Corelasi pair
- インディケータ
- Sulung Ramadhani Putra Wicaksono -
- バージョン: 1.0
- アクティベーション: 5
The correlation indicator is an analytical tool used to measure the relationship between two or more currency pairs or financial assets in the market. This indicator helps traders understand how the price movement of one asset affects or relates to the movement of another asset.
Correlation is typically expressed in values ranging from -1 to +1:
- Positive correlation (+1): Indicates that two assets move in the same direction.
- Negative correlation (-1): Indicates that two assets move in opposite directions.
- Zero correlation (0): Indicates no relationship between the movements of the two assets.
This indicator is highly useful for risk management, portfolio diversification, and identifying trading opportunities. By understanding correlations, traders can avoid overexposure to highly correlated assets and leverage negatively correlated assets for hedging strategies.
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