Fivos S. Georgiades
Fivos S. Georgiades
The Only Constant Is Change!
MetaTrader 5 Gateways & Connectivity
A variety of integration gateways to liquidity providers and stock exchanges have recently been developed for MetaTrader 5 trading platform. Using these solutions, brokers now can greatly improve their business and enter new markets. We have decided
MetaTrader 5 Gateways & Connectivity
Beta Version of MetaTrader 4 IDE Including New MQL4 Compiler and Editor
Continuing the following topics: Upcoming MetaTrader 4 and MQL4 Upgrades - Big Changes Are Underway (MQL4 forum) Interesting news: Upcoming MetaTrader 4 and MQL4 Upgrades - Big Changes Are Underway (MQL5 forum) The beta version of IDE common to
MetaTrader 5 Trading Platform Integrated with FastMatch Liquidity Provider
MetaQuotes Software Corp. has released MetaTrader 5 Gateway to FastMatch connecting MetaTrader 5 trading platform to FastMatch . This liquidity gateway provides a simple, fast and secure integration solution for brokers. FastMatch is a heavy-duty
MetaTrader 5 Trading Platform Integrated with FastMatch Liquidity Provider
MetaTrader 5 Trading Platform Certified by Australian Securities Exchange (ASX)
We are happy to announce the certification of the MetaTrader 5 trading platform by Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) . It is a primary stock exchange in Australia and one of the largest exchanges in the Asian Region. Brokers working on ASX now
MetaTrader 5 Trading Platform Certified by Australian Securities Exchange (ASX)
The icon notifying of new entries in News Feed implemented in
User profiles have many interesting entries available only in News Feed . Now, a special icon has appeared next to the one concerning personal messages. The icon displays the number of new entries in your feed. Your friend has written an interesting
The icon notifying of new entries in News Feed implemented in
Commento all'argomento BM&FBOVESPA's Financial Instruments Now in MetaTrader 5
Dear Traders, We have recently updated the historical data of Bovespa Stocks. Now you can take advantage of more than 5 years of intraday historical data to develop and test your trading strategies
codice condiviso dell'autore laplacianlab
Trade The News Automatic System Development on MetaTrader 5
Costruire un trader automatico di notizie
Costruire un trader automatico di notizie

Questa è la continuazione di un altro articolo sulla classe OOP MQL5 che ha mostrato come costruire un semplice EA OO da zero, dando alcuni suggerimenti sulla programmazione orientata agli oggetti. Oggi vi mostro le basi tecniche necessarie per sviluppare un EA in grado di scambiare le notizie. Il mio obiettivo è quello di continuare a darti idee su OOP e anche coprire un nuovo argomento in questa serie di articoli, lavorando con il file system.

Fivos S. Georgiades
Fivos S. Georgiades
New at Alpari: Trading 'Signals' in MetaTrader 4
MetaTrader 4 Mobile Now Available for iPhone 5 and All iPad Models
The new version 501 of  MetaTrader 4 for iOS devices is now available. The key feature that has been added is native support for all iPad models (including the iPad with Retina display) and iPhone 5. In addition to native support for mobile
MetaTrader 4 Mobile Now Available for iPhone 5 and All iPad Models
codice condiviso dell'autore MetaQuotes
Social Trading con le piattaforme di trading MetaTrader 4 e MetaTrader 5
Social Trading con le piattaforme di trading MetaTrader 4 e MetaTrader 5

Cos'è il social trading? È una cooperazione reciprocamente vantaggiosa di trader e investitori in cui i trader di successo consentono il monitoraggio del loro trading e i potenziali investitori sfruttano l'opportunità di monitorare le loro prestazioni e copiare le negoziazioni di coloro che sembrano più promettenti.

New Reward Scheme for Attracting Users
We have recently launched a poll on forum to know your opinion on the affiliate program. As we have expected, the option "Yes, I sell trading applications and signals and I am ready to share my margin with affiliates" has turned out to be
New Reward Scheme for Attracting Users
Get in touch with developers using Service Desk!
Any new software inevitably contains bugs that are not always possible to detect even under the most rigorous in-house testing. We therefore attach great importance to all user reports about issues in our programs and try to answer each one of them
Get in touch with developers using Service Desk!
codice condiviso dell'autore Dmitry Fedoseev
Forum sulla programmazione MQL5 Ora
Forum sulla programmazione MQL5 Ora

L'articolo si concentra sulle funzioni MQL5 standard per lavorare con il tempo, nonché sulle tecniche di programmazione e sulle funzioni praticamente utili per lavorare con il tempo richiesto durante la creazione di Expert Advisor e indicatori. Particolare attenzione è rivolta alla teoria generale della misurazione del tempo. Questo articolo dovrebbe essere di interesse principalmente per i programmatori MQL5 alle prime armi.

Fivos S. Georgiades
Fivos S. Georgiades Members Are Ready for the Affiliate Program
Sergey Golubev
Sergey Golubev
Commento all'argomento Press review
Dollar resumes rebound, weak China data hits Aussie - read more here : "The U.S. jobs figures were strong, but not strong enough to increase expectations that the Fed will taper QE3," said Junya
Renat Fatkhullin - MetaQuotes
Renat Fatkhullin - MetaQuotes
Сегодня MIG Bank запустил MetaTrader 5 в реальные торги.
Renat Fatkhullin - MetaQuotes
Renat Fatkhullin - MetaQuotes
Отвечал на вопросы в онлайн-конференции "Долгожданная премьера MetaTrader 5: Первые итоги".
Renat Fatkhullin - MetaQuotes
Renat Fatkhullin - MetaQuotes уже собрал 125 тысяч лайков