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MetaTrader 5のための新しい自動売買ロボット - 45

icon エキスパートアドバイザーは、金融商品の相場を分析するだけでなく、外国為替および株式市場での取引操作を実行します。 無料および有料のエキスパートアドバイザーをテストして、取引を自動化し、収益性を高めます。
紹介:「Order On Time」エキスパートアドバイザー(EA) 概要: 「Order On Time」EAは、注文の配置で正確なタイミングを求めるトレーダー向けに独自に設計されたツールです。特定の市場イベントを最大限に活用したいか、単にルーチンの取引戦略を持っているかに関わらず、このEAはあなたのためにカスタマイズされています。 特長: 驚異的な利益とマージナルなドローダウン:非常にマージナルなドローダウンを維持しながら、驚異的な利益を獲得する取引結果を体験してください。 最適化されたデフォルト設定:コードには、2023年8月までの市場履歴に基づいて最適なパフォーマンスのために微調整されたデフォルト設定が付属しています。 時間の精度:私たちのEAを使用すると、注文が配置されるべき正確な時間を秒単位で指定できます。もう手動で待つ必要も、逃したチャンスもありません。 リスク管理:希望するリスクの割合を定義し、EAに残りを処理させてください。露出が管理されていると知って、自信を持って取引できます。 柔軟な注文設定:コードを使用している特定の日の市場の履歴に基づいて、利益確定と
Chart Range は、終値に基づいてサポートとレジスタンスに作用するエキスパートアドバイザーです。 Expert Advisor は 2012 年から 2022 年まで各実質ティックでバックテストされ、クロスごとに 10.000 ドル (セント口座で 100 ドル) のデポジットが行われました。 通貨のセットについてはコメントを確認してください 推奨事項: 通貨ペア: GBPUSD、AUDNZD、AUDCAD、EURGBP、AUDUSD、NZDCAD 期間: H4  an Expert Advisor that works on Support and Resistance based on  closing prices .  Expert Advisor was backtested from 2012 to 2022 on each real tick, with deposit for each cross of 10.000$ (100$ in cent account) For set of currencies check in comments Re
Gold King ProはXAUUSD/GOLD/Goldに適したEAです。 EA の設定について質問がある場合は、   公開グループ で議論できます 。 信号 、この信号は参考用です。信号の時間が短いとあまり役に立たない可能性があります。 EA はニューヨーク市場が閉まる 1 時間前にのみポジションをオープンします。これは、閉会前のこの 1 時間の市場状況が最も不安定になることが多いためです。 EA はこの時期に市場に参入し、より高い勝率で高値でショートし、安値でロングします。成功したすべての銘柄がポジションをオープンするのはニューヨーク市場が終了する 1 時間前です。 EA の種類にはこのような特性があります。どの EA も成長を続けることはできず、リトレースメントも発生します。同時に、EA には明らかな欠陥もあります。利益と損失が同じ源泉から発生するため、取引終了前の 1 時間の市場は最も変動しやすいため、この期間の市場変動は通常非常に限定されます。また、各取引注文の利益も制限されており、通常は 100 ~ 300 マイクロポイントですが、まれに 500 マイクロポイント以上
HedgeRock MT5
Aldo Marco Ronchese
5 (1)
Trade any pair MT4 version can be found here Manual **HedgeRock MT5** is a trading robot, designed to deliver adaptability and performance across various market conditions. With over four years of development and optimization, it offers traders a solution for both simple and complex strategies. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced trader, HedgeRock MT5 provides customization and precision.    **Key Features**   1. **Flexible Entry Strategies**      - Utilize grid trading, technical indic
The initial price is 92.25 USD, the future price is 250 USD Universal advisor with the use of economic and fundamental news " Smart News Trade ". Trading tactics are based on tracking the dynamics of the market and accelerating the price movement. Not guessing, not forecasting, only calculations with clear guidelines for the direction of positions. The work is carried out with pending orders, a stop loss is used to protect funds. A VPS server is required for smooth operation. Ease of use: Ther
Real Quants Forex Volatility Catcher for MT5 Introduction Real Quants Forex Volatility Catcher is a cutting-edge automated trading system designed specifically for MetaTrader 5. Developed through advanced machine learning and exhaustive data mining techniques, this system offers traders a robust strategy for navigating the complex terrains of the forex markets. With a commitment to rigorous testing that includes Monte Carlo simulations, walk-forward matrix optimization, and live execution valida
This product was created specifically to trade EURUSD. The EA has been thoroughly tested with EURUSD currency. The EA is best used on daily timeframe. Default settings is low risk, you can adjust settings according to your risk appetite based on the  screenshots attached. Incase you are using capital above 100.000 USD set balance per 0.01 to 2300 to mitigate risk. The entry points are calculated mainly using price action, candlestick analysis and few indicators for reference. The EA has differen
The EA trades based on a developed indicator that allows you to determine the correct entry points when the price continues to move in the same direction. Great experience in trading allowed me to correctly compose a robot according to a personal strategy that loves working with a volatile market. Therefore, the system is not afraid of news and works around the clock. Like all scalpers, it is desirable for the robot to work with small spreads. This robot has passed many tests of time. And wi
Trade To Win 2
Contact On Whatsapp to get 50% off +639128730715 MT4 Version Here : https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/104491 Signal : https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2058574 This EA is exclusive for those using the affiliate broker links or IB's. This Is the TREND today Get it so that you can manage to give youre clients a good profits while you are making money on commissions. This EA is very simple to use just attached the EA to chart and load the setfiles and its done. Message me directly if you wan
Jump10 T91
Ignacio Agustin Mene Franco
Hello community, in this cycle I present to you the new bot for the broker (Deriv) Called Jump10 T-91 In this sector, it comes with the strategy of a Stochastic accompanied by 2 emas, with periods of 7 and 250 periods, for the best accompaniment of the entries, used in a period of 30 minutes (M30) Ro.Value 99 due to the volatility of the pair and to hunt for better entries, In the annual period he made up to 100% of the account, Having it passively monthly can achieve good returns. It is used wi
EA can still stable growth in 2023 of the night Blizzard    no Martin, no grid, no martingale,does not use any dangerous method! Current Price $2999, Next Price $6000!!!    Blizzard     EA's masterpiece in the night, the reference of the current popular on the market a variety of methods, after a firm offer inspection of mature. Each variety has a single parameter set, which is based on the firm offer fluctuation characteristics of the breed. All parameter Settings, based on firm volatility, ra
Ultra AI Pro
Smart Trading Robots Ltd
***Limited Launch Offer! Ultra AI Pro will be free to download for the first 50 users! After that we are going full price. All we ask in return is that you give us some feedback, review Ultra AI Pro and leave a comment.*** Ultra A.I Pro is a sophisticated trading bot tailored for assets with strong long-term holding potential and robust market growth fundamentals, typically associated with indices like NAS100, S&P 500, and others. Designed to operate daily, Ultra A.I Pro meticulously capitalizes
!! LIMITED TIME OFFER !! This is a combination of 2 expert advisors in one. It has the Crash500 Cypher and the Boom500 Cypher captured into one EA. Upload the set files and start trading the market of your choice. All of our EA has been out for a while with a strong customer base. We have now decided to make them public to the whole world so that everyone can benefit from this amazing EA. Do not be fooled by the low price as this will be for a limited price only. User inputs are available to m
Boom500 Cypher
Dawid Aaron Zinserling
BOOM 500 CYPHER !! LIMITED TIME OFFER !!  This is the ideal EA to trade on Boom 500 market by Deriv. The EA has been developed to trade in a up trading market. No sell positions will be traded as the market is a uptrend market that gives big upwards spikes. It is very important to make sure the chart is on 1 minute timeframe Allot of time and effort went into the EA with extensive testing and adjusting to get it to just the right spot.  EA makes use of different timeframes to determine the co
Crash500 Cypher
Dawid Aaron Zinserling
CRASH500 CYPHER !! LIMITED TIME OFFER !! This is the ideal EA to trade on Crash500 market by Deriv. The EA has been developed to trade in a downtrading market. No buy positions will be traded as the market is a downtrend market that gives big downward spikes. It is very important to make sure the chart is on 1 minute timeframe Allot of time and effort went into the EA with extensive testing and adjusting to get it to just the right spot.  EA makes use of different timeframes to determine the c
VOLATILATY 10 Vixy 10 ,I s a automatic robot that has the level of professional decision when to take a trade without any emotion. The bot will help in your scalping decision making with its own TP (take profit). This is a down trend based scalping ,looking on whats happening in real time charts no repainting of any signals. The robot helps in making decisions on the candle stick pattern opened and closed lat price with the help of RSI ,MA and Ichimoku cross for support and confirmation to take
MintyGrid Premium
Christopher Benjamin Hemmens
Always backtest before using. MintyGrid is a simple EA that does not use indicators. MintyGrid always buys and/or sells. On winning trades MintyGrid will take profit based on configuration. On losing trades MintyGrid uses a grid strategy to place resistance points using a martingale/reverse-martingale strategy to be prepared for when the market swings in the opposite direction. MintyGrid premium can be configured to run on many currency pairs simultaneously and will work as long as the pairs a
Silver Bullets Catcher
Juan Pablo Castro Forero
5 (1)
Introducing: The Silver Bullet Pro Trade with Precision, Prosper with Power! Experience next-gen financial tech with the Silver Bullet Pro Trading Robot, inspired by the famed ICT Silver Bullet Strategy. Trade in the markets with an strategy tester over 10 years. Highlights: Optimized Performance : Harness the strength of the ICT Silver Bullet Strategy, known for its razor-sharp precision and unparalleled accuracy. Automated Excellence : Say goodbye to hours of screen time! Silver Bullet Pro ens
Sole Mare
Canberk Dogan Denizli
トレーディングロボット ソールメア 潜在的な利益が指の間から滑り落ちていくのを見るのにうんざりしていませんか? MQL5 に最適化されたトレーディング ロボットの力を解き放ち、これまでにない方法で市場を征服しましょう。 これは典型的なありきたりな EA ではありません。最先端の戦術を採用して真の戦闘チャンスを与えてくれる取引の味方です。 この EA を際立たせる、実戦でテストされた機能を詳しく見てみましょう。 **時は金なり、その両方を備えています:** - M30とH1のゴールデンタイムゾーンにロボットを解き放ちます - 完璧なタイミングで取引を開始 – 当社の EA はサーバー時間の 3:00 にアクションを開始します - オプションのロック機能を使用して戦略をロックし、コントロールを最大化します - 段階的なポジション構築オプションを使用して、熟練したプロのように取引ポジションを構築します - 革新的なロットファクターによって駆動される超高速の未決注文でためらいを打ち砕きます **損益分岐点戦略で一歩先を行く:** - 損益分岐点戦略で利益を上昇軌道に保ちます - 位置を自
Yahweh は、主に XAUUSD (ゴールド) とインデックスを取引するプロフェッショナルな自動取引ボットです。 これは、数十年にわたる手作業によるバックテストを行った戦略に基づいて開発され、時の試練に耐えてきました。 Yahweh は、トレンドの早期検出、トレンドの継続、およびそれらのトレンドの方向に沿った取引のための適切な戦略を備えたトレンド取引ボットです。 さまざまなテクニカル指標を使用してトレンドを特定します。 FTMO prop account signal ->  https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2110233?source=Site +Signals+Page#!tab=account 推奨セットファイルはマイチャットからダウンロードできます。 これらは素晴らしいスタートとなりますが、ブローカーごとに結果にかなりの違いがあることに気付きました。 出発点としてのみ使用してください。 テストを開始する前に、必ずニュース履歴データをダウンロードしてください。 EA をライブ チャートに 1 分程度アタッチすることでニュース データを取得
This expert advisors search for perfect impulse setups.  The approach is use a very few but high effectives rules / filters and an effective management of the opened position. Signal https://www.mql5.com/es/signals/2049326 Backtest The EA must be backtest in any timeframe, but for use in live, must be attached to a M5 chart. Live setup The EA is very easy to configure, and can be used with the default parameters. Only the parameters related to the size of orders should be checked. The EA
KTS killer robot works on any broker that supports MT5 PLATFORM. it uses position averaging/recovery position, when opend trade goes to drawdown it openes another postion with bigger lot size to recover the opened trade. it has automatic stop loss and take profits which u can set them also your able to set lot size. the robot peforms very well and makes massive profits.
Supports and Macd
Massimo Boncompagni
5 (3)
Embark on an exploration of an unparalleled strategy: "Support and MACD." Meticulously designed for USD/CHF on a one-hour timeframe, this intelligent strategy harnesses the power of robust support levels and the unwavering reliability of MACD indicators. While the number of trades executed might be limited, each trade executed is nothing short of exceptional in its impact and potential. Free until the next update. For any information, contact me.
Introducing “Pass The Prop Firm” EA   – Your ace for trading challenges, now with machine learning precision! PropFirmSettings : Safeguard your balance and aim for the stars with tailored profit targets. Prop Firm Balance : Ensure your equity never dips below this threshold. Close All Trades at Profit Target : Automatically secure profits when your goal is reached. Profit Target Percentage : Set your sights on a specific profit ratio. Daily Loss Percentage : Limit daily losses to protect y
The Indicator tendency trader EA can trade with 12 top indicators. The following indicators are integrated: 1 Adaptive Moving Average 2 Average Directional Movement Index 3 Bollinger Bands 4 Double Exponential Moving Average 5 Envelopes 6 Fractal Adaptive Moving Average 7 Ichimoku Kinko Hyo 8 Moving Average 9 Parabolic SAR 10 Standard Deviation 11 Triple Exponential Moving Average 12 Variable Index Dynamic Average. All standard indicators trade with simple strategies that are understandable for
Discover the skill of entering the market at the right moment by harnessing the power of the 26-period EMA. With advanced risk management, intelligent volume control, and effortless automation, this strategy holds the key to success. Don't let the opportunity slip away – embrace the EMA Precision 1.0 Strategy now! The strategy works perfectly with EURUSD on a 1-minute time frame. Limited-Time Promotion!! (Offer valid until the next update arrives, don't waste time) For any information, contac
Introducing the " TrandTraker Short Resistance Strategy," a secret weapon designed to capitalize on market downturns. This advanced algorithm springs into action when prices touch the resistance level, swiftly opening short positions. Tested on GBP/USD H4, this strategy is highly customizable to fit all currency pairs and time frames. With adjustable parameters, intelligent resource management, and dynamic adaptation, you can face the market with confidence. Get ready to ride the waves of the fi
Step up ,I s a automatic robot that has the level of professional decision when to take a trade without any emotion. The bot will help in your scalping decision making with its own TP (take profit) and SL (stop loss). This is a trend based scalping ,looking on whats happening in real time charts no repainting of any signals. The robot helps in making decisions on the candle stick pattern opened and closed lat price with the help of RSI ,MACD for support and confirmation to take the trade.
[ What is: VWAP (Volume-Weighted Average Price ] //-----------------------------------------------------------------------\\ A. it is a trading indicator that calculates the average price at which a particular security (stock, commodity, etc.) has been traded throughout a given trading session,  weighted by the volume of each trade.  It provides insight into the average price level and helps traders understand whether they are buying or selling  at a better price compared to the overall marke
Step Index Icee
Ignacio Agustin Mene Franco
Step index Icee It is a medium entry bot that is looking for more profit helping him with some programmed parameters %100 for the Step Index pair (Deriv) works with Parabolic Sar indicator used on M5 (5 Minutes) and just as it is configured lotting at 0.30 / 0.20 or 0.10 With a minimum capital of 500usd it is recommended to start! In backtest I managed to make more than %200 Annually, since monthly mind also gives its good benefits, so take advantage, without further ado, enjoy! WorldInversor
Red candles
Massimo Boncompagni
The "Red candles" are the key to anticipating the market and earning on the retracement. It works with every currency pair, currently maximizing the power of the "Red candles," we are using it on the EUR/USD pair, 1-minute time frame. You can customize it as you prefer, to better adapt it to your needs. Imagine capturing the perfect moment, entering when the market shouts "Now!" We wait for 10 consecutive red candles, and with an additional 0.06 drop. For any information, contact me.
DailyRebound EA uses a simple and robust strategy to try to profit from exhaustion of very strong daily moves. If the price has been moving strongly to one-direction during the last 24 hours it's very likely to pull back slightly before the trading day ends or overnight. These end of the day and overnight pullbacks are what DailyRebound EA is after. DailyRebound EA uses the (DCA) averaging-in approach for losing positions and exits when the complete basket is in small profit in such a case that
Frode Kristian Skar
3 (1)
Hi, I'm Alpha One from YouTube. I have been working with Forex and Binary Options for years and have finally developed a robot that you can simply activate and then leave unattended. This robot operates using multiple strategies, so if one strategy falters, others will continue to generate profits. This robot is not one that will take many trades. Can be 2-3 days without trade, But not to worry it do so only to take the best trades.  This robot does not employ any grid or martingale techniques.
A Forex bot that trades gold is an automated program that uses algorithms and strategies to buy and sell gold on the Forex market. Gold is one of the most popular instruments in Forex, as its price is quite stable and predictable. To start working with the bot, you need to register on the Forex platform and open a trading account. After that, you need to select a bot that trades gold and configure its parameters. For example, you can set the risk level, lot size, trading session time and other
DEX900 down ,I s a automatic robot that has the level of professional decision when to take a trade without any emotion. The bot will help in your scalping decision making with its own TP (take profit) and SL (stop loss). This is a trend based spike catching ,looking on whats happening in real time charts no repainting of any signals. The robot helps in making decisions on the candle stick pattern opened and closed lat price with the help of RSI ,MACD and the ichimoku cross over for support and
The Fusion Ultra Instinct EA automated trading system is a combination of 6 trading systems based on the following indicators: Moving Average, Bollinger Bands, Standard Deviation, Average True Range, Stochastic Oscillator, Alligator, Accelerator Oscillator, Awesome Oscillator, Ichimoku Kinko Hyo int Timeframe M30. Test combined with martingale trading method That limits the value to ten times which is very low. safe to trade And all of them were taken to determine the weight of each indicator by
Open Neuron
Ewa Joanna Jagiello Stepien
Open neuron is Neural Network System for the AUDCAD symbol, if you want to use this EA right away, just run it on AUDCAD  D1 TimeFrame with default settings and that's it. Deep Machine Learning and Quant Data were used to train EA. you can also adjust the risk level in the input tabs of the EA in money management ( the higher the number you enter in the "Progression Balance" tab, the lower your risk ). The EA automatically adjusts to the Lot size of the deposit and uses a progressive curve ( co
IMPORTANT: After purchasing the EA, please send us a private message with a screenshot of your purchase confirmation. Go to the Purchases tab and take a screenshot. After confirm, we'll send our Telegram group link and for support, latest SET files and help with Expert Settings for this EA. Download Monthly  GBPUSD SET File from COMMENTS (CONFIRMED Users Get SET Files for Tested Pairs From Our PRIVATE Telegram Group) -  NEW SET FILES - We Provide SET Files Every 30-Days. Private Group A
Quantum Gold Emperor MT5
Bogdan Ion Puscasu
4.75 (28)
ご紹介     Quantum Gold Empire EA は、有名な XAUUSD(GOLD) ペアの取引方法を変革する画期的な MQL5 エキスパート アドバイザーです。 13年以上の取引経験を持つ経験豊富なトレーダーのチームによって開発されました。 重要!購入後、インストールマニュアルとセットアップ手順を受け取るためにプライベートメッセージを送ってください。 ***Quantum Gold Empire EA を購入すると、Quantum Trade EA を無料で入手できます!*** 詳細については個別にお問い合わせください。 ライブ信号: ここをクリックしてください MT4バージョン:   ここをクリック 量子EAチャネル:       ここをクリック 高度なアルゴリズムを活用したエキスパートアドバイザーは、あらゆる一瞬の機会を活用し、最適なエントリーとエグジットを保証します。 リアルタイムの適応性:金市場はダイナミックな性質を持っているため、迅速な調整が必要です。当社のアドバイザーは、変化する市場状況にシームレスに適応し、お客様が常に時代の先を行くことを可能
BlackMamba EA MT5
Piyadigamage Suraj De Silva
BlackMamba MT5 トレードアドバイザー紹介 精巧に作成されたBlackMamba MT5トレードアドバイザーで、トレーディング体験を向上させましょう。徹底的なテストと最適化を経て開発されたBlackMamba MT5トレードアドバイザーは、EURUSD / GBPUSDの取引に最適化されており、精度と効率を求める洗練されたトレーダーのために作られました。 主な特徴: 高度なトレード戦略:BlackMamba MT5トレードアドバイザーは、カスタムビルトの指標やステューキャスティクスなどに基づく洗練された戦略を採用しています。この戦略は外国為替市場のユニークなダイナミクスから最大の利益を引き出すために精巧に設計されています。 高度なリスク管理:指定された時間範囲内に重要なニュースイベントがある場合、トレードアドバイザーはそれらのイベントに関連するボラティリティを基に取引が適切なタイミングかどうかを判断するよう設定できます。重要なイベントが検出されると(重要度が2以上の場合)、市場リスクを回避するために取引を一時停止します。この機能を有効にし、取引を一時停止する時間を設定する機
After years of development, the Gold Trader EA is finally for sale! The Expert Advisor works with complicated algorithms with interaction of almost all functions. The Gold Trader EA trades on set trading hours and in this case when the important news is coming around the world! With a pyramid system, trailing stop and partial sales, the EA achieves very good results in the strategy tester. You'll be protected from big losses with risk management and in case profits grow, your positions will gain
The initial price is 150 USD, the future price is 250 USD Smart Neuro Trade Robot   -  The EA does not use the usual strategies for trading. The  EA   traps the price, gradually adding it up from orders opened using a safe and profitable strategy. He does not use dangerous strategies like martingale and its varieties. In whatever direction the market moves, the adviser will in any case close a series of orders in plus, because he will open deals in both directions and when he gets a profit he
After purchasing, you can request and receive any two of my products for free! После покупки вы можете запросить и получить два любых моих продукта бесплатно! An advisor for automatic trading based on Fibonacci levels with the ability to average orders. Experienced traders can create their own trading strategy, the ability to change the Fibonacci grid settings, change the distance between orders in the grid (averaging), it is possible to check other currency pairs for trading, and most importa
Boom 500 spike tendence
Ignacio Agustin Mene Franco
Boom500 Spike trend. is a bot dedicated to the boom500 index of synthetic indices (Deriv) It has the emas strategy of 7 and 50 periods accompanying him to a stochastic to help the entry and trend Spike It is very easy to use , used in 1 minute period It is recommended to start with a minimum capital of 500 USD the strategy is used from 1 to 2 batches, with a sl 90000 and with a tp of 1000 The parameters are modified as seen in the photo. ema of 7 and ema of 50 ro value a 30 the stochastic parame
Crash5 EA ,I s a automatic robot that has the level of professional decision when to take a trade without any emotion. The bot will help in your scalping decision making with its own TP (take profit) and SL (stop loss) with the trail stop when in profit. This is a trend based spike catching ,looking on whats happening in real time charts no repainting of any signals. The robot helps in making decisions on the candle stick pattern opened and closed lat price with the help of RSI ,MACD and the EMA
Volatility 75 Stelar
Ignacio Agustin Mene Franco
Volatility 75 Stelar It is a passive bot, with the strategy of the parabolic sar with its modified parameters and programmed %100 for the volatility 75 index pair of (Deriv) synthetic indices The bot is simple to use, IT IS USED IN A TIME OF 15 Minutes You only have to modify the parameters of the Vol, SL and TP Afterwards it works as it comes, where in 1 year of back testing I managed to make more than %200 always when controlling the lot, as well as the sl and tp as it is programmed, you just
The Boy Plunger Gold EA is a revolutionary scalping Expert Advisor (EA) designed for the Gold and Silver markets. This EA does not require a low spread account and offers smart take profit and stop loss levels, without the need for trailing features. The EA is intended for use and backtesting specifically in 2023. Main EA setting: Timeframe: The timeframe used for market analysis. It is set to PERIOD_H4, which represents the 4-hour timeframe. ATR_Period: The number of bars used for calculati
Madness EA
Ewa Joanna Jagiello Stepien
5 (1)
Madness is an EA using Quant Data, Multicurrency and Trend Following techniques. EA automatically adjusts to market volatility. This Expert is designed to work on the Multicurrency pair. You need to run the EA on AUDCAD on D1 TimeFrame . You can also adjust the risk level in the input tabs of the EA in money management ( the higher the number you enter in the tab, the lower your risk ).   The EA automatically adjusts to the Lot size of the deposit and uses a progressive curve (compound interest
Elvis Wangai Muriithi
CRISPR is a complex EA which uses more than 6 both traditional and custom indicators to generate high-probability trading setups. Each indicator is a combination of a filter and an entry which has contributed to its stable balance curve over the last 13 years. All trade settings such as SL, TP and trailing stop have been set internally with optimized values which makes the EA a plug and play without having to change the inputs. Moreover, this EA also has a risk monitoring feature to track both d
he "Trending Purpose Pro" is easy to use, even for traders with limited programming knowledge.  It provides a straightforward representation of the high prices on the chart, allowing traders to quickly identify the highs of each candlestick.Customizable Appearance:  The appearance can be easily customized to suit individual preferences. Traders can adjust the color, line style, and width of the high price line according to their charting preferences.Real-Time Data: The "Trending Purpose Pro" ca
Quantum Emperor MT5
Bogdan Ion Puscasu
4.86 (354)
ご紹介     Quantum Empire EA は 、有名な GBPUSD ペアの取引方法を変革する画期的な MQL5 エキスパート アドバイザーです。 13年以上の取引経験を持つ経験豊富なトレーダーのチームによって開発されました。 IMPORTANT! After the purchase please send me a private message to receive the installation manual and the setup instructions. ***Quantum Emperor EA を購入すると、Quantum Wizard、Quantum StarMan、または Quantum Gold Emperor を無料で手に入れることができます!*** 詳細については個別にお問い合わせください。 新しい Live Signal V5:   ここをクリック MT4バージョン:   ここをクリック 量子EAチャネル:       ここをクリック 10 回購入するごとに価格が 50 ドル上がります。最終価格 1999 ドル クォンタムエ
Boring Pips MT5
Thi Thu Ha Hoang
4.79 (38)
ほとんどのエキスパートアドバイザーがバックテストのパフォーマンスは完璧でも、実際の取引では効果的でない理由について考えたことはありますか? 最もありそうな答えは過学習です。多くの EA は利用可能な過去のデータに完璧に適応するように作成されていますが、構築されたモデルに一般化能力がないため、将来を予測することができません。 一部の開発者は、過学習の存在を知らないか、知っていても防止する方法を持っていません。他の人はそれをバックテスト結果を美化するためのツールとして利用し、統計的な有意性を考慮せずに数十の入力パラメータを追加し、取引戦略を過去のデータに過度に合わせ、自分の EA が将来において同様のパフォーマンスを達成できると他の人に納得させようとします。 もし興味があって、過学習についてより深く理解したい場合は、こちらの私の記事を参照してください。 Avoiding Over-fitting in Trading Strategy (Part 1): Identifying the Signs and Causes Avoiding Over-fitting in Trading S
Manpreet Singh
3.29 (14)
HFT PROP EA   is the High Frequency Trading which use stop orders to enter the trades when market is trending, It is basically designed for US30 just at opening of US30 in New York Session till it remain in its trending nature for 15-30 minutes, so it works best in big candles tends to generate in US30 pair or any other pair with similar nature.   IF YOU FACE ANY ISSUE WHILE BACKTESTING OR GETTING BAD RESULTS THEN DO NOT UPSET, CHECK BELOW MENTIONED ACCOUNT AND MONITOR IT IN NY SESSION TO SEE HO
Momentum X
Chui Ying Mok
5 (2)
Unveiling Momentum X, a uniquely designed, momentum-based Expert Advisor. Currently on a limited time offer, secure this meticulously crafted software at a special sales price before it escalates to its final price of $899. Seize this exceptional opportunity and experience the revolution in forex trading. Unparalleled Functionality Momentum X works on key market momentum, ensuring trades are placed strategically. Unlike the risk-laden methods used in grid and martingale systems, Momentum X is b
ゴールデンラッシュAI - 通称ゴールデンプライムテック - 精密駆動取引の卓越 - 2023年5月からのライブ1kアカウントで244%アップ。スクリーンショットは以下のとおりです - https://www.onelife-ai.tech/ で私たちを訪れてください。 ゴールドプライムEAを紹介 - 最高のトレーダーのために構築された最先端の取引アルゴリズム。市場をスキャルピングしても、日間取引を設定しても、このEAは最適なパフォーマンスを保証するために設計されています。 ゴールデンラッシュEAの特徴: バックテスト目的、フォワードテスト、そして質の高いトレードの増加のために - 次のオープントレード、バー/キャンドルを-50にします - フォワードテスト中にこの数字を調整してください。 EAの機能: 回復グリッドシステム: 組み込まれたグリッドモードは、リスクを軽減し、取引の回復力を強化するための戦略を確保します。 戦略的ルーチン: スキャルピングとデイトレーディングの両方に対応しており、あなたの取引スタイルに合わせて柔軟性を保証します。 シグナルの精度: 移動平均を利用して買い/
EA Pivot SR is a free version of a fully automatic Expert Advisor for MT5. There are no sewn-in deals, as is the case with most fraudulent advisors. Transactions in the tester and in real trading will correspond exactly to 99.99%. The strategy of the Expert Advisor is based on trading from levels, which is the most acceptable solution than focusing on indicators that are usually late and give signals several bars late. Support and resistance levels are calculated using the Pivot Point system
The next price of the adviser will be 159 $ EA Pivot SR is a fully automatic Expert Advisor for MT5. There are no sewn-in deals, as is the case with most fraudulent advisors. Transactions in the tester and in real trading will correspond exactly to 99.99%. The strategy of the Expert Advisor is based on trading from levels, which is the most acceptable solution than focusing on indicators that are usually late and give signals several bars late. Support and resistance levels are calculated usi
radibox Gold ver B is built on more than Bonnitta's personal trading indicator and a highly advanced secret trading algorithm. The tradibox Gold strategy is a combination of a secret custom indicator, trend lines, support and resistance levels and the most important previously mentioned secret trading algorithm. tradibox Gold needs above 100 leverage and above - I tested it with 100 USD and 1:500 leverage, please see below real account link. You need big leverage and bigger risk to use this EA
Tradibox Gold is built on more than Bonnitta's personal trading indicator and a highly advanced secret trading algorithm. The tradibox Gold strategy is a combination of a secret custom indicator, trend lines, support and resistance levels and the most important previously mentioned secret trading algorithm. tradibox Gold needs above 100 leverage and above - I tested it with 100 USD and 1:500 leverage, please see below real account link. You need big leverage and bigger risk to use this EA and
Hello, let me briefly explain how an EA works. This EA will open the first order when - RSI > 70 will open a sell order. - RS < 30 will open a buy order. (Can be adjusted) Open the second set of commands when calculating from Drawdown Lot calculation can be adjusted from (Lot_ Buffer DD). The formula is Drawdown X Balance / Lot_ Buffer DD. Second order onwards It uses a Dynamic Grid for issuing lots based on indicators that are sensitive to the fluctuations of the chart. Therefore, you should c
Crash Mil Hero
Ignacio Agustin Mene Franco
Crash 1000 Hero is a passive bot dedicated to the CRASH 1000 of Synthetic Indices (Deriv) works with the Stochastic strategy + 2 mobile EMAS one of 21 periods and another of 5 periods helping to get a better entry and you can better hunt the trend candle! used only on CRASH 1000 pair In 1 minute period the bot does its job passively, as it makes inputs fairly and not aggressively The only thing that has to be modified in the parameters is the SL and TP in addition to the VOLUME VolumeSize 1 or i
Hello, let me explain a bit about this EA. Because I traded hedging and lost the trending chart. So I wrote it so that Grid can calculate from the indicator. can be flexible when the chart is trending And I also added with 3 order closing systems that are suitable for different situations. You can optimize to get the best value. Thank you for your interest in my EA.
Neuro Gold MT5
Franck Martin
3.67 (3)
Neuro Gold is from the same family as BotGPT. Its realization required more than 18 months of development. Thanks to its real-time connection on its networks, it is able to make decisions in a few microseconds at any time and knows how to adapt to the situations it encounters over time. ->  Please note that the backtest does not take into account real-time network data, so the real-time results are even better than the backtests. Its success rate is exceptional, download the demo version for fr
"Order Block", in the context of smart money concept in trading and insvesting, refers to a specific price level or zone on a chart where significant institutional or "smart money" orders have been placed. These orders are typically large in size and come from well-informed and experienced traders, hedge funds, financial institutions, or other market participants who are considered to have a deep understanding of the market dynamics. Order blocks are believed to be important areas of interest
Dive into the future of trading with DayBreaker, a premier algorithmic trading solution specifically tailored for those who value the intricacies of historical price data. At its core, DayBreaker thrives on the patterns of the previous day's trading range, surfacing opportunities that often remain hidden from the naked eye. Introductory Price at $129 rate - 5 left at this price. Final price will be $799   LIVE signal can be found here : https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2061715 DayBreaker isn't
This Expert Advisor is simply an automated strategy that will do no miracle. It is just what it is supposed to be as a consistent good strategy. It makes no overtrade, no martingale, no grid, it will just trade 1 position at a time when the condition is met with desired risk per trade and return greater than the risk. About the strategy: It is a scalper strategy made for NASDAQ that tries to get a piece of the intraday movement. It will trade just once or twice a day. settings: >>Install it on
Diamond Scalping Forexへようこそ ローンチプロモーション 現在の価格で残り2コピーのみ!  次の価格: $1993.99   このEAは、100%価格アクションに基づいた戦略を使用しており、ブレイクアウト、リトレースメント、失敗したブレイクアウトなどの小さなテクニックを組み合わせて、最も高い勝率でエントリーを見つけます。 EAは各トレードに対して必ず固定のストップロス(SL)を設定します。 EAは、マーチンゲールやグリッドなどのリスクの高い戦略を使用しないため、アカウントの安全が保証されます。 EAはトレーリングストップを使用して利益を確保します。 --- なぜDiamond Scalping Forexを選ぶべきか - EAは、EURUSD、USDJPY、GBPUSDなどの複数の通貨ペアで取引できます。 - EAは、US30やNas100などのインデックスペアでも取引できます。 - EAは、ゴールド/XAUでも取引できます。 - 特に、EAは10年以上の取引とコーディング経験を持つチームによって開発されました。 - チームは24時間年中無休のサポー
Holiday Space Wolverine  は完全自動取引システムです。 この取引システムは、公正な価格のレベルに基づいて古典的な戦略に従って取引されます。 このシステムは、2008年と2018年の危機、COVID-19パンデミックを通過したことで積極的に証明されており、現在成功した結果を示しています。 セールスアドバイザーを購入する前にこの取引戦略の歴史を読む実際のアカウントでそして、取引信号を購読してください! 実際の口座でのこの取引システムでの取引の監視 : https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/1731444 重要な情報!   EAを購入した後、私にプライベートメッセージを書いてください、私はあなたをプライベートテレグラムグループに追加します。 グループの加入者は、金融の世界から貴重な情報を学ぶために最初になります,ニュースについて Holiday Space Capital、そしてまた贈り物を受け取ります!   アドバイザとシグナル Holiday Space 最も正確なエントリと最小ドローダウンを目指しました。 したがって、ト
ICT Londonは、(ICT Judas)に基づく画期的なトレーディング戦略であり、アジアの取引セッションの独自のダイナミクスを活用して、後続のロンドンセッションで利益を上げるための機会を見つけるものです。先進のAI技術と高度な計算により、この戦略はアジアのセッションの市場動向を検出し、市場の反転に資本を投入することで優れた成果を上げています。 動作原理: アジアセッションの洞察:ICT Londonは、アジアの取引セッション中の市場の動きを分析して始まります。過去のデータと市場のセンチメントを調査することで、この期間中の市場の傾向を貴重な洞察として得ます。 トレンドに逆行したトレード:アジアセッションが終了し、その影響力が薄れるにつれて、ICT Londonの力が発揮されます。市場はアジアセッション後に方向転換する可能性が高いことを認識し、この戦略はトレンドに逆行したトレードを行うようにポジショニングされます。 最適なエントリー:高度なAI技術を活用して、ICT Londonはトレードの最適なエントリーポイントを正確に特定し、市場に最も適切な時点で参入することを保証します。この戦
プログラミングの知識を必要とせずに戦略を自動化するように設計されたツールであるトレーディング EA の使用ガイドへようこそ。自分の目標や取引スタイルに合ったカスタム戦略を作成できます。自由にさまざまな設定を試し、好みに応じてパラメータを調整してください。 このガイドは 4 つの部分で構成されており、利用可能なすべての機能と、そのオプションが提供するオプションを最大限に活用する方法を知ることができます。一般的には次のようになります。 1)       複数の変更可能なリスク管理パラメータ : 当社の EA は、取引戦略に合わせて変更できる幅広いリスク管理パラメーターを提供します。それぞれについて詳しく説明します。 ·          TAKE PROFIT TOTAL のパラメータ : このセクションでは、各取引で得たい利益の最大値 ( テイクプロフィット ) を設定できます。好みに応じてピップまたはパーセンテージで設定できます。この値に達すると、 EA は利益を確定するためにすべての取引を自動的にクローズします。 ·          ストップロス合計パラメータ : ここでは、各取引

