

حدد مواصفات متطلباتك هنا نقطة تلو الأخرى. حاول وصف متطلباتك باختصار وبوضوح ، حتى أعداد مطور البرامج الأولى من تقييم مدى تعقيده وتكلفته بشكل صحيح ، بالإضافة إلى وقت التنفيذ المطلوب.

سيؤدي الوصف السيئ أو العام المقترح إلى تجاهل طلبك ، وإلا ستقضي وقتًا في التفاوض على التفاصيل مع كل مقدم طلب.

تذكر: منتذكر: من تذكر:Remember: من الأفضل أن تنفق ثلاثين دقيقة لإعداد نص جيد من لانقاص ساعات وأيام لحل سوء الفهم بعد إبرام الاتفاق أو عند قبول نتائج تنفيذ الأوامر. It is better to spend thirty minutes to prepare a good text than to lose hours and days to resolve misunderstandings after concluding the Agreement or when accepting the order execution results.It is better to spend thirty minutes to prepare a good text than to lose hours and days to resolve misunderstandings after concluding the Agreement or when accepting the order execution results.It is better to spend thirty minutes to prepare a good text than to lose hours and days to resolve misunderstandings after concluding the Agreement or when accepting the order execution results.

I need a Professional who can take my think or swim script and convert it to an equivalent ninja script indicator. i want it to function exactly in ninja as it does for TOS. end product should be an indicator with all the code visible that I can load onto my chart and I should see it performing live exactly the same way it does on TOS
Formal Software Request Software Title: High-Performance Automated Trading System Requestor: 80485848 Date: 19 August 2024 1. Introduction We seek a sophisticated automated trading system capable of executing trades across Forex, Gold, and Cryptocurrency markets. The primary objective is to achieve a high win rate while operating autonomously. 2. Core Requirements Win Rate: The system must demonstrate a
Hi, I have a Compiled JForex strategy (.jfx file) I would like someone to convert it in to readable source code. Please let me know if you can do this task. Thank you


30+ USD
27 USD
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