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Pending Order Grid EA MT4

The Pending Order Grid is a multi-symbol multi-timeframe Expert Advisor that enables multi-strategy implementation based on pending order grids. 

General Description 

The Pending Order Grid allows the performing of a user-defined strategy through the creation of pending order grids. The Expert Advisor places pending orders of a given type (Buy Limit, Sell Limit, Buy Stop, or Sell Stop) at equidistant price levels to form each grid. The user might set up different grids to exist simultaneously – it's only needed to attach the EA on multiple chart windows of the intended symbol(s). 

The start and stop of a grid might be chosen between two modes: price or time. Depending on the selected modes, the trading robot only starts placing pending orders when the current price is "near" the first target price (Start Price) or the Start Time is reached and stops placing when the last target price exceeds the Stop Price or the Stop Time is reached, where Start Price, Start Time, Stop Price and Stop Time are input parameters. 

A pending order placing is regulated by a price interval, whose limits are at the Stop Level and Stop Level + Extra Level distances from the order’s target price, where Extra Level is an input parameter. Every time new quotes are available, and the symbol's price is at this interval, the pending order is placed. The target price of the next order is simply given by the previous one added (Sell Limit or Buy Stop) or subtracted (Buy Limit or Sell Stop) with the Price Level input parameter. 

An exception to the previous procedure is when the grid’s first pending order is triggered by the Start Time. In this case, the trading robot tries immediately placing the order at the Stop Level distance. In case of rejection by the trade server, it will add 1 pip to the previous distance and try again for the order placing. This procedure will be repeated until the Stop Level + Extra Level distance is reached. 

The maximum number of simultaneous pending orders placed by the EA is given by the expression: 

  • Ceil ( (Stop Level + Extra Level) / Price Level ), for Price Level > 0, 

where Ceil represents the usual maths function. The expression may take the following values: 

  • 1 for Price Level ≥ Stop Level + Extra Level, 
  • 2 for (Stop Level + Extra Level)/2 ≤ Price Level < Stop Level + Extra Level, 
  • 3/more for Price Level < (Stop Level + Extra Level)/2. 

    Risk Management 

    The volume used to place a pending order is chosen between a fixed and a variable lot size, available through the Volume and Free Margin % input parameters, respectively. If there isn't enough money in the account for the chosen volume, a request for placing the order is still sent to the trade server. The purpose is to allow the corresponding position opening if the free margin increases enough until the target price is reached. This increase could be due to an account deposit or position profit between the placing and triggering of the pending order. 

    Input Parameters 


    • Start Price: Price used to define the grid’s start. 
    • Start Time: Time used to define the grid’s start. 
    • Stop Price: Price used to define the grid’s stop. 
    • Stop Time: Time used to define the grid’s stop. 
    • Price Level: Distance used between pending orders of the same type (pips). 
    • Extra Level: Distance from the Stop Level, which in turn is a distance from the target price, both represent the limits of price interval where the symbol's price needs to be for the pending order's placing (pips). 


        • Magic Number: Expert Advisor’s identifier. 
        • Type: Pending order type used to form the grid. 
        • Volume: Lot size per deal (lots). 
        • Free Margin %: Percentage of account free margin used to calculate the lot size of the current deal (%). 
        • Stop Loss: Distance from the pending order's target price for placing a Stop Loss (pips). 
        • Take Profit: Distance from the pending order's target price for placing a Take Profit (pips). 
        • Deviation: Maximum allowed slippage from the requested price (pips). 
        • Expiration Time: Order validity period. 
        • Comment: Text message displayed in the chart window (to which the EA is attached) after a(n) (re)initialization of the EA, in the Objects list after creating a horizontal/vertical line (at each of the grid’s limits) or placing a pending order, and in the Trade or Account History tabs of the Terminal window after placing a pending order (it only allows 31 characters). 


          • Trailing Stop – SL: Distance from the market price for placing a Stop Loss after a favourable price movement (pips). 
          • Trailing Start – SL: Distance from the position’s opening price that must be reached for the “Trailing Stop – SL” function’s activation (pips). 
          • Trailing Step – SL: Distance from the price where the previous Stop Loss modification occurred that must be reached before the placing of a new Stop Loss (pips). 
          • Trailing Stop – TP: Distance from the market price for placing a Take Profit after an unfavourable price movement (pips). 
          • Trailing Start – TP: Distance from the position’s opening price that must be reached for the “Trailing Stop – TP” function’s activation (pips). 
          • Trailing Step – TP: Distance from the price where the previous Take Profit modification occurred that must be reached before the placing of a new Take Profit (pips). 


              • Math Expression: Mathematical expression used to calculate a custom statistic parameter to sort the optimization results (see the Optimization Criterion section below). 

              Some of the available parameters accept values that lead to particular options. 

              • Start Price or Stop Price: A null/negative value means the parameter’s inactive function. 
              • Start Time or Stop Time: A value before the current time means the parameter’s inactive function. 
              • Price Level: A null value means that the target price is constant for all pending orders. 
              • Extra Level: A null value means that the symbol’s price needs to be exactly at the Stop Level distance from the target price for the pending order's placing. 
              • Volume: A value lower than the minimum allowed volume by the broker is converted in this last. A value higher than the maximum available volume by the free margin is converted in this last. 
              • Free Margin %: A value whose volume doesn’t reach the minimum allowed volume by the broker is converted in this last. A value whose volume exceeds the maximum available volume by the free margin is converted in this last. 
              • Stop Loss, Take Profit, Trailing Stop – SL or Trailing Stop – TP: A null value means the parameter’s inactive function. Any value between 0 and the Stop Level is converted in this last. 
              • Trailing Start – SL or Trailing Start – TP: A null value means the “Trailing Stop – SL” or “Trailing Stop – TP” function’s immediate activation, respectively. 
              • Trailing Start – SL: The spread value means the “Trailing Stop – SL” function’s activation at breakeven, although such hasn't been guaranteed. The spread + “Trailing Stop – SL” values mean the “Trailing Stop – SL” function’s activation in a profit where breakeven has been guaranteed. 
              • Trailing Step – SL or Trailing Step – TP: A null value means the “Trailing Stop – SL” or “Trailing Stop – TP” function’s continuous operation, respectively. 

                The input parameters that define the limits of the grid must obey a few rules. 

                • Both the start and stop of the grid must be selected, each chosen between a price or time. 
                • Any combination between the start and stop of the grid can be used: Start Price + Stop Price, Start Price + Stop Time, Start Time + Stop Price and Start Time + Stop Time
                • The Start Price cannot exceed the Stop Price in the Sell Limit or Buy Stop orders grid. 
                • The Stop Price cannot exceed the Start Price in the Buy Limit or Sell Stop orders grid. 
                • The Start Time cannot exceed the Stop Time in any pending order grid. 

                    Optimization Criterion 

                    The Expert Advisor allows the creation and use of a new statistical parameter (besides available ones) to sort the optimization results. This custom statistic parameter results from a mathematical expression calculated after the testing. The expression must obey syntax rules and precedence order, being constituted by the following elements: 

                    • Integer and real numbers. 
                    • Statistic parameters
                    • Mathematical operators for addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/) and exponentiation (^). 
                    • Mathematical and trigonometric functions
                    • Curved parentheses (()) to define the precedence and contain the function’s argument(s). 
                    • Full stop (.) as decimal point and comma (,) as function’s arguments separator. 

                      The statistical parameters are used by writing the respective identifier initial(s) after the term “STAT”. In case there are two identifiers with the same initial(s), it must also be added “1” or “2”, depending on the order in which both appear in the list. For instance, “STAT_PROFIT” and “STAT_MAX_CONLOSS_TRADES” would be “P” and “MCT2”, respectively. List of identifiers, without “STAT_”, whose initial(s) require “1” or “2”: 


                      The mathematical/trigonometric functions are used by writing the respective name after “Math” and one or two arguments inside parentheses, separated by a comma in this last case. For instance, “MathLog10()” and “MathPow()” would be “Log10(argument)” and “Pow(argument1,argument2)”, respectively. List of names that correspond to the available functions: 

                      Abs, Arccos, Arcsin, Arctan, Ceil, Cos, Exp, Floor, Log, Log10, Max, Min, Mod, Pow, Rand, Round, Sin, Sqrt, Tan. 

                      Note: “MathRand()” is only executed with “GetTickCount()” as the argument of “MathSrand()”, it’s used without anything inside parentheses – simply writing “Rand()”. 

                      Additionally, the expression has the following properties: 

                      • The scientific, engineering and E notations are allowed. 
                      • The multiplication needs to be explicitly indicated (through the respective symbol). 
                      • The system is case-insensitive. 
                      • The space ( ) is allowed and doesn’t affect the expression’s calculation. 
                      • The input expression is limited to 511 characters. 

                        Examples of a number representation using various notations: “0.0000325” (decimal), “3.25*10^-5” (scientific), “32.5*10^-6” (engineering) and “32.5E-6” (E). 

                        IMPORTANT! The EA doesn’t verify if the input expression fulfils all the requirements, namely if it obeys syntax/standard rules, hence, any infringement of these leads to an unreliable result. 

                        Displayed Information 

                        The Expert Advisor possesses a vast number of messages to inform the user about errors and conditions changes that might occur during its operation. The messages are shown through the Alert function (by a pop-up window), its content includes: 

                        1. The warning that an input parameter has been incorrectly set. 
                        2. The info that the account doesn't have enough money for the chosen volume (see the Risk Management section above). 
                        3. The info that the number of permitted orders by the broker has been reached. 
                        4. The previous and current value of the symbol’s Stop Level when this is updated. 
                        5. The Trade Server Return Codes description. 
                        6. The symbol’s quotes (immediately) before the trade request’s formation, followed by the symbol’s quotes (immediately) after the trade server’s decision. 
                        7. The Runtime Errors description. 
                        8. The standard function in the include file where the runtime error was detected (only relevant to the programmer). 
                        9. The Uninitialization Reason Codes description. 

                                    Note: Some elements of the list are displayed simultaneously (in the same text line): 5 and 6; 7 and 8. 

                                    During the EA’s operation, the messages displayed are grouped by kind of occurrence (related to each list’s element, except the 1, 6 and 8) and counted. Immediately before the EA’s unloading, a final message containing those groups with the respective counts (if these were > 0) is presented. 

                                    Following the EA's (re)initialization, two reference lines are displayed in the chart at the grid’s limits (start and stop). Each line is horizontal/vertical when the grid’s limit is the price/time, respectively. Both lines are blue/red when the grid’s pending order type is Buy/Sell, respectively. Tip: Place the mouse pointer over one of those lines to see its object name ("Buy/Sell Limit/Stop – Start/Stop Price/Time") and description (the Comment input parameter). Note: The properties of a graphical object can be edited in the Objects list. 

                                    After the EA’s testing/optimization, the result of the mathematical expression, inserted in the Math Expression input parameter, is presented in the Journal/Optimization Results tabs of the Tester window, respectively. After the EA’s testing, the values of the available statistic parameters are also presented in the Journal tab. 


                                    In some cases, the quoting session might start before or end later than the corresponding trading session (with a five-minute difference, for instance). During the time interval when the quoting session is open, but the trading session is still/already closed, the Expert Advisor initiates/continues to process the available ticks, respectively. If the present conditions satisfy the EA's trading criteria, a trade request is formed and sent to the server. However, it won’t succeed, and an error message is displayed: “market is closed”. 

                                    During high activity periods, the trade server’s decision on whether a trade request is executed or rejected may suffer significant delays. Some data used in the request sent to the server might become incorrect, leading to the order’s rejection. When the server is evaluating a request and the symbol's quotes are updated, three cases might occur: 

                                    1. Pending order placing – the pending order’s target price becomes an incorrect distance. 
                                    2. Position opening/modifying – the position's Stop Loss or Take Profit intended level becomes an incorrect distance. 
                                    3. Position modifying – the position's Stop Loss or Take Profit previous level takes to its closing. 

                                    The symbol’s quotes mentioned in the sixth element of the list in the Displayed Information section are especially useful here (since firsts usually differ from lasts). A careful analysis of these quotes, knowing the implication that certain quote changes have on the request’s evaluation, permits understanding the reason when these cases occur. To avoid the request’s rejection by the trade server due to “invalid stops” (cases 1 and 2), the prices/levels used should exceed the symbol’s Stop Level by a few pips. 

                                    The Start Price, Start Time, Stop Price, Stop Time or Type input parameters have a special status in the program. Every time one is changed, two things happen: the EA ends up the current grid and verifies the conditions to create a new one. Then, if all start/stop values pass this checking, the EA begins a new grid. But, if at least one fails, the EA doesn’t go forward with the new grid and terminates its operation. 

                                    A Buy/Sell position is opened at the Ask/Bid price and closed at the Bid/Ask price. Since the position’s stop orders (Stop Loss and Take Profit) are triggered at this last price, in a pending order, they are calculated from the order's target price -/+ the current spread (Ask - Bid), respectively. 

                                    When placing a pending order, the validity period can’t be less than 10 minutes. During a grid creation, the Expert Advisor doesn’t place pending orders if the current time exceeds the Expiration Time minus 10 minutes (when the validity period is previously selected). 


                                    The Pending Order Grid is a helpful and efficient tool regarding the automatic creation of pending order grids, especially when the grids consist of a significant number of orders, enabling a simple and intuitive setting of the grids to form.

                                    FX28 Trader
                                    Tsvetan Tsvetanov
                                    5 (1)
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                                    TradeWise EA is a compact yet powerful tool loaded with robust features. It offers a 30-trades compounding challenge , Risk-Management, Performance Tracking, Break-Even Calculation, Automated SR Zones, Trailing Stop-loss by ATR or PIPS, Automatic Risk-to Reward Ratio based on Stop-loss, Easy Order Adjustments, Calculates Total Stop Loss and Take Profit, Automatic buy and sell orders on manually placed SR Zones, and more. These features are designed to cater to both scalpers and long-term traders
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                                    This Dashboard displays signals in grid view for the 28 major fx currency pairs. It is Mainly used for forex scalping in between 10 to 20 pips maximum and can be used on major trend market decisions. It Uses mainly Moving average and does not give false signal. All you need to note is the point in the grid where the signal occurs.  A beep sound is heard whenever there is a new signal and it will be displayedat the top of the chart.
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                                    Caroline Wanjiku Maina
                                    Presenting to you my baby...The EU Compounder. Beautiful. This EA was designed for use by the financial institutions. The big players. If you want smooth consistent gains on your account, this is the go-to product.  Free demo version to test it out and confirm the alpha returns made by the EA. Parameter: Risk Level - (to control the amount of risk depending on the account balance) Recommended Setting: 1 = at least $1000 deposit 2 = at least $2000 deposit 3 = at least $3000 deposit 4 = at least
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                                    Kyra Nickaline Watson-gordon
                                    3 (1)
                                    Magic EA is an Expert Advisor based on Scalping, Elliot Waves and with filters such as RSI, Stochastic and 3 other strategies managed and decided with the robot smartly. Large number of inputs and settings are tested and optimized and embedded in the program thus inputs are limited and very simple. Using EA doesn't need any professional information or Forex Trading Knowledge. EA can trade on all symbols and all time frames, using special and unique strategies developed by the author. The EA wo
                                    Nyamsuren Boldbaatar
                                    ℙℂ  The settings of the EA Time - GENERAL SETTING; Terminal Comment Magic Slippage TIME - TickSETTINGS TickFilter TickSAMPLES TIME - Time settings Trade Request seconds Order modify seconds Start hour  End hour Order Expiry ACCOUNT MM Risk MM % Agrresive Adaptive History Both Direction together Max Trades Spread SETTINGS MAX Limit MIN Limit TRADE SETTINGS Signal size Order Distance Max Distance Stoploss Trailing start Max Trailing Trailing target
                                    エントリーポイントPro EA MT4、MT5用トレーディングロボット 購入後すぐに、このサイトのプライベートメッセージで私に連絡し、説明書と非常に強力なボーナスを入手してください。 Entry Points Pro EAは、MQL5で450以上のポジティブなフィードバックを受け、何千ものインジケーターの中で1年以上1位を維持している伝説のインジケーター、Entry Points Proをベースにしています。 ここでは、MT4とMT4端末でトレーディングアドバイザーがどのように動作するかのビデオです、最後までご覧ください。 トレーディングロボットってどんなことをするんですか? トレーディングアドバイザーは、暗号通貨、金属、指数、株式など、あらゆる資産で機能します。エントリーポイントプロEAは、トレーダーの選択により、自動または半自動で株式取引を行い、自律的に取引開始・維持します。これは、インジケータとの大きな違いです。インジケータは、取引に参入し、決済するための最適な瞬間を示すだけで、それ自体で取引するわけではありません。  エントリーポイントプロEAのメリット - MT4、MT5
                                    The utility allows you to open, monitor and manage open positions on the forex market and only on instruments in which it is possible to create triangulations or those instruments that share the same currency in the numerator or denominator: ex: EURSUSD --- GBPUSD --- EURGBP The help of operational lines and valuable information on the panel allow the trader to manage trades more easily. Recommended for novice and experienced traders. External variables CrossSymbol = choose the cross on which
                                    The EA Bot strategy was developed with a foundation in market trends, support and resistance, and a hedging strategy. Additionally, it includes an auto-correction feature designed to mitigate risk during periods of high volatility and high-impact news. The EA Bot also incorporates a money management tool to ensure minimal trade entry during market vulnerability.
                                    Forex Auto Trading EA   is an Expert Advisor designed specifically for trading Forex Automatic 100%. - Min depost: 5,000$ for each Pair - Timeframe: D1 - Setting: Default Setting - Good Trading Pair: Best pair is AUDCAD, or Forex Pair have Daily Price range from 0.8 ~ 1.1, and have H1 H4 sideway chart. - First, before attach EA to chart, you need add   http://calendar.fxstreet.com/   in the list of allowed url in the tab 'Expert Advisors'   (Tool —> Option —> Expert Advisors —> Allow WebRequest
                                    Santa Scalping
                                    Morten Kruse
                                    2.84 (19)
                                    Santa Scalping is a fully automated Expert Advisor with no use of martingale. Night scalping strategy. The SMA indicator filter are used for entries. This EA can be run from very small accounts. As small as 50 EUR. General Recommendations The minimum deposit is 50 USD,  default settings reccomend for eurusd m5 gmt +2 . Please use max spread 10 if you will not have orders change it to -1. Use a broker with good execution and with a spread of 2-5 points. A very fast VPS is required, preferably w
                                    38% off for 48 hours only (Original price: $975) 50% bonus by purchasing this Robot, Contact us "after purchase" to receive the bonus A fully automatic expert Designed and produced 100% by artificial intelligence, with the world's most advanced technology All trades have profit and loss limits, with the best and least risky market strategy, without using dangerous strategies such as Martingale and hedges, etc. A specialist who has been trained by artificial intelligence for years to correctly
                                    Project Scalper
                                    Ryan Ferdyansyah Kurniawan
                                    New Project Scalper using a unique trigger strategy. Simple setting : Lot calculation in multiples of starting balance. terms of using EA: - Only need balance minimum 100$ for currency pairs. - Need balance minimum 1000$ for other than currency pairs. - Recomanded pair EU, GU, AU, UJ, XAUUSD. - Using any type account or recommendation is a standard account with no commission and swap. Description EA: Strategy price action with SL and Lock profit, use pending order when trigger active.
                                    / ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** / Big Sales for Easter! Price is reduced > 50 % already! Grasp the chance and Enjoy it!  /   ********** **********   ********** **********   ********** **********   ********** **********   ********** **********   / This is a powerful EA that support single order strategy, martingale strategy, multiple timeframes strategy, etc with lots of useful indicators and self defined methods. I
                                    Super Night    Scalper  is the advanced  scalping system  which utilizes smart entry/exit algorithms with sophisticated filtering methods to identify only the safest entry points during calm periods of the market. This system is focused on a  long-term  stable growth. It is a professional tool developed by me years ago that is constantly updated, incorporating all the latest innovations in the trading area. Nothing fancy here, no testing Holy Grails, no "risk-free martingale", only strict rule-b
                                    New version 1.22. Partagas    The AG algorithm is an element of a comprehensive trading system for trading a basket of currencies across 8 major currencies across all 28 currency pairs. The algorithm serves as a signal block for determining entry/exit from a position. To collect initial values, AG uses data from the CSS Currency Slope Strength cluster indicator. This indicator was not chosen by chance - it performed very well during testing of the algorithm. A. AG determines the width of the e
                                    CANADIAN TAIGAは、ボラティリティーブレイクアウトとサポート/レジスタンスレベルのブレイクアウトの原則に基づいたトレンドフォロー型の取引システムを使用したプロフェッショナルポートフォリオEAです。すべてのカナダドルのペアで動作します。カナディアン・タイガの中核となる原理は、洗練されたヘッジモジュールを使用して、すべてのCADペアで取引機会を捉えることです。 CANADIAN TAIGAをダウンロードして、推奨されているようにすべてのカナダドルペアでテストしてみて、説明されているように意図されていることができない場合は、購入しないでください。主に最低時間枠(M5)で動作するため、モデリングの質の高さはあまり気にしないでください。 自動売買ボタンを無効にした状態でEAをチャート上で起動し、初期化後に自動売買を再度有効にするか、市場の時間外、できれば週末にチャート上で自動売買を有効にすることが非常に重要であり、強く推奨されます。なぜならば、EAは高速実行品質テストを行うために、初期化時に1回の迅速な単一取引(即時のオープンおよびクローズポジション)を実行する可能性があり、おそ
                                    Pending Order Grid MT4
                                    Francisco Manuel Vicente Berardo
                                    The Pending Order Grid is a multi-symbol multi-timeframe script that enables multi-strategy implementation based on pending order grids.  General Description   The Pending Order Grid allows the performing of a user-defined strategy through the creation of pending order grids. The script places pending orders of a given type (Buy Limit, Sell Limit, Buy Stop, or Sell Stop) at equidistant price levels to form each grid. The beginning and finish of every grid are defined by the Start Price and Sto
                                    HFT FAST SCALPING EA the High Frequency Trading which use stop orders to enter the trades when market is trending, It is basically designed for US30 just at opening of US30 in New York Session. Limited price $350 is only for 10 first sales. After 10 sales, the price will be raised +$100. Final price for  HFT FAST SCALPING EA    $1200 STARTING FROM 1 JANUARY 2025. best use for 1- Low slippage brokers for us30 and DE40 . 2- LOW OR ZERO COMMISSION BROKERS FOR EUR AND GOLD. 3-Prop firms like ftmo
                                    The EA utilizes 3 levels grid to capture any direction be it bullish up or bearish down, either way, the EA will end in profit. The EA is called fury as it cuts a very tight loss and immediately compensates the loss into new lot size calculation on the remaining positions. If the initial lot size of level 1 is 0.2 and the EA cuts it at loss at 10 pips, the next lot size will be 0.24 lot (depending on multiplier setting). There will be 3 Buy Stop orders above mid-level, and 3 Sell Stop orders bel
                                    Win Sniper Follow
                                    Nirundorn Promphao
                                    1 (1)
                                    I will support only my client. สำหรับลูกค้า Win Sniper Follow  is a fully automated Expert Advisor with no use of martingale. Night scalping strategy. The RSI indicator and an ATR-based filter are used for entries. Real operation monitoring as well as my other products can be found here :  https://www.mql5.com/en/users/winwifi/ General Recommendations The minimum deposit is 100 USD, the recommended timeframe is M15, H1, H4. Use a broker with good execution and with a spread of 2-5 points. A ver
                                    Trade Assistant MT4
                                    Evgeniy Kravchenko
                                    4.43 (181)
                                    取引 ごとのリスクの 計算、新規注文 の 簡単 な 設置、部分的 な 決済機能 を 持 つ 注文管理、 7 種類 のトレーリングストップなど 、便利 な 機能 を 備 えています 。 追加の資料と説明書 インストール手順 - アプリケーションの手順 - デモアカウント用アプリケーションの試用版 ライン機能 チャート上にオープニングライン、ストップロス、テイクプロフィットを表示します。この機能により、新規注文を簡単に設定することができ、注文を出す前にその特徴を確認することができます。   リスク計算 リスク計算機能は、設定されたリスクとストップロス注文のサイズを考慮して、新規注文のボリュームを計算します。ストップロスの大きさを自由に設定できると同時に、設定したリスクを守ることができます。 Lot calc ボタン - リスク 計算 を 有効 / 無効 にします 。 Risk フィールドでは 、必要 なリスクの 値 を 0 から 100 までのパーセンテージまたは 預金通貨 で 設定 します 。 設定」 タブで 、 リスク 計算 の 種類 を 選択 します :「 $ 通貨」、「 % 残
                                    Trade Manager EAへようこそ。これは、取引をより直感的、正確、そして効率的にするために設計された究極の リスク管理ツール です。これは単なるオーダー実行ツールではなく、包括的な取引計画、ポジション管理、リスク管理のためのソリューションです。初心者から上級者、迅速な実行を必要とするスキャルパーまで、Trade Manager EAはあらゆるニーズに対応し、為替、指数、商品、暗号通貨などさまざまな市場で柔軟に対応します。 Trade Manager EAを使用すると、複雑な計算が過去のものになります。市場を分析し、エントリーポイント、ストップロス、テイクプロフィットのレベルをチャート上のラインでマークし、リスクを設定するだけで、Trade Managerが最適なポジションサイズを即座に計算し、SLとTPをピップ、ポイント、口座通貨でリアルタイムに表示します。すべての取引が簡単かつ効果的に管理されます。 主な機能: ポジションサイズ計算機 :定義されたリスクに基づいて取引サイズを瞬時に決定します。 簡単な取引計画 :エントリー、ストップロス、テイクプロフィットを設定するためのド
                                    The product will copy all telegram signal to MT4   ( which you are member  ) , also it can work as remote copier.  Easy to set up, copy order instant, can work with almost signal formats, image signal, s upport to translate other language to English Work with all type of channel or group, even channel have "Restrict Saving Content", work with  multi channel, multi MT5 Work as remote copier: with signal have ticket number, it will copy exactly via ticket number. Support to backtest signal. How to
                                    The Expert Advisor will help you forward all pop-up alert with screenshot from  MetaTrader 4 to Telegram channel/ group, also forward all notifications to Telegram. Parameters  -  Telegram Bot Token - create bot on Telegram and get token.  -  Telegram Chat ID  - input your Telegram user ID,  group / channel ID  -  Forward Alert - default true, to forward alert.  -  Send message as caption of Screenshot - default false, set true to send message below Screenshot  How to setup and guide  - Telegram
                                    あなたがメンバーである任意のチャンネル(プライベートおよび制限されたチャンネルを含む)からのシグナルを、直接あなたのMT4にコピーします。 このツールは、ユーザーを念頭に置いて設計されており、取引を管理および監視するために必要な多くの機能を提供しています。 この製品は、使いやすく視覚的に魅力的なグラフィカルインターフェースで提供されています。設定をカスタマイズして、数分で製品を使用開始できます! ユーザーガイド + デモ  | MT5版 | Discord版 デモを試したい場合は、ユーザーガイドを参照してください。 Telegram To MT5レシーバーは、ストラテジーテスターでは機能しません! Telegram To MT4の特長 一度に複数のチャンネルからシグナルをコピー プライベートおよび制限されたチャンネルからシグナルをコピー BotトークンやチャットIDは不要です(必要な場合は引き続き使用できます) リスク%または固定ロットを使用して取引 特定のシンボルを除外 すべてのシグナルをコピーするか、コピーするシグナルをカスタマイズするかを選択 すべてのシグナルを認識するため
                                    Chart Logic is here!  Chart automation for MT4: put your Ideas into Actions! Chart Logic is an EA for MT4 that lets you automate actions on your charts.  You define "conditions" and 'actions"; when all the conditions are true, then all the actions are triggered.  Conditions can refer to a wide range of observations, about account information, candle data, technical indicators, key levels, price, time, market data, trades and so on.  And actions can send alerts/notifications, open/close/modify tr
                                    This trade copy utility allows you to instantly and seamlessly replicate and synchronize unlimited orders from multiple master accounts to multiple slave accounts on your local machine. You can create custom channels (or portfolios) with advanced filtering capabilities to copy from multiple master accounts to multiple slave accounts. Moreover, you can tailor these channels with a range of lot sizing and trade condition options to ensure that copied trades outperform the original source. You can
                                    News Trapper EA
                                    Noha Mohamed Fathy Younes Badr
                                    4.85 (13)
                                    Hi, all.  News trapper EA It is an expert for trading news very safe expert  Automated Trading on the news of the economic calendar. It shows stable trading during last 10  years. EA doesn't use dangerous technologies like martingale, grid. The Expert is very simple to use.      sale will end after 48 h how to install it     and set files     read the blog         after purchase contact me to add you to   VIP   channel  The program contains flexible settings for trading on the news of the econo
                                    Time saving and fast execution Whether you’re traveling or sleeping, always know that Telegram To Mt4 performs the trades for you. In other words, Our   Telegram MT4 Signal Trader  will analyze the trading signals you receive on your selected Telegram channels and execute them to your Telegram to MT4 account. Reduce The Risk Telegram To Mt4   defines the whole experience of copying signals from   Telegram signal copier to mt4 platforms. Users not only can follow all instructions from the signa
                                    Trade Copier Pro is a tool to copy trade remotely to MT4, MT5 and cTrader accounts at different computers/locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for you if you are a signal provider and want to copy your trades to other receivers globally on your own rules. One provider can copy trades to multiple receivers and one receiver can get trade from multiple providers as well. The provider can even set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will not be able to receive t
                                    This EA Utility allows you to manage (with advanced filtering) unlimited open orders (manual or EA) with 16 trailing stop methods: fixed, percent, ATR Exit, Chandelier Exit, Moving Average, Candle High Low Exit, Bollinger Bands, Parabolic, Envelope, Fractal, Ichimoku Kijun-Sen, Alligator, Exit After X Minutes or Bars, RSI and Stochastic. The trailing stop can be either real or virtual, and you can exit fully or with a partial close percent on touch or bar close.  Moreover, you can add (overrid
                                    多機能ツール 搭載機能: ロット計算機、プライスアクション、リスク/リワードレシオ、トレードマネージャー、需要供給ゾーンなどをはじめ65以上の機能。 バージョ:デモ版   |   ユーザーマニュアル   |    MT5版 このユーティリティはストラテジー テスターでは機能しません。 ここからデモ バージョンをダウンロードして製品をテストできます。 ご不明な点や改善提案、バグの発見などございましたら、 連絡してください 。 取引プロセスを簡素化、高速化、自動化します。このダッシュボードで標準端末機能を拡張します 1. 新しい取引を開始します : ロット / リスク / RR の計算 1. Lot計算機(リスクサイズに基づく取引量計算 2. リスク計算機(ロットサイズに基づくリスク量) 3. リスク/リワードレシオ (R/R) 4. 注文のアクティベーション トリガー + Buy StopLimit / Sell StopLimit: MT4でも可  5. 仮想 SL / TP レベル (隠しSL、TP: ブローカーには見えない) 6.  Smart SL / エントリー レベル: バ
                                    Riskless Pyramid
                                    Snapdragon Systems Ltd
                                    5 (1)
                                    Introduction This powerful MT4 trade mangement EA offers a way potentially to aggressively multiply trade profits in a riskfree manner. Once a trade has been entered with a defined stoploss and take profit target then the EA will add three pyramid add-on trades in order to increase the overall level of profit. The user sets the total combined profit target to be gained if everything works out. This can be specified either as a multiple of the original trade profit or as a total dollar amount. Fo
                                    THIS EA IS A SEMI-AUTO EA, IT NEEDS USER INPUT. Manual & Test Version Please DON'T BUY this product before testing or watching my video about it. Contact me for user support & advices! MT5 Version With this Expert Advisor, you can: Implement your own   Zone Recovery   strategy to capitalize on trending markets. Create   Grid   trading strategies, to profit from ranging markets. Place orders easily and clearly. Display your trades/strategies on the chart. Display your Take Profits/Stop Losses as
                                    Auto Trailing Assistant
                                    Emmanuel Lovski Ijeawele Maduagwuna
                                    Auto Trailing Assistant のご紹介 - 究極の Forex Auto Trailing 管理ソリューション Auto Trailing Assistant は、トレーリング ストップを使用してトレードを管理する方法に革命を起こすように設計された高度なプログラムです。包括的な機能セットを備えたこの強力なツールを使用すると、トレードの結果を簡単かつ正確に最適化できます。 ATA は、以下の手順で Auto Trailing Assistant を表します。 (*) 一般設定の概要: 価格単位の選択 : ユーザーは、ポジションの処理に PIP または POINT のトレーリング オプションを選択できます (どちらか好きな方)。したがって、EURUSD(x ...) ポジションに 200 ポイントを入力すると、通常、このユーティリティがそのポジションで実行する同じ量のトレーリング距離に対して 20 ピップに変換されます。 トレーリング モード : トレーリング モードは 6 つあります。デフォルト モードは、パーセンテージ ロック トレーリング モード、モード 1 に
                                    2025 happy new year -50% discount ($199 -> $99) Advanced trading tool: One click smart orders that execute under your conditions Developed by trader for trading community:  position size calculator (lot size), open position after price action, strategy builder, set and forget trading, mobile notifications... Risk Management -  Risk percentage position size calculator, gain percentage, target risk reward ratio, spread and commissions are included in calculations 7 Advanced order types   - Set a
                                    Ultimate MT4 to Telegram (UMT) sends controlled trades (via symbol, magic, comment) to your telegram channel. It sends open and closed trades, including pending orders and TP/SL modifications, along with chart screenshots, to any telegram channel. Additionally, you can send trade reports of open trades and summary profit/pip reports for day, week, or month. You can customize the design of the trade actions or reports with variables and emoticons.  A beautiful panel allows you to visualize all t
                                    このカスタムアルティメットスナイパーダッシュボードは、オリジナルのアルティメットスナイパーダッシュボードインジケーターをEAでアップグレードしたものです。最大98種類のアルゴリズムで動作し、使用する資産クラスのトレンドの本質を確実に捉えます。 数ヶ月に渡り、多くのお客様から頂いたご提案やアドバイスに直接お応えしたものです。   このカスタムバージョンは、完全にカスタマイズ可能です。 98の独立したカスタムアルゴリズムによって支えられています。 非常に素晴らしいビジュアルインターフェースなので、どのペアやタイムフレームでも、簡単かつ自信を持って市場全体の動向を追うことができます。 テレグラムにリアルタイムのアラートを送ることができます。 取引するペアに応じた独自のインデックスを作成することができます。 携帯電話にリアルタイムでアラートを送ることができるので、PCの前にいなくても動きがあることを知ることができます。 入力設定から8つの指標を設定することができます。 アラートを受信する指標と時間枠を設定することができます。 インターネット接続が検出されなかった場合、アラートが表示されます。
                                    The product will copy all  Discord  signal   to MT4   ( which you are member  ) , also it can work as remote copier.  Easy to set up. Work with almost signal formats, support to translate other language to English Work with multi channel, multi MT4. Work with Image signal. Copy order instant, auto detect symbol. Work as remote copier: with signal have ticket number, it will copy exactly via ticket number. How to setup and guide: Let read all details about setup and download Discord To MetaTrader
                                    TakePropips TradePad Pro
                                    Eric John Pajarillaga Aldana
                                    5 (4)
                                    TakePropips TradePad Pro には、強力なトレード マネージャー、通貨強度メーター、アカウント レポート ツール、リスク管理ツールなどが含まれています。 これは、最も高度な外国為替取引マネージャーおよび取引アシスタントの 1 つです。これは、貿易取引をより効率的に管理したいトレーダーにとって完璧なソリューションです。 ユーザー マニュアルはブログ記事からダウンロードできます:   https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/751180 このトレーディング システムは、ストラテジー テスターでテストできます (ビジュアル モードを有効にします)。ライブ チャートでテストしたい場合は、7 日間の試用版を入手するようにメッセージを送ることもできます。 詳細については、説明の下にあるビデオ チュートリアルも利用できます。 ご不明な点やサポートが必要な場合は、お気軽にお問い合わせください。喜んでお手伝いさせていただきます。 TradePad Pro は、すべての外国為替ペア、金属、コモディティ、指数、および仮想通貨で動作します。 主な特徴 注文管
                                    Программу можно использовать как советник для ручной и полуавтоматической торговли. Или как индикатор для выявления структуры рынка. В торговой части программы отсутствуют ордера Sell, Buy. А также лимитные и стоповые ордера. Вместо этого на график выводится торговая рамка для сделок на продажу -  SELL  или на покупку - BUY . У торговой рамки имеются три уровня. Уровень открытия будущего ордера. Уровень стопа и уровень профита. Влево от торговой рамки выводятся три линии. Перемещая данные линии
                                    あなたがメンバーである任意のチャンネルからシグナルをコピーします(   ボットトークンや管理者権限は必要ありません  MT4に直接送信します。 ユーザーを考慮して設計され、必要な多くの機能を提供します この製品は使いやすく、ビジュアルに魅力的なグラフィカルインターフェースで提供されています。設定をカスタマイズして、数分で製品を使用開始できます! ユーザーガイド + デモ  | MT5バージョン | テレグラムバージョン デモを試したい場合は、ユーザーガイドに移動してください。 ディスコードからMT4への送信はストラテジーテスターで動作しません。 ディスコード   からMT4への特徴 メンバーである任意のチャンネルからコピーします。ボットトークンやチャットIDは必要ありません リスク%または固定ロットを使用して取引します 特定のシンボルを除外します すべてのシグナルをコピーするか、コピーするシグナルをカスタマイズします すべてのシグナルを認識するための単語やフレーズを設定します(デフォルトは99%のシグナルプロバイダーで動作するはずです) 希望するときにのみシグナルをコピーするため
                                    Mentfx Mmanage
                                    Anton Jere Calmes
                                    5 (15)
                                    The added video will show you the full functionality, effectiveness, and simplicity of this trade manager. Drag and Drop Trade Manager. Draw your entry and have the tool calculate the rest. Advanced targeting and close portions of a trade directly available in tool (manage trades while you sleep). Market order or limit order on either side with factored spread. Just draw the entry, the tool does the rest. Hotkey setup to make it simple. Draw where you want to enter, and the stop loss, the tool c
                                    Equity Protection EA
                                    CARLOS ALBERTO VALLOGGIA
                                    5 (3)
                                    Equity Protection EA MT4 一般的な機能: 取引セッションの結果を完全に制御。 すべての外国為替記号、指数、金属、株式などの全体的な結果を制御します。制御はグローバル株式に対して行われます。 利益率または損失率に達したときに、すべてのシンボルのすべての取引を閉じます。 量とパーセンテージの両方で変更可能な構成。 トレーリングストップグローバルによる結果の保護。 セッションで達成された結果の記録(より高い資本とより低い資本)。 ログイン時にすべての計算は常に貸借対照表で実行されるため、取引の終了または開始には影響しません。- Metatrader 4では、アカウントの利益または損失の特定の割合で個々の取引を閉じる可能性があります。- 新機能: テイクプロフィットまたはストップロスがトリガーされたときにプラットフォームを自動的に閉じるオプション- 通知機能:TP / SLレベルがトリガーされたときにレポートを電話に送信するオプション(プッシュ通知)または電子メール。 TP / SLがトリガーされたときに保留中の注文を削除するオプション。 TP / SLがトリガーさ
                                    What is it? Think about it, you can send all the orders/positions info to your telegram channel or group to create your community or VIP signals on telegram. Position info means this EA forward all of your new positions open details (Open price, Open time, Position Type, position Symbol and volume), positions changes ( SL or TP modifying or pending price changes) and position close (Close price, profit or loss, position duration time) and also EA Send NEWS alert (Economic calendar event) on your
                                    Unlimited Trade Copier Pro is a tool to copy trade remotely to multiple MT4, MT5 and cTrader accounts at different computers/locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for you if you are a signal provider and want to copy your trades to other receivers globally on your own rules. One provider can copy trades to multiple receivers and one receiver can get trade from multiple providers as well. The provider can even set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will not b
                                    ADAM for FTMO 40
                                    Vyacheslav Izvarin
                                    5 (1)
                                    ADAM EA Special Version for FTMO  Our 1st EA created using ChatGPT technology Trade only GOOD and checked PROP FIRMS  Default parameters for Challenge $100,000 Tested on EURUSD and GBPUSD only  Use 15MIN Time Frame Close all deals and Auto-trading  before Weekend at 12:00 GMT+3  Friday For Prop Firms MUST use special Protector  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/94887 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                    If you need an advisor on any arrow indicator signals - this utility will definitely help you.  You will be able, with the help of this utility to form an unlimited number of EAs on YOUR signals , with your set of settings, with your copyright and complete source code . You will be able to use the resulting EAs unlimitedly , including adding them to the Market and other resources. Generated Martingale EA with the help of this script - here Free simple version of the generation script to help yo
                                    This is exactly what the name says. Visual strategy builder . One of a kind. Turn your trading strategies and ideas into Expert Advisors without writing single line of code. Generate mql source code files with a few clicks and get your fully functional Expert Advisors, which are ready for live execution, strategy tester and cloud optimization. There are very few options for those who have no programming skills and can not create their trading solutions in the MQL language. Now, with Bots Builde
                                    Comprehensive on chart trade panel with the unique ability to be controllable from mobile as well. Plus has a library of downloadable configuration, e.g. exit rules, extra panel buttons, pending order setup and more. Please see our product video. Works with all symbols not just currency pairs. Features On chart panel plus controllable from free app for Windows, iPhone and Android Built-in script engine with library of downloadable configuration, e.g. add 'Close All Trades in Profit' button, exit
                                    Pending Order Grid EA MT5
                                    Francisco Manuel Vicente Berardo
                                    The Pending Order Grid is a multi-symbol multi-timeframe Expert Advisor that enables multi-strategy implementation based on pending order grids.  General Description   The Pending Order Grid allows the performing of a user-defined strategy through the creation of pending order grids. The Expert Advisor places pending orders of a given type (Buy Limit, Sell Limit, Buy Stop, or Sell Stop) at equidistant price levels to form each grid. The user might set up different grids to exist simultaneously
                                    Tick Data Record MT4
                                    Francisco Manuel Vicente Berardo
                                    The Tick Data Record is a multi-symbol multi-timeframe Expert Advisor that records tick data for later graphical representation and analysis.  General Description   The Tick Data Record offers a(n) alternative/complement to the online/offline price charts displayed through the MT4/MT5 platform. The Expert Advisor   permits   to write and save the current/history values of Time, Bid, Ask, Spread, Last and Volume to a text file (“.txt”). The idea is to copy/open the obtained register to/in a spr
                                    The Environment State Info Print is a script to display the constants that describe the current runtime environment of a MQL4 program.  General Description   The constants are divided into four groups in the Environment State section of the MQL4  documentation and each group is divided into enumerations/subgroups (with designations “ Market Info”, “Integer”, “Double” or “String”). The script displays constants in two ways: a single constant or all group constants. The constants are obtained by
                                    Scientific Calculator MT5
                                    Francisco Manuel Vicente Berardo
                                    The Scientific Calculator is a script designed to compute science, engineering and mathematics expressions.  General Description   The expression to calculate must obey syntax rules and precedence order, being constituted by the following elements:   Integer and real numbers.  Mathematical operators for addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/) and exponentiation (^).  Mathematical and trigonometric functions .  Curved parentheses (()) to define the precedence and contain
                                    Scientific Calculator MT4
                                    Francisco Manuel Vicente Berardo
                                    The Scientific Calculator is a script designed to compute science, engineering and mathematics expressions.   General Description   The expression to calculate must obey syntax rules and precedence order, being constituted by the following elements:   Integer and real numbers.   Mathematical operators for addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/) and exponentiation (^).   Mathematical and trigonometric functions .   Curved parentheses (()) to define the precedence and co
                                    Position Selective Close MT4
                                    Francisco Manuel Vicente Berardo
                                    The Position Selective Close is a multi-symbol multi-timeframe script used to close simultaneously various positions.  General Description   The Position Selective Close   possesses   three operation modes (Intersection,   Union   and All) that control the way   as   four position features (symbol, magic number,   type   and profit) are used. The modes, available through the Selection Mode input parameter, relate to the features, available through the “Select by Feature” and “Feature” input pa
                                    Order Selective Delete MT4
                                    Francisco Manuel Vicente Berardo
                                    The Order Selective Delete is a multi-symbol multi-timeframe script used to delete simultaneously various pending orders.  General Description   The Order Selective Delete   possesses   three operation modes (Intersection,   Union   and All) that control the way   as   three pending order features (symbol, magic   number   and type) are used. The modes, available through the Selection Mode input parameter, relate to the features, available through the “Select by Feature” and “Feature” input pa
                                    Tick Data Record MT5
                                    Francisco Manuel Vicente Berardo
                                    The Tick Data Record is a multi-symbol multi-timeframe Expert Advisor that records tick data for later graphical representation and analysis.  General Description  The Tick Data Record offers a(n) alternative/complement to the online/offline price charts displayed through the MT4/MT5 platform. The Expert Advisor permits to write and save the current/history values of Time, Bid, Ask, Spread, Last and Volume to a text file (“.txt”). The idea is to copy/open the obtained register to/in a spreadshe
                                    Position Selective Close MT5
                                    Francisco Manuel Vicente Berardo
                                    The Position Selective Close is a multi-symbol multi-timeframe script used to close simultaneously various positions.  General Description   The Position Selective Close   possesses   three operation modes (Intersection,   Union   and All) that control the way   as   four position features (symbol, magic number,   type   and profit) are used. The modes, available through the Selection Mode input parameter, relate to the features, available through the “Select by Feature” and “Feature” input pa
                                    Order Selective Delete MT5
                                    Francisco Manuel Vicente Berardo
                                    The Order Selective Delete is a multi-symbol multi-timeframe script used to delete simultaneously various pending orders.  General Description   The Order Selective Delete   possesses   three operation modes (Intersection,   Union   and All) that control the way   as   three pending order features (symbol, magic   number   and type) are used. The modes, available through the Selection Mode input parameter, relate to the features, available through the “Select by Feature” and “Feature” input pa
                                    The Environment State Info Print is a script to display the constants that describe the current runtime environment of a MQL5 program.  General Description   The constants are divided into four groups in the   Environment State section of the MQL5 documentation and each group is divided into enumerations/subgroups (with designations  “Integer”, “Double” or “String”). The script displays constants in two ways: a single constant or all group constants. The constants are obtained by selecting the
                                    Double Trailing Stop MT4
                                    Francisco Manuel Vicente Berardo
                                    The Double Trailing Stop is a multi-symbol multi-timeframe Expert Advisor that allows the Stop Loss and Take Profit trailing of positions.  General Description   The Double Trailing Stop’s purpose is to secure profit and minimize losses of the opened positions. The Expert Advisor places stop orders (Stop Loss or Take Profit) at the Trailing Stop distance from the market price when the symbol's quote reaches/overcomes the Trailing Start distance from the position’s opening price (a single-time
                                    The Multiple Position Opening is a multi-symbol multi-timeframe script used to open simultaneously various positions.  Risk Management   The volume used to open a position is chosen between a fixed and a variable lot size, available through the Volume and Free Margin % input parameters, respectively. If there isn't enough money in the account for the chosen volume, this is reduced to the highest possible value (corresponding to free margin). If this reduction leads to a correct volume (if the
                                    Pending Order Grid MT4
                                    Francisco Manuel Vicente Berardo
                                    The Pending Order Grid is a multi-symbol multi-timeframe script that enables multi-strategy implementation based on pending order grids.  General Description   The Pending Order Grid allows the performing of a user-defined strategy through the creation of pending order grids. The script places pending orders of a given type (Buy Limit, Sell Limit, Buy Stop, or Sell Stop) at equidistant price levels to form each grid. The beginning and finish of every grid are defined by the Start Price and Sto
                                    Double Trailing Stop MT5
                                    Francisco Manuel Vicente Berardo
                                    The Double Trailing Stop is a multi-symbol multi-timeframe Expert Advisor that allows the Stop Loss and Take Profit trailing of positions.  General Description   The Double Trailing Stop’s purpose is to secure profit and minimize losses of the opened positions. The Expert Advisor places stop orders (Stop Loss or Take Profit) at the Trailing Stop distance from the market price when the symbol's quote reaches/overcomes the Trailing Start distance from the position’s opening price (a single-time
                                    The Multiple Position Opening is a multi-symbol multi-timeframe script used to open simultaneously various positions.  Risk Management   The volume used to open a position is chosen between a fixed and a variable lot size, available through the Volume and Free Margin % input parameters, respectively. If there isn't enough money in the account for the chosen volume, this is reduced to the highest possible value (corresponding to free margin). If this reduction leads to a correct volume (if the
                                    Pending Order Grid MT5
                                    Francisco Manuel Vicente Berardo
                                    The Pending Order Grid is a multi-symbol multi-timeframe script that enables multi-strategy implementation based on pending order grids.  General Description   The Pending Order Grid allows the performing of a user-defined strategy through the creation of pending order grids. The script places pending orders of a given type (Buy Limit, Sell Limit, Buy Stop, or Sell Stop) at equidistant price levels to form each grid. The beginning and finish of every grid are defined by the Start Price and Sto
                                    バージョン 1.6 2024.10.05
                                    Insignificant change, not requiring an update:

                                    - Edition of the brief text description at the EA’s properties window.
                                    バージョン 1.5 2024.08.28
                                    Minor change, still requiring an update:

                                    - Improvement of the function added in the 1.3 version (2024.07.16).
                                    バージョン 1.4 2024.08.01
                                    Minor change, nevertheless, requiring an update:

                                    - Second correction of the formulas used to calculate the Stop Loss and Take Profit prices when sending a pending order (replacement of the quote used as “reference” in each calculation, Ask price instead of Bid price, and vice versa).
                                    バージョン 1.3 2024.07.16
                                    Minor change, however, requiring an update:

                                    - Function added to deal with the account change and terminal closure during the Expert Advisor’s operation, two actions that result in the EA’s global variables resetting.
                                    バージョン 1.2 2024.06.28
                                    Minor change, but requiring an update:

                                    - Correction of the formulas used to calculate the Stop Loss and Take Profit prices when sending a pending order (previously, both values had a deviation equal to the current spread).
                                    バージョン 1.1 2024.06.02
                                    Minor change, not requiring an update:

                                    - Link addition at the EA’s properties window to visit the product page.