Waka EA
Valeriia Mishchenko
4.31 (48)
EA has a live track record with 4.5 years of stable trading with low drawdown: Live performance MT5 version can be found here Waka Waka is the advanced grid system which already works on real accounts for years. Instead of fitting the system to reflect historical data (like most people do) it was designed to exploit existing market inefficiencies. Therefore it is not a simple "hit and miss" system which only survives by using grid. Instead it uses real market mechanics to its advantage to make p
こんにちは、私はDiamond Titan FXです。 このEAはUS30ペア専用に設計されています。 EAは、マーチンゲールやグリッドなどのリスクのある戦略を使用しません。 デフォルトでは、EAは各取引に対して50ピップの固定SLを設定しますが、必要に応じて変更できます。 EAはまた、10ピップから利益を確保するトレーリングストップを実装しており、これも変更可能です。 全口座に対するドローダウン管理機能を備えています。 EAにはニュースフィルター機能があり、ニュースの際に取引をオフにしたい場合に使用できます。 特別:EAは7ヶ月以上稼働しているライブ信号があります。明確で透明です。 ライブ信号1:   https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2220190?source=Site+Profile+Seller   プロモーション:Diamond Titanを購入すると、Nasdaq Algoの1つのEAを無料で受け取れます => 詳細はメッセージでお問い合わせください。 プロップチャレンジの取引履歴:   https://www.mql5.com/en/bl
The   Milioron   robot, developed for the Forex market, has significant flexibility and offers many mechanisms for maintaining a series of orders. It allows traders to automate and optimize their trading using built-in strategies and risk management approaches. Some of the main features and capabilities of the Milioron robot include: 1. **Flexibility of settings**: The robot provides traders with a wide range of parameters and settings that can be adapted to specific trading strategies and tr
这是一种全自动智能自适应算法。MAX Gold  系统计算历史数据,并根据即将突破支撑位和阻力位的概率百分比执行分析,并下达挂单。 EA 交易可适应任何市场条件。它使用质量为 99,9% 的真实刻度进行了回溯测试和优化。它已成功完成压力测试。 EA 包含统计信息收集算法,并在信息面板上输出。 建议选择ECN经纪商和点差最低的账户。 货币对/时间框架: EURUSD M30、 EURUSD H1、 USDJPY M30、 USDJPY  H1、   GBPUSD M30 、 GBPUSD  H1 、 XAUUSD M30 推荐货币对/时间框架: EURUSD   H1 、USDJPY   H1   or  EURUSD   M30 、 USDJPY  M30  or  XAUUSD M30 需要 VPS。 要求和建议 5 位引号。 最大点差:0 - 20 点。 最低存款额:100 美元。 最大止损水平:0 - 5 点。 建议使用 1:100 或更高的杠杆。 如果您在同一个账户上使用多个 Advisor,请确保所有 Advisor 都有不同的 Magic Numbers。 你需要
Gemini Trump EA represents a sophisticated advancement in grid trading systems. Unlike traditional methods that rely on fitting the system to historical data, Gemini Trump EA is engineered to exploit existing market inefficiencies, leveraging authentic market dynamics to generate profit. Gemini boasts an impressive array of features designed for both convenience and performance. With its One Chart Setup, you can trade all supported symbols using a single chart, while its Multi-Currency Support s
説明。 この製品は、プロジェクト「 PULSE_OF_MARKET 」の一部として作成されました。 EA「UndefeatedTriangle」は、AUD、CAD、NZD通貨間の独自の変動を利用する高度なシステムです。歴史的な結果は、構成で使用されるこれらのペアは、一方向への高速移動後に常に最初に移動したペアに戻ることを示しています。この観察により、これらの固有の状況の最大点を取得できるグリッドマーチンゲールシステムを含めることができます。 EA「UndefeatedTriangle」は、AUDCAD、AUDNZD、NZDCADの3つのペアのみを使用します。 MT5 version 利点。 実際のアカウントの監視。 同様の選択肢よりもはるかに安価です。 1米ドルでもミニアカウントで操作できます。 複雑な針のパラメーターはありません。 使いやすい。 パラメーター。 Short Name (In Comment Section) –コメントセクションのジャーナルまたはアカウント履歴に表示されます。 Print Logs On Chart -オン/オフ情報パネル; Display O
44% off for 48 hours only (Original price: $2,395) 50% bonus by purchasing this Robot, Contact us "after purchase" to receive the bonus A fully automatic expert Designed and produced 100% by artificial intelligence, with the world's most advanced technology All trades have profit and loss limits, with the best and least risky market strategy, without using dangerous strategies such as Martingale and hedges, etc. A specialist who has been trained by artificial intelligence for years to correctly
44% off for 48 hours only (Original price: $2,185) 50% bonus by purchasing this Robot, Contact us "after purchase" to receive the bonus A fully automatic expert Designed and produced 100% by artificial intelligence, with the world's most advanced technology All trades have profit and loss limits, with the best and least risky market strategy, without using dangerous strategies such as Martingale and hedges, etc. A specialist who has been trained by artificial intelligence for years to correctly
42% off for 48 hours only (Original price: $1,980) 50% bonus by purchasing this Robot, Contact us "after purchase" to receive the bonus A fully automatic expert Designed and produced 100% by artificial intelligence, with the world's most advanced technology All trades have profit and loss limits, with the best and least risky market strategy, without using dangerous strategies such as Martingale and hedges, etc. A specialist who has been trained by artificial intelligence for years to correctly
The     Cyberosaurus  bot is an innovative next-generation bot that serves as a powerful tool for trading in the classic Forex market and with cryptocurrencies (for corresponding brokers). It operates with the majority of pairs, so it is advisable to test it before using it on a specific pair. It is specifically designed to work with these markets, without the ability to trade other assets such as stocks or indices. The main control parameters of the bot are presented in a convenient and conci
The original BoomTroom trend indicator. With this indicator, you do not need to sit near the computer and wait for the inflection point to appear day and night. How important it is to determine the trend in the stock market or the Forex market! Still not sure how to determine the inflection point of a trend? Are you still worried about how to draw short-term and long-term trend lines? Run this smart utility. You will see pivot points of varying strength, as well as long-term and short-term tre
The Forex market can go through many different price paths to reach a point in the future. The future is dynamic. Therefore, planning a trade with a possible future scenario is an essential step for your success. For these purposes, we present to your attention Trend Units. A unique author's strategy that simultaneously determines the strength of trends and points of entry into the market, visualizing it using arrows on the chart. The indicator is optimally adapted for trading on time periods
Trend Sys, an indicator designed to detect trends in price movement and allows you to quickly determine the direction of the trend. The best way to trade Trend Sys is to enter the market when Trend Sys peaks and goes the other way. This is a sign of a trend reversal. I hope you enjoy this indicator and leave your comments to make it even better. Good luck and happy trading.
Using the Trend Moment indicator, you can find not only overbought and oversold zones, but also be able to identify the strongest reversals of the current trend. This will take your trading to a whole new level. Forget about slipping in oscillators, be it Stochastic or RSI or any other oscillator. Trend Moment signals 100% do not redraw and do not require adjusting the parameters - the indicator will work equally well on any chart, even with default parameters.
Trend Sens is a universal indicator, the values of which are calculated based on different indicators. The iPump indicator is a versatile indicator that combines the advantages of three categories of indicators. You get 3 indicators in 1 product. Trend Sense itself appeared in the process of many years of work with financial assets. The indicator has become a consequence of those desires and requirements, for the analysis that I personally would like to use for trading.
With the development of information technologies and a large number of participants, financial markets are less and less amenable to analysis by outdated indicators. Conventional technical analysis tools, such as the Moving Average or Stochastic, in their pure form are not able to determine the direction of the trend or its reversal. Can one indicator indicate the correct direction of the future price, without changing its parameters, in the history of 14 years? At the same time, not to lose ad
The Trend Map indicator is designed to detect trends in price movement and allows you to quickly determine not only the direction of the trend, but also to understand the levels of interaction between buyers and sellers. It has no settings and therefore can be perceived as it signals. It contains only three lines, each of which is designed to unambiguously perceive the present moment. Line # 2 characterizes the global direction of the price movement. If we see that the other two lines are above
Trend LineA is a powerful trend indicator equipped with everything you need to trade and at the same time very easy to use. The indicator calculates the most probable zones of trend stop / reversal, zones of confident trend movements. The indicator works on all timeframes and currency pairs. The indicator gives quite accurate signals and it is customary to use it both in trend and flat markets. It is advisable to use the indicator in combination with other instruments for more reliable signals
Original Trrend Arrow trend indicator showing buy and sell areas. With this indicator, you do not need to sit near the computer and wait for the inflection point to appear day and night. The indicator is very easy to use. When an up arrow appears, open a buy deal. When a down arrow appears, open a sell trade. The indicator works on all timeframes and currency pairs. It is advisable to use the indicator in combination with other instruments for more reliable signals and making a more balanced
One of the biggest challenges traders face is finding the trading system that's right for them. Trend Op indicator predicts the most likely short-term price movement based on complex mathematical calculations. This indicator is designed to detect trends in price movement and allows you to quickly determine not only the direction of the trend, but also to understand the levels of interaction between buyers and sellers. It has no settings and therefore can be perceived as it signals.
The Trend Hist indicator is designed to display on a chart and visually evaluate the trailing algorithm by inside bars. This indicator finds strong trend movements of a currency pair on a given number of bars, and also finds a correction to this trend. If the trend is strong enough, and the correction becomes equal to the one specified in the parameters, then the indicator signals this.
The Trend Slow indicator uses the author's algorithm for analyzing price behavior and displays the result of complex work in the form of lines. For simplicity, the algorithm automatically changes the line color according to its direction. The indicator has a parameter to enable alerts when the color changes, thus helping the trader to identify new market trends. This system will help you find high-probability trades in the direction of strong trends.
The Effect indicator shows the points of potential market reversal. Simple, visual and efficient trend detection. Ready-made trading system. The intelligent algorithm of the indicator determines the trend with good probability. Uses just one parameter for settings. The indicator does not redraw and does not lag. Works on all currency pairs and all timeframes. You should remember that using a combination of forecasting tools, it is advisable to choose 2-3 indicators for trading. Otherwise, thei
American traders say: “Trend is your friend”, which means “Trend is your friend”. And indeed it is! By trading with the trend, you reduce your risks and gain an advantage, as you increase the mathematical expectation of completed trades and, therefore, earn more profit. Together with the Going straight indicator you will trade with the trend with ease! This is one of the most effective ways to deal with market trends. Trading strategies using the channel indicator belong to the classic methods
Schrodinger Channel is a non-redrawing channel indicator based on moving averages, it takes into account not simple moving averages, but twice smoothed ones, which, on the one hand, makes it possible to more clearly determine the market movement, and on the other hand, makes the indicator less sensitive. Signals are not redrawn and can be used immediately after they appear. This means that there is no need to wait for a new confirming bar. The lower and upper bands are used as support / resista
The Direction Arrows indicator tracks the market trend while ignoring the sharp market fluctuations and noise around the average price. The indicator implements a kind of technical analysis based on the idea that the market is cyclical in nature. It catches the trend and shows favorable moments of entering the market with arrows. The indicator can be used both for pipsing on small periods and for long-term trading.
The Incognito RSI indicator is an advanced internal strength index. It transforms the signal so that the low-frequency components lag behind much more than the high-frequency components. In general, the data of the last bar has more weight than the previous data, like an exponential moving average. The indicator demonstrates not the relative strength of the compared trading instruments, but the internal strength of a single instrument, therefore it is the “Internal Strength Index”. This is an
The Oscillator Trend indicators are most useful in identifying trend decay. Nobody canceled the divergence. Correct use of this signal will give you a certain head start in the market. When working in flat. The principle of operation of the oscillator is based on the measurement of fluctuations. The indicator tries to determine the maximum or minimum of the next swing - an exit from the overbought and oversold zones. Do not forget that these signals are most interesting at the borders of the fl
Purpose Trend - analyzes the current trend gives an excellent understanding of which direction the market is aimed at, at what point it should be expected in the near future. Unfortunately, most of the popular indicators in practice give a huge number of false signals, since they all work without any consideration of global trends. That is why in today's conditions, when the market is far from stable price movement, it is almost impossible to build a strategy without using trend indicators. Ho
BitTerraCoin is a unique trading system! It goes through the entire history and all currency pairs with one single setting. Works using sharp tick movements. Recommendations for working with a scalpel: It is recommended to work on liquid Forex pairs with a low spread. The lower the commission and the spread, the greater the profit. You can start using it with $ 100 and 0.01 lot. You can work on any hourly period, on any currency pair and on the server of any broker. Details: The MaxSpread par
The Make Use trend indicator copes with the main task of trading: to find an entry point to the market at the moment of trend initiation and an exit point at the moment of its completion. A stable movement of quotations in a certain direction is called a trend in trading. In this case, the movement itself can be downward, upward or sideways, when the market movement does not have a pronounced direction. The Make Use trend indicator is important for identifying trends in financial markets. Howev
Trend Thyrogen is a trend trading strategy, filtering and all the necessary features built into one tool! Intelligent indicator algorithm with generates input signals and output levels. The principle of operation of the indicator is to automatically determine the current state of the market when placed on a chart, analyze historical data based on historical data and display instructions for further actions on the trader's screen. The system itself shows in the form of arrows when to buy and wh
The Channel Token indicator automatically builds a trend movement tracking channel. The price is in its trend movement in a certain range, and not a chaotic spread of the price, it is not clear in which direction. And if the price deviates within a certain range, it means that the boundaries of these ranges are support and resistance lines and form the Channel Token channel. Channel Token - an indicator in which the indicator period is automatically calculated based on the number of bars of t
The bot uses 4 MACD indicators and two MAs in its work, thus a zone is formed for trading on the breakdown of the Bands channel and, accordingly, with a minimum stop level and only one deal. The bot also takes into account parameters such as slippage, spread and volatility. Entry is made only when there is sufficient volatility. Thus, the bot works using sharp tick movements. It is recommended to work on liquid Forex pairs with a low spread. The lower the commission and the spread, the greater
The Trend Long indicator accompanies long trends. It can be used only to determine the global trend, but not as an entry point. Any reliable entry indicator can be used for the entry point. Or the standard RSI, based on overbought / oversold levels. The indicator can be used without restrictions on instruments or timeframes. Experiment with the parameters! The parameters are not linear! When you specify a period, you only specify a period to determine the price range for a certain interval. Th
This is no ordinary channel. Everyone should analyze it and find a way to use it in their trading strategies. Like all channels, it has a middle line as well as a high and low line. This channel is worth watching for its unusual behavior. The use of the Channel Reliable indicator allows the trader to react in time to the price going beyond the boundaries of the channel set for it. This corridor is built on the basis of the analysis of several candles, and changes in the parameter of the number
The principle of operation of the Patern Trend indicator is to work on a channel breakout. The parameters and width of the channel are selected in such a way that the closing in the red is sufficiently balanced, which is shown on the chart by the inscriptions near the arrows. You can see that the arrow signal does not appear every time the channel is broken. Because the indicator has a volatility filter that has a big impact on the entry. In total on the chart (EURUSD / H1) you can see that th
Signal Switched is a channel indicator designed to work with support and resistance levels and help traders find opportunities to enter the market. It is also protected by arrows that help to enter the market correctly. Channel indicators are among the most popular technical analysis tools on Forex and Signal Switched is a promising market analysis tool. Signal Switched can be used as a base for building a strategy or as an addition to an existing one. Signal Switched is a limited range (corr
Quatre is a trend indicator, it indicates well the points of the beginning of the trend and its completion or reversal. This indicator is characterized by the following behavior: After a trend movement appears on the market, the indicator sends a signal of its beginning in the form of arrows. Quatre is a mathematical averaging of prices, and based on this, one can assume the direction of price movement (trend) in the future. Against the background of insignificant fluctuations, it is possible t