Global Crosshair EA for MT5 (with enabled and disabled chart features for synchronization).


実行時間1 日
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Kyra, is the “Go -To-Developer” regarding “Value for Money”. The indicator fulfills all my requirements and is delivered within one day to me.


I recently migrated form NinjaTrader 8 to MT5, and I truly miss the Global Crosshair feature in MT5.

The following webpage illustrates the Global Crosshair Feature as is implement by the following vendor for the MT4 Platform  As you can see from this webpage the Crosshairs between both charts (JPY H1, JPY H4) are synchronized, that is why it is being called “Global” Crosshair. You can also see that the Global Crosshair is functioning on both of the charts (indecently from each other). With other words, I need to be able to place my mouse cursor on whatever chart I would like to select, to move the synchronized (Global) crosshair on all of my selected charts.

Please note that I emphasize the words “selected charts”. My workspace contains a total of 36 charts, and the Global Crosshair needs to be selectively applied on only 21 charts. This means that the “Global Crosshair” synchronization-feature needs to be (manually) disabled for the other 15 charts.

I am thinking of an Expert Advisor (EA) that works in conjunction with a Script. By applying the EA all of my 36 will become automatically synchronized regarding the (Global) Crosshair feature. But then again when I apply a Script on 15 charts, with the command “DO NOT SYNCHRONIZE”, the EA will not include these 15 charts in the synchronization process. This will put less strain on the computer resources, which translates into a more responsive Global Crosshair.

The Global Crosshair feature needs to be programmed in such a manner that its responds instantly on the cursor movement of my mouse (no lagging please). It might also become handy to embed p

arameters for the responsiveness of the Global Crosshair such as “Normal, Fast, Superfast and Extreme Fast”. Furthermore, I need to be able to define the colors and the thickness of the lines of the Crosshair.

With regards to the charts that are excluded from synchronization (my above-mentioned script that needs to be applied manually on every selected chart) I am thing of a visualization tool that confirms that these charts are excluding from synchronization. This could be in the format of a “Dot or Square” (approximately the same size as an regular EA Symbol) to be presented in the upper right corner or lower right corner of the chart (that also includes positioning parameters regarding the X and Y Axis). The Dot is by the way also customizable in the color of my liking. 

If you are technically able to realize this Custom Coding Project for the MT5 Platform, please provide me with your quotation.

Kind regards,

Robert Sivo


開発者 1
21% / 57%
開発者 2
0% / 71%
開発者 3
100% / 0%
開発者 4
22% / 48%
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