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MetaTrader 5用取引ユーティリティ - 26

icon 以下はMetaTrader5での取引を簡素化する取引プログラムです。ユーティリティにカーソルを合わせると、その説明と目的が表示されます。
Данный советник - это аналог TakeProfit и StopLoss, только невидимый брокеру и остальным участникам рынка. Удобная вещь для скальпирующих стратегий, использующих одинаковый StopLoss и  TakeProfit - один раз установил размер предполагаемых убытка и прибыли и далее остается только при соответствующем сигнале открыть позицию, а советник закроет ее сам при достижении установленных уровней.
This EA trails your stops based on percentage of current TP, for both manually and auto-opened trades.   You can edit the percentage value in the inputs. Trailing stop   is a more flexible variation of a normal exit order. T railing stop  is the practice of moving the stop-loss level closer to the current price when the price moves in your favor. Trailing the stop-loss allows traders to limit their losses and safeguard their positive trades. It is a very popular practice. This EA will manage you
Elan: MT5およびMT4での取引体験を向上させる MT5またはMT4での取引効率を高め、取引時間を最大限に活用したいですか?それなら、Elanを見てみてください。これは、取引体験を最適化し、簡素化するために設計された強力な取引アシスタントです。 Elanは、取引ニーズをサポートする包括的な機能セットを提供します: ポジション管理 :視覚的なクローズオプションを使用してポジションを簡単に管理し、現在の注文の利益を一目で確認できます。 利益と損失の統計 :異なる取引期間にわたる利益と損失の詳細な統計で取引パフォーマンスを追跡します。正確なデータに基づいて情報に基づいた決定を下します。 注文管理 :アクティブおよび保留中の注文を監視し、取引を整理し、注文を見落とさないようにします。 市場情報 :さまざまなインストゥルメントのリアルタイムの市場動向と価格変動を常に把握し、より良い取引決定をサポートします。 アカウント情報 :アカウントデータとプラットフォームのステータスを簡単に表示し、アカウントの詳細とパフォーマンスを把握します。 コピー取引システム :複数のアカウントを効率的に管理す
TRAILINATOR  is a unique Solution to use different Trailing-Stop Variants and change your Tradesetup via Remotecontrol. You configure your Tradesetup for a specified Symbol only once. This setting will be used for all your Positions of the same Symbol. Currently we support these Features: different Trailing-Stops: Standard: works like you use in Metatrader Terminal, starts trailing if your profit is greater than trailing stop Start after points: trailing stop will start after your defined poin
The Scalp Master tool not only provides proper trade management but also helps a trader to build a proper psychology and discipline to gain consistent results in his trading. It offers  Max loss Limiter ( Risk per position ) and  RPT  limiter  (Risk per trade), Auto calculates Lot size,  CLOSE  multiple trades with single click.  Buy, Sell, Close with default Trend line and Horizontal line , Pips measuring tool, risk reward measuring tool and many other features. This tool offers to place quick
Drawdown Limit EA Prop Firm trading MT5 If you found this EA, it's probably because you want to get a funded account with a prop firm, but you see a rule that most of traders fear : Maximum Daily Drawdown.  I've been through this problem myself as I'm a prop firm trader and I've made a bot to solve this rule, and you can get it to solve this problem too. How does it work ? When you first setup this EA, you need to input the initial deposit which corresponds to the size of your funded account.
This utility tool shows the ticker symbol, timeframe, and description information as a watermark on the chart. Text resizes automatically according to chart size. It is useful to identify the correct chart when multiple charts are shown on the screen.  Premium version supports changing font name and color independently for symbol name and description,  and defining screen location for symbol placement.  See the demonstration video below! Symbol Name Inputs: Font Name: Specifies font used.  Needs
Close All and Change Take Profit and Stop Loss All Orders. Main Features     Ability to Close All Orders the Symbol you put this EA.     Ability to Change Take Profit to All Order.     Ability to Change Stop Loss to All Order.     Show Order count.     Show Average price with info and Horizontal Line.     Show lot open.     Show Price diff from average to price now     Show broken price with info and Horizontal Line.     Easy to use . How to use Close All (Symbol) PC : you can click on CloseAl
Size Calculator allow you to calculate the size you need for your position giving two parametres: the number of pips risked and the money risked, for example if you want to risk 20 USD on 200 pips, then you will need to input 200 in the case reserved for pips and 20 in the case reserved for risk, the size will appear in left top carner of the chart in your metatrader 4 platform,    Size Calculator  support the following symbols : EURUSD GBPUSD AUDUSD NZDUSD  GOLD WTI  EURJPY GBPJPY USDJPY AUDJP
Telegram Utility EA は、任意のプライベート/パブリック ボットにリンクし、次のことを支援します。 コマンドですべての注文を即座にクローズします。 コマンドはカスタム パスワードでエンコードされ、あなただけが知っています。 電報ボットは、すべての注文が閉じられたときに通知し、MT5 ターミナルで実行中の他のすべての EA を一時停止します。 ワンクリックで、ターミナルで実行中の他の EA を一時停止/再開できます! ピップフォームまたはマネーフォームで取引レポートをエクスポートします。 売買シグナルをボットまたはコミュニティに送信します (テレグラム チャット グループ、テレグラム チャネル)。 送信する取引の種類を手動で選択できます。 スクリーン ショットで信号を送信します。 チャートのスクリーンショットも手動で選択できます。 コマンド時に選択したチャートのスクリーンショットを送信します。 すべてのパラメーターは理解しやすく、変更しやすい
This EA utility does not trade on its own, but it only modifies the open  trades  to add take profit and stop loss that was opened manually or by any other expert advisors.  The distance is based on Average True Range Indicator(ATR). How Does It Work? If Symbol to modify is set to "All Symbol" simply attach it to one chart, and all open trades in the entire terminal will set the take profit and stop loss with the distance of Average True Range value of their corresponding symbol.  If Symbo
自動注文とリスク管理のためのユーティリティ。利益を最大化し、損失を抑えることができます。トレーダーのための練習トレーダーによって作成されました。このユーティリティは使いやすく、トレーダーが手動で、またはアドバイザーの助けを借りて開いた成行注文で機能します。マジックナンバーで取引をフィルタリングできます。このユーティリティは、同時に任意の数の注文を処理できます。 次の機能があります。 1.ストップロスとテイクプロフィットレベルの設定; 2. トレーリング ストップ レベルで取引を終了します。 3. 損益分岐点の設定。 ユーティリティは次のことができます。 1. オーダーごとに個別に作業します (レベルはオーダーごとに個別に設定されます)。 2. 一方向注文のバスケットを操作します (レベルはすべての注文に共通に設定され、BUY と SELL は個別に設定されます)。 3. 多方向注文のバスケットを操作します (レベルはすべての注文に共通に設定され、BUY と SELL が一緒に設定されます)。 オプション: STOPLOSS - =-1 が使用されていな
With this script you can open or close multiple charts with just one click. Please follow the instructions below; Set your desired symbols in the market watch window. Open one chart. Attach the script to the chart In the input values just select the time frame of your chart. Set open chart value to true. Click ok. To close the charts follow step 3 and 7. In input values set open chart value to false and close chart value to true
Trade Copier for MT5
Volodymyr Hrybachov
4.73 (15)
このプログラムを使用すると、MetaTrader 4 (MT4) と MetaTrader 5 (MT5) の間でトランザクションを任意の方向に簡単にコピーできます。このプログラムは、「Windows PC」および「Windows VPS」で動作するように設計されています。 あらゆる種類のコピーが可能 MT4 - MT4 MT5 - MT5 MT5 - MT4 MT4 - MT5 *The copier works only on forex and only with currency pairs ※MT4~MT5端末間のコピーには、Trade Copier for MT4 + Trade Copier for MT5の2つのバージョンが必要です。 MT4 -  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/85792 パラメーター: WORKING_MODE - 動作モード、信号の受信または送信。 FILE_ID - enter the file name identifier, for example 12345; PREFIX_S
Advanced Trade Simulator for MT5 It is an indicator you can attach to any chart and then buy and sell the given symbol virtually. No actual trading takes place.  You can attach it to multiple charts. Then you can buy multiple symbols. A more detailed description here:  https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/750336 Features: - buy and sell immediately on the given time frame - market , limit and stop orders - generalized OCO, more than 2 orders can cancel each other. - OSO, one sends another.. - bu
Whosa TradePad for MetaTrader 5 Do you trade in MetaTrader 5? Calculating Pips yourself and calculating your risk yourself is a thing of the past with our Tradepad. With this Tradepad you can place your trade in MetaTrader in no time. This Tradepad is fully equipped. Automatically calculates your risk which you can enter in percentages and amount of dollars. Check the video to see all the features! (The video is in Dutch, but you can see the features) This TradePad only works with a new password
お得な情報printscreenは、さらなる分析のための口座取引と画像の保存を自動化するために設計されたスクリプトです。 パネルを使用すると、履歴内のトランザクションの検索に関連する技術的な作業の時間を大幅に短縮し、すべての操作パラメータの表示と描画を このスクリプトはどのようなタスクを解決しますか?: 期間を選択するだけで、スクリプトは指定した期間のすべての取引取引を検索し、価格レベルの表示と取引パラメータを含むパネルを持つ各画像を保 1つの取引のみの情報を保存する場合は、入力パラメータで適切なオプションを選択し、必要な取引のチケット(ID)を入力します。 スクリプトは、/"ターミナルディレクトリ"/MQL5/Files/"ブローカー名"/"アカウント番号"/"ポジションチケット"/"選択したファイルの数はここにあります"の原則に従って、各ファ スクリプトは、あなたのためのトランザクションに必要な情報を収集し、印刷画面上の別のパネルに記録します スクリプトの操作の順序 スクリプトの実行 端末が取引口座に接続されていることを確認してください。 アカウントに取引履歴があ
Utility / EA to simplify the exit from the drawdown. Allows you to gradually exit the drawdown correctly, reducing the volume of losing trades. At the same time, profitable trades opened on the same symbol cover losing trades in whole or in part. The volume of partial closing of a losing trade is calculated automatically. Trades opened both in one direction and in the opposite direction are supported. Position Management Closing positions only for purchase, only for sale, only profitable, only
トレーダーは、取引を開始するたびに、自分が得たリスクと利益の機会を判断できるように、自分が行った取引の利益とリスクを知らなければなりません。 この計算を手動で決定することは、特に多くのオープン トレードを行う場合、非常に面倒な場合があります。 Trading Panel Katana は、トレーダーがこれらのニーズを満たすのに本当に役立つユーティリティ ツールです。 市場または保留中の取引を開始し、ロット、ピップ、価格ポジション、米ドルの金額、リスクの割合を自動的に設定できるようにします。 このユーティリティは、正確で使いやすいように設計されています。 トレーディングパネルカタナの主な特徴: - 市場でのオープントレードと保留中 (買いストップ/買いリミット/売りストップ/売り保留中) - ロットサイズ、ピップ、価格、米ドルでの利益損失、および残高からのパーセンテージの決定を自動的に設定できます - 始値、SL、TP の線引きオプション - ラインをドラッグして、価格、SL、または TP を設定します - ペア、スプレッド、ピップバリュー、バランス、エクイティに関する有用な情
The utility for manual trading to manage open positions.The built-in trailing stop has three modes and seven instruments: by pips, by bar extremes, by fractals, by volumes, by MA, by Parabolic SAR and by ATR. With the help of the built-in trading simulator, you can check how the EA works in the strategy tester. Guide to UTrailingMiniMT5 can be found in the "Comments" section. Benefits 3 trailing stop modes: normal, total and mobile stop loss; 7 options: by points, by bar extremes, by fractals, b
5 EMA Scalping Strategy Multi Symbol Scanner This EA utility will scan all symbols which are selected in marketwatch and alert when such condition is formed in chart when Candle low is above EMA 5 for Sell alert and Candle high is lower from EMA5 so you can be ready before selling or buying for scalping purpose on 5min chart For more details watch attached video Logic : When a candle closes above 5 EMA in 5 mins chart, Wait for its low to break and Sell when low is broken by wick, Your SL shou
Open a direction on the trade that the market intends to follow and a trade that occurred on your trade trade following a trade that was pending on your trade trade a trade order that was pending on your trade trade operation. Example: a buy operation with a lot of 0.01 at a price of 0.03 points, buy with a lot of 0.01 at a price of 0.01.0930, then a sell stop order of 0.03 will be decided. a new buy stop order is placed with a lot of 0.06 at a price of 1.0930. Parameters: Volume -> Volum
This EA is designed to calculate and draw Pivot Point, Support and Resistance for your selected time frame on the chart. Works on all currency pair and on any time frames available on MT5. To make sure the EA works, you need to select the pivot time frame as well as the candle shift that you want to calculate the pivot. 0 = Current candle on chart 1 = Previous 1 candle on the chart
Stack Manager is a MT5 utility that is built to help traders: manage existing stacked trades (multiple trades opened on the same symbol) copy SL / TP levels to newly opened trades update SL / TP levels for all stacked trades, if one SL or TP level is modified calculate and show global SL / TP in currency and points (for all open trades in a stack) SL / TP autocomplete from phone (if left on a VPS, traders can place orders on a phone and SL / TP levels will be copied from the existing trades) Id
Monitor your favorite Symbols My   #1 Utility:  includes 65+ functions, including this tool  |   Contact me  if you have any questions This tool opens in a separate window: it can be moved (drag anywhere), and minimized [v]. You can adjust the Watchlist on the panel: Click [edit list] to add / remove the Symbols from the Watchlist. Calculated value: it may either be the last [closed bar], or the current [floating bar]. Select the [timeframe] for calculation. There are 2 types of the value sorti
Manuel Marcel Simon
Good money/risk management is more than just position sizing, it's much more. Successful traders analyze your trading activities and keep an eye on your key figures. With the help of AccountMan you can also do this very conveniently, analyze your trading activities for the purpose of professional money / risk management. Evaluate your trades by trade symbol to see if trading is profitable overall with these. Would you like to keep an eye on your individual strategies? e.g. which strategy works b
RISK CONTROL MANAGER Now You can have the same control over risk management as big trading rooms, institutional investors and hedge funds. Managing risk is a fundamental operation for your brokerage.  Choose your maximum desired risk exposure in percentage to Your account, set it on the RISK CONTROL MANAGER, the EA will check and make sure that You'll never exceed that. When You ignore the trading risk, and you leave your operations open, that potentially could lead to catastrophic trade expos
Boleta de Operação que funciona para o Mercado B3 feita para Mini Indice e Mini Dollar com Cálculo de Risco e Retorno da Operação. Características e informações: Ao colocar o EA no gráfico inicialmente serão apresentados 1 painel e 3 linhas todos com informações a respeito de operações, saldo e cálculo que facilitam o Trader a ter um operacional mais seguro e menos arriscado. O intuito desta ferramenta é fornecer dados em tempo real para que o Trader (ANTES MESMO DE ABRIR A ORDEM) consiga obter
Trade Managment
Marco Antonio Cruz Dawkins
Trade management is a system that helps you manage your operations, that is, you perform the analysis, and we manage the operations as follows: Automatic Stop Loss once the trade is opened is a short or long with a maximum risk of 1% of the account.  Trailing Stop as the price moves in your favor.  Risk management is handled in a 2:1 , once the operation reaches a 1:1 move Stop Loss to break even .  Once the trade reaches a 2:1 closes half the lot, securing the profit and allowing the operation
Expert Advisor for Automatic Stop Loss and Take profit , calculated by Pips and cover all major pairs . you can activated the EA in your chart then place orders manually and the EA will be place TP and SL automatically for all opened orders , covered Buy market , Sell Market , Buy stop , Sell Stop , Buy limit , Sell limit . it is an easier tool that help you manage your order without effort . 10 Pips = 100 Points Pending orders SL and TP will be placed once order is activated . MT4 Version  : ht
This EA helps chart pattern traders to automate thier task of placing trades.  All you need to do is to draw your trend lines and name your trendlines to match the object name input in the EA.  The EA is safe to turn off anytime. The input parameters are as follows:   UpperBorderline : Upper border line of chart UpperEnteryLine: For entering trades UpperTPLine: Trendline for Take profit LowerBorder: Lower border line of chart LowerTPLine: Take profit line for lower trend line BorderChannel: F
Fimathe Tool for Semi-Automatic Trading. This tool serves as a support for trading using the Fimathe strategy, the same one used by Trader Marcelo Ferreira in his negotiations. Features: Button to set/change Trend chosen by Trader. Adjustment of Buy Zone and Neutral Zone Level Lines. Adjustment of Sell Zone and Neutral Zone Level Lines Subcycle Levels, R1, R2, R3, R4 and S1, S2, S3, S4. Automatic Trailling Stop for previous level with each new (Subcycle) level reached. Trading stop at the
Basic Trade Buttons is a tool to help you to quickly open and close trades, place take profit and stop loss points by clicking on the button of each job that you preferred. Once you attached this tool to mt5 chart, the program will calculate a trade volume(Lots size) automatically to prepare to send to the trade server when you click on 'Buy' or 'Sell' button. Click on 'TP', 'SL' or 'Close' button to place take profit, stop loss based on the predefined levels or to close all open positions respe
The trading utility simplifies trading by quickly setting stop loss and take profit and risk calculation. Capabilities: 1. Using hotkeys: - The “s” key is responsible for showing/hiding the trading panel and stop loss and take profit levels. - The “~” key is responsible for changing the direction of trading. - It is possible to select in the settings a key that is convenient for you from the list for each of the parameters. 2. Using two modes of risk and volume calculation (the first button on t
1. 注文を 12 個のマスター アカウントから 100 個のスレーブ アカウントにコピーします。 スレーブ アカウントの数は 12 から 100 までカスタマイズできます。 2.MT4からMT4、MT4からMT5、MT5からMT4、MT5からMT5をサポートします。 3. EURUSD、EURUSDm、EURUSDk など、さまざまなプラットフォームでの取引種類のサフィックスを識別します。 4. カスタム通貨マッチング (XAUUSD=GOLD など)。 5. すべての取引をコピーすることも、買い、売り、決済命令のみをコピーすることもできます 6. ストッププロフィットとストップロスをコピーするかどうかを選択できます 7. マスター口座が買い、スレーブ口座が売り、またはその逆など、逆にコピーできます。 マスター口座がポジションを決済すると、同じ方向にコピーされたか逆にコピーされたかに関係なく、スレーブ口座も同時にポジションを決済します。 8. スレーブ口座が閉鎖されるなどの事故が発生した場合、マスター口座には清算シグナルがありますが、スレーブ口座はそれを時間内にコピーしません。 ス
This EA helps to Close all Positions opened. It saves you the time of closing multiple positions manually. Parameters: Buy:  Close Buy Positions Only Sell:  Close Sell Positions Only Buy & Sell: Close Buy & Sell Positions Pending: Close Pending Orders More Advanced MT5 version available at:  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/93301?source=Unknown%3Ahttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.mql5.com%2Fen%2Fmarket%2Fmy More Advanced MT4 version available at:   https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/93468?source=Unk
This EA is used to close all your open market positions and/or pending orders with a click of a button. The EA is ultra fast and your positions will close within a blink of an eye. It also allows you to close profit trades only or losing trades. You can also choose to close sell/short trades only or buy/long trades only. If your strategy include having many open and pending orders positions, this is a good EA to help you close your positions all at once with one click.
Ea Auto
Samuel Conceicao De Andrade -
BETA product Recurring updates, and real-time assistance. Ea Auto is a specialist in inserting TakeProfit and StopLoss of positions, and moving them in favor of operations in an automated way, the user only needs to enter the initial TakeProfit and StopLoss value. Recommendations on use in any asset In any period Chart So far, this utility only supports Forex Description of input parameters Theme: set between Light (a lighter theme) and Night (a darker one) Take Profit(points): field where t
Smart Stop Manager EA – Maximize Profits, Minimize Risk! This Expert Advisor (EA) is designed to automatically adjust your stop loss when your trades move into profit. It works on all open trades for the symbol it is attached to, ensuring maximum profit protection while letting your trades run. How It Works The EA uses two key inputs to manage your trades efficiently: Stop Loss Points – The distance from the current price where the stop loss is placed. Stop Loss Trigger Points – The pro
Next Candle Timer Pro displays the remaining time before the current bar closes and a new bar forms. It can be used for time management with trade to wait next moments. Feature Highlights Tracks server time not local time Configurable Text Color and Font Size Optional Visualization of the Symbol Daily Variation Optimized to reduce CPU usage Every time frame will automatic get remain timing. Input Parameters Color as Label Anchor of the label a sort assign Position of timer: true/false Text Font
Multi Symbol ZigZag Breakout Scanner は、マーケットウォッチで選択されたすべてのシンボルをスキャンします。 価格がこれらのレベルに到達しようとしているときに、ダブル トップ、ダブル ボトム、または任意のフィボナッチ エクステンション レベルを簡単に見つけるのに役立ちます。 Timeframe と、Zigzag の複数の Extdepths (最大 3 つ) を選択できます。 推奨される ZigZag は 21、34、および 55 で、すべてのタイプの Zigzag とフィルター ノイズをカバーします。 端末アラートまたはプッシュ通知のいずれか、または両方を受信するように設定できます Multi Symbol ZigZag Breakout Scanner は、マーケットウォッチで選択されたすべてのシンボルをスキャンします。 価格がこれらのレベルに到達しようとしているときに、ダブル トップ、ダブル ボトム、または任意のフィボナッチ エクステンション レベルを簡単に見つけるのに役立ちます。 Timeframe と、Zigzag の複数の Ex
アラートメールを送信することにより、アカウント情報をリアルタイムに知ることができるツールです。 アラートの機能は次のとおりです。 1. フローティング損益アラート、設定した利益額と損失額に達すると、EAから自動的にアラートの詳細がメールで送信されます。 2. 2. 注文の開始と終了のアラート、あなたのアカウントにオープンポジションとクローズポジションがあると、EAは自動的に電子メールで詳細なアラートを送信します。 3. 3. 複数シンボル気配値アラート:お客様が設定した気配値が上昇または下降すると、EAが自動的にアラートの詳細をEメールで送信します。 上記全てのアラート回数をカスタマイズすることができます。 使用方法 1. MT5クライアント-ツール-オプション-電子メール ,電子メール設定を完了し、それを有効にします。 2. MT5クライアントにEAをロードし、自動売買を有効にします。 EAのパラメータ設定の説明 損益アラートのパラメータは以下の通りです。 1. TPは利益額、SLは損失額を設定し、その額はFloating P/Lとなります。 2. 2
The utility displays in a convenient form the historical trades made on the account. You can filter trades by magic or comcent, display only profitable or losing trades, and only buy or sell trades. Using this utility, you can see trade entry and exit points, stop loss and take profit levels, trade profit, magic number and comment, order ticket and order size - you only need to run the utility on the chart of the currency pair you want information on get and customize the input parameters. MT4
Automatic pattern recognition software for MT5 Price action analysis (automatic levels) tool: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/94338 Trend lines Common chart patterns eg triangles, flags, pennants etc range detection with latest support and resistance levels. object updates to avoid lagging signals. Telegram updates  just place your chart ID in the inputs section and it will send you screenshots at a given interval of what is happening in the market so you do not miss out on any opportuni
価格チャートのマーケット セッション インジケーターは、ニューヨーク、ロンドン、東京、シドニーの取引時間を示しています。各取引セッションの開始時間と終了時間は手動で設定できます。 特徴: メイン セッションを表示: シドニー、東京、ロンドン、ニューヨーク。 色付きの線でハイライトし、オブジェクトを描画します。 重複するセッションのセッションのボラティリティをグラフィカルに識別できます。 パラメータを含む 18 個の可動パラメータが含まれています。 シドニーセッション開始 - シドニー取引セッション開始時間 シドニーセッション終了 - シドニー取引セッション終了時間 シドニーセッションの色 - 価格チャートのシドニー取引セッションエリアの色 東京セッション開始 - 東京取引セッション開始時間 東京立会終了 - 東京立会終了時間 Tokio session color - 価格チャート上の東京取引セッションエリアの色 ロンドンのセッション開始 - ロンドンの取引セッション開始時間 ロンドンのセッション終了 - ロンドンの取引セッション終了時間 ロンドン セッションの色 - 価格チャ
Assistant for all those who forget to set StopLoss, TakeProfit and Trailing Stop in deal parameters, or trade on a very fast market and fail to place them in time. This tool automatically tracks trades without     StopLoss, TakeProfit, Trailing Stop   and checks what level should be set in accordance with the settings. The tool works both with market and pending orders. The type of orders to work with can be set in the parameters. It can track either trades for the instrument it runs on, or all
!! BLACK FRIDAY !!  FOR LIFETIME !! ================== == 35$ ONLY !! == ================== BOOK YOURS NOW !! The Position Manager Contains A Lot of Functions such as; (How to Operate) 1. Adjustable Volume per Trade (You could change the volume as you wish per trade). 2. Adjustable Risk : Reward Ratio (1RR means sacrifice 1 Risk : 1 Reward, 1.5RR, 2RR etc. as you wish) 3. Adjustable Stop Loss Points (Calculated Points as Stop Loss and Automatically adjusted the Risk Reward Ratio) 4. Buy Button
This Expert Advisor will not place any trade. This Expert Advisor will only show the buyer and the seller power in percentage on the upper right corner of the selected chart. The percentage of the Buyer and Seller is calculated based on the Open, Close, High and Low price of the selected candle. Candle can be selected using the shift on the Input Tab where 0 means the current candle, 1 means previous 1 candle before the current candle.
Itrade Manager
Nestor Smill Soler Olivero
Itrade manager expert advisor (EA) is a type of software that can be programmed to perform a variety of tasks related to managing trades in the financial markets. Some of the ways in which the Itrade manager EA can help you trade better include: Itrade manager EA can automatically modify, and close trades based on predefined rules and conditions, freeing you up to focus on other aspects of your trading strategy. Managing risk: Itrade manager EA can help you manage risk by placing stop-loss and t
Trader Assistance
Tsog Erdene Borjigon Enkhkhudulmur
It can help with manual traders. EA have following features with risk management. Sell Buy Close sell Close buy Close all Manual Trade Panel EA MT5 Installation In order to buy Manual Trade Panel EA MT4/5 from MQL5.com Market you need to have a MQL5 community account. If you don’t have one, you can register here: https://www.mql5.com/en/auth_register. 1. First make sure that you have the necessary funds required for your purchase in your MQL5 account, it's always easier to pay with your MQL5 bal
Trailing Stop loss last X candles swing high and low.  X is a value of candles you can set as an input parameter. This Trailing stop loss moves the SL below the last X candles low(if BUY positions) or high(for SELL positions) If we are in a trend and we open a position following the trend, the SL will be automatically placed at the low or high of the last X bars. contact me if you need further assistence
Panel for help Manual Trade if trader take order in multi Symbol/pair this will help more. this is look like hybrid dashboard in multi pair with small display Panel have function : TP/SL, that also have funtion in Average TP/SL from BreakEvent (this will have for trader with multi trader in singgle pair)  in Point can response multi Symbol Trailing and Average Trailing from BreakEvent in Point can response multi pair. breakEvent in point Take Profit/Stop Loss in $ will detect in multi pair, an
Forget coding! You no longer need EAs! Any indicators (and not only) can now trade themselves anything anywhere! GRat_IndiTrade is a unique strategy builder for automatic trading by the signals of  ANY indicators available on the chart  without limits (both standard and custom), ANY  candlestick patterns ,  as well as  ANY of their combinations, without the need to write, generate or compile any code . You no longer need to be or hire a programmer to test and automate ALL your trading ideas. J
このユーティリティは、取引口座の取引を複製するために設計されています。プログラムは、あなたのパラメータで追加の取引を開きます。ロットの増減、ロットの追加、ストップロスやテイクプロフィットのパラメーター変更などの機能を備えています、プログラムは「Windows PC」と「Windows VPS」で動作するように設計されています。  Buy a cloner and get the second version for free パラメータ CLONE_POSITIONS - 複製するオーダーを指定します。 MAGIC_NUMBER - マジックナンバー. DONT_REPEAT_TRADE - trueの場合、手動で決済した後、取引は繰り返されません。 REVERSE_COPY - 逆コピー。例えば、BUY の代わりに SELL をオープンします。 LOT_MULTIPLIER - PROVIDERアカウントからの数量コピー率で、=0の場合はFIXED_LOTで指定したロットでコピーします。 PLUS_LOT, MINUS_LOT - プラスとマイナスのロット。 MAXIMUM_L
Do You Like Catching 100+, 500+ Pips In Seconds, Trading During High Impact News Like NFP, and CPI..? I have been trading news for 2 year with my mentor Raja Banks, playing the Buy Stop, Sell Stop pending orders. In normal news events price shots straight-down or straight-up based on the data of the event, and sometimes it whipsaws up and down. As a manual trader, somedays I would miss out on securing big profits because price moved too quick, and retraced back to hit my Stop Loss, or even B
MarketSchedule displays market sessions' open/close time for each day through out the week, also broker's timezone. It also supports instruments that have more than 1 session per day (maximum of 2 as most instruments don't have more than this) e.g. crypto market such as BTCUSD which usually has a few hours break mid-day thus it spans into 2 market sessions. You don't have to spend time looking for such information on broker's website. It's an on-demand script that you can drop onto the chart to
This is a standalone dashboard that let the user save their entry strategies for an unlimited number of currency pairs/indexes/commodities. Strategies remain saved after closing the meta trader or removing the EA. It saves your favourite assets to trade and places your trades in an instant.  You can save, your lot size, risk percentage, stop loss and take profit points and trailing stop points.   You can double-entry positions or reverse trades at the click of a button.  After the purchase, you
Утилита Trade By Time предназначена для автоматизации торговли для списка валютных пар в определённое время, например, во время выхода новостей. Принцип работы будет описан немного ниже.   Сама утилита работает только с заранее подготовленным файлом с таймингом и списком инструментов. Сам файл нужно положить в каталоге данных в папку Files , указать название этого файла в настройках утилиты и перезапустить её. Файл должен содержать строки с данными следующей структуры: yyyy.mm.dd hh:mm; <EURUSD|
Blow Stopper EA V3 – Your Ultimate Trading Edge Ready to elevate your trading game? Introducing Blow Stopper EA V3 , the cutting-edge trading tool meticulously crafted to turn market uncertainty into opportunity. Designed by the visionary Tsietsi Gladson Nyathi , this groundbreaking Expert Advisor delivers unmatched precision, unparalleled risk management, and consistent profitability across EURUSD, NZDUSD, AUDUSD, EURJPY, GBPUSD, USDJPY, USDCHF, USDCAD, EURCHF, and XAUUSD (GOLD) . Why Blow Sto
Is your trade at a loss? Does not matter ! You can use this Extra martingale tool.  In the set loss of your trade or your EA's trade , this tool will open another trade at a better price. It can also open multiple trades at different distances and with different lot sizes. Each trade will be assigned a TakeProfit. This tool has a lot of settings. You can set variable lot sizes, variable trade distances, variable TakeProfit sizes, maximum total profit or loss in money. You can also close trades
Manual trading assistant focused on ICT strategies with several aids: It establishes time slots in which we can operate, disabling any operation placed outside these zones, preventing over-trading in places where we should not, such as during the opening of markets with strong volatility, or after hours with no volatility. It marks important levels for us: the high and low of the previous day, and the high and low of the current day. If we want, we can make the current high and low adaptive, and
MyVersion Helper -утилита создана для помощи трейдеру в занятое время утилита работает по принципу работы советника!. он открывает сделки и закрывает их по своему усмотрению когта трейдер не перед пк. . работает на 19 валютных парах . . в зависимости от баланса утилита сама решает на каких валютах торговать. . если баланса достаточно штобы торговать на всех парах вы можете включать и отключать конкретные валютные пары нажав в настройках на валютную пару и выбрав True / False True -торговать Fal
Советник для, перевода позиции в безубыток +  трал. Сделан специально для работы на Мосбиржи с учётом удаления позиции при клиринге и последующем её открытии по новой цене. После клиринга, советник тралит учитывая реальную цену открытия позиции, а не ту которая получилась после клиринга. Советник может работать на любых рынках. На счетах  HEDGING советник будет переводить в БУ и тралить каждую позицию, отдельно. Так как демо версию советника можно запустить только в тестере стратегий , а этот с
This Unique Expert Advisor calculates the strength of 28 various currencies according to the percentage change in a day from the opening of the candle. This calculation is done seen as decimals. If some currency is found to be very strong or very weak, the system will check the difference between both. If the calculations work to be more than the value provided in the input's parameters, it will open a trade with that pair and set take profit as given by the user.  There are several other settin
Ever took a trade and when you come back to the termainal to check on the status of the position, you realized the market has gone so far in the opposite direction or it has hit your stoploss. Well this system is here to help manage those moments price doesn't go in your desired direction. Consider this to be the insurance your account needs for your trading business. This tool manages manual trades and e.a. triggered trades. However be aware that some e.a.s are programmed to override other e.a.
Have you thought about sharing your EA trading signals with your friends? Or your EA signal can trade cryptocurrencies, but it cannot trade Binance Futures directly in MT5? Or you have an excellent EA, but it cannot be applied to other quantitative trading platforms without source code? Hook EA is to solve these problems. Regardless of whether you trade with a real account or a Demo account, Hook EA can monitor the Order or Deal submitted by any EA in real time, and send the information to the
LastCandle MT5
Richard James Northcott
Take control of the most important candle on your chart. Customise and supercharge the active candle. "LastCandle" is a unique indicator. There is no other indicator that is so laser-focused on just the active candle. Set different colors and make it stand out from all the other candles. (This makes sure you never mistake an active candle from a closed one. Even if this happens once it could save you the cost of the software.)  When you zoom out, you get a super-sized version of the candle so yo
ABOUT THE PRODUCT Your all-in-one licensing software is now available. End users are typically granted the right to make one or more copies of software without infringing on third-party rights. The license also specifies the obligations of the parties to the license agreement and may impose limitations on how the software can be used. AIM OF THE SOFTWARE The purpose of this system is to provide you with a one-of-a-kind piece of software that will help you license and securely track your MT4/MT5
"Panel Partial Closure" ユーティリティ パネルは、利益のあるポジションをすばやく部分的に決済することを目的としています。パラメータは「 部分閉鎖 #1   」と「 部分閉鎖 #2   」の 2 つだけです。任意のシンボルと任意の「マジック ナンバー」で機能します。つまり、このユーティリティは主に手動取引を対象としています。 使い方: たとえば、「EURUSD」、「Jump 100 Index」、「XAUUSD」(金)に複数のポジションを持っているとします。ユーティリティは利益が最大のポジションを見つけます - スクリーンショットでは、これは "Jump 100 Index" シンボルの "Sell" ポジションで、出来高が 0.05 ロットで、利益は 2.59 です。 最初のボタンは 0.01 ロットを部分的にクローズし (この値は「 部分クローズ #1   」パラメーターから取得されます)、2 番目のボタンは部分的に 0.03 ロットをクローズします (この値は「 部分クローズ #2   」パラメーターから取得されます)。
️ Discover the powerful Trade Manager for MetaTrader, a tool that will revolutionize your trading experience in the financial market. This innovative software provides you with efficiency and speed, allowing you to execute all your trades quickly and visually. ️ With just a click of a button, the Trade Manager creates three strategic lines: a blue line for order placement, a green line for take profit, and a red line for stop loss. These lines offer you a clear focus and enable you to manage


MQL5.community ユーザーメモを読んで、取引シグナルのコピー、フリーランサーによるカスタムアプリの開発、支払いシステムを経由した自動支払い、MQL5Cloud Networkなど、当社がトレーダーに対して提供するユニークなサービスについて詳しくご覧ください。