MetaTrader 5のための自動売買ロボット - 53

There are a lot of EA's out there but most of them are very disappointing. Today I invite you to test a new powerful and secure EA, which has taken several years of testing and programming to create.
The trading robot "Cyberpunk Trader" using artificial intelligence, mathematical calculations, and statistics is a cutting-edge solution for investors who are looking to optimize their trading strategy and maximize their profits. Equipped with advanced algorithms and machine learning capabilities

EA Golden CLUNES is a robust trading strategy designed for XAUUSD or GOLD and M30 time frame. EA creates pending stop trade orders using the Highest-Lowest, Bollinger Bands indicators and parameters based on the market environment. It uses fixed SL, PT and activation trailing stop. The EA was tested with several Monte Carlo robustness tests and optimized. Backtest was made on ticks data with a 15-year history 2007-20022. There is no need to set any parameters, all settings are already optim

EA Golden HARTLEY is a robust trading strategy designed for XAUUSD or GOLD and M30 time frame. The EA creates pending stop trade orders using indicators Linear Regression Smoothed Moving Average, BB Range and parameters based on the market environment. It uses fixed SL, PT and exit from the position after time cut off. The EA was tested with several Monte Carlo robustness tests and optimized. Backtest was done on ticks data with a 15-year history 2007-2023. There is no need to set any paramete

EA Golden SIN-TIANG is a robust trading strategy designed for XAUUSD or GOLD and H4 time frame. The EA creates pending stop trade orders using indicators of the Highest-Lowest, Hight , Low parameters based on the market environment. It uses fixed SL, PT and exit from the position after time cut off. The EA was tested with several Monte Carlo robustness tests and optimized. Backtest was done on ticks data with a 15-year history 2007-20023. There is no need to set any parameters, all settings are

Deviation Corrector It is a system that analyzes the trend and tries to operate the end of it betting on an exhaustion and its subsequent correction. It therefore looks for market imbalances and operates its subsequent correction. This system makes all the adjustments automatically, analyzing the pair and the market to decide which is the most efficient step to reach your destination. Deviation Corrector is a multiple trade and unit lot system(Always maintain the same lot throughout the entire

The Mechanism is “following of Spike” as the strategy to EURUSD at M5 timeframe. The Strategy has maximum 3 positions at any time. Each Trade has a fixed SL and fixed TP. its so easy to use “expert adviser:H_ap_spike_eurousd_m5” at your account: drag and drop on eurusd M5, then you will enter inputs: - I have a tow notices as an input above the inputs. - Loss: At most percent that you will risk on all Positions that will be opened together .(Expert will stop Ordering if your risk going more th

Somewhere over the rainbow It is a system that tries to operate the market from the exhaustion of the trend with a correction algorithm that tries to cut losses at the cost of increasing the margin
This system makes all the adjustments automatically, analyzing the pair and the market to decide which is the most efficient step to reach your destination. Somewhere over the rainbow is a multiple trade and multi lot system(The maximum batch can be up to 5 times the initial batch distributed in mult

Ziwox Fundamental Trader
Ziwox Fundamental Trader は、金融市場のトレーダーが EA 情報データに基づいて賢明な決定を下すのを支援するトレーディング アシスタントです。
この EA は、オンライン ソースを使用して、通貨のファンダメンタル バイアス、ペアに対する小売トレーダーのセンチメント比率、銀行と機関の予測、COT レポート データ、および複雑な EA パネル内のその他のデータなどの必要な情報をキャッチします。 手短に言えば、それは統合された外国為替データソースと情報であり、マニュアルトレーダーがより良い決定を下すのに役立ちます.
このアシスタントと並んで、ペアで自動的に取引するためにファンダメンタル データとテクニカル データを使用する FULL AUTO 取引システムでもあります。
[ User guide & installation | EA components | Set file | Join EA channel (Link in bio) | Live signal | All

The ultimate trading tool that is designed to deliver simplicity and profitability to users. The EA's cutting-edge model utilizes pattern recognition and neural network training to analyze the market and make informed trades on 20 or more currency pairs (also to ohter instruments) simultaneously. With its user-friendly interface, this EA is perfect for traders of all levels, whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro. By leveraging the power of our EA, you can achieve steady growth and boost yo

このロボットは、市場での取引機会を特定するために、これら2つの人気指標を使用する自動化取引ツールです。RSI(相対力指数)は、市場内の他の資産との相対的な強度を測定する技術指標です。Bollinger Bandsは、市場の変動性を測定し、特定の資産の価格上限を決定する指標です。 RSIとBollinger Bandsの2つの指標を組み合わせた取引ロボットは、収益性の高い取引機会を特定するためにこれら2つの指標を共に使用します。 RSIが資産の買われすぎまたは売られすぎの状態を示し、Bollinger Bandsが価格の限界に近づいていることを示す場合、ロボットは自動的に取引に参加または退出します。 このロボットは、複数の通貨ペアで同時に動作できるため、複数の通貨で取引機会を探すことができます。これは、ポートフォリオを多様化し、利益を最大化したいトレーダーにとって特に有用です。 RSIとBollinger Bandsの指標を使用した取引ロボットは、設定や使用が簡単です。ユーザーの好みに合わせてカスタマイズできます。また、ロボットは完全自動化されており、常に監視する必要がなく、24時間、

Turbo performance comes first.
Attention! The phrases machine learning, neural networks, AI, GPT, ... and other buzzwords are not used in the desccription and operation of the EA.
Just catching overbought/oversold in the Asian session using the grid, human brain, experience and a lot of backtests. True Turbo uses a grid of orders with preset stop loss and take profit settings, which allows traders to capture market movements and manage risks. This helps traders capitalize on market trends wi

Golden Gate - торговый советник использующий в своей торговой логике подходы стратегии Лари Вильямса, Джона Болинджера и Дж. Уэллс Уайлдера в виде разработанных ими индикаторов. Советник показал хорошие результаты тестирования стратегии на истории и при реальной торговле, в советнике можно менять значения данных индикаторов и выставлять самостоятельно размеры стоп лосса и тейк профита. Как реально торгует данный советник и чего стоит ожидать при покупке данного советника - данный советник зак

The USOpen breakout strategy is executed at 3pm (GMT+2) and is ideal for extremely short-term and short-term trading, as this is when liquidity and trading volumes for USD-related currency pairs are higher, and there are more trading opportunities in volatile markets.
Using proprietary algorithms to calculate momentum data for the current market conditions, Buy Stop and Sell Stop orders are placed at the high and low points of the range box. When a one-sided market triggers the order, the oppo

We recommend it to be 1 min after the opening of the European Market.
It also allows you to say close the operation at the close of the session or keep the cycle open(I prefer the second option).
It only performs a daily cycle that starts at the scheduled time and remains alive until it exits for profit or session close. Being a system of multiple operations and multiple lots, it is recommended to use only one system at a time, it can be agreed with other ea or this same in several pairs, bu

Sondra Grider Hedge - мультивалютная сеточная система с мартингейлом, автоматическим безубытком и трейлинг стопом. Советник достаточно установить на график любого финансового инструмента с параметрами по умолчанию.
Lot фиксированный объем для торговли MagicNumber уникальное число для идентификации советником своих ордеров Komment комментарий к открываемым сделкам Минимальный стартовый депозит для торговли составляет 1000 usd. Прошлые прибыльные трейды советника не являются га

Trend Master Gold EA is an automated trading software designed for use on the MQL5 platform. This Expert Advisor uses a trend-following strategy to identify trading opportunities in the gold market. The EA is designed to work on the 5M timeframe.
The Trend Master Gold EA uses a combination of technical indicators and price action analysis to identify potential trade setups. The EA is equipped with an advanced money management system that helps to minimize risk and maximize profits. The EA also

Prop Firms 向けの Ultimate EA は、MyForexFunds などの Proprietary Firms の課題を克服し、設立されたアカウントを取得するために特別に設計された Expert Advisor です。 実際、管理アカウントを提供する企業が課す規則に準拠するための特定の機能があります。
チュートリアル、詳細な説明、マニュアル、およびプリセットへのリンク: 新機能 ( 2023 年 8 月): タイムグリッド操作とスーパートレンド戦略!
- MACD、Alligator、MACD+RSI+Stoch、Parabolic SAR、一目またはSuperTrendの指標に基づいて利用可能な6つの異なる戦略の中から使用したい戦略を選択してください。 - M5、M6、M10 の時間枠で推奨されるすべての外国為替ペアとインデックスで動作します。
- EA は VPS 24/7 で動作する必要があります
- 最適化するさまざまな課題とプリセットのために、私がすでに最適化したパ

Sometimes the market becomes volatile and we need algorithms that operate this volatility regardless of its direction. This system tries to take advantage in moments of high volatility.
It has 5 levels of input filters that it is recommended to adjust depending on the volatility, the average value would be mode 3, below the sensitivity decreases, above it increases.
You can download the demo and test it yourself.
Very stable growth curve as result of smart averaging techniques. "Safety first

もちろんです。以下がテキストを日本語に翻訳したものです。 外国為替EAの究極版、「イージープロップ1」をご紹介します。このEAは、特にプロップファームのチャレンジを乗り越えるために設計されています。イージープロップ1は、FTMOやMy Forex Fundなどのプロップファームのチャレンジをクリアし、成功を収めたいトレーダーに最適なツールです。トレードシステムには成功を保証するものはありませんが、イージープロップ1は市場で優位性を提供し、トレード目標の達成をサポートするために設計されています。 イージープロップ1の主な特徴の一つは、高度なリスク管理システムです。これにより、トレードごとのリスクを0.5%または1%に制限できます。つまり、過度のリスクにさらされることなく、自信を持ってトレードできるというわけです。また、1日に2回のトレードを実行するだけで、過度のトレードやアカウントのリスクを回避できます。 注意:価格はまもなく上昇する予定ですので、お早めにご購入ください。 イージープロップ1を購入すると、トレードの好みに合わせてEAをカスタマイズするための詳細なマニュアルが提供されます。

しっかりとしたゲージベースの技を繰り出す古代の僧侶「プリーストマスター」の攻略法を紹介します。 それは、必要に応じてスリッページやスプレッドを制御し、RSI、ボリンジャーなどの重要な指標によって高度に分析されたエントリーを市場全体と連携させることができます。 彼のパフォーマンスは市場の多くのシンボルで合格しており、どこで彼がそれを達成しているかに注意する必要があります 勝ちポジションに戦略的な手法を持たせることで特別な
私の戦略は「すべての外国為替市場」に最適化されていますが、「最高のペア」もありますが、私が設計したものを使用することをお勧めします プリーストマスター これには、残高の x 額をリスクにさらすシステムが組み込まれており、回復機能もあります 市場が不安定になった場合 また、組み込みのシークレットインジケーターから正しい予測を検出したときに、TP が一部のポジションをクローズでき、他のポジションをクローズできないスマートアルゴリズムシステムも備えています。
私の戦略 EA には生きた履歴があります
ライブパフォーマンス 私の信号の

+700 ピップスで 5 日間の外国為替取引! 5つの収益性の高い外国為替戦略を使用して利益を増やし、5つの外国為替ロボットを入手してください 私が何年にもわたって作成した最高の5つの外国為替戦略。プロのトレーダーとして、私は自動取引と手動取引を使用しています。 外国為替ロボットとの取引を検討していますが、プログラミングのスキルはありませんか? 外国為替戦略のための5つのEA(外国為替ロボット)を受け取ります + 700 Pippusu de 5-kakan no gaikoku kawase torihiki! Itsutsu no shūeki-sei no takai gaikoku kawase senryaku o shiyō shite rieki o fuyashi, itsutsu no gaikoku kawase robotto o nyūshu shite kudasai watashi ga nan'nen ni mo watatte sakusei shita saikō no itsutsu no gaikoku kawase senryaku. Puro

Liberty is a very advanced, multicurrency EA which for now is perfectly capable of trading up to 9 different currency symbols: NZDJPY, EURNZD, GBPCHF, CHFJPY, EURCHF, GBPUSD, USDCAD, AUDUSD and NZDUSD. All of these symbols have been carefully chosen after months of months of back and forward testing. It is fully automated and once attached to NZDJPY H1 chart it can run on it's own. There is no need for additional set file because the default settings. Just like my previous EA - Big Bang - this o

The XAUUSD is a special asset with special characteristics that needs a special optimization of the products, we have created a system that adapts to this value and tries to take advantage of its advantages and eliminate the differences.
Although this system is designed and optimized for use in the XAUUSD, it can be used in other pairs and values, including stock indices and commodities.
It is a system that through an algorithm of multiple operations and multiple lots tries to make a profit o

!!!ATTENTION TRADERS!!! Bug hunters will get an EA of their choice FOR ABSOLUTELY FREE!!! If you purchase any of my EAs and happen to find a bug, report it to me and I'll gift you one of my EAs here on MQL5 for ZERO dollars, no strings attached! Download the entire trade journal in csv format here → I recommend you to open it with LibreOffice Calc if Microsoft Excel gives you an error.
Description: Do you prefer a simple and easy,

Buda The Enlightened One は、安定した決断力のあるものを求めるすべての人が心配することなく取引できるように設計された戦略です。 リスクを心配することなくXサイズの投資を行うことができ、各エントリには事前に私が設計した秘密のパターンとインジケーターを参照する強力な分析があり、AIシステムがあり、私たちが教えたすべての範囲を学習して参照します。 必要に応じてリスクを調整し、ストップロスが多目的に利用できる場合
チャート上で EA を開始します。 構成を作成して保存できる特別な機能があり、同じシンボルウィンドウをリロードして、作業したいペアを指定すると、すべてのウィンドウが自動的に開き、自分自身を構成します
任意のシンボル M1/M5/M15 のチャートでアドバイザー Buda を開始できます。 現在のチャートに関係なく、アドバイザーはデータ通貨のテクニカル分析、スプレッド、スリッページ、ニュース、ETCを分析します


V ery simple EA uses the famous trend scalping i.e. EMA Crossover scalping to open trades with martingale lot system. It includes 03 EMA i.e. Exponential Moving Averages to decide which direction to trade. It also checks distance of a fast moving average from the trend moving average. After all these conditions get fulfilled it opens a position. Single position at a time with hard stop loss and take profit.
Features: 1. Martingale 2. Uses trend indicators 3. Automatic Trading 4. Hard Stop Loss

Lemm is a scalper designed for intraday trading in M1 timeframe, therefore very fast and aggressive. It can be configured in a quieter version with higher timeframes or on different assets simultaneously using different magic numbers. The default configuration is for forex pairs, but by changing the parameters, it can be used on any pair (it has had excellent results on XauUsd and DjiUsd). It is equipped with a movable and minimized summary panel and push notifications on the smartphone.

Introducing the Gold Multiply Funds EA - a revolutionary trading tool that is based on the powerful principle of compounding. MT4 Version : Brief description EA for XAUSUD: AI & machine learning detect/respond to market trends with precision. Trading Strategy Advanced pattern recognition using AI and Machine learning for profitable trades 65-70% correct prediction accuracy in 10 years of data Compounding strategy generates steady profits Small gains t

Short Descriptions The Triple Double Pro expert advisor is a universal robot capable of trading any instrument. By default, it is configured to trade on the XAUUSD symbol in the H1 timeframe. However, if you wish to explore the top currency pairs on which this robot can trade, simply test the robot within the strategy tester on all available symbols, and you will receive a list of the best currency pairs. If you plan to use the robot on multiple different currency pairs, you need to set a unique

Master Scalping is an expert advisor (EA) developed for the MetaTrader 5 platform using MQL5 programming language. As its name suggests, it is designed for scalping in the foreign exchange (forex) market, where it aims to generate small profits from numerous trades executed within a short period. The EA uses a combination of technical indicators and price action analysis to identify trading opportunities and execute trades automatically. It can be customized with various settings such as lot siz

This EA works exclusively on the Dollar Futures market (B3). It can be used in Full Dollar (DOL) or Mini Dollar (WDO).
Type: Day-Trade
Recommended margin:
Mini Dollar (WDO) = BRL 3.000,00
Developed through volatility techniques, batteries of robustness tests and data analysis such as:
- Walk Forward Analysis (WFA) - Walk Forward Efficiency (WFE) - Walk Forward Matrix (WFM)
- Monte Carlo - Distribution of Parameters - Distribution of Results - Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney criterion
The EA

This EA is for only Deriv Synthetic indices. Forex MT4 Version here: Forex MT5 version here:
Hello traders, I believe you all know that risk and money management along with psychology are the keys to success in trading. No matter how strong one’s strategy is, without these 3 criteria they will always face losses in the long run. I have created an EA to control our human behaviors. This EA will force u

MT5-MT4 signals , the Expert Advisor version for MT4 . The expert analyzes 15 indicators in 5 signals. Thanks to this, he trades almost all week round, inside the day. The adviser can trade both completely independently, and there is an opportunity to open positions
independently, after which the expert will independently bring the matter to its logical end, that is, close
the position or positions in the plus, wherever the price goes.
You can try trading on your own in the strategy tester.

You have probably already tried several different EAs and not all of them met your expectations. We would like to invite you to check our system, to see how the EA works. SASS Single Trend is a simple trend automation that uses the crossing of two moving averages (your choice) to enter and exit trades.
Making use of the "Points for intro" parameter correctly, it is possible to configure to open operations at times when the market is lateralized in smaller TimeFrames. Being able to increase your

THE BIG FOUR system operates at the same time and simultaneously the 4 big forex pairs: EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY and USDCHF, the system is optimized for these four pairs although it could be used with any value if you decide to use it in other values try They are not too correlated.
To use the robot, place it in any pair in the 1 min time frame (recommended) and it will place the images in the 4 selected products, (you do not have to place a robot in each pair)
The system is of multiple orders a

The Katsil Scalper is an innovative approach in the financial market that has been developed through years of meticulous research and development. This strategy encapsulates the very essence of the iconic Katsil brand, which is renowned for its blend of sophistication, excellence, and meticulous attention to detail. With the help of cutting-edge technology, the Katsil Scalper is designed to provide a competitive edge to those seeking to achieve leadership in the financial market. The method is

T his EA trades with trend so it has high win percentage. Uses trend indicators like Bollinger Bands and Moving Averages. This is NO Martingale system but it uses lots multiplier to increase the gains. You can easily disable the lots multiplier by changing it to 1.
Features: 1. NO Martingale 2. NO Grid 3. High Win Rate Strategy. 4. Low Drawdown. 5. Uses STOP OUT Percent instead of usual Stop Loss. 6. But uses the usual Take Profit in pips. Account Requirements: 1. Minimum Balance - 1000 USD 2

Attention : Please send a message to us if you still don't understand and are expected to follow the recommended capital size, lots size value, and one of the brokers whose portfolio we display. " For those of you who buy RTC Spectra products by ignoring our recommendations, you don't need to provide bad testimonials for your own mistakes!". The Expert Advisor (EA) named "RTC Spectra" is designed for the long term with good and consistent results. This EA has been proven to perform very well

Introducing KILLINGFUNDED_ALLINONE , the AI Trading system that's changing the game. Developed and run by the master traders, fund managers, and pro developers at TimeGroup since September 1st, 2019, KILLINGFUNDED_ALLINONE is revolutionizing the market. Here's what you can expect from KILLINGFUNDED_ALLINONE : The system uses advanced algorithms to identify advantageous market conditions in both overbought and oversold markets, combining wave and wave rebound principles to enter and exit trad

独自の専門家と最適化を作成することに関心がある必要があります。 セットファイルは付属しません。 遺伝子最適化テスターの力を利用して、自分の取引を強化します。
Alpha Generation は、Awesome Oscillator、Bulls Power、Commodity Channel Index、Envelopes、Moving Average Convergence Divergence、Moving Average、Parabolic SAR、Relative Strength Index、Stochastic Oscillator、Williams Percent Range などの一連のテクニカル インジケーターを使用して、取引シグナルを生成します。
EAには、口座残高のパーセンテージに基づいてポジションのサイズを決定する固定証拠金管理システムも含まれています。 コードには各入力パラメーターの詳細なコメントが含まれており、ユーザーはこれをカスタマイズして EA を特定の取引戦略に適応させることができます。 インジケーターのさまざまな組み合わせにより、無数のシグナル

The Imbalance Market is a multi-pair, multi-order and multi-lot product. It is designed to operate on 4 pairs: EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY and USDCHF, it is optimized and designed for these four values, not being recommended for use in others. You can use other robots on your platform, but I do not recommend that you use it in these pairs at the same time as this robot.
This system detects when the market is unbalanced and operates in favor of equilibrium, that is, it detects a pair's uneven movement

< 特徴 >
Seed は、レンジ相場でのトレンドの始まりを見つけて自動売買するロボットです。ロットサイズ、ストップロスなどを自動設定し、複利で資産を増やしていくデイトレードロボットです。週 2 ~ 10 回の取引を行います。
< 使い方 >
1 )最適化ツールによりロボットに合った環境(通貨ペアと売買)を表示します。
最適化ツールを用いて、過去に利益を上げた通貨ペアの売買を毎朝( 0:30 頃に)取引候補として表示します。
( サフィックス通貨ペア ( 例: AUDUSD.a) には対応していません )
( 表示された通貨ペアの選択例)
・ 過去2週間の上位4通貨ペアと Buy 、 Sel

Karl Pearson was an English mathematician and biostatistician who has been credited with establishing the discipline of mathematical statistics. He introduced the idea of correlation and applied statistics to biological problems of heredity and evolution. He also founded the world’s first university statistics department at University College London in 1911 . Pearson devised a system of continuous univariate probability distributions that came to form the basis of conventional continuous probabi

COGO Hunterは、トレンド、ヘッジング、ニュースフィルター戦略に基づいた完全自動のエキスパートアドバイザーです。
COGO HunterはVPS上で動作可能です。
対応時間枠: H1、H4、D1、W1、MN1。推奨はD1です。
COGO Hunterは機械学習をサポートしています。
COGO Hunterは全ての通貨ペアに対応しています。 特徴 マーチンゲールなし 各ポジションにハードストップロスとテイクプロフィットを設定 固定ポイント、前回の高値または安値、フィボナッチレベルに基づく柔軟なストップロス 固定ポイントとフィボナッチレベルに基づく柔軟なテイクプロフィット 固定ポイントとストップレベルに基づく柔軟なトレーリングストップ 資金管理 ニュースフィルター 一定時間後にペンディングオーダーを自動削除 ペンディングオーダーに買いストップと売りストップ機能を使用 チャートに移動平均線とストキャスティクス

It has a strategy developed by using the Relative Strength Index, Stotastic Oscillator, William's Percent Range and De Marker oscillators together. It gives the best results in EURUSD , EURCAD , EURAUD , USDCHF , AUDCAD , AUDCHF parities. It can operate at major parities. It operates in the H1 period. Recommended starting balance is $1000. You can also start with $100, but the risk level should be kept low. Recommended TakeProfitLevel is between (10-50). Recommended StopLossLevel is between

Golden Ducat NAS — is an advanced system designed specifically for GOLD trading. The basis of the system is a unique custom indicator. This is not a grid, not Martingale.
How to run it:
You need to place the EA on the XAUUSD chart ONLY TIMEFRAMES M5 .
Attention :
You can start trading with a minimum initial deposit of $50 Recommended leverage is 1:100 or more. Highly recommended VPS hosting 24/7.
Maximum deposit risk, % Fixed lot, if 0 then auto Take Profit,pip Stop Loss,pip V

This is a trend scalping EA because it uses trend indicators like Bollinger Bands and Moving Average. Easy to use forex expert advisor designed for EURUSD H1 but fully capable of trading other forex pairs and other timeframes too. Features: 1. NO Grid 2. NO Martingale 3. Smart Lot Sizing 4. Auto Take Profit in Money 5. Auto Stop Out at % of Balance 6. Minimal Inputs 7. Can trade 100 US Account too. 8. High Win Rate 9. Positive Equity Curve Account Requirements: *Broker - Any *Account type - Hed

Descubra o EA para Mini Índice, o segredo do sucesso no mercado financeiro! Desenvolvido com anos de observação cuidadosa, este EA utiliza sinais exclusivos de entrada e saída para garantir resultados impressionantes. Prepare-se para uma jornada lucrativa! Graças a dois indicadores poderosos, cuidadosamente configurados (e forneceremos as configurações exatas), este EA oferece resultados excelentes. Imagine maximizar sua taxa de acerto e o payoff, enquanto mantém um baixo drawdown. Sim, é possí

The Buffalo Trader BOT is the most complete QUANT solution on the market. With it you'll be able to create any strategy you want, and better, without tying yourself to specialist models that only perform specific tasks. With Buffalo, you will have a true ally for your operations, as you will have the freedom to define, test and train the best Quantitative Trading models using a single and powerful tool.
See what you can do with your Buffalo Robot

Introducing the ultimate news trading robot for forex MetaTrader 5 - designed specifically for traders who want to profit from market volatility during news events. With this robot, you can easily set up two pending orders - buy stop and sell stop - just 10 minutes before the news release. Simply set the time on the robot to 10 minutes prior to the news release time (for example, if the news is scheduled for 6:30, set the time on the robot to 6:20), and the robot will take care of the rest. But

The Katsil Scalper is an innovative approach in the financial market that has been developed through years of meticulous research and development. This strategy encapsulates the very essence of the iconic Katsil brand, which is renowned for its blend of sophistication, excellence, and meticulous attention to detail. With the help of cutting-edge technology, the Katsil Scalper is designed to provide a competitive edge to those seeking to achieve leadership in the financial market. The method is

Arguably THE MOST PROFITABLE SYSTEM..... WITH EXTREMELY ::::::::::TIGHT STOPLOSS::::::: Introduction PRICE of only 199/- (limited period)
- Extremely TIGHT STOP LOSS on EVERY TRADE (only 20 pips STOP LOSS) - EXTREMELY HIGH WIN RATIO STILL :::::::::: 90% ::::::::::::: - SUPER HIGH PROFITS ::::::::::: BACK TEST SHOWS 1000 ==> 3.2 million in 13 years - QUICK SCALPING ... TIGHT SCALPING...
IS THE HOLY GRAIL of All Systems as it has EVERYTHING - 90% WIN RATE - Super high return $ 1000

紹介と解説 Arcturusは、FOREX投資に特化したトレーディングEAです。インテンシブマーチンゲール方式に基づき、トレンドと逆の動きをすることで、トレンドの反転時に利益を得ようとするロボットです。マーチンゲールシステムとは、損失を出しても投資金額が継続的に増加する、またはポートフォリオサイズを下げてポジションサイズが増加する投資方式です。マーチンゲールシステムは、18世紀にフランスの数学者ポール・ピエール・レヴィによって紹介されました。この戦略は、運勢を好転させるためには、たった1回の良い賭けや取引が必要であるという前提に基づいています。アルクトゥルスは、緊急閉鎖システムを持たない大多数のマーチンゲールとは異なり、全体保護システムを備えています。このシステムは、特にプロップファームの課題の検証の際に役立ちます。

My Grid expert advisor for MT5 is a safe and good-quality tool that uses advanced algorithms and technical indicators to automate Grid trading strategies. It offers flexible customization options and can handle both trending and ranging markets on the EURUSD and other pairs. With its take-profit levels, trailing stops, and lot size management, it ensures the safety and profitability of your trading account.
The EA is plug and play, set file is in the comment section. Account monitoring: https

SqueezePlay is an EA that trades four indicator, it is optimised for trading DOGE coin, its secret is in the closing of the trades. The take profit and stop loss squeeze the trade untill a profit or loss is determined. With the SqueezePlay EA we squeeze out the profits to its maximum potential. So choose the SqueezePlay EA for your arsenal of EAs for your best chance at EA profits.

Gold King
Gold King is an expert advisor (EA) developed for the MetaTrader 5 platform and designed to assist traders in their gold trading activities. The EA uses advanced algorithms to analyze market data and identify trading opportunities, while also providing real-time trading signals and automated trading capabilities. Gold King is specifically designed for gold trading and utilizes a range of technical indicators and price action analysis to generate its trading signals. Traders can use t

ABOUT TWENTY 23th EA This is one of the EA's in the market that trades martingale with moving averages, this ea trades using 2 moving averages and the other moving average id for the trailing user don't need to worry about setting trailing stops.This ea martingale on both side at the same time. TRADING PLAN We also have daily trading plan whereby the user will be able to set the trading plan on how much each day the trader is willing to loss or gain. once the daily target is reached ea stops wor

An Opening Range Breakout (ORB) EA is an automated trading system that is designed to trade a financial instrument based on a specific strategy called an Opening Range Breakout. The strategy is commonly used by day traders in the financial markets, particularly in the stock market. The Opening Range Breakout strategy is based on the idea that the first few minutes of the trading day can be particularly volatile, and that a significant move in the price of a stock or other financial instrument ca

This EA works based on HFT (high-frequency trading) algorithm and mini bar height. it open trades when bar height meets some indicators mathematical confirmation. Result Depending on your Broker and input settings in the EA. Ping below 10-ms and Zero Spread ECN Broker is recommended.

Introducing Helios EA, an advanced algorithmic multi-currency grid trading system. Helios EA combines strategical features derived from price action and indicators with risk-management techniques to exploit existing market inefficiencies. The expert uses strategic concepts from price action trading as well as more well-known indicators such as the ADX, Aroon and ATR used in junction with additional secretive indicators. Helios EA's primary strategy is centered around multicurrency trading, allow

「Three Moving Averages Pro」をご紹介します。このストラテジーは、パワフルなカスタム最適化指標を用いた移動平均線を使用した戦略のコレクションであり、低い停滞率と高い純利益を持つ最良の取引システムを見つけるのに役立ちます。 このストラテジーは、2つのエントリー条件と1つの出口条件を使用して、精度と正確性を持って取引を実行します。さまざまなオプションを使用することで、異なる移動平均線の上または下のバーのオープニングにエントリーポジションを設定したり、異なる方向にクロスする移動平均線など、収益性の高い取引を行うために必要なすべてのコントロールを持つことができます。 利益リスクをコントロールするには、テイクプロフィットとストップロスを価格のパーセンテージとして設定することができます。さらに、エントリーとクロージングの時間を設定して、取引に対する追加のコントロールを行うこともできます。カスタム最適化指標を使用することで、トレーダーは高いCAGRと低いドローダウン、低い停滞率を持つシステムを見つけることができます。 「Three Moving Averages Pro」の最

"AV BuyLow SellHigh EA Full" is an Expert Advisor for MetaTrader 5, which was created from the simple "AV Preview".
The original idea was to buy lower and sell higher from the last entry price. On request, I have developed it further and tried to remove its trend weakness. This EA has more settings than the free Minlot version.
The size of a displayed rectangle is used to decide whether range trading is to be carried out (sell above, buy below) or trend trading (buy on rising, cont

This EA works best on EURUSD pair in M15 time frame . EA is equiped with very low drawdown to return ratio settings . For any additional quaries telegram contact is given .
telegram link : .
To properly test the EA in mt5 strategy tester select deposit balance 10000 and M15 timeframe and select EURUSD pair and run the backtest from 01/01/2022 to current date. Lot size may be configured depending upon user needs. Other settings are not to be changed .

This Rocket Breakout Strategy for NASDAQ index is a trading strategy that focuses on breakouts from a range based on previous days, using a volatility filter to identify pre-breakout situations and a trend filter. This strategy employs a stop loss and profit target approach to manage risk, with higher profit targets for long entries and lower for short entries. The strategy also includes an end-of-week exit to avoid exposure to weekend news events. Percentage-based position sizing is used for

Perpetual EA は、レンジの偽ブレイクアウトを取引する生存可能な外国為替ロボットです。 EA コードはデータ サイエンス手法を使用して価格範囲を認識し、将来のボラティリティの規模を予測します。 リアルアカウントのライブシグナル 取引戦略
EA は、強い価格レベルの誤ったブレイクアウトを使用してポジションをオープンします。 ロボットは利益確定といくつかの終了シグナルの両方を使用して取引を終了します。 EA がまだポジションをクローズしておらず、現在の価格帯が終了している場合は、ポジションを新しい価格レベルでクローズできます (例についてはスクリーンショットを参照)。 したがって、EA はサポートラインで買い、レジスタンスラインで売ります。 ほとんどの場合、市場には不明確なトレンドがありますが、トレンドを明確に識別できる場合、ロボットはトレンドの方向に逆らってポジションをオープンしません。 ロボットは 4 つの異なる賭け戦略を適用します。 さらに、EA は追加のルールを適用して、良い市場で利益を

The NFX Crash 500 Bot, is an advanced Synthetics Trading bot! It is a tried and tested EA based on a proprietary trading strategy specifically designed and optimised for the Crash 500 Index . We have paired this with a custom multilayer neural network that constantly scans previous and present market conditions using over 120 different data points and can make fine adjustments to find better entries. It uses Technical Analysis, Statistical Data Analysis, and custom indicators to open trades. LIN

ACL GOLD is a complete automated expert advisor for trading on Gold/USD market. Price domain has been predicted by logical equations and calculations that provide a reasonable and reliable trend and consider the dynamic momentum to take positions. ACL GOLD brings safe position management with low risk trades to keep user properties safe and makes minimum loss. At the same time profits levels could be developed on the trades at any tikes of market to catch any opportunities. It must be noticed t

Are you looking for a cool expert where you can manage your orders easily and fast? I have good news because by using Rapid Trade Manager you can: calculate the risk per trade (percentage or fixed amount) manage your open orders individually choose from a variety of features such as: Take Profit, Partial Close, Stop Loss, Trailing Stop, Break Even, Close All and Close Order. Note! Doesn't work in the Strategy Tester If you are interested check out my videos for more. More info about the Rap

My Expert Advisor trade Gold (XAUUSD) on M1 time frame, Base on special hedging strategy. stop loss 0.27 usd/0.01 lot take profit 3.9 usd/0.01 lot (increase if u want more profit) Recommend broker: Exness, 5 digit broker, stoploss = 270; takeprofit = 3900; If 3 diggit broker, stoploss = 27; takeprofit = 390; Min deposit: from 500 usd - From 500 usd to 140.000 usd after more than 01 year (backtest) Input Setting to test my EA: - Stoploss: 0.27 usd/0.01 lot (adjust to the correct ratio
MetaTraderマーケットはトレーダーのための自動売買ロボットやテクニカル指標を備えており、 ターミナルから直接利用することができます。
MQL5.community支払いシステムはMetaTraderサービス上のトランザクションのためにMQL5.comサイトに登録したすべてのユーザーに利用可能です。WebMoney、PayPal または銀行カードを使っての入金や出金が可能です。

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