A complete solution that reads Telegram Signals (with an entry / SL and up to 4 different TPs) and executes the trades into an MT5 account in real time (delay as low as possible).
The system needs to analyze the signals from Telegram and use a method to validate the signal (so it should be able to detect a typo in a signal) and it should also be able to read different styles of messages in Telegram. I'm thinking of a signal analysis through ChatGPT or something and then create the valid order(s) for MT5. The telegram account and MT5 account will run on the same device.
There should also be logic implemented for the following:
- Only execute certain instruments (comma separated list), ignore all other signals
- A pre or postfix for certain instruments
- A risk per trade in % (for example 1% => SL = 1% loss)
- A max amount of daily drawdown. If this is set to 10 for example, the system doesn't execute any more trades is the drawdown is -10% to the start of the day (equity of 90.000 when 100.000 was the start of the day)
- An option to close all open trades at the end of the day (at a certain hour) - can be active or inactive (boolean & time input)
- An option to close all open trades at the end of the week (at a certain hour) - can be active or inactive (boolean & time input)
Please do not offer if you don't know how to do all steps. I need a complete solution.
If you need more info to make a correct quote please let me know.