
Singular Value Decomposition, bisection algorithm for bidiagonal matrices (lapack function BDSVDX).

Computing for type matrix<double>

bool  matrix::SingularValueDecompositionBidiagBisect(
  ENUM_SVDBIDIAG_Z jobz,      // how to compute left vectors
  ENUM_BLAS_RANGE   range,      // subset of computed singular values
  double             lower,      // lower limit of the subset
  double           upper,     // upper limit of the subset
  vector           S,          // vector of computed singular values
  matrix             U,          // U matrix of computed left vectors
  matrix             VT         // VT transposed matrix of right vectors

Computing for type matrix<float>

bool  matrix::SingularValueDecompositionBidiagBisect(
  ENUM_SVDBIDIAG_Z jobz,      // how to compute left vectors
  ENUM_BLAS_RANGE   range,      // subset of computed singular values
  double             lower,      // lower limit of the subset
  double           upper,     // upper limit of the subset
  vectorf           S,          // vector of computed singular values
  matrixf             U,          // U matrix of computed left vectors
  matrixf             VT         // VT transposed matrix of right vectors



[in] ENUM_SVDBIDIAG_Z enumeration value that determines how the left singular vectors should be computed.


[in] ENUM_BLAS_RANGE enumeration value that defines a subset of computable singular values and vectors.


[in]  The lower limit of singular values subset; specified depending on the value of the range parameter.


[in]  The upper limit of singular values subset; specified depending on the value of the range parameter.


[out] Vector of singular values.


[out] Matrix of left singular vectors.


[out] Transposed matrix of right singular vectors.

Return Value

Return true if successful, otherwise false in case of an error.


When BLASRANGE_A is set, all singular values are computed, and the lower and upper parameters are ignored.

With the BLASRANGE_V value, only those singular values (and their vectors) that fall within the range of real values specified by the 'lower' and 'upper' parameters are computed.

With the BLASRANGE_I value, only those singular values (and their vectors) that fall within the range of integer indices specified by the 'lower' and 'upper' parameters are computed. For example, with lower=0 and upper=2, only the first three singular values are computed.

A bidiagonal matrix is a square matrix with non-zero main diagonal and one of the sub-diagonals.


Upper bidiagonal matrix

[[x, x, 0, 0, 0],
[0, x, x, 0, 0],
[0, 0, x, x, 0],
[0, 0, 0, x, x],
[0, 0, 0, 0, x]]

Lower bidiagonal matrix

[[x, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[x, x, 0, 0, 0],
[0, x, x, 0, 0],
[0, 0, x, x, 0],
[0, 0, 0, x, x]]


An enumeration defining how left singular vectors should be computed.




Compute singular values and singular vectors.


Compute singular values only.


An enumeration defining how right singular vectors should be computed.




All singular or eigen values will be found.


All singular or eigen values in the half-open interval (VL,VU] will be found.


The IL-th through IU-th singular or eigen values will be found.


See also

SingularValueDecompositionDC, SingularValueDecompositionQR