

int  StringFind(
  string  string_value,        // 検索が行われる文字列
  string  match_substring,    // 検索される文字列
  int    start_pos=0          // 検索開始位置



[in]  検索が行われる文字列


[in]  検索される部分文字列


[in]  検索が開始される文字列内の位置


検索された部分文字列が始まる文字列の位置。部分文字列が見つからない場合は -1 。


#define   RESERVE   100
//| スクリプトプログラム開始関数                                              |
void OnStart()
//--- シンボルの基本通貨と利益通貨を取得する
  string symbol_currency_base  =SymbolInfoString(Symbol(), SYMBOL_CURRENCY_BASE);
  string symbol_currency_profit=SymbolInfoString(Symbol(), SYMBOL_CURRENCY_PROFIT);
  PrintFormat("Symbol Currency Base: %s\nSymbol Currency Profit: %s", symbol_currency_base, symbol_currency_profit);
//--- サーバ上で利用可能なすべてのシンボルをループ内で処理する
  int total=SymbolsTotal(false), pos=-1;
  for(int i=0; i<total; i++)
    //--- 次のシンボルの名前を取得する
    string name=SymbolName(i, false);
    //--- シンボル名の中で基本通貨の名前を含む部分文字列を探し、
    //--- 部分文字列が見つかった場合は、シンボル名、通貨リスト内のそのインデックス、およびログ内の検索された通貨の名前を表示する
    pos = StringFind(name, symbol_currency_base);
    if(pos >= 0)
        PrintFormat("The '%s' symbol at index %u in the list contains the '%s' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: %d", name, i, symbol_currency_base, pos);
    //--- シンボル名の中で相場通貨の名前を持つ部分文字列を検索し、
    //--- 部分文字列が見つかった場合は、シンボル名、通貨リスト内のそのインデックス、およびログ内の検索された通貨の名前を表示する
    pos = StringFind(name, symbol_currency_profit);
    if(pos >= 0)
        PrintFormat("The '%s' symbol at index %u in the list contains the '%s' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: %d", name, i, symbol_currency_profit, pos);
  StringFind (EURUSD,D1)   Symbol Currency Base: EUR
  StringFind (EURUSD,D1)   Symbol Currency Profit: USD
  The 'EURUSD' symbol at index 0 in the list contains the 'EUR' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'EURUSD' symbol at index 0 in the list contains the 'USD' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 3
  The 'GBPUSD' symbol at index 1 in the list contains the 'USD' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 3
  The 'USDCHF' symbol at index 2 in the list contains the 'USD' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'USDJPY' symbol at index 3 in the list contains the 'USD' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'USDCNH' symbol at index 4 in the list contains the 'USD' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'USDRUB' symbol at index 5 in the list contains the 'USD' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'AUDUSD' symbol at index 6 in the list contains the 'USD' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 3
  The 'NZDUSD' symbol at index 7 in the list contains the 'USD' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 3
  The 'USDCAD' symbol at index 8 in the list contains the 'USD' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'USDSEK' symbol at index 9 in the list contains the 'USD' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'USDHKD' symbol at index 10 in the list contains the 'USD' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'USDSGD' symbol at index 11 in the list contains the 'USD' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'USDNOK' symbol at index 12 in the list contains the 'USD' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'USDDKK' symbol at index 13 in the list contains the 'USD' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'USDTRY' symbol at index 14 in the list contains the 'USD' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'USDZAR' symbol at index 15 in the list contains the 'USD' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'USDCZK' symbol at index 16 in the list contains the 'USD' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'USDHUF' symbol at index 17 in the list contains the 'USD' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'USDPLN' symbol at index 18 in the list contains the 'USD' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'USDRUR' symbol at index 19 in the list contains the 'USD' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'EURAUD' symbol at index 27 in the list contains the 'EUR' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'EURCAD' symbol at index 28 in the list contains the 'EUR' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'EURCHF' symbol at index 29 in the list contains the 'EUR' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'EURCZK' symbol at index 30 in the list contains the 'EUR' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'EURDKK' symbol at index 31 in the list contains the 'EUR' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'EURGBP' symbol at index 32 in the list contains the 'EUR' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'EURHKD' symbol at index 33 in the list contains the 'EUR' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'EURHUF' symbol at index 34 in the list contains the 'EUR' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'EURJPY' symbol at index 35 in the list contains the 'EUR' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'EURNOK' symbol at index 36 in the list contains the 'EUR' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'EURNZD' symbol at index 37 in the list contains the 'EUR' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'EURPLN' symbol at index 38 in the list contains the 'EUR' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'EURRUR' symbol at index 39 in the list contains the 'EUR' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'EURRUB' symbol at index 40 in the list contains the 'EUR' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'EURSEK' symbol at index 41 in the list contains the 'EUR' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'EURTRY' symbol at index 42 in the list contains the 'EUR' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'EURZAR' symbol at index 43 in the list contains the 'EUR' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'XAUUSD' symbol at index 47 in the list contains the 'USD' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 3
  The 'XAUEUR' symbol at index 48 in the list contains the 'EUR' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 3
  The 'XAGUSD' symbol at index 50 in the list contains the 'USD' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 3
  The 'XAGEUR' symbol at index 51 in the list contains the 'EUR' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 3
  The 'USDCRE' symbol at index 53 in the list contains the 'USD' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'XPDUSD' symbol at index 65 in the list contains the 'USD' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 3
  The 'XPTUSD' symbol at index 66 in the list contains the 'USD' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 3
  The 'USDGEL' symbol at index 67 in the list contains the 'USD' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'USDMXN' symbol at index 68 in the list contains the 'USD' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'EURMXN' symbol at index 69 in the list contains the 'EUR' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'USDCOP' symbol at index 75 in the list contains the 'USD' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'USDARS' symbol at index 76 in the list contains the 'USD' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'USDCLP' symbol at index 77 in the list contains the 'USD' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'EURSGD' symbol at index 89 in the list contains the 'EUR' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'USDILS' symbol at index 95 in the list contains the 'USD' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'USDTHB' symbol at index 122 in the list contains the 'USD' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'USDRMB' symbol at index 123 in the list contains the 'USD' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'EURILS' symbol at index 126 in the list contains the 'EUR' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'EURCNH' symbol at index 137 in the list contains the 'EUR' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0
  The 'USDBRL' symbol at index 139 in the list contains the 'USD' currency. Substring position in the symbol name: 0


StringSubstr, StringGetCharacter, StringLen, StringLen