A Simple conversion from Trading Views Pine Script to a MT5 indicator

MQL5 インディケータ 変換


実行時間22 時間
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Hi all,

I need a conversion of the bellow indicator. 

Please let me know if you have experience with indicator conversions from TV to mql.

//main script from here
study("Keltner Channel signals",overlay=true)
src                     = input(close, type=source)

separatorAverage        = input(false, title="⎻⎻⎻ MA Base Setting ⎻⎻⎻")
movingAverageLength     = input(34,    minval=1, title="MA length")
movingAverageType       = input("EMA", title="MA", options=["SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "DEMA", "TEMA", "TRIMA", "KAMA", "MAMA", "T3"], type=string)
separatorKC             = input(false, title="⎻⎻⎻ CHANNELS  ⎻⎻⎻")
atrMultiplierMin        = input(1.5,   minval=0, type = float,  title="ATR Multiplier Min")
atrMultiplierMax        = input(3.5,   minval=0, type = float,  title="ATR Multiplier Max")
atrType                 = input("EMA", title="ATR Smoothing MA", options=["SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "DEMA", "TEMA", "TRIMA", "KAMA", "MAMA", "T3"], type=string)
atrLength               = input(88,   minval=1, title="ATR Smoothing Length")
kc_usePer               = input(defval = false, title = "Different Time-Period ?")
kc_res                  = input("15", type=resolution, title = "Time-Period")

kama(src, len)=>
    xvnoise = abs(src - src[1])
    nfastend = 0.666
    nslowend = 0.0645
    nsignal = abs(src - src[len])
    nnoise = sum(xvnoise, len)
    nefratio = iff(nnoise != 0, nsignal / nnoise, 0)
    nsmooth = pow(nefratio * (nfastend - nslowend) + nslowend, 2)
    nAMA = 0.0
    nAMA := nz(nAMA[1]) + nsmooth * (src - nz(nAMA[1]))

mama(src, len)=>
    pi = 3.1415926
    sp = (4*src + 3*src[1] + 2*src[2] + src[3]) / 10.0
    p  = 0.0
    i2 = 0.0
    q2 = 0.0
    dt = (.0962*sp + .5769*nz(sp[2]) - .5769*nz(sp[4])- .0962*nz(sp[6]))*(.075*nz(p[1]) + .54)
    q1 = (.0962*dt + .5769*nz(dt[2]) - .5769*nz(dt[4])- .0962*nz(dt[6]))*(.075*nz(p[1]) + .54)
    i1 = nz(dt[3])
    jI = (.0962*i1 + .5769*nz(i1[2]) - .5769*nz(i1[4])- .0962*nz(i1[6]))*(.075*nz(p[1]) + .54)
    jq = (.0962*q1 + .5769*nz(q1[2]) - .5769*nz(q1[4])- .0962*nz(q1[6]))*(.075*nz(p[1]) + .54)
    i2_ = i1 - jq
    q2_ = q1 + jI
    i2 := .2*i2_ + .8*nz(i2[1])
    q2 := .2*q2_ + .8*nz(q2[1])
    re_ = i2*nz(i2[1]) + q2*nz(q2[1])
    im_ = i2*nz(q2[1]) - q2*nz(i2[1])
    re = 0.0
    im = 0.0
    re := .2*re_ + .8*nz(re[1])
    im := .2*im_ + .8*nz(im[1])
    p1 = iff(im!=0 and re!=0, 2*pi/atan(im/re), nz(p[1]))
    p2 = iff(p1 > 1.5*nz(p1[1]), 1.5*nz(p1[1]), iff(p1 < 0.67*nz(p1[1]), 0.67*nz(p1[1]), p1))
    p3 = iff(p2<6, 6, iff (p2 > 50, 50, p2))
    p := .2*p3 + .8*nz(p3[1])
    spp  = 0.0
    spp := .33*p + .67*nz(spp[1])
    phase = 180/pi * atan(q1 / i1)
    dphase_ = nz(phase[1]) - phase
    dphase = iff(dphase_< 1, 1, dphase_)
    alpha_ = fl / dphase
    alpha = iff(alpha_ < sl, sl, iff(alpha_ > fl, fl, alpha_))
    mama = 0.0
    mama := alpha*src + (1 - alpha)*nz(mama[1])

t3(src, len)=>
    xe1_1 = ema(src,    len)
    xe2_1 = ema(xe1_1,  len)
    xe3_1 = ema(xe2_1,  len)
    xe4_1 = ema(xe3_1,  len)
    xe5_1 = ema(xe4_1,  len)
    xe6_1 = ema(xe5_1,  len)
    b_1 = 0.7
    c1_1 = -b_1*b_1*b_1
    c2_1 = 3*b_1*b_1+3*b_1*b_1*b_1
    c3_1 = -6*b_1*b_1-3*b_1-3*b_1*b_1*b_1
    c4_1 = 1+3*b_1+b_1*b_1*b_1+3*b_1*b_1
    nT3Average_1 = c1_1 * xe6_1 + c2_1 * xe5_1 + c3_1 * xe4_1 + c4_1 * xe3_1

variant(type, src, len) =>
    v1 = sma(src, len)                                                  // Simple
    v2 = ema(src, len)                                                  // Exponential
    v3 = 2 * v2 - ema(v2, len)                                          // Double Exponential
    v4 = 3 * (v2 - ema(v2, len)) + ema(ema(v2, len), len)               // Triple Exponential
    v5 = wma(src, len)                                                  // Weighted
    v6 = sma(sma(src, ceil(len / 2)), floor(len / 2) + 1)               // TRIMA
    v7 = kama(src, len)                                                 // KAMA
    v8 = mama(src, len)                                                 // MAMA
    v9 = t3(src, len)                                                   // T3
    type=="EMA"?v2 : type=="DEMA"?v3 : type=="TEMA"?v4 : type=="WMA"?v5 : type=="TRIMA"?v6 : type=="KAMA"?v7 : type=="MAMA"?v8 : type=="T3"?v9 : v1

//MA Base Calculation
KeltnerChannelMid        = variant(movingAverageType, src, movingAverageLength)
KeltnerChannelRange      = variant(atrType, tr , atrLength)
KeltnerChannelBottomMin  = KeltnerChannelMid - KeltnerChannelRange * atrMultiplierMin
KeltnerChannelBottomMax  = KeltnerChannelMid - KeltnerChannelRange * atrMultiplierMax
KeltnerChannelTopMin     = KeltnerChannelMid + KeltnerChannelRange * atrMultiplierMin
KeltnerChannelTopMax     = KeltnerChannelMid + KeltnerChannelRange * atrMultiplierMax

resKeltnerChannelMid        = kc_usePer ? security(tickerid, kc_res, KeltnerChannelMid) : KeltnerChannelMid
resKeltnerChannelRange      = kc_usePer ? security(tickerid, kc_res, KeltnerChannelRange) : KeltnerChannelRange
resKeltnerChannelBottomMin  = kc_usePer ? security(tickerid, kc_res, KeltnerChannelBottomMin) : KeltnerChannelBottomMin
resKeltnerChannelBottomMax  = kc_usePer ? security(tickerid, kc_res, KeltnerChannelBottomMax) : KeltnerChannelBottomMax
resKeltnerChannelTopMin     = kc_usePer ? security(tickerid, kc_res, KeltnerChannelTopMin) : KeltnerChannelTopMin
resKeltnerChannelTopMax     = kc_usePer ? security(tickerid, kc_res, KeltnerChannelTopMax) : KeltnerChannelTopMax

plot(resKeltnerChannelMid,        color=orange,transp = 80, linewidth=1, title = "KC BASE")
kc_top_min = plot(resKeltnerChannelTopMin,     color=red, transp = 70,   title = "KC TOP MIN")
kc_top_max =plot(resKeltnerChannelTopMax,     color=red, transp = 70,    title = "KC TOP MAX")
fill(kc_top_min,  kc_top_max, color = lime, transp = 85,              title = "FILL KC TOP")

kc_bot_min = plot(resKeltnerChannelBottomMin,  color=lime, transp = 70, title = "KC BOTTOM MIN")
kc_bot_max = plot(resKeltnerChannelBottomMax ,  color=lime, transp = 70, title = "KC BOTTOM MAX")
fill(kc_bot_min, kc_bot_max , color = lime, transp = 85,             title = "FILL KC BOT")

length = input(title="keltner Length", type=integer, defval=34, minval=1)
multiplier = input(title="keltner Deviation", type=float, defval=2, minval=1)
overbought = input(title="Overbought", type=integer, defval=1, minval=1)
oversold = input(title="Oversold", type=integer, defval=0, minval=1)
custom_timeframe = input(title="Use another Timeframe?", type=bool, defval=false)
highTimeFrame = input(title="Select The Timeframe", type=resolution, defval="60")
res1 = custom_timeframe ? highTimeFrame : period

smabasis = resKeltnerChannelMid
stdev = stdev(close, length)
cierre = security(tickerid, res1, close, false)
alta = security(tickerid, res1, high, false)
baja = security(tickerid, res1, low, false)
basis1 = security(tickerid, res1, smabasis, false)
stdevb = security(tickerid, res1, stdev, false)
dev = multiplier * stdevb // stdev(cierre, length)
upper = basis1 + dev
lower = basis1 - dev

bbr = (cierre - lower)/(upper - lower)

// plot(bbr)

pintarojo = 0.0
pintarojo := nz(pintarojo[1])
pintarojo := bbr[1] > overbought and bbr < overbought ? alta[1] :  nz(pintarojo[1])
p = plot(pintarojo, color = red, style=circles, linewidth=2)

pintaverde = 0.0
pintaverde := nz(pintaverde[1])
pintaverde := bbr[1] < oversold and bbr > oversold ? baja[1] :  nz(pintaverde[1])
g = plot(pintaverde, color = black, style=circles, linewidth=2)
zz= crossover(pintaverde,pintaverde[1]) or crossunder(pintaverde,pintaverde[1])
kp= crossover(pintarojo,pintarojo[1]) or crossunder(pintarojo,pintarojo[1])
wt_src            = hlc3
wt_channelLen     = input(10,    "Channel Length")
wt_maLen          = input(3,     "Moving Average Length")
wt_smoothLen      = input(3,     "Smoothing Average Length")
wt_overbought     = input(90,    "Overbought Treashold")
wt_oversold       = input(-90,   "Oversold Treashold")
wt_showCross      = input(false, title="Cross (On / Off)?")
wt_showOversold   = input(false,  title="Oversold (On / Off)?")
wt_showOverbough  = input(false, title="Overbought (On / Off)?")
wt_usePer         = input(defval = false, title = "Different Time-Period ?")
wt_res            = input("15", type=resolution, title = "Time-Period")

// ----- WT Calculation
wt_movingAverage  = ema( wt_src, wt_channelLen )
wt_movingAverageChannel = ema(abs(wt_src - wt_movingAverage), wt_channelLen)
wt_channelIndex  = (wt_src - wt_movingAverage) / (0.015 * wt_movingAverageChannel)  // Con-stant 0.015

wt_waveTrend1_t = ema( wt_channelIndex, wt_maLen )
wt_waveTrend2_t = sma( wt_waveTrend1_t, wt_smoothLen )

wt_waveTrend1 = wt_usePer?security(tickerid, wt_res, wt_waveTrend1_t):wt_waveTrend1_t
wt_waveTrend2 = wt_usePer?security(tickerid, wt_res, wt_waveTrend2_t):wt_waveTrend2_t

//plot(0, color=gray, title = "Midline")
//plot(wt_overbought, color=green, title = "Overbought")
//plot(wt_oversold, color=red, title = "Oversold")

//plot(wt_waveTrend1, color=blue,  transp=50, linewidth = 1 , title = "Wavetrend - Fast")
//plot(wt_waveTrend2, color=green, transp=50,  linewidth = 3 , title = "Wavetrend - Slow")

bgcolor(wt_showCross?crossover(wt_waveTrend1,wt_waveTrend2)?orange:na:na, transp=50)
bgcolor(wt_showOverbough?wt_waveTrend2>wt_overbought?red:na:na, transp=80)
bgcolor(wt_showOversold?wt_waveTrend2<wt_oversold?lime:na:na, transp=80)
plotshape(zz,  title="buy", style=shape.triangleup,location=location.belowbar, color=green, transp=0, size=size.small)
plotshape(kp, title="sell", style=shape.triangledown,location=location.abovebar, color=red, transp=0, size=size.small)
alertcondition(zz, title='buy ', message='go long')
alertcondition(kp, title='sell', message='go  short')


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