コードを教えてください - ページ 3



「mohsin360 "さん、コンパイラーは何が問題かを教えてくれているのです。なぜエラーレポートを読んでフォローアップしないのですか?


もし、アンバランスな括弧 ")" があると言うのなら、左右の括弧の数が正しいか、1つ以上足りないかをチェックする必要がある、ということです。



このサイトにある"MQL4 Book"から始めると良いでしょう。






WHRoeder さん、ありがとうございました。

私のメタエディタはいくつかのエラーを表示します。最初のものは (145,51) エラーリストで検索すると、次のように書いてある145番が見つかりました。しかし、他のエラー(153,62), (158,8), (164,8), (170,55), (180,60)and (185,8).I cant fine any error no listed in the list here is where I fine ones meaning and failed to find others.どなたかこのエラーの意味を教えてください。私は "予期しないトークン "を検索し、私はコードの構文に問題がある場合にのみ来ることがわかりますが、あなたが見ることができるように私は間違ったパラメータのカウント@(145,51)と(153,62)と言う上部に二つのエラーを持って、唯一のインデックスに記載145しかし15362はYではありません。

//|                                                 every tick20.mq4 |
//|                                                    mohsin mewati |
//|                                                                  |
#property copyright "mohsin mewati"
#property link      ""

//| expert initialization function                                   |
int init()
   int order_open_time_buy =0;//intiger to save buy open Time
   int order_open_time_sell =0;//intiger to save sell open Time
   bool err_close_all_orders =0;//bolean to save get last error for close all opened orders code
   bool err_sell=0;
   bool err_buy=0;
   bool err_selection_buy=0;
   bool err_selection_sell=0;
   bool buy_modified=0;
   bool sell_modified=0;
   double mf_buy=0;
   double mf_sell=0;
   int buy_trail=0;
   int err_trail_buy=0;
   int err_modify_sell=0;
   int buy_selection=0;
   bool buy_open_price=0;
   int sell_selection=0;

//| expert start function                                            |

  int start()
   bool err_buy;
   int buy_ticket;
   bool err_sell;
   int sell_ticket;
   bool err_selection_buy;
   int buy_selection;
   double buy_open_price;
   bool err_selection_sell;
   int sell_selection;
   bool err_mf_buy;
   bool srr_mf_sell;
   bool err_mf_sell;
   bool err_trail_buy;
   bool err_modify_sell;
   bool buy_modified;
   bool err_trail_sell;
   bool err_modify_buy;
   int buy_trail=0;
   int sell_trail=0;
   string buy="open";
   string sell="open";
   int bp=20;
   int sp=20;
   double buy_ans;
   double sell_ans;
   double slbuy;
   double slsell;
   double tp_sell;
   double tp_buy;
  //coding starts
  while(err_buy==0){//for loop started to execute a buy Order
   buy_ticket=OrderSend("GBPUSD",OP_BUY,1,Ask,3,Ask+20*Point,0,Green); //code to execute a buy (buy order placed without SL but with a TP of 20 pips
  err_buy=GetLastError();//code to check either buy is executed or not?
 }//for loop end
  while(err_sell==0){//for loop to place a sell order
    sell_ticket = OrderSend("GBPUSD",OP_SELL,1,Ask,3,Ask-20*Point,0,Red);//code to place a sell ,order placed without SL but with a TP of 20 pips
   err_sell=GetLastError();//code to check either sell is placed or not?
   }//for loop ends
   Alert("buy/sell executed");
   while(err_selection_buy==0){// for loop start to selection of first executed order for further procedure
   buy_selection=OrderSelect("Buy_ticket",SELECT_BY_TICKET);//order select and stored in intiger
   err_selection_buy=GetLastError();//code to check eithet order is selected or not
   }//for loop ends
  buy_open_price=OrderOpenPrice();//taking open price for the first selected order
    while(err_selection_sell==0){// for loop start to selection of second executed order for further procedure
   sell_selection=OrderSelect("Sell_ticket",SELECT_BY_TICKET);//order select and stored in intiger
   err_selection_sell=GetLastError();//code to check eithet order is selected or not
   }//for loop ends
double sell_open_price=OrderOpenPrice();//taking open price for the second selected order
   while("buy_trail==0" && "Sell_trail==0"){// while loop started to check if thow of them or one is true
      while ("err_mf_buy==0" &&  "err_mf_sell==0"){//while loop start to take price quote every time for buy and sell
        double mf_buy=MarketInfo("GBPUSD",MODE_POINT);//code to store markeet info in integer mf_buy
        err_mf_buy=GetLastError();//code to confirm the previous line of code executed? 
       double mf_sell=MarketInfo("GBPUSD",MODE_POINT);//code to store markeet info in integer mf_sell
        err_mf_sell=GetLastError();//code to confirm the previous line of code executed? 
       if (mf_buy==slbuy){
       if( mf_sell==slsell){
       if("mf_buy-bp == buy_ans" && "Buy==open"){//if condition to compare if current markeet quote which stored in mf_buy is 20 times greater than the open price of buy Order?
       while(err_trail_buy==0){//if above condition true for loop started to start trailing on buy order.
        err_trail_buy=GetLastError();//code to confirm the previous line of code executed? 
        while(err_modify_sell==0){//if buy is in profit for 20 pips and trailing stop started on it i want my sell to modify for take profit for just 5 pips.
       err_modify_sell=GetLastError();//code to confirm the previous line of code executed? 
       buy_trail=1;//intiger use to remember that the buy was in profit and all the cooding associated with it was executed there is no need to check .
       else if ("mf_sell+sp"<="Sell_ans" && "Sell"=="open"){//another logical test to check if buy was not in 20 pips if our sell is in 20 pips profit if so then in the next for loop statrted
       while(err_trail_sell==0){//for loop start to modify sell for trail
        err_trail_sell=GetLastError();//code to confirm the previous line of code executed? 
       while(err_modify_buy==0){//if our sell is in 20 pips profit and trailing executed on it while loop start to modify buy for tp for just 5 pips 
          err_modify_buy=GetLastError();//code to confirm the previous line of code executed? 
         sell_trail=1;//intiger use to remember that the sell was in profit and all the cooding associated with it was executed there is no need to check .

  double ab=AccountBalance();
//| expert deinitialization function                                 |
int deinit()

私のメタエディタはいくつかのエラーを表示します。最初のものは (145,51) エラーリストで検索すると、次のように書いてある145番が見つかりました。しかし、他のエラー(153,62), (158,8), (164,8), (170,55), (180,60)and (185,8).I cant fine any error no listed in the list here is where I fine ones meaning and failed to find others.どなたかこのエラーの意味を教えてください。私は "予期しないトークン "を検索し、私はコードの構文に問題がある場合にのみ来ることがわかりますが、あなたが見ることができるように私は間違ったパラメータのカウント@(145,51)と(153,62)と言う2つのエラーが一番上にある、唯一のインデックスに記載されて145しかし15362はYではありません。

145は行番号で、エラー番号ではありません ... ... 51は文字列番号です。 これらは実行エラーではなくコーディングエラーです ... ... 中括弧を直してください。

これは間違っている ... ...

buy_selection = OrderSelect(  "Buy_ticket",   SELECT_BY_TICKET);

OrderSelect() の最初のパラメータは文字列ではなくintでなければなりません、ドキュメントを読んでください。

こちらも同じです .. .

sell_selection = OrderSelect(   "Sell_ticket",  SELECT_BY_TICKET);//order select and stored in intiger

これらは文字列であり、動作しません ... ...

 while "buy_trail==0"   && "Sell_trail==0"    ){// while loop started to check if thow of them or one is true

こちらも同じです .. .

 while  "err_mf_buy==0" &&  "err_mf_sell==0"   ){//while loop start to take price quote every time for buy and sell

私はすでにBuy_ticketをintigerとして宣言し、サーバーから受信したチケットの値を含む @ ordersend Buyとsellも同じです。

もしあなたがorderselectの最初のパラメータは 数字でなければならないと言うなら、私はどのように私は最初にintigerに格納され、そのintigerとthts何をやって呼び出す明らかにノーが得られました。



私はすでにBuy_ticketをintigerとして宣言し、サーバーから受信したチケットの値を含む @ ordersend Buyとsellも同じです。



これは整数です... ...

int Buy_ticket;

Buy_ticket = 10;




これらを削除 したところ、メタエディタで定義済み変数について質問され、変数が定義されていないエラーが表示されました。





//|                                                 every tick20.mq4 |
//|                                                    mohsin mewati |
//|                                                                  |
#property copyright "mohsin mewati"
#property link      ""

//| expert initialization function                                   |
int init()
   int order_open_time_buy =0;//intiger to save buy open Time
   int order_open_time_sell =0;//intiger to save sell open Time
   bool err_close_all_orders =0;//bolean to save get last error for close all opened orders code
   bool err_sell=0;
   bool err_buy=0;
   bool err_selection_buy=0;
   bool err_selection_sell=0;
   bool buy_modified=0;
   bool sell_modified=0;
   double mf_buy=0;
   double mf_sell=0;
   int buy_trail=0;
   int err_trail_buy=0;
   int err_modify_sell=0;
   int buy_selection=0;
   bool buy_open_price=0;
   int sell_selection=0;

//| expert start function                                            |

  int start()
   bool err_buy;
   int buy_ticket;
   bool err_sell;
   int sell_ticket;
   bool err_selection_buy;
   int buy_selection;
   double buy_open_price;
   bool err_selection_sell;
   int sell_selection;
   bool err_mf_buy;
   bool srr_mf_sell;
   bool err_mf_sell;
   bool err_trail_buy;
   bool err_modify_sell;
   bool buy_modified;
   bool err_trail_sell;
   bool err_modify_buy;
   int buy_trail=0;
   int sell_trail=0;
   string buy;
   string sell;
   int bp=20;
   int sp=20;
   double buy_ans;
   double sell_ans;
   double slbuy;
   double slsell;
   double tp_sell;
   double tp_buy;
  //coding starts
  while(err_buy==0){//for loop started to execute a buy Order
   buy_ticket=OrderSend("GBPUSD",OP_BUY,1,Ask,3,Ask+20*Point,0,Green); //code to execute a buy (buy order placed without SL but with a TP of 20 pips
  err_buy=GetLastError();//code to check either buy is executed or not?
 }//for loop end
  while(err_sell==0){//for loop to place a sell order
    sell_ticket = OrderSend("GBPUSD",OP_SELL,1,Ask,3,Ask-20*Point,0,Red);//code to place a sell ,order placed without SL but with a TP of 20 pips
   err_sell=GetLastError();//code to check either sell is placed or not?
   }//for loop ends
   Alert("buy/sell executed");
   while(err_selection_buy==0){// for loop start to selection of first executed order for further procedure
   buy_selection=OrderSelect(Buy_ticket,SELECT_BY_TICKET);//order select and stored in intiger
   err_selection_buy=GetLastError();//code to check eithet order is selected or not
   }//for loop ends
  buy_open_price=OrderOpenPrice();//taking open price for the first selected order
    while(err_selection_sell==0){// for loop start to selection of second executed order for further procedure
   sell_selection=OrderSelect(Sell_ticket,SELECT_BY_TICKET);//order select and stored in intiger
   err_selection_sell=GetLastError();//code to check eithet order is selected or not
   }//for loop ends
double sell_open_price=OrderOpenPrice();//taking open price for the second selected order
   while("buy_trail"==0 &&  "Sell_trail"==0){// while loop started to check if thow of them or one is true
      while (err_mf_buy==0 &&  err_mf_sell==0){//while loop start to take price quote every time for buy and sell
        double mf_buy=MarketInfo("GBPUSD",MODE_POINT);//code to store markeet info in integer mf_buy
        err_mf_buy=GetLastError();//code to confirm the previous line of code executed? 
       double mf_sell=MarketInfo("GBPUSD",MODE_POINT);//code to store markeet info in integer mf_sell
        err_mf_sell=GetLastError();//code to confirm the previous line of code executed? 
       if (mf_buy==slbuy){
       if( mf_sell==slsell){
       if(mf_buy-bp == buy_ans && "Buy"=="open"){//if condition to compare if current markeet quote which stored in mf_buy is 20 times greater than the open price of buy Order?
       while(err_trail_buy==0){//if above condition true for loop started to start trailing on buy order.
        err_trail_buy=GetLastError();//code to confirm the previous line of code executed? 
        while(err_modify_sell==0){//if buy is in profit for 20 pips and trailing stop started on it i want my sell to modify for take profit for just 5 pips.
       err_modify_sell=GetLastError();//code to confirm the previous line of code executed? 
       buy_trail=1;//intiger use to remember that the buy was in profit and all the cooding associated with it was executed there is no need to check .
       else if ("mf_sell"+"sp"<="Sell_ans" && "Sell"=="open"){//another logical test to check if buy was not in 20 pips if our sell is in 20 pips profit if so then in the next for loop statrted
       while(err_trail_sell==0){//for loop start to modify sell for trail
        err_trail_sell=GetLastError();//code to confirm the previous line of code executed? 
       while(err_modify_buy==0){//if our sell is in 20 pips profit and trailing executed on it while loop start to modify buy for tp for just 5 pips 
          err_modify_buy=GetLastError();//code to confirm the previous line of code executed? 
         sell_trail=1;//intiger use to remember that the sell was in profit and all the cooding associated with it was executed there is no need to check .

  double ab=AccountBalance();
//| expert deinitialization function                                 |
int deinit()







buy_ticket Buy_ticket と同じではありません。

あなたはまだ多くの他のエラーを持っている ... ...

OrderModify()(ドキュメントを読んでください) は少なくとも5つのパラメータを取ります ... ...

OrderModify(buy_ticket, buy_open_price, slbuy);

...ではない3。色はオプションです... ...

