I need a replication of a previous job, that exactly meets my needs:
I need to be able to run commands (for buy by market, get historical data etc.) from Matlab and send
them to MetaTrader and receive results back to Matlab. I should work even if MetaTrader is working on wineskin and Matlab is on MacOSX. I heard
that the best solution for this is using ZeroMQ.
the task is to create connection with Matlab and MetaTrader 4 (MT4) via ZeroMQ and make 2 sample codes:
to send order for buy 0.1 lot of EURUSD by market from Matlab with execution in MT4;
to receive historical data for the past week for EURUSD on timeframe 15 minutes. Get it to Matlab from MT4.
briefly describe how and what should I modify to get more commands working (I know Matlab pretty well, but no MQL4 neither ZeroMQ).
source codes for help:
- MetaTrader 4 -
ZeroMQ: https://github.com/dingmaotu/mql-zmq
Matlab - ZeroMQ: https://github.com/smcgill3/zeromq-matlab
articles for help:
- http://andyljones.tumblr.com/post/135109368968/using-matlab-with-zeromq
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38648453/alternative-to-mql5
- https://blog.darwinex.com/zeromq-interface-python-r-metatrader4/
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39592718/how-to-send-receive-data-to-from-metatrader-ternminal-4-with-java-or-anything/40916034#4091603