
Sto cercando un programmatore e un commerciante con una solida base matematica, un esperto di opzioni binarie che mi aiuti a sviluppare una strategia in opzioni binarie, la strategia in un secondo momento dovrebbe essere automatizzata perché non traduco manualmente. La strategia dovrebbe essere basata sui canali Tma (che tuttavia ricalcolano) e sulla rottura della media mobile di due stocastici.

Quando il prezzo è toccato da un canale   Tma  ed i due stocastici rompono la propria media mobile si entra per un tot di candele una seconda imposizione del canale (a 15, a 60, oa 240) ea seconda dell'impostazione degli stocastici. Per quanto riguarda l'andamento della volta in volta altri trend seguace che può essere programmabile in modo soddisfacente: tma slope (che però ricalcola), o bbmacd cct, o xb4. A tutt'oggi non sono riuscito a farmi guidare in modo utile un robot basato su una strategia valida che usa gli indicatori di alcuni nominati nominati. Ora ho aperto un conto con Optionfield che utilizza direttamente la piattaforma Mt4. Ringrazio per l'importanza e leggere, il prezzo della consulenza e del progetto si deciderà di comune accordo.

I enclose some sample photos with the use of the XB4 indicator


開発者 1
50% / 13%
EA 100+ USD
Hi Everyone, I am looking to hire a developer to create an Expert Advisor (EA) for MetaTrader 5, utilizing two custom indicators: Trendline with breaks and SMMA . The EA should be designed based on specific trading conditions which I will detail below, and it should also include comprehensive optimization and backtesting. Project Details: Indicators to be Used: Trendline with breaks Indicator : Should generate
I am looking to create program that can give me the list of stocks filtered matching below criteria and buy/sell advice reports 4 indicator based triggers MFI 20/80 buy sell sign MACD x4 (signal/MACD crossing instances )Buy/Sell Volume check above/below prev week avg 3/6/12 months Secondary indicator/warning only along with buy or sell sign - Not decider for buy/sell Volume adjusted exponential moving average
Hello Great Developer , I need a expert developer to automate my trading strategy on ninjatrader It’s hard to explain. I once bought an indicator and the company was supposed shut it off but never did. So I’ve discovered strategy using That. I guess I use stochastic and alligator lines too. Can you help? just let me know what you need Thanks
Scope of work : - Choose a specific period for strategy application. - Determine the highest and the lowest price levels (breakout levels) within the chosen period. - At a specific inside level within these two levels, create one buy stop and one sell stop - Implement buy and sell triggers based on price breaking through these levels with defined pips. - Option to use moving average as a filtering condition. - Option
The Moving Average Cross needs debugging for live chart . [Condition 1] Personalized Omega Trailing Stop Loss ( Details of how it works will be provided , If still necessary the expert where it works just fine will be provided . ) Couple of Input parameters that needs to be removed (previous dev just added ) [ He can be contacted if necessary ]. Following are the implementations required by my expert : 1. Auto Lot
Hello Here Everyone, I need an expert to help me create a tradingview indicator that works exactly according to my requirements, Even though i will attach a file there review it and let me know if you could do it and we can talk about the price as well
My trading over the years has become more and more mechanical. I would like to create some type of buy sell indicator based on time factors and reversal bars on 3 min and 6 min charts. I trade off 8 hour opens and fixed 15-45 min signal windows where the market typically shows a trigger. I will give you more details as needed please let me know if this make sense or sound feasible. Project: Time Based Reversals 1)
Hello Great developer i need a Interactive Trading Bot Developer Custom Python Trading Bot Development: Tailored solutions built from the ground up. Complex Strategy Implementation: Bringing sophisticated strategies to life. Accurate and Fast Execution: Ensuring timely trade execution. Risk Management Features: Includes stop-loss, take-profit, trailing stop-loss, and custom rules. Cloud Deployment: Fully automated
Hello Great Developer I have a free indicator from ninzaco that I want duplicated. I have attached a pic of it from ninzaco. I also attached some open source code. Part of it draws a line on the chart. I want to know what conditions/indicators are creating that line. IF you can tell me, then I want that indicator made to my specs with that line in it. can you duplicate the ninzaco BB% indicator? The source code
Olá boa tarde, Gostaria de uma cotação para um EA, que copie ordens de um número mágico e replique essas operações na conta, gerenciando o masaniello, onde precisa ter o parâmetro de porcentagem a ser arriscada em cada ciclo, para que possa gerenciar lotes e também pausar períodos após X perdas consecutivas


30 - 70 USD
VAT(付加価値税) (22%): 6.6 - 15.4 USD
合計: 36.6 - 85.4 USD
27 - 63 USD
最低 1 日