Trader view indicator to MQL5

MQL5 統合



I need this to be converted to MQL5:

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at

// © LonesomeTheBlue


study("Divergence for Many Indicators v4", overlay = true, max_bars_back = 1000, max_lines_count = 400, max_labels_count = 400)

prd = input(defval = 5, title = "Pivot Period", minval = 1, maxval = 50)

source = input(defval = "Close", title = "Source for Pivot Points", options = ["Close", "High/Low"])

searchdiv = input(defval = "Regular", title = "Divergence Type", options = ["Regular", "Hidden", "Regular/Hidden"])

showindis = input(defval = "Full", title = "Show Indicator Names", options = ["Full", "First Letter", "Don't Show"])

showlimit = input(1, title="Minimum Number of Divergence", minval = 1, maxval = 11)

maxpp = input(defval = 10, title = "Maximum Pivot Points to Check", minval = 1, maxval = 20)

maxbars = input(defval = 100, title = "Maximum Bars to Check", minval = 30, maxval = 200)

shownum = input(defval = true, title = "Show Divergence Number")

showlast = input(defval = false, title = "Show Only Last Divergence")

dontconfirm = input(defval = false, title = "Don't Wait for Confirmation")

showlines = input(defval = true, title = "Show Divergence Lines")

showpivot = input(defval = false, title = "Show Pivot Points")

calcmacd = input(defval = true, title = "MACD")

calcmacda = input(defval = true, title = "MACD Histogram")

calcrsi = input(defval = true, title = "RSI")

calcstoc = input(defval = true, title = "Stochastic")

calccci = input(defval = true, title = "CCI")

calcmom = input(defval = true, title = "Momentum")

calcobv = input(defval = true, title = "OBV")

calcvwmacd = input(true, title = "VWmacd")

calccmf = input(true, title = "Chaikin Money Flow")

calcmfi = input(true, title = "Money Flow Index")

calcext = input(false, title = "Check External Indicator")

externalindi = input(defval = close, title = "External Indicator")

pos_reg_div_col = input(defval = color.yellow, title = "Positive Regular Divergence")

neg_reg_div_col = input(defval =, title = "Negative Regular Divergence")

pos_hid_div_col = input(defval = color.lime, title = "Positive Hidden Divergence")

neg_hid_div_col = input(defval =, title = "Negative Hidden Divergence")

pos_div_text_col = input(defval =, title = "Positive Divergence Text Color")

neg_div_text_col = input(defval = color.white, title = "Negative Divergence Text Color")

reg_div_l_style_ = input(defval = "Solid", title = "Regular Divergence Line Style", options = ["Solid", "Dashed", "Dotted"])

hid_div_l_style_ = input(defval = "Dashed", title = "Hdden Divergence Line Style", options = ["Solid", "Dashed", "Dotted"])

reg_div_l_width = input(defval = 2, title = "Regular Divergence Line Width", minval = 1, maxval = 5)

hid_div_l_width = input(defval = 1, title = "Hidden Divergence Line Width", minval = 1, maxval = 5)

showmas = input(defval = false, title = "Show MAs 50 & 200", inline = "ma12")

cma1col = input(defval = color.lime, title = "", inline = "ma12")

cma2col = input(defval =, title = "", inline = "ma12")

plot(showmas ? sma(close, 50) : na, color = showmas ? cma1col : na)

plot(showmas ? sma(close, 200) : na, color = showmas ? cma2col: na)

// set line styles

var reg_div_l_style = reg_div_l_style_ == "Solid" ? line.style_solid : 

                       reg_div_l_style_ == "Dashed" ? line.style_dashed :


var hid_div_l_style = hid_div_l_style_ == "Solid" ? line.style_solid : 

                       hid_div_l_style_ == "Dashed" ? line.style_dashed :


// get indicators

rsi = rsi(close, 14) // RSI

[macd, signal, deltamacd] = macd(close, 12, 26, 9) // MACD

moment = mom(close, 10) // Momentum

cci = cci(close, 10) // CCI

Obv = obv // OBV

stk = sma(stoch(close, high, low, 14), 3) // Stoch

maFast = vwma(close, 12), maSlow = vwma(close, 26), vwmacd = maFast - maSlow // volume weighted macd

Cmfm = ((close-low) - (high-close)) / (high - low), Cmfv = Cmfm * volume, cmf = sma(Cmfv, 21) / sma(volume,21) // Chaikin money flow

Mfi = mfi(close, 14) // Moneyt Flow Index

// keep indicators names and colors in arrays

var indicators_name = array.new_string(11)

var div_colors = array.new_color(4)

if barstate.isfirst

    // names

    array.set(indicators_name, 0, showindis == "Full" ? "MACD" : "M")

    array.set(indicators_name, 1, showindis == "Full" ? "Hist" : "H")

    array.set(indicators_name, 2, showindis == "Full" ? "RSI" : "E")

    array.set(indicators_name, 3, showindis == "Full" ? "Stoch" : "S")

    array.set(indicators_name, 4, showindis == "Full" ? "CCI" : "C")

    array.set(indicators_name, 5, showindis == "Full" ? "MOM" : "M")

    array.set(indicators_name, 6, showindis == "Full" ? "OBV" : "O")

    array.set(indicators_name, 7, showindis == "Full" ? "VWMACD" : "V")

    array.set(indicators_name, 8, showindis == "Full" ? "CMF" : "C")

    array.set(indicators_name, 9, showindis == "Full" ? "MFI" : "M")

    array.set(indicators_name,10, showindis == "Full" ? "Extrn" : "X")


    array.set(div_colors, 0, pos_reg_div_col)

    array.set(div_colors, 1, neg_reg_div_col)

    array.set(div_colors, 2, pos_hid_div_col)

    array.set(div_colors, 3, neg_hid_div_col)

// Check if we get new Pivot High Or Pivot Low

float ph = pivothigh((source == "Close" ? close : high), prd, prd)

float pl = pivotlow((source == "Close" ? close : low), prd, prd)

plotshape(ph and showpivot, text = "H",  style = shape.labeldown, color =, 100), textcolor =, location = location.abovebar, offset = -prd)

plotshape(pl and showpivot, text = "L",  style = shape.labelup, color =, 100), textcolor = color.lime, location = location.belowbar, offset = -prd)

// keep values and positions of Pivot Highs/Lows in the arrays

var int maxarraysize = 20

var ph_positions = array.new_int(maxarraysize, 0)

var pl_positions = array.new_int(maxarraysize, 0)

var ph_vals = array.new_float(maxarraysize, 0.)

var pl_vals = array.new_float(maxarraysize, 0.)

// add PHs to the array

if ph

    array.unshift(ph_positions, bar_index)

    array.unshift(ph_vals, ph)

    if array.size(ph_positions) > maxarraysize



// add PLs to the array

if pl

    array.unshift(pl_positions, bar_index)

    array.unshift(pl_vals, pl)

    if array.size(pl_positions) > maxarraysize



// functions to check Regular Divergences and Hidden Divergences

// function to check positive regular or negative hidden divergence

// cond == 1 => positive_regular, cond == 2=> negative_hidden

positive_regular_positive_hidden_divergence(src, cond)=>

    divlen = 0

    prsc = source == "Close" ? close : low

    // if indicators higher than last value and close price is higher than las close 

    if dontconfirm or src > src[1] or close > close[1]

        startpoint = dontconfirm ? 0 : 1 // don't check last candle

        // we search last 15 PPs

        for x = 0 to maxpp - 1

            len = bar_index - array.get(pl_positions, x) + prd

            // if we reach non valued array element or arrived 101. or previous bars then we don't search more

            if array.get(pl_positions, x) == 0 or len > maxbars


            if len > 5 and 

               ((cond == 1 and src[startpoint] > src[len] and prsc[startpoint] < nz(array.get(pl_vals, x))) or

               (cond == 2 and src[startpoint] < src[len] and prsc[startpoint] > nz(array.get(pl_vals, x))))

                slope1 = (src[startpoint] - src[len]) / (len - startpoint)

                virtual_line1 = src[startpoint] - slope1

                slope2 = (close[startpoint] - close[len]) / (len - startpoint)

                virtual_line2 = close[startpoint] - slope2

                arrived = true

                for y = 1 + startpoint to len - 1

                    if src[y] < virtual_line1 or nz(close[y]) < virtual_line2

                        arrived := false


                    virtual_line1 := virtual_line1 - slope1

                    virtual_line2 := virtual_line2 - slope2


                if arrived

                    divlen := len



// function to check negative regular or positive hidden divergence

// cond == 1 => negative_regular, cond == 2=> positive_hidden

negative_regular_negative_hidden_divergence(src, cond)=>

    divlen = 0

    prsc = source == "Close" ? close : high

    // if indicators higher than last value and close price is higher than las close 

    if dontconfirm or src < src[1] or close < close[1]

        startpoint = dontconfirm ? 0 : 1 // don't check last candle

        // we search last 15 PPs

        for x = 0 to maxpp - 1

            len = bar_index - array.get(ph_positions, x) + prd

            // if we reach non valued array element or arrived 101. or previous bars then we don't search more

            if array.get(ph_positions, x) == 0 or len > maxbars


            if len > 5 and 

               ((cond == 1 and src[startpoint] < src[len] and prsc[startpoint] > nz(array.get(ph_vals, x))) or 

               (cond == 2 and src[startpoint] > src[len] and prsc[startpoint] < nz(array.get(ph_vals, x))))

                slope1 = (src[startpoint] - src[len]) / (len - startpoint)

                virtual_line1 = src[startpoint] - slope1

                slope2 = (close[startpoint] - nz(close[len])) / (len - startpoint)

                virtual_line2 = close[startpoint] - slope2

                arrived = true

                for y = 1 + startpoint to len - 1

                    if src[y] > virtual_line1 or nz(close[y]) > virtual_line2

                        arrived := false


                    virtual_line1 := virtual_line1 - slope1

                    virtual_line2 := virtual_line2 - slope2


                if arrived

                    divlen := len



// calculate 4 types of divergence if enabled in the options and return divergences in an array

calculate_divs(cond, indicator)=>

    divs = array.new_int(4, 0)

    array.set(divs, 0, cond and (searchdiv == "Regular" or searchdiv == "Regular/Hidden") ? positive_regular_positive_hidden_divergence(indicator, 1) : 0)

    array.set(divs, 1, cond and (searchdiv == "Regular" or searchdiv == "Regular/Hidden") ? negative_regular_negative_hidden_divergence(indicator, 1) : 0)

    array.set(divs, 2, cond and (searchdiv == "Hidden" or searchdiv == "Regular/Hidden")  ? positive_regular_positive_hidden_divergence(indicator, 2) : 0)

    array.set(divs, 3, cond and (searchdiv == "Hidden" or searchdiv == "Regular/Hidden")  ? negative_regular_negative_hidden_divergence(indicator, 2) : 0)


// array to keep all divergences

var all_divergences = array.new_int(44) // 11 indicators * 4 divergence = 44 elements

// set related array elements

array_set_divs(div_pointer, index)=>

    for x = 0 to 3

        array.set(all_divergences, index * 4 + x, array.get(div_pointer, x))

// set divergences array 

array_set_divs(calculate_divs(calcmacd, macd), 0)

array_set_divs(calculate_divs(calcmacda, deltamacd), 1)

array_set_divs(calculate_divs(calcrsi, rsi), 2)

array_set_divs(calculate_divs(calcstoc, stk), 3)

array_set_divs(calculate_divs(calccci, cci), 4)

array_set_divs(calculate_divs(calcmom, moment), 5)

array_set_divs(calculate_divs(calcobv, Obv), 6)

array_set_divs(calculate_divs(calcvwmacd, vwmacd), 7)

array_set_divs(calculate_divs(calccmf, cmf), 8)

array_set_divs(calculate_divs(calcmfi, Mfi), 9)

array_set_divs(calculate_divs(calcext, externalindi), 10)

// check minimum number of divergence, if less than showlimit then delete all divergence

total_div = 0

for x = 0 to array.size(all_divergences) - 1

    total_div := total_div + round(sign(array.get(all_divergences, x)))

if total_div < showlimit

    array.fill(all_divergences, 0)

// keep line in an array

var pos_div_lines = array.new_line(0)

var neg_div_lines = array.new_line(0)

var pos_div_labels = array.new_label(0)

var neg_div_labels = array.new_label(0) 

// remove old lines and labels if showlast option is enabled


    if array.size(pos_div_lines) > 0    

        for j = 0 to array.size(pos_div_lines) - 1 

            line.delete(array.get(pos_div_lines, j))



    if array.size(neg_div_lines) > 0    

        for j = 0 to array.size(neg_div_lines) - 1 

            line.delete(array.get(neg_div_lines, j))



    if array.size(pos_div_labels) > 0 

        for j = 0 to array.size(pos_div_labels) - 1 

            label.delete(array.get(pos_div_labels, j))



    if array.size(neg_div_labels) > 0    

        for j = 0 to array.size(neg_div_labels) - 1 

            label.delete(array.get(neg_div_labels, j))


// delete last creted lines and labels until we met new PH/PV 


    if n > 0 and array.size(pos_div_lines) >= n    

        asz = array.size(pos_div_lines)

        for j = 1 to n

            line.delete(array.get(pos_div_lines, asz - j))


        if array.size(pos_div_labels) > 0  

            label.delete(array.get(pos_div_labels, array.size(pos_div_labels) - 1))



    if n > 0 and array.size(neg_div_lines) >= n    

        asz = array.size(neg_div_lines)

        for j = 1 to n

            line.delete(array.get(neg_div_lines, asz - j))


        if array.size(neg_div_labels) > 0  

            label.delete(array.get(neg_div_labels, array.size(neg_div_labels) - 1))



// variables for Alerts

pos_reg_div_detected = false

neg_reg_div_detected = false

pos_hid_div_detected = false

neg_hid_div_detected = false

// to remove lines/labels until we met new // PH/PL

var last_pos_div_lines = 0

var last_neg_div_lines = 0

var remove_last_pos_divs = false 

var remove_last_neg_divs = false

if pl

    remove_last_pos_divs := false

    last_pos_div_lines := 0

if ph

    remove_last_neg_divs := false

    last_neg_div_lines := 0

// draw divergences lines and labels

divergence_text_top = ""

divergence_text_bottom = ""

distances = array.new_int(0)

dnumdiv_top = 0

dnumdiv_bottom = 0

top_label_col = color.white

bottom_label_col = color.white

old_pos_divs_can_be_removed = true

old_neg_divs_can_be_removed = true

startpoint = dontconfirm ? 0 : 1 // used for don't confirm option

for x = 0 to 10

    div_type = -1

    for y = 0 to 3

        if array.get(all_divergences, x * 4 + y) > 0 // any divergence?

            div_type := y

            if (y % 2) == 1 

                dnumdiv_top := dnumdiv_top + 1

                top_label_col := array.get(div_colors, y)

            if (y % 2) == 0

                dnumdiv_bottom := dnumdiv_bottom + 1

                bottom_label_col := array.get(div_colors, y)

            if not array.includes(distances, array.get(all_divergences, x * 4 + y))  // line not exist ?

                array.push(distances, array.get(all_divergences, x * 4 + y))

                new_line = showlines ? = bar_index - array.get(all_divergences, x * 4 + y), 

                          y1 = (source == "Close" ? close[array.get(all_divergences, x * 4 + y)] : 

                                           (y % 2) == 0 ? low[array.get(all_divergences, x * 4 + y)] : 

                                                          high[array.get(all_divergences, x * 4 + y)]),

                          x2 = bar_index - startpoint,

                          y2 = (source == "Close" ? close[startpoint] : 

                                           (y % 2) == 0 ? low[startpoint] : 


                          color = array.get(div_colors, y),

                          style = y < 2 ? reg_div_l_style : hid_div_l_style,

                          width = y < 2 ? reg_div_l_width : hid_div_l_width


                          : na

                if (y % 2) == 0

                    if old_pos_divs_can_be_removed

                        old_pos_divs_can_be_removed := false

                        if not showlast and remove_last_pos_divs


                            last_pos_div_lines := 0

                        if showlast


                    array.push(pos_div_lines, new_line)

                    last_pos_div_lines := last_pos_div_lines + 1

                    remove_last_pos_divs := true


                if (y % 2) == 1

                    if old_neg_divs_can_be_removed

                        old_neg_divs_can_be_removed := false

                        if not showlast and remove_last_neg_divs


                            last_neg_div_lines := 0

                        if showlast


                    array.push(neg_div_lines, new_line)

                    last_neg_div_lines := last_neg_div_lines + 1

                    remove_last_neg_divs := true


            // set variables for alerts

            if y == 0

                pos_reg_div_detected := true

            if y == 1

                neg_reg_div_detected := true

            if y == 2

                pos_hid_div_detected := true

            if y == 3

                neg_hid_div_detected := true

    // get text for labels

    if div_type >= 0

        divergence_text_top    := divergence_text_top    + ((div_type % 2) == 1 ? (showindis != "Don't Show" ? array.get(indicators_name, x) + "\n" : "") : "")

        divergence_text_bottom := divergence_text_bottom + ((div_type % 2) == 0 ? (showindis != "Don't Show" ? array.get(indicators_name, x) + "\n" : "") : "")

// draw labels

if showindis != "Don't Show" or shownum

    if shownum and dnumdiv_top > 0

        divergence_text_top := divergence_text_top + tostring(dnumdiv_top)

    if shownum and dnumdiv_bottom > 0

        divergence_text_bottom := divergence_text_bottom + tostring(dnumdiv_bottom)

    if divergence_text_top != ""

        if showlast



             x = bar_index, 

                                 y = max(high, high[1]), 

                                 text = divergence_text_top,

                                 color = top_label_col,

                                 textcolor = neg_div_text_col,

                                 style = label.style_label_down



    if divergence_text_bottom != ""

        if showlast



             x = bar_index, 

                                 y = min(low, low[1]), 

                                 text = divergence_text_bottom,

                                 color = bottom_label_col, 

                                 textcolor = pos_div_text_col,

                                 style = label.style_label_up




alertcondition(pos_reg_div_detected, title='Positive Regular Divergence Detected', message='Positive Regular Divergence Detected')

alertcondition(neg_reg_div_detected, title='Negative Regular Divergence Detected', message='Negative Regular Divergence Detected')

alertcondition(pos_hid_div_detected, title='Positive Hidden Divergence Detected', message='Positive Hidden Divergence Detected')

alertcondition(neg_hid_div_detected, title='Negative Hidden Divergence Detected', message='Negative Hidden Divergence Detected')

alertcondition(pos_reg_div_detected or pos_hid_div_detected, title='Positive Divergence Detected', message='Positive Divergence Detected')

alertcondition(neg_reg_div_detected or neg_hid_div_detected, title='Negative Divergence Detected', message='Negative Divergence Detected')


I need it to work 100% the same. 


開発者 1
25% / 50%
Hey there, interested in your services for merging 2 pinescripts into one Ninjatrader Strategy. I have attached both scripts below and both will be running on Renko Charts. I added entry examples in the attachment as well. For this, I would like to add some user-defined variables such as Stop Loss and Profit Targets, or allow it to sync with my ATM strategies. Please advise if this would be possible. Additional i need someone to help with with connecting to this API and recieving signals from telegram channel i have created the app but can't make it connect with SSID and start trades and veiw these trades in realtime on the app if someone can help i would be thankful telegram : @sadscan
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I have a python script that connects MT5 to Deriv for binary trading which is having some bug. It stops executing trades after a while. I need someone to check the code and fix it. Negotiable price
Hi I am looking for some developer, who can develop WebPage which can display my open trades position, Trade History and Live Bid/Ask of my Watchlist. Frontend web app for customers/clients where they can login and see (Account info, Watchlist, Positions, History) Control Panel to create users and map user emails to MT5 account numbers etc


30 - 50 USD
27 - 45 USD