アイドル活動 - ページ 4




1. エージェントは、仮想コアではなく物理コアの数に基づいて与えられます。

2.MetaTester 5 Agent Manage が実行されていますが、エージェントは "Background Processes" に表示されます(タスクマネージャをスクロールして ください)。

Vladimir Karputov:

1. エージェントは、仮想コアではなく物理コアの数に基づいて割り当てられます。

2.MetaTester 5 Agent Manageが動作していますが、エージェントは "Background Processes"(タスクマネージャをスクロールしてください)を見て います。




ログファイルにも、MetaTester 5 Agent Manager(「概要」タブ)にも、1時間前から何も変化がありません。


追記:予想通り、1時間20分、3人のエージェントがアイドル状態でした。13: 55に割り当てを受けようとし、15:18におしゃべりをやめた13:55から見てわかるように、課題は完了していない(1時間20分である)。

PG      0       13:34:58.609    Network authorized on agent3.mql5.net for barabashkakvn
RR      0       13:53:33.339    Network 4372 bytes of account info loaded
KH      0       13:53:33.339    Network 1470 bytes of tester parameters loaded
LM      0       13:53:33.339    Network 48316 bytes of input parameters loaded
QG      0       13:53:33.339    Network 297 bytes of symbols list loaded (48 symbols)
KM      0       13:53:33.339    Tester  job 6934332808013820075 received from Cloud Server
FO      0       13:53:33.339    Tester  file added, 695929 bytes loaded
ML      0       13:53:33.339    Tester  job 6934332808013820075 received from Cloud Server
HL      0       13:53:33.339    Tester  file added, 17557 bytes loaded
RG      0       13:53:33.339    Network 59040 bytes of optimized inputs info loaded
IM      0       13:53:33.340    Tester  successfully initialized
OP      0       13:53:33.340    Network 822 Kb of total initialization data received
MS      0       13:53:33.340    Tester  Intel Core i7-9750 H  @ 2.60 GHz, 32574 MB
GJ      0       13:53:33.340    Tester  optimization pass 43328523378418 started
EO      0       13:53:33.350    Symbols U30USD: symbol to be synchronized
FK      0       13:53:33.399    Symbols U30USD: symbol synchronized, 3920 bytes of symbol info received
KS      0       13:53:34.649    History U30USD: load 27 bytes of history data to synchronize in 0:00:00.206
JJ      0       13:53:34.649    History U30USD: history synchronized from 2019.01.01 to 2021.02.26
OF      0       13:53:34.782    History U30USD,M1: history cache allocated for 767494 bars and contains 458922 bars from 2019.01.01 23:05 to 2020.05.03 23:59
JG      0       13:53:34.782    History U30USD,M1: history begins from 2019.01.01 23:05
RM      0       13:53:34.847    Tester  job 6934332808013820075 received from Cloud Server
MJ      0       13:53:34.847    Tester  file added, 17557 bytes loaded
FM      0       13:53:34.847    Tester  job 6934332808013820075 received from Cloud Server
DM      0       13:53:34.847    Tester  file added, 17558 bytes loaded
RQ      0       13:53:34.861    Symbols XAUUSD: symbol to be synchronized
QF      0       13:53:34.885    Symbols XAUUSD: symbol synchronized, 3720 bytes of symbol info received
JK      0       13:53:35.461    History XAUUSD: load 27 bytes of history data to synchronize in 0:00:00.019
RO      0       13:53:35.461    History XAUUSD: history synchronized from 2019.01.01 to 2021.02.26
CL      0       13:53:35.568    History XAUUSD,M1: history cache allocated for 777687 bars and contains 469115 bars from 2019.01.01 23:05 to 2020.05.03 23:59
QQ      0       13:53:35.568    History XAUUSD,M1: history begins from 2019.01.01 23:05
HJ      0       13:53:39.104    History U30USD,Daily: history cache allocated for 630 bars and contains 415 bars from 2019.01.01 00:00 to 2020.05.03 00:00
OK      0       13:53:39.104    History U30USD,Daily: history begins from 2019.01.01 00:00
OG      0       13:53:39.196    History XAUUSD,Daily: history cache allocated for 632 bars and contains 417 bars from 2019.01.01 00:00 to 2020.05.03 00:00
JF      0       13:53:39.196    History XAUUSD,Daily: history begins from 2019.01.01 00:00
FR      0       15:18:53.036    Network connected to agent2.mql5.net

もうひとつ気づいたのは、タスクマネージャでエージェントがアイドリングしているとき、メモリの欄では、エージェントの反対側の数字は変わりません(もちろん、CPUの欄ではエージェントの反対側の数字が少し跳ねます - 私のCPU負荷は13番あたりで跳ねました)。



Vladimir Karputov:

1. エージェントは、仮想コアではなく物理コアの数に基づいて割り当てられます。





エージェントの状態を把握するために、ディスクに 何らかのリセットをかけて ください:彼らはタスクに取り組んでいるのか、それともホバリングしているのでしょうか?


追加:アイドルワークの例 - エージェントが同じ仕事を受けようとして失敗する。その結果、仕事量はゼロになる。

OE      0       17:35:55.426    Network connected to agent3.mql5.net
FL      0       17:35:56.709    Network MQL5 Cloud Network server agent3.mql5.net selected after rescan (ping 17 ms)
KQ      0       17:35:56.784    Network connected to agent3.mql5.net
OE      0       17:35:56.827    Network authorized on agent3.mql5.net for barabashkakvn
IQ      0       17:35:58.864    Tester  account info found with currency USD
PF      0       17:36:38.545    Network 1470 bytes of tester parameters loaded
GR      0       17:36:38.545    Network 48316 bytes of input parameters loaded
NI      0       17:36:38.545    Network 297 bytes of symbols list loaded (48 symbols)
NO      0       17:36:38.545    Tester  job 6935434776362899151 received from Cloud Server
NJ      0       17:36:38.545    Tester  file added, 697041 bytes loaded
LN      0       17:36:38.545    Tester  job 6935434776362899151 received from Cloud Server
NJ      0       17:36:38.545    Tester  file added, 25973 bytes loaded
HN      0       17:36:38.545    Tester  job 6935434776362899151 received from Cloud Server
OK      0       17:36:38.545    Tester  file added, 23426 bytes loaded
NQ      0       17:36:38.545    Network 61992 bytes of optimized inputs info loaded
DJ      0       17:36:38.545    Tester  successfully initialized
RR      0       17:36:38.545    Network 840 Kb of total initialization data received
PE      0       17:36:38.545    Tester  Intel Core i7-9750 H  @ 2.60 GHz, 32574 MB
IO      0       17:36:38.546    Tester  optimization pass 206093 started
OD      0       17:36:38.547    Symbols U30USD: symbol to be synchronized
DM      0       17:36:41.586    Symbols U30USD: symbol synchronized, 3920 bytes of symbol info received
JN      0       17:36:43.000    History U30USD: load 27 bytes of history data to synchronize in 0:00:01.271
KK      0       17:36:43.000    History U30USD: history synchronized from 2019.01.01 to 2021.03.01
LD      0       17:36:43.091    History U30USD,M1: history cache allocated for 404306 bars and contains 375506 bars from 2020.01.01 23:05 to 2021.01.29 23:59
HI      0       17:36:43.091    History U30USD,M1: history begins from 2020.01.01 23:05
JL      0       17:36:44.235    Tester  tester agent shutdown started
ED      0       17:36:44.235    Tester  shutdown tester machine
IQ      0       17:37:15.315    Tester  expert execution canceled
IM      2       17:37:16.315    Custom Indicator        loading of DBK_指标 U30USD,M1 failed [564]
PS      0       17:37:16.356    Tester  tester process stopped
KN      0       17:37:16.356    Tester  tester agent shutdown finished
JH      0       17:37:17.357    Tester  account info found with currency USD
CP      0       17:37:18.359    Tester  account info found with currency USD
QG      0       17:37:30.811    Network 48316 bytes of input parameters loaded
OM      0       17:37:30.811    Tester  job 6935434776362899151 received from Cloud Server
DE      0       17:37:30.811    Tester  file added, 697041 bytes loaded
ML      0       17:37:30.811    Tester  job 6935434776362899151 received from Cloud Server
CM      0       17:37:30.811    Tester  file added, 25973 bytes loaded
IL      0       17:37:30.811    Tester  job 6935434776362899151 received from Cloud Server
RL      0       17:37:30.811    Tester  file added, 23426 bytes loaded
EK      0       17:37:30.811    Tester  job 6935434776362899151 received from Cloud Server
RO      0       17:37:30.811    Tester  file added, 25974 bytes loaded
QJ      0       17:37:30.811    Tester  job 6935434776362899151 received from Cloud Server
IN      0       17:37:30.811    Tester  file added, 23427 bytes loaded
GF      0       17:37:30.812    Tester  successfully initialized
MP      0       17:37:30.812    Network 1886 Kb of total initialization data received
RK      0       17:37:30.813    Tester  Intel Core i7-9750 H  @ 2.60 GHz, 32574 MB
QS      0       17:37:33.466    Network connected to agent3.mql5.net
JK      0       17:37:33.597    Network authorized on agent3.mql5.net for barabashkakvn
HO      0       17:37:34.637    Tester  account info found with currency USD
RG      0       17:37:34.713    Network 297 bytes of symbols list loaded (48 symbols)
JP      0       17:37:34.713    Tester  job 6935434776362899151 received from Cloud Server
HH      0       17:37:34.713    Tester  file added, 25973 bytes loaded
FO      0       17:37:34.713    Tester  job 6935434776362899151 received from Cloud Server
EH      0       17:37:34.713    Tester  file added, 23426 bytes loaded
RO      0       17:37:34.713    Tester  job 6935434776362899151 received from Cloud Server
MK      0       17:37:34.713    Tester  file added, 25974 bytes loaded
NN      0       17:37:34.713    Tester  job 6935434776362899151 received from Cloud Server
NJ      0       17:37:34.713    Tester  file added, 23427 bytes loaded
MR      0       17:37:34.713    Tester  successfully initialized
OD      0       17:37:34.713    Network 97 Kb of total initialization data received
RN      0       17:37:34.713    Tester  Intel Core i7-9750 H  @ 2.60 GHz, 32574 MB
RJ      0       17:37:34.713    Tester  optimization pass 207395 started
KO      0       17:37:34.715    Symbols U30USD: symbol to be synchronized
HE      0       17:37:34.734    Symbols U30USD: symbol synchronized, 3920 bytes of symbol info received
MH      0       17:37:34.758    History U30USD: load 27 bytes of history data to synchronize in 0:00:00.023
RL      0       17:37:34.758    History U30USD: history synchronized from 2019.01.01 to 2021.03.01
NK      0       17:37:34.876    History U30USD,M1: history cache allocated for 404306 bars and contains 375506 bars from 2020.01.01 23:05 to 2021.01.29 23:59
FR      0       17:37:34.876    History U30USD,M1: history begins from 2020.01.01 23:05
RD      0       17:37:35.212    History U30USD,Daily: history cache allocated for 324 bars and contains 304 bars from 2020.01.01 00:00 to 2021.01.29 00:00
EI      0       17:37:35.213    History U30USD,Daily: history begins from 2020.01.01 00:00
PO      0       17:51:11.337    Network connected to agent1.mql5.net
PD      0       17:51:12.788    Network connected to agent2.mql5.net
RM      0       17:51:14.543    Network connected to agent3.mql5.net
FJ      0       17:51:15.872    Network connected to agent1.mql5.net
IS      0       17:51:17.328    Network connected to agent2.mql5.net
IH      0       17:51:19.071    Network connected to agent3.mql5.net
RQ      0       17:51:20.412    Network connected to agent1.mql5.net
CN      0       17:51:21.857    Network connected to agent2.mql5.net
IG      0       17:51:23.609    Network connected to agent3.mql5.net
LL      0       17:51:24.896    Network MQL5 Cloud Network server agent3.mql5.net selected after rescan (ping 17 ms)
KQ      0       17:51:24.945    Network connected to agent3.mql5.net
EE      0       17:51:24.990    Network authorized on agent3.mql5.net for barabashkakvn
Документация по MQL5: Файловые операции / FileFlush
Документация по MQL5: Файловые операции / FileFlush
  • www.mql5.com
FileFlush - Файловые операции - Справочник MQL5 - Справочник по языку алгоритмического/автоматического трейдинга для MetaTrader 5
MT5はアルトコインを採掘してください :)))- そして、アイドルコアがなくなり、少なくとも電気代は節約できます。)

この線は 何を意味しているのでしょうか。エージェントが自ら電源を切ってしまったのでしょうか。(確かに何も消していない)

NM      0       11:13:34.945    Startup access rights to common directory successfully checked
NF      0       11:13:34.946    Startup service start initialized
HS      0       11:13:34.946    Startup create startup thread
CS      0       11:13:34.946    Startup thread successfully created
LK      0       11:13:34.946    Startup MetaTester 5 x64 build 2815 (26 Feb 2021)
NN      0       11:13:34.954    Server  MetaTester 5 started on
DH      0       11:13:34.955    Network server agent1.mql5.net ping 40 ms
HP      0       11:13:34.955    Network server agent2.mql5.net ping 182 ms
HH      0       11:13:34.955    Network server agent3.mql5.net ping 17 ms
MM      0       11:13:35.001    Startup initialization finished
DF      0       11:13:35.019    Startup startup thread finished successfully
JM      0       11:14:53.824    Network connected to agent1.mql5.net
CD      0       11:14:56.935    Network connected to agent2.mql5.net
QO      0       11:14:58.680    Network connected to agent3.mql5.net
RF      0       11:15:04.423    Network connected to agent1.mql5.net
RI      0       11:15:07.588    Network connected to agent2.mql5.net
JP      0       11:15:09.332    Network connected to agent3.mql5.net
JK      0       11:15:13.139    Network connected to agent1.mql5.net
QR      0       11:15:16.400    Network connected to agent2.mql5.net
HE      0       11:15:18.145    Network connected to agent3.mql5.net
MQ      0       11:15:19.435    Network MQL5 Cloud Network server agent3.mql5.net selected after rescan (ping 17 ms)
MD      0       11:15:19.491    Network connected to agent3.mql5.net
JR      0       11:15:19.535    Network authorized on agent3.mql5.net for barabashkakvn
NO      0       12:08:33.985    Network 4372 bytes of account info loaded
KS      0       12:08:33.985    Network 1470 bytes of tester parameters loaded
NO      0       12:08:33.985    Network 188604 bytes of input parameters loaded
GE      0       12:08:33.985    Network 1287 bytes of symbols list loaded (166 symbols)
PR      0       12:08:33.985    Tester  job 6935738598054429536 received from Cloud Server
DJ      0       12:08:33.985    Tester  file added, 1202425 bytes loaded
LR      0       12:08:33.985    Network 236312 bytes of optimized inputs info loaded
KF      0       12:08:33.986    Tester  successfully initialized
NR      0       12:08:33.986    Network 1604 Kb of total initialization data received
CI      0       12:08:33.986    Tester  Intel Core i7-9750 H  @ 2.60 GHz, 32574 MB
NM      0       12:08:33.986    Tester  optimization pass 19044 started
II      0       12:08:34.102    Symbols EURUSD: symbol to be synchronized
RP      0       12:08:36.258    Symbols EURUSD: symbol synchronized, 3720 bytes of symbol info received
JH      0       12:12:54.788    History EURUSD: load 27 bytes of history data to synchronize in 0:00:03.332
KE      0       12:12:54.789    History EURUSD: history synchronized from 2016.01.04 to 2019.05.30
CN      0       12:13:34.654    Ticks   EURUSD: ticks synchronization started
GD      0       12:13:35.518    Ticks   EURUSD: load 34 bytes of tick data to synchronize in 0:00:00.875
LO      0       12:13:35.518    Ticks   EURUSD: history ticks synchronized from 2019.02.04 to 2019.05.29
IM      0       12:13:35.708    History EURUSD,M15: history cache allocated for 85137 bars and contains 37274 bars from 2016.01.04 01:00 to 2017.06.30 23:45
HP      0       12:13:35.708    History EURUSD,M15: history begins from 2016.01.04 01:00
FH      0       12:13:39.149    Symbols GBPUSD: symbol to be synchronized
MN      0       12:13:39.639    Symbols GBPUSD: symbol synchronized, 3720 bytes of symbol info received
CP      0       12:13:50.138    Tester  tester agent shutdown started
LF      0       12:13:50.138    Tester  shutdown tester machine
KH      2       12:13:50.138    History history GBPUSD synchronization canceled
GP      2       12:13:50.138    Symbols symbol GBPUSD history synchronization error
RR      0       12:13:50.138    Symbols EURGBP: symbol to be synchronized
OL      2       12:13:50.138    Symbols symbol EURGBP synchronization error
FJ      0       12:13:50.138    Symbols EURGBP: symbol to be synchronized
GL      2       12:13:50.138    Symbols symbol EURGBP synchronization error
NJ      0       12:13:50.138    Symbols EURGBP: symbol to be synchronized
OM      2       12:13:50.138    Symbols symbol EURGBP synchronization error
FK      0       12:13:50.138    Symbols EURGBP: symbol to be synchronized
GM      2       12:13:50.138    Symbols symbol EURGBP synchronization error
NK      0       12:13:50.138    Symbols EURGBP: symbol to be synchronized
ON      2       12:13:50.138    Symbols symbol EURGBP synchronization error
FH      0       12:13:50.138    Symbols EURGBP: symbol to be synchronized
GN      2       12:13:50.138    Symbols symbol EURGBP synchronization error
NH      0       12:13:50.138    Symbols EURGBP: symbol to be synchronized
OO      2       12:13:50.138    Symbols symbol EURGBP synchronization error
FI      0       12:13:50.138    Symbols EURGBP: symbol to be synchronized
GO      2       12:13:50.138    Symbols symbol EURGBP synchronization error
FF      0       12:13:50.152    Tester  tester process stopped
DL      0       12:13:50.152    Tester  tester agent shutdown finished
PK      0       12:15:21.706            rescan needed
KI      0       12:15:22.937    Network connected to agent1.mql5.net
MP      0       12:15:24.390    Network connected to agent2.mql5.net
EG      0       12:15:26.144    Network connected to agent3.mql5.net
QN      0       12:15:27.482    Network connected to agent1.mql5.net
GE      0       12:15:28.932    Network connected to agent2.mql5.net
KL      0       12:15:30.682    Network connected to agent3.mql5.net
ES      0       12:15:32.017    Network connected to agent1.mql5.net
DJ      0       12:15:33.474    Network connected to agent2.mql5.net
MQ      0       12:15:35.218    Network connected to agent3.mql5.net
HE      0       12:15:36.511    Network MQL5 Cloud Network server agent3.mql5.net selected after rescan (ping 17 ms)
LJ      0       12:15:36.575    Network connected to agent3.mql5.net
KL      0       12:15:36.620    Network authorized on agent3.mql5.net for barabashkakvn
Vladimir Karputov:

この線は 何を意味しているのでしょうか。エージェントが自ら電源を切ってしまったのでしょうか。(確かに何も消していない)
