WaSwap MT4
- インディケータ
- Wachinou Lionnel Pyrrhus Sovi Guidi
- バージョン: 1.1
- アップデート済み: 2 9月 2024
WaSwap MT4 Indicator shows the current Swap Long and current Swap Short with color.
* Set the Swap Threshold and the color to identify when the current swap is below or above the Spread Threshold.
* Set X axis and Y axis and chose the Corner and the Anchor to position the Swap Label on the chart.
* Write the font and the font size for more confort.
* Activate alert if the current Swap Long or the current Swap Short is below the swap threshold.
* The user will never swing with a negative swap, WaSwap MT4 Indicator will notify with a color and a sound.