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Dobiforex AI Service

Dobiforex AI Service é uma plataforma especializada que oferece assistência inteligente em negociações para traders de forex. Este assistente utiliza análise avançada de mercado em tempo real para ajudar os traders a tomar decisões mais informadas em suas estratégias de negociação. Ao se cadastrar no site da Dobiforex e acessar o painel dedicado, os usuários podem integrar este serviço inteligente em sua plataforma de negociação. A Dobiforex, utilizando algoritmos avançados e aprendizado de máquina, processa dados de mercado em tempo real, fornecendo sinais de negociação precisos e confiáveis. Esta poderosa ferramenta permite que os traders aproveitem as flutuações do mercado de maneira inteligente enquanto otimizam os riscos de negociação.

Impulsionado pela AWS Amazon

Este assistente de negociação, impulsionado pelos serviços em nuvem da AWS da Amazon, utiliza uma infraestrutura computacional avançada para processar e analisar dados de negociação em tempo real. Ao aproveitar a AWS, essa ferramenta consegue lidar com grandes volumes de dados do mercado financeiro com alta precisão e velocidade. Uma das características mais notáveis desse assistente é o uso de técnicas de aprendizado de máquina em tempo real. Essa tecnologia permite que o sistema identifique rapidamente padrões ocultos nos dados e, utilizando algoritmos sofisticados, forneça previsões altamente precisas sobre os movimentos do mercado. A cada nova análise e entrada de dados, os modelos de aprendizado de máquina continuam a melhorar, otimizando o desempenho na entrega de sinais de negociação. Isso permite que os traders tomem decisões mais inteligentes em tempo real e aprimorem suas estratégias de negociação para obter melhores resultados.

O que é o serviço de IA?

Um assistente de negociação da DobiForex é um Expert Advisor (EA) projetado para operar na plataforma MetaTrader 5 (MT5) nos sistemas pessoais dos usuários. Este EA inclui vários menus e submenus, permitindo que os usuários realizem análises avançadas do mercado e executem operações no mercado de Forex. É importante destacar que a DobiForex não é uma corretora nem um provedor de serviços financeiros, mas sim uma solução de software inteligente que oferece ferramentas avançadas de negociação para ajudar os traders a tomar decisões mais precisas e eficientes nos mercados financeiros.

Por que devemos usar um assistente de negociação?

Usar um assistente de negociação oferece diversos benefícios que ajudam os traders a melhorar seu desempenho e reduzir riscos. Algumas razões importantes para usar um assistente de negociação incluem:

Análise rápida e precisa

Os assistentes de negociação podem analisar rapidamente os dados do mercado usando algoritmos avançados, fornecendo sinais confiáveis aos traders. Isso economiza tempo e melhora a precisão na tomada de decisões.

Eliminação de negociações emocionais

Um dos maiores desafios para os traders é deixar que as emoções, como medo ou ganância, influenciem as decisões. Assistentes de negociação operam puramente com base em dados e estratégias predefinidas, evitando decisões emocionais.

Execução automática de negociações

Com um assistente de negociação, as negociações podem ser executadas automaticamente com base em estratégias definidas, mesmo quando o trader não está monitorando ativamente o mercado. Isso garante que as operações sejam realizadas de maneira eficiente e no tempo certo.

Gestão de risco otimizada

Os assistentes de negociação oferecem ferramentas avançadas para gestão de risco, como a definição precisa de stop losses e take profits, ajudando os traders a minimizar perdas potenciais.

Acesso a estratégias avançadas

Muitos traders não têm tempo ou experiência para implementar estratégias complexas. Assistentes de negociação permitem que os usuários apliquem estratégias sofisticadas sem a necessidade de profundo conhecimento.

Resposta em tempo real ao mercado

Os mercados mudam rapidamente, e os traders podem ter dificuldade em acompanhar. Assistentes de negociação monitoram continuamente o mercado e podem responder rapidamente às mudanças.

Em resumo, o uso de um assistente de negociação permite que os traders gerenciem suas operações de maneira mais eficiente, precisa e sem interferências emocionais.

Seções do serviço de IA:

Negociação manual

Esta seção do assistente da DobiForex foi projetada especificamente para executar operações manuais, onde os usuários podem facilmente realizar seus pedidos com base nos dados analisados e nas sugestões fornecidas pelo assistente. Além disso, esta seção permite que os usuários modifiquem e personalizem as configurações de suas negociações. Os usuários podem ajustar vários parâmetros, como volume de negociação, take profit, stop loss e outras configurações de acordo com sua estratégia pessoal e preferências, permitindo que eles gerenciem as operações com maior precisão. Esta função oferece aos traders mais flexibilidade para implementar suas próprias estratégias juntamente com as recomendações inteligentes do assistente. O assistente oferece a capacidade de configurar negociações em posições longas e curtas, bem como para estratégias de médio e curto prazo. Também suporta 8 métodos práticos e avançados de negociação, fornecendo ferramentas profissionais para uma variedade de estilos de negociação.

Negociação automatizada

Além de suas capacidades avançadas de negociação manual, o assistente da DobiForex também oferece negociação automatizada, projetada especificamente para operações de curto prazo ou scalping. Quando o Analista de Mercado fornece sugestões de negociação, o assistente preenche automaticamente os parâmetros necessários. Os usuários também podem personalizar essas configurações com base em suas estratégias e preferências.

...(continua descrevendo as demais seções)

Nota importante:

Você deve baixar o arquivo principal através do site oficial. O preço listado aqui é para o plano Essential. Para acessar recursos adicionais e descontos, visite o site oficial.

Gino Renko EA
Stephane, Andr Valette
Here is an EA based on the Renko indicator, it can be used with currencies, commodities, and forex. Just associate it with the corresponding graph. The indicator used for the EA is available here, but it is not necessary for its operation, they are 2 independent products: https://www.mql5.com/fr/market/product/87852?source=Site +Market+MT5+Indicator+Search+Rating006%3agino+renko Personally I don't like renko like EA, and I haven't done any tests to find out which configuration is the best.
SolarTrade Suite 金融ロボット: LaunchPad Market Expert - 取引を開始するために設計されています! これは、革新的で高度なアルゴリズムを使用して値を計算する取引ロボットであり、金融​​市場の世界でのアシスタントです。 SolarTrade Suite シリーズのインジケーター セットを使用して、このロボットを起動するタイミングをより適切に選択してください。 説明の下部にある SolarTrade Suite シリーズの他の製品をご覧ください。 投資と金融市場の世界を自信を持ってナビゲートしたいですか? SolarTrade Suite 金融ロボット: LaunchPad Market Expert は、情報に基づいた投資決定を行い、利益を増やすのに役立つ革新的なソフトウェアです。 SolarTrade Suite 金融ロボット: LaunchPad Market Expert の利点: - 正確な計算: 当社のロボットは、高度なアルゴリズムと分析方法を使用して、市場の動きを正確に予測します。 資産を売買するのに最適
Gino Renko
Stephane, Andr Valette
1 (1)
Another renko-based indicator. It returns different usable values ​​for an EA, and is directly displayed on the main chart. Its setting is very simple: The size of the renko The number of bars taken into account The falling color The color on the rise Returned values: Buffer 0 : Value of the middle Buffer 1 : Value of the Top Buffer 2 : Value of the Bottom Buffer 3 : Direction of renko (0.0 for top ; 1.0 for bottom) Buffer 4 : Ratio of the renko, for example, if it is twice, 3 times, ro more of
MT4版  |  FAQ Owl Smart Levels Indicator は、 Bill Williams の高度なフラクタル、市場の正しい波構造を構築する Valable ZigZag、エントリの正確なレベルをマークする Fibonacci レベルなどの一般的な市場分析ツールを含む 1 つのインジケーター内の完全な取引システムです。 利益を得るために市場と場所に。 戦略の詳細な説明 インジケータを操作するための指示 顧問-取引助手 プライベートユーザーチャット ->購入後に私に書いて、私はプライベートチャットにあなたを追加し、あなたはそこにすべてのボーナスをダウンロードすることができます 力はシンプルさにあります! Owl Smart Levels 取引システムは非常に使いやすいので、専門家にも、市場を勉強し始めて自分で取引戦略を選択し始めたばかりの人にも適しています。 戦略と指標に秘密の数式や計算方法が隠されているわけではなく、すべての戦略指標は公開されています。 Owl Smart Levels を使用すると、取引を開始するためのシグナルをすばやく確認し、注文を出すため
Mine Farm is one of the most classic and time-tested scalping strategies based on the breakdown of strong price levels. Mine Farm is the author's modification of the system for determining entry and exit points into the market... Mine Farm - is the combination of great potential with reliability and safety. Why Mine Farm?! - each order has a short dynamic Stop Loss - the advisor does not use any risky methods (averaging, martingale, grid, locking, etc.) - the advisor tries to get
This indicator uses a mathematical calculation algorithm . This algorithm calculates the remainder between the updated model and the actual values and produces the possible progress of the graph on the graph. It is not a super prophet in trading, but it is very good for the trader when entering the market and to analyze it before entering. Applicable for all currencies. Данный индикатор использует алгоритм математических вычислений . Данный алгоритм вычисляет остаток между обновленной моделью и
Exclusive EA for FOREX HEDGE account The EA (FuzzyLogicTrendEA) is based on fuzzy logic strategies based on the analysis of a set of 5 indicators and filters. Each indicator and filter has a weight in the calculation and, when the fuzzy logic result reaches the value defined in the EA parameter, a negotiation is opened seeking a pre-defined gain. As additional functions it is possible to define maximum spread, stop loss and so on . Recommended Symbol: EURUSD, AUDUSD, GBPUSD, NZDUSD, USDCAD, AUD
This non-trading expert utilizes so called custom symbols feature ( available in MQL API as well) to build renko charts based on history of real ticks of selected standard symbol. RenkoFromRealTicks generates custom symbol quotes, thus you may open many charts to apply different EAs and indicators to the renko. It also transmits real ticks to update renko charts in real time. The generated renko chart uses M1 timeframe. It makes no sense to switch the renko chart to a timeframe other than M1. T
Bober Real MT5
Arnold Bobrinskii
4.76 (17)
Bober Real MT5 is a fully automatic Forex trading Expert Advisor. This robot was made in 2014 year and did a lot of profitbale trades during this period. So far over 7000% growth on my personal account. There was many updates but 2019 update is the best one. The robot can run on any instrument, but the results are better with EURGBP, GBPUSD, on the M5 timeframe. Robot doesn't show good results in tester or live account if you run incorrect sets. Set files for Live accounts availible only for c
Climbing Scalper mt5
Liudmyla Bochkarova
3 (2)
Climbing Scalper EA is a night scalper that trades during the calmest periods of the market. During this period the markets usually fluctuate and the advisor will trade within these ranges. Each trade will have an initial stop loss and take profit, but the EA also uses advanced stop loss management algorithms that will assess the strength of the trades. 8 copy left at 399, next price 499 Buy this EA, post a feedback and get  Golden Future  for free The advisor works on all pairs with a stable s
Your Trend Friend
Luigi Nunes Labigalini
5 (1)
The trend is your friend! Look at the color of the indicator and trade on that direction. It does not  repaint. After each candle is closed, that's the color of the trend. You can focus on shorter faster trends or major trends, just test what's most suitable for the symbol and timeframe you trade. Simply change the "Length" parameter and the indicator will automatically adapt. You can also change the color, thickness and style of the lines. Download and give it a try! There are big movements
数列の一つに「森林火災数列」があります。これは、最も美しい新しいシーケンスの 1 つとして認識されています。その主な特徴は、このシーケンスが線形トレンドを回避することです。最短のものであってもです。この指標の基礎を形成したのはこのプロパティです。 財務時系列を分析する場合、この指標は可能なすべての傾向オプションを拒否しようとします。そして失敗した場合にのみ、トレンドの存在を認識し、適切なシグナルを発します。このアプローチにより、新しいトレンドの始まりの瞬間を正しく判断できます。ただし、偽陽性の可能性もあります。それらの数を減らすために、このインジケーターに追加のフィルターが追加されました。新しいバーが開くとシグナルが生成されます。いずれの場合も再描画は発生しません。 指標パラメータ: Applied Price   - 適用価格定数; Period Main   - インディケータのメイン期間、その有効な値は 5 ~ 60 です。 Period Additional   - 追加の期間。このパラメーターの有効な値は 5 ~ 40 です。 Signal Filter   - 追加の信号
The Expert Advisor is used to create Renko chart, realtime updates, easy for technical analysis. Backtest your strategy with all indicators with Renko chart in MetaTrader 5. Parameters Box Size : input the number of box size. Show Wicks : if true , draw a candle with high/low. History Start: input the date to creat first candle. Maximum Bars: limit number of bars on renko chart How to use Attach the Expert Advisor to a chart (timeframe M1), for which you want to create a renko. Input box siz
| Fully-automated Smart Money Concept (ICT) inspired trading solution with multi-strategy capabilities | Built by a grid trader >> for grid traders.  This is MT5 version, click  here  for  Blue CARA MT4  (settings and logics are same in both versions)     Real monitoring signal  -->  Cara Gold Intro Blue CARA EA   ('CARA') - short for  C omprehensive  A lgorithmic   R esponsive   A dvisor is a next-gen  multi-currency    multi-timeframe  EA base on the widely known (and perhaps the most popul
Heikin Ashi candlesticks are a powerful tool for traders, offering a clear and smooth visualization of market trends. Unlike traditional candlesticks, they filter out market noise, providing a cleaner view of the market's direction and strength, which helps traders make more informed decisions. The Hull Heikin Ashi Smoothed indicator from Minions Labs takes this a step further by integrating the Hull Moving Average for enhanced smoothing and precision. This indicator not only simplifies trend id
Professional range bar charting on a custom symbol chart accurate pricing to the tick  accurate timeline (no future date projections) very responsive charts An Expert Advisor (EA) is used to create a RangeBar custom chart and provide real-time updates. It is an MT4 "offline" range bars chart equivalent. The simplicity of use - Attach the EA to any time-based chart that you wish to see Range Bars for, input your desired parameters and you are ready to go! You can attach any MT5 compatible indicat
Noize Absorption Index - is the manual trading system that measures the difference of pressure between bears forces and bulls forces. Green line - is a noize free index that showing curent situation. Zero value of index shows totally choppy/flat market.Values above zero level shows how powerfull bullish wave is and values below zero measures bearish forces.Up arrow appears on bearish market when it's ready to reverse, dn arrow appears on weak bullish market, as a result of reverse expectation.
Robust median Renko style indicator for creating custom charts resembling Median Renko, Mean Renko, Turbo Renko and Better Renko candles as well as vanilla Renko with wicks plus Point-O charts. This all in one package provides all of the signals needed by day traders, scalpers, and even long-term traders. Main characteristics The indicator is an overlay on the main chart so it is possible to utilize one-click trading and order manipulation directly on the custom charts. Visual order placement
Renko Builder GLX1
Eranga Thilina Dhanushka Gallage
GLX1 Renko Builder   Expert Advisor (EA) can create the Renko bar charts on any symbol. The Renko charts are generated as real-time custom symbol charts which can be further used for technical analysis with any MT5 compatible indicator.  Find the free   GLX1 Renko Euro   Expert Advisor from here.  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/115074 Included Features: Truly responsive Renko Charting on a custom symbol chart Accurate automatic live chart update Ability to attach any MT5 indicator
This is a multi-symbol and multi-timeframe table-based indicator designed for a candlestick patterns detection with 46 patterns for META TRADER 5. Each formation has own image for easier recognition. Here you find most popular formations such as "Engulfing", "Hammer", "Three Line Strike", "Piercing" or Doji - like candles. Check my full list of patterns on my screenshots below. Also you can not only switch all bearish or bullish patterns from input, but also select formation for a specified symb
MT4 バージョン: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/102622 MT5 バージョン: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/102624 ライブシグナル: https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2208634 「Gold Buster」EA のご紹介: 次世代の動的サポート/レジスタンスおよびリスク管理システム 「Gold Buster」EA は、オープン ポジション管理とリスク分析テクノロジーの最新の進歩を活用して、金融市場でサポートとレジスタンス レベルを識別および使用する方法を再定義する、最先端の自動取引システムです。この革新的なエキスパート アドバイザー (EA) は、さまざまな取引プラットフォームや商品でシームレスに動作するように設計されており、安定した利益とリスク軽減を求める初心者と経験豊富なトレーダーの両方のニーズに対応します。 主な機能: 動的なサポートとレジスタンスの識別: 「Gold Buster」EA の核心は、動的なサポートと
O Alpha B3 Renko Trader  é um robô especialista para negociação no Bovespa B3  (miniíndice e minidólar) que une a análise de candlesticks do gráfico Renko (calculado internamente, sem imagens gráficas) com a estratégia Alpha B3 . O robô permite configurar, para os sinais de entrada, o tamanho do brick do gráfico Renko, bem como um número de candlesticks para análise. Além disso, você deve configurar os stops fixos, em pontos. O robô permite também a configuração de funções, tais como número de c
プレミアムレベルは、正しい予測の精度が80%を超える独自の指標です。 この指標は、最高のトレーディングスペシャリストによって2か月以上テストされています。 あなたが他のどこにも見つけられない作者の指標! スクリーンショットから、このツールの正確さを自分で確認できます。 1は、1キャンドルの有効期限を持つバイナリーオプションの取引に最適です。 2はすべての通貨ペア、株式、商品、暗号通貨で機能します 手順: 赤い矢印が表示されたらすぐにダウントレードを開き、青い矢印が表示されたら閉じます。青い矢印の後に開くこともできます。 試してテストしてください!推奨設定はデフォルトです! 日足チャートで最高の精度を示します! インディケータは、2600 Pipsの収益性に対して、約10Pipsという非常に小さなマージンを使用します。
The ultimate trading tool that is designed to deliver simplicity and profitability to users. The EA's cutting-edge model utilizes pattern recognition and neural network training to analyze the market and make informed trades on 20 or more currency pairs (also to ohter instruments) simultaneously. With its user-friendly interface, this EA is perfect for traders of all levels, whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro. By leveraging the power of our EA, you can achieve steady growth and boost yo
Heiken Ashi EA MT5
Juvenille Emperor Limited
4.94 (16)
Heiken Ashi EA ΜΤ5   は、まったく新しいアプローチでクラシックまたはスムージング平均足キャンドルを取引するための完全に自動化された Expert Advisor です。   Heiken Ashi EA MT5  は、最初の異なる色のローソク足が閉じた後に単一の取引を開始し、平均足の色の変化ごとに反対の取引を開始します。 この EA を使用するには、異なる色の最初の平均足ローソクが閉じられた後に最初の取引を開始し、その後、平均足ローソクの色が変わらない限り、すべてのローソクで新しい同じ方向の取引を開始するオプションがあります。 一連のユニークな設定により、この EA は非常に多用途になっています。たとえば、最初の取引が開始される平均足ローソク足の数を 2 番目から 10 番目まで選択するオプションや、同様のレベルの取引が多すぎるのを避けるために同じ方向の取引間の距離を制限するオプションなどです。 平均足ローソク足のトレーリング設定は、取引の SL を過去の平均足ローソク足に配置することで、動きの遅いまたは速い市場に適応するのに役立ちます。 この EA には、ECN
KT Renko Live Chart utility creates the Renko charts on MT5 that can be further used for speculation or live trading. The Renko chart created by this utility supports most of the custom indicators and automated Expert Advisors. Fully compatible with our Renko Patterns indicator and Renko Patterns EA . Features A simple and straightforward Renko utility that provides the Renko chart on MT5 without any complicated settings. It supports most of the custom indicators and Expert Advisors for 100%
Gyroscope        professional forex expert   (for EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY, AUDUSD, USDCHF, EURGBP, EURJPY, NZDUSD, USDCAD, EURCHF, AUDJPY, CADJPY pairs)   alyzing the market using the Elliot Wave Index. Elliott wave theory is the interpretation of processes in financial markets through a system of visual models (waves) on price charts. The author of the theory, Ralph Elliott, identified eight variants of alternating waves (of which five are in the trend and three are against the trend). The mo
Flow Bookmap
Thalles Nascimento De Carvalho
Flow Bookmap: 市場のフローを視覚化し、あなたの取引を守る ️ 買い手と売り手に関する正確な情報で市場を支配したいですか? Flow Bookmapは、市場の動向を深く理解したいトレーダーのための究極のツールです。注文フローのデータをMT5チャートの直感的なインターフェースに変換し、迅速で安全な意思決定のために重要な関心領域を強調表示します。 仕組み Flow Bookmapは、市場での買い手と売り手の相互作用を解釈し、重要な不均衡(imbalances)を強調表示します: 買い手が支配的な場合、売り手がより有利な条件で価格を調整できるため、価格は下がる傾向があります。 売り手が支配的な場合、価格は反対の論理で上昇する傾向があります。 さらに、このインジケーターはリアルタイムでデータを収集しながら、グラフに直接情報をプロットします。つまり、インジケーターは計算が終了するにつれて、不均衡ゾーンや買い手と売り手の相互作用を構築し、発生している市場の状態を動的かつ正確に視覚化します。大きな関心を持つ価格帯は、グラフ上の防御ゾーンとして機能し、取引を保護します。
Advanced 4xZeovo MT5 Indicator (MetaTrader 5)   Product Description  4xZeovo is a powerful trading indicator system monitoring 24/7 financial markets. Metatrader5 tool designed to find the best buying/selling opportunities and notifies the user.    Making life easy for traders in helping with the two most difficult decisions with the use of advanced innovate trading indicators aiming to encourage users to hold the winning positions and take profit at the best times.    Equipped with a unique tra
Gecko EA MT5
Profalgo Limited
5 (1)
NEW PROMO: Only a few copies copies available at 349$ Next price: 449$ Make sure to check out our " Ultimate EA combo package " in our   promo blog ! Gecko runs a simple, yet very effective, proven strategy.  It looks for important recent support and resistance levels and will trade the breakouts.  This is a "real" trading system, which means it will use a SL to protect the account.  It also means it will not use any dangerous techniques like martingale, grid or averaging down. The EA shows its
B e sure to watch this video before using A community for users, product discussion, update news, and first line of support  Use Webmoney For payments in cryptocurrencies. How I use this algo tool   Lazy Trader is NOT SUITABLE FOR SCALPING EVERY MINUTE MOVEMENT, ESPECIALLY IN CRYPTO. WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING WHAT IS HAPPENING ON THE CHART, THERE IS NO POINT IN BLINDLY HOPING FOR PROFITS! Lazy Trader does NOT USE openAI chat-gpt-4 technologies, which are added to descriptions for product promoti
The product will copy all telegram signal to MT5 ( which you are member) , also it can work as remote copier.  Easy to set up, copy order instant, can work with almost signal formats, image signal,  s upport to translate other language to English Work with all type of channel or group, even channel have "Restrict Saving Content", work with  multi channel, multi MT5 Work as remote copier: with signal have ticket number, it will copy exactly via ticket number. Support to backtest signal. How to s
Yury Kulikov
4.93 (41)
Attention: You can view the program operation in the free version  YuClusters DEMO .  YuClusters is a professional market analysis system. The trader has unique opportunities to analyze the flow of orders, trade volumes, price movements using various charts, profiles, indicators, and graphical objects. YuClusters operates on data based on Time&Sales or ticks information, depending on what is available in the quotes of a financial instrument. YuClusters allows you to build graphs by combining da
Gold Hunters is one of the straightforward tool to analysis the volatile market of Gold with demands precision, in-depth analysis, strong risk management and eliminating the need for constant market monitoring. Gold Hunter will hunt the good trade position with precise risk management on all market conditions on Gold.  Hunters plug-and-play functionality means you can get started with minimal effort, Simply install me and let me handle the rest. We will diligently monitor the market, identify t
ATTENTION the expert does not work in strategy tester, for a trial version visit my profile. Manual RiskGuard Management   RiskGuard management was born with the idea of ​​helping traders from their initial journey to becoming expert and aware traders. Compatible with any operating system whether Mac or Windows. The operations panel is integrated into the graph giving the possibility to choose size and position between right and left, while the various buttons light up when they can be used,
The  Easy Strategy Builder (ESB)  is a " Do It Yourself " solution that allows you to create a wide range of the automated trading strategies without any line of codes. This is the world’s easiest method to automate your strategies that can be used in STP, ECN and FIFO brokers. No drag and drop is needed. Just by set conditions of your trading strategy and change settings on desired values and let it work in your account. ESB has hundreds of modules to define unlimited possibilities of strategi
Designed for automated trading on the Nasdaq (US100, USTEC, NAS100, NDX100, etc.). It will not work on other assets! To correctly   test, it is necessary to configure the TesterTimeShift parameter.  TesterTimeShift   is the time difference in hours between the terminal time and the time in the visual mode of the strategy tester. This is based on research by BIASMACHINE And the related Telegram notification service . It uses statistical patterns identified in the research to find and plac
Vyacheslav Izvarin
5 (2)
ADAM EA Special Version for FTMO Please use ShowInfo= false for backtesting ! Our 1st EA created using ChatGPT technology Trade only GOOD and checked PROP FIRMS  Default parameters for Challenge $100,000 Tested on EURUSD and GBPUSD only  Use 15MIN Time Frame Close all deals and Auto-trading  before Weekend at 12:00 GMT+3  Friday For Prop Firms MUST use special Protector  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/94362 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
News Trader Pro is a unique robot that allows you to trade the news by your predefined strategy. It loads every piece of news from several popular Forex websites. You can choose any news and preset the strategy to trade it, and then News Trader Pro will trade that news by selected strategy automatically when the news comes. News release gives opportunity to have pips since the price usually has big move at that time. Now, with this tool, trading news becomes easier, more flexible and more exciti
News Trade EA MT5
Konstantin Kulikov
4.5 (10)
僕自身が数年間使っている便利なロボットをご紹介します。半自動モードでも完全自動モードでもお使いいただけます。 当プログラムは経済指標カレンダーで発表されるニュースをもとにした取引の柔軟な設定が可能です。戦略テスターでは確認不可です。実際の取引のみです。端末の設定メニューを開いて許可URLリストにニュースサイトを追加する必要があります。サービス > 設定 > エキスパート・アドバイザーをクリックしてください。”次のURLの WebRequestを許可する:"にチェックを入れてください。次のURLを追加してください(空白は削除します): https://  nfs.faireconomy.media 設定のモニタリングはデフォルトで完全自動モードで行われます: https://www.mql5.com/ja/signals/1447007 。似たような結果を得たい場合は任意のタイムフレームの GBPUSDチャートにエキスパート・アドバイザーを関連付けてください。(タイムフレームの種類は問いません。) 当該エキスパート・アドバイザーのためのカスタマイズ設定セットを作る場合は、ブ
Mt5 To InterativeBrokers Copier allows you to copy deals from MT5 account to Interactive Brokers. With this, you can run your EA strategy on a MT5 Demo/Real Account, then copy all the deals to Interactive Brokers account real time. Features: 1. Copy or Invert-Copy deals Realtime from MT5 to IB Account. 2. Synchronizing positions of both accounts periodicaly, in case any missing copying. 3. You can choose only Buy position or Sell position. Symbols Setup: General Format:  {MT Symbol} -> {
Trading Chaos Expert
Gennadiy Stanilevych
5 (10)
This software has no equals in the world and represents a universal trade "console" covering trading signals, automated market entry, setting of Stop Loss and Take Profit, as well as Trailing Profit for multiple trades at the same time in a single open window. Intuitive control of the Expert Advisor in "three clicks" ensures a comprehensive use of all its functions on different computers, including tablets PCs. Interacting with additional signal indicators that mark the chart to give a real mark
Dedicated for FTMO and other Prop Firms Challenges 2020-2024 Trade only GOOD and checked PROP FIRMS  Default parameters for Challenge $100,000 Best results on GOLD and US100  Use any Time Frame Close all deals and Auto-trading  before  US HIGH NEWS, reopen 2 minutes after Close all deals and Auto-trading  before Weekend at 12:00 GMT+3  Friday Recommended time to trade 09:00-21:00 GMT+3 For Prop Firms MUST use special  Protector  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/94362 ------------------
Unlimited Trade Copier Pro MT5 is a tool to copy trade remotely to multiple MT4, MT5 and cTrader accounts at different computers/locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for you if you are a signal provider and want to copy your trades to other receivers globally on your own rules. One provider can copy trades to multiple receivers and one receiver can get trade from multiple providers as well. The provider can even set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will n
Mentfx Mmanage mt5
Anton Jere Calmes
4.25 (8)
The added video will showcase all functionality, effectiveness, and uses of the trade manager. Drag and Drop Trade Manager. Draw your entry and have the tool calculate the rest. Advanced targeting and close portions of a trade directly available in tool (manage trades while you sleep). Market order or limit order on either side with factored spread. Just draw the entry, the tool does the rest. Hotkey setup to make it simple. Draw where you want to enter, and the stop loss, the tool calculates al
Hedge Ninja
Robert Mathias Bernt Larsson
3 (2)
Make sure to join our Discord community over at www.Robertsfx.com , you can also buy the EA at robertsfx.com WIN NO MATTER IN WHICH DIRECTION THE PRICE MOVES This robot wins no matter in which direction the price moves by following changing direction depending on in which direction price moves. This is the most free way of trading to this date. So you win no matter which direction it moves (when price moves to either of the red lines as seen on the screenshot, it wins with the profit target yo
Features   With MT5 to Interactive Brokers(IB) Trader, you can: 1. Load chart data from IB to MT5, and Analyze with all standard or customer Indicators. 2. Place Orders to IB Account Directly in MT5. 3. Make your Own EAs upon IB Securities by only making minus changes of the trading function. Usage 1) Installation Copy the "Mt5ToIBTraderEn.ex4" and sample files to [MT5 Data Folder]->MQL5->Experts.  2)  MT5 Settings Add the IP Address to the MT5 Allowed URLs in 'Tools->Options->Exper
Trade on crypto exchanges in MT5! GRat_Crypto is a tool for manual and automated trading , including ANY available EA, ANY  cryptocurrency  on most popular crypto exchanges in the familiar MT5 environment 24/7. Features 1. ALL instruments of the 8 most popular crypto exchanges are available: Binance, BingX, Bybit, Coinbase, Kraken,   KuCoin, MEXC and OKX . 2. The ability to place ANY type of order available in MT5, both market and pending, to modify orders and positions, to delete orders and cl
Attention: this is a multicurrency EA, which trades by several pairs from one chart!  Therefore, in order to avoid duplicate trades, it is necessary to attach EA only to one chart, ---> all trading in all pairs is conducted only from one chart! we can trade simultaneously in three different pairs, as by default (EURUSD + GBPUSD + AUDUSD), which take into account the correlation when entering the market for all three; we can trade only EURUSD (or any currency pair) and at the same time take into
Binance Future用のMt5ボット(エキスパート) システムはBinanceFuture市場で稼働しています。 独自のコードに簡単に統合して、操作を自動化できます。 手動操作パネルが利用可能です。 ヘッジmod互換。 すべての操作は画面から手動で行うことができます。 これは、同時に多くの暗号通貨を制御するための最も効果的な方法です。 画面はバイナンス画面のテンプレートタイプです。 リンクからテンプレートファイルをダウンロードできます。 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WHqGhym0QIK31l7kwfit9_tXb7YbqSuT/view?usp=sharing このプログラムはインストールが必要です。 https://www.mql5.com/tr/market/product/68694 https://www.mql5.com/tr/market/product/73887 パラメーター APIキー=バイナンスAPIキー シークレットキー=バイナンスシークレットキー
Rafil Nurmukhametov
4.78 (32)
The utility allows you to build different types of graphs: Seconds chart from 1 second to 86400 seconds Tick chart from 1 tick and above The volume chart Delta chart Renko chart Range chart Demo version of the utility https://www.mql5.com/ru/channels/clustersecond Built-in indicators for volumetric analysis: daily market profile and market profile of the selected timeframe, Cluster Search Imbalance VWAP Dynamic POC, VAH, VAL the profile depth of the market vertical volume with various display op
HYT utility
Sergey Batudayev
5 (1)
HYT (Help Your Trading) is a tool designed to help you average down your losing positions using two main techniques: Standard averaging . Hedging with subsequent opening of positions in the direction of the trend . Buy 1 and 1 get FREE This tool allows you to manage multiple positions opened in different directions, both for buying and selling. HYT automatically calculates the size of the next position , order price, direction for averaging, and closing the position with a specified take-profit
Trade like a time traveler thanks to latency arbitrage Everyone knows that the best way to make money in the markets is by knowing the future. Have you ever wished to know the future price of something in advance? Even if it were just a few days, hours, or minutes ahead? What if it were possible to know it but with less than a second of advance notice? That's precisely what the PZ Latency Arbitrage EA robot does. PZ Latency Arbitrage EA is your personal time machine: but it can only travel into
The best trend line auto trading expert advisor/utility. One or more trend lines of different timeframes in the same direction are easily placed on a chart to auto trade within a strong trading opportunity.   1.    AUTO TRADING / MANUAL TRADING Trendscout can place orders for you automatically. You have to enable “Auto trading” and also check the “Enable live trading” box at the parameter window. When price crosses the trend lines for the first time two massages are sent to your mobile phone or
Market Screener
Andrey Khatimlianskii
5 (1)
Professional tool for professional traders It allows you to browse all available financial instruments and select best ones to trade with lightning speed. Fastest market screening ever Move your mouse over the instruments and instantly see 3 charts with selected timeframes and predefined indicators! Click on the symbol name to hold it. Use UP and DOWN keys to select previous /  next instrument. Ultimate charting Smooth scale, automatic indicator lines width, smart grid and much more. You'll
Dear traders and investors! We present to you the MT5 Optimization Booster – an innovative product that will revolutionize your optimization experience on MetaTrader 5! The MT5 Optimization Booster is based on the innovative Quantum Swap Protocol (QSP) algorithm – a unique proprietary optimization strategy that forms the core of the product and elevates the process of finding optimal solutions to a new level. After the purchase , be sure to contact me . The product is designed to enhance the
INTRODUCTION : This Panel is made to detect the spike presence and opens trade transaction automatically after providing  a signal of control to operate autonomiousely the trade. It is a best scalper and a good spike catcher.   IMPORTANT : It is recommended to use Virtual Hosting Server VPS to optimize the methods implemented and to operate 24h a day. REQUIREMENTS : Relevant Terminal : Metatrader 5 - MT5. Brokers : Deriv Ltd and Others. Currency : Boom and Crash 1000 index. Lot size : opt
In trading, losses are inevitable, but they can be managed effectively with the right tools. Lock Guard    can be used for insuring positions in manual trading or as an addition to another robot. It is a powerful tool for saving a trader's main positions because it can prevent losses from getting out of hand. Lock Guard is a trading tool that helps manage losses by automatically placing pending stop orders, which act as counter orders that become market orders when the price moves against t
FiboPlusWave Series products Ready-made trading system based on Elliott waves and Fibonacci retracement levels . It is simple and affordable. Display of the marking of Elliott waves (main or alternative option) on the chart. Construction of horizontal levels, support and resistance lines, a channel. Superposition of Fibonacci levels on waves 1, 3, 5, A Alert system (on-screen, E-Mail, Push notifications).    Features: without delving into the Elliott wave theory, you can immediately open one of
Live Forex Signals サイト信号での取引用に設計されています   https://live-forex-signals.com/en と https://foresignal.com/en . Live Forex Signal for MetaTrader 4   https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/81445 パラメータ サイトへのサブスクリプションを持っている場合は、ユーザー名とパスワードlive-forex-signals.com/foresignal.com サブスクリプションがない場合は、フィールドを空のままにします; オープンされているお得な情報へのコメント リスクリスクは、取引のための預金の割合として、リスク=0の場合、値ロットが使用されます 取引のためのロット固定ボリューム UseTakeProfitは、サイトから利益を取る使用します 当サイトからのご利用停止のご案内 F r e c h encysignalupdateinminute顧問のサイトへの訪問頻度を指定します MaximumSpreadFor
チャートリンク補助ツール: このツールは、MetaTraderで開いているチャートとメインチャートのエキスパートの間のインターフェースとして機能します。多くのマルチタイムフレームエキスパートは、画面上の開いているチャートと通信するためにこのファイルを必要とします。このツールをチャート上で実行することで、チャートをメインチャートのエキスパートに簡単に接続することができます。 このファイルの主な機能は、開いているチャート上で発生したすべてのイベントをメインチャートのエキスパートに送信することです。例えば、メインチャートにガイドラインが配置されても、これらのガイドラインの変更がメインパネルのエキスパートのパラメータに反映されない場合があります。このツールをチャート上にドラッグ&ドロップまたは実行することで、それらをリンクさせ、チャート上の変更がメインチャートのエキスパートに確実に伝達されるようにします。 また、このツールには、メインチャートのエキスパートのデバッガーとアクティブ状態のチェッカーも備わっています。メインチャートのエキスパートへの接続が失われた場合、このツールは次のアクションを実
バージョン 1.2 2024.09.28
Please update to the latest version of this expert advisor from the "panel.dobiforex.com".
バージョン 1.1 2024.09.27
Some issues have been resolved. For greater assurance, please download the file from the main website through your user dashboard.